The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 27, 1894, Image 4

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, i.
Three Days Bargain Sale,
Ladies9 and Children's Hats, Ladies9 Wrappers, Ladies Muslin Underwear, Linen Goods,
Children's Caps, Flowers and Ribbons at Bargain Prices.
.X JtlJcLi
: i
Nicely Trimmed
Pattern Hats
at $ 2.75,
Vrw Prffv
?K- J WfcfcW
?Sr" and Well Trimmed
Pattern Hats
At $3 .50.
p.' Uaually sold at 15.60 to 16,00.
f"'t ea
Come and see us. We
i First Door North
A. 0. IIosmbb, Editor.
LaioyTait. Ant Loeel Mltor.
"Ott to Washington" Is the cry of the
This national republican club will
meet in Denver, June 28. It will be one
of tho greatest love feasts on record.
A labor number of democrats havo
requested that the Hon. Thee. J. Ward,
nf thla nit v. tin a nanillrial tnr vinriaaa
Ft - -"" "w "rf , " -. . Va rwBvw
rA in this district. .
Kblly'h army after much serious
trouble in Council Bluffs, Iowa, havo
finally, like "John Brown's soul's gone
marching on" to Washington.
The republicans of this city shouiJ
by all means reorganize the republican
club. The city central committee
should see to it that a call is made at
Hon. A. K. Qoudt was in the city
this week. Mr. Ooudy would like to
succeed himself as state superintendent
of publio instruction. We have ne ob
jeotion. He has made a good oflteer.
Sbnatoh Paddock, was shown Tnr.
. Chief's endorsement of his condidacy
for Rovornor, tho other day lnWaahington
and a telegraphic report from the latter
city to the State Journal, says that be
is not candidate for any office.
Hon. Jambs MoNknt et Red Cloud,
the home of MoKeighan, is an aspirant
for congressional honors via the repub
Ucan route. The Red Cloud Chibp has
bo doubt of his ability to defeat Mc
Kelghan if nominated. Beaver 'Valley
Therk was an aggregation of demo
crats in Red Cloud this week. Our po
litloal editor while meandering through'
out the highways and byways made up
his mind that the unterritied would put
up a full democratic ticket in the
, field this fall for congress.
Judos Scott certainly ought to be
impeached for his unwarranted action
in tho Roeowater case. He sentenced
Rosewater of the Doe to 30 days in jail
and assessed a fine of 9500 for an article
that one of the reporters furnished for
tho Beo company about the judge. In
trying to maintain tho dignity of his
court ho has fallon short and made it a
faroe. The press of this country cannot
be muzzled by such methods.
( ' The numbor of candidates in the field
for nomination on the republican
ticket In this congressional district, and
the lack of enthusiasm among tho poll
- ticlans of the two other parties, is an in
dication of the difference in sentiment
now and four and two years ago, Then
it was aulto different. A republican
who would accept the nomination was
' bard to find and aspirants there wero
i none. Beaver Valley Tribune.
At the very pleasant photograph so
cial at J. A. Tulloy's last Friday evening
given by the members of the Epworth
League, Miss Mabel McMillan drew a
handsome band painted plaque as first
prize and Prof. Caster drew Thk Chief
for one year. It was a very pleasant
nnlol ami Inrirnlv nttnnded. Thn Rn.
" worth League knows how to get up an
v' Interesting social. MaLy of the pictures
J- sreeented for inspection looked as it they
their younger days, and caused great
mirth aatoHg those pteseat.
nan cuaua in Hmiwi wua m vjuiuuv iu
La. ' SIiiii I I I r I I I - IT-
At 94.00, 11.50 and U
that are usually aold
for double the money.
We can save you money
on a nice pattern hat.
can save you money
Ducker's Dry Goods Store,
Splendid. Tho hog market is still on
the increase. Miner Bros, are surely to
bo creditod for having brought about a
revival in tho hog market in Red Cloud.
For tho last few weeks this city has
been the Mecca to which all hog owners
havo been coming, tho cause of which
has been the favorable and higher prices
paid for hogs than usual. Tho firm has
already paid out about 110,000 for hogs
wnich has gives tho markot hore a new
incentive, and hogs have boon brought
horo from north of Red Cloud as far ob
the county line and as far south as Es
bon, Kansas, by people who havo not
brought stock horo for some years, for
what reasons we do not know. The
stimulus in ths market 1b certainly en
couraging to our pooplo and due praise
should be oxtemled to thoso who have
causod the result.
To New Fields. Rev. Melvln Put
man has severed his connection as pas
tor of tho Christian church of Rod
Cloud, whore ho has faithfully worked
for tho last throe years, and goes to Og
den, Utah, whsro he has a call to fill a
pastorate in that city. Eldor Putman is
a fluont nud eloquent expounder of tho
gospel and baa built tho local churoh
membership up to sovsral hundred. As
an evangelist ho stands second to none
in his church, and that too, as a com
paratively young man. Ho has wonder,
ful powers of spoech and we boliove will
be a renowned minister of the gospel be
foro he lays down tho good work which
he has espoused. He will lenvo many
admiring friends, not only in his own
flock, but among tho other churches of
tho city. Thk Chikv hopes ho may
reap a rich roward in his now Held.
The Band. Tho Red Cloud S. of V
band is fast becoming one of the finest
bands in tho state. Thoy are constant
ly practicing, and huvo been for two
years, under the ezcollont leadership of
Prof. Hondrioks, and aro now vory pro
ficient in their work us tlioir playing
each Saturday evening indicates to the
trainod ear. The Chief expects to see
tho S. of v., band bocomo state renown
ed if thoy continuo to prosper and pro
gress as rrpidly as thoy have ilono In tho
last year. We hope thoy will bo diligent
and persororo to tho Inst to conquer, anil
finally roach tho goal of perfection.
On last Sunday whilo Frank Quigloy,
wife and mothor-in-law wero drivinc
down n steep hill between this city and
Inavalo, tho harness on the horses gavo
way, lotting tho tonguo drop, which was
drivon Into tho ground with such forco
as to throw thorn from the buggy and
break tho tonguo in two. Mrs. Cum
mingswas fortunate to oscapo with a
fow slight scratches and bruises and
Mrs. Quigloy had hor back seriously
sprained, otherwiso they w re n t much
hurt, besides a good shaking up. The
injured ones wero brought to town by
Bert Tonnunt '
rtniiatn imvcraiui uimrle Outer, two
wealthy Bostouians, were burued to death
lu the former's cottage at Smiautum
TheSanltaSan Raefel del Vale, Balm
coninu and Nogalcs de Ellas land grant
cases have been decided lu favor of the
A manufactured lco palace 1b to be built
In Baltimore, to bo opened June 1. Skat
ing will be bad the year round. It will
resemble in coustructiou the one con
structed In the cold storage bulldlugat
the World's fair.
Mayor Oellerlch of Oshkosh has Issued
aa edlol against Sunday saloons, gambling-rooms
and slot nmchluns, effective
April 1.
I " 'i -a
In Croama and Blacks
Nicely trimmed at 88c
that are bargains,
One lot or
Sailor Hats
poclnl Price only 15c.
on Millinery. We are
means a big saving, Our
The Many Ilappenlnsi of sr:e tXrc R
dneed From Oolurani to ZJnea Every-thing-
but VmU ElliulnaUd For Ow
Reader' Convenience.
A livery stable and contents, Including
10 hones and three dwellings were burned
at Fayette, Mo.
Further developments of Kolb's deal
with the Home Market club of Boston are
makinK n aeusatlon In Alabama politics.
MhwLoutae Klveroou of Philadelphia
was married to M. Jules Pntenotre, the
ambaiaador of France to the United
Henry Collins and Hoke Napier of
Fleming, W. Va., settled a quarrel with
revolvers. Both are dead.
MlBsouri Populists held their state con
vention at Kansas City and made nomi
nations. Chinamen In Indianapolis nearly preci
pitated a riot because ono of their number
was about to bo deprived of his queue.
Secret Service AentO'Donnell arrested
Thomas Hughes at Basic City, Vn., for
counterfeiting 5-cent coins. Ho Is thought
to belong to n Michigan gnugof coiners.
Judge Jones, at Sioux Falls, 8. D lias
granted an absolute divorce to Mrs. Kmlle
Voegtlln from Arthur Voegtlln, the scenic
Alex. Ross ha pleaded guilty at Pierre,
S. D., to an indictment charging him with
mbezxllng &3,)00froiu tho First National
bank ot Lendvlllo.
Tho Pierre (S. D.) United States grand
Jury Is considering tho case of White Face
Horse, concerned in tho massacre of bIx
cowboys near Pino llldgo last year.
Commander Verny Lovett Cameron,
tho distinguished African traveler, was
thrown from his horeo while hunting aud
Tho Ave saloonkeepers found guilty at
Boone, la., of selling liquor contrary to
law will servo out their lines ot from $300
to M0 each.
Several iKjwons wero bitten by n dog at
Mascoutnh, Bis., mipposed to bo mad.
Ihe mayor has ordered all the dogs in the
town to bo muzzled.
The new Watt.) Itlver (Colo.) paper
mills, created at a coat of $.125,000, have be
gun operations with a forco of 200 men In
addition to thoso employed in the old
Fifteen hundred dollars has been raised
by popular subscription nt Clinton, la.,
and Is offered an a reward for tho arrest ot
the murderer of August Weasel, who was
killed at Feeds Orove a year ago.
Sweet Springs, Mo.Jmd- ai,O0O fire.
Kcnnett, M., Is to havo n cottonseed oil
In the burning of Swigcrt's livery stablo
at Sweet Sirring, Mo., 18 horses wero
burned to I'jiath.
Superintendent Rabb of Illinois has Is
sued a circular to teachers urging them
to observo Arbor dny.
MUs Annie Brewster, daughter of a
mlllloiyilro New York banker, was wed
ded to Count Henry do Frankenstein.
Klght colleges ot Mlsionrl will bo rep
resented at tho Intercolleglato oratorical
convention at Sedalla.
People of Canada thrrnton to wreak po
Iltloal vengeance oh tint government for
closing tho old Wvllnnd canal.
Colonel Hiintor Wood nf Hopklnsville,
Ky., has reslgnl as masti-r commissioner,
being W.OOO ahort in his accounts.
The Second district democratic congres
sional couveuf lou has been called to meet
at Milan, Suldvan county, Mo., Juno 18.
Tho demrUTrutlfi ennvmiHrin .ii. ilin S.
nth congressional dlstritt of Missouri
hanbeon culled to meet t Springfield
Juno S.
On Accnitnt. nf thn 1m tr4.n. f iu,. n
northem ifiarkots many TVxaa cattlemen
have quit feeding their stoifc to wait for
an ndvanoe.
Judge James Coouey of :arshll, So
Une couoty, Mo., will proba'bly try to get
thedemiocrstlo nomination for a ingress
In Hon. Jolm J. Ilennl's district.
Georcrti tVriVt.l'o .l., i.i,. . .. ... . i
ed from sebfjo at.Stv Joseph. Mo., tftjcauss
Oae Lot or Sailor In
Browns, Blues,
Blacks and Creams,
Special Price IOc.
Children's Caps
at 12, 15, 18,
22 and 25 cents
I That are Heal Bargains.
in a position so that
goods are all nice and
ot vaiuiuran. nuw tuu ncuoui ooara must
show cause In court why tardiness should
cause suspension.
A rich vein of gold has been found with
in five miles of Fairfax, Minn.
A eomparatfve statement tof railroad
earnings for the third week of this month
shows a general decrease.
Ths convention of the Wisconsin Chris
tian association opposed to secret societies
elosed at Oshkosh. The Rev. J. Furls of
Vernon was elected president.
Charles Young, 11 years old, is in jail at
Honesdale, Pa., charged with having de
railed a coal train on the Delaware and
Hudson with a companion. He said they
did it for fun.
J. P. Blnhop & Co. of Chicago havo
purchased 6,600 acres of coal land In east
ern Ohio.
About 8,000 colored men attended the
meeting at Birmingham, Ala., to consider
emigration to Africa.
Ths western lines havo extended tho
time ot sals of Midwinter fair tickets
from April 80 to June 80.
Ths body of Charles Potrie, one of the
four drowned at Hollaud, Mich., Satur
day night, was found In Black lake.
Ths Texas Woman's Rights association
Is in session at Fort Worth.
A 0-year-old child was drowned in a
barrel of water at Rlchlaud, Mo.
Carthage, Mo., suffered a loss of $10,000
by fire, the third within 80 days.
Governor Stone of Missouri addressed a
large mass meeting of Democrats at
Oliver Jackson, a murderer, was taken
from deputy sheriffs near Montgomery,
Ala., by a mob and shot to death.
L. J. Morgan, a merchant of Grand
Rapids was rendered blind by n paralytlo
stroke while touring California.
At Indianapolis seven memlwrs of a
family were poisoned by eating sausage
containing trichlnie.
Judges of Columbus, O., havo nskod
that Attorney Cyrus Ruling bo debarred
for tamporlng with a jury.
Receiver Faurot of the Lima, O., Na
tional bank, which closed two years ago,
claims a Bhortago of $90,000 for whloh be
can get no explanation.
Thomas Holloway, n Populist farmer,
while watching Coxey's army in Colum
bians, O., dropped dead from apoplexy.
At Norton vl lie, Kan., a 12-year-old boy
committed suicide because he had been
whipped by his father.
Governor Jones in his messago scut to
tho Choctaw council recommends the ap
pointment of two commissioners to Invite
the United States commissioners to visit
the Choctaw nation.
In ths burning of tho residence of John
Witt nt Hlntoir, W. Va., his eight child
ren and a servant lost their lives.
The St. Paul Kvenlng'News nas gone
into the hands of a receiver.
The town of Baprien, Ind., burned, caus
ing a property loss of 75,000.
Thieves broke Into the ofilco of Treas
urer Hill at Frankfort, Mich., and carried
off ityOOO.
Polk county, Missouri, Democrats In
convention indorsed the Bland seignior
age bill.
Zella Nicolaus bos accepted an offer to
go on the stage, to appear iu "Princess of
Rueben Kolb, the Alabama politician,
has written a letter to Governor Jones In
which he practically calls the governor a
thief aud a liar.
Prssldeut J. H. Calloway, of Douglas
ville, Ga., college, shot himself through
the heart.
David Carr of Okmulgee, O. T,, was
murdered to prevent his testifying in cer
tain cases.
Dr. McCosh, tho veteran educator, cele
brated his 83d birthday nt Princeton, N.J.
J. J. in.eli.ii, Oscar B. Weblwr and 1. 12.
Crimmlns, prominent members of Tam
many Hall, are iu Denver on their way
Goventor Matthows ot Indiana says ex
Governor Isaac P. Gray will not be a can
didate for tho presidency.
A park commissioner, n councilman and
two other men were Indicted at Louis
ville, Ky., for corruption,
Jams) B. Goodwin, who nbscoudod
from Carml, Bis., where he was county
treasurer, has been arrested In Denver.
At 75c, $100, $1.25, $1.50
and $1.75 that fit nicely
and are well made.
MED HATS from 91.00
I to $2 25.
we can sell it at nearly
Red Cloud, Nebkaska.
Fire destroyed several buildings at Vsn
dalla, Mo.
The steamboat Sunbeam was burned at
Now Orleans.
Peter Hltchens, a Piatt county (Ullnols)
pioneer, died nt Montlctllo.
Yale students threw bad eggs at the
actors In a play given at New Haven.
Striking ribbon weavers in Patterson,
N. J., have won their point and will re
turn to work.
Tho death of President Bermndesof
Peru causes apprehension of a revolution
in that country.
LudclU Clark, an actress, known as
Ludolla Perry, committed suicide in a
theater at Dcadwood, 8. D.
A number of Kansas state officials are
said to have invested In valuable mining
property in Indian territory.
George W. Hoffman was arrested at Lo
gansport, Ind., for falsely representing
himself as an agent of Rink 8c Sons of
Dixon, Ills.
Miss Annie Van Dora of Passaic, N. J.,
has Just discovered that she was married
to the wrong man In 1899 while under the
influence of drugged liquor.
It Is possible that the next governor' of
New York will be a native Mlssonrlan.
Congressman John C. Hendrlx, now of
Brooklyn, is the man likely to far heir to
tho gubernatorial mantle.
A 18-year-old boy at Fort Wayne, Ind.,
was bitten by a dog and soon after he was
.attacked by hydrophobia.
"The most important business of my
llfo is love" is the Inscription on the grave
of one of Colonel Breckinridge's dead
wives, both of whom repose in a cemetery
at Lexington, Ky.
John C. Anderson, formerly of Kansas,
has brought suit against the parents of
his octoroon wife, lately deceased, at Nor
wlcb, Conn., to recover his child, whom
the parents claim the right to retain.
" it it ...
William Barnes was thrown from a colt
t Goshen, Ind., and killed by being im
paled on a fence.
Albert F. Harrison was seised with a fit
at Adrian, Mich., and falling in a ditch
was drowned.
Lewis Mitchell, colored, of Muncle,
Ind., unexpectedly received $500 from the
tstnta of his old master, whe advised him
to invest the money and get a wife.
Robsoa. of Winona, Minn., got a judg
ment of (16,000 against the Mississippi
River Logging company in the Iowa fed
eral court for a breach of contract in fail
ing to drive the plaintiff's logs..
Mrs. Immogen Akers, wife of an Alton
locomotive engineer, wits ordained as
minister of the Sptrtuallstio congregation
of Bloomington, Ills., and was also elected
a member of the city's board of education.
E. E. Harned, who was suspected of
jury bribing at Ottumwa, la., has left
town with the principal witnesses in tho
The body of the 10th victim of the Gay
lord mine disaster has been found. It
was identified as that of John Morris and
was badly mangled. Three mora bodies
now remain to bo taken out.
Employes ot the Wabash have been
notified of n proposed reduction ot wages
from 10 to 89 per cent on May 1.
Broukhite, the'defaulting treasurer of
Warren county, Ind., was brought back
to Covington, Ind., from Los Angeles,
where ho was arrested.
Frank McMaster, editor of McMaster's
Weekly and formally editor of the Okla
homa Gazette, was fined at Oklahoma
City, O. T ttOO and sentenced to six
months in jail for contempt of court.
Mrs. Carrie Masters tried to take her
llfo at Jetrerbonvllle, Ind., with morphine.
She was saved. She is the widow of
Walter Masters, who committed suicide
a week ago because he could find no work,
Tho Herreshoff Manufacturing com
pany at Bristol, It. I., has closed Its large
yacht building establishment for an In
definite period.
Lewis J, Ratllff was killed by M. Ma
honey, owner of Mahouyy'a distillery, at
Howardstowu, Ky. ills head was cut off.
Dr. L. S. Graves, an old and respected
cltlzuu ot Crestou, la., was assaulted by
B. A. McKiuner, who claims the doctor
Insulted his wife.
The grcut revival at Bloomlngtou, Ills.,
attracts more people than can get into the
Grand Opera house, which has seats for
nearly 8,50a.
At nearly half the piico
they aro usually sold at
Corset Covers, Night
Gowns, Skirts, &c. nico
ly trimmed, well mado,
and cheap.
wholesale prices, which
Oeaeral Manager Dickinson on tha Stand
Chairman Vroman'a Denial.
Okaiia, April .'.The hearing of the
Union Paciflo wage schedulo controversy
was continued Monday with General
Manager Dickinson on tho stand. He
recited the history of the strikes on the
road. He referred to the Qallaghor cir
cular, issued in 1801, hi which the man
agement of tho road was notified that if
R did not comply with the demands of
the men tho wholo system would bo
tied up. He contended that the man
agement had been compelled by these
strikes and threats to pay higher wages
than was just. Then Chairman Vrotaan
ef the engineers took the stand again and
denied that tho company had paid the scale
under duress. He sworo that the Golla
gher.circular was Issued without the
knowledge of tho men, and that it met
with their disapproval. Chairman Clark,
of the conductors, was the next witness.
He presented a tabulated statement to
show that the Union Paciflo paid less
wages than tho average paid by all the
ether roads in tho country. Judge Cold
well propounded to Mr. Clark the same
questions in regard to striking that he
asked Mr. Vromnn Saturday, Mr. Clark
was positive that tho conductors would
abide by the decision of the court and
that in no case would they strike.
Mat fey Thousand of People at Beaver Falls
and Many Recruit Join.
BkavkrFallb, Pa., April 3. Seven
thousand pooplo met the Coxoy common
weal at Beaver Palls when the army en
tered Sunday afternoon. A 'delegation
of mounted citizens met Coxey and es
corted him and his( followers in a parade
through tho town. Camp was then
pitched near the Beaver river on College
hill. Meetings were held on the grounds
at once and 80 collected by Marshal
Smith. In tho evoning the usual meet
ing was held in tho opera houso and
after the audienco left the army, 270
strong, were marched there and put to
bed in the theater.
By 9 o'clock 1SS rocruits had joined,
necessitating tho formation of a new
commune called the "Cyclones," named
after the aatrologor. Eighteen of the re
cruits wero potters from East Liverpool,
Before leaving Camp Marion a religious
service with music was hold on tho Held.
Baron Hannen, nt London.
Haydbn Paiuiy, musician, nt London.
Auabs-rus Bpusu, ex-wnrden of Sing
Sing prison, at Pougbkecpsic.
Lawrence Cuitu an, tho well known
railroad and turfmnn, at Louisville,
Editor WaUli Succerdu Colquitt.
Atlanta. Ga., April i. Gov. Northen
appointed Patrick Wnlsh, editor of tho
Augusta Chronicle, as senator to succeed
Senator Colquitt.
III Wl.1i.
A wicked story is told nbout two part
ners who respected each other's business
ability, but who hated each cordially.
To one of them camo a fairy saying that
he could have any boon ho desired, and
whatever he had his partner should have
In double portiou. Naturally his first
wish was for a barrel of money. "All
right," said tho fairy, "but your partner
will got two barrels on that wish."
"Stop a little," said tho first. "Perhaps
you'd better not givo mo n barrel of
money. I'd rather you would make me
totally blind in one oyo," New Orleans
.. i
A Watch on tho Wall.
For many years a sllvor watch might!
be seen fastened to tho wall of ono of
the fronts of tho inner quadranulo of
Somerset Houso. Londoners used to
Slut it out as having saved tho life of
ownor when ho fell from a scaffold,
and ho placed it there as n testimony.
New York Advertiser.
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