riviaMiMtTf MfwtM 8 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1894. i f MHMHHHMHijH THR CHIEF IS AS SAFE AND HARMLESS AS Jk. Flax J3oe3L 2PoTa.l-tico. Ifc la appllod right to tho parte. It curea all dlscaauaofwomon. Any lady con uao It horsolf. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS. MaUod to any address on roooipt of $1. Dr. J. A. MoQlll & Co., 3 and 4 Panorama Placo, Chicago, I1L JPW Hate by C J'j Cottiiiff. 1'iinill' ('lint In tlio mint tusftl frtinlljr iiit'illclnc. If joh hmi in iied of n jjooil fnmlly remedy anil on Jour driitfiilst for n free xntntila of )t. Hitwyr t'nmlly Cure nnd you will fltul It mittiifitclory. l)fyo fc Orlce. A SNAP, And a cold one too, But we have a bigger snap for people who want a Heating Stove. We have a few heaters left from our Winter Stoclv that we are closing out at A Iomo liighwiiytnuu wont to Hancock, Mo., hold up Hlx men mid ot iiwuy. Money, oxpurlotiuo unit hklll cminot Irr provn Dr. Huwyi-rV I'nHtillo, for dlM'imes piciillnr to women. LnilUs fptid to your tlmlnl for (i fri'iiniiijln pncUuuf -. l)iy it Once. eo! Come in if you want a Heater. They all We would rather carry over the money than to carry over the stoves. We are in it on Barb Wire also ! Tho bust at tho lowest price on earth for the Next - 30 - Baker "Wire (& $2.85, Glidden $2.75. A. MORHART & SON. iiioiiurroii City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Red Cloud, Nebraska. Farmers patronage cordially solicited. Good rigs at rea sonable rates night or day. Horses hoarded by day or week. Iti'itl KMiitc Trnmt'fr. Hnl crttiiln li'itimforH fi r ' w iti .Mnrcli 10. fin.il-ln ' " Al'fitrm t eiiiinii , Inn ,l l.ANDS. Atur-ricnti lnvestiniMit Co to CliusO Ulrlcli w r 1! II 10 lldiiil for jlci'il 2J00 f,0 Kurinlpli Kiwi to Kninlt KKVnt b4 bc qr 'J.'J-O lloml for tired 1000 00 Ferdinand (IitIiihIi to Wins. Kpilkor cnHt 100 iierra n u J W 10 w (1 2,'Mfi 0. Marion Ih uii to MmiM.i I--. ,m (. 1 ,' 2H : !) (I SM I TRADERS LUMBER C0.f DKALERS IN LUMBEM an Building Material, Etc. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Served Exclusively to the 219477,212 People admitted to the World's Fair Grounds. Universally accepted as the Leading nne coffee of the World. For sale only by Sherwood & Albright. Notice ol Sale. ) AdumMorliatf, l'lulnllft A mm I , KrUlilo William A. Mitchell OhmIm A. Mitrli.ll ltolrrl . Mitrli.ll Jsmf.1 l'. Mill lid'. Drrnulrnti Notk'o I hereby phrn lli.it In iiii'mi:hu' nf itiinriltrut lloii r, ll, tl-.ill. .lu-Iuo m ihc tin 1 1 HI court of WcIisiit muni), nuiU mi tlit Mil 4v f Octiilirr IKU, (oi 1 1 io tnln of 1 hi real aKl.il herd utter iUmmU'hI, iIkio will li tolil alillaciiHt llnor ( I lie Villi it Iimimi In UtlKll-r I'liiinty H llu 1'Jlli il.iy f Mmi'Ii IMI, tt I n'clocU ii. in., at piilill winiit lo the liiitli fit Mililer lor i'.iMi, tlm follwnln.' 'wnliril iralr'air. to-wll: Int'JHrul 4 In t o U, In He (Mlpiiinl lin. iww ell), of lli'il rUiinl, Nl'r.iMi hown unit ilcilniuiliil n tl.t If cnritixl p'tit ilioiinf. rulilr.ilf mil iiiii.iiii imii our iinnr, ll .1 M HI". It !'. VlHI-ll, I! 11 Ui'Fai'I "U llcfvlfrs Ilatiit Till ll.il ( I1.1S3I JOHN ll.l I'AI VIN Altunit) fm I'lnliitiltuinl llufeifti, M,l Low Utile lo tliutioutli. On Fobruiiry lilth, Hurlinpt on Itouto nRcnts will poll round-trip tluhiMn nt tlm onu-wiiy ratetn nil pointn In 'I'oxiib iiud tho Boutli. AhIc tho noiiroiit tlckot iiut'iit for infonniition nliout routco. Btopovcr, etc.. orvrHottJ.FrtinoiB,0.1 &, T. A. llurUnRton lionto. Omiihn Nob. CurtEviina liiiH(ivorthiii,')ou want In IlinrcoiiiMiiiml fiiriiiliiro lino, i'.vu him Lluo Front, south Wobatvr street. Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases arc all polil as far as you can see. They look like solid cases, wear like solid cases, and aic solid casesfor all practical purposes yel only cost ubout half as much as nn out. ami. out solid j;old case. Warranted to wear for 20 years; many in constant us for thirty yi-.trs. Better than ever since they aie now titled, at no cxtrn cost, with tlic prcat how (linj.) winch tunnel be fnfUJ cr twisted vff Hie cn.e the JMilWfWWfMJ WfjW out now Can only be had on the catei Mamped vlth this trade mark. All others have the old.stle null. which is only held to the case by friction, nnd can be twisted off with the fingers. Sold only through watch dealers. Ask to sec pamphlet, or send for one lo the makers. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. A tfirl in tniilo nttiro wits arrested with u glint,' of trumps ut l'aducuh. Bnfe, sure, plensnnt, restoring, hnrinleBB InvlKornthiK. curntivo nnd rcconBtruetinK nro fnots of Dr. Hnwyor's l'nBlilloa for disonscA of womon. Deyo nnd Qrico. Tho Uopublicun of Decatur, Mich., hnB boon Hold to a ntook couipiny at l'aw'Paw whoro tlio plant will bo romoveu. Ono trinl pnoknge of Dr. Snwyor'a Pas Mies will nrovo to nny lady thnt the re medy is whnt alio wnutB nnd will enro hor. Doyo & Oncu. a - Now Vork capltaliBifl havo purchaecd tlio tmturnl and artificial (rns plants at and about Lnfayotto, Ind. W. I. Church, of Stiumlon Post, O. A. R.. kiijh: ''I liavo tried nonrly every cough rtinudy but found nothing tocopnro with Parks' Cough Syrup. 1 havo soffored over shieo my diiichiirgo from tho nrmy nnd 1'prkH' Cough Syrup in tho only rem edy Unit bus over helped me." Hold by C. h. Cotlmg. .... II ' Clrief for her dead husband nducod MrH. Thotniifl Smith to commit suioidont hor Decatur, Ills., homo. Lndies: Do not Buffer with pnin on top of tho hond and in tho bnok when Dr. Snwior'n PnstillcB will absolutely nnd positively euro jou. Dr. Sawyer Hoyd, hoad of tho famous Chopior syndicato, passed tiirough Now ton, Kan. Monoy ennnot buy a remedy eqnnl to Dr. Hnwyor's l'nmily Cure for Indigestion, Uillionsness, Kidnoy difllonltj oto. Deyo ifcOrico. A branch of tlio A. P. A.wusorgrnizod at Sholbyville, Ills., vjthJjOmomborB. All that money, oxperlenco nnd skill crin do hits been done in tho preparation und mnnufnotnro of Dr.Snwyer'rt Pastilles for Indies. Deyo & Grioe. Talk about women boing flighty! Look at bank cushion). My family nso Dr. Bawyer'a Family Cure for Indigestion. My family use Dr. Sawytr'n Family Cnro for Bllllousness. Doyo ifcGrico. My Family nso Dr Sawyer's Family Curo forConstipntion. . Tlio H'tiy or It. Thoro nro u fow men in tho country that cannot bo corrupted ovon by cor porations, and Jacob Kindschorot Guide Itook seems to bo ono of them. Tho let ters from u bridgo firm appended horeto woro sent to him fi r tho purposo of got- ting tho Guido Itock bridgo to build and tho fellow thought that ho could work Jako for a small bonus so thnt tho bridgo coinpnny could maho a big tiling, but Jiiko wouldn't havo it that way, prefer- ing to lot tho job by honest methods, and the contract was given to nnothor com pany. Tho lottere will e.xpluin theireolves. except wo havo omitted tho nnmeB of tho companies, and thoso of tho parties writing them. CmuAfio, May 2, 1893 .UcttbC. Klmlacher Keq., Uuule Itock, Neb. Dear Hir: Wo received yours of Fob. 22ml and ncglooted to answer it. Yiu sny that your County Jloard will moot July 12th and thnt you Intend building nn iron or nteol bridge with tuburlnr pillars. Wo hope you will lot us know when tlio contract is going to bo lot. If cm thouaht tnoDcr and would come to tho Fair wo would nuiko it an object to jou to place this worlc with up, unci would send you transportation and tho committei) with you from thoro and ro turn, nnd would civo you a fair and finunrn deal for your work, you giving us tho height of column Unit you wish to ueo and width of of road way. A mmit iiKinv ollicors nro takinc advautnRO of this olTor and uro combining busIneBs Willi inuiinuiu l'loaso lei tno near irom you. Yours truly, Cjiicaoo, May 20, 1893. J.tcol) C, Klnilsclipr Ku., tlulile Itock, Neb. Dear Sir: Yours of tho Gtli camo to bund Romet 1110 slnco but Havo noon away so much I did not have timo to answer It. I nin In no way connected wiui tno Urjdgo Co., but do just na good work and some pay better. You can look us up through tlio commercial re, ports in your bank. Wo nro connected With tho llridgo Co. of - , I noticn Unit somo of llio bridgo compunlbs hink they can closo this work nn at your July meeting. Can this bo done? 1 should likn to got this work nnd share tho prollt with jou nnd whoever it may bo to eecuro this job. Wo aro after tho "almighty dollar" and I think county nnd town ollicors get but Htflo for their labor. This can bo done strictly on tho ialtc nnd I would attend to it niyeolf und nm old enough not to givo it awny. You ami al tjjnt s noc cossury could tco Unit my piipwra Hm what jou want and let mo tho contract, whothcr I was low bid or not. This wny of doing is practiced every week in tho year homowhero. Tho chanco does not occur often for you I prosumo. I would like to hear from you und oon just what you think. All correspondoncu will bo hold sacred on the squnro. Yours truly, MiiiyTlioiiitoWiii. l'C.iihwl po' ', 9 4 -12 w il .T-'IH) (X) Clias. Columbia to J110. Hud- shawH 14 Po.f 1 1 -1-8 w d . . . . GOO 00 A. M. Wallers to C. S. Popo n-i so qr 18-4-9 w d 1G00 00 P. A. Ueaehy to Fred lllolmum no ir 21-3-10 w d 3200 00 Stuto of Nob. to Clins. Shnltz. w " so qr 11-1-10 deed COO 00 A. M. Wnltors to W. O Dimmick bo ir.BO(ir 5-1-9 und 04 no qr8'l-9(icd .".... fj00 00 C. A. Tool to Honry Hlobauiii nw qr 19-3-9 w d 3037 00 Alfred Emerson to Nnsby 1'. Culdwell nw qr so qr 1G-1-10 nnd no qr sw qr 19-1-10 w d 1200 00 ClatiB Hoso to Laura IIiiiib 31,' acres in bw qr n w qr 2!)-4.!) wd 175 00 C. K. Porkins to Androw K. linns bo qr no qr 19 1-9 wd. . 110 00 Edward II. Funko to Chas. Spilker w w. noqr and wJiC o'if w4 no qr and nw qr 13-3 10 wd 'moo 00 Henry S. Bottom to Angelino Itowo nw qr bo qr 13-1-12 wd 800 00 Smith llro'a to Jno. Knigglo so qr 20-3 8 wd 3300 00 Win, F. Edwards to Newton Bragg so qr 2-1-9 wd 3200 00 Leopold Uaum to Henry II. VanUrunt v,4 bo qr and bw qr so qr 13-4-12 qcd 123 00 United States to Chas. Buck no qr 30-4-9 pat ,... United Statos to Androw K HnuB nw qr 20-4-9 pat Lots Julia A Sherman to Molvin C Sherman lot 11 blk 3 It U add 100 00 Jno Fred Peterson to Martha Lindesy part blk 11 Kaloy &. Juckson'ti add wd 500 00 oopiiiaiiravcs to.losoph Ii Carr lot 22 blk 4 Smith i Mooio'b mid .10 00 Clans Kobo to Edward II Funko lot 10 blk 13 and lot 4 blk 12 RoRomont 100 00 Wm Mnrshnl to Chas A Bolnnd lot 7 bin 3 Talbot's add wd . . COO CO snm 1 uuruor nnd 1-Jlijah U Wnlswnrth to Culob 11 Uoyco part oik a KoU Cloud qcd. . . v 2 00 ItM Jnst oa ensy to try One Mnnto Cough Curo im nny Ihlug oIjo. It'a easier to onro a severe cold or cough with it. I.o'. your next purohiifio fur a cough bo One Mlnuto Cough Cure. Bettur mill eine; better rt stilt butter trjtt. C. L. Cot t lug. Total &3G319 00 Total farm sales 831707 00 Total lot sales $1011 00 Kucklcii's Arnica Salve. 'lnouesisaivo in tno word for outR. bruises, sures, Ulcors, Salt rhoum, fever sores, tettor, chappod hands, chillblnins, corns, and all skin eruption?, nnd posi liVJiy cures piles, or no pny required. It is cunrnnteed to cive perfect BntiRfncUnn or nioiicv reiunuHii. rnce -j cents nor oox. r or sine uy uoiiing. tt Children Cry for Pitcher'; Crstorla. I.vbiiI Xollec. In tho district court ol ebster county Neb. lllllliMIl II. S1I,1IUI nun Aaron Avneioir, I'.irtiier.H dolui; tuisl ness under tho Itrm naiiieuCAdeli)ttuiid llrymit, rlaliitlfls. vi. t. ('. Wllllumson, Defendant. Ihi'iiiimo named doreridnnt M. (.'. winintn noli, ll take nolle') that mi Die null, duv ot Feliru iry ISPI, the ulmio named 1 l.tlmilTi tiled n petition In tin dlatrlet court nr Ueli.tor enmity, Ncliriiskit, aKiilnst tlm ld il.-femtaitt WlllhuiHiiii, the o'lject mid nacr or lilch 11 ic to leioicr (nun said (Icfciiil.int the amount or ueerlnlu iiriuiil'iMiry inile, (or llie mini o( S.ki dated lit IIoiiht. (.'olnrnilo, .Iuiih lln 8II1, Imjj, due In nne day utter date iiajablo to lliu hiiIit ui 3,1111 Ayiii-'iiu nun nrjiuu. mm MJIIl'tl liv dereinl.ilil WIIIIiiiiimiii, toui-tlier Willi Inti-rest on mill Mini hi tlm r.itu or lo per rent per mi nil m Irnm .iniie Ulli, luna, llieie lielnu' now due mi Hinii mne Him iinp tin, 1110 Him tmiii vi f;iso, Willi luteirBt theieim at llio nilnnf 10 p,.- cent tier milium (mm b.uiI Dili, dav nf .lum. ivli And tljeinald di-leiidaut WilllaiiiHiin, l fill flier nuimeu iiiiHiin nriii'ioi iiliaeliliii'iit was Mined In the iiliuve ei.tltlcd caiinit on said ictli duv flil-Vliiiiiiry IKM, nmluas bytliethuMliPilii u( Wolistei county, .NelmisKti, duly levied uimu tlit follow liu: dcirrll'cd real .slate Pltuated In snld eiiiinlj tn-wlti 'I ho north east iiiririer ami the north no neroinf tlio e.ut lull ol'tlm imrlh treat ipMiter of sivilnn six. in tnwuiiiii thro nnrtliof r.uiKii ten went, in ahl eoiintv und ntntti Audtlin Mild ilffciiilaur u li.nin- .. . quired to iiiniw cr said petition nn or lierurn tho nun nny 111 Ainu a. i, itijt. iiaicit 11111 'jii dav ol February iti'JI. Wtl.t.IAJI l(. nitVAKT AND AAltON AMJKI.0TT, l'ltrt- rers.ttc. Hcou J. Donns, rialiitlfJs, Attorne)s for plaintiffs. u3.'4t HbxaiHHmuaanHHiKinnxaBMMl BEST LINE DENVEl AND mum k rrirtr '&' L1 nll'W'i' lit''! ' c Cuhtorki is lr, b-uitiu. I l'iU.V-r'r. jn-i - rl, lum t.it lm . , nnd Chlldrcu. It contains noUhor Oiiiuni, Hlorphluu nor other Narcotic Ktibstancc. It is a harmless (substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, nud Castor OH. It is Pleasant. Its guarautco is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys "Worms and allays fevcrishncss. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wlud .Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach nnd bowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep. Cas torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Frlond. Castorfa. "Castorla Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of IU cood effect upon their children." On. O. C. Oroood, Lowell, Mass. " Castorla la the best remedy for children of hlch I nm acquainted. I hope tho day Ii not far distant w hen mother will consider tho real Interest of their children, and uso Castorla In stead of thevariousquaclc nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agerita down their throats, thereby sending thorn to nrcmaturo craves." " J' Dn,J.F.KiNcnn.o, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castorla Is so well adopted to children tha I recommend it odsuporlortoanyprcscripUofi known to me." II. A. Ancnsrt, M. O., Ill So. OxfordSt , Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians In the children's depart ment have soLcn highly of their experi ence In their outsldo practice with Castorla, and although wo only have .among our medical supplies what Is known as regular product!, yet wo aro free to confess that the merits of Castorla has won us to look with favor upon It." United IIosmtai. and DisrxxsiRr, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Sxrrn, Vret., The Centaur Company, TT Murray Street, Nov York City. Red Cbiid Steam, Landry, -P.A.HANSEN. Proprlotor. rirnt vlnN work giuircntecd In every parlicular. N. E. ROBINSON, PAINTER & PAPEE HANGER Flmt class work n specialty. Prices rcmonable. Of lice llrst door south ot Chief with W.F. Hull. See him before giving your order as It will be to yonr Interest J. L. MiNEIt, President. IIuoii Miner, Asst. Cashier. AV. A. Sherwood, x Ctishier People's Bank of Red Cloud, Red Cloud, Nebraska, Transact a General Banking Business, Special attention given to Collections Banking Office in Minor Bros Store. Jos. G. Holconpb, PROPRIETOR OP THE Holland House Livery Stable, Has the best rigs in the city tnd the moat reasonable prides, Your orders solicited and fair treatment guaranteed. North of the Holland House. Darn WRIGHT! WRIGHT WRIGHT right is the Man. He has the largest line of Stoves in Red Cloud. You van not afford to miss seelne his stock before buying as you will lose money. W. W, Wright, the Hardware Man. Jno. B. Weight, . Dgalgr iif Secoild-tfaid Goods Moon Itloul:, Hvd Cloud, PLATT & FKEES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard RED CLOUD, NEB. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. SMITH & CO., I'aoriiiETOtts or mWW DRAY MOT, Orders promptly Ailed. 'Sour patronago aolloltcd I A) "r .4 .