The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 23, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    UiTUhV. ., nir .i
What is
Castoria 1.4 Dr. Samuel Pltclicr'n proscription for Infants
and Oliildron. It contains neither Opium, Morpliltio nor
other Narcotic HtiliHtnncc. It Is n harmless nubstltuto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, ntnl Castor OH.
It is Pleasant. Its gimrntituo Is thirty years' uso by
Millions of Mothers. Oastorla destroys Worms and allays
iovcrlshticsH. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diariiiuia and AViud Colic. Castorla relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency
Castorla assimilates tlio food, rcgtilutcs tho stomach
and bowels, .'Ivlng healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
Caslorl.i I niicxwllfiit medicine for chil
dren. Motlu-ra hat e rcpoatodly told me of lu
good effect uhiu their chllclrcn."
1)11. (J. C. OwiOOD,
Lowell, Momi.
' CAstorla l tho let remedy for clillilrcn of
which I nm aciimlntfd. 1 lioxj tho day Is not
far distant w lien mothers wlllconsldcr tho null
Interest of their children, nnd u) OmtorU In
ileadof ttievnrlonsiiuaokno'driimswlilehiiro
destroyhiK their loved onen, by forclnioilum,
mordilne, Rootlilng syrup mid wilier hiirtfid
spoiiU down tht ir thronUt, thereby tefdlnj;
Ihcm to iiremattiro crau'it."
tin. J. F. Kivcnci.0B,
Cuiiwny, Ark.
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children thai
1 recommend It as superior toatiy prescripts
known to liie."
It. A. Ancrtsn, M. D
HI Bo. Oxford St., Urooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians In tho children's depart
ment h.ire spoken highly of their experl
rnco In their outside pructlco with Castorla,
mid although we only ha?o ftiuong our
medletil supplies what is known as regular
priMlucts, yet wo aro freo to con f cm that the
iiktIih of Castorla has won us to look with
faoniNin It."
UunUiii, llnsa.
Ali.b.i C. Siirrir, Ym.,
Tlio Coatnnr Comimuy, T7 Murray Street, Nou York Ctly.
J no. B. Wiugut,
itj Seco-M-t'lnd Goods
Itt'umi Itlovh. ISvd Clouf.
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
I'lrst t'htNH work a spcelnlly. I'rlren rcuxoiintilc.
Ollltc UrNt dtmrNoulli ol Chief ivltli IV. V. Hull.
Sec him before 'ul'vlii j our order iih II will be lo your Interest
j. l. minkh,
Ilium Mixr.ii,
-Asst. Cashier.
AV. A. Sherwood,
People's Bank of Red Qfcud,
Red Cloud, .Nkrraska,
Transact a General Banking Business,
Special attention given to Collections
Iknkinn Offinn in Minnr Bros Storo.
Egd Cloiid Stgati'i Lalirjdry,
-P. a. HANSEN. Proprlotor.
FirHt ehiNR work siiiirentcctl In every pnrtlrular.
Served Exclusively to the
21,477,212 People admitted to
the World's Fair Grounds.
Universally accepted as the
Leading Fine coffee of the World.
For sale only by Sherwood & Albright.
-tvi'A'i limit
r CV.t .
if ti'J,JtcCU
i h:o:'
'iirnlittt'd HxurutHly
idr lor Wulitlur ,
PnorniETons op
Ordoro promptly flllod. "Sour pntronaso solicited
lor Tho
Coin y
tr.inr'htiMi in w, t. I'imit.i
St. .Joskimi, Mo., Miircli IS J .My lmt
liiillutin (,'uvu foiccii'itH nf lliii Klnrm
wnvo In cniHS tin) cuntiiiHitt from Ul h to
'i8th, mill tlm MfU will H'iicli tli. I'.icitli;
uuiiHt nlxiut thu'Jiltli) criHM tho wi-nton
niouiitiiliiA by uIimh of .'K)tli, tlm uriiut
cunt ml vnllcH from IIIh". to Ap'il 'J I,
nnd tlm fiiHturn Htntuu about th ' '! I.
TIiIh will bo u Huvurn Htorm, mid llri
coiirtu) hIiouIiI I id curofully vvatuhud iih it
croHHDH tho L'oiitinunt. It will probably
Im at itH rcatvHt forco in tl o uuBtcrn
HtutuH mid vantorn Canada about April
,'Id or 1th, and at tint wuim titnu tho cool
wavo will bo at its groatest forco in mid
dlo Canada and tho reat contral val
lcyn. ThoBocond ntorm wnvo of April will
roauli tho 1'iiL'illu rbotit April .'Id,
crotiH tho wrBturu iiioiintiiiim by uloso or
tho lth, tho ijicat cuntral vallnyn from
'Jd to 7th, and tho oautorn Mutes about
tho 8th. Thin will iiIho bo a fiovoro
Htorm, at itH :rcatt't foiuo in and wont
of tho 'roatuLMitral valloys.
Tho lattorpart or .March and tho llrnt
half of April will bo bo crowded with
weather diBtiirbanci'ri that tho regular
Htorm wuveii will' becomo Homi'what ir
ri'Ktilur. fair weather tlajH will bo fow
and far botwuon, miJ uuvoru Btorms may
Htrilto on any day.
Tho warm wav-H will crnBa tho west
urn fiiountaiiiH about March 20 Lh and
April ltd. tho (,'ruat cuntral valloa itlHt
and April "itli, tho eiiHtorn utatea April
t!d and 7th.
Tho cool waveB will crosa tho western
mountaina alxiut April 1st and Cth, tho
Rrcat central valleys about .'Id and 8th.
ami tho eaHtcrn Btatea about oth and
For April tho wIiiiIa tompuraturo of
tho United States will average abow,
while at a fow locations tho temperature
will bo normal or below. This will bring
what in called an early f prinj; in tho ex
tremo northern alatea and Ciniida. Tho
(.old I'Vliriiiuy broiiuht a lato aprim; in
tho Houth jimt as predicted in therin liul
letiny. Farm work will probably bo re
tarded by raina during the lit-Mt part of
April, eat of tho Mirtr.otin aul licit ami
earit or tlm lower Mimit-Hippi.
C.MtTligi'AKIS AND ro.Mr.Tri.
I'rof. h'aib of Vienna. Auairia, ii si'iid
to lie a HriiMitiHt of hih repiiti. Me ih
liocoiiiin' wot Id reiioMied for hiai:unei't
foreciiHtu (if t.'iciit c irtliiii,ihoa, mid mi
weather usenta and i'iirtli.)iiiikc;i aro be
lieved to be from the name catifcH, I'ruf.
Kiilb'H foreeaita of lh latter v. id bu of
i llereat to readerH of thea- liulliiiiiit'.
Komt'tiino iifi he pn ti.i.slit-il ptedie
tlnna that eaithiiiiilt'H of more than or
dinary force would occur during 1SU1,'Jl. Feb. lid. Match Ul. April
(5. May ", AuRuat 1 ami UO, Sept. Ul) and
Oct. 28 Theso aro nlau my datea for
aevere aloiniri mi thi-i eontiiient, ami aa
hia foii'caata and my calciilationa wero
made uithout any Idiowiedn or each
oilier it indic.itea that wo mo hUhI.uiii
iiIodl' tho hamo lini'H aa to thu moon's
iullueuco on tho earth.
According to l'ror. Falb'a estimate tho
KnuitoHL ut theao earthi-uako di'tuib
anees ta to occur near August 'JUlh, tho
next in forco near September 2Uth, then
Fob. 20th, Maroh 21, April 1, etc. This
is in accord with my estimate of weath
er events. Tho storms about Feb. 2(1
wore amoni; tho most nevoid of tho win
ter, nnd the others aro expected to de
velop forco in accord with Prof. Fnlb's
estimates ot cnrtlii-uaUea fur tho same
Ho stops, however, at tho points where
the moon is Deans', the eaith, while
weather calciilationa include many oth
er positions of tho moon and many moio
of the hum and planets. lOlectiicity is
tho foico that caiiM'S thet-o seismic and
atmosphcrio disturbances, mid when
that forco is ri.'htly undeiiitood, v may
know, approximately, when to expfot
important weather events and earth dis
turbances. I'rof. Fa'.b makes another important
prediction, lie suja tho great comet
that visited mir solar fjateiu in 1HoV will
return in 1"-IK ami probably collide with
our earth. No doubt audi collision
have occtu id and may oeiiin ugaii.. All
aslren miers admit tliesu to lie lmuspu
table facts.
A nieliopolitaii daily pniier of tho
eiibtoin htalea hiiH "I'rof. Fall) lins
a reputation ill over Kuiopo for hia kno. lodge, and narlic
nlarly for hia extraordinary familiarity
with tho habits mid customs ot earth
quakes. His predictions of heismic dis
turbances hnvo been remnrkably ful
filled." Theso facta make his prediction about
tho comet of more than ordinry interest,
and the unwelcome visitor may come un
comfortably near our earth, but there
aro many chances that no -serious dam
ago may bo expected.
Astronomical calculations have ad
vanced to most wondorful perfection,
and astronomers can surely givo almost
the exact position ot a comet at any
moment. Tho comet of 1800 will no
doubt cross tho earth's path in 1800, but
as our earth moves about GO.COO miles an
hour, an error ot ono hour in the calcu
lations would movent a collision, and
then probably nothing more Borious
could occur than tha saturation ot our
atmosphore with poisonous gases from
tho comot, and a large increase of con
flagrations, cnuscd by an incionso of
electric activity.
Tho week ending March 11th inaugur
ated tho llvo weeks predicted period of
sevoro storms and tho reports aro all in.
Three tomndoea occurrod during that
week, ono in Colorndo, ono in Toxaa and
ono in Missouri, two of which were no
compnnied by sovoro hail storms. Tho
center of tho 7th to 11th storm wavo en
tered tho Pacitio coast on tho morning
of tho Gth, at which timo tho whulo con
tinent was covered by a low from which
tho tornadoes dovelnped. On iUli tho
wind reached tho high velocity ot 11
miles ut Salt Lake, and on 10th 10 miles
at Davenport, Iowa, with the barometer
down to 29.'18. On 11th tho wind was
11 miles in eastern Canada. More than
throo inches ot rain fell in parts of the
country within twenty-four hours. Tho
National weather bureau at Washington
denominated tills series ot storms as
"sevore and moving with great velocity."
The results aro Bufllciont to verify tho
predictiona for the inaugural week.
Facts aro plain spokon; hopes and
figures aro its aversion.
Great Faiilijn Hood's
A Gufforor Given Up to Dio
Dreams of a Cure
Sufforlng Women Should Road This
DoiiRlaii, Knnvis.
"C. I. Hnoil & Co., Lowell, Masi.:
" 1 saHcreil with frnrilo anil kldaoy 'troubloi
farnlan Ion jean, four ilnetori k.i(iiiio up
and I had little hopct of recovery. Ono night I
ilre.inicit ntiout Hood's Harsajiarllla, ami when
I told my haitiaml ho tando fun of rue, but ho
went tea miles nnd bought the inc-tlclne.
Two Bottles Cured Mo, '
Hut I kept on taking It, and I know It saved my
lite. I am now a poor widow, but I havn such
fnlth In Hood's S.irsaparllla that I havn bouf-ht
It to give It away to Ret tho afflicted to Like It.
Last fall I gavo Hood's Sarsaparllla to several
sick women, who said It was nouio for me to
troablo myself, for they clnlmed to havo tried
rverythliiKnml all had fulled. Howovcr, I got
tlii'iu to take It, telling them It would not colt
them a cunt.
Now All Aro Well,
And we feel glad that thero U such a good mod
lclao as Hood's Sarsaparllh. In tho paitthreo I havo bought tweiit)-lwo bottle and
plvea away twelve, and thoacli nil the doctors
gio mo up to die, I am alive et. No nao
iliould bo without Hood's'Kiillli.rmd (
iiuuitv. ,1 1 r.Iuill lu'ip It on linintall the time."
Mn. ; .ia.stua V(ir.i;.M,N,lioiil.ii-, Knn.
Koocl'3 Pills euro Hit UN, rointlpatloa,
blllouMie.i'), J:iu:ullcu, :!cU lieaiUcl.e, ludle&tloiu
--;ai- -- ---.---
lEelon il"l'iiy
Win n fiitiiuiM lii'uulj; eomiiig down to
Hoi pri'M'iit t iiih w'h Hod a cliar enmplex
iuti, as o-teniiiil to eorri-et beauty. Hal-lt-r'ri
SarKiipnrillii and Hurdoek will pin
ilni'H ii l"-'intiful clear ckfii. For inlu by
Ueyo iV Urlco.
The Republican sixth congrepaional
eoiiveiitiou will bo held at I'hillipsburg
May SI.
To cure tho itch tako one box of Hal
lerV AtHtriiliau niul thoroughly anoint
ths body, uho llaller'a Sariapiirillit lour
time a day for llilrly days and an abso
liltH euro will follow. For mile by Deyoit
aro all right;
anti cigarette
Tho boys of Chauuto
they havo organized an
I'i'cK'n (tmfltoy very nmr getting Into teiloufc trou
ble with the groeer the other day. lit
hud borrowed eriiekeiv.eherhe and apples
but when he undertook to Miipe a bottle
of llullerV time Cur' Couu'li Syrup he got
tlr d. For null by I) yo A- Gnoe.
l-'ifty-luree boats and 'S lives were
dtstiojfd by the lakes last jear.
Ila'ilui"' i-t often precet-di'tl or aecoin
piuiid li griiyiii'f nl Hie 'I o pri
vmit both lialdne-'H mill griilit-i uso llitll'rt
Hair Itenewer, mi ImiieHt remedy.
Life is not ao abort but
always timo for courtesy.
that thoro is
!17 men wanted nt Deyo A. OricoV drug
storo next Monday morning to buy a
bottlo of llaller's Uarb Wire Liniment
it U absolutely guaranteed.
Enthusinsm is tho intoxication of earnestness.
Kail KoimI Note.
J. W. llailey of Ilatavia, N. Y , Conduc
tor on N. Y. C. Hallway, and one of the
tieit known men on the road i ays of Parks
Tea: For ttn yeiiM I have found nothing
of lasting value. Hearing so many talk
Imr of l'nrks' Tea 1 tried tt without much
hope. Tho first done moved my bowsls
ennily nnd now I am cured. It works
liko majio. Sold by C. Ii. Cottiug.
None despifle fame nioro heartily than
tlioso who have no possible claim to it
EMJIfctimwH 1 1 a aU aJ ;BJ1
i'.iiuis whihi iti tisF tuts
Best CuiMh byrup. TaMvs lloud,
in i una. rmi i?T tiriiifkciiiiH.
me Keystone Watch
Case Co. of Philadelphia,
the largest watch case nirtnufactur
iiij ctiiiceru in the world, is now
putting upon the Jas. Hoss Filled
and other eases made by it, a bow
ring) which cannot be twisted or
pulled off the watch.
It is a sure protection against the
pickpocket and the many accidents
that befall watches fitted with the
old-style bow, which is simply held
in by friction and can be twisted oft
with the fingers. It is called the
and CAN ONLY BE HAD with JM.
casts bearing their trade mark JJ
Sold only through watch dealers,
without extra charge.
Ask any jeweler for pamphlet,
or scud to the manufacturers.
Kcipit le finest stock of Roods to be seen in the vnllevat
She will be pleased to have tlm Indies rail and nxuiiilno her new itori; wlilce Is not to be
fxiflted In t lilt locality, Her turs of
Experience Gives Her Many Advantages
la the trade which she prolines kIiIiik to her cuMomfr.i
Cnll and ncc lier. Aloon lllotlt. ICcd riuud.
i! C TA.V1 rxz iii
. . y. irr.u, m
4JJ Tin- furniture 3!an has an da
f f f .stock of
aliorate ami uiiliir-ilcd j
of I'vciy conwivablu description.
Bo sure and see liis stock of
m Window Shades,
wall Paper,
Oar pets, iii
T) rv $ cv- wl 2ti-- -.7) o -o o- -! 0- tTJj
xiO' --rtC-- itil.. .rji . Jw- 11
. . . . ... "- - -,.b B -TV
j s- ui-" -voo-- wc'ji- v8C V oci''
n rr re l c: -ah
UIJ. LV1. nUului3j and Organs.
lie is prepared t l'urnili you with an elegant orirau or ev
iiry niaeliiiie from Uf) up.
lie will make you sno.-.t any terms to suit voir.
He will do your repairing cheaply.
Headquarters for all kinds of supplies for machine repairs.
T !R E
Any one intending planting
' g
JL W as ihJ (ILbJ
Fruit Trees
Can get first class stock at the
will be rcaclv to deliver same
on and aftr
March 19, '94
J Call early and get best selections,
( &? C 5v-!''f?T-J7-C5:-3'.3"td;' QfrQrJQ,-
Now is the time to call on A, G. Harris
for bargains, I have just received a full
ir-,.. r
uuc ui
Also a full Hue of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
oueensware, hardware,
Wall Paper, Carpet Warp,
All ofwhich I am s elling cheaper than ever. Call and
see me before lmying elsewhere.
3 '. A. 11A1SIS18, Coti'icti, Zve&m.s.vf.
m.i.,,.1 . .... .M.f . j.w .. . - .. -,fc,tJ1