The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Etc.
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Dedicatory Services.
Tho dedication scrvioos of the
Christian ohuroh at Cowles were held
last Sunday, Prof. Givens officiating.
Owing to tho fine weather the people
wcro ablo to come from all parts of
tho surrounding country. Red Cloud,
Blue Hill, Guide Rook, Inavalo and
Amboy were well represented. At
11 o'clock the church was filled with
pcoplet Elder Futman took for his
text Hebrews 11:6, and spoke upon
tho prinoiple of faith, showing its ef
feot on tho world in the history of the
past and present. We give some of
tho points made:
"The lifo of Enoch was painted out
by tho Apostle as a life of faith and
yet the writer of Genesis made bo
mention of faith in giving the biog
raphy of his lifo. His life phased
God, and without faith it is impossible
to please Him. Wherever you find a
stream you know there must some
whoro be a fountain. Wherever you
find a man walking in the favor of
God and loved of God you know he
must be a man of faith.
Nature, herself, points us to uitb.
Whero reason ends, there faith be
gins. Tho man who looks up into the
hcavons and Bees a few stars with the
naked oyo and then puts the mighty
telescope to his eye, which brings to
his vision numberless stars beforo un
soon, docs net throw away tho natural
eye as being of no aooount. So, when
man looks about him and sees the im
pressed will of God in the rook, with
tho tree and the flower, he is able to
roason that there is an intelligent be
ing who has planned all this wonder
ful oreation, but when he puts the
telescope of faith to his eye, and says
by faith wo undeistand that the world
was framed by the word of God, so that
things whioh are were not.made from
things whioh do appear. Ho does
not discredit the reason that taught
him about the Creator. Faith is the
energy of this world in motion. In
all ages it has been men who believed;
who have mado their lives felt in the
Tho great difference iu the world
is a differenco between faith and un
belief. Some men are true, others
false; some have a purpose, others are
drifted about by every current' that
blows i The dilerenoe is a dlf erenoe
between faith and unbelief. Wo feci
this difference in our association with
men. but how muohmoro God fools it.
The Savior illustrated this when ho
spoke of two men praying. Ono
prayed because it was his oustom;
tho other because ho believed, and
while tho lattor's prayer wasn't clothed
in nice language, yet God heard it and
blessed him.
Tho highest enthusiasm that will
ever bo kindled, tho dimmest thrill
that will ever quicken the human
heart will always be the thought of
pleasing God.'!
At tho oloso of the morning ser
vice the Cowles people royally enter
tained all who came from a distauoo.
At the afternoon servieo tho church
was filled and many were unablo to
sain admittance at all. Elder Put-
man spoke from Matt. 16:18.
He spoko of tho Divine foundation
of the Church of Christ, tho begin
ning of the churoh, the New Testa
ment as being the Divino Creed of
the ohuroh, tho unity of the ohuroh,
the organization of tho ohuroh, and
the church in the past and present.
Enough money was then raised to
pay for the ohuroh building with the
exception of about $150. The pro
posal to build a new church was start
ed about one year ago when tho Christ
ians found themselves obliged to meet
in Mr. Hagor'n grove. At that timo
it was expeotcd that tho building
would cost about 1800, and, owing to
the hard times, it seemed a big under
taking. By their diligont efforts,
however, and the generoua assistance
of friends outside of tho ohuroh they
were ablo to push to completion the
handsome building they now occupy
which cost, in round numbers, $1450.
The amount of cash aotually paid out
was about $1200, tho rest being do
nated in work.
Fuller and Gilbert were largo don
ers to the cause, Too much credit
could not be given to E. L. Fawcett
who was chairman of the building
oommittee, tho other membor being
C. W. Fuller, and Henry Waller.
Thin church was organized by W. H.
Winters and the work has been car
ried oa by Eld. Putman, who has
been driving to Cowles in the after
noon, whilo preaohing at Bed Cloud.
He found thero about 16 members thoy
now number about 50. There is cer
tainly a bright future for these earnest
Tbe evening ecrvioo wa,s won atten
ded and the meetings are being car
ried on this week by Eld. Putman,
assisted by Prof. Givens.
It's all the same, a alight cold, congest
ed longs or severe cough. One Minute
Goagh Cure banishes then. O.L. Cottlng,
Angels don't hev piles, but piles of peo
plo would like to be angels bnt can't be
oooso they're got piles, so uso Heller's
Australian Balvo and care the piles and
be an angel. For sale by Deyo ft Grloe.
An ordinary piano contains a mile of
Dr. Sawyer's Family Care It not only,
relieves; it cares. It is suitable to all
ages and every member of the lam ily
Try a f reo sample. Bold by Deyo & Grice
Tho epidomic of yellow fever at Rio
Janorio is spreading.
No better aid to digestion,
Mo better enre for dyspepsia,
Nothing more reliable for billiousness
and oonatlpation than DeWitt's Little
Early Risers, the famous littts pills. O .
L. Ootting.
During tho last ton years the Paris gas
company has paid into the city treasury
With bnt little care and no trouble, the
beard and mustaoho can be kept a uni
form brown or black color by using Buck
ingham's Dye for the WhUkeri.
Mature deliberation, planning to meet
a note.
A Good showing.
Mr. Editor. Six months ago I
eame to Red Cloud. Having been
appointed by "Bishop Walden" Pastor
of the First Methodist Episcopal
churoh in this aily. We were reoeived
with great kindness by tho people.
Thus far we have found it a very
pleasant church to serve. Every Sab
bath we are greeted with large congre
gations of very intelligent people.
Congregations and Sabbath sohool
numerioal strength greatly increased.
Sabbath school numbers 165, and is in
a very prosperous oondition. Epworth
and Junior Leagues are succeeding
fine. Thirty-five have boen reoeived
into the ohuroh in the past six months.
Finance is in splendid condition; no
old bills for janiter or other purposes
are pressing us. Under leadership of
L. P. Albright wo have one of tho
best ohoirs in the city. All are wel
come to our (ervices. Come let us wor
ship together.
A. P. Hull.
S. D. Basford of Carthage, 8. D., I was
taken eiok in Bloux City. lie procured
two bottles of Parks' Sure Cure for the
Liver nnd Kidneys. II says: "I believe
Parka' Sure Cure ezoela all other medioine
for Rheumatism and Urinary disorders."
Bold by O.L. Cottlng.
" i
Brownvillo, L. I., cloakmakers will
build a 920,000 hall. Each man will be
assessed 85 in installments of 91.
It not only relieves; it does more, it
cares. We refer to One Minute Cough
Cure. Suitable for all ages, all conditions,
stall tlauB. O. L. Cottlng.
Dodgo county has a Jail with a hole in
the roof through which persona daily
make their way to freedom.
Not ono minute elapses between the
taking of One Minute Cough Care and re
lief. Why shouldn't people take One
Minute Cough Cure? They should. They
do. 0. L. Cottlng.
9 i
Paris had seventy-three acres under
root for its exposition, but Chicago had
115 acreB.
It's Just as easy to try One Minute
Cough Uuro as any thing else. It's easier
to cure a severe cold or cough with It.
Let yonr next purobase for a cough be
One Minute Cough Cure. Better medi
cine; better mult; batter trylt, O. L,
Tho blood roBO is found only in Flori
da in an area of flvo miles iu diameter.
DoWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve cleanses
purines and heals, It was made for that
purpose, Use it for burns, cuts, bruises,
chapped hands, sores of all descriptions
and if yon have plies nse it for them. 0,
L. Cottiag.
for Town Herd
Other Stock.
I have routed the pasture land south
of tho B. & M. R. R , the south line
of whioh i una along the river, and am
now prepared to take stock for pastur.
I will also run tbe town herd. Any
one wanting pasture will do well to
call on mo at once Dennis Lindhky.
A Pleasant Entertainment. On
last Friday evening the members of
JioHenry Tent No. 11, D. of V. gavo
their entertainment and supper as per
announcement assisted by tho Ladios
of the Garfield Relief Corps. A very
large crowd gathered until the Beating
oapacity of the Masonic hall was at a
premium. At a proper time the se
lected program was rendered as follows:
Musio Orohestra
Recitation Asleep at tho Switch
Blanohe Bellars.
Violin Solo Mr. Hendrioks
Solo Shells of Ooean
-Gertie Diokerion.
Quartet Family Row
Blanoh SoiUrs, Gertie Diokorson
dorm uickorson, Henry Clark
Trombono solo Harry Miller
Dialogue Wanted a Servant
Solo Nellie West
Tuba solo Osoar Patmor
Const solo Henry Clark
Duet Homo Sweet Homo
Beatha Talbot, GortioMoKcighan
In addition to tho abovo program,
Earl Pond and Sammy Foster render
ed "Swanee River" on their guitars.
Upon tho wholo tho entertainment
was one of tho most pleasant affairs
that has over taken placo in this city,
and tho various pioces, dialogues, rec
itations wore delivered in a faultless
manner and reooived mcritod applause.
The Chief hopes tho D. of V's nill
favor us with another entertainment
One or Deyo St rice's Excellent
Deyo ft Orloe sell a preparation for
rheumatism that has performed some re
markable cure. Frank Bhepardson an
engineer on the Southern Paolflo By.,
who resides at Los Angeles, Gal., was
troubled with rheumatism for a long time
He was treated by several physloans, also
visited tho Hot Springs, but reoeived no
permanent relief until he used Chamber
lain's Pain Balm, whioh is the medicine
referred to above. He says it is tbe best
medioine in the world for rheumatium,
Tho devil can catch a grumbler with a
bare hook.
Diseases unfriendly to women are posi
tively cured by Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles.
Ask your druggist for a free samplo pack
age, it heals and cures. Bold by Deyo ft
Avarice is a robbor that keopa many
peoplo from becoming rich.
Ladies Dr. Sawyer's Pastillos are ef
fectual for female weakness, pain on top
of the head and lower part of the back.
It strengthens and cures. For sale by
Deyo & Orloe.
G. H. Parkinson, a prominent physi
cian of Eustis died last woek.
Ladles For diseases of womon, Dr.
Sawyer's Pastilles will reaoh the diflloulty
radically, positively and effeotually. It is
mild, but effeotual. Bold by Deyo ft
Stock caught in tho storm near Nor
den suffered quite seriously.
Ladles The druggist named belew wilt
give yon a free sample package of Dr.
Sawyer's Pastilles, whioh cure diseases
peoullar to women. Sold by Deyo ft
its oruaodo
A Knight or Pythias lodge has bee
nBtitwtod at Carlton.
Do not Buffer with pain on top of th
head and in tho baok when Dr. Sawyer'
Pastlles will absolutely and positive!
care you. For sale by Deyo ft Grloe.
Mcasola prevail to a great extent ii
the vicinity of Verdon.
Ladies can be positively relieved fron
all those irregularities, distressing syrup
toms and diseases by nsing Dr. Bawyer'i
Pastllees. Bold by Deyo Qrice.
Horse Clipping.
Joo Holcomb tho liveryan, aorta
of the Holland house has purchased a
Gillette Power Clipping machine
wnicu works perfectly and rapidly, ean
clip horses in ono fourth of the time
employed Dy band dipping maonines,!
tiring in your horses and nave thei
clippod and get rid of having tbe horse
hair flying about for four or five weeks.
They will do better, stand a drive bet. I
ter and aro easier taken care of.
Market Report.
(Corrected Weeklr.)
Wheat $ 40
Corn 2Cs
Oate 20023
Rye 35
Flax 1200125
IIoRB 3 806)1 25
Fatcowa 2 CO
Butter G
Eggs 8
Potatoes 70
Chickens doz. 2 00
Turkeys lb. G
Retail prico of the Rod Cloud Milling
Co., flours:
Monogram 3? Back $ 00
Roynl patent 19 euck , 60 sack 05!
Lincoln is determined
against theiooial evil.
Ladies-Remember that disease becomes
inoarable. Dr. Bawyer's Pastilles will
positively enre long atandlng oases. It
heals and cares; Hold by Deyo ft Qrice,
Just think of it dearest, we can make
our tiova hannv. said the father to hie
rutta .Tnof think nf It. I WinnAr hi
children's Buita consisting of two pair of
pants, coat anu cap 10 maicn, oi niroim
motnrlo', nml teal I marln. which ha aella
at 13.75 for the outfit, better grades at
and make our selection before the eiaee
, are broken.
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