The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 09, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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? I
duckers I Grand - Special - Dress
Goods - Sale.
( 4
Friday, :-: Saturday :-: and :-: Monday,
g5 On our Center Counters during this sale we will display one of the nicest lines of WOOLEN DRESS GOODS that is made. 52
- A great many of them are CUT IN DRESS PATTERNS so there will be no two alike. We invite all our lady cus- 55
jg tomers to come and see them, as we will giye you an opportunity to see AS NICE A LINE OF DRESS GOODS S
g Also special values in Calicos, Ginghams, Muslins, Outing Flannels, Wash Dress Goods, Embroideries and Laces. We are Zz
.2g receiving our NEW SPRING JACKETS AND CAPES. 5
1'aga 1 "Only too true" by Jas
Weather foroersts.
Educational column.
Advertising, etc.
" 2-Stato fair.
Sunday school convention.
Moxican pension roll.
Smallest bnhy born.
Locala and advertisements.
" 3 Country correspondence
"A freo ssnt."
Local and general nowa.
" 4-Editorial.
City nowH.
Advortisomente, eto.
" C City news of all UiudB.
,' 0 Killod at tho polls.
(ionorul Early dead.
Told in a few words.
State hows.
Congressional items.
" 7 Talmagcs sormon.
Wunta und advertisements.
Church directory.
" 8 An opon lottor.
Advertisements, etc.
Fiiom tho amount of pnssos tho 11. & M.
Company is culling in, wo would suggest
that anyone wishing to rido on that road
should bo ready to pay fare.
Tins far in March wo huvo had most
beautiful woather in the purt of the
moral vinoyard, w4iilo in uther loculitica
tho weather hua been oevcre. Nebrualia
beats the world.
Ho, ye republicans! at tho cuucuu to
night be cureful in tho eoloctlon of ma
teriul to control this municipality. This
exigieuoy demands tho utmost vigilnnco.
By ull means support compotont men,
aud men who will always bo widoawako
to tho intorestfl of this city.
Den Lindsoy, rccoivod this week his
fluo Artesian well boring machino, which
is the first instrument of tho kind thut
was ever brought to Itcd Cloud. lie
can boro down in tho eurth as far an
you wish to go. He purposes to sco for
himself what is under Nebraska coil and
will put an artcBian well down on his
farm Boon.
Henry B. Fcrrar who is taking con
tracts for eugar beots returned last oven,
log from Webster county, where ho con
tracted with Mr. Shafer and other par
ties for sixty acres. ThiB county was
tho bannor sugar beot cdunty last sea
eon, recoiving tho highest award for ton
nage uversging HI tons to tho aero.
Mr. Forrar thinks Webstor county and
in fact tho ontiro Republican Valley al
most perfect for beet culture. Grand
Island Independent.
Guide Rock, whilo not metropolitan
in actual size, puts on euch airs many
times, and to toll tho truth Guido Rock
ranks socially with about uny town in
those, parte. Tho pooplo thoro are a
well Cultured and very refined dlaetf, and
they aro always doing Bo'mbthibjf to have
a good time, and givo Bro. Newraeyor n
chance to compliment them, in which
effort they aro always successful,
is strictly "in it hisse'f." Sometimo
since, tho ladies of Ihut pluco guve a re
ception which was the popular evont of
the season. This week tho gontlomon
ropeated tho dope with a grund rocep
tlon.and from what wo can learn, it was
a very ojauoruto auuir. oovorni from
this city who woro privilodged to attend,
pronounco tho reception Bupprb, aiwl tho,
hospitality 6f the Guide Rock pooplo.
uniUrpBMcd. I
Moonshine und Crcnin.
llro. Hosmor of TiikCiiikp takes ex
ception to our romurkB of u couplo of
weeks ugo on tho subject of tho Red
Cloud creamery. Ho says our talk about
thoro not being cream enough tributary
to Red Cloud to keop tho creamory go
ing "bouiuIb liko moonshine" (May bo
It does, as wo novor hoard moonshino wo
aro not compotont to judge) To substan
tiate his assottion that thoro is nlontv
nt cream in tho vicinity, ho cites tho fact
thut J. 11. omltii onco upon n timo ran a
creamory thore for Shraedor A McShano
of Omaha thut nourished liko a green
nay treo. in view of tno fact tiiat any
icgitimuto business mat proves u sue
cess, llnuncially, is usually continued; we
would asK, wunt lias uecomo ot
thut creamory and who has retired to
enjoy tho fortune accumulated in its
operation? It is greatly to be feared
thut investigation would prove our
brother's romurk to bo another coeo of
'moonshino. Again our brother blows
hot and cold with tho samo breath when
ho soys thut ho understands that it
would be an easy mutter to seouro tho
milk ot 000 cows and adds, ot course, it
would tako an elTort, perhaps to got
them. Our remarks. wero intendod as a
defonso of Messrs Parker it Fulton, who
ran the croumory during the summor of
i;rj to tno best or thoir ability and nud
but little, if anything, left to pay them
for their labor. Tiik Ciur.i' Bays they
huvo determined to run it again this
hu miner and the Leader hopes they muy
miu plenty or cream, oven it tlioy uro
compelled to go outsido of tho country
naturally tributary to Red Cloud to got
it. uiuo urn jjoatier.
Uro. Greenlee is still luboring under a
"horrible nightmare" in rogurd to tho
creamery busiuestt in this city. If he
would stop and refresh his miuil, ho
would renftmbor that adjacent to Web-
ster county, on tho south thoro is Smith
and Jewell counties, Kansas, bebidea tho
north halt of Webster, together with tho
east half und west halt und ull ot tho
south part of the county, which lice
tnbutarylo Red Cloud, and on each
quarter section thereof (or neurly bo)
there aro from two to a dozen cows, tho
cream of which could in nlno cases out
ot ton, bo secured for a creamery. Of
course tho Red Cloud creamery could
not expect to got all of the croam, but
by dilligont otTort could Bccuro nt least
tha cream ot 1000 cows. McShano and
Shraedor sold tholr creamory to a man
by tho namo of Plumb who did not un.
dcrstund tho creamery business, and fin
ally failed, and tho proporty was Bold to
pay tho debts of tho concorn. McSbane
ana Shraedor mado money out of tho
creamory, and whon thoy Bold it thoy had
1000 cowb on thoir list, and it was ono of
tho best institutions that Red Clond ever
had. Dro. Greouleo Bays his roniarks
woro intondod ub u defense of Parker &
Fulton. Thoy do not uoccBsarlly need
nny deftnso. The lirst your thoy ran tho
factory thoro was a Bhorttigo in tho
cream crop owing to u dry Benson, and
oory fuir minded person will grant them
that point, but last year tho cronmery
was leased to n Uluo Hill party, who
mudon pretonBo of churning here, but
tho principal portion ot tho cream was
shipped to Blue Hill to bo churned, that
is what our ponplo uro kicking on. If
Ed. MoRrido of Uluo Hill could mako
mouey out of u creamory situated nt
Uluo Hill, whore there is not near as
many cows as thoro is in this vicinity,
why can't the samo thing bo dono here
whoro tho bovinCilounslies in greater
numbers and tho laden, production is
considerably puraiuount to that which is
to bo obtained in our neighboring citj?
Honco thore is no substantial argument
to our brother's literary effort that is
compatible with tho (nuts in tint cuso
that would particularly lit IheHod Cloud
situation. j
See Myers
Superintendent John G.Mallieuot the
Kcarnoy Industrial school was in Grand
Island yesterday, and contracted with
the Oxnard Uoot Sugar Company for 50
acres ot boots, tho Bumo to be dolivorod
at the factory. Tho work will bo dono
largoly by tho boy attendants of tho
school and wo know of nothing moro con
ducivo to good bohavior for an unruly
youngster thun tho cultivation of sugar
boots. Ono aero of beots, well cared for,
will keep a halt a dozen youngsters out
of mischief for eix months at least, be
sides teaching them somothing of use
fulness und Belt-support. Mr. Malliou
will llnd thut tho uctngo will prove
profitable in more wuyB than ono, and
thore aro other Btuto institutions that
might profit by similar mothods. Tho
work is such that man or child can ac
complish it with no unnecessary physi
cal ability, and thoro aro inmates of many
of theso institutions that would prefer
to have their timo thus occupiod. Grand
Island Independent.
i i
Prevention in bettor than ear, and you
may prevent that tind feeling by taking
Uood'a Sarsapnrilla, which will keep your
blood pure and freo from acid tnint and
germs of disease.
Hood's Pills do not image, pain or gripe
bnt act promptly, ensily efficiently. 20c.
, i
Let all Sons of Vetorans come out to
the I. O. O. F. Hull Wednesday, March,
21st. 1891. for tho purposo of electing
ond installing of ofllcors und other im
portant business. OhCAic Patmot. Capt.
John Titlleys. 1st, Sorgt. ,
- Ladies - Bazaar -
On or about March 15th thore
will be n Ladies' Uazuar oponed in
the First National Uank building
New Millinery,
Fancy Goodp,
Ladies' Muslin,
L vims' Undekwkah,
Ladies' Waists akii
Ladies' Houhk Wkaiu-ekb.
- Ladiks - Bazaar -
Low ItulfN to the South.
On February lllth, Hurllngt'on Route
agents will boII round-trip tickols at tho
ono-way rate, to nil points In Toxus and
tho Bouth. Ask tho nearest tiokot agent
for information nlnnf rnntnu Dn.nva
otc. or write to. I. Francis, O, P. & T. A.
uurungton Route, Omaha, Nob.
i ii i m
Bate, Bare, pleasant, rmuiring, hnrmlcsR
invlgoratiug. curr.tlvo and reconstructing
ure fiiutB of Dr, Bawyor's Pastilles for
diseases of women, Dejo and Grice.
Horse thieves huvo been doing n flour
ishing business in Hayes county recent
Money, experience and tklll cannot im
prove Dr. Snwyor'n- Pastille, fur dlsenees
picullor to women. LndUs fond to your
druggist for a freeeampU package, Dyo
Q rice.
Drews Making.
Dress making parlors huvo boon
oponed nt tho old Dr Hall residence
All of tho latest fashions. Tho ladies
are invited to cull.
My family use Dr. Sawyer's Family
Cure for Indigestion.
My family use Dr. Sawyer's Family
Cnro for Billlousness. Doyo & Grice.
My Family use Dr Sawyer's Family
Care for Constipation.
Ice 1J feet thick is strong enough to
support a railwny train.
All that moniy, experience and skill
can do has been done in the preparation
nnd mnnufaoture ot Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles
for ladies. Deyo & Grice.
Fear is said to cause erysipelas.
Money oannot bay a remedy equal to
Dr. Sawyer's Family Core for Indigestion,
Billlousness, Kidney dlffloultj etc Deyo
There is talk ot bridging Box Elder
croek ut Georgetown if tho times are not
too hard.
Ladies: Do, not suffer with pain on
top of the head and in the back when Dr.
Sawyer's Pastilles will absolutely and
positively core ou.
Indionola is without adoquato fire pro
tection und tho Courlor has grown weary
of agitating tho question. "
xioarom, Ditto, liaimiocB, iuvigurawuf,
restoring, healing, ourativo, ia what ladies
will find Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles for disetae
of women. Deyo & Grioe.
G. W. E. Dorsoy will go to Colorado
in the spring and try his hand ut mining
For Farm Loans
W. I. Churoh.of Staunton Post, G. A. R.,
bajb: '! have tried nearly every cough
remedy cut round nothing tooopsre with
Parks' (Jonah Syrap. I have Buffered
ever since my discharge from tha army
and rprkR' uouah by tup is the only reta
edy that has ever helped me." Sold by
u. Jj. wotting.
Nobraska City is a candidate for tho
iitio or tne xaonto uarlo of Nebraska.
9 m i
Tha president drinks coffeo from a cup
worm f iw.
It's Just as easy to try One Minute
Cough Core as any thing else. It's easier
to cure a severe cold or cough with it.
Lot your next purohaso for a cough be
One Minute Cough Cure. Setter medi
cine; better risult; better trylt. C. L.
Thoro aro only oight inmates in tho
Saunders county poor house.
ir you have never kept Dr. Sawyer's
Family Cure in your family you are not
doli'g your duty to your family. You will
find it very useful. Deyo & Grice.
Elmwood has a local dramatic troupo.
Dr. Sawyer's Family Care safely and
ihouroughly cures all diffloultles of the
Stomach, Klduoys aud Bowels. Peyo &
Grice. '
Work has begun on the bridge ovor
tho Imnnha.
Ladles; One trial wilt do mora to con
vince you of the merits of Dr. Sawyer's
P stil.'e theu all we oau Bay. ' ry a sam
ple pnokugo. Deyo & Grice.
Rovorol Polandors of tho co lony thut
has purchased land In Antelor.o county
tirrived ut Noligh this week.
One trial package of Dr. Saw yerV Pas
tlllts will nrnve to anv lml v tin ,t th r.
medy ii what she wants nnd wil 1 cure hr.
Deyo & Grioe.
m i i .m
Tho Grand Iolaud Journal ii i no more.
It fulled to got tho county prij iting and
died to mvo oipenies,
Fiirm Loans.
If you want u loan on first class land I
can give you n special ruto. Lowest in
terest with option to pay part or all at
uny yeur. Cull or write to mo.
C. F. C.vnir.u, Red Cloud, Nob.
Tor Sale.
Threo hundred bushels of White Rus
sian oats for seed. Sold for cash or on
noto on ehort timo. Forty cents per
bushel. Address or call on
It F. E. Payne, Otto, Neb.
Mr. S. Baylcs wishes to announcoto
tho public that he is prepared to take
boarders at $.'1.50 per week, sleeping
included. Apply at 4th Avenue
Mrs, Jas. Wilson, mother ot Silas
Finchor, died at her homo in this city
Maroh 2, after a long und painful ill
ness. Sho was born Deo. 12th 1873 in
Decatur Co. Indiana, At about tho ago
of 18 eho was married to John Fincher
and removed to Iowa. Hor husband
dying in 1,8311, sho was afterward mar
ried to Jas. Wilson who 6Ur vivos hor.
They have lived in Hed Cloud nnd vicin
ity for about 10 years. At about the ugo
of 18 sho becamo a Christian and united
with tho United Urothren church nnd
during hor whole life endeavored to
maintain u Christian charactor. As tho
ond approached sho was fully conscious
und oxprossed her readiness for tho
chnngo. Tho funcrul services woro hold
nt the residenco, conducted by Rev. E. L.
Ely of tho Congrogutionnl church.
Cash does tho business. You can buy
ut tho old roliublo brick market:
1 lb shouldor stouko 25c.
Kit) round " 25c.
.'1 lb pork " 25c.
lilb lurd 25c.
lib rib roast 25c.
Gib boiling boot 25c.
41b bologna 25c.
lib livor sausago 25c.
.lib pork sausago 25c.
.Tlbsalt pork 25c.
'2U Ibbncon 25c.
Cuttlo never huvo beon so choap in the
last twenty years. Times nevor hardor.
I am willing to divide my profits with
my customers. Thanking you for past
patronago, I um respoottully yours, G.
W. Lindhry.
We huvo seen quite a number of watch
chains about town ornnmontod with a
neat, littio cliurin in tho shupo of u
wutoh caso opener, which obviates tho
uso of n knifo or tho fingor nuil to open
tho watch. Wo havo-just rccoivod one,
too. Thoynrosont freo on request bv
tho Koystono Watch Cnso Company, of
Philadelphia, Pa., tho largest watch caso
manufacturing concern in tho world.
Thoy" uro tho milkers of tho colebrated
Jas. Uoss ciiBos, tho only filled enses
which uro fitted with the world-fomod
Non-pull-out bow (ring). Tho comnunv
docs not .sell tit retail, but its goods are
Eold by our local jowolors.
MIiMViiilcr I'lilr Mates Down.
Tho Uurlington roulo is now selling
round trip tickets to San Francisco at
15.50. Ono way 520.
Think of it! Four thousand miles for
less than forty dollars.
Seo tho company's ugent and got ful
Information or writo to J. Fruncis, Gen
eral Passongor und tickot agent, Omuh n
Need Oali,
Whlto Russiun oats at tho Rod Cloud
Prod u co Company. '
Over Post Office I
We wish to say that tho writer of tho
Eckloy nows has boon misinformed con
cerning tho exhibition at tho Willow
creek school house. As it stated that
Dan Garber's school closed Friday tha "
0th with a grand exhibition, which is a
mistake. There will bo no exhibition at
tho cIobo of Dan Garbor's school which
closes the 0th. But wo wish to say that
tho Literary society will givo an exhibi
tion Wednesday evening March 11, which
closos tho literary society for this wintor.
All ure cordially invited to uttond.
Un ''
market Kcporl.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat $ 40
Corn 22
Oats 20 'J5
Ryo 30
Flax 1 201 25
Hogs 4 45
Fat cows 2 50
Butter 111.
Eggs 10 V
Potatoes 70
ChickenB doz. 1! 00
Turkeys lb. G
Retail prico of the Rod Cloud Milling
Co., Hours:
Monogram $ sack..., 8 00
Roynlpatont 33 sack 80
B.ofB.S.Sj) Bock Go
Saved Our Boy
A Clergyman's Statement
Constitutional Scrofula Entirely
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Masg.:
" Gentlemen : WIsIiIiik to toll what Hood's Bar
saparlilahastlonuforus, I Wi say that 3 years
ago we had a beautiful hoy horn to us. When
about six monOis old ho took a soro mouth.
Krerythlng that was Known as tinual remoillea
In such cases was used. I hail two doctors but
all to no benefit. At tho ago of u mouths be
breathed his last. Thus wo laid
Our Darling Child
in the grave. On Aug. i, imi, another hoy was
born unto ui. At the ago of two months ho be
came afflicted with tho samo disease. 1 believed
the boy's trouble was constitutional, and not
common sore mouth. I procured a bottlo ol
Hood'e Sarsaparllla ami commenced to o It
regularly to both' mother and baby, ami occa
jlonly washed his mouth with a syrup of buck
brush root. Improvement hi-san at oaco. We
bavo succoed In eradicating the scrofiilnni blood
from the system and to-day wo aro blessed with
a nice, fat baby boy, eighteen months old. He
Is tho very
Ploture of Health,
HI Wo and full of mlschlel-tlianlti to nood's
SarsaparlUa. I am a mlnlstur in tho Methodist
Protestant Church. Ininlmrn fn l.?int ..i,n, t
say and I am In no way Interested In any profit
in me matter, except It adords mo much pleas
ure to recommend Hood's SarsaparlUa to all as
? Cures
a safe, suro remedy, nven my wife, alter
taking Hood's hceamn luvilthv nmi nni... .,,i
has the bloum of gtrlhood again. Wo have used
oniy inree bottles, hut I keep It In tho house."
lltflf T ft SM . t . .. ..
..r... .,. ,. i-atk, jirooKiuiH Station, Missouri.
N. Tl. Ho guro to Kt.t uood'a Umi on)y ij00,iS(
Mood'a Pllla euro Constipation by rostor
tot w pirliUltls action of the alimentary canal,
kVa- ,v" '
n iw --
k'mXii&Mirgzsz;, sm:
wvtM.aAssRiii-r-. k " Trrrrs
MKwijMMyij '. ,e..'gra
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