" . ywy tiik nun cmh.) eiiircr. RK1 CLOUD, NEBRASKA, TRIDAY. APRIL 20, 1SJM. i. -i J. iujLmwmuLtiianjjiMs.vrtirrzsic: IHHlSJffMf3fCK7MnanfM1bMHL&AL. v lter IS AS SAFE AND HARMLESS A3 ja. Plax Sooci oixltloe. It io Qppllod right to tho parto. It curca nil dlsoasoa of womon. Any lady can uso it horsolf. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS. Mallod to any address on rccoipt of 01. Dr. J. A. McGlll & Co., 3 and 4 Panorama Placo, Chicago, HL JPov Hide by C Jj Cot fitly. p........................... ........................................ J. L. MlKKK, Piosidertt. Hugh Minki:, Asst. Cashier. AV. A. Sherwood, Cashier Peoples Bank of Bed , Chud, Red Cloud, Nkhraska, Transact a General Banking Business, Special attention given to Collections. Banking Office in Miner Hros Store. Igd Cloiid Stgaui Landry, -P. A. HANSEN. Proprlotor, l'lrsl cIhor work gunrcntccd in every particular. N. E. ROBINSON, PAINTER & PAPER HANGER First cluis work a specially. Prices rcunnhlo. Ofllce llntt door south ol Chief with W. F. Hull Ice Iiltn licrore giving your order iin It will lie to yeur Interest Jno. B. Wright, hi Secoild-tfand Goods Moon ItlocJ:, lletl Cloud, Dgalgr PLATT & FREES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard TIED CLOUD, NEB. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. TRADERS LUMBER CO., DEALERS IN MJMBEM AHB5 COAIi Building Material, Etc. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. 9 Jos. C. J-lolconQD PROPRIETOR OF THE Holland House Livery Stable, Has the best riga in tho city and tho most reasonable prides. Your orders solicited mid fair treatment guaranteed. North or the Holland House. Ilarn SMITH & CO., Proprietors op f DBAT M M9 Orders promptly flllod. "Sour patronago oolioitod .P,...................-. .r. C. WARNJEIi, Real - Estate - nd - Emigration - Agent. Ki:d Cloud, Wi:iisti:k County, Nkduaska. Wo havo eorno of tho cheapest and best lnnds in tho stnto for ealo. collooctiouB and pay taxes for non-residents. Ollleo Corner Wcbslor St. and Ith Avenue. Attond to k TTaJVI UREA a'Dufise FOR 6 U cm ths ii:e. i TWO -CENT STAMPS we will send you a Brilliant Gem of unusual color, and a cony of "Tie Great Divide," so you can sec what a wonderful journal it is, pro vided you name the paper you saw this in. It's a real Jewel we'll send you. , ADDRESS THI CRIAT DIVIDB, Denver, Cola CAVbAIO.inHULIYIAKKS COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OIITAJN A PATENT For a prompt answer and on honost opinion, wrlto to III II N N As CO.. who havo bail nearly Hf It years' exiicrlinco In tho patent liualneja. Communica tions atrlctlrrnntlitcminl. A llunnuoolcof in. formation cnncernlini I'mmm ana uow to on. tain tliom sent free. Alto u cntaloguo 0( median leal uml sclcntlllo nooWa rout fruo. . 1'aiunta taken tlirnueli f.luun ft Co, rccclvo fpuclal notlcolntbo fclentllto Atnrrlcnii, und thai aro broils lit widely betorotho public wit li. out coat to the iriTcntor. '1 lits aweuilld paper, ir aclentiao work in tuu t-3tiiilft coined ecnt frco. llulldlng Ktlltlon. monthly, fiM a year. Hlnsla (BBiiMt weekly, elPnantly Illustrated, baa by far the lament rircuutlnu or any icientiao worn inn. b,i a year, rainiun um llulldlng Kditlon. tnonthlr, tlA ulni. '.1 coma. ICvery nuiubei ilfiil ittnlAjt. In rnlnra. anil nhotouran houaoa, witb plana. onabiliiK uullilera to abow Lbs kverv number contnlna beau luoinKrapua or iiuw MVtiH A CO, WW YoiiCi UU1 lflOADV' The C'lii'tMiiclcs tjffrirover. Trotn a UHtetn oxeti.uiKO. CllAlTKU I Now it cntno to pas in the hit tiny tlut followers of Grov er the grout, Furnoincd tho polditc, tho sninu that begat Ruth, Esther and the p.inio nnd tho Hawaiian trouble, were v'x d with vexation exceeding, inasiiiuch ni llipy Pstcth nrt to the lo cality where they nbidcth nt. Tor behold in he beginning I hoy girdod iiji their loins and went before the people crying with loud voices, verily, we s.iy unto men that wo arc Oroveritcs from exceeding far back and woe unto o who forget. And verily, we hold in exceeding irent detestation that which tho chil then of men call tantT, for it is not a thing fashioned for our enemies, tho sniuc thing has heked ths everlasting stuffing out of us from generation to generation. Yea, verily, this same littlo pro tcotivo tariffjit buildclh furnaces in tho vallcjs and smokestacks on tho mountains, it tumcth tho wheels of progress, and oauecth tho desert to bloasom like unto a green bay tree. Wherefore do wo of tho tribo of (.! rover tho great, dispiso tho snnio as a cuho and abomination in tho sight of men. And behold, in tho great and ter rible day of tho ballot, when tho army of voters bo gathered together, shall wo arise in our might and smite our enemies into mineo meat. Tea, we shall lay them out cold on a plutlorm of frco trade, and cover them over with the planks of tariff re form. And our enemies shall bo scattered like unto tho leaves of tho forest, for G rover shall rend them into fragments like unto a potter's vessel, tho which has bcn smitten by tho flippes of youth, and then shall tho end come. For in that day shall our banner bo planted on the outer wall oi tho groat citadel of the nation, and wo shallow down unto G rover our deliverer. And he shall reign for four years, and shall shower good times and fat offices and special messages and frco raw material upon us in rioh abun dance forever. And the black smoke of industry shall no longer obscuro tho noonday sun, und tho farmer shall wear pants woven iu foreign parts, and socks from tho isles of tho sea. And it was even so. And after ths space of time, G rover, who was mighty fibhor, girded up hid lines and his chatties and his cabinet and went up and pitched his tent over against tho capitol which is in tho land of Columbia, and tho band played, behold the cat hath come back. CiiAi'TEii II Now when Grover was crowned king of tho nation, it came to pass that ho was puffed up in tho prido of his heart and his other viscera, inasmuch as his ruimont be came several cubits too small to con tain his joblots. And ho bhook himself by tho band which is after tho mannor of his tribe, and i-pal.o unto himself saying: "Iin, ha! Behold I am monarch of all I can get Four moro years of Grover; four moro years of clover. 'Hut now I havo you on tho bip, and jo aro confronted with a condition not a theory, for behold I will ruls or ruin ye. Yea, rcrily to commence with I will brandish my great silver sword, and all who believe on mo and do my will shall bo saved, and all who don't shall be broke. And I will carT mj soothsayers to gether and thoy shall tinker at tho tat iff, and when thoy havo fiinished their tinkering, McKiuley, tho father of tho fnotory, will not rcoognizo the saina. And it shall oomo to pass that all jo who barken unto tho sound of my voioo shall huvo sewing maohines from Glasgow at cost and 10 off, and corrugated rubber caskets from the ends of tho earth." CiiAi'TEii III, And after a space of time it caino to pass that when the shopherds took tho firstlings of their flocks and sheared them, and went up to tho city to exohango their ileeccB for pieces of silver, und tho wiso men of tho city said unto (hem: Not this season 1 Somo other season. Yea, Grover is great He is all wool and a yard wide, but tho slump in wool is several cubits wider. And tho shepherds marveled exceed ing and somo of them, jca even thoy which had barkened unto the voice of Grover, smote thoir breasts and went up and down with bent heads oryiug to ono anothor, "Bobold if thou will kick mo I will do oven bo unto thee." And whon'tho diggers of tho earlh wont up with thoir silver and lead and precious 8'onst and paid to tho money changers, "Give us food that wc may cat and clothing that wo can dress up," tho money changers laughed lit tlo cold, hnrd laughs and sing songs of great si crilogo, saying: Grover, Grover, four moro years of Grover. wc would buy jour load but times arc dead, till four more years aro over, and other psalms. And when thoy heard the ptalmists many hired kickers and others toro thoir hair, and all tho inhabitants of tho nation said damn. And it cauio to pass that tho storm came ond tho panio decended, and the ohildron of darkness lifted up thoir hands and rung them in great lamen tation saying: Wherefore art thou Grover our de liverer, and wherefore nro tho good times at? And u mighty voioo came back from ths wilderness, saying; "Tho president is fishing and must not bo disturbed." CiiAi'TEii IV. And it caun to pass that tho children of tho desert, yea even the remnant of tho tribo of Gro ver, buckleth on their armor and cut tcth wide swath. And thoy lifted up their voices cry ing, "Behold a mighty tribo aro wc, n mighty man is Grover, yea a mighty profit, and has premised us mighty good times if wo but remain faithful and uncomplaining nnd obedient and busted to tho ond. And behold we aro children and it bchooveth us to obey our great father, for it is not writ that obedience is bet ter than sacrifice and to hearken than tho fat of rams? Wherefore will we leave unto Gro ver and his great notions through thick and thin, through weal and woe, through poverty and distress and finan cial ruin cvou unto death, for ever and ever amen. And the next Novomber it snowed From tho book of Grover, 100 Reward, 100. The readers of this paper will bo plena- to learn that there is at least ono dread ed disease thnt scienco has boon able to onre in all Its stages nnd that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cnro is tho only positivo are now known to tho medical fraternity Catarrh being a eonstlutional disease, ro qntrea a constitutional treatment. H nil's Cntnrrh Cure is taken internally, noting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thorcby destroy ing the fonndation of the disease, nnd giving the patient strength by bnildicg ap tho constitution and assisting nntnro in doing its work. The proprietors have se mneh faith in its curative powers, that they offer Oae Hundred Dollars for nny case thnt it fniis to care. Send for lint of Testimonials. Addrese, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. C3rSold by Drogglst, 7io. If no drunkard can go to hoavon, what is to becomo of tho drunkurd maker? Lndios For diseases of womon. Dr. Sawyer's I'oBtilles will reach tho dililonlty radically, positively and effeolnally. It is mild, but effectual. Bold by Doyo & Orice. As much hnto can sometimes bo put into a word as can bo tired out of a musket. What is Castoria is Dr. Sutnucl Pitcher!) prescription for Infants nnd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless luthstituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, nml Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its truiirnntco is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Wpnus and allays ftivcrlshucss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea nnd Wiiid Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation nnd flatulency Castoria nssimilatcs tho food, regulates tho stomach nnd bowels, giving healthy anil natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Is mi excellent mnllclno for chil dren. Mothers liivo rcc.itcilly told mo of Its good effect Uhhi their children." l)u. 0. C. Osaoon, Lowell, Mora. " Castoria Is the liest remedy for children of hlch 1 am nriualtitcil. 1 liojii! tho d ty li not f nr dhtnnt w hen mothers w itl consider t ho re tl Intend of their children, nnd uto CaMorl.t I ti Bfend of tho tariimniuarkniiHtruiiis which on dentro) Inj; their lo cd ones, hy forcing olutn, morphine, soothing syrup nnd other hurtful cents domi their tlinutu, thereby ser iliuc them to iiremaluro rjrntca." l)u. J. T. KiNcnrxoE, Counny, Ark, Castoria. " Castoria Is no well adapted to children that' 1 recommend It oasuporlorlo any prescription known to inc." It. A. Ancnitt, M. D., Ill Bo. Oxford St , Urooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians In tho children's depart ment liavo upokcti highly of thoir experi ence In their otitsldo practlco with Caatoria, ni.d although wo only haro among our medical supplies wltat In known as regular products, yet wo aro frco to confess that the mcrlla of Castoria lias won us to look with fuoruKin It." United Hoarmt, and Dibtinsart, Ilotton, 1 Allen C. Rnmi. JVei . Tho Contanr Compnny, TI Murray Street, New York City. New York Weekly Tribune -AND- Lndics Tho dragglst named below will give yon n freo snmplo package of Dr. Hnwyer's Pastilles, which enre diseases peculiar to women, bold by Ueyo A. Orice. Don't fool with sin. Whoevor pluys with knives will eoonor or later got cut. , Money, tkill and experience cannot im prove Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles for diseases peculiar to women. Send to your drug gist for free sample. Sold by Deyo & Qrlce. THE CHIEF ONE B YEAR Address THE CHIEF, Red Cloud, Neb. nvvT The Fair -Store. fl COZfID, JPfop. : BVery Conceivable .Article 01 tjatjd. Special rates on Quecnswair, Glassware, Etc. All kinds ef product) tiilicii iu exchange for goods and highos prices paid, WK I G HT Is the right man when you want HARDWARE! An endless variety of stoves. Wire and Everything in the line, A lie hua u dugger in its hand, no mat ter how well moaning it may look, Electric flitters, q This remedy is becoming bo well known and so popular as to need no speeial men tion. All who have ased Elootrio Ditters sing the same song of praise. A purer medioine does not exist and it is guaran teed to do nil that is claimed. Eleotrio Bitters will enre all disonses o( the Liver nnd Kldnoys, will romovo pimples, boils, salt rhoani nnd otlier'nffoclious caused by impnto blood. Will drive Malaria from the system nnd prevent as well ns ouro all Malarial fevers, For ouro of hendacho, ootistlpntlon nnd iudlgestion try Eleotrio Bitters Entire satisfaction gunrnnteod or money refunded. l'rioe CO cts, nud $1.00 per bottle nt C. h. Cutting' Drug, store. en i Somo men are bound in tho tlovll's ropes becauao they didn't try to brouk his threads, Give the boys, A ohanoh to be strong nnd honlthy, foi-d them with good plain food nnd keep their blood in good order with Huller's Harsn parilla nud burdock and who knows but they will bo president or alderman, For sale by Deyo & Orlev, o Served Exclusively to the 0 21477212 People admitted to the World's Fair Grounds. sas " V'r i?Tntii iT iImT irr' TMHffl7f yfai Mm? HnlTniMffii Universally accepted as the Leading nne coffee of the World. For sale only by Sherwood & Albright. t) J r.i VA s i N m VI.I urn K 4 BS! Bmwv&F :TB.. . - ii -i.; ,:.' ir gft, .v.-riyiT-j M - ' w&mmmmi&m. mmm'1'1 utmmmmSimgn