t 'M: 9V ft"-. "V--, 'M TUB RED CliOUI) CIUKK, RED CI.OUI), NEHRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1894. What is Q I ,& B Cnstorla is Dr. Sniuucl Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morpliino nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee- is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays fcvcrlshncss." Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. QUEENS OF HAWAII. PLAYED PROMINENT PART8 IN THE ISLAND KINGDOM. How Unpen KiiHtiuinntm KMMiHiiIiaiI "Womnn'n IIIbIiIh" Itnjrnl rrnrp.tlon., In Ono of Which it DiiMnger Worn Ser ml) -twit VurtU nf Ciiolimoro. Castoria. ' Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo ot Its good effect upon their children." Dit. 0. C. Osooon, Lowell, Mass. " Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I liojw tho day U not far distant when mothers will consider tho real Interest of their children, and uso Castoria In toad of the various quack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, iy forclncoplum, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful gents down their throats, thereby seeding Ihcm to premature craves." Du. J. F. KiHctiELOi, Conway, Ark. The Ceatanr Company, Castoria. " Castoria Is so v ell adapted to children thai I recommend It as superior to any prcscrlptlcc known to me." II. A. Ancncn, M. D., Ill Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, H. Y. "Our physicians In tho children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outsldo practlco with Castoria, and although wo only havo among our medical supplies what is knowu as regular products, yet wo aro freo to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with faoruionlt." United Hospital add DiinutsAitY, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Smith, Pre., TT Murray Street, Now York City. New York Weekly Tribune -AND- THE CHIEF ONE YEAR Address THE CHIEF, Red Cloud, Neb. yyi The Fair -Store. P COZflf), IPirop. Every Cotiaeivabie Artide otj Mat!d- Sneninl rates on Oueenswave. Glassware, Etc. All kinds produce taken in exchange for goods aud highes prices paid, ef Is the right man when you want HARDWARE! An endless variety of stoves. Wire and Everything in the line, Served Exclusively to the 21477,212PeOple admitted to the World's Fair Grounds. Universally accepted as the Leading Fine coffee of the World. For sale only by Sherwood & Albright. Wlk'ii tho missionaries arrived nt Ha waii, March 110, 1820, tin? comUtiou of woi&nu was tliut of a slave. Sho coulij nut oat cocoiinuta, bununns, oranges or fish, mid ono of tho curious tabus, or in tordlotions, forbade her eating any kluil of food with moil. Queen Kaahumnnu Font for tho now king, Liliolllio, who was engaged in a drunken orgio out on tho ocean in a canoe, rind urged him to throw down tho idols in tho hcaiiiuu, or templets, nnd to clinch tho matter by eating in public with it group of women who wero foist ing by themselves nt a little dlstanco from tho royal abode. Staggering over to them, Liliolllio, who wns ft vory dif ferent chnrnctor from his fatuous father, sat down und publicly nto somo of their food. Tho cry wont up, "Tho tabu is broken." Tho torch wns applied to tho idols, nnd womnu's emancipation began. Queen Kaahumium wns a lingo, heavy mortal, nnd llko all the chiefs sho wns proud and cruel. At first bho treated tho mission aries with disdain, offering only tho tip of her llttlo finger in salutation, but she becamo it zealous convert nnd romnlued to tho time, of her death, in 1830, ut tho ngo of G8, it firm and conscientious Chris tian, bolovcd by those who Intimately knew hor und uuivorsnlly respected for hor abilities. She had ruled as consort of the great conqueror, ns joint sovereign with his son, Liholilio, nnd as rogont dur ing tho minority of Kauikooull. Knmnmulu, tho queen of pleasure- lov ing Liholiho, was fond of display. On a stato occasion in lew eno was carried in procession, sooted In a whaloboat on a framo of wickcrwork boruo on tho shoul ders of 70 men. Tho bont and platform, 80 feet long by 19 feet wide, woro covered with costly brondcloth lolioved by benutiful colored tnpas (natlvo bnrk cloth). Tho queen's dress wns a scnrlet Bilk mantle and n feather coronet. An immenso Chinese umbrella, richly gilded nnd decorated with tassels and fringes of tho snino gaudy color, supported by n chief wear ing a helmet, screoned her from tho sun. Chiefs held aloft kahilis, or royal staffs, 00 foot high, tho handles sur rounded by nlternnto ivory and tortolso shell rings, beautifully wrought nnd highly polished, tho upper pnrt being ar ranged so as to form ft column or plumo of scnrlet fenthers of 14 feet in diameter and from 13 to 14 feet long. A tnoro magnificent insignia of rank, conveying at onco tho ideas of grandeur, stato and benuty, as they towcrod and gracefully nodded nbovo tho multitude, was nover dovised by barbarians. Another royal lady, Kinau, who after ward shared authority with Kamehamo- lin III (Knuikeoull), hor titlo being Kaa humanu II, appeared in a scnrlet pnu, a long pieco of silk wound round tho body and limbs, with two long streamers. Tho pau is a very graceful costume, especial ly when worn by n wnhiuo (nativo wo man) on horseback, with tho gayly col ored streamers afloat In tho wind. Tho two downger queens nppenred in this procession, Ono of them woro 70 yards of enshmero of double width, one-half being ornngo and tho other half scarlet. This wns wrapped about her flguro till her arms woro supported by tho mass in a horizontal position, whilo tho remain der, forming nn extensive train, wus sup ported by a rotinuo selected for that purpose Tho richness nnd variety or tbo dresses nnd colors, aud tho exhibition of tho wealth and power of tho chiefs, their hereditary symbols of rank, tho stately kahilis, splendid cloaks and helmets, and necklaces of fenthors, intormingled with tho brilliant hues and deep green of tho flowers nnd wreaths from their natlvo forests, rendered tho spectacle nt onco utiiquo and attractive. Groups of sing ers and dancers, to tho number of many hundred, ever nnd anon met tho proces sion, enthusiastically shouting their adu lation iu tho willing ears of tho chiefs. Queen Kumumalu and Liholiho mado a voyago to London in 1831). Before tho ship weighed anchor nt Honolulu the queen chnnted n farewell: "O henvenl O enrthl O mountalnsl O sent O my counselors and my sub jects, farowelll" Tho royal travelers created a sensa tion iu Loudon. Queen Kamamalu ex hibited herself iu looso trousers and a long bed gown of colored velveteen, but Parisian modistes soon clothed tho Indies in nil tho genr of fnshion. Corsets for tho first 'timo encircled their amplo waists, and tho London ladies, in their rngu for tho new lions, sought patterns of tho turban thnt graced tho brow of tho queen. But, alas, tho roynl pair caught tho measles and died in London, poor chil dren of naturo that they were, far from tho palm groves nnd bosky bowerH of their natlvo islcsl Tho bodies, iu lead coffins framed in wood and covered with crimson velvet, wero sent to Honolulu iu the frigate Bloudo in charge of Lord Byron, a couc-in of tho poet. Godey's Mnguziuo, Took the Train. Employer You aro late again. Didn't I tell you to tnko tho train because it would bring you much faster than you could walk tho distance? Boy Yes, sir, and I did. Employer Then how do you explain your lateness? Boy I had to loaf around tho station for half nn hour wuitiug for tho train, which wns away behind time. Phila delphia Times. Grout Tout. Mr. Grogan (telling tho story of tho argument) An 1 had to sthaud thero lukiu at him, shmoilin th' best 01 cud, an all tho toimo I was so mad Ol wus grittlu ma teeth behind mo bolck. In dinuunolli Journal, ' Afraid of Pneumonia. Mrs. Catherine Mack, of Lolloy. N. Y. look a myoro cold. Tho phyidlnau fmr oil Pneumonia. Kho took one bottle o Parks, Cough Hjrup nrd snys "It acted Ilk mnjio. Stopped in cough ntul I am perfectly well now. I roeoinond it to over) ono for Throat nnd Lung Trnulilo n I believed it savod my life." Sold by C.li. Cot ting. Only thirty otcHWoro polled in Hardy at tho election. What makes a homo a hoint'? 'I ho mother well, tho children rooy. the father iu good health and gocd humor. All brought about by the Ui of DoWittM Sarsaparilla. It lecomiueiidi itself. O. L. Coiling. Water uotuln carried in Fullerlon ami tho bojH voted for beer ut the enino election. Honesty, perseverance and skill cannot improve Dr. Snwyor's I'milly Cure, bo cause it fully enrol Indigestion. Millions nogs and Kidney dluiculty. Sold by Doyo iOrlce. LuurclH is to have an elevator that will hold 2u,000 bushels ot grain. AGONY. Tho munle crnril. tho rtirtnln row, I illil nut In ul tin 1ny, Hut KnriMl upon lier luu'ly fiuo Hlio ent twit w at away. Hit iltiik HUn tlitlul ni'plo titnom, Hit teeth llko ideuinllik' pcarl, Hit o)ii an Mint nn summer okles, A wealth of Kiiltlui uirl. Anil ns I itnml tii'on hor fnro There mine a look of mln. Ukoclniiilyi'lmilim oVi tholrtliil II pnwi'tl, tin it nun' nunlu. I wiw Hie teardrop In heri'jM, The niio tint finlenwity, Anil ihnlf.tlrrlui'k nrov ilonthly fnle lrmtu'cilili'iHUKiiiir. Hho tiirniMt niul tnuehi'il Iter CMorl's arm, Tliciinliiwly went away. My hi'iirt li-iil fimt wltliK)iniithy. lilliliiittheiil thoiln). Ho noon rrttirneil nml took liln neat. 1 Kiireil In Rrutt MiriirKe. Ho reml the itiestlou 1 wntiM nsk i'lnsli from my cniser ejes. A tul nn tho micJo itleil nwny IHh llm thin nuiwer borot "My bliti r'ni feet nro number flo. Her elioes nro number four." lloston 0 lobe. . 1,-iai You will never know positively whnt n wonderful remedy Dr. Sawjor's Family Cure Is until yon try it. It will cure ou of a sour stomach. Hold by Deyo A; Orlco Tho town of Miller in I ho Wood Ulvor valley wants a tonsorial artist badly. The I'retllent Jlrl In Town Has boon using Parks'Teaandsliosajs: "My complexion Is very much Improved. That muddy look is nil gone. Itnke n cup of Parks Tea three nights a week, nnd feel Just ' elegant." Sold by C. L Cottlng. Tho Norfolk Nowb Iiiib commenced to tnlk about colebrnting tho Fourth of July. Nonpareil Hair Curler Will keop tho Hnlr in onrl tho dampest weather. Kvery bottle positlvey guar anteed by Deyo A flrleo. Tho now school houso at Startton will cost tho district 81,1100. Cough! CoiikIiI CoiikIi! If yon want to, but If you deslro to slop got a bottle of Hogg's Cherry Cough Syrup It will atop your cough iu llvo minutes Sold and wnrrauted by Doyo & Grlce. Tho IiiiBsinn thistle him miulo its ap pearance in Nanco county. Money and oxporienoo cannot produce abettor family incdioino thnn Dr.Bnwyor'B Family Cure. It Cares dlftlcnltUs of tho Stomach nnd Liver. Held by Deyo A Grlcu. Crmtn. "You will not find ono woman In n hundred who Is familiar with tho rules of heraldry," said a faehlonablo stationer. "Ladies insist on having crests embossed on their writing paper, oven when I toll them that they nro permitted by tho UBiiges of centuries to uso only tho arms. A handsome woman came in tho store ono day and said, 'Mr. B , I wish you would put a ciest and nrms on my paper.' I knew it would bo useless to urguo about tho crest, nnd so I nsked hor, 'Hnvo you nny crest with you'r' 'Oh, uol I haven't any,' sho nnsweied. 'You cnu inuko a nice one, can't your' I learned thnt her husband was a grain dealer, so for it crest I designed a shenf of wheat. For tho nuns I designed some hawk bonds on a shield, nnd sho wns delighted." Women who uro inteiested in these things should observe tho regulations set down for tho uso of spinsters, married women nnd widows. A specified frnme for tho nrms should bo used by each, Tho spinster is requirod to put her fam ily nrms into n diamond frame, with very simple adornment. When a wom an marries, tho arms of her family must bo put on tho snino shield with tho arms of her husband. The shield is impaled, tho wife's nrms occupying ono position and tho husband's tho other. If sho be comes n widow, tho frnmo for her urine again assumes tho form of a diamond, symbolizing her unmarried stato, while her arms and tho anus of her deceased husband remain impnled ns fouuerly. Chicago Inter Ocean. Tho Manayunk nhiloBonhor onya can mnko any ono blind to your faults if you hnvo tho dust. Do not sudor with pnlu on top of tho head nnd In tho back when Dr. Sawyer's L'imtllos will absolutely and positively cure yon. For inlo by Deyo fc urlco. If you uro twonty-four inches around the bust' buy fifty inch underwear. Lndies-Remeinbor that disease bocomes Incnrablo. Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles will positively euro long standing oases. It heals and cures. Sold by Doyo & Grico, What has bocomo of tho old-fashioned "mothor'' in vinegar? IIucklen'H Arnica Salvo. The best salvo in tho world for outs, bruise-i, sores, Ulcers, Salt rheum, fovor sores, tetter, chapped hands, uhillblains, coniB, nnd all skiu eruptions, nnd posi tivjly cures piles, or no pny required. It is gunrnnteed to givo porfoct satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Forsnlo by Cotting. If Jim Bakor of Otoo county snared twelvo wolves in ono day. Why Do You Cough? Do you not know that Parks' Cough Syrup will our it If Wo guaranteed every bottle. There nro many Cough Syrups but wo believe Parks' is the best nnd most reliable. Sold by C. h. Cotting. W. II. Eller, editor of tho Blair Cour ier, has been elected inunngor ot the jug euro at that plnco. In Duplicate. Gus do Smith cnuio down Harlem av euuo with his chin cut iu several places, so that it looked as if a drunken burbot hud been practicing on it. 'Merciful heaven, Gusl" exclaimed Peto Amsterdam. "What did you do to tho barber? You ought to havo murdered him. That was tho least you could have done." "I didn't do any thing of tho kind. Aft er ho wns through shaving I invited him across tho street nnd tieated him to u cocktail and ft cigar." "Well, you aro a fool." "No, I ain't such a fool, after all," re sponded Gus, "for you Beo I shavo my self." "Oh, that's ft different thing. You aro a kind of a double barreled fool." Texas Sittings. Felling Tree by Klerlrlclty. Trees nro felled by electricity in tho great forests of Galicin. For cutting comparatively soft woods the tool is in tho form of nu auger, which is mounted ou a carriugo, and is moved to and fro and revolved at tho same timo by a small electric motor. As tho cut deepens, wedges uro inserted to prevent the rift from closing, aud when tho treo is near ly cut through nn ax or handsaw is used to finish the work. In this way trees aro felled very rapidly and with but llttlo labor. London Tit-Bits, HOW AN AX 19 MADE. Tlio Nuinrrnuii l'roronirs It lfnitrgoes Xm tho Courio of Mnniifnctnrc. On entering tho mnln workshop tho first step in tho operation which is Been Is tho formation of tho ax head without tho blnilo. Tho glowing lint Iron bars nro withdrawn from tho furnnco and aro taken to a powerful nnd somewhat com plicated machine, which performs upon them four distinct operations, shaping tho metal to form tho upper and lower part of tho ax, then tho eye, and finally doubling the ploco over so that thowholo can bo welded together. Next tho Iron Is put In it powerful nntiirnl gaa furnnco and heated to n whlto heat. Taken out, It goes under n tilt hammer and is wold ed in a Bocond. This dono, ono blow from tho "drop," nnd tho poll of tho nx Is complolcd nnd firmly weldod. Two crows of men nro doing this class of work, nnd each crow can make l,C0O nxes per day. Whon tho nx leaves tho drop, thoro la somo superfluous tnotal still adhering to tho edges nnd forming whnt is technic ally knowu an a "fin." To got rid of tho fin tho ax is again Iioatcu in a tur naco and thon taken In hand by a saw yer, who trims tho ends nnd edges. Tho operator has n glass iu front of him to protect his oyoi from tho sparks which ily oil by tho hundreds as tho hot metal is pressed against tho rapidly revolving Baw. Tho irou part of tho ax la now comploto. Tho steel for tho blado, after being heated, Is cut by machinery anil shaped. It is then ready for tho welding depnrtmont. A groove is cut Into tho edge of tho Iron, tho stool of tho blndo Inserted, nnd tho whole firmly weldod by machine hammeis. Next comes tho operation of temper ing. Tho steel portion of tho ax is heat ed by being inseitcd in pots of molten lend, tho blndo only being immersed. It is then cooled by dipping In wnter and goes to tho hands of tho inspector. Aunx Is subject to rigid tests beforo it is pro nounced perfect. Tho steel must bo of tho required tomper, tho weight of nil axes of tho same size must bo uniform, all must bo wound alike and iu various othor ways conform to nn established standard. Tho inspector who testa tho quality of tho steel does so by hammering tho blndo and striking tho edgo to ascer tain whether it bo too brittle or not. An nx thnt breaks during the tests is thrown libido to bo miulo over. Boforo tho mnterinl of tho ax is in tho proper shapo it has been heated fivo times, including tho tempering process, nnd tho ux, when completed, has passed through tho hands of about 40 workmen, each of whom has dono somothing toward perfecting it. After passing in Bpectlon, tho axes go to tho grinding de partment, nnd from that to tho polish ers, who finish them upon emery wheols, Philadelphia Record. Hew' Cherry 'lite greatest ncd CoiirIi Syrup. best Cough Syrup. It will relieve a congh quicker, surer and moro efleotually tlinn any thing market. Sold and warranted by Grico" on the Doyo & Tho First Nutionnl bunk of Columbus donates seed to all who will ngroo to raiso tobucco. 1 oei Xol Cowl Anything To try Parks' Sure Cure. A spoolllo An re of nil dlsonsvs peculiar to women. Sk your druggist our guaranteed plan, coM by C. h. Cotting. Tho old garbngo box is offal nuisance. frequently nn "Dou'l Tohueeo Spit or Smoke Your Lire Away." The truthful, startling title ot a book about No-to-bao, tho only harmless, guar anteed tobacco-habit euro, If you want to quit and o.iu't. uso "No-to-buc.' Braces up nluotinized nerves, eliminates nlcollno poisons, uiiikos weak men gain strength, weight and vigor. Positivo euro or money refunded. Sold by C. L. Cotting. " Book at druggists, or mulled free. Address Tho Sterling ltemedy Co., Chicago nlllce, lli Hanilo'ph St., Now York, 10 Spruco St. Tho man who is willing to do ns ho would bo dono by wants to bo dono by first. J. W. Ilailev of Ilnlavln, N, V , Conduo tor on N. Y. C. Hallway, and ono of the beat known mou on the road sa)fl-.of Parks Tea: 1'or ten years I hnvo found nothing of lasting value. Hearing so many talk ing of Parks' Tea I tried tt without much hope. Tho first dose inovid my bowels eaully and now I am oared. It work like innjlc. Sold by C. L. Cotting, Growth of tin) lCiiglUli'I.aiiEtiBKe. In the year 1701 tho habitual users of tho English language did not number over 15,000,000; iu Wi, 105,000,000. If theso figures aro correct (and they are from a recognized authority), by the end of tho present century not lebsthnu liiO, 000,000 peoplo will uso tho lunguago in their everyday conversation, If the same ratio of iucrciiso holds good, Eng lish will bo spoken by at leust B-10,000,000 of peoplo iu tho year 2000. St. Louis Hopublic. Ono Child' Vocabulary. The statement thnt n child 0 years ot ngo would not havo moro than 150 words iu its vocabulary thnt it wns able to uso uuderstaudingly led a careful mother to note for a mouth tho number of words used by her child. All tho parts of speoch used wero recorded, with tho re sult that iu this ciiho tho child nppenred to havo a vocabulary of 1,528 words. Now York Post. At tho winter palace, St. Petersburg, thero is a room full of diamonds, pearls and other precious stones. Tho empress of Russia is allowed to borrow from this room after giving a receipt for whnt sho takes, and generally the grand duchesses aro allowed to borrow from it also, Jowelers aro fervently wishing that tho styles prevalent iu Franco iu the tenth century might bo revived for tho sake of business. Judith, tho wifo of Caipuchiu, woro n solid girdle of gold that weighed four pounds, und all tho fashiouublo dames followed her example. lloopskirts, which camo into voguo in tho year 15IJ0, weighed between 150 and 40 pounds, but it was tho "fashion," and they wero lugged about by tho belles of the period despite tho discomfort. The Wny to Clct Olil. To tho banale and eternal question, "How nro your" tho wlso old man allows himself but ono answer, "I am vory well." Ho knows perfectly well that his innocent deception, if decoption it bo, deceives no one. Perhaps it is well that he does not realize, for of self conscious ness wo havo enough und to sparo, that tho remembranco of his f ortltudo, pigeon holed nnd forgotten pcrhnps for long years in tho mind of tho listener, may come forth ono day to hearten that samo listener along tho cruel way when it shall bo his turn to tread it. For so aro accounts carried forward and not always to tho wrong sido of tho page, and if it 1b truo that the sins of tho parents aro visited on tho children it is equally truo that tho luster of their vir tues shines on long after tho darkness has covered them. Is ho of thoso who desire pity for their falling power? Tho surest way of gotting it is to keep si lence Almost as important mid almost as much neglected is tho caro for personal appearance. After 00 vanity of tho per bon shouljl bo carofully cultivated. After CO coxcombry in n mini nnd coquetry in a womrfu becomo cardinul points. Can it bit'said that tho old ns n rulo bo con sider them? Contemporary Roview, What a Tint Clan I'ure Meant. Thero aro somo people who Imngino that wealth entitles them to privileges not accorded to tho general public and exempts them from obligations ami rules that others aro disposed to oboy, An inci dent which occurred on ono of our ocean steamers conveys u wholcsomo lesson to tho purso proud contemners of tho rights of the majority. A family of unlimited wealth had secured tho best accommo dation tho steamor afforded. Tho gentlomau and his wife kopt them selves secluded most of tho time, but tho! children wero allowed to run wild over tho steumer uutll they becamo such In tolerable nuisances that tho captain was sqtoken to, and ho gavo tho youngsters a severe reprimand. This roused tho in-! diguntion of tho mothor, who remarked! to tho captain that as sho paid first class' faro sho thought sho was entitled to first class privileges. "Madam," said the captnin, "first class faro means first class conduct." Thero was no further protest. London Tit Bits. l'lorlila bljlo r IlntliigOrnngce. Thero aro many ways of eating or anges, but tho Floridlun has probably tho most common sensoway of disposing of the fruit. Ho uses a sharp kuifo and pares the oraugo much tho snmo as one would peel an npplo, taking caro not ta cut through tho white rind that protect tho pulp. Then holding tho orungo at tho poles and cutting through tho ccn ter tho seed nods nro removed. Alio rest is easy. As a colored boy iu Jackson ville said. "Put vonh fuce in it aud eat till you como to tho rind." Now York rJunla'itm. Professor Karl Pearson pronounces tho Monto Catlo rouletto wheel, as viewed from tho standnid of exuet fcclenco,"tho most prodigious miraclo of tho century." Attend of All Other Men "Seo thnt man?" snld ono of tho two peoplo who wero talking about success in lite. I "Yes I l.YT.. I....- 1.fl. 1. t.l...l Intn M0 mm1a .I.j! - ' ' I iiu nils it-it ii'.-iiiiiu iuibui ycuyiu viuy Tho Thinglit tribo of Alaska numbers struggled to oveituko him." 4.800 persons. For generations they have . "Who is he?" spent tho greater part of their timo in ' "Conductor on a cable car." Wash' f I'Bvve. luywu miWi ,& 'ft ""'flf I 'JlgMPWHIimft i mmmMmniuummmmmmmm r I U I hi M 17 B11T 2 '1 - L7TWWff ' ' """"'-'' ' ' ' -5 1 - V -) 1 -JVJtel li tyWiyfT 'jtSMs3lflr