The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 20, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Pago 1 Wcathor Uulletin.
"Our llrothor-ln-Law."
" 2 Talmage's Sornion.
" 3 Domestic and Foreign Nowb.
Nebraska Stnto Nowb,
Told in a Few Words.
" 1-A. O. U. V. Entortainment.
Local and otherwise.
" G--Genornl City Nowb of oil Kinds.
" C Country Correspondence
O. A. It. Encnropmont.
" 7 (JhronicloB of Orovor.
" 8Educattonal Column, Eto.
Chris. FuBsler is homo from Ohio.
Row J. G. Tato was in tho city this
Frod Dauchy was in Red Cloud this
N. W. KingBland was in Superior this
lion. Jas McNony is in Salt Lake this
S. E. Cozad is in Chicago this weok on
Dr. Chamberlain, the dentist was in
Suporior this week.
Mrs. David Koelor has been quito sick
recently, but ia getting better.
Tho Epworth Leaguo gives a social to
night ut J. A. Tullejs' residence.
Jeremiah Judkins will be at tho social
to-night. Bo suio and see him.
E.J. Ovoring, Sr., roturnod homo this
wouk ftom a business tour in the west.
Mrs. Ilrukotield cot a tenons fall from
a defect ivo.sido walk during tho week.
There will be a special invitation ball
at tho the Odd Fellow b hall on tho 2Gth.
Recso Thompson and his wifo were
pleasnut callers this week while in Red
Jon Herburger has a steam peanut
toaster, and you can now get them hot
or cold.
John Fuller of Riverton and family
were tho guests of E. 13. Smith and fam
ily this week.
A petition is out asking the council to
liavo tho streot car lino plankod and
lowered to grado.
J. A. TuIIcyb was in Omaha this week
attending the annual meeting of tho
Scottish Kites Masons.
A potition is out for n jury term of
court to bo hold in May to take tho piaco
of tho regular July term.
Mel Sherman is now what is known as
a "particular bicyclo fixer." If you havo
any thing in that line sco him.
Mrs. Geo. W. Lindsey has been on the
sick lint for Bovoral weeks, bub wo nro
pleased to learn that sho is slowly recov
ering. Tho council should either pass an or
dinance thnt all walka should be brick
or eomo like material, or of two inch
John Myors bought tho houso that A.
II. Gray occupied of M. R. Rontloy and
has moved it to somo vacant lotB in tho
north part of tho city.
Trix Mizor, Geo. Mohart and Leonard
Smith havo roturnod from Hastings
whero they wcro in attendance upon tho
Chrietiun Endeavor society.
TufI Sutton recontly paid $15 for a
very speedy horse, nnd tho blamed thing
could not got any faster and is now in
horso hrnvon. Result, Tuff is out 115.
Low Sodderburg never forgets tho
Great Family Weokly. ThiB weok we
received a copy of a Cheyenne pBper
containing a big writeup on tho Com
monwealors. WiM-iB Ureckinkidcik will now give
his attention to finding out whoro the
815,000 is coming from to pay Mies Pol
lard, that being tho amount given her
by tho court for Willie's perfidy.
Tho poor lidewalkaot Rod Cloud,
should riso up and knock down ovary
alderman on tho council if they allow
them to run in as bad condition as they
havo boon for tho last year or two.
By reforanco to Webster's dietionarj'i
it is found that tho pelican Charloy
Whito captured tho othor day is a nativo
of tho Meditorranen sea. Ilo was cer
tainly a long way from homo, but prob
nbly onmo out west to grow up with tho
Mr. Wotheroll, ono of the oditora of
tho Republican City Democrat, was a
plonBunt culler this woek, while in Red
ninnrl nttnndimr tho A. O. U. W.. enter-
tuinmont. Ho is an ardont workor in
thatftatornity and will make his mark
in tho order.
Tho other morning one of our drug
gists carriod a baskot full of papors into
the Htroot with the intontion of burning
tho papor, but whilo hia attention was
engngod elsewhera, somo of tho paper in
tho baskot bocame ignited. Ho "kicked
tho basket," but all his efforts could not
oxtingulbh tho flames and so he bid it an
nffectinnnto good-bjo and walkod mourn
fully into tho storo.
This wook as John Wittwer wob work
ing on eomo land adjoining tho Mattix
urnnnrtv Bouth-west of town, which be
longs to Mrs. M. C. Shorman, ho was
drivon from the placo by Ed Mattix,
who lincl tulKoit oi uuywg tno property
but had failod to do bo, whereupon John
had that war liko young gentleman ar
rested. At tho trial yesterday, Ed wob
placed under a 100 bond to keep tho
Doncnla Oxford, iat, Up...
. ,". " cfiilliiop.pi
plain DniiRiiln Oxfonls
i x.
nt tip i v.
i ai
"oiiu'ii'H inn UxrnnW vimrtiir npor.i toe. I M
Womin's I'llmo Ali'oils liutnl inrn... . 2 W)
J oiimn's Prince Alberts M.S. turn 1 35
Misses Inn Oxfnrdiist quality, 13 'J 1 3.1
Ihlhl'sTnn Oxfords 1st quality 9-u 1 u
Opera Nippers, 91.00, 1 25, 11.50.
We lmve nlso larfio line of
Men's Bovb
and Youths'
Low Cut
a obraper line of Women's mid Misses
Oxrords ninpliitf in prlco fioni
Wo nro pleased to ihow our poods.
Bliikcslec it Kjiloy.
Fot kalsomining bco F. P. Hadley.
W. T. Auld was in Omaha this week.
Soo thoso now refrigerators at Wright's
Mrs. Sapp wbb visiting in Inavloovor
I. I). Adams was up from Suporior
If needing spectacles see Dr. Cullimoro
in April.
Mrs. Thornburg has been qutto sick
this weok.
Go nnd boo the bargain shoo counter
at Wionor's.
llonry Kiuhlor was down from Bluo
Hill Monday.
T. Cummings of Riverton was on our
stroeta Monday.
W. Sawvor of Rlvorton was on our
otreots. Monday.
Richard J. Spickalls of Bladon has re
ceived a pension.
Call at tho Wegmann gallory and sco
samples of his work.
R. M. Stark and wife of Rivorton woro
in tho city this weok.
Shea &. Turnuro havo put a vegotablo
sprinkler in their storo.
Edward Sheldon of Republican City
was m the city Monday.
C. W. Knley roturned Friday from a
business trip to Omaha.
Wionor has put in a bargain shoe
counter. Call and soo it.
Go and see Catmes for all kinds of
bread, cakes, candies. &c.
See Dr. Cullimoro's dates in Red
Cloud with Dr. McKeoby.
Congressman McKoighan departed
Monday for Washington.
F. O. Bill of Riverton was in Red
Cloud the first of the week.
Any one in need of carriage painting
should call on F. P. Hadley.
A. J. Benjamin nnd wife of Riverton
wero in Red Cloud Monday.
Now is tho time to call on Wegmann
and havo your picture taken.
Remember that McNitt keeps both
tho top and bottom onion sotB.
Go to J. B. Wright's for fine new and
socond band goods, Moon block.
Supt. D. M. Hunter returned from tho
cast accompanied by his Bister.
E. J. Overing left for Oxford and other
pointa along tho road Thursday.
Albort VnnDyko who has boon in
California has roturnod to Nebraska.
tSTFarm for eaio. I will take city
proporty for part pay. V. Williams.
F. N. Roid has gono back into tho livery
barn recontly managed by II. E.Pond.
Miss Ella Lucas departed Sunday
ovening for Yuma, Colorado to visit hor
A S9.000.000 rain fell in this communi
ty sinco our last issuo and farmors fool
Quito a crowd .came in on the train
Monday evoning to attond tho A. O. U.
W., doings.
Tho cron of wintor wheat is now as
sured. The lato ruins have mado that
cereal a certainty.
P. B. Williams nnd wifo of Rivorton
were in tho city Monday attending tho
A. O. U. W., banquot.
limore in Red Cloud on April 23d and
21th with DrMcKeeby.
Save your quarters for the "Dream of
Fair Women,'' at the Congregational
church Friday, May 4th.
Moro goods nro being sold for a dol
lar at tho Chicago Clothing Storo than
any whoro else in this country.
Go to McNitt for your Mammoth
Clover, Gorman Mlllot and Whito Rus
Binn oats if you want good soed.
Curt Evans hasevorytlungyoti want in
tho second-hand furnituro lino. Soo him
Bluo Front, south Wobstor street.
Wantod Fifty head of cattlo to pas
turo this summer; 2oo per! head per
month. U. G. Knuiiit, Inavale, Nob.
Frank Mentgen, tho very handsome
photographer of Blue Hill was in Red
Cloud last Saturday and just "dropped
You havo put it off too long but call
at tho Wegmann gallery at once and he
will make you tho finest photos you ever
Evervthinc in hats just roceivod all
tho now styles nnd colors; elegant lino of
childrens caps; all tho now novelties nt
tho Chicago atoro.
S. P. Dochor, ono of Franklin'a hard
ware merchants, wns in the city Thurs
day, nnd purchased a monument of tho
Red Cloud Mnrblo works.
C. A. Miol and wifo and Mr. Porcy
Fleck and wifo nnd MrsEarnor woro up
on Elm Crook nttending tho closing ex
orcises of John Earnor's school.
Elmor Crone, ontortnined his young
friends on Saturdny night very hand
eomely, with a party. The young folks
report u jolly tlmo and hopo Elmer may
bco his way clear to have them visit him
A. F. Giwlta has just roturnod from
r.iimnln.nnd brouuht with him ono of
,M..vw..., .,., - - r .111
tho finest coiiocttonB or pottcu pinniB
over scon in Red Cloud. Call and seo
them opposite Linduey'e ico house, or at
the Fair Store,
O. Vuisur wan 111 Omtihn this
Ludlow Broa,
nro putting ia oity
Mrs. Wethornld
F. Spokesliold.
wan visiting Mrs, S.
Grant Unhcr'n fathor arrived from
lowu Thursday.
Mth. Shoimrdeon of Rivorton wnfl in
tho city Monday,
A.llnldrcuo and wifo of Rivorton wero
in town Monday.
J. D. Campbell and Monroo Bonor ro-
newed this week.
Now desimiB in imsolino stoves thnt
beat the world at W. W. Wright's.
Two pair of pants with each suit and
cap to mutch, they nto burgins. Chicago
You can buy shoes nt two-thirds tho
original price nt Wionor's bargain shoe
N. W. Kingslnnd roturned from Bo
nlrico Monday, accompanied by Mrs.
L. M. Vance, tho iewolor. has tnken
tho petition out of hia store to obtain
moro room.
Road Minor Bros, ndvortisomont in
another column and soo what you enn
got for 82.50.
World's fair portfolios nt Minor Bros
with every 82.50 purchase Road their
ad in thin issuo.
Mrs. A. L. Funk of Alcova, Wyoming
is in Rod Cloud whore sho comos to at
tond to hor sick mother, Mrs. Thorn
burg. Wantki). Lndiea to ubo nomo very
nice porfiitno. Some now and vory ex
quisit odors just rocoived. Deyo &
Ear Surgeon, moots patients In Red
Cloud, April 23d and 21th with Dr. Mc
Kooby. Remember that when cleaning house
81.00 will buy enough wall papor to pa
por an ordinary bed room. Deyo &
A smnll wator-Bpout was observod in
tho enstorn portions of the heaven dur
ing tho blustering stormy weather of
Shea it Turnuro havo just received a
car load of ohoico Northern, Beauty's
and Hebron potatoes. Thoy aro tlno for
tablo or seed.
RoadmaRtor McFarland had tho mis
fortuno to havo his two dogs prisoned.
Tho bird dog diod and his mastiff was
pretty sick, but survived.
B. J. Wright retured from Kansas City
Tuesday ovening with hiB brother, Eu
gono. Wo nro pleased to nolo the im
proved state of tho lattors health.
When you got roady to buy children
clothing eomo nnd soo us look at our
combination suits extra pair of pants
nnd cap given with every suit. Chicago
Clothing Co.
Cheapest suits over shown now ready
for you every suit nt lowest pricos, work
manship best in tho country and best
fitting goods ovor brought to tho city.
Chicago Clothing Storo.
From n enrd rccoivod by n friend wo
loam that Geo. W. Barker formerly of
this placo was united in marriago on the
12th of April to Mies Jcssio Gertruod
Smith, of Erie Pennsylvania.
Tun Ciiiei" beliovcs that tho now coun
cil should re-ongngo Mr. SollarR as en
gineer, lie has boon a splendid ofllcor
nnd this ofllco can testify to tho f act that
thero has nlwnjs been plenty of wator
sufliciont to run our presses at all times.
Mrs. HcBtor A. Pntmor diod today at
tho ago of r2 years nt hor rosidenco on
North-west Btreet of inflnmation of tho
brain. Her femoral will take place to
morrow at two o'clock at tho rcsidonca.
James A. Gnrfiold Relief Corps will
colebrato thoir tonth anniversary Thurs
day ovoning May 3d, nesisted by tho
G. A. R., S. of V., nnd D. of V. An ex
tonsivo program is being arranged which
will bo published later. Deputy offlcora
aro expected to bo present.
Don LitiBdoy has got down throe hun
dred fent with his well boring mnchino
on Mr. Griffith's farm, nnd oxpocta to
striko koropono, boforo ho stops, or a
flowing well of water. Who knows by
tho time ho gote through but what our
pcoplo will got up and call him blessed.
Messrs. Miner Bros. have, within the
Inst month, paid out about 87000 for hogs
which thoy bought at tho highest mar
ket price, making the tenth carload
which was shipped yesterday morning.
They nro prepnring yards, scales, eto.,
and aro going into the business on an ex
tensive scalo.
Alfred Hadoll of tho firm of G. A.
Duckcr and compauy had tho grateful
thnnkB of n "transpiring" audience, at
tho opera houso on Monday evoning,
during tho A, O, U. W,, mooting, for
furnishing them with fans. Alfred ia a
man who is an expert at advertising, and
never fails to advortUo at tho rich t tlmo.
Ho knows tho value of printers ink, nnd
together with perseverance and energy
is always suro to get thoro.
Poter Beachy and Postmaster elect
Frank Cowden wont fishing tho othor
day, with tho usual fishorman'a luok.
Thoy fished and fished and flshod, but
not abitodid thoy.'got, not ovon a bito
to eat. Finally they splod a boy with some
fish, nnd bought them, several of which
worn littlo minnows. Thoy cams to town
with them on a string but tho boy gave
tho bato uway andTiu: Chirk gives tho
story, although it muy bo a littlo fishy.
Remember Tun Chief it you want a
good family local papor. First bocauao
it gives you all of tho local nows. Sec
ond bccnuBO it gives you all of tho conn
ty nows. Third for its general news,
Fourth bocauso it is tho only paper that
can publish Foster's wenther predictions.
Fifth bccauBO it publishes 'mintages
sormons and an educational column, be
sides much miscellaneous mutter. Sixth
bcaauso it la tho product of Red Cloud.
It is oil homo print and devoted to tho
interests of Red Cloud nnd udjacent tor
rltory. Tbero is no othor all home print
puper in Webster county. Only 81.00
per your.
Prevention is bettor than enre, and you
may prevent thnt tired feeling by taking
Hood's Siusnpiuilln, which will keep yonr
blood pure and tree from aoiu taint and
germs of disease.
Hood's Pills do not purge, pnln or gripe
but act promptly, ennily ami oflloiently,
Seed I'oltitocs
at Myers & Usher's atore.
Thoy aro
Remember that tho 23d is
A. 11. Gray was in lllndun
Arbor day.
this week.
Prico our wall papor. Doyo & Orlce.
A Boal was up from Suporior Wednes
Mrs. Brnkelleld wub in Omnha this
Miss Detour was in Guide Rock this
T. Paul of Cowles was In tho city last
Mr. Larrick of Otto wna in tho city
this weok.
Row Bishop Potter of Kearney was In
Red Cloud this week.
W. J. Cozad and wifo moved to Long
iBland, Kansas this woek.
Misa Myrtle Jones of Guide. Rock was
visiting In the city thia weok.
Mr. E. Rlfo is home from Lindoln
whero ho has boon 011 luminous.
Wantod to trade n buggy for a good
work horso. M W Dickorson.
Bring your old photos to tho social to
night and see if anybody knows it.
Mr. 1). B. Pottor of Fnirflold wns tho
guest of Fred Blakesloo this wook.
Ex-mayor Spnnoglo rocoived quito n
fall from 11 defective sidewalk last Sun
day. John O. Parkinson, David Rudd and
R. B. Liggett aro now subscribers this
Mrs. Bort LIndloy and littlo girl of
Riverton wore visiting in tho city this
.Mr. Judaon Rich waa in Rod Cloud
this weok vailing with his wife Mrs.
Charley Piatt is building an addition
to his houso and otherwise beautifying
his residence property.
S. I. Cozad and fumily of Franklin,
who have boon visiting in tho citycouplo
weoks, roturnod homo Tuesday.
If you want to enjoy yourself go to
tho Photograph sociul to-night nt Mr J
A Tulley'e and Bee Jerorulau Judkins.
C. II. Pottor has had his now rosidenco
i.lcoly paporod und puintod on tho inter
ior. N. E. Robinson wub the handsome
F. E. Ulter of Long Island, Kansas, an
old acquulntunco of S. Cozad, accompa
nied by his mother, was visiting in tho
city this week.
It whistled as it stood outside
Tho bakor's daily toaster,
Sho thought it waa n pretty stovo
And I hoard thopeunut roaBt'or.
Ono of Lannoy Smith's druymon un
loaded u load of lumber unceremonious
ly on tho streot by accldont which came
near acaring eovoral teams.
Noxt wook wo shall commoco the pub
lication of the lifo of Washington, which
will run about 13 weeks. Start in with
tho first number und save your copies.
"Troubles never eomo singly,"
He sadly begins,
"And I know it in so, boys,
I'm tho daddy of twins."
Remembor our childronB clothing is
choaoer and bettor mado than over. Re
in forced Beats and knoos, elegant pattorns
and low priccB. Chicago doming uom
Tno Photograph social to-night is
something now. Bring your old photo
graph, guess who thoy aro and got ono
of thoso nico prizes. Ico creutn nnd enko
10 cents.
' Tho Epworth Leaguo of tho M E
church will givo a Photograph social ut
tho rosidenco of Mr J A Tulloy'e, to
night. Ice cream und cuke 10 cents.
All aio invited.
Tho 20th of this month is tho Odd
Fellows' unnivorsary. By tho way what
hus bocome of tho county organization
that was gotton up lor tno annual cele
bration of this evont.
jVord has been recoivod that Mrs.
Claru B. Houghton diod ut tho homo of
hor fathor, Mr. A. U. Bockor of Lincoln
last Saturday. Hor remains woro taken
to Buffalo, Now York for intormont.
C. J. Wurnor, wifo and. daughthor, of
Medina, Ohio, ure visiting relatives in
the city. Thoy have boon to California
and aro on their way homo. Thoy aro
tho guests of J. W. Warren and Mrs. 11.
A. Howard.
Tho story is uround town about a mes
songor boy, who sont tho following mes
sage to u oertuingoutloman: "Your lit
tle cuff diod this morning ut 2 o'clock p.
m." Wo can't vouch for its truth, but
that's what tho boy enys.
Soo Mrs. Rich for your millinery. Sho
has u fine lino of French puttern huts
that cannot bo excelled and she is Bell
ing them vory chcup. Sho bus ulso n
line of 81.00 huts thut sho is Boiling for
25 cents. Seo hor boforo you buy.
From tho Womer, Kansas correspon
dent wo notico that tho man Shurlloff,
who ut ono timo lived in lnuvalo, plead
gqilty of passing countorfoit money, at
Topeku, KansaB and was sontenced to
eleven jears in tho KansaB state prison.
Tho public schools undor the manage
ment of Prof. Caster and tho teachete,
will givo two entertainmonts in tho opera
houso on tho 27th und 29th. Do not for
get tho days and dates. We mado an er
ror lust weok in announcing it for to
night. Alar, alah! "how great are tho mighty
fallen" tho democratic congress and tho
democratic party, which howled Cisnr
Reed, down with Czarism, and it lot of
other rot, havo finally been compelled
to adopt Tom Roed'nrullng of counting
Thursday ovening tho homo of W. Bar
ry Smith waa the scone of u vory pretty
wedding when tho eldest dnughtor, Mlus
Jessio 0. Smith, was married to Mr.
Georgo W. Barker, u successful young
luwvor from tho west. Only tho im
mediate relatives woro picsont whon Rev.
Solon Cobb porformed tho ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Barker left on un ovening
train for Now York to take a stoamor
for Europo, for a fovv montlm' travel.
Erio, Pennsylvania papor.
Notice to Ice Consumers.
To My Patrons: ,
I will furnish COO pounds of ice for $1
delivorod ut your door, to all suBtomors
who start in with mo during tho coming
seasan. Don't forgot it. Tickets at tho
ofllco. Geo. W. Lindsey.
fJuuuago l'laiils Alow Ilcndy.
I have a nico lino of cnbbuuo und
aweot potato plunts now reudy. Prices
the lowest. isnao Ijikiiow. autf
For Hale.
Somo beautiful combinations in wall
paper, celling, sido wull uud border to I ",., AT TVf ,-,,,, a vmci?
Wen. PrlcoBverylow.-Doyo&Grlca.joLNERAL MERCHANDISE.
Hard times prices prevail with us.
Call and see for yourself.
C. WIENER, Proprietor.
Hi! Ainu ntf
of the
25G Superb Exposition viowe, the Cream of tho Collection secured by the United
Stutos Government Photogrnphor for Preservation in the
Archives in Washington.
Every lotv taken on tho spot by tlio Government Photographer.
Nollilnjf 'compares with these Rupert) Art Portfolios of World Fair Views, coverlntr
every Imposition Feature from the Peristyle to the 1'Jmlaaiice.
These Photographs aro the Most Artistic, Authentic Accurate, and In orcry way the best.
A altmble record and remembrance fur those who sfcw the I'r.-at fair. A conplito
Pictorial History for the millions who saw It not.
Tho collection consists of 10 1'arts, and each Part contains
15 Official Government Photographs !
Hou) to SecUre
Trese Splendid.
1 it'or
-' 1
Thero aro 10
Wcdiiceduy, nnd
Wo feel assured tlmt ou will bo plcnsciOWth tho Portfolios nnd will bo as sladto make
tho collection of tho enllin in IMrU aw we are toenablo you to do so,
Vory tiuy jours,
Skmks will iik Issukd AVi ekly. l
ALL at our storo nnd got u punch tickot.
ovory purcnaBo tigures will bo can-
'colled until tho amount of your purchoeo
eyunls 82 GO. You will then bo glvon Purt
No. 1, nnd thus continue until you have bo-
tho entiro series of 10 Parts ABSO
beautiful views in each Part or NumborJ
ana tho photographs aro of tho tinost quality.
Wo wish it distinctly understood that in connection
with our new advertising onterprlso wo guarantee the
very best quality of goods in overy department at lowest
living prices. Come and bo convinced of tho truth of
our assertions, and examlno Part No, 1 of our beautiful
and costly eouvonir of tho exposition. '
REMINISCENCES will will bo issued every
you can secure them br rapidly as you
Red Cloud, Neb.
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