4 V U3W3CtC 4 1 MB RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1804. 1 :- . " BKBKUmKEKIKKKKKMmKMWKKHMmKKKKKBBKKKKinKjJ J IS AS SAFE AND HARMLEQ3 AS Seed Poultice. It la sppllod right to tho porta It euros all dlaoaeoo of womon. Any lady can uso It horsolf. Bold by ALL DRUGGISTS. Mallod to aay Address on rooolpt of (1. Dr. J. A. MoGUl fc Co., 3 and 4 Panorama Placo, Chicago, HL JPor mile by C X Cottiity, A. H. Gray, the Insurance Man, Red Cloud, Is now prepared to insure you in that well-known company, The Home of New York. Witlt Tor lilm; lie will cnll on you In a Tow days. You can inve money and get more satisfactory Insurance than from any other man. He has exclusive control of four counties. A SNAP, And a cold one too, But we have a bigger snap for people who want a Heating Stove. We have a few heaters left from our Winter Stock that we are closing out at a iv oriN m;tti:k. To the C'onimlNloiicr or Icn alone. Hon. Win, LochreJ. Comuadic: The pros of tin conn try contains the amazing rtatciuctit tl'at you proposo to "aavo" from $15.- 000,000 to 1 16,000,000 from iho cur rent ) car's pension appropriation and return it to tho treasury. Wo aro reluctant to believo that this can bo so. Of all men in tho United States you should bo tho most deeply impressed with the intenso need of that money by those to whom it is lawfully and justly due. Of all, you should bo tho most urgent to get ovsry dollar possible, and as quiekly as possible, into the hands of the men and women to whom It rightful); be loags. No man should kaow moro of tho eTcrwhclming needs of tlieso men and women; ot the sacred character of their claims, and of tho wrongful do lays to wliloh they have been subjtot cd in obtaining their rights. Your bureau is crowded with mountanious piles of cvidenco furnished by theso pationt, long-suffering applicants for justice Tons of affidavits from of leers, comrades, surgeons, physicians and neighbors are eonstantly added to the other tons, under which tho stout floors of the bureau bend and creak. Statements, reports of examining Sur 5ons, special examiners and others, imploring letters from desparing, al most desperate, men and women, anx ious letters from their friends and neighbors, crisn. curt net fmm . w , rl ..vv . wua wwu- " Mr J ators and representatives flood your t0 tno entire country. 30U and your party associates Iutc ntvcrlcst an opportunity to strongly aEscrt your entire sympathy? It is simply imposHibic lliat ynu do not know that thern ii. your bureau tens yrs humdreds cf tliausainls f claims' which lave boen; carefully, painfully porfi cted by years of labor ious ai.d costly eJort on the part of tho claimants. Kvory mail which raaches you terms with cvidenco of tho diro need of these long-waiting pcoplo for the meager stipond which they earned more than a quarter of a century ago by the hardest and m n dangerous serviee performed. You cannot help knowing that every onool these men and women must be near tho vorgo of tho grave, and that their condition must bo pitiable in tho ex treme, and that every dollar paid them would bring greater blessings than a hundred times the amount in tho days when thev wore ount? and strnrm and ablo to fight the battlo of life without assistance It seems vain fer us to remind you ef what an infinity of good this vast sum would do if paid to its rightful owners. There aro probably u car load of appealing letters in your bureau at this moment, telling in plain homely, but most convincing, Ian guago of the misories of poverty, des titution and suffering resulting from the nonpayment of tho meager but bitterly-needed pensions. In addition to the infinite mercy to the myriads of pensioners, think of the Jncalcul able benefit such a payment would be The rjeonle . i HHHHIHHHiHHHHHHBHilHiiSIHilHHHHHHD&MZKBTn What is Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children It contains neither Opium, Slorphino nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantco is thirty years uso by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays fevcrlshncss. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates theWomach and' bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's friend. offieo by every mail and augment the are suffering from a congestion of Come in if you want a Heater. They all go ! We would rather carry over the money than to carry over the stoves. We are in it on Barb Wire also ! The best at tho lowest nrioe ou cnrt.li for flip lext - 30 - liakur Wirt) a 2.85, Gliddeu $2.75. A Served Exclusively to the 2 1 ,477,2 12 People admitted to the World's Fair Grounds. Dav Universally accented aa the Leading Fine coffee of the World. For sale only by Sherwood & Albright. Anyone needing puinting,kulMiiiining or paper hanging will buvo monoy by calling on F. P. Hndloy, Red Cloud Neil. Shop llret door west of Miner"e Btoro. Turin loans. I have a fow thousand dollars of pri vutn monoy to loan on llrst class farms on ilvo years time or loss. Gko. W. Uaiikeii. Specimen discs. S. H. Clifford, Now CnsBel, Wis., wns troubled with Nenrnlgin and Ilhenraatism hU Stomach wrt disordered, his Liver was affected to an alarming degree, np rotito fell nwny, and ho was terribly re dnced in llcsh and strength. Three bot tle of ricolrlo Olttors cured him. Kdwnrd Shepherd, Harrisburg, III., had n running Fore on his leg of tight years' standing. Usd threo bottles of Eleotrio Bittern mid seyon boxes of Ducklin'd Ar nica Solve, nnd his Itg ia eoand and well John Bpwiker, Cutawabn, O., had live largo Fever sores on his leg' dootent paid ha was incurnble. One bottle Eleotrio umuta nud one box Buoklen'a Arnica balve cured linn entirely. Bold by O. Cottlng,DrtiglBt Important Notice. Any ioreou living in tho country or in uuy ot tho neighboring towns who have orguue that need repiiiring or cloaning can hao them promptly attended to by nddieesiug, Wm. V. Tulllvs, Tved Cloud, Neb. Arc You in ccd If you Wunt cash, Want a partner Want a situation, nnt n Borvnnt girl, . n.n XS B?1.1 '""'tor grain, nnl in iii-iii iinvniQ tnr ...... ii.i ant toBoll or buy raitlo or horses, W ant to sell or trado nnytlilng, ant to soil household goods, Want to boII nn thing, not n rent rooms, Wi nt boarders, nut cook, Then UBoTiir.CniFr'rt Want Column.. Curt Evuns hus every thinirvou want In thoEcuond-hundfurniturolino. Soehim'1'10 American pnp .11 :i a i .. ... ' uiuu r roni, soma ouatur utreet. pigeon-holod wilderness of papers that gather tho dust of years and take on tho yellow huo of age, while thoao to whom they refer pass from weakness or decrepitude, and from deoropitude to death, in bitterness of heart at tho nation's ingratitude. Is it possible, in the face of all this in tho midst of documentary evi denco moro voluminous thai would bo to provo the titlo to every acre of land in tho United States you propose to "save" $15,000,000 by with-holding it from the men and women who are the rigbtful owners of it? It is simply inorcdible that you should do so, It is diametrically op pescd to tbo hopes inspired when you were selected for yout place, and the representations mado on your behalf by your friends, Then, we wero as sured with monotonous reiteration that "no honest veteran need fear," and that tho appointment of so genuinely rcprcseatativo a voteran as yourself was in itself an assuranco of a justly liberal policy toward tho veterans. But what possible agreement can there be botween these assertions and assurances, and tho return to tho treas ury of an unexpended balance of $15 000,000 while, according to your own statement, thcro was on July 7, 1893, ver 700,000 pending oases in your bureau? How docs it appear in con nection with your statement a few months ago that you had discovered 200,000 cases undor tho old laws whioh bad been completed under Ocn. Raum's administration and sidetracked by him in order to g'.ve precedence to cases arising under the act of June 27, 1890? What worse otlamitv could the de serving veteran have to foar than that with his claim proved up long ago. perhaps years since, after having lab oriously hunted up officers and com rades to tho end of tho country; hav ing inourred great expenso in furnish jag proot; having undergone repeated examinations medical, legal and ex-l tra legal; after having endured the miseries f susponss and delay, and knowing that death is constantly driving bis dread approaches nearer tho citadel of his heart; after all this to have it announced that the menny which congress lias plaood in the bauds of tho commissioner of pensions to pay his claim has been turned back unexpended into tho treasury. Could there bo anything more ter riblo to tho poor, brokoi-down men and women than this? Is lot thib a heartless mookery of the constantly reiterated promise in tho platforms of every party, and by their pipers nnd Fpcakora, that just and liberal pensions should be given to all deserving veterans? Howeanitbo reooacilfd with tho declared policy of all tho parties, with out exception, with what everyone has recognized to bo tho tot purpose of and with whioh wuuey iu me great commeroial cen ters and the laok of its general distri bution, Thcro is to much nonoy in New Fork, Boston. Philadelnbia. Chieago and Washington, and not enough in the hands of tho poople. You are contributing direotlv to air- gravato this dangorous condition of things by intensifying the plethora. Should you pay these men and women the $15,000,000 whieh belongs to them as rightfnlly as tho semi-annual interest belongs to the bond holders, you would contribute more powerfully than any other man in the country has power to do teward reviving gon oral prosperity. Tho $15,000,000 would be distrib uted from one end to the other, and within a fortnight would make its in fluence folt in erory channel of busi ness. Mot a dollar of it would be hoarded. It would go in driblets iust whero most needed into the hands of the common people, and bo by them set into the most active circulation. Even on their way homo from the pen sion agencies and postoffices tho re cipients would stop to pay their little debts and buy necessaries for thoir subsistonco and comfort. Every $100 paid in any little neighborhood would, within the menth, do tho work of $1,000, or even $10,000, in the pro motion of business aotivity. The pensioner would pay out his $100 in little sums to Jones, tho grocer; Brown, the dry goods man; Smith, tho slmemaker; Johnston, tho physi cian; Black, the druggist; White, tho butcher, and so on. and .Tnno SmiV. ct at, would immediately pay it to ono anomor, ana to others with whom thev have accounts, and ao it would on on indefinitely until the village mer- onant garnered up currenoy and put it in bank to meet the drafts of tho eastern merchants from whom he bought his goods. To pay out this $15;000,000 now would be equivalent to nxnnnrlinr. the currency in the most effooti vo way iromiou,uuu.uuuu to fzUU,UUU.O0O. Now, Comrade Loohren, wo implore you to take all this into serious con sideration. Wo know that if you will give all the faots tho proper woigh t, you will reconsider your determina tion to return this monoy to tho treasury, and will deoide that its prop er placo is not in tho vaults of the granito building in Washington, but in tho pookets of the hundreds of thousands of votorans wljo years ago wrecked thoir lives in saving the Na tion irem wreck, and in makincr a Castoria. "Castorla Ii an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mc of Its food effect upon their children." On. O. C. Osoood, Lowell, Slam. " Castorla Is tho best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hopo tho day Is not far distant when mothers will consider tho real Interest of their children, and uso Castorla In stead of the varlousquack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby Beetling them to premature graves.1 ' Do. J. F. Eincoeloc, Conway, Ark. Caetoris " Castorla Is so well adapted 'h children thai I recommend it as superior to a-V prescription known to me." II. A. AncktR, M. D HI So. Oxford St BrJpklyn, N. T. " Our physicians In the Chilian's depart ment have spoken highly of itetr experi ence in their outside practice with Castorla, and although we only have tfcong our medical supplies what la known as regular products, yet wo are froe to confwithat tho merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon It." Uxrrts Hospital and Disniuar, Bolted Aujcn O. Sarm, Prt., A ran nf Pnrk' 'IV n nt nli.l.l n.n. iu ii Iiowi-Ib iii IIih niornim' without pain or discomfort. Bold by O. L, Cutting, Children Cry for Pitcher's, Castorla. treasury ot the United states a per manent and solvent institution. Yours annealingly, Tub National Thidune. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, If yon have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds Is guananteed tq Rive relief, or rnonev will bt rr,tuxA&. Snfferors from La Grippe found U just. tho thing and under its use had a speedy nnd perfect recovery. Try a simple bot tle nt our expense and learu for yourself juat how good a thing it is. Trial bottles froo nt O. L. Cotting'a Drugstore. Largo size COc. and $1.00. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cattorln- Tko Oeataar Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City, 4Xms. 1 Who and Why ? Who does your Job Printing ? Who prints your Notelieatls? Who nrinta vour "Rnvfllnnou ? Who prints your cards ? Who does your Brief work 'i Who nrinta vnnvnnati.? - - v'avvr j V Va 1VUVV1 Who prints your Statements. Who mints vonv T?ill Hon flu 2 And all other Job work. Pr 4 AW f & jY Jyy rvAt & ) A Ay V Job Htx a f side rM any tl iSsS jtA can't we do it ? We are prepared to do all kinds of work, from a Cnllinir Card to Poster large enough to corer the house. When you want in the printing line criva us a call. Our prices on Noteheads, Letterheads, Envelops, Statements, Etc., are the lowest. Give Us A Call. New York Weekly Tribune -AND- THE CHIEF 1 ONE YEAR m splLs m Address THE CHIEF, RedCloud,Web. X r SsM V .iji. r KPv .Wl rrSSSBtt'lMrWPii ytn numwiMitMtmmtm"