The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 23, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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    HHHHHH vb"
wlWW!B5BPIllllBMlBWMaMlllWWlllW . gfcfca .-nrT,-i ihhm mmu m " iia,rw-
-,i WKjnnMcr'jf3fcTwi.twwuiiJi'iJ wsww.aj'.jrw ixw . ' "' mmi wwmmiumi iiwjw "l,il,in
T1IK KKI) CLOri) rillKF. RK!) CLOVl). XKKKASKA. FRIDAY. 31 ARCH 2. 181M.
Mjwnwro w nm wm m mm?! m? m
Spring Goods ! 1
Arriving !
Tlirow oil the heavy Winter Sliueit ttml
Buy Something Suitable.
M'e can truthfully any tlutl u bettor Hue
or ilvidrithlu foutwviir hut netvr been
oH'cred the people or Ileil Cloud thiin U
now to he IoiiihI In our Store and
At prices lower than you have been obliged to
pay heretofore.
Working hoet, Oxford Slipper, Tine
lleavj. eoare. See them, hay them.
ruuHmummuauuiaum iUiumuiK
a rr.w i:tk .
I "He is n in" s tliopiilut. ton winch
'will greet the people nf nil tubes and
was in Lincoln tlii" nntioni next Stindnv in nherwitimi of
Easter. Let us u'l endeavor to compio
upon our wheel of fortune, lioud tho above scriptural quotation, and
observe iib much lis possible tlio pign ll
ceneo of Easier. Easter proclaims the
advent of beautiful spring. Now life.
We should all beghid to welcome Easter.
Tills is now ii' stvs.
In Wob&tor County, NobrnsUn,
according to tlio American hews
pnpor Directory tor IU94, now In
prosB, tho Hod Clone) Chiof hns n
InrRor roKulnr Issvio any
othor pnpor
av.o. i. ieow tux tV .
TAHI.t: or VIT.T.s.
Pngol--0 A Duchei's ml.
Fagot!- Eus i-r (Irecting. containing a
protniseous displu of tho pi in-
ciplo business houwes.
PUROS- EdllCUtinillll Column -Repott
of tho S S Convention, and
general advertising.
Pago I ClinH Wiener, tlio Clothier.
Pago 5- General city nowp.
Pago li Weather fnreiasis.
Page7 "Enstur in M main's Alloy." A
bright and impressive E.istei
story b Miss Kntu lordan.
Page 8 City noun and Rural Correspondence
local m:us.
Window curtains at Cuttiiifj'H.
Attorno MeXittwns in Lincoln this
w eek.
Sjlf needing spednoIcBseoDi. Culliinore
in A pill.
lied Cloud
isitir.r :ni:vi;io.v
Mips Laura Mellrlde Sundaved at
CJo and pco the bargain hIioo counter
at Wioiier'e.
Chan. Wiener was doing businetB in
Denver thiH week.
Seed oatH for hide. Sample at Cot
tins's drug Htore.
Rev. El was attending to business in
Lincoln thin week.
Wiener him put in a btrguin shoe
counter. Call and poo it.
Mr. IIi'iidoiMiu'rt folUn expect to move
to Wouior, KiuiwiM thm weeK.
1'oin l'eiiinan ih flviiiL' lit) Ilia
V'"K projiutty in nice stjie.
11 (Snrber took a pniti this week to
North Ibaiich and lOslxm, K.uihhs.
ReniPinber that .MeXitt keeps both
the top and bottom onion cetH.
(in to CaliuiM fur fienh briad and piep.
coiifectioiiarv.oiRarp, tub.u.uH, .Vo.
Rev. Melville Piiimati will preach in
the ChiiBtian chinch next Sunday.
Mrs. S.H. Xewinjer of fiiiide Uock was
vibitiiif,' f i lends in Huh uit I. ml week.
Mrn. Mebille J'litiiuui in iHitiiiK
friends iulieatrieeaudUiualialliiH wiek.
Tho ladies.' nocinl at Mrs. Spokehtleld'p
vap a Kiaud biictVHri. '1 he receipts w ei e
Two pair of punts with each puit and
cap to match, they are lmri;iiin.--Chiciii,'u
You can buy shoes at two-thiids the
original price at Wienei's baiRiiin shoe
hIiopb at To cents, 81.00,
baihMiim ai
61 i
i:K. All excelleul
prices, tit Wiener's,
More, jjoods aro being sold for a dol
lar at tho Chicago Clothing Store than
any where elbo in thia country.
Thore will bo an KiiRter concert at the
M. E, church nevt Sunday evening at
tlio UBual'liour. All aro mvileu.
Go to McNitt for your Mammoth
Clover, Gorman Millet and White Run
sum oats if you want good seed.
Henry Alvord tho genoral fadvance
agent for Edward Reno tho magician
was a pleasant visitor at our .otlice
Will I'arkes is remodelling the inter
iorof his house and shingling it. Will
believes in keening .his nropeity up in
good shape,
Miss Mary Savngo of Cowlep, with her
friend Mies Deacon were delegates and
in attendance at tho Sunday echoo! con
vention Thursday.
Go and eeo X' 13. Rohmeon if you want
paper hanging or painting, He guaran
tees satisfaction. He is located with W.
1 Hull hist bouth of Till Cnil.K olllce
When ou got ready to buy children
clothing come and bee us look at our
combination suits etra pair of pants
and cap given w ith cierj buit. Chicago
Clothing Co.
In our last issue, in referenco to Rev.
fi. L. Llj's resignatioc, wo paid that ho
lesigned unco before, which was an fi
loronour part, as he did not do so.
Also it is not his intention to leave Red
Cloud before Muv 1st.
Dr. L. D. Denney who by mistako has
railed to leceive Tun Ciur.r for some
time, writes ub n card from Denver as
foltows:-lf ou don't send mo the
Great Family Weekly i will hao the
governor cull out tho troops,
A terriblo political outrage whb com
mitted by n teacher in ono of our pub
lic schools. A pi imury class was recit
ing and the nuuhtlun was asked of a it
tie boy: How many nulls uinke a cent?'
to which tho lad answmod. "Xone of
'em do. Toots snB they aro a 1 sliut
down on uejount of IKmiocintic fiee
1 1 mlii'. Now let u toiuher wii" would w
fill forget herself iu to lis piwuv.u
fiucLtUu) be Hied. .
Mrs. Dwight Jones was
tins weelc.
White IIiiBBian heed oatB at tho Red
Cloud Produce Co.
Dr. I'arl llurwell made his visit with
relatives in lnavale Sunday.
V. P. Hudloy is now better prepared
than ever to do an thing in his line.
A good dwelling house and grounds
in I'xd Rloud to tiade for land, C. W.
.J. F. Kenjon. trainmaster of the wept
em division of the It. it M., was in the
city .Mouihiy.
There are regardlesfl of tho hard titnijfi
liiiinv deliuiiiieiits bijuidating to this of
iLc. TliauKs.
Tommy Fisher's teom ran away the
other day and wero found bix or seven
miles from home.
.1. G.Sapp wiip stabbed quite severely
with a pitchfork while doing ellicieiit
woik at ihf the Mondiiy.
Wiener is ready to tuko our ineiipure
for a hpiing bint. 1'ieco goods anil biiui
pies are all in. Pleiibe cull.
Miss McFarland and Mrs. Smelser of
Republican were visiting with their
fiieud Mrs. Montauo laut week.
S. X and C. S. P. Iter, two old sub
scribers renewed their subscription to
the Great Faun) Weekly thin weelc.
We will pay ou 27 centB for corn and
fell on gomlb cheaper than any mei
eliat'it dmu bell ou Chicago Clothing
tlf-SF.EDR CUriLIMORE.Eo nnd
M,ii Singeou. lurciH patients in K-d
Cloud. April iSId and tilth with lr. Mc
Keeby. Ever thing in huts just received all
the new Hl Its and eolois; elegant lineof
ehildrens eaps; all the new noveltUs at
the Chicago Stoie.
MrH. Sapp is having an excellent run
at her boarding hoiibe, which is the con
M'quenco of corteoiiH tieatment and first
class accommodations.
,L H. Davifl thiB week Fold the proper
ty belonging to A. T. Oimi-I) of Denver,
now occupied by II. C. Cutter, to A. W.
Downer icccnllj of Iowa.
J. L. Miner shipped this week, three
car loadBof fat hogs from his lanchwest
or town. They shipped to IvrmBiis City,
hughie attending the shipment.
Ifouvvuiit fruit trees, or anything
in the nursery line, L. II. Rust can tix
ou up Willi better goods for tho
money than any man in the country.
Remember our ehildrens clothing is
oheinitTand belter made than ever. Ro
in forced seats and knees.olegant patterns
und low prices. Chicago Clothing Com
pany. Joe Holcomb tho livery mon hns pur
chased a complete outfit for shearing
or clipping horses. His handsome mare
'Xottio iv. is greatly ueauuneuuiierino
clipping process.
Cheapest suits ever shown new ready
for ou every suit at lowest prices, work
inanship best in tho country and best
titting goods ever brought to tho city.
Chicago Clothing Store.
Some duB since, E. P. Uolton of tho
H. A- M., eating house slipped and fell
violently, sustaining some injuriep, and
as a result has been continetl to the bed
forpeveral dajs. He is slowly getting
Attention Joe Fogle the new horness
man, will do repairing as cheap as any
one, and Bell jou anything you want in
tho harness line. Any one wishing
something in tho fast horso line should
give him u cull.
Kior.vbodv steal eggs
I' litur Warren
wet k.
page U.
J. Ii. Fuller left TuePilny for Carlisle,
Mr. and Mrs. ,T. C. Warner were in
Lincoln this week.
See Dr. Culllniore'fl duteB in lied
Cloud with Dr. McKeeby.
MipflTheda Viers of Guide Hock was
vihiting in tho city thiB week.
I?ev. Geo. Yeiser was doing l)UBineiB
in Guide Rock this week.
J. S. Mnrflh nnd wife of Guide Rock
were in Red Cloud Saturday.
Miss. Grnco ToniliiiRon departed for
St. Joseph, Missouri, Tuesday.
The "Gooteanders" are piaeticing for
a grand serenade in the near future.
Anthony Sehaefer showed us some
beautiful radishes giowu by him this
if an of our rentiers think 1'ed Cloud
istleatl weask them to peruse liii.Ciin i
tint week.
Mi. Dr. McKeeky in company with
Mr Willis ami wile were vi-iliug in Or
leans Thursday.
Mis. .Juranek. living near lllue Hill,
wan bioiight to Uetl Cloud tlnswcekiind
adjudged insane.
HYEiind EAR SL'liGI'.OX. Dr Oil
limoru in Ited Cloutl on April '2: Id and
'J lth with Dr McKeeby.
Xato Kingsland and Tom Wilson wero
in Huntings this week in the iutureut of
the Haskell lloworth 1'ioduce Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Clark are
gueviug over the death of their infant
daughter, Althu only live weekHold.
lfou have defective sight, see Dr.
Culliinore at Dr. McKcob'H olllce
Monday und Tuesday, April lEJd and
Demosthenes was an Orator.
Mono is a Prcstklimlatour.
Dcyo & Gricc are Druggists.
Dick Gray left Tuesday morning for
Chinigo and after ppending u few das
there will vmit in tho Bouth for his
iH the
The best titting clothing on earth go
to the Chicago Storo; elegant stock of
6quaro cut coate, padded shoulderB, vepts
si ill breasts, correct in every particular.
Xo ono oxcept us can show you such
goods. Chicago Store.
John Polnicky went out to tho mill
tho other day to got a boat and to tish,
but tho only blto no got was ono from u
vicious dog which tore his pantaloons.
liKHideH making nn nbrazure of tho hkin.
John piofaned a little in Hohemiu, but
our reporter could nottronslnte.t in time
for thiB issue.
G. A. Mowbroy, who ha3 been in Red
Cloud for more than a ear has resigned
tlio Biiperintendency of tho Red Cloud
Elotric Light Co., and uceepted tho posi
tion as Biiporintendent of tho isolated
department of thogeneral Electric Light
Co., of Xow York, at u salary of$1800 por
jeur. Tiu-.CiiiM' wishes him prosperity.
W. A. Ma nurd who for a number of
ears has owned and icpided on tho old
E. K. Cobb farm in Hamilton township.
Bold out recently to Mr. Hiner of Wk
county and hni jmrehiised u -10 aero
farm hoiithwest of lied Cloud. Wo are
L.irrv In Dse ir. Ill II .'1. .U'OiiiiMi "l
I are pleiifcoii loweiuumu .'ir. wmt-i
I inunt Signal.
'Tell mv darling to
ambiguuuB termination of an epistle
winch !h eliciting bouio local comment
jtibt now.
Dr. W. E. Flick, opthalmic optician
and speciuliBt, will be at L. M. Viince'H
jewelry store, Red Cloud, Neb., March
IlUlh aud.'llbt.
Any one wanting gnrdonlng dono or
their arda cleaned up, would do well to
leave oiders at the 4th Avenue hotel.
Pi ices reasonable.
Married ut the reBid.mce of C. U.
Clone in thm city March HI, 1MU. Mr.
William HolBWurth and Miss Uosa Rice
man. Rev. A. P. Hull utliciiitiug.
Dr. Culliinore 1b consulting oculiBt to
Mo. Fac, at Omaha und wo iiiIvibo our
IiimmIh toseo him in lietl Cloud, Apnl
j:M and 'Jlth at Dr McKeelo'a olllce.
Mis. GiwitB, the other night while go
ing home from church, fell down and
injiiied herself quite seriously by step
ping into a hole in u defective sidewalk.
Miss Minnie McAvoy who wiib in at
tendance hero at tho funeral obsequies
of father and has been visiting
rriends biiico, returned to her homo in
De.ulwood, Dakota, Wednesday.
MisBGraco Fort left Thursday for a
wcckB visit with frionds in Lincoln.
Upon her return home sho will resume
a very lucrative position which alio has
accepted with the LudicB' lliuaur.
Mr. Anson Higby of Deadwood, Dak.
who has been in the city Binco her futli
ei b death, Win. McAvoy, left Wednes
day for PalliBiulo where she will visit for
homo lime before her return homo.
Mrs. A. H. Kalov, Mrs. Albright. MrBt
John Garbor, Mis. Strohm and Mrs.
lb smer were in nttetidiinco at the ladies
reception in Guide Rock Tuesday. Sev
vra other ladies from this city would
Intvo attended but for the inclemency
of the weather.
The Kihohbraun-Haskoll Produco Co ,
of this city baa been succeeded by the
tlrm of Haskell it HoBwarth with head
quarters at Heatrice. Mr. Kingshind
will retain tho management of tho Red
Cloud houpo. Tub Ciiikp wishes tho
new tlrui abundant success.
There could not bo enough paid abou
the beautiful weather of Xobrasku t
make it sound like boasting. Wbilo
we aro having bright eunny daB, nnd
the public highway is us dry and smooth
us n Paris boulevard, our neighboring
states on the eastuio utterly disgusted
with their capricious temperature, humid
atmosphere, unit overiusiing vvinu.
Manley Itileys httlo girl aged me
jears and nine months died at the home
of ita patents in Gartleld township on
the 11th nnd was buried on tho b'th in
the Martin cemetery, firm tho M. E.
church. Rov. Xouh E. Wagoner otllciu-
ting. Mr. Riley and family have the
sv mpathy of their many friends in their
g'reat utlhction.
Mifl. HaeB entertained u number of
Red Cloud ladies on TueRiluy of this
week ut her homein Guide Rovk. A do
licinus repast was snread at ono o'clock
for her company, which wiib pronounced
by those present as u "feast tit for the
godb" and vwih participatetl in by tho
guests with great relish. Mrs. Hiicb is
a loval enteituinei, and tho ladies who
weio bi fortunate as to receive an in vita
lion aro veiv profuse in their praise of
tlio elegant treatment received at hor
ItwnBn Httlo embarrassing, but he
had to answer tlio questions. A voung
man in Red Cloud who was recently pie
paring to got man icd wanted to rent a
house so us to got everything ready bo
forehand. Tho lady owner of the house
is peculiar us well as particular about
her tenants, bo bIio oponed up with a ser
ies of interrogations: "Have you any
children?" The prospective groom
blushed and stammered, und finally
answered as one ot Red Cloud's celebra
ted divines who wub making a speech on
temperance in tho Methodist church in
tlds city Borne yeara ago. Ho was urg
ing upon the parents tho duties of vot
innngaiuflt saloonB, and throwing tho
responsibility upon them, Hindi "You
who have childien will be tho BuiTerors.
not me. I have no childien that if)
.... i ... mi
none nun I Know oi. iiio congrega
Romantic- Quite u Rensationnl article
could be furnished concerning the iiib
terioiiH advent of two joung people to
this city Friday. One wuh an ordinary
appearing joung man and by his Hide sat
ii milium iieiiigauuosi oiiseuiefroiniiuli
iic giio iiemg louuiy enveloped in all
endless variety of heavy wearing apparel
which utKin their removal disclosed u
beautiful damsel about 17 years of age.
The team which they wero driving was,
thoroughly wet with perspiration, ami
the general annenraneo nf tlm inrmii
would indicate somo escapade of mi ex
trnordinnry character. The joung man
sought Col. Winfre ami asked linn to
sell ine complete outfit immediate), a-i.
BUiinghiinthathowaslluanciullv sttund
ed. ami could nut pnj hotel faie" until a
hiiltmf the ng emiltl ht elffeteil C.
Winfre took the emiplu to the Giiitluitr
hniisi'. und told the .voting man that mi
the following tin which was Nntuidav
the tegular tl.iv for stleet auelmii n.ili s
he vvoulij scd his ng ctiiis'sting of team. ,
tiiiiui-r-M nun ougg uir mo nesi )nct oit
tainable. The voting e-.ttple waited and
our leporler leained the ming iti.ttrs
name to be lewis King of Neps Citv
Kansas, and that nn thodiiv piececding
their in rival here they concluded to
marry. Hut it seems that when they
were on then way to tin- minister's iesi
donee, they were hotly puistied by tho
irate fat her of tho bride who stubbornly
protested against their tniirnage. The
ouug man and the old man hud a little
bout, which resulted in the defeat or the
old man, who immediately letiaced his
steps for l oinforccinonts. Moanw lulo the
somewhat llustrateil voting neoiile
turned the comer aiul drove to the reel
deuce of a Dtiiiknrd minister iunr tiv
whojierf irmetl the marriage act in sliott
otiler. Thooung iiiiiu was then in rest
ed for swearing the girl to be of age and
put under n cCUX) bund. His bondsmen
gave him tlio tip and ho arranged the
ligantl with his fair oung Initio drove
to Red Cloud without a stop, lloth
voting people wero genial and apparent
ly well cultured, and it is said they are
prominently connected in Xcph City.
With the proceeds of the outfit which
amounted to about $ 10 they took their
depart uru for for En roie.
People will clamor for the
best goods at the lowest prices.
Dcyo & Grice Have them.
ClTIZRNB Co.NVK.MION. PlirBtllint to
cull, u goodly number of citizens lissom
tied at the court house last Friday u lull
to placo in nomination candidates for tho
various city oIHccb. Quite a large crowd
was prePent nt :;) o clock and seated
proinipeously over the houpo wore prom
inent local politicians discussing Mc
Keighiin'B silver speech, tho appointment
ot a Red Cloud Postmaster, and who
would probably bo tho next mayor.
Suddenly the assembly was hushed to u
death like Btillnips us the familiar form
of Stephen UavlehB arose and with a
graceft 1 and commanding gesticulation
caned mo House to outer. T. J. Ward
was iiiiidn chairman pro torn, and with
due explanation he resigned nnd Stephen
llnyless win made permanent chairman
ami F. X. Richardson permanent secre
tary. The call was asked for, and the
secretary kiibW nothing of one. Chair
man lfiiless remarked ho hud never
seen ono, and suggested tho immediate
nomination of olllcorfl. An informal bal -lot
wiib tuken for major, which resulted
us follows: M. R. Uentley 'Jfi. T. J.
Ward (5. D.J. MjerBd, C. W. Kaley 1,
H. II. SimoiiB then moved that tho rulos
of tho convention bo suspended and M.
It. Uentley be made the uniinimoiiB
choieh of the convention. Immediately
Mr. Uentley nroso nnd in a few senten
tious remarks positively declined and
refused to have his name U6cd before
the convention. Win. Gates then ex
plained that he (Ueiitle) was a popular
chuico and begged the chair to pasB up
on it. The question was then heard
and Mr. Uentley was unanimously chosen
for ma or. Tho ticket was then as fol-lowB:-City
Clerk, O. C.Teel; Treasurer,
Henry Cook; Police Judge, Stephen
HaylcBR ; Hoard of education, Mrs. O. C.
Case, Rev. Geo. Yeises; uldoriiian 1st
ward, Ed Pulsipher, alderman -ml ward
Jack McArthur. It isBidd that Henry
Cook has resigned his nomination ua
city treasurer.
9 M
FihkFikniis. A topic which agitates
public interest just now, is whether or
not, our tires which come at such fro-
auent intervals, just lately, are ot inuon
iary origin or not. Hut ono thing is
certain the tire nf Inst Saturday night
wiib much inoio suspicious in its char
acter of origin than any ono of recent
occurence, ami mo tacts in the case
evidontly show that it was not caased by
spontaneous combustion, or mere ac
cident. Saturday night the building
which contained u large amount of vnl
liable machinery, consisting of plow?
harrows, binders, mowers and threshing
machines including a steam threshing
engine, all of which belong to Jus. Peter
bou the implement man, was discovered
to be on tire about l'JJIO. liofore the
fire department could possibly respond,
the building was nearly consumed and
the contentH rendered incorrigible b
the intense heat. Whilo tho tiro boys
wero ill ing tlio hope on the Peterson
building, the largo frnnio barn immed
iately Ninth of it, belonging to Curt
Kvuns, wiib found to bo on tiro vvhLh
demanded vigilant att'iitiou from the
depaitment. The most stiei nous ef
fortB went everted to have tlio bain, c ut
the largest portion or it was tUntrnjed
Tho loss on tho Peterson building
wiiH about $1000 with if-0")0 insurance.
Tho loss on tho barn was about JWJ
with tHOO insurance. Another little
Binudgo oecured Monday which lenlted
in the destruction of a luii)Uck belong
ing to Mr. GroatB. This of course was
purely accldontul. Wo might add that
sevoral threatening letters have been
soiit to prominent citizens hero, It cer
tiunly behooves everyone to, ut least, ubo
much precaution,
Plearent, 8ft fe, harmlesH, invigornting,
rentoring, he filing, curative, is what Indie
will find Dr. Hnwyer's PaRtilles for dUeaae
of women. Deyo Ar (Jriue.
T l'"?It"J r II
SI ws-v ...
I r t I $ I i7
N? M S rP
t I I v -J I ' vj
t i J0 t i
Iff Co
Wahiiimiion, D. C, March, ID
Chas. Wiener. Red Cloud. Xebr. Cow
don is uppointed P. M. Telegraph me
hiB address at once. W. A. McKkiiiuan.
The above thoroughly explains iteelf
and setH at ease tho anxiety of ninny
people of our city who have watched interest the animated contest for
iitmt master. To many the appointment
of Frank Cowden was in no way u sur
prise but to the people generally ll whs
decidedly unexpected. Frank nt the
timoof hiB uppoiutment vvnB serving in
a lucrutivo position in Sheridan, Wyom
ing. It won thou a queBtion n nattier or
nnt. Im u-nnlil aeeiMit tho position, rriink
nmlitrittiiiidri liis own situation better
than any one else however nnd after
mature consideration, telegraphed his
iifwritnncn of tlio IKlstofllco IlIHl WirOU
his folks hero that ho would be homo rb
u,mn ii a in. ctiiilil imike satisfactory ur-
nini'nnieiit with his oiliplover. TllR
Hnivw Iiuh not lienn in the fight from the
llrst but since the appointment wo have
tho privilege of fe hcitating tho victor
iiiBt tlie
lioliove thai no
will dispense with the intricate details
involved in tlio postofllco with equity,
prudonco und efliciency.
Hutnn ms nnv other patron
o we oxteiid hearty congratulntioiiB
rjouug democratic friend, Frank,
ii:cii. iii4i.js.
I'air- tion roared with Iniig'itor.
f i lend got thohoube,
Washing n pig wi
liking mud.
not make it slop
Tho Junior Epworth League nf tlieM.
E. church will give a social at tlio church
Our joung next Tuesdii uvoutug. I.vervono in
' vitetl.
s. m V. Opi--ii.-k.uh. At tho reirular
meeting Wetlnesdoy evening of B.otV'a
the following omcere wore eiocieur
Cuptuin-a C. Hell.
1st Lioiitenant John Tulle b.
'ml l.lnntennnt Walter Wurron.
Membern of tlio Camn council S E.
Co?ad, O. Patmor and Win. Tulloya, who
woro duly inRtnlled utter which tho cap
tain iinnointed his staff as followB: L.
W. Kaley, Q.M. Serg ; Thad MeXitt 1st
Sorgt.; A. 11. Coad, S. of G.; Chas. Oli-
itoad, u. or u,; n. xurnor, u. j., a. d.
HMllitrfl. I. M. Caot. Hell thoni declured
a recesH of I.rk minutes und retired to the
anto toom and brought ill icfioshtnenta
(.(insisting of frnit. candy and uigars.aml
then departed to their homes after vvhioh
theciiiupclfedin regular form with a
feeling of harmony prevailing ttie entire
A Knowi.eixik or Miskj--A know-
ledge of music !b now considered an ea
uitniinl nlHtiientof a comiilute education.
F.specially is this true in the citso of
) oiuig ladles. Society dKinnndH It, and
homo life ib rendered tnoro attrnetivo ly
It Nor will tho ineagr nttaininentB of
fifty vears ago sutlice at the present day.
No art haa made greater progress in Hb develoniiient during the last
iinlf century than uuisio. titvo our girls
and joung ladies tl.u lust possible ad
vantages for studying iiivihic. Their
liven will bo made neher and Hweeer on
account of it. K. C. Mueie.d Journal.
Caui or Di clna'Uon. I am aware
thot my name wan used in tho rituona'
convention Friday night mul that I was
made tho nominee for re-election to the
office of city trouoror. Whilo I hem tily
thank jou for the honov, I fofl disjH ped
to dechno tho nomination havii g tilled
the otlico for about four yearn. I appio
ciatu tho honor but must decline.
Yuuru respectfully,
Report cf city rending loom March 20,
Ain't on hand Febr I. 'Ul $ ! R
uo'd dm big Feb 10 00
' expended II -"'
" on hand ? 00
(Invito nt' DiiiicioUH,
Misa Mary Nelson was visiting with
Mrs. Fra.ier ot Hladen last week.
MissGeorgie Ulackinore attended the
funeral of u friend in Superior hint week.
Mins Jessie Warren, who has been
teaching school in Iowa, returned homo
Thursday night.
Miss Katie Earner, living near thin
place, has just returned from a several
months' visit with relatives in McCook.
St. Patrick's day wiib duly obsorvod in
Red Cloud last Saturday In the usual
display of green ribbon und tho verit
able shamrock.
II. C. Andriis, J. A. Lockhart. W. II.
Campbell, Mrs. Talbott und Jacob Kind
eoher have replenished our exchequer
since our lust issue.
A ten-year-old girl living in tlio north
partot the city was singing tho other
day. "Constipated Lord to Thee." Sho
meant "CouBeerutod Lord to Theo "
Tho nomination of M. Hentloy for
mayor by the Citizens convention wan i
a good selection. Mr. Uentlej ih an old
settler and would maku u good mayor.
On Wednesday thero oecured a percept
tiblo change in the weather. In Dakota .
and northern Nebraska there won n
bliazard and anew tell to a depth ot l'-5,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark wish, to thank
their friends and neighbors wfuo so kind
ly tendered their sympathy Rind assist
ance duru the nick n kb anil death of
their little gill.
Miss Emily Hadell has oponod a milli
nery and hidiea furnishing store in ttu
First National bank building. MIhb Ha
dell is a sister ot Mr. HudeJ.i, ot tho Una
ot CI. A. Ducker Co.
Easter Sunday will bo appropriately
observed ut the Cougregu tional church
w ith u Bornuiu und Easter; music in tho
morning nnd a Sunday Bchool Easter
service in tho evening. .Vino vocal and
instrumental music. Fi eo to all.
A little girl in the Ru d Cloud publiu
pcIlooIb was asked "lfo;v thoy raisetl
grain in tho country ljMng between tho
Rocky and Sierra iev adil
lly imagination."
She ppQko wiBep
Sho promptly replied. '
nioatiiiig irrigation.
than bhe now,
At a Fchool ontcr' ninmnnt Bouth of
town lecentl an oxJcellenttiiue washinL
and everjthing truMspired "placldioiis-
ly." J tut ut tlio do o two young inon or
tliat vicinity becaui a enr.uod and utter
Homo dispute piocutded to Jight it out
lloth stpiantl theitihelveB and dashed lit
each otnor like virions bulls. Men und
women wero knooKed down in the con
fusion, but l.o one serioiisly injurvd.
It not only rolluvi1; it tlot more, it
unrv, We rtftr to O-ao Minuto Cough,
Cure. SaiiubU for all agb, oil condition,
at all time b. O. L. Cot Hug.
I'luttBinouth is to have n. froo forry
iiciobb the Miesoun at that point.
Uarn are nbnolutely pninlnsa wheu Do
Witt'a Witch Iliu) Salvo s promptly ap
plied. lhi stiitbiuuut is true, A perfect
rtinvdy for skin dwenstH. cliHppod linuda
nil Up, and nuvor faiU to cure pllen, U
L, Cutting.
Exeter this wintt-r has hud a vory
Hiiccetsful Ibutuio course,
Tlm devil can imj thing ho needr
out of a loafer.
If vmi hve hcJTond rom SfnmrrU
frmbh, J'liliopfm-HB or llowul dillloiiliv'
ii Dr. (ittjir'j Paunly Cure, Duiy
? '
J'TJ'fai'Sl" HW.