The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 27, 1894, Image 3

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L. .
T f-
FnrnUlird liy nr Able Cere ot
Cuuntry !orropoudrnt, Kapcc
Utljr for It fie Header ofTJio Olilcf.
Woather beautiful and crops looking
Farmers nro planting corn now and
(.mall graiu is from two to four inches
John Earner has finished a six
months term of school in Elm Ureek,
and was appointed director of district
19 to fill vacancy. Thomas Emtrton
having resigned.
John L. Springer finished a success
ful term of school in district 36 last
Wednesday. John will chase tho
plough handles this summer.
Joa Wooloy has returned homo
A grand hall was given at George
Harris' Wednesday, a good orowd in
Somo of our most pcacable neigh
bors wont to lied Cloud laBt week,
and cominonocd scratching each others
eyes, tho result was that ono of thorn
was fined about $4 and the other
flow tho coop.
G. 11. swears yenganco on tho man
who is caught on tho plowing south
of his houso.
Mrs 0. Earner was called to Mo
Cook Sunday on account of the ill
hoalth of her daughter and grandson,
tho later is not expooted to Hue.
An Edueational mooting was held
in district 3G on Thursday evening.
Alf Harris has a beautiful place
now since griding down the Dink.
"Faith with works will removexnount
ains" has been verified in bis orsc.
A fine rain Monday night.
Mr. Emiok is listing corn.
Fred Fraso sold bis farm.
Alf Saladcn is planting corn.
Mrs. Larkov and children, of Ox
ford, Nebraska, wcro visiting at C. C.
Cox's lrst week.
Miss Alta Baker was visiting in
Bed Cloud last week.
Several ef the Amboy peoplo attend
ed church at Red Cloud Sunday.
Mr. Finoh and Miss McBrlde, of
lied Cloud were visiting at Mr. Cock
rail's Sunday.
Mr. Anthony Green, of Bine Hill,
was visiting in this part Sunday.
Several were baptised Saturday
near Mr. Miller's.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Baker attended
quarterly meeting at Elm Creek Sat
urday. Thero will bo an ioe cream and oako
sooial at tho Amboy tohool house Fri
day ovening, May 4. All come and
bring your wife and best girl.
Frogammo of tho Exhibition held nt
Cutherton Tuesday evonlng April 17.
Song "G rooting," By tho school.
Recitation "Vacation," Frnnk Krai.
Bong "Larboard Watch," Cnrrlo
Gather and Abbio Larrick.
Recitation "A Littlo Hoy's Speoch,"
Charllo Brule,
Recitation "Thrco Kisses," Lowio
Rccitation-"Barbarn Frltchlo," Abble
Tableau "Tho Union for Evor,"
Blanche Cuthor, Jonnio Osburn and
Carrio Cathcr.
Song-"Mt. Vernon Bells," By the
Rocitation-"A Little Girl's Speech."
Uona Hnllor.
Recitation "To a Young Man," G. P.
Cuthor Jr.
DIaloguo-"Tho Slok Doll," By littlo
Rccilutton "When 1 am Big," Oscar
Recitation "Sheridan's Ride," Blanch
Violin and Organ Leah Baudronn
nnd Currio Cathor.
Tableau "Execution of Mary Stew
rat," Part ot School.
Dlaloguo "Tho Bird's Funeral," Lit
tle ones.
Song "We are a Merry Happy Band,'
Recitation "Tho Roman Legland,"
Carrio Cathor. '
Recitation "The Editor," Porcio Lar
rick. Recitation "Johnny's Opinion of
Grandmothers," Frank Cather.
Recitation "The Throe Gracos," Josie
Recitation "Taulor," Lillian Ramoy.
Recitation "The Calf," H. Grubb.
Recitation "Tho Two Portraits," A.
TabloauVTho Mistletoe Bough,"
Part of school.
Recitation "Tho Bells," Blancho
Song "Tho School Festival," part of
Recitation "Givo the Little Boys a
Chanch," Johnnlo Krai. .
Recitation "I am a Little Dutchman"
Goorgo Krai.
Dialogue "Tho Rehorsal,'' Part ot
Recitation Froddie Lockhart,
Recitation "The Last Hymn," Frank
Song "The Whippoorwill," By tho
Rocltatlon "Curfew shall not ring to
night," Carrie Cather.
Dialogue "How the Story Grow,"
Part ot school.
Recitation "Tho Hero of tho Tower,"
Blancho Cathor.
Song "Don't be in too much ot a
hurry' Part of school.
Uecitatlon "THe boy mat minus nis
mothor," Otterbein Ramey.
Rocltatlon "Virginins," Bertha Lock-hart.
Tobleau"Faitb. Hops and Chanty,"
Part of school.
Recitation "Nothing is lost" Abbio
Bong "Parting," School.
Mr. Uartor our station ngnt had a
few dsys lay ofl" Inst week and spent
tho tiuio in Alma visiting relatives
ami friouds.
Mr. Hinklo has a now riding Lister.
Mrs. Knight went to Alma last week
to sco her daughter and mako the
acquaintance of her new granddaugh
ter. Miss Florence Sawder was in Red
Cloud visiting Cora Olmstcad Satur
day and Sunday.
Alf MoCnll shippod four cars of
stock to Omaha last Friday.
Mr. Wlderman is very sick but is
slowly improving under tho earo of
Br. Bamercll.
Mr. Vaudjko is fonoing his farm
just north of town.
Mr. Ladd and family havo moved
into tho old Hull property on Cedar
Mr. Olmstcad has bought the place
whore Mr. Sawyer lives and will movo
into tho samo next week.
Tho proprietor of the Inavale oheese
faotory, Mr. Hartwell, is cleaning and
repairing tho faotory Tsady to com
mence making cheese next Monday.
Tho hand boys aro to havs a big
supper at Mrs. lloldridgo's Friday
April 27.
Mr. Olmstcad and son, Charlie, wero
in the vale Wednesday.
Howard ltcnyolds is slowly improv
ing under tho earo of Br. Moranville.
Mr. Vaderburgo went to Kansas
Citr this week.
Miss Carry McClintio was visiting
Miss Maude Knight over Sunday.
hns purchased
now hi-
Everrct Bean and wifo wero the
guests of Rev. Bean Sunday.
Charley Sine was a pleasant caller
at Mr. Phillips Sunday evon ing.
Frank Sedilck and sister wero tho
guests of Henry Lambrooht Sunday.
Julius Nelson was seen in our com
munity on business Saturday.
Link Kelso was seen in our neigh
borhood Tuesday.
Mrs, Carrie Harvy was tho guest of
her slbtcr Mrs. Cooper Sunday.
Tho Sorgcosen boys wero calling
on Farmer's oreek Sunday.
Wm.. Thomas of Cowles is a weekly
caller with his Huckster wagon. r
C. F. Kelly and family were pleas
ant visitors at A. Akers, Sunday.
Wm. Grabill was hauling Yori) from
noai Campbell one day last, week.
MiBS Orohard closed a- very success
ful term of sohool in district 33 last
Suaday-Bobool was organized at
Now Virginia last Sunday tho follow
ing offioers were elected: C. H. Wilson
superintendent, A. Cooper assistant
superintendent, Mrs. Cooper secretary,
Miss Buisy Wilson secretary and Miss
Tishio Marker organist, Sunday
school every Suuday at ten o'clock.
All aro invited to come.
Pleasant Prairie.
Beautiful rain at this writing.
Winter wheat looks well, somo Bay
it does better on sod then on old
ground,but wo dont see muoh diffor
anoo this year.
Arthur Wilson and Jako'Bcggal
have lino peices of wheat.
Pleasant Prairie Sunday-school has
opened with a good attendance. 11.
Michnls is Superintendent and Unole
Jery Orndotf is assistant superintend-
id. We hear they aro going to try
to havo prcauhirg every other Sunday.
Bidy O'Batne.
State Lin.
Using tho corn plaster and stirring
plow serins to bo the order of tho day.
Grandma Fisbburn is getting better
ery slowly.
Sadie Shagley has tho measles.
Davio and Sadio Fisbburn are very
Unole Mark Moldin, a minister of
the Friend's chureh, it very sick.
Mr. Toland sold some fat hogs
Bert Fraley and Charley Edgerton
traded horses ono day last week.
Arthur Saunders and wifo wcro
pleasant oallcrs Mr. Toland'a folks ono
day last wook.
Monday afternoon was tho time set
for Arbor day servioes at the North
Branch academy.
Sunday evening the Union Mission
ary socioty mot at JNortu iirancn.
After the programmo was rendered
Captain VanDyke talked a short time
in regard to homo missions in connec
tion with tho salvation army. The
young people wero well pleased. Tho
kind ot 'meetings they talked about
are tho kind they enjoy.
" !
Mr. John Oglive's have some friendfl
visiting them from Illinois.
Bavo Fishcl visited at his brothor-in-law's,
Mr. Hondrix WcBb of Blue
Hill, last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Finny attended
Quarterly meeting at sit. Hopo last
Mr. Robinson of Iowa who owns the
Mclntyre place- is bare visiting his
son Bud.
Littlo Thurza Hubbard had the
mUfortuxo to havo har arm put out of
plaeo recontly,
A base ball olub was organized last
Saturday, will pity in Bavo Fisbel's
pasture Simpson.
Windy Point.
Farmers aro fooling gsod sinoe
tho rain. r .,
Oats and wheat are looking hotter
than before the rain.
Mr. Satloy who now occupies the
William Gates farm is breaking up
part ef tho pasturo south of the barn,
ho is doing good work,
Oscar Satlty farms tho north half
f the Gates' farm.
Emerson L:ghtfoot who moved on
the Vin Williams farm is hotter. Ho
has been suffering with heart disease.
Wm. Forgahas a fipo,. raco bono.
Ho has plowed up his hay land to
mako a traek to train him on. We
hopo he will eomo out all right next
fall at tho fair.
Bro. Geo. Hummell, pastor of High
land, has had good success in saving
souls, seventeen being 'added te tho
church rcoently. Preaching every
two weeks at Highland, and prayer
meeting every other Sabbath evening.
Bayn ltoyco is recovering from a
severe attack of rheumatism.
Mrs. llushton, who has been in bed
thirteen weeks with rhoumatism, is
able to bo around again.
Miss Nora Pieroo has tho measles.
Miss Gcrtio Perry, teacher at High
land had to stop sohool a week and
days on aeoount of tho mumps.
tho order of tho
Woather fine.
Corn planting is
Small grain is doing fine.
Rev. Horten, of Smith county, Kan
sas, will preach at Pleasant Bale
April 29 at 7 o'clook p. m.
Tho prayer meeting at Pleasant
Bale was well attended luBt Sunday
Tho union Sunday-school at Penny
oreok was well attended.
Miss Bell Aubu8hon is on tho sick
list this week,
Mr. DioU-rson and family wero
visiting old friends on Penny creok
last week.
Carl Gust is contemplating a trip
to Florida soon, 0. S.
Ray Eck
Tho rain Monday ovening was very
Bev. Snow and wife wcro at Red
Cloud Friday.
F, W. McLaughlin drovo to Has
tings Tuesday,
Mrs. Hcrniau spont several days at
Bluo Hill thiB week.
James Burdon was doing business
in Bluo Hill this week.
Palmer, tho gtoat mesmerist wob
not very well patroniiod.
Tho sooial at McLaughlin's was well
attonded and a good time reported.
J. Horn is still Improving tho post
offico having the new and old wood
work repainted.
The ladies of tho Baptist ehurch
gave a supper at the G, A, R. hall
Thurfday evening.
Thos. Sn dor's brother from Pen
nsylvania arrived last Friday and is
helping him in the brick yard.
L, B. Thorno is havieg his- house
papered and kalsomincd, Mr. Gib
bouB of Campbell is doing the work.
David Bvrno is spending soveral
days in KansaB. A young man from
Bluo Hill hns ohargo of his business
during his absence
J, P. Jehuson and J. A. Androwa
wcntto Chaso county Friday evening
where L. D. Mouscr has interested
them in some sohool land.
Charley Clark has built an addition
to his houso and is making othor im
provements. It is said ho is thinking
somo of running a boarding house.
Tho A. 0. U. W. banquet Monday
evening out did any thing of the kind
ever uadertakon in the town. i'ov. J.
G. Tato, grand master workman, was
on hand and dolivcrcd eno of his ele
gant Bpeoohes which made many
friends for tho order. Tho address
was delivered in the Congregational
chureh which was filled to its utmost
capaoity. Visiting bicthrcn with
their wives from Bluo Hill, Campbell,
Rosoland and Littlo Bluo woro in at
tendance. Tho band from Campbell
furnished somo excellent music for
tho occasion. Aftor tho speaking tho
visiting brethren and their families
wcro invited to tho G. A. 11. hall
where supper was served to three hun
dred pcraouB. The tables were niooly
arranged and fairly groaned under a
heavy load of the choicest eatables.
Tho ceremonies at tho banquot were
openod by Rev. Sherman of Blue Hill
offering thanks. Cap Budlong of
Campboll; Rev. B. 0. Snow, D. O.
Bennett and Rev. J' G. Tato offered
toasts, all of. which woro intently
listcnod to by thoso prosent. The
threatening rain hurried somo of tho
visiting membors to thoir respective
homes, but many stayed until tho
hands on tho faco of tho clock pointed
to tho small hours on its dial, eating
and enjoying themsolvcs. Many
words of praise were spoken of the ef
forts of tho Bladen A. 0. U W. lodgo
No. 204, assisted by tho B. of H. in
entertaining for tho A. 0. U. W. boys
and their friends. In foot tho whole
evening's ontcrlainmont was a grand
success and ono that will not soon bo
Nclinot Reports,
Report of school in district 31 for tho
month ending April II), 1801. No. of
pupils enrolled 11). Averugo nttondanco
15.1. Tli op o neither nbsont nor tardy
during tho month aro na follows: Tho
roMi llcinrlch, Wdlio Kfltor.Alhcrtlloln
rich, May Ester, May McNittnnd Dillard
Estor. Maudk Mook, Toaohor.
Report of school in district 70 for tho
month ending April III, 1801, No. on
rolled, 2T; uvorngo nttondnnce, 21; thono
not nbsont during tho month woro Leigh
Pope, Henry Wiggins, Etta Conn, Allco
Pope, Edgar Wiggins, Pearl l'ojio, Hu
bert Slitiltz, Minn Leggott,Otin Loggatt,
Ilonry Street, Etnil Rnthjon, Nellio Wil
son nnd Lena Knthjen; those not nbsont
nor lardy woro Etta Coon. Lonn Rathjcn
Henry Streot nnd Emll Rathjon. Nkt
tik Iiummki., Teacher,
Tho best mnlual insurance- polloy
against nttaoks of sickness la to be fonud
in taking Hood's Harsaparilla. If you aro
weak it will mnko yon strong.
Hood's Tills aro tho beat after-dinner
pills to assist digestion, ouro hendaohe.
Try a box. LTjc.
A successful revivalist In nbout to
test his skill on Nobrnska City people
His iiumn is Brown.
It May Do as Much far You.
Mr. Fred Millur, ot Irving, III, writes
that he had a Severo Klduoy troublo for
many years, with sever pains In his hack
and also that his bladder was affected.
He trlod many so oallod Kidnoy euros but
without any good mult. About a year
ago ho began nso of Electrio Hlttorn and
found rellaf at onoe. Elootrlo Hitters is
especially adapted to tho onro of all Kid
ney nnd Llvor troublos and often gives
almost instant reliof. Ono trial will
provo onr atatoment. l'rlco only f0o. for
largo bottle. At C. L. Cottlng's Drugstore.
nt Ponx
tho come
for tho pnrpo,
ro m
, ,08, at 10 a. wS,jf.
ronalrlnir the safcev&H'
Win. VnnDyke, clork of, tno cerneterJt j
socltlion. VjM
It is tho boardicg Iioubo chickon thnt
has a really tough time of it.
North Pole, Deo. 26, 18U'J.
Hnllor Proprietary Co: Do suro nnd
send mo a lot of Unller's Bure Onre Cough
Syrup. I got lots of letters from tho
children asking for it. For salo by Doyo
k Orloe.
In tho revised loxtcon of tho democra
tic press thoro is no such word as car.
HhkumatismCuukdin a Day. "Mystic
Curo" for Rhbunmtlem nnd Nournlgln,
radically euros iu 1 to 8 days. Its notion
upon tho systom is romnrknblo and mys
terious. It romovcB at ouco tho cause
nnd tho disonso immediately disappears.
Tho first dose greatly benoflls, 7Cdls.
Bold by Deyo Ac Orico, Druggists, Rod
Yon need not tear boing held up when
you trndo nt Wloner'o.
. . .
Market Report.
(Corrected Weekly .)
Wheat 40
Corn . A 2
Oats 202G
Rye 35
Flax- :... 1 2001 25.
Hog 4J2
Fntcowa 2 50
Butter 6
EgRB '....'. J
Potatoes... pxj
Chlokons ...'.. dp. 2 00
Turkeys ,'"J. 5
itotuii prico or me ucu uiouu iuuuu
Co., Hours:
Monogram ? saok 9 00
Roynl putont VI Back 80
R.otD.S. sack 05
. In Webster County, Nebraska,
according to the Amerloan Mews
paper Directory for 1894, now In
prose, the Red Cloud Ohlef has a
larger regular Issue than any
other paper. ' I
faFT sLVi S
dxwS Mr J
1 K jrf
Savo your quarters for the "Dream ef
Fair Women,1' ut tho Congregational
church Friday, May 1th.
More goods nro boing Bold for a dol
lar ut tho Chlcugo Clothing Storo than
any whoro olso in this country.
Go to MuNitt for your Mammoth
Clover, Gorman Mlllot and Whlto Rus
siun outs it you want good eoed.
Curt Evans haBovorythingyou want la
tho second-hand furnlturo lino. See him
Dluo Front, south Wobstor street.
Wanted Fifty hoad ot cattle to pas
turo thla Bunnnor; ii-'jo por hoad per
month. U. O. Knhiiit, Inuvale, Neb.
You havo put It oil too long but oall
at tho Wogmann gallory at onco and be
will mako you tno llnoBt pnoioe you ever
Now Is tho time to call on Wegmann
and nave your picturo taken.
Remomber thnt McNltt koops both A
tho top and bottom onion Bets, f
See Mrs. Rich for your millinery. Sho
has u fine lino ot French pattern hate,
that cannot be oxcollod and she is soil
ing thorn vory cheap. Shu hns also a
line ot 91.00 hats that she ie selling for
'2r cents. Soo her boforo you buy.
Wuntod to trade a buggy for a good '
work uorso. ftl w JJlckerson.
Children. Cry foi
Pitcher's Casto'ltn
WalMiit Creek.
Tho weather oontinucs dry and
Frank Rccso has so nearly recovered
from his injuries that he is looking
for a job. Wo rcoommond bim to the
Mr. Bean Smith spent last week
with hiB sister in Fairfield. He was
thrown from a load of hay recently
and quite seriously hurt.
The farmerB in this neighborhood
are getting ready to plant corn and a
few havo already begun to bury the
goldon grain.
Mrs, Reed spent last Sunday with
her paronts on tho roach.
Ban Norris is on the sick list,
and Mr. lleeso is badly affected with
tho rhoumatism.
Oats aro looking fino but the wheat
b not as good as could bo desired.
Mr. MoEngland's havo takon pos
session of the sorlbnor farm and are
making quito a change on tho bosom
of mother earth, probably keeping in
mind Poor Riohurds adduge, "Ho who
plows deep while sluggards sleep, will
have both grain to tell and keep,
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Highest Award.
Moro than 10,000 Hindoos havo boen
inoculated for the prevention of cholera.
A Quarter Century Test.
For a quarter of ft ccnlnry Dr. King's
New Discovery hns been tests d, anu mo
millions who havo received benefit from
its use testify to its wonderful curative
powers in nil diseases of Throat, Cheat
and Lungs. A remedy that has stood tho
test so long and has glvon so universal
satisfaction is no experiment. Each hot-
tlo Is positively guaranteed to give relief,
or the money will bo refunded. It iu ad
mitted to bo tho most rollablo for Coughs
and Colds, Trial bottles froo ut C. L.
Cottlng's Drugstore Largo aizo 50c. and
Teacher: Children boo what it suys on
tho blackboard and bo sure and toll
your parents, that Wienor soils tho host
clothing for tho least money.
The Crete Assembly.
It is tho Intontion of tho management
ot tho Chautauqua uosomcly to havo a
completo gymnasium in running ordor
on the grounds. Rcgulur instructors
will bo in attendance for both ladles and
gentlomon's claebcs. A boys class will
also bo organized. This is n now fea
ture of tho enterprise and will bo appre
ciated by all. Outdoor sports will also
bo part of tho plan.
When rinby was aick, wo earo her Cactori.
When ahe was Chll J, alio cried for Caatoria.
When aho became Miss, alio clung to CaatorU.
When she had Children, aho gave them Caatoria,
. Seed Potatoes
at Myers & Usher's store. They aro
Farm Loans.
If vouwuntuloaiion 11 rat class land I
can give you n epcciul ruto. Lowest in
terest Willi option to uy part or uu iu
anyyoar. Cull or write to mo.
C. F. Oathkk, Rod Cloud, Nob.
Seed Potatoes
at Myers & Usher's etoro. They aro
Cabbugo Plants Now Ready.
T hiivo n nico lino of cabbogo nnd
weot ootato uliintB now ready. Prices
tholowest. Ibuuo Ludlow. I$9tf
For Sale.
Knmn beautiful combinations In wnll
paper, coiling, uido wall und border to
mutch. Pricos vory low. Doyo & Grico.
. ii .1 i- H i
Hor.40 Clipping
Joo Holcomb tho liveryman, nt r.h
of tho Holland house has purchased a
Gillette Powor Clipping machine
wnich works perfectly and rapidly, osn
clip hordes in ono fourth ot the tao
employed by hand clipping machines
Riinir in vuur horses and havo tl eoa
ol:ppod and got rid of having tho horso
hair flying about ftr four or fivo weeks.
They will do better, stand a drive bet.
ter and are ensior takoa eare of.
Tho Snn'a Fire.
How was heat originally imparted to I
our great lumlnaryT Was ho "born In 1
fire" and has ho been in .an active state
of combustion sinco the day of his birth,
or was he once "a darksome body, flit
ting hither and thither and yet going
nowhere In particular,?"
If ouco a mighty planet of somber hae,
why la ho now the torchlight as well as
the heating apparatus of a great system
of worlds, and, being both, who is equal
to the task of calculating even the oysle
of time whoreln the great change toek
place? It may have been that there were
nn world in what la now the solar sys
tem prior to that time, or, if there were,
nrobablv onlv two, i
These two black giants of this datk-J
enad nortion ot the great univertemayS
bavo collided ana coalesced into m ywm
nebula, from whence the whole of onr
system has been evolved, u ugni ana
heat wero thus mechanically produced
and still retained to a certain degree in
our sun, the largest fragment of the twej
colliding worlds, is it notaitogeinernxo
ly that tho great solar flroa willnnall)
burn out and that as a result man anc
all living creatures will become extinct
on all of tho Inhabited pianetsr ou imw
Republic, .
Tito Crete Assembly
The announcement ie mado that Rov
John H. Huffman ot Kearney will glvo
u courso In physical training nnd volco
culturo besides frequent readings as
preludes on tho nssombly platform. Tho
clafis work will embrace such suggestions
..a fnnilainontal nrinuiools ot volco build
ing, respiration, quality -of volco, melody,
..natures, etc. ActllUl PrUCticO will 1)0
given at each lecture and suggestions
for pructlco ut homo. This Ih avuluablo
uouree for public Bponkero, students and
for those who wish to improve the
speaking voice,
Tho Columbuu planing mill Is again
in activo oporation,
If dull, spiritless and stupid; If your
blood is thick nnd sluggish; It your ap
potlto is coprloiouB and mioertain. lou
need n Stiranparllln. For best results
take DoWitt'n. It reoommrnds itself. 0.
L. Cotllng.
Children Cry for
Pitchor'a Cattorlau viHknnll fljantilctiaM
With somo very few exceptions, whlcl
It wero Invidious to name, but which al
In tho railway world know as such ex
ceptlons, tho railway corporations ot ui
rTii.,.i on tit avail v livit from handt
mouth and havo no working or wsery
capital whatever, although their buiinea'
requires It moro man any mavi.
railways are capitalized for much mor
thau they aro wortu. u suauy mu uvm
ed Indebtedness, car trust certificate
inmin .m.i tnrmliiftlHecnrities.take,
at par, represent a value In excess of tlf
sost of tho road, and npon them fixed ir
terest ia compulsorlly payable. Henc';
whatever tho road earns npon aotm,
cost must, nnlees it exceed, say, 8 pj
cent, be paid ont annually In the shajg
of interest alone. Simon Bteroe uFi
rum. A
it.d Vliitlns Carda first.
Tho Chineso aro said to be tho oris!
nators of visiting cards. So long agoj
tho period of tho Tang dynasty (619-8M
VUlling curun wore wwn " --;- --,
In use in China. From ancient time j
i, m-AKont dav the Chinese have o
served tho strictest coreinony with r
gard to the paying ot vuits. io oaw
,,ini, thav iisfl for this nurDOsearelar
and ot a bright red oolor,-JBieate lj
era, ( v t
I Jk . i k . .w
.. :."i , A1' .v ' ,."4 i... " -
. .. . Ji JEwisH' kKViA
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? JHLAT .idxy. .V.iirf
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