The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 04, 1894, Page 5, Image 10

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Page 1;
Lifo of Oonornl Woahington.
,, iMiucattonoi rsowa.
Weatbor Bulletin.
2 Nowb of NobraBka.
3 County Correspondence.
4-rPublic School Entertainment.
' Departuro of Ilov. Ely.
City News.
R General City News.
0 A Truo Ghost story.
A Modern Way of Moving.
Gonoral Miscellany.
7 Repulso of Coxey.
Great Northern strike Bottled.
' Riots in Cleveland.
' Sovereign Threatens.
Told in t few words.
'Markot Reports.
Wilson Lynched.
8 Women in Business.
Work of National Law Makers.
For knlsomining boo P. P. Hadley.
Soo thoso now refrigerators at Wright's
Go and soo the bargain shoo counter
at Wionor's.
Sco Mrs. Rich for lino millinery, prices
way down low.
Minor Bros, shipped throe ear loads of
hogs this week.
Rov. Putman and family loft Saturday
for Ogdon, Utah.
Anyono wishing a good cornet cheap
! call at this ofllco.
unii at tno wogmann gallery and boo
I tamplcs of his work.
I. m o and got ono of thoso fine Paris
' ? oiod hats at Mrs. Rich's.
C. M. Milligah has added hiB name to
tho Great Family Weekly. Still I hoy
Jno. Saladen rccoived a telegram to go
I to Nebraska City on Saturday, that his
aunt was not expected to livo.
Moro goods aro being sold for a dol
lar at tho Chicago Clothing Store than
any whoro else in this country.
Curt Evans hasevorythingyou want in
thosocond-tinnd furnituro lino, Soo him
Bluo Front, south Webster street
The social danco at tho I. O. O. F. hall
ono weok ago last Thursday evening is
roported as boing a very happy event.
Honry C. Richmond of tho Plaits
mouth Herald was in Rod Cloud a few
days this week visiting with old friends.
Romembor that whon cleaning house
$1.00 will buy vnough wall paper to pa
por an ordinary bod room. Deyo k
Donnis Lindsey has perforated 300
foot of rock on the Gridltk farm west of
j- the city. "Howlflrm a foundation" etc.,
bus Nebraska.
During tho school entertainment last
week a small poeket book was found
and is in our possession, which tho
owner can have by calling at this ofllco.
The managers of tho opera houso
should put a stop to tho outrageous
whistling in tho opera house every time
thero is an entertainment. It is very
Choapost suits over shown now ready
for you evory suit at lowest prlcos, work
manship best in the country and best
iitting goods ovor brought to tho city
Chicago Clothing Storo.
Our correspondents should not forgot
our prizes offered for tboir benefit Thoy
aro as follows. To the one who gets in
the most contributions during tho year
receives $3 in cash; tho second $2, and
the third 81. Wo want you all to make
an ofTort.
II A, Pallistor, the renowned locturor,
will speak in tho Christian church on
May 11. 1891, on tho subject of "Martin
Luthor." This gontloman has some
very oxcollont press notices of his lec
tures, On tho Sunday following ho will
occupy tjio pulpit of tho Christian
t. church. .
Tho editor of this paper wants it dis
thistly understood that he is nbt a rela
tive of tho old Sioux chiof, Red Cloud.
Evory timo the pesky routo agents get a
luttor addressed to "Chief Red Cloud,"
thoy throw it to tho editor of the Rod
Cloud Chikk, which causes us many
anxious momonts and some groat disap
lnintments.boforo we can decide whether
tho lottor Is a dun or contains monoy.
Thoro aro many funny things in this
world. A man told us Saturday that he
had lived in Webster county eovonteen
years, and within throe hours drive of
Red Cloud, and sold his first load of
"'ft "i-irli)R8 llon' 'nst Saturday. Surely Rod
,fw tj'.-iMmi is growing in prominenco as
hoc markot. Miner Bros, bought the
' lint H tno, wnv to liullrl nn n
l?ako it un obioot for peoplo to
ro and trade,
Woman' DoiiKolaOxfonl.iiAt, tip m ,v,
Women;, plain Doncob Sfe,r,.,tI?r..V.".t. ! 1 2?
iVAn..HL it... ...-.-.;'"
.uiiiiiiia I rilicu AIIHTH.M.M, tllril. t 3,1
;,.;,, A,"" "n" "i iun iii'i la-a l as
ChlM'BTniiOifordilstiitiallfyo.i;:"""; 1 18
Opera ailpiiors, Jl.oo, Jl.20, I.S0.
Wo linve nlso a large line ol
Men'- Bovb',
and Youths'
Low Cut
ami a clioapcr lino of Wnmen's and Misses
Uiforiis tanslnjf In prlco from
Wo aro pleased to iliow our Roods.
Price our wall paper. Doyo k Qrico.
L C. Olmstead has moved to Innvalo
ory ixxly buys thoir fashlonablo
nats or Mrs. Rich.
Wionor has put in n bargain shoo
countor. Coll and soo it.
uo anu see Calmes for all kinds
broad, cakes, candicB, &c.
Any one in nood of carriage painting
should call on F. P. Hadley.
N. W. Kingsland, was out west this
weok in behalf of his firm.
Go to J. B. Wright's for fine now nml
secondhand goods, Moon block.
Now designs in casolinn ntnvno thnt
boat the world at W. W. Wright's.
E2TFnrm for salo. I will tako city
proporty for part pay. V. Williams.
Irving Cummings and Goorgo J. Ouor
ing jr., wont to Kansas City, this wook.
Miss Rogers, tho oxport trimmer, of
Now York is at Mrs Rich's millinery
. Two pair of pants with each suit and
cap to match, thoy aro bargins. Chicago
You can buy shoes at two-thirds tho
original prico at Wioner's bareain shoe
You hnvo put it off too lone but call
at tho Wegmann gallery at once and he
will mako you tho llnost photos you evor
Wantkd. LadieB to uso eomo very
nice perfume. Some now and very ox
quisit odors just received. Deyo k
Shea k Turnuro havo just rocoivod a
car load of ehoico Northern, Beauty's
and Hebron potatoes. Thoy aro fino for
table or seed.
Everything in hats just received all
tho now styles and cqjors; elegant lino of
chilurons caps; all tho now novolties nt
tho Chicago Store.
Mr. Humo a R. P. O. agent was in the
city this woek visiting with his
friend Cox, tho handsomo clork in
Wionor a clothing storo.
Remembor our childrcns clothing is
cheaper and hotter mado than over. Re
inforcodseats and knoos.elegant patterns
and low prices. Chicago Clothing Com
pony. Whon you get roady to buy childron
clothing come and seo us look at our
combination suits extra pair of pants
and cap given with overy suit. Chicago
Clothing Co.
Clark Stevenson is playing In hard
luck. His little boy aocidontly set his
barn on tiro Sunday, cnusinir n total loss
of $200 with no insurance. Ho had for
tunately turned rus stock out just a
few minutes before.
A. J. Clute, at ono time editor of a de
funct domocratio paper in this city, was
in Red Cloud Sunday. He takes Hon,
P. W. Shea's place iib salesman on tho
road, whilo Mr. S. will remain ut homo
to look aftor his grocery business.
We had tho ploasuro of mooting Mr.
Bennott this weok, tho expert civil engi
neer who lately moved hero from
Lincoln. Any ono wishing land survey
ed will find him ready with all of tho
most improved instruments for that
Miss Clara McClintoo of Riverton, was
visiting in Rod Cloud this week. Whon
alighting from tho buggy she dropped
tier watcn anu uiunot miss it for a half
hour. On returning to tho place whoro
sho got out of the buggy on 4th Avonue
she found it.
It is boing suggested that our city
dads pass an ordmanco donuting tho
city wator to tho pooplo. It is a good
suggestion. Then overy ono that is will
ing to go to tho expoiiso of putting in
tho taps could huvo wator without
f urthor cost.
Our Compotitor, Goo. J. Warron, who
has served tho public as postmaster for
the last four years, has made an excep
tionally good ofllcer. He has always
aimed to keep tho ofllco open all hours
and othorwiso accomodated tho public
No matter who tho postmaster is there
will always bo tonio ono to find fault, but
with all that, ho has done his dnty and
and mado a llrst-clnss ofllcor.
Tho following is nn itomizod account
of what it cost Justice West to attend
tho ontertaiumont Saturday evening,
just becauso ho wont into tho opera
houso at 4 o'clock to got a soat: Ticket
15 conts; fans, 10 cents; papors to read,
10 conts; boy to bring supper, 15 cents;
new pair of pants, 97.00; to say nothing
of all tho pain it cost him; but ho Bald
ho had a seat and. saw the show.
John Wilholmson wad in tho city
O. S. Crano of Kxotor was in tho cily
Mr. Isorn of Guido Rock was in tho
city this weok.
Joo Dnmltrnnd is tho happy papa of a
little baby boy.
J. W. Edward of Orleans was in tho
city this week.
Tho Riverton Guard lias been sold by
C. W. Daggott.
D. D. Morrow of Bladen was in the
city this weok.
Alox Stownrt of Wymoro was in tho
city this wook.
F. P. Hodlor, the polntor, was in Su
perior this week.
B. R. Claypool of Orloans was in Rod
Cloud Wodnesdoy.
U. V. Whoolor was up from Norton,
Kansas Wednesday,
John Simpson was down from Bluo Hill
tho first of the wook.
Mrs. L. Borry of Republican City wob
in tho city Saturtlay.
M. It. Bontloy loft for Holdrego
Monday on business.
F. W. McLaughlin of Bladon was on
our streets this weok.
Prof. Hondncks enyH, "Send mo tho
Great Family Weekly."
Col. Wilder, spocial pension oxaminor
was in tho city this weok.
Mr. B. Ewin of South Omaha was in
Rod Cloud lost Saturday.
Tho granddaughter of A. J.Caroy.haB
gono to Cortland on a visit
Tho alloys must bo cleaned up. So
says tho now marshal. Good.
Mrs. R. P. Martin of Bluo Hill was a
guest of C. J. Popo'e this woek.
This weolctho intorior of D. Stoffer's
harbor shop has boon nicely rollttcd.
J. Murphy camo forth this wook with
a big dollar for The Ciuek. Thanks.
The, "Droam of Fair Women," to bo
given May 4th, is postponed indefinitely.
Win. Irons, tho Inavalo lumber man
wob in Red Cloud Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Wm. Josslyn and children of
Orleans aro visiting in tho city this weok.
Fred Tolz and Iva Sltolton wero guests
of Charloy Robinson and wife this wook.
Lost A trace to work harness. Findor
will confor a favor by leaving it at this
Nathan Kingsland has purchased that
woll known mare, Col. Patterson from
Jake Nye.
Mrs. Saulshury of Lengmont, Colo
rado is visiting with hor daughter, Mrs.
L. G. Graham.
Young Godwin of Cowlee, who was ro
ported killed by a wreck; west, wob only
seriously injured.
Albert Pay no of Oskaloosa, Iowa, an
old friond of E. P. Bolton, was visiting
Tho tiro alarm systom from the depot
up town lias beon brokon, and it ought
to be repaired at onco.
Why pay Co conts for ono balo of hny
whon you can buy two bales for C5 conts
of tho Rod Cloud Produce Co.
Go to McNitt for your Mammoth
Clovor, Gorman Millot und Whlto Rus
sian oats if you wnnt good seed.
Tho B. & M.. has organ izod a spring
excursion of land Bookers, to take placo
tho 8th and 20th of this month.
Frank Pottorono of tho handsome ed
itors of tho Plattsmeuth Herald, was in
Red Cloud this woek on business.
John Foyer of Cowles, who has been
on nn oxtondod trip to Fort Worth, Tox,,
ior two wcokb, roiurnou last Friday.
Jos Barnes, brother of Z. Barnes, has
gone to Lincoln, where ho has takon a
position with tho WoIIb Furnace k Co.
Mr. nud Mr. E. A Hadoll, parents of
our popular drygoodsmorchant, returned
to thia city i ruiiiy evening to tako up
thoir future residence
Elmer Simons, who is presiding ovor
tho deotinioB of Doc WoIIb' farm, noar
Cowles, was 23 years old on tho 27th,
and about foity young folks of that
neighborhood gave him u grand surprise
Minor Bros, aro in receipt this wook
of a pair of horns, takon from a South
American steer at Kansas City, pro
sonted by Vernor k Scroggins of that
placo. Tho horns meaouro six feet and
four inches from tip to tip.
On last Friday ovoning C. B. Crono
and wifo ontortainod a large number of
young folks at thoir pleasant and beau
tiful homo on west Fourth avonue. Mr.
and Mrs. Crono aro noted for their en
tertaining qualities and tho young folks
all roport a most onjoyablo ovening with
Tho now city council convonod on
Wednesday, with Mayor Roby at tho
holm, Aftor much rnutino work tho
counicl ndjourncd. Tho mayor's ap
pointments woro us follows. For engin
eer and water commissioner, Harvey
Vincent; city marshal und strcot commis
sioner, Chas. Winfrey. Tho now olllcers
ore well known to tho Rod Cloud public
and win no uoutu givo satisfaction,
On Wednesday night Night Patrol,
man Millor caught onto n nest of ''soiled
doves" and puliod thorn. In thoir com
pany was also found two mon who woro
arrested and all wero takon boforo
Squire West Thursday morning, whoro
they ontorcd n plea of guilty. Tho men
woro sontenced to ton days in jail on
breuu anu water anu tne women dis
charged. Thoy gavo their names a fol
lows: Jack Pardy, Honry Davie. Sadie
Linnington, Bird Roger and said thoy
camo from Kansas,
Ed Kollogg was in Kansas City this
J. C. Wurnor was in Lincoln this
J. G.Hotchkiss was down from Bladon
Miss Hattio Kannoy is homo from
Bluo Hill.
Rov. J. Seat departed to Missouri,
Mrs. Isaac Hummol of Inavalo isiullio
city this woek.
A. L. Hildroth of Cowles was in tho
city this weok.
Mr. Dellalioydo of Bluo Hill was In
city this week.
A. Morhort returned from Lincoln
Friday evening,
Myrtle Junes was visiting in Red
Cloud this wook.
MrB. P. W. Shoo iBBick iu St. Joeoph
with tho tnoaslos.
E. II. Marshall of Bloomington was in
tho city this week.
F. E, Goblo is visiting his family in
tho city this week.
Now is tho timo to call on Woginunn
and havo your plcturo takon.
Dennis Finn has takon a position with
Odoll Moushang on tho farm.
Romembor that McNitt keeps both
tho top and bottom onion eotB.
Rov. Putman rotnrnod from a business
trip to Lincoln Friday ovening,
Wm. Mend, editor of tho Oborlin
Times was in Rod Cloud this weok.
Rov. Piatt of Franklin will speak in
tho Congregational church Sunday.
Never borrow trouble, but rather bor
row money. It is easier to got rid of.
C. M. Calmos and wifo roturnod Inst
Friday from a trip to Omuka und Lin
coln, A. P. Hull and son Wilbur hnvo ro
turnod from Kansas, whore they woro
on business.
Mrs. Low Clapp returned from Wy
more Wednesday, whoro sho has beon
visiting her daughter.
Thore seems to bo a numbor of travel
ing sowing macliino 'fakes in the city.
Givo your work to homo men.
Irving Cummings was in Kansas City
this wook, whore ho attended tho ship
ment of somo hogs or Minor Uros.
At tho council meeting Wednesday
night, saloon licenses wero issued to
Morris Stern, John Polnicky and -N.
Goo. B. Holland, for eomo yoars past
proprietor of the Holland Honso. loft
Thursdny for Hot Springs, Ark., where
he will reside in tho future
Dr. Morunville left Tuesday morning
for an oxtonded visit ta Denver. Ogdon
and other portions of Utah and Colorado.
Ho takes the trip for rest and recreation.
Grandpa Coon and wifo of Republican
City, former residents of this city, who
have bocn in St. Joe visiting their son,
were in tho city this weok on thoir way
Rev. J. B. Soat, a vory ploasant gontlo
man of Darlington, Missouri, occupied
tho pulpit in tho Baptist church last
Sunday. Ho is n vory forcible divine
and will probably bo callod hero to
Frank Potter, ono of the editors of tho
Plnttsmouth Horald while visiting in
tho city, wnlked too closo to tho Repub
lican river, and making a mistop fell in
to tho water. Tho joko is on Frank but
wo shall not tell it
Soo Mrs. Rich for your millinery. Sho
has a flno lino of Fronch pattorn hats
that cannot be oxcollod nnd she is sell
ing them very cheap. Sho has ulso a
lin" of $1.00 hats that she is selling for
2f. cents. Soo hor before you buy.
List of lottors remaining uncallod for
at postotllco in Red Cloud for tho week
ending May 3, 1801:
Miss Eva Barker, S. W. Roof,
J. Thayer, W. C. Ulrury.
These letters will bo Font to tho doad
lottor ofllco May 18, 1891, if not culled
for boforo.FitANK W. Cowiien, P M.
Mr. Josoph Gurbor, republican con
gressional committeeman, accompanied,
by Messrs M. R. Bentloy nnd John R
Willcox, wero in Holdrego this wook at
tending a session of tho republican con
gressional committoo. The convention
was called for August flth at Holdrege.
Mr. Gurbor reports ovory thing vory hur
monious nnd enthusiasm running high.
Tho City Bathing Parlors, sltuatod on
Webster stroot, in tho building known
as tho Slcoper building, aro now opon
nnd rondy for business. Clnronco Jones,
tho proprietor, has expended consider
able timo nnd monoy to complete tho ar
rangements, and has tho rooms nicely
lined insido, making everything look
neat ami cozy. It is a lino place, suit
able for hot or cold bathe, and wo pre
dict n good patronngo for tho City Bath
ing Parlors.
Highest Honors-World' Fair.
A cure Crane Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
K ti fw
The hot
i -.;,. r. s'f,i 'i-y
r'iv -
Is Coming !
You can buy all kinds
For that kind of
Light Weight
Our prices are as
Ducker's Cash
Dry Goods House
We have received a full line of the
IffmnP i rs4iVff, IFrrTWB InsfSSM
' Ji ' e (
i...etJS'-W.,Tl.J.. OAOC-DOWN CO.. Mrn-I.,
Also, the Ge D. CORSETS, they
are the best and they fit
Special bargains in Summer Corsets,
Special values in New Wool Dress Goods
Hosiery, also Nice Line of Men's Shirts
At Bargain Prices !
Lace Curtains from 25c and upwards,
Ingrain Garpets from 25c and upwards.
Window shades on Spring Rollers only 25c
G. A. Ducker & Co.
Clothing !
weather, Also,
Underwear !
low as can be sold
Uoll Moon
Chic, Iu.
. M)c Waist.
si i
.wW- mvs
-. V-.A.i tfii