TOiwgjiBrwuMnu'wmNntmMw TIIF! UFA) C'LOIH) CIIIKK. KIM) ru!'l. NKKKASKA. KIMDAY. MARCH 2.H. 184. MTjgrjrararaaa(r7rr .... LT r J flfi.L r,. . t -j. .i, fcS-cvrKffiEi'.r' -.i ' jr.vrj3r jiTTMLTyrrrvMjr.y.'TOWFTM MM ' fpj r-Trar V '!! H IIIM'H Ml IWM - 4BWM-V' MM -M ! I ! M . M11.I M1MBM J B H Square Deali n V'GOLDEN EAGLE'V W. U 11 C i soininsf n rarreWTsmTKaqtaTOmwnuyitr.Trfrirt.jrgra rarniattcopwKJWWffgiiiMawiiumni tRxuxcsuiMouvAtxKnrarar ouse. uiuiiivtrmTMraxrr..i i.vivannuim M CHARLES WIENER, Proprietor. Established 1883. Calls Your Attention to the TVleiny Bargains and INVITES YOU TO CALL. icwxziiKr.rBjfcsiuS aasasttiajgKEsgTraiMiirai Jg7TlwTg'Tp?"TT"' rrJHSLi:j2mji!Bzr.'mu. M1C'-''-'W. 1-Jg :UUU&iV,lJUreajrXl&.Jig:Eai Mens Suits, Good strong material at well and 'J' rimmed. Men's Suits, of Better Grades. From $5.00 Upwards. Wedding" Suits. We make a specialty of WEDDING OUT I ITS. SUITS Made to Order and Made at Home. Boy's Suits, we can Beat the world on PRICES Children's Suits. From $1.00 Up. A good suit at SI .50 Combination Coat, enp and two pr Pants $3.75 and upwards. The celebrated Mother's Friend Shirt Waists From 3oets Upwards. Men's and Boy's Hats, At All Prices and Latest Styles. A Good Shirt, Full Size and Serviceable for 35ets. Plow Shoes, A cjood thiivr at Socts. Men's Fine Shoes, we will sell them at Prices that will suit you. Underwear, From the Cheapest to the Finest at Correct Prices Neckwear In Greatest Variety. Largest Stock of Men's Fine shirts, Latest Designs. Working Mens' Clothes, we aim to give the best for the least MONEY. Trunks and Valises, we carry n. larsje slock. The Best Shoe In thcvvorld.onlvS2.50 Gloves, Of aU descriptions and all Prices. A Team of polite and Obliging Clerks. I want your trade and will make it an object for you to buy your goods of me. Offering vou the largest selections in my line in the valley at the lowest possible prices for Honest Goods.- jggJ3!grfCTfl6ffg.SmCTCTK 4 grerarfawreres gSSgBBMftBERtiaaijaELZaa v- r -'- ' n ltfclWMM ii . i r A