0 THE EEDJDLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APR1IA20, 1894. WVtv4fcf Jkl W "- I i if Ri ft ft it r) r r1 PI ni! 2 eo' mm m Tr. I ea! t Ill Kx1 en Va Hi s G w Id Mc cor Ri 4tb i d "J! pat out! Ken 1(0 nor Vim T 1 dual Ilur Mfll Tim of -II in Rk c Ag PI St a J I I era toa tea cou Sit I on urd 3d noj to HE COUNTRY NEWS ANY INTERESTINO ITEM8 OF NEW8. 'rnlkhrd ht Our AbU Cra ol dniintrr Correspondent", Kepec Ullr forlllie Hditri of TH Chief. i Pleasant Grove. Tht weather hi been raiay for th ml few d j 8. ; William Forgay's wife haibien vary ick for the past week. t Mr. Charles Bcardilee and Perrit Ilearslcc, Fred Breohbuhl aid Mrs. Vittwor marketed a fine lot of fat tile last week. i $ Mr. Stir preached at Pleasant Qrore asiounaay. A good Sunday-school was organic d last Sunday at Pleasant Grove Vith Mr. Merrill as superintendent. Indian Crock. I In district 11 Sunday-iehool was or Noanlzed April 15th. Mr. Mikcls sup- No Tirintcndcnt. I I Every one enjoyed the rain and arc Nj Reeling good over it. Wheat lioki N well. Sunday-school was well attended last Sunday. On the night or tho 12th there . . ..i tit: i .was a oiruiaay pariy ai Aimur mi- aon's in honor of Willi Halmcs. six- P gtocn icraons wcro prcsont, at 12 o'clock the guests wero inviica to pn.c u a bounteous supper. As it was rain ing they were forecd to remain all night which thoy spent in playing games and about 7 o'clock in tho .. . . 'l-1 .- -L. Aj ,' morning they all departing rejoicing. )t W. Akcr is plowing for corn ho siys I fold Nebraska is good enough for him. ". i Peter Hansen says it is not so celd C to go to Red Cloud theso nights but tho nights arc shorter. Samiio. Judion. Wo had a nioo rain last Thursday night, it is making ovorything look green like spring. Mr, Conovor has tho lumber on tho ground ready to rebuild his houso which was burned down about two weeks ago. Mr. Qoldsworth it a happy man, his wife prcsontcd him with a pair of twins, a boy and a girl. Quite a number of the citireni of Logan township wero attending court in Smith Center last week. Some farmers have oommonccd planting corn. J. Fruit and J. M. Brown aro break ing prairio. Ilia birthday danco at C. W. Bar ret's wbb a success, Mr. Wover intcads to etart to Rook's eounty, Kansas his future home, his aos, Clay Wover, will farm tho place thoy now live on, Mr, Graves will fonce 40 aercs hog tight. Ho thinks there is more money in hogs then anything else. llcv. G. W. Hummel will preach at Mt. Hope next Sunday at 11 o'clook. All aro invited to attend. Sid. Crooked Creek. Farmers are fcoling better sinco the rain. Ewl Tcnnant and his mother were in Blue Hill last Thursday. Mr. McPartland ono of our thrifty farm or s was setting out quito a num ber of fruit trees loBt week. Mo be lieves Nebraska is just the plaee, Mr. Kd. Hcihcr has fenoed tho land ho recently bought ol C. Bennct. LiBt week Mr. 1). F. Tcnnant re ceived a letter from G. W. Carter, one of his old tent mites in tho army, whom ho had not scon or heard from for 2S years. Mr. Carter is at Dike, Hitohcock county where he has lived for tho past niuo years. Mrs. Delia Tonnnut was visiting at Mr. Winton's Thursday. Innard Smith attended tho Endeavor convention at Hastings last week. Peddlers and agents are numerous now days. John Hoval purchased a lot of household goods lust week, Bert Tcnnant and wife wcro visiting thoir parents Fndiy. Wo understand that Mr. Crouo is going to build a houso on his farm north of Mr, Wallins. Mr, Carpantcr is going to nioyo on to Mr. Davis' farm, bolter known as the Howard farm. Erl Toouant was in Inavalo Mon On April 11 tho wedding bolls rang and Mr. John Hoval and Miss Mary Kudona wero united, in marriogo by Judgo Duffy. Both aro highly ro spootod in this neighborhood and havo our ucst wibiicb tor a long ana nappy married lire, inoywiii iivo on 1 Smith place in (ho future. tho Womer. Tho much looked for and prophished rain has come and livened up the small grain and grass, and put the ground in good condition for eorn. Nearly evory farmer in this part is having somo prairio broken up this spring. The lino between sectien 16 and 21 which has been fenoed ip is now be ing opened for travel. 51 r. ikitchisen, ef Cora, succeeded in boring a good well for Mr. Steffin at his new store, after it had been given up by other parties. Goorge llagsdale flnhhed his school at the Lono Star and gavo an enter tainment to n crowded house. The program was well carried out and every ono wont homo happy. Mrs. Hitchcock has hor new house almost oomplotcd. II. Brown is painting his barn the rogular populist color. Bcv. Deaks preached his last ser mon for the year on April 1st, We expoot a now minister soon, Corn planting has begun in earnest. Tho Green boys of Walnut ereek shollcdcorn for rV. P. Miner last w)k. Miss Camron is teaching tho school in tho Womer distriot and is giving good satisfaction. On last Sunday some one set fire on itr. Zion's farm, the wind drovo it south to tho road burning several hay stacks. A petition has been circulated ask ing tho rost Master ocnoral to appoint tt appoint F. M. Blaylock postmaster at Women Mrs. II. Jones has boon very sick the last week. Grant Shurtlcff, who at one time worked iu InaAale and moro reocntly of Smith Center, Kansas, who was arrested for pausing counterfeit monoy, plead guilty and was sentenced to oloven months in the Kansas peniten tiary. Mr. Marsh, the blacksmith, has all tho work he can do to keep our plows and listers sharp. 'Jay Hawkkr Willow Creek. Will Jackson is breaking prairio for Mr. EiBeg. Mr. Conyno has gono to Iowa to mako his homo with his brother. J. Lacy, B. Adamson, T. G. Wilder aid A. C. Bon all have new garden fences. Mr. Bon Bruncr's relatives from north of tho Blue wero visiting with Ben and family last wcok. Mr. Ksseg has bought nlr. Conyno's farm. Mrs. Noiris has over a hundred young ohiokens, Mrs. Bon forty and Mrs. Bruner thirty. Mr. Carpenter is farming his own and Will Brubarker's old ptaoo. Mr. Cuttor and wife wero on tho the oroek last week. Will Brubaker owns a hen that laid aa Easter egg i-ty inolies long. Beat that if you can. A. C. Bon owns a hon tjliat laid 24 eggs less on an average than one inch long and a half an inch thick. Henry Brubaker is finishing Mr, Godwin's house. Mr. Samuol Brunorand Mr. Conyne sottled a little dispute by law last wcok, Mr. Conyne came out slightly victorious. Well tho i:i and 14 wo got a good rain that did ono million dollars worth of good in this vicinity alono. A. C. Bon and wifo aro both on tho sick list. A largo crowd gathered at tho school house last Sunday to hear Mrs. Stan ley preach. nenry uruuaiicr is putting up now fonoe. Mr. Adamson and wiTo. Jake Lacy and wifo and T. 0. Wilder all went to Bed Cloud tho Kith, to attend tho A. 0. U. W. meeting. Mamtoiia. fiiiltlc Rock. Quito a sevcro hail-storm passed oerour vicinity last Tuesday. Mr. Bushoe has purchased tho rcsi- ucncu no now rcsiucs in ana will, in tho near future, build a fino residence Mr. John Crary's building is being orcctod rapidly. N. V. Copclaud is now aoting as assistant postimster. Miss Thoda VicrH is convalescent after a scriouB illnccs, Lew Teachworth has improved his place, by erecting a fino barn. Hush! bo still as any mouso, Thcro's n bnhy m Freddie's houso. Not a doll', not a toy, But a bounoing thirteen pound bny, And now Frod Watt is grinding out clears instead of sausage, co as it was looking liko rain wo took n cigar and left. CRICKET. IllBdcn. Tho wind doth blow. Work has begun in tho brick yard. Small grain is looking fino since tho rain. W. E. Thorn Jr. rides a now 1150 wheel. V. S. Hall is enclosing his yard in a now fonoe. B. Loo is now proprietor of tho feed mill and exohango store. Hcmembcr the supper at tho G. A, B. hall this Friday evening. Mr. Gray of Bed Cloud was in town several dajs this we)k. Mrs. Orr of Campbell was thoguett of Mrs. Snow last Wednesday, J. K. Martin of Blue. Fl ill was doing business in Hub village Tuesday. Tho M. W. A, took in sovcal mem bers at their mooting Tuesday evening, S. S. Wells and Chas. Spooner of Hartwell spent scvoral days in town the latter part of tho wcok. Don't miss tho lcoturo at tho Con gregational church Monday evening, April 23d. Admission free. Rev. Snow and F. W. McLaughlin attended to business in Bed Cloud Monday and took in tho A. 0. U. W. banquot in (ho evening. Tho Sunday-sohool coneurt at tho Congregational ohuroh was well at tended. Miss Burt of Campbell was tho guest of Addio Snow tho latter part of tho wcok. Mrs. Teagarden of Campbell visited with her mother, Mrs. J. H, Horn, on las Wednesday. II. Parks returned ono day last week from a (rip to Chase county, whero L. D. Mouser has interested him in land. Mrs. J. M. Snow went to Lincoln last Wednesday to sco her husband who has been thero for several months boing treated for a oancor. Farmer and everybody clso is feel ing good over tho rain which oamo last Friday in timo to savo the winter wheat and help along tho grain that was sown this spring. Mr. and Mrs. Snow, Mrs. Hicks and daughter, Miss Addio Snow, F. W. McLaughlin, Henry Korby, Earlo and Linn McKelvey attended tho concert at Campbell Saturday evening. Ohuroh Howo camo as announced last Friday hut as tho ovoning was stormy thoro was a small crowd at tho oampfire. Ho ns well as tho pcoplo of this vicinity were glad to have it rain. For an hour and a half ho en tertained thoso that oamo out to hear him. Ho roiBtcd Grovcr and his pen sion oflioors and urged tho G. A, B boys to stand unitod for their interest and wollfaro. State Line. Everybody onjoyed tho rain Friday and Saturday. Somo of tho Friends ministers wcro over to Mt. Ho'po last Sunday. All tho farmers aro plowing for oorn. Mr. Fishburn is breaking a lot of prairio this spring. A. A. Davis sold some fat hogs this week. Geo. Turner has sot some ever green trees in his yard. Gcorgo is a rustler without a doubt. J. C. Foutz and II. D. Fishburn sold thoir fat cattlo last week. W A. Vandyke who has just returned homo and Mr. Foutz wero plcasai.t callers on Mr, Toland and fumily ono evening last week. Miss Kinney had tho mumps so br.d last week that 8b o could not teach, but sho was at hor post Monday morning. Last Thursday whilo Alva Stanton was burning a field tho firo got away from him and was golting a very good start to do a largo amount of damago but somo of tho noighbor men came and helped him put it'out. , Iiinvule. 4. Wo had a nico rain hero last Friday and Saturday. r. Irons and wifo attended church in Bed Cloud 1 1st Suud .y. Mr, lloldrogo and wifo spent Satur day and Sunday in Cowlcs visiting Mr. Storoy and family. Mr.Sawycr has plantcdjfuur acres of potatoes. G. W. Knight and wifo wcut to lied Cloud Tuesday. Mr. Windorman is quito sick this week The Garner boys havo traded for u new thrcHhing machines and thoy aro going to run it themselves. Tho band boys aro going to give a supper next weoV. A largo crowd of iho A. 0. U W. folks wont to lied Cloud Mnuda) night to hear J. 0, Tato speak, ItUBTI-KR. Ailne. Good growing weather. Small grain is looking fino. Farmers havo commenced listing in thoir corn. Harvoy Merrill and family were tho guests of Win. Van Djko ono day lajt wcok, Albert VanDyko is homo on a rest from California. Mr, Guill is fenoing in a two bun hundred acre pasturo on srotion 33. Tho Sunday school at Bono crock was largely attended and much inter est was manifcit. Albort VanDyko and his sistor arc visiting friends at Guido Book this wcok. John Marsden and Ned Sutcr trad ed horses one day last. Boy. G. W. Huinracll has changed his appointment from Plcaaant Dale to Mt. Hopo. Kansai. Tho young folks meet at Mr. Heed's every Tues day to practicw singing. John Tate is going to plant forty acres of broom corn this seaaon. L. A. HaBkins says ho will havo no moro broom corn in his. Ho got the worst ot it last year. Old Mr. Sodcrlin is on the sick list this week, Attended by Dr. Dam crell. 0. S. Butln, It ruinid at last. Clarence Becd was among us last Sunday. Preaching at New Virginia at eleven o'clock next Sunday. Harry Mitclincl has eroded a new fenco on his farm. llcv. Hancock of Inavale was in our community Tuesday. Miss Maude Orchard was tho guest of Mrs. Gcnscn Wednesday evening. Evert Bean has sold his farm to Mr. Hunter of Inavale. Mr. Phillips has put up a barn on J. B, Wisooarvor's farm. Ooe of Julius Nelson's liltlo boys broko his thumb. Joo Holcoiub and another voune man of Bed Cloud wcro in our com munity last week, J. Nelson smiles over tho arrival of a girl at their home. Thoso who attended tho exhibition at Catherton Tuesday evening from these parts report that it was grand. Sunday school was organized in dis trict 41 last Sunday, Sunday school ivory Sunday at ten a. in., preaching every four weeks by Bev. Bean. Cll'HEK It Cares blood nnd skin disorders. It docs this quiokly nnd permanently. Is there any good reason why you should not use DoWltt'fl Sarsnpnnllar It recommeud itself. C. L. Cotting. When does a dentist do the moet work? Who ho oxtraots sovornl acres (achera). . Lot us remind you that now is tho time to tnko DeWitt'H Sareaparilla, it will do you good. It recommends itself. C. L. Cotting. . Whon did Goorgo Washington first take a carriage? When he took a hack at the cherry troo. Create health, creates strength, creates vigor; DoWltt'fl Sarsaparilla. It recom mends itself C. L. 0 lUin,'. ... 1 m A now (louring mill is to bo put in at Clay Contor. .!. t a iii- Para blood moans good health. Re inforco it with DeWitt'a Sarsaparilla. It purities the blood, cures Eruptions, Kczo- ma, Scrofula and all ttiaenses arising from imnuru blood. It recommends itsilt. 0. L. Cotting. The liconse ticket wua elected in Te- curaseh. Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles used iu time will euro any case of Female Weakness. Get n f reo sample package from tho following named druggist. Hold by Doyo & Urice, Ilellectcd virtuo is no virtue robe may cover 11 corrupt heart. A fino Small boy (aside) "Gee whU,,' but thoso Llttlo Giant Pills tnko tho enko. Sold and warranted by Doyo & Grlce. Tho sin you look nt will noon mako you pick it up and curry it. Dr. Sawyer's Family Curo is tho result of experience, skill nnd honesty. It is n posltivo curo for nil Stomach, Livor nnd Kidney Troubles. Sold by Doyo & Grlce Ilorsu Clipping. Joo Holcomb tho liveryman, north of tho Holland house has purchased a Gillotto Power Clipping maohine tviiich works peifeoily nnd rapidly, can clip horses in ono fourth of tho time employed by hand clipping machines. Bring 111 your horscH and havo them olippod and get rid of having tho horso hair Hying about fur four or Iivo wcoks. They will do bolter, staud a drive hot. tcruiid aro easier taken caro of. Children Cry for Pitcher' Castorla- REUNION AT SUPERIOR AUGUST 6 TO 12, WILL BE THE DATES ti. V Attains Elected Commander Tho Proceedings in Fall. ThHe llel Cori Alio InSaaalon nndlilcct Neiv oniccrs The ircatc. Tho opera houso was pretty well filled up with old soldiors thii after noon, who camo hero to attend tho annual G. A. 11., cnoampment. Commander Adams was in the chair but after calling tho meeting to order ho had Col. Shuler tako his place, as ho is suffering to-day from an aggro vatcd ense of ear ache. A committeo on credentials was first appointed, Their report was lat er accepted and showed about 75 del egates from posts all over the distriot prtRcnt. Mr. Adams appointed delegates to fill three vacanolep on tho oounoil of administration, and thoy at once pro ceeded to examine bids for the rcun iou of 1894. Only one was received and that was from Superior. The council turned it in to the adjutant with tho earnest recommendation that bo acted upon favoiably. A resolu tion to that effect was passed, and Superior is to havo the reunion this voar. Tho timo was left to tht dis cretion of tin commander, and Mr. Adams explained that August 6th to 12th inclusive would probably be the datoB. It was placed in that week ho said, in order to bo ono week prior to the National Guards encampmont, the stato reunion, tho atato fair and other cven.ts which havo been an nounced tor the month of August. A cemmitteo from tho W. B. C, then appeared with greetings from the interstate encampment of that order which is also being held in tho city, Tho report was greeted with applauB and Hon, Lowis llanback of Kansas, Gen. Dilworth and Past Commander Colo of Bod Cloud wcro appointed to do the honors for the Grand Army. Later, Messrs. Hunback and Dilworth returned and gave a humorous acoount of their visit. Tho election of officers was pro ceeded to, C E. Adams was elected by acclamation as oommander, as was Col. Tlios. Shuler for tho office of Son ior vice commander. A. A. Burk of Courtland, Kansas was elected junior vice; Dr. J. W. Mitchell, camp sur- geen; M. M. Nelion of Mankato, Kan sas, officer of tho day; II. S. Hcisler, of Mankato, chaplain. At 3:10 the counoil of administration was being ohosen. IlELIEF CORPS FROCEKDINQS. The Womon'i Belief Corps is in session hero to-day in tho K. of P., hall, Tho following is a list of dele gates who are present: Kansas Mesdamcs Maggie Wood, Mary Jordcn, Mary Varney and M. E. llichardson, Burr Oak. Mesdamcs Nanay Heisler, Belle Saunders and E. Hollingshad, Mankato. Mesdamcs C. J. Savage, Jennie Biilingsloy and Cor vina Yalo, Bcllville. Nebraska Mesdamcs Clara Jelli son, Adda Day and Lorinda Nelison, Chester. Mesdamcs Ncllio M. Bio harts, and M. Dell Wilson, Hubboll. Mesdamcs C. Welch and II. E. Wy mere, Hardy. Mcsdamos Kato Jud son and Kato Pond, Bed Cloud. Officers wcro elected for tho ensu ing year as follows: Mrs, Clara Jclli son, president; Mrs. Phillips, senior vice; Mrs. Savage, treasurer; Mrs. Wood, ohaplain; Mrs. 11 ekcrts, con ductor; Mrs. llichardson, guard. Among the interesting events of the afternoon was a paper by Mrs. Clara Jollison of Chester, which was read boforo the meeting. Superior Daily Journal. "Orango Blossom" is a painless curo for all diseases poouliar to women. Sold frosh by C. L. Cotting. .ii ' Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Award. Tho nobloBt utont has. mind tho bost content' Two Lives dtivcd. Mrs. Phoobo Thomas, of Junction City, III, was told by hor dooters she had con sumption and that there was no hopo for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggors, 1,'1'J Florida St. Han Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching con sumption, tried without result everything olso then bought one bottle of Dr. King's Now Discovery and in two weeks was cured. IIo is naturally thankful. It is suoh results, of which these aro sampled, that prove the wonderful eflloaoy of this medlciuo in ooughs and culds. Free trial bottles nt C. L. Cotting' Drngstora. Reg. ular size COo, and f 1.00, Afraid of Pneumonia. Mrs. Cnthorin llliiolt, of LtRoy. K. T. took n sver cold. Tlin phynllisan four d 1'nonmonla. K!i took on liottU o Parka, Couh Ryrnp nud nyn: "It acted Ilk mnjlc, Stopped hit coutfh nnd I nm perfectly wall now. t rtcomond it to overyon for Throat mid Lung Tronble m I belUvid it laved tny life." Hold by O. h. Cottlng. The test of tho progress ot mankind will be in tho Hpplicntion of tho char acter of Washington. Whnt mnkes n houso a home? Tho tnothir well, the children rony. the fathor in good health nnd Rood humor. All brought about by tho uso of DoWltt'fl Banapnrilln. It rooininuds itsolf. 0, L. Cottiug. Which inimical instrumint is tho most moral? An upright piano. If dull, spiritless nnd Btupld; If yonr blood is thick nnd sluggirih; It your ap petite is capricious nnd uncurtain. V'ou need n Sarsapnrllla. For bent results tnko DeWitt'H. II reoonmirnds itsolf. 0. L. Cotting. What is bettor than to givo crodit to whom it 1b duo? (iivo tho cash. Borne thing wrong whtn you tiro too easily. Somo thing wrong when tho skin is not clear nnd smooth. Somo thing wrong when tho blood is impure Every thing right when yon tako DoWltt's Sar nnparilla. It rocomtnonda itself. C. L. Cotting. What composor is most noted of mod ern times? Chloroform. S. I). Das ford of Carthugo, S. D., I was taken sick in Bioux City. IIo procured two bottles of Parks' Suro Curo for (he Liver nnd Kidi.eyH. IIo says: "I boliova Parks' Suro Cure excels nil other medicine for Rheumatism and Urinary disorders." Sold by C. Ij. Cutting. What did the inullln suy to tho toast ing forkf You're to pointed. Dr. Sawyor's Family Curo--It not only relieve; it euro. It is suitable to all ages nud evory Inembor of tho family Try a free sample. Sold by Doyo lk Grlce Why do girls ltisu onoh other nnd men not? Bccauso girls havo nothing bottor to kiss and men Imvo. Hciitlui'liu and Indigestion Can bo cured. If you don't beliove it try Begg's Little Ginnt Pills. Scld nnd war ranted by Deyo .t Grlce. Why is tho moon liko u mnrriugo con tract? Uocauso it governs tho tide. Dr. Sawyer's Fntnily Curo cureB Stom ach trouble. Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure cures Liver complaints, cures Kidney difficulty. Bold by Deyo & Grico. Whnt is tho difforonco between a dog'a tail aid a rich man? One keeps a wagg ing and tho other u carriage Try n bottle of Dr. Sawyer's Family "uroandyou will bo convinced that it will curo nil Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bowel difficulties. - Why does n man's hair gonornlly turn gray sooner than hid mustache? Bo cause it is nbotit twonty-ono years oldor. Exporlenco and money cannot improve Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure, beoauso it radically cures Dynpepsla, Liver com plaint and Kidney difficulty. Sold by Doyo & Grico. Ml 1MIM1 I II Whon is it no misfortuno for a yonng lady to lose her good nume? When a yeung man gives her u better ono. Diseases unfriendly to women are posi tively cured by Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles. Ask your druggist for a free sample puck ago, it heals and curve. Sold by Doyo & Grice. Wo always give crodit for tho good and attribute tho bad to for tunc, Ladies Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles nre ef fectual for feraalu weakuoss, pain on top of the head aud lowor part of tho back. It strengthens nud euros. For sale by Deyo & Grico. Benovoleuco without lovp has no moro heart in it tlmn an auction block Improper nud dellcUut caro of the scnlp will cause grnyness of the hair nnd baldness, loapo both by tho use of that reliable spooillo Hall's Hair Rouowor. Keep in a good humor with thofuturo it never did you any harm. ... Teach your oh'ldreu how to save Jnst think, ono penny a week for a year will buy nlnigo bottle of Hnller's Suro Cure Cough Syrup and euro coughs for tho wholo family. lor salo by Deyo G Grlce. You will scon beuomo poor in earnest if you try to keep nil you got. DoWitt's Snrsapanlln is prepared for cleansing tho blood from impurities nnd disonse. It does this and moro. It builds op and strengthens constitutions impair ed by dlsense. It rocommenda itself. C, L. Cotting. Tho best lilting clothing on earth go to the Chicago Storoj olegnnt stock of square cut contn, pndded ehouldors, vesta stiff brcnstB, correot in ovory particular. fto ono oxuupt us can show you Buch goods. Chicago Storo. 1 1 . Common lonso nnd true roligioii nlj wuyn hurmonio. Irregularities and all thoso pains nnd distressing dlftnses peculiar to women aro cured lv Dr. .Siwjui'n i'uhiI les. Mid yjtn 1 oworful healer. Sild by Dayo & Grlce. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cattorla. ll IMSJ,HA -V '!. - tWii( H-s ' i"at wsiS!ewim ww- " fVSfrrV9ff :"-'-'