The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 30, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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    ,.rr...r-s.w z-jgl
u wi wjue. jinavrat
PHhlhlicd Weekly.
ufeacrlptlon, ,1 I'er Annum,
Invariably In Advance
If BM paid tn nriinurn, nfler I lilt dnie March
IK, 1W, llio price will Ito il.M.
Entered at II o Tout Otllce In lied Cloud, Neb.,
n mall nintli-rnf thn ix-ioinl clnss
Prof. cards. I Inih or less tier rear. ...... .14 00
fix months i oo
Three mouths 2 w
Fer Inch oiio year $1 no
I'er Inrli six mouth..... 1 M
I'er inch threo montlis 'i "
Kitoclal notices per lino or lino spare, llrat
piibilcnilou A rent.
Tianstciit specials, pnjiililo loriuholy In ml
vance, perllno KicuH. . .
All rcndliii untlrcn In tlio nature of adyertlio
mf ills or puff, 6 cents per lino.
ietal notices at Irpal intes, UrifnrAsqtmro
iln"lHM of NinipnroU or less,) first publication
l.ct; for each iiiuscqucnt publication, per
quart, BO cent.
HO "preferred position" contracts made.
All matter to Insuio publication must bo re
ceived at tills ofllco not Inter than Wodiiosday.
Advertisements cannot be ordored out fur
the current week later than Thursdny.
1tj....................... ... ...-
JB. " M. R, K. Tlmo Table.
Taking effect Dec, 3,
Tratnscarrylm: passengers leave Red Cloud as
No. 112 Paisonger to Hasting 8 :30 p. in.
No. Ml rasjsngerfram Hastings U:3S a. tn.
No. tt, Passenger to Ht. Joseph Ht.
Ixuls and Clilcaeo dally lu:2Aa.m,
No. S rassengnr for Denver, dally, CiS3 p. m
. ..... ......
Red Cloud, Nkuiiaska.
ever Taylor's Furutiare Store.
Extracts teeth without pain.
C'rewu and lirldge work a specialty,
roroeluln Inlay, ami all kinds of gold fillings,
Hakes geld and rubber plates and combination
All work guaranteed to be flrat-class.
Homoeopathic I'byalclau.
Red Cloud, NebraiKH.
Office opposite Viral National Dauk.
U, H.Uxamlntng surgcou.
tlhronln diseases troniod by malt.
' Red Cloud, Nedrasica
' Will attend sale at reasonable figures. Satis
faction icuarhiiteed.
Insurance Agent,
I e a strlotly farm Insaranoe and invite
and invite all to see me.
Moon Block,' . 'RBD ODDUD, NEB.
Collections promptly attended to, and
correspondence solicited.
Attorneys at Law
ted Claud, N
Attaraava at Law.
Red Claud, Nebraska.
OFFICE Up stairs, in Moon Rlnnk,
Tonorlal Artln.
4th Atimoe, Red Cloud, Nmbasea
Flrat-class barbers and flratolasa work
gaarantsed Oiye mas call
Faunlonable Barber,
Red Cleud, Nebraska.
I give my personal attention te my
patrons. First-olase shaving and hair
onttlng a specialty.
Insurance Agency,
Ueraian Insorance Co , Freeport, 111.
Koyal lusuianc" Co., Liverpool, Knjjland.
lipase Fire Insurance Co.. of Omaha, Nebr.
rhtanlx Assurance Co. nr liiirfnn. tfnr
Ta Manchester Fire AkSuraneeCo el augland.
Qaafdlan Assurance Co., of London, Rug
BarHmrtoa tasuram'e Ce. ef Uurllnnton, 1
Rrttisb Aanertra Assurance Ce. Toroutn, ('
Mutant Keserve Fund 1 l( n. y.
The Workman kuilrtlng ana l-ou Association
of Lincoln, Nebraska
Ofllea ovar Mizer'a Store.
RanPirn Vramtaio
C. E. Putnam,
Notauy Public,
Phnfnix Insurance Co
St. Paul Bankers Life
Insurance Co.
All buiiieia iatrusted to kim will be
promptly attendedto.
Notice to Teacaen.
Notlca it hereby given that I will
examine all person who -may deaire
to offer them.elvea as oandidatei for
taaehara ofthe publio sohoola of this
county, at Red Cloud on tha third
Baturday of taoli month.
Specinl ttxatmuation will be hold
on tht Friday proceeding tha 8d tiat
urday of aou month.
Tha standing required for Id ana
3d grade certificates it the lameno
grade below 70 per cent,, average 80
per eent; for first grade certificate
no grade below 80 per cent,, average
80 per oent. in all branches required
by law,
D, II, Humxii, County 8ut,
yg.RJijU VI WCaBaaTW
Ho, There
Farmers !
Hitch Up !
Hut before you do conic around
HnrncM aliop and buy u nciv act
or liaiid.nindjciJiaruL'N. Have
reduced all good In the har
ness line." Here tire n Tew ol
our prices:
$.'12.00 harness for S.T0.50
.'10.00 " iHfin
28.00 " " U7.00
27.00 " " 2(3.00
20.00 " " 2.1.00
And till L'oods in liroportion. All wnrlt
KUtirntitcod HopairinK mid trimming
tlono on filmrt notico..T. Q. Hutlor.
New Real Estnte Firm,
J. H. DAVIS tfe SON,
Real Estate,
Zioau nndlusurance Agents.
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Offloowltli I). F. Trnnkey, Moon Blook
Wo have located in lied
Cloud find will be plowed to
lmve people who desire to eel!
their farms to call and list
their landa with ub as we
have eastern buyers.
Call and sne us.
J. II. lVIMAc Ml
Endless Varieties o
At Siika tt Tuhnuhe's.
Columbia River Red Salmon,
Mackerel, White Fish, Hoi
land Herring, Smoked Her
ring, Kipperd II. Lobster, Ini
ported and Domestic Sardines,
Oysters, Green Turtle Meat,
Terrapin, Brick and Old Ocean
Codfish, Smoked Halibut and
Others too numerous to men
tion. rcAVtAld.limMARKs.
rorapt answer ana an honest opinion, write to
1 U K N Sk CO. . who bve bod nearly flhr years'
iportenoa In the patent buslneis. Coromunlcs.
tlons strlctlr conndentlal. A llaadbook of In.
formation conoornlna; Patents and bow to ob
taln ibem sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan
ical and ctentlDo books sent free.
Patents takon tbronub Mann A Co. receive
SMMlalnotlnelnthAHotaBtiafl A nr !.. And
thus are brought widely before the publio with,
out coet to tbe Inventor, Tbts splendid paper.
Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the
largest circulation of any sclentioo work In tbe
world. S)3 a year, festnple copies sent free. .
Dulldlng Kdltton. monthly, alio a year. Blnale
copies, UH cent. Kvery number contains beau
tlful plate, in colors, and photographs of new
lioutes, wltb plans, enabling builders to sbow the
aim araigna ana secure contracts. Aaarcss.w,
Partr) Loarjs
Per cent,
. A Sinipsor,
Bke Hill Neb.
Ami Used ttiu Crntor for mi Orrn tun Iiloti
to Witrni Her Tuct.
A quiet jnnriK i;lrl, tvlili i!pnilM'iurl
luilr, n nqiiuiv, firm i Iiln anil pli-M iln;
fenliiriM r.iiil iiiiinn.r, i.nlvil nt thu l.ick
Itoilsd lli-j ollitr ilny liu n 'I'n'-olml. Till'
yotin'f lady wns Mien 1 ny I'uIIt, iI.uikIi
tcrof IMItor I!. i. I-'ull. inf thnttlt v.nuil
alio lately iwrfoi nice a lint hOilllHfiill that
It not the jii-oplu on liotli nlili'4 of thu con
tlufiit tnlkliif; riliMit it it unt mi lc-w a
kat tlinn tliu lIIiiiIiIiik uf Mount 'I'iicomiii,
in WiikIiI listen, ROMiuf.Oinlkw to tliuuortli
t'.'iit of IMiiot finiitul, in tlio C'nncadomtiKu-
ft wilt a .formidable undertiiklu. In
nioro tlinn 40 year nluco tlio county win
acttli-d no uoiuati linil over attoinptL-d It,
nnd only a fmv moil had iiccoiunliHhi-d it,
Vihllo ninny had failed. Tlio mouutaiu Ih
n I'rltn our, tunerliitt U,4 14 feet high, nnd
with (Indent extending far tin from its
bno. It U wild y tunny cxiicrk'iicid
niountaluecrn to be tlio most dlfllcuKof nil
Amtriniti niouiitnlui to climb. Tlio plucky
lady tvn.s wllllnir to nttuuipt it. Tlio Kov.
K. U. Hinltli, It, it. 1'nrUh nml W. O. Aiiib
ilcii wcru with her, nnd Leonard LonKinlro,
itKiilde of Vvlui, undertook to pilot thciii.
Thu ascent of tlio llrst'7,000 fcuttvns
mado on horschack, amid denso forests
mid over dangeroUH'striania, nnd partly
through nnturnipnrkd, known na the Low
or GnrdctiH of ICden. This took four days.
Then it not to roitKh mid wild they hnd to
tnko it afoot. It wns porllotm in tlio ex
trenio. At 13,000 feet tlio wind blew n
hurrlcnno over tho miow mid bltio rcen
Hinder. Several crovnnses had to bo cross
ed, borne of which wore Inro enough to
drop a houMi Into.
When tho Hiiuimlt was reached, It wns
found to bo about two miles across. Stand
ing on the top, tho adventurous climbers
could aco below them two laro craters,
looking like bowls, with n cen
tral, common rim. Tho big crater was
tlireu-fourtlis of a mile across. Doth wero
filled with now nnd Ice, with the rim
around thu baro rocks rising in places CO
fiet. Tlio at emu kept tho rocks baro. Com
Ing down from tho aumrult, whero they
could hardly ntand, becnuso of thu flerco
wind, they took shelter In tho crater and
examined the ntt-ani jets. Thcso looked
llko a row of boiling teakottles along the
rldgo. Tlio party wit on tho rocks and
ncroHOou damp with tho motsttiro and
parboiled by tho beat, nnd it wns as obit
gntory as ever to move on ngain,
"On thu eastern edgo of thu big crater,"
said Mlai Fuller, "wo entered nn lco envo
between tho snow and thu rim of tho era
tcr, mid there, with utenin besldo us, wo
spread ou; blankets, which seemed light
enough now, took off our shoes, bathed
our feet in whisky mid began tho ulglit.
After having reached tho RUM in It I begnn
to feel sick from cold, exhaustion and the
sulphur odor, mid for soma tlmo suffered
from a chill mid nausea. Somoof tho gen
tlemen were tired und very cold. Eatiug
had no attraction for mo, but some ntu a
little. Mr. Knillh melted some lco in n cup
over tho steam nnd madu soma beef tea
from oxtract of beef.
"Two blankets over usseemed llttloprc
tectlon. Through thu small opening in
tho cave wo could watch tho stars and
meteors nnd hear tho awful avalanches
roarlug down thu mountain aides. I was
tho only ouo who could sleep. When we
ivokc, our shoes wero frozen stlft and had
to be thawed out in the steam. Tho blau
kots wero icy."
It was nioru perilous going down than
up. Miss Fuller's exposuro caused hor
lips, nosonnd foco to swell badly, and the
skin peeled off, but sho feels well repaid
by tho trip. Sau Franciuco Chronicle.
Died of Fright.
General II. C. Ilobart tells tho following
story: "In 1844 I went to 'Salem, Mass.,
tho town whero occurred tho trials for
witchcraft, to edit a newspaper. 1'oople
In that day at Salem weru moro or less mi
perntitlous, and it story that was told me
by some friends gave inu a strong impres
sloti of tho real power of imagination upou
tho human mind. I was assured that the
story was true and that tho vktlm was a
well known man.
"lie, with two friends, met one dark,
rainy night in n drinking placo In Salem,
and tho (jueatlou of witchcraft naturally
camo up. Tlio talk resulted in n wager
that tho bravest of tho trio would not dare
cross a vacant lot at tho rdgo of tho town,
proceed to tho town burying ground, go
Into a vault where n prominent citizen
hnd boon burled that day and drive n uall
lu tho coffln. Tho wnger was taken, and
tho mini started. Thu others proceeded to
a point iinnr enough to hear tha driving of
thu nail ami wero soon rewarded by hear
ing tho sound proceeding from tho tomb.
They then returned to tho tavern nnd wait
ed for the return of thu winner of the wa
ger. An hour passed, and ho did not come.
Becoming uneasy, they procured a lnntern,
and going tothetomhmndo n horriblo dis
covery. They found their friend lying
ncross tho ooflln in which he had driven
tho null dead. Investigation revealed tbe
fact that ho hnd sat down on tho coffin
while, driving tho nail and had accidentally
driven the nnll through his own coat.
When ho undertook to rlbc. thu fastened
coat of course jerked him back and held
htm, and tho awful feeling that n ghost
had held til m fast wrought up his feelings
to such t pitch that bo died of sheer
fright." Milwaukeo .Wisconsin.
PuVillo Ofllco Thrust on lllni.
"Soino men," said ex-Scnntor Thomas
M. Palmer of Michigan to me, "spend
their entire tlmo trying to get n publio of
fice und yet never succeed. Others do not
lift n finger and appear to hnvo offices
thrust upon them. I suppose I belong to
thu latter class. I coufess I am amazed
myself when I look back over my publio
career, I have never been n candidate for
any position, nnd yet I have held a great
many. I was nominated nnd elected to
the legislature of Michigan without my
knowing how it happened. Next I wns
elected to tho senate Had not asked a
man to voto for me and did not want to
go to tho senate. When my senatorial
term expired, I declined to be a candidate
for re-election, I said to my wife, 'Now
we will havo peace, and I shall devote the
balance of my lifo to you.' I was engaged
In packing up our household things to re
turn to Mtchlgau. There was a ring ut
tho telephone I answered it. 'Harrison
has just sent in your name for minister to
Spain,' was tho messugo that en mo from
Senator Mandcrson. 'Great Scott,' I an
swered, 'try to have it rejected.' Of
rourso I appreciated tho compliment of
tho uppolntment, and utter consulting
with my wlfocoiisentvdfogoovertoSpatii
for a year. I landed In New York just
year and four days from tho tlmo of my
departure. I am surely out now, I thought,
hut betoro I gat settled down nthnmo Mr,
Harrison limned mo for president of the
World's fair commission. Tho pressure
rvnr so strong I could not refusu It, That
lasted nearly three years, but at last lam
I freo uwu ngain, and 1 Intend to remain
io. Not iVen the presidency of the United
lutes would tempt mjg$f Yog
Hfivo no frltnds yen date not bring
Tho grent .Vovada silver mines wtro
opened lu IrtV),
A wnmau'H hair hi n.tld to wtlgh on the
nveraijc 1 1 on nets.
Tho liritli h Mlneraloglcal society wns
established lu IbllO.
The lend mines of Spain have been crk
td ever Since the beginning of history.
Sculptor contend that the height of the
Venus do Medlel, B foot ft Inches, la the
perfect statin v for women.
Tho nnmo Scleticlda) was applied ni a
generic title to a long racu of Macedonian
kings who reigned in Syria.
Thu tltlu reverend, onco tisod only with
reference to tho pope, Is now generally ap
plied to clergymen of any denomination.
Thu tltlu justice, applied to n judgo,
comes from Kngland, where ninny judicial
olllcers hnvo for ngcj been termed justices.
TJicro Is .talk of reconstructing the old
(tntfhott&u on Deacon hill, Doston. Tho
schctno meets with much approval lu that
Dy old English law a bnron was re
quired to havo nt least five hides of land,
a church, n kitchen, n bellhouso and a
borough gatu wltb a seat iu it.
Count dates from tho later Itoman em
pire. Before tho evacuation of Britain
by tho Romans n count of tho Saxon shore
was nppolntod toproventSnxou Invasions
Among tho titles of tho Iloman emper
ors wero Augustus, Ca-sur, Dlvus, PIub,
Felix, Clements, Tranqulllus, Snnctlssl
mils, Altlsslmus, Bomluus and others of
similar ponderosity.
It is said that Delmonlco'schef, Charles
Ranhocfer, will publish, by subscription,
a cookbook which ho promises will contain
(1,200 octavo pages, embracing 0,700 recipes
and embellished with 800 engravings.
Oh, Kentucky is n great stato. Hero's
Uuclo Kd Crenshaw of Glasgow, 70 years
old, with n new baby In the house, the
most recent of 24 babies, mid Mrs. Aslop
of McLean county, who Is as proud as can
be of her first ouo, nt 04.
An luhnbltont of tho canton of Fribourg,
Switzerland, discovered In nn old castle
tho authentic sword of Bayard, tho chev
alier wins peur ot sans reprocho. The
owner of tho relic has sent photographs of
It to various French museums, ono of
which will probably buy it.
Tactless Men.
Of all tactless men, perhaps the man
most noted for this shortcoming was the
late Lord Derby, who, notwithstanding
his extraordinary talent, his remarkable
common sen so mid sagacity, lived and
died a soured, disappointed, misunder
stood nnd unpopular man. Lack of tact
was likewise tho distinguishing character
istic of that other clever English states
mail, Lord Shcrbrooko, better known as
"Bob Lowo," nud It Is llkowlse ono of the
drawbacks to tho succcs's of SlgnorCrlspl,
tho prcsont Italian premier. Thus, during
tho silver wedding festivities nt Homo n
year ago, finding himself face to face with
tho empress of Germany, who Immedl-"
atley recognized him nnd extended her
baud in tho most gracious way, he show
ed in such a plain manner that he hud no
Idea who on earth she could be, and that
ho considered her rather foi ward, that she
was forced to mention her name before ho
could mnko up his mind to bow down nnd
kiss the extended hand. On another oc
casion, when his groom of thu chambers
had Just announced Lord Dufftrlu mid
thrown open the folding doors leading Into
the ofllco of the premier, Crlspl, without
attempting to rlso from tho armchair In
which ho was lounging, contented him
self with nlrlly wnving his hand to the
embassador and bada him a negligent
good morning, smiling pleasantly ns he
did so. Tho smllo was not returned, mid
Lord DufTerlu, with his eyeglnss in his
eye, stopped short on tho threshold nud
gazed steadfastly nt Crlspl, with an ex
pression of mingled hauteur and surprise.
Tho premier at last understood, and Jump
ing up in much confusion rushed toward
the most tactful of nil Quocn Victoria's
enibassadors.overwhclnilng him with apol
ogies for his "unintentional discourtesy,"
New York Trlbuno.
Max O'llell on Women.
Whenever Mux O'llell opens his flatter
ing lips on thonubjectot woman, feminine
ears nil over tho world are pricked up.
He hns been loeturing nbout hor lately
and makes soinu pleasing international
comparisons. Ho said that In tho French
household woninn was queen; she led her
husband, and ho did not compluln; she
knew all his affairs. He consulted her
about his Investments that was why
wealth in France was so stable, because
women wero not speculative Sho thor
oughly understood tho poetry of matrimo
ny. In England a woman knew nothing
of her husband's affairs, not ns much as
bis clerk. The wlfo of tho peasant proprie
tor was tho vary fortuno of Franco hard
working, sober, thrifty, always working
in the house, tho fields, the market. Her
daughter did not wear fringes, but when
alio went to aervlco every month sho paid
a visit to the anviugs bank when she got
her wages an English servant 3lrlgota
new hat and was photographed in it. The
more lm saw of American women the
more deeply he was impressed with the
conviction that they wero totally unllko
all other women. There were few women
to be compared with them in tho drawing
room. None with whom men felt more
at ease. They had beauty, but it wns not
equal to that ot English women, but it
was their Intellectual qualities that were
striking. From the ago of 18 a girl waa
allowed almost every liberty she took the
rust. In Europe women let tho men do
cldo what was proper in America they
did it for themselves,
Torclng- the Ztoyal Train to Stop.
The late Sir Robert Burnett of Leys bne
lived in seclusion slnco his health broke
down, nbout three years ago, just when.
no was auout to no married to tho eldest
daughter of Lord SemplU. Sir Robert,
who passed many yenrs of his life In Amer
ica, succeeded to tho family estate, which
ixteuds to about 13,000 acres. In 1370,
on tho death of his father, Sir .Tames Bur
nett, lord lieutenant of Kincardineshire,
he took a very prominent part in county
business, was n liberal landlord and pre
sented a publio park to tho town of Dan
ehory, which ndjolns his estato.
Sir Robert camo into notlco nbout 10
years ago by his litigation with tho Deo
side railway respecting tho special "mes
longer" trains which run dally when the
qui en In residing at Balmoral, and ho suc
ceeded In obtaining an order from tho court
nf session that all such trains w ero to ston
when required at Crathes station, which ,
Is ucar his plnco. It hud always been tho;
practlco to mu these snecluls between Ab-'
irdccn nnd Bulla tcr without stopping, and
Sir Robert Burnett's triumph was regard-
id In Doealde oa a dlrjetj a$a$tyeeourl '
Is the right man when n w
An endless variety of stoves.
Wire and Everything in the line,
miiiiini....i........... ; p
New York-
Weekly Tribune
The Fair -Store.
p. COZfID, Prop.
Every CorweiVable Article ot lrfatd,y
Special rates on Queens ware, Glassware, Etc.
' Served llXClUSIVely to the
21,477,212 People admitted to
the World's Fair Grounds.
Leading Fine coffee of the World,
For sale only by Sherwood & Albright.
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infitnts
nud Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance It Is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothiug Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allayi
fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
toothing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach
nnd bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos
torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
"Castoria ts an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers havo repeatedly told mo of Its
good effect upon their children."
Da. O. O, Okoood,
Lowell, Mass.
' Castoria Is the bcbt remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope tho day Is not
far distant hen mothers will consider the real
Interest of their children, nnd uso Castoria In
stead of the varlousquack nostrums which are
destroying tin Ir lored ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents donn thtlr throats, thorcby scciluii;
them to prematura graves."
Da. J, F. RiNcncLOK,
Conway, Ark.
Tko Contaur Company, TT Murray Street, New York City.
Address THE CHIEF,
Red Cloud, Neb.
taken in exchange for goods.
"" l""Tt
accepted as the
rf- ssTyWTaTMBaaafaW
" Castoria ts so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any preacriptlosw
known to mo."
Tf. A. Aecbib, X. D
111 Bo. Oxford St , Brooklyn, N, f.
" Our physicians In the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their expert
ence In their outside practice with Castoria,
nnd although we only baro amonj n;p
medical supplies what la known aa reulir
products, yet wo are froe to confess that ths
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon It,"
UsutD Hospital aud Dispinsabt,
Doston, atasc' -Auxn
O. Surni, Pre:,
il S
. K
i-!!.:zr3.KJW3 i
. !- "sj efyeivwwsi j Tip