The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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litl I
ft I
All the News Furnished
in a Nutshell
Moon and Kersey will give an en
tertainment at the Amatk aehool
house on Saturday evening April 7th.
Wo think that winter has gone and
spring has arrived; at least the farm
rs are planting garden, sowing oats
and ploughing for corn.
L'oroy Flock of Michigan and Miss
Maggie Karncr wcro married last Sun
day in Hod Cloud, Uev. Yoiser o Delat
ing. Wo wish thcBs a long and happy
wedded life
Tlicro was a pleasant surprise party
at John Earner's on last Friday even
ing. All report a good lime.
F. S. King and wife aro attending
school at Salins, Kansas.
Joo Wooloy and Dvo Ilaltzman aro
working for John Earner.
I- The Garfield correspondent to tho
Nation has been writing items f a
slanderous nature. Now when news
gots so soarco that I must resort to
such ilonip, I will quit rather than be
represented. Fun is fun, but don't
get too funny. Pat.
See Myers
On the night of the 27th thoro was
one of tho grandest surprises took plaeo
at Mr. and Mrs. lticlurdson'B which
was gotlon up by tho friends of their
son. It was a grand success. Thoro
wero 02 persoiiB present. Aftor sup
per was over and presents received
tho crowd nearly all joined in a social
timo, which thoy all seemed to enjoy
very muoh. Every thing passed off
very pleasant. Every family in the
neighborhood was roprcsontcd at the
supper. This is ono of tho foremost
boys in tho neighborhood; ho has
never reeoived a whipping in his life
and is now 14 years old whioh is
an uncommon thing for the boys of
the presont age to say that their father
nevor had to correct thorn by tho rod
or whip. Wo wish this boy a happy
life and that ho may bo permitted to
onjoy many happy birthdays.
Who sajs (ho wind don't blow in
Quito a ohango in tho weather tho
past week which is very hard oo, the
oats whioh havo just been sown, also
the winter whoat whioh needs rain
Thcns was a dance at Pat MoCool's
Wednesday night.
Everett Myors has returned ta his
homo to Bur Oak, Kansas this wook,
and his brother Marion has taken
charge of tho farm.
Mr. and Mra. Boyd ot Red Cloud
wero pleasaat, callors at Mr. Barrett's
Mill May Barrett is visiting her
sister Miss Mountford this week.
Miss Eva Smith visited at Bur Oak
last weok.
Qoorga Johnson is still rustling to
put in his crop in all tho wind; ho
must have bright proBpocta in tho
futuro. That's right Qcorgo.
i i t
Clias. Molloy is broaking prairio.
Mr. Doony was shelling corn Sat
turday, Mrs. J. 11. Crozicr was visiting in
Guido Bock last wcok.
L. 1). Wells is putting a fenoo bo
tweon his and his father's pasture
1'rof. Drcsbaoh of Guide Hock at
tended Easter Bcrvioes at Eokloy
Mr. C. W. Kaloy of Bed Cloud ia
bavin? a well put down on tho Dolph
Oroxton plaoo.
Alex Monia has been beautifying
around his house. All Alex needs
is some ono to tako caro of tho houso
insido and ho will boo to things out
side Easter services wcro held a week
lato at EuLley church in order to givo
Rot. Seymour a chanoo to attend.
Thero was a largo crowd in attend
ance. Simpson.
I'lcuiiuit Grove.
Farmers arc putting in their crops.
Miss Carrie. Eldrcd closed a suc
cessful term of school last Fiidav,
Tho young folks enjoyed a pltasant
hop at Mr. MoCrillis' last Wcdnciday
Mis Emma ltuthrock spent Friday
with her mother.
Tho deputy sheriff of Smith Center
wob in theso pnrlB this week sub
poenaing witnceics on the Duckcr and
Uuokor case.
Tho young folks onjojed a pleasant
tlmo at Frod Brcohbul'a tho other
evening. Unclk Bim
Children Cry foi
Pitcher's Caetorla.
Whore is the rain,
Davo Byrne rides a now bicycle
Miss Budlong was the guest of Miss
Adda Snow last week.
A. P. Johnson is putting down a
new sldowalk at bis residence
Ms, and Mrs Hill of Hampton aro
visiting with her mother, Mrs. Snow.
Mrs. D. Aploy returned homo after
spending several months with her son
Goorgo Snow roturncd to Franklin
Tuesday where ho will pursue bis
Grandma Springer who has been
seriously ill wo aro glad to report, is
slowly rcovcring,
Mrs. Ewing who spent several days
last week with Mrs. Snow returned to
her homo at Campbell.
Miss BcBsio Hondricks who Iish been
staying with her sister, Mrs. Hartman
returned homo Monday.
E. Spcnuo. believes in improvements
for ho is setting out tries around his
barber shop on main street.
Frank Spcncor has returned from
Onir whero ho had taken a load of
household goods for Mr. Bottom,
Mr. Elmer Springer, who has been
visiting relatives hero, returned tho
foro part of tho wcok to her home in
San Jose, California.
A grand campCro at tho G. A, It.,
hall Friday evening April 13th. Mr.
Howo will address tho people. A gen
eral invitation is extended to all.
Chas, Brown roturned tho lattor
pari of tho week from CIirbo county,
whothcr ho had gono with L. 1.
Mouier to purchaso land. He scoured
a pioco of suhool land.
It is said that our postmaster gavo
ohaso to soma partios with a hatchet
Saturday night. Whether the parties
wanted their mail or wcro trying to
break into tho office wo wero unablo to
A lawsuit in town Monday before
Esquiro Pashby. This brought a law
yer from Red Cloud and one from
Franklin to ourjpe ceablo town. Tht
caso went against the dofendant, who
appealed it.
Crooked Creek.
Wedding bolls aro ringing for tho
near future.
Miss Eva Smith and Miss Lizzie
llccso wero visiting Mrs Diokerson
last week.
Some of tho farmors are ploughing
for corn in this vicinity.
U. S. deputy marshal A. J. Totnlin
son was in our neighborhood last woek
on business.
Mrs. Ed MoCuno and Mrs. Lillio
McKoighan wero visiting Mts. Tonant
last week.
Mr. PierjcB have purchased them a
now on;an.
A good many Crooked Creek people
aucnuod cuurob at Uowlcs Sunday.
Mi. Grant returned Friday from
Salino county, and on Monday took
possession of the dcIiooI in district 27
and is boarding at Mr. Tennants.
For Farm Loans
Guide Hock.
Guido Rock will soon lio at tho bot
tom of the Republican valley if tho
dust don't soon subside
A. J. Hayes is uow giving bis store
a gcnoral renovating after his reocnt
Mrs. Eliza Moranvillo will soon
movo from Red Cloud into part of Hod
iuoranvuie s nouso and cngago in
John Crary is sick with the measles.
John Mctzncr is assistant olerk
during John Gray's absence, in Cra
rj'a store
Tho intended April surprise party
on Walt Teachworth proved to be
somowhat of an April fool on tho in
stigLtors. Guido Rock news is Bcaroo on ac
oount that farming is raging,
Mrs M. Kutie Noble has just finished
a successful term of sohool in district
20, where alio has bcea teaching bince
holidajs. Sho has boon re-ongaged
for the spring and summer months.
Mute Line.
Everybody enjoys the Ono weather.
Grandma Fishburn is some bottor.
Mahlon Samb is on tho sick list.
Oscar Kivots and his bride attended
ohuroh at North Branch Sunday.
MrB, Foot was a pleasant caller on
Mrs. Toland last Monday.
A competent preacher is helding
meetings at the Stono church.
Columbus Mallard and Jason Kcl-
log and their families started for Spo
kano Fulls, Washington last Saturday,
whero they will make thoir future
School began in district 138 Jowell
county Monday with 37 pupils on roll,
Mits May Kinner is teacher.
Our encrgctio nursery man, Luke
Billion, it- doing a big business now.
Ho had six lands of (men taken In
Otego and there has been quite a lot
raictn ovor into Nebraska.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorla-
A good rain would be enjoyed now
Mr. Wm. Swihart patscd through
these parts last Sunday.
0. Halls was marketing hogs in Blad
en Saturday,
Prairio fires seem to be tko order of
tho evenings.
Tho Catherton sohool is advaaoing
rapidly under tho instructions of Mrs.
Arnold; tho sohool will be out tho 13.
Rev. G. P. Kepler rendered a very
interesting sermon to a large erowd at
Catherton last Sunday; they also ro
organized Sunday sohool; the follow
ing officers wero cleotod: R. G. Lewis
superlnteadent E. M. F. Grubb, an-,
sistant; Abbie Larriok, scorctary and
Tbo weathor has been very fine for
tho last few days and signs of spring
havo approached and largo flocks ef
geeso have bcon flying around lately.
A number of robins havo mado tkoir
appearance, the great oirolo of illumi
nation has reaohed the polos, tho
bright sunny days, tho mild pleasant
air, and singing of birds all say that
spring is bore HAINS,
i ,
outli Side.
Very high winds.
Mr. Obaahon's littlo boy is very
Mrs. Eriok, who is hero visiting hor
sister, Mrs. Flohrs, is very sick.
Lcona Turner ia on the sick list
this week.
Mr. Rudd and wife were the guests
of Mr. Turner's last Sunday.
Oscar Patmor was on this side
Monday night. Oscar is qui to a
strangor, but will get acquainted,
Lew Hummel is gtting quite eco
nom ioal ; he has got a blacksmith outfit
and proposes to do his own black
smithing. If Lew would get a spinning whoel
aud a wooden loom, and manufacture
his own wearing material, ho would
1 then bo way back under demooratio
free trade times.
I forgot to mention that Mr. Street
and wife were visiting at Mr. Turner's
last Suaday.
State Creek.
Oats are Marly all sown.
John Grewell moved to his farm.
Dan Growell of Crete has moved on
his farm.
Meeting was held at Mr. Soribnor's
last Thursday night: and it will bo
at Mr. Guthrie's ntxt Thursday
Mr, Scrivner says that it is a
mistake that his wife is visiting in
Missouri, that sho is visiting in Kan
sas, and his son-in-law has moved out
Mrr. Myers lost a fine horse last
Al Scrivner and brother-in-law
Sapp tradod horses and oheatcd eaoh
other out of $10.
Wheat and rye needs a good shower.
Thoro are two acres of small grain
to one last year.
Tho acrcago of corn this year will
oxool last by a great per coat.
Soveral farmers aro ploughing
thoir oorn land this year.
i hi i
Mr. Matkin is erecting a new fence,
Mrs. Tom Anderson is numbored
with the siok.
Wm. Swihart has boon visiting near
OtU lately.
Tom Anderson has commonocd
breaking prairie on the poor farm.
Unole Potcr Swanscn is doing some
oarpentor work for J. Nelson.
Miss Maude Orchard and Othel
Garner wero callers at W. A. Akor's
Sunday evening.
Nearly every farmer is doing somo
breaking this spring,
Rov. Bean attended quartorly meet
ing on Ash Crock on last Sundiy.
A new boarder arrived at Oby Han
sen's ene day last weok. It is a boy.
liutclier lican ot CowIcb went
through our locality on Tuesday with
his meat wagon.
Mr. Royoe from noar Cowles was in
our oommunity on last Saturday.
Mr. Philloys young folks entertained
somo young folks for a few hours
Monday evening.
Several of the young folks attend
ed meeting at Catherton last Sunday.
Mr. Matkins and Henry Rumbaugh
and families were the guests of John
Rumbaugh'a Sunday.
Conley Wilson started for Grand
Island last Saturday, where ho will at
tend Bchool.
' Mr. Johnson of Bluden who bought
tho Peterson farm has put up a now
wind mill.
A party of invited young folks
gathered at the residence of J. 0.
Wilson's last Friday ovening and en
joyed themselves in games for a few
hours a bountiful supper was Borved
to the guests, and aftor supper they
all departed for their homes rejoioing.
Bonny Blue.
Over Post Office
Tlie Prettiest Girl In Town
Hnnliecu using I'nrkH'ToanudBhosnya:
"My complexion Is very much improving
That muddy look Is nil gone. I take
a cap of Pflrks' Ten three nights n week
nnd feel jnst elegant." Sold by C. L,
Tho last term of court cleared tho
criminal docket in Dawes county.
UnUMATiM Cumd in a Day. "Mystlo
Caro" (or Rhenmatism and Nenralgla,
radloally cares in 1 to 3 days. Its notion
upon the system is remarkable nnd mys
terious. It removes at onco the cause
nnd tho disease immediately dlsnppetrs.
The first dose greatly benefits, 7Cots.
Hold by Doyo &, Grice, Druggists, Red
Cloud. tf
Uumixed ovila rarely occur.
Croup nnd Whooping Cough.
I havo three children who are subjeot
to croup, and have found that Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy will caro them
quiakor than anything else I can get. If
you do not bolievo that this romsdy will
cure tho croup, do as I did, try it and you
will Boon bo convinoed. R. M. Cpatmam
Dewey, Illinois Whooping Cough is al
so deprived of all dangerous consequences
wkon Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
freely given. Thoro is nothing equal to
it for oither of these ailments. For sale
by Deyo & Grieo.
Franco hna prohibited tho working of
railroad firemen and engineers ovor
twelvo hours a day.
Money nnd oxporienoo cannot preduco
n hotter family medicine than Dr. Sawyer's
Family Care. It Cares difficulties of the
Stomach and Liver. Seld by Doyo k
On the Alps vinegar is mado of milk
nonesty, perseveranoe and skill cannot
improve Dr. Bnwyer'o Family Core, bo
cause it fully cures Indigestion. Billions
ness and Kidney diffloulty. Sold by Deyo
& Grice.
What is tho difforonco botwoon a cook
nnd a chef? Two or throo thousand
dollars a year,
You will never know positively what a
wonderful romedy Dr. Sawyor's Family
Caro is ontil yon try it. Itwilloure yon
of a sour stomach. Sold by Deyo it Grice
"Oranso Blossom" is safe and linrmlonn
as a Flax Seed Poaltioe. Anv ladv can
use it herself. Bold by C. L. Cottlng,
A man nevor discovers how hard hie
lot really is until he trios to put a spado
into it and make n garden.
I want you to understand, John Henry,
that you ain't to drink that Heller's Bar
sftpnrllla all up; I got it for pap and me.
Pap ho sez mam you go down and git
bottle of .Bailer's Sarsaparllla aud Bur
dock and will git over feeling so tired
nnd bad and Kit rid of all thorn nimnlos.
So let that alone now For sale be Doyo
& Grice.
i .
A woman without joalousy ia liko a
ball without elasticity.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Spring work is now upon us, and
cornstalk cutting is in progress and
seeding ia nearly dono notwithstand
ing tho dry weather. A largo crop
will bo cultivated this summer and
a largo amount of breaking is also be
ing dono.
Tho annual citizens mcctinc was
held last Tuesday and the various
Townships business transacted.
Somo tiokness prevails through tho
neighborhood. Tho infants of L.
Aubushon and Jeff Beauchamps havo
been vory sick,
T. W. Weaver of Danbury, Nebraska
is tho guest of Wm. Vandyko this
Mrr. John Beauchamps was visiting
at Inuvalo the foro part of the week.
Mr. Grucll has talcon up his resi
dence on tho plaoo ho latoly purchased
and is now a full fledged citizen of
tho s'tato of Nebraska. Ho will open
a blacksmith shop and will bo pre
pared to do all kinds of smithing and
wagon work.
Sunday sohool reorganized at Penny
Creek Sunday last with Wm. Vandyke
supoiintendont. It moots at 10 p, m.
Let all turn out nnd attond.
Mrs. Maiadcn has been having a so
voro Bcifio with tho la grippe, but at
fircscnt is somewhat better. Dr. Tul
cys in attendance.
Charles Kent roaohod Oklahoma
safely aud is looatcd on a flno claim
near Rodger, Oklahoma. Ho is loud
in his praisn for that country,
Gilbert VandkeliaB taken a posi
tion with L. P. Hummol on the farm.
0, 11. Bcsso was in thoso parts one
day last wook buying live stook.
0. W Hummel is attending court
al Smith Center, Kansas this wcok.
Tuff Sutton in laid up from injuries
received last full while making hay.
Tho injuries wero reooivod by a run
away team.
Mrs. Piorson has roturned to hor
homo at Smith Center, Kausas after
an oztended visit with her daughter
Mrs, Deekcr.
Mrs. Outhrioof Bellair, Kansas is
tho guest of her Bon M. J. Guthrie of
this place,
0. S.
Dott Cough ByrupTauea Uood. Cwl
P Intlma. Boldby aniaUUtM
All Grades guaranteed by the Mills.
Tije ltr)piztrzt)t jLDeale,
Full line of all kinds ot Farm Machinery, Specialties mado of
Pekin Corn Plows, Harrows,
Garland and Boss Gang Plows,
Yankee Sulkeys, Barlow Planters and Check Rowers, J. I
Case Lister, best in the World.
Demosthenes was an Orator.
Reno is a Prestidigitateur.
Deyo & Grice are Druggists.
Deyo &
1 l-ifl hl &l $1 il &l
ft w f a $rl $ I
hP i 4 ho
Going to
Buy a Watch?
If so, buy one that cannot be stolen. The
only thief-proof Yf atchca are inosc iraa
Here's the Idea:
Tho bow hat groova
on each end. A collar
runs flown Imlde the
IS pendent (item) and
nil imu iii0 8iw.,
firmly locking tho
bow to the pendent,
ao that it cannot bo
pulled or twlated off.
To be sure of getting a Non-pull-out, tee that
the case U stamped with this trade mark. tfj5&
It cannot be had with any other kind, bi3l
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send for
one to the famous Boss Filled Case makers.
KeystoneWatch Case Co
Farm Loans.
If you want a loan on first close land I
can give you a special rato. Lowest In
terest with option to pay part or all at
any year. Call or write to mo.
O . P . Catiieu, Rod Cloud, Neb ,
Tho Webster County Mutual Protec
tion and Antl Horse Thief association
moots in Cowlee.the last Saturday ot
eaoh month, at 2 p. m,
Tuoa. Hodgson, Sec.
rzrv bows.
MONOGRAM. 90c Per Sack.
PATENT, 80c Per Sack
B. S., 65c Per Sack.
will clamor for the
best goods at the lowest prices.
Grice Have them.
SbcrlfTs salo.
Notice It hereby Riven that under and by vir
tue ot an order of sale issued from the offlea ot
0. D. Crano clerk of tho district court f the
10th Judicial district, within nnd tor Webster
cennty, Nebraska, upon a drcrra In an action
pending, therein, whoraln the PIiobuU Insur
ance company of Hartford Connecticut li plain
tiff nnd against Wlllium H. Hone. Martha M.
now. Sandwich KnterurUe company, Kan
sas Manufacturing G'empany, Kir si Na
tional Bunk at Mies, Michigan. Ilnrgreayes
Rrathars. Parkin Wind-mill nnd ax company
and h Yf. Ttilley trustee for K. 1. Hammond
t al, are defendants.
I shall offer far pale nt publlo Ttndue. to the
highest hlddtr for cash in hnnd. at the east
door t thu court bouse, at Had Cloud, In laid
Webster couuty, Nebraska, (that being the
building wherein the last Urrm.f said renrt was
boldrnjtm the secoad day l Miiy a. D..1894. at
ana a'cloclr p. m., at said 1.iy, tne fallowing des
cribed property, to-wit: The soutli-anst quarter
(aeM) of lection fonrtei-n (Is) in lemusblp
Number three (3) north of range lumber teu
(19) west at the sixth 1'. M., in obstar county,
Ulyen itudtr my hand this SCth day ot March
A. U., 18M.
. J. W. Hunch rv, Sheriff,
Wmoiit & Stout, I'lalutirt's Attorneys,
CASE tc RIclllTT, Allorueye.
Legal Notice.
In the District Court of Webster Couuty, Ne
braska. In the matter of tho Estate of John Crowell.
Notlco Is hereby given that by
order of license mado In said
virtue of aud
litdco of Paid court on tbo 10th dty f March
1891, the undersigned, Donald McCn'lum. ad
mill strator of the Katato of John Orniveil. d.
mutler liy the
ceaxed, will on the 1st Cny or M.iy. IBM. oiler
for salo at public, auction ta (lie court-houso In
Ued Cloud. In Webster couutv. Nobraskn. at i
o'clock p, m. ot said day tbo following reil
property, towlt: The wen one-halt of the
norih-east quarter, and the cast one-half of the
north-west quarter ot section o, township 1,
range 0. west ot tho 6th 1'. M., containing ico
acres, mora or less.
Dated tbli ld day of March, 1891.
DosAf.n nlmr.
Case &McNllt, Attorney. 30 31 ..
For Window Bhadcs, wull pnper, carf
pete, furnituro, otc, boo PVTajlor, v
Ilia goods nro nil now nnd
of tho latest