The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 27, 1894, Image 1

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T..MBffmMr.a3jBMH?iiki3W f jHEp! iWiKKRviTrtr' 1 -J 1 dB wu KQHHvnASSlSHVHBIBVE-itRJBBf p y 157 ffTr St lii-
All Home Print.
Of tli Flrat nnil Fnnioim rrenldent of
ilin United StnttH by nn Itarly
Wtllcf-lncldciilN and Adtcntiirc
of 11 In Life.
Of George Washington's birth, family
and edeuation Of his mission to
the French commandant on tho
Ohio in 1753 His military op
erations as an officer of Virginia
from 1751 to 1758 Subsequent
employments to tho orimnenoe
ment of tho American Revolu
tion. Chai'teh 1 1753 to 1758.
Tho ancestors of George Washing
ton wcro among tho first settlers of
tho oldest British colony in America.
Ho was tho third in decent from John
Washington, an English gentleman,
who about tho middlo of tho 17th
century emigrated from tho north of
England, and sottled in Westmore
land county, Virginia. In tho place
where ho had fixed himself, his great
grandson, the subject of tho following
f history, waB born on tho 22d of Febru
ary, 1732. His immediato ancestor
was Augustino Washington, who died
when his son George was only ten
.jear? old. Tho education of the
yoPng orphan, of course, devolved on
his mother who added one to tho
many examples of virtuous matrons,
who, devoting themselves to the care
of their ohildrcn, have trained them
up to bo distinguished citizens. In
ono instance her fears, combining with
1 her affection, prevented a measuic,
which, if persevered in, would have
given a direction to tho talents and
views of her son, very different from
that whioh laid tho foundation of his
fame. Gcorgo Washington, when only
fifteen years old, solicited and obtain
ed tho plaoo of a midshipman in the
Britsh navy; but his ardent zeal to
servo his country, then at war with
France and Spain, was, on tho inter-
. fcrenco of his mother, for tho present
suspended, and forcvor diverted from
the sca service Slio lived to soo him
acquire higher honors than ho over
could have obtained as a naval officer;
nor did alio depart this life till ho was
elevated to tho first offices, both civil
and military, in tho gift of his country
Sho was nevertheless, from tho in
fluence of long established habits, so
far from being partial to tho Ameri
can revolution, that sho often regret
ted tho side lior son had takon in the
controversy betweon her king and her
In tho minority of Georgo Wash
ington, tho means of education in
America wcro scanty; his was there
fore very littlo txtended boyond what
is common, exoopt in mathematics.
Knowlodgo of this kind contributes
moro perhaps than any other to
strongthon the mind. In his caso it
was doubly useful; for in the oarly
part of his life, it laid the foundation
of his fortune, by qualifying him for
the office of a practical survoyor, at a
timo when good land was of easy at
tainment; and its intituato connection
with tlio military art, enabled him at
a later period to judgo moro correctly
of 'the propir means of defending his
country, when he was called upon to
prcsido over its armies.
" Of tho first 19 years of Gcoige
Washingnon's life, little is known.
His talontd being moro solid than
Bhowy, woro not sufficiently developed
for public notice, by tho comparative
ly important events of that oarly
period. His contemporaries have
uy reported, that in his youth
Eternal Vigilance is
he waB grave, silent and thoughtful;
diligent and methodical in business,
dignified in his appearance, and strict
ly honorable in all his deportment;
but they havo not been ablo to grati
fy the public curiosity with any strik
ing anecdotes, Ilin patrimonial es
tate was small, but that lit,tlo was
managed with prudence and increased
by industry. In tho gayest period ol
his life, ho was a stranger to dissipa
tion and riot. That ho had established
a solid reputation, even in his juvenile
years, may bo fairly presumed from
tho following circumstances. At the
ago of 19 he was appointed one of the
adjutants general of Virginia, with
tho Jrank of major. When ho was
barely 21 he was employed by the
government of his native colony in an
enterprise which required tho pru
dence of age as well as the vigor of
Tho French, as the European dis
coyercrs of tho Mississippi river,
claimed all that immenso region whose
waters run into that river. In pur
suance of this claim, in tho year 1753
they took possession of a tract of
country supposed to bo within the
chartered limits of Virginia, and were
proceeding to erect a chain of posts
from tho lakes of Canada to tho river
Ohio, in subserviency to their grand
scheme of connecting Canada with
Louisana, and limiting tho English
colonics to tho cast of the Alleghany
mountains. Mr. Dinwiddic, then gov
ernor of Virginia, dispatched Wash
ington with h letter to tho French
commandant on tho Ohio, remonstrat
ing against tho prosecution of these
designs, as hostile to tho rights of his
Britannic majesty. The young envoy
was also instructed to penctrato tho
designs of tho French; to conciliate
tho affection of tho nativo tribes; und
to procuro useful intelligence. In the
discharge of this trust ho sot out on
tho 15th of November, from Will's
Creek, then an extreme frontier set
tlement, and pursued his course
through a vast extent of unjxplored
wilderness, amidst rains und snows,
and over rivers of very difficult pas
sage, and among tribes of Indiani,
several of whom, from previous atten
tions of tho French, wcro hostile to
tho English. When his horses wore
incompetent, ho proceeded on foot
with a gun in his hand and a pack on
his back. Ho observed every thing
with tho pyo of a soldier, and particu
larly designated tho forks of tho Mo
nongahcla and Alleghany rivers, (tho
spot where Fort Duqucsno was after
wards built, and where Pittsburg now
standi?) as an advantageous position
for a forticss. Hero ho secured tho
affectioni of somo neighboring Indians
and engaged them to accompany him.
With them ho ascended tho Alleghany
river and French Creek, to a fort on
tho river le Buouf, one of tho western
branches. Ho thcro found Mons. Le
Gardour do St. Pierre, tho command
ant on tho Ohio, and delivorcd to him
Dinwiddio's letter; and rccioving his
answer, rolurnod with it to Williams
burg on tho 78th day after ho had re
ceived his oppointment. Tho patiouco
and firmness displayed on this occasion
by WaBliimgton, (added to his judi
cious trcatmonta of tho Indians) both
merited and obtained a largo Hharo of
applause. A journal of tho whole was
publislud, and Inspired tho public
with high ideas of the energies both
of his body and mind,
Tho Fronch wcro too intent on their
favonto projeot of extending their em
piro in Amorioa, to bo diverted from
it by tho remonstrances of a colonial
governor. Tho auswer brought by
Washington was such as induced the
assembly of Virginia to raiso a regi
ment of 300 men, to defend their
the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is
Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, Airil
frontiers and maintain tho right
claimed in behalf of Great-Britain
over the disputed territory. OT this
Mr. Fry was appointed colonel, and
George Washington lieutenant-colonel.
Tho latter advanced with two compa
nies of tlii1? regiment rnrly in April,
ns far as tho Great Meadows, where l.e
was informed by somo friendly Indi
ans, that the French wcro erecting
fortifications in tho lork between the
Alleghany and Monongahela rivers;
and also, that a detachment was on its
march from that placo towards the
Great Meadows. War had not been
yet formally declared between France
and England, but as neither was dis
posed to reccdo from their claims to
tho land on tho Ohio, it was deemed
inevitable, and on tho point of com
mencing. Several circumstances
were supposed to indicate an hostile
intention on tho part of tho ndvanc
inc Fronoh detachment. Washington,
under tha guidance of somo friendly
Indians, in a dark night surprised
their encampment, and, after firing
ouce, rushed in and surrounded them,
Tho commanding offiocr, Mr. Jumon
villc, was killed, one porson escaped,
and all the rest immediately surren
dered. Soon after this affair Col.
Fry died, and tho command of the
regiment devolved on Washington,
who speedily collected the wholo at
the Great Meadows. Two Indepen
dent companies of regulars, ono from
New York, and ono from South Caro
lina, shortly after arrived at tho same
place. Col. Washington was now at
tho head of nearly 400 men. A Btoc
kade, afterwards called Fort Necessity
was creotcd at tho Great Mondows, in
which a small forco was left, and the
main body advanced with a view of
dislodging the Frcnoh from Fort
Duquesnc, which they had recently
erected, at tho conilucuco of tho Al
leghanoy and Monongahela rivers.
They had not proceeded moro than
thirteen miles, when they were in
formed by friendly indians. that the
French, as numerous as pigeons in tho
woods, wcro advancing in an hostile
manner towards I he English settle
ments, and also, that Fort Duqucsno
had been recently and strangly rein
forced. In this critical situation, a
council of war unanimously recom
mended a retreat to tho Great Mead
ows, which was affected without de
lay, and every exortion made to ren
der Fort Nctcssity tenable. Before
the works intended for that purpose
wcro completed, Mons. do Villicr, with
a considerable force, attacked tho fort.
flic assailants wcro oovorcd by trors
and high grass. The Americans ro
eeivcd them with great resolution, and
otlicii in tho surrounding ditch.
Wabhingtou continued the wholo day
on the outbidu of the fort, and con
ducted tho defence with tho greatest
coolness aud intrepidity, The en
gagement lasted from ten in tho morn
ing till night, when tho French com
mander demanded a parley, and of
fered terms of capitulation. His first
and second proposals wcro rrjeotod;
and Washington would accept of nono
short of tho following honorablo ones,
which wero mutually agreed upon in
tho course of the n ght. "Tho fort to
bo surrendered on onndition that tho
garrison should march out with tho
honors of war, and ho permitted to re
tain their arms aud baggage, and to
march unmolested into tho inhabited
parts of Virginia." Tho lcgislaturo
of Virginia, impressed with a scuso of
tho bravery und good conduct of their
troops, though compelled to surrender
Ilia fort, voted their thanks to Co).
Washington and the cilliocrii under his
command, and they also gave 300 pis
tols to bo distributed among the
soldiers engaged in this action, but
made no arrangements for ronowing
(jffensivo operations in tho remainder
of Ungear 1701. When tho soason
for action was ovor, tho icgiment was
reduced to independent companies,
and Washington resigned his com
mand, To bo continued.
Prepared mid Fiii-iiMicd for Special
I'ubllrntlon In ttn Hod Clniid
Clilrl ! W. 'I. I'uMlcr.
CopjrlKlitoU In 1691 liy VY. T. Foster.
St. Joseph, Mo, April 27th. My
last bulletin gavo forecasts of the
storm waves to cross tho continent
from April 28th to May 2d, and from
May 3d to 7th, Tho next will rcaoh
tho Pacific coast about May 8th, cross
tho western mountains by closo of Dili
Mio great central valloys from 10th to
12th, and the eastern states about tho
Elcotrio storms will bo moro num
erous, accompanying this disturbance
than usual, especially in and west of
tho great central valloys, and the
wa m wavo proceeding will go to ox
trcmo heat. This storm should be
carefully watched, as it will probably
develop very considerable force.
Tho warm wavo will cross tho west
ern mountains about tho eighth, the
great central valleys about tho 10th
aud the eastern states about tho 12th.
Tho cool wavo will cross tho western
mountains about tho 11th, tho great
central valleys about tho 11th, and
tho eastern slatos about tho 15th.
It is believed that all subslanocs arc
attended by electricity, but it cannot
always bo dctooted. Tha presenco of
electricity is known when a substanco
has laoro or less than its natural qual
ity. When more, the electricity man
ifests its presenco by an effort to get
away from tho substanco, and when
less it develops forco in trying to go
from substances containing moro or
X to the subatanco containing less or
Thcso aro relative terms, however,
and that which is ncgativo to ono sub
stanco may bo positivo to anothor, be
cause ono may contain leas electricity
than a second and moro electricity
than a third.
To illustrate: In thcso latitudes a
greater portion of electricity comes to
the earth than comes from it, while
near tho earth's equator the revcrso is
truo. In thcso latitudes, therefore,
spaco is accounted positivo aud tho
earth ncgativo. Tho upper stratum
of clouds is culled positivo
because clcctrioity comes from it to
tho next stratum below it. Counting
from abovo downward, tho second
stratum is positivo to tho third and
negative to tho first, because tho elco
trio forco is ull tho time coming down
ward, aud tho stratum of clouds next
tho earth contains more electricity
than any of thoso above, and yet it is
cdled ncgativo as to thoso abovo and
positivo as to tho earth.
All this entanglement comes from
scientists endeavoring to establish a
class language Lot us say plus and
minus instead of positivo and ncgativo
aud tho subject will bo greatly sim
plified. But plua and minus are rchftivo
toriiH, and do not mean, absolutely,
tho greater tnd smaller tonsions. Sup
poso wo measured electricity by tho
bushel and wo take two equal quanti
ties, a bushel in each, putting ono in
to a hogshead of earth and tho other
into a barrel of earth. Each of thcso
measures would contain a bushel of
electricity, the same quantity exactly
in each. Tho electricity in tho bar
rel! would bo positivo to tho electrici
ty in tho hogshead, and would run out
of tho former into tho latter till tho
spaco in each would contain tho samo
amount of electricity per oubio toot
of earth. If steam in a boiler has a
pressure ot 100 pounds to tho tqunro
iuoh, you will readily uadcHtaud that
the Price of The Chief.
27, 1894.
the same amount of steam in n boiler
twice as large would have a pressure
of only fifty pounds to tho squaro
inch. In the small boiler tho tension
ot this steam would bo doublo what it
would bo in the largo boiler.
By these illustrations it will bo
readily understood what is meant by
tension, mid that plus and minus havo
rcfcrcnco to tension and not to quanti
If wo rub two like substances to
gether no electricity appears. Tho
electricity is cartainly there, but as
tho substances aro alike, ono docs not
rob tho other of its oleotrioity, and
onsrqucntly no unnatural quantity
appears in cither. But if wo tako any
two unlike substances aud placo them
together, when they arc separated mi
nus electricity appears on ono and plus
on the other, simply bcoauuo ono has
robbed tho other. If they arc rubbed
together the robbery is increased, one
becomes moro minus and tho other
moro 'plus, nnd tho greater the friction
tho greater will be (tho "differenco
in tho clcctrio tensions of tho two
The two unliko substances rubbed
together will contain equal amounts,
ono of plus and tho other of minus
electricity, orthodox clcclricans would
say, while common senee says that the
pluB electricity on or.o substanco is ex
actly what one has stolen from tho
other. Not different kind, but mer
ely a difference in amount or tension.
Tako a glass bottlo with a round
headed glass stopper, und balance a
wooden lath four foot long on this
stopper. Tho glass bottlo is a non
oonduotor of electricity, and will not
pormit tho latter to go irom tho earth
to tho lath nor from tho lath to tho
earth. Bub scaling wax or a stick of
sulphur briskly with flannel, and hold
it near the cud of tho lath, The lat
ter will bo drawn toward tho
wax or sulphur. Fragments of paper,
bran, gold leaf, feathers, etc., will bo
attracted by the wax or sulphur, and
auy article hung by a slender thread
will bo attracted'.
Eleolricans say that unliko olectri'
cans attract each other. Tho idea
thus stated sets up a mystery, and tho
student is at onoo puzzled, confounded
lost in his investigations. It is con
trary to ull the laws of nature for two
unliko things to attract each other.
Birds of feather flock together. It is
tho samo clcctsicity everywhere en
deavoring to distribute itself among
sovcral objects, so that each will havo
its own natural portion. Water will
flow from one pool to another till tho
level in each is tho same, and tho oleo
trioity will flow from tho object con
taining the plus amount or tension to
tho object containing tho minus ten
sion till they equalized.
But electricians, in their efforts to
prove two kinds of electricity will say
that two bodies containing minus elec
tricity repel caoh other, or if they
contain plus electricity they repel,
while a miuus and a plus will always
attract each other. Thcso facts do
not provo Micro to bo two kinds of elec
tricity. Take two largo boilois oaoh
containing 100 pounds of steam to tho
squaro iuoh, connect them by a pipo
and thcro is no flow of steam from ono
to tho other bocauso they inch con
tain tho samo amount of steam tension.
They repel each other at tho rato of
100 pounds to the square inch accord
ing to the sizo of tho pipo that con
nects (hem, Two other boihrs with
a pressure of fifty pounds to thu
square inch would contain minus
steam as compnicd with ihoso having
a pressure or 100 pounds, and iluro
would bo no flow of sterna ftom ono of
; these low pressuer boilers to the other,
Vol.21. No. 40
1 Bakin&
m. Powdet
A cream of tartar baking powder.
Highest of all in leavening strength
Latest United States Government
Food lleport.
Roynl JBnklug Powder Co.
100 Weill St., N. Y.
because their steam tonsions aro alike
But eonncct ouo of tho 100 pounds
prcssuro boilers with ono ot tho 50
pounds pressure, and thcro will bo a
great rush of steam from ono to tho
other till each contains 75 pounds of
By such illustrative reasonings let
us get rid of tho fallacious idea that
oertain effects aro oauscd by mutual
influences of two entirely different
kinds of electricity. Ono kind is all
sufficient, and if wc keep in mind that
natural laws require every substanco
to retain its own natural quantity and
no moro of that electricity, wo caa
find a reason for all effects in tho ef
forts of clcctrioity to equalize itsolf
among all substances, coming ,to test
only when buoIi equalization has been
Irregularities and nil thoso pntiiB and
distressing diaenaea peculiar to women
aro oared by Dr. Snwyor'a Pastilles. Mild
yot n powerful healer. Sold by Doyo &
Grand Island oxpoute to got a pinup
uml windmill factory thut will employ
forty moil.
S. 1). Hasford of Carthage. 8. D., I wait
tnlton sick in Bloux City. JIu procured
two bottlo of I'nrks' Sure Cure for thu
Liver and Kiduoys. Ho Hnys: "I bolievo
Parks' Bure Cure excels all other inedlolun
for KhMininllsm nnd Urinary disorders."
Hold by C. L. Cottlmr.
Local papers uro ull urging tho pooplo
to plant trees.
. .
Dr. Sawyer's Family Coro It not only
relieves; it euros. It ia suitable to all
ngca nnd every member of the family
Try n free sample. Bold by Deyo it Qrleo
Irrigation is tho watchworkin western
Ilcmliii'liu und Indigestion
Can be oared. If yon don't bellovo it try
Begg'a Little Giant Fills. Bold and war
ranted by Deyo fc Qrloe.
Voile is soon to havo an nil night clou
trio sorvico.
Dr. Bnwjor's Family Cure curtH Stom
ach trouble, Dr. Buwyer'a Family Curo
cures Liver complaints, curts Kidney
dlllloulty. Bold liv Doyo &, Orico.
Burglars ontored tho otoro of Ed. V,
Suyrcfl nt Goring nnd swiped 800 from
thu cash register.
Try a bottlo of Dr. Bnwyer's Family
Sure nnd you will bo oonfluood that it
will euro nil ttloinnoh, Liver, Kidney nud
Howol dlMoultks.
Burglars secured 9110 by blowing opon
u Bafo in W. G. Brothorton'e Btoro nt
Kxporiunoo nnd money cannot improve
Dr. Hiiwyor's Family Cure, beoauao it
rndienlly cures Dyspepsia, Liver com
plaint nud Kidney dlllloulty. Sold by
Doyo & Qrico.
Tho Oxnard Ueot Sugar Company of
Grand Island announces thut they huvo
ull ody uonractod for 3,000 iicreB of
eugar hoots for tho coming season end
they will continuo to take contracts up
to May llrHt, nt which timo they will
closo their hookn. Thoy expressly do
eiro only tho best of farmers to contract,
vho nieontiuioly capable oftuklng tho
very best euro ot their crop. Tho fixed
prico 1b .00 per ton, delivered nt Grand
inland, for all beotu showing twolvo por
cent of imoohiirln mutter uml n purity
uoetllelentot eighty. Illunk contracts
can bo had, or uny further information,
liy eoncsponding withtho Oxnard Beet
Sugar Company ut Grand Island. Cw
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
t'Jffflfomfcz&i '1i&&&fcL jJ&bLAJtXJ J:
th 'ytui l
nni iiiii num. I mtm-mmi " in. ii iii Mi 'I '