The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 09, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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.ytJf T-ar-i6
various kinds
now in stock.
Jas. Boss
Watch Cases
ire all rjold ajfar aiyou can see. They look
like tolitl cases, wear like solid cases, and
ate solid cases for all practical purposes yd
only coat about half as much as an out
and-out solid gold case. Warranted to
wear for ao years ; many In constant rot
for thirty years. Better than ever since they
axe now fitted, at no extra cost, with the great
bow (rinn) which tannot bt fulled cr twitted
eff the cae tne
Csni only ba had on the cases 9Sw
A. 0., Kdltor.
IjAIioyTait, A set, Local Editor.
on the cases
stamped with this trade mark.
Alt mhen have the old-stvle Dull
which is only held to the case by friction,
and can be twisted ott with the lingers.
Sold only through watch dealers. Ask to
see pamphlet, or send for one to the makers.
KeystoneWatch Case Co.,
We call your attention
to the fact that our
stock is much
Goods Better
Prices Lower
Than Ever.
We quote here a few of
the many low prices
we have to offer :
.-" .LHk
r mviissHH irti
rJr --aaflaL"aL"aM' ijPBR
LVhLL ill issssH
W i7m I M,mrfJ
(Regulur Graduates.)
Are the Iodine and mutt mcccilf alipecUUltl and
VlllRlro joubelp.
die aged men.
Itemirkttiln re
unit liftvo follow
ed our trrtinnt.
Many year of
iui rsprrienc
Initio uu of cur
the method) that
control for all dli-
1iao weak, unite-
vciopcu or uia
cacd oriiana. or
who are icHTerlnj
from errora or
routli and cxccn
and Impotent.
1 ho acorn of thflr
rciiowi anci ins
contempt ot tlirlr
frlrnda and com-
""WH-MSMK'SJ nanloni. leada us
tOBnnrunti-etonll ptlcnt. If thejr can iHJiilblr
be rralnrrd. onr awn exclusive SrentaenS
will alToriiu cure.
trnurvi Don't roii want to net cured of that
wratknraa with n treatment that you can ue at
Some without Inntrumunto Our wonderful treat
ment baa cured othera. Whjnotyour Try It.
r-ATAllRII. and illicuca of the Skin. Blood.
cart, Ltrer and Kldnvya.
TPnif.IH-Themnatrnpld.fafe and effective
remedy. A complete Curo tiuwruatecd.
UK IX DlflRAHF.M of all ktnda cured where
many oi tier lnvo fulled.
cured In nfew itaya. (Mick, auro and safe. This
lncludca Ulcct and (lanorhcra.
TVc hare cured canca of Chronic illicaies that
liae failed to Hit riireil nt the limit. Ot other apcclal
lata and tnedli'ul lntltult.
iit..-i t..uiir.riiniinrro la nope
for You Ciiimult mi nt her. na you may waato valuaWo
time. Obtain our treatment ut once.
llewureof freo and cheap treatment). Wo Rive
the licit nndmoft aclontino treatment at moderate
firlcea an town, ran hu ilimn for aale and skillful
reainient. I'ltt'.K cimatiltnttnn nl tint otlleoor
by mall. ThorouKli examlnatlnn and careful dtasr
minis. A liuiiin treatment ran lie Riven Inn majority
of . Send fur hymptom lllank to. I for Mem
No. s for Women i Ko. .'ifurHkln IMneaiea. Allcore
apundeneoanawerrd promptly. Umlnetaatrlctlycon-
nnrnuni i-.niireireaimeniaenv ireo mini uiwn
tluu. ltcfcr to our piuteou, banks ana builncis men
Address or call on
S. E. Corner NUth and Frllx Hta., Itooms I and a
(Up tilalm.l UT, iHisni'jlSjgUi
10, 2yi, 15, 18, 20,
'25c and up to $1,75
per double roll.
The Slate Fair.
Tho manaeoment of tbo Nebraska
state board of agriculture) is arranging
for an extraordinary fair and exposition
at Lincoln in September noxt. While
tho association was organized almost
exclusively as an agricultural develop
ing medium, and at first, and for many
yean following, noted and worked in
that line, principally becauso our own
pooplc, as a rule, regarded the state as
peculiarly and almost excusively agri
cultural in its characteristics, of late
years there has been most gratifying
tendencies in the direction of manu
facturing industries, As a result there
has been organized a stato mnnufaot-
urcrs and consumers' association. LaBt
year a largo portion of agricultural
hall on tbo stato fair grounds was
given this association for its annual
exhibit, at tho samo time, on the
same grounds, and in connection
with the Btato fair, as a part of the
great state exposition. And with
most agreeable and satisfactory re
sults. This year tho manufacturers
association is to occupy all of tho largo
hall on tho fair grounds oreoted for
and known as merchants hall. This
will insuro a grand exhibit of both
tho agricultural and manufacturing
resources of tho state.
In asking bid for the relocation of
the stato fair and exposition for the
coming five years ono of tho promin
ent specification will be for a manu
facturers hall of suffioient capacity to
accommodate tho growing demands of
Nebraska manufacturing factors.
The art demands of tho stato aro of
such rapid growth that more spaco ib
required for tbia department and will
bo furinshed in due time
Tho superintendent of agricltural
and horticultural halls aro already im
portuning the management for more
space. Also tho poultry, honoy and
fish departments.
Columbian year scsins o hare stimu
lated to fair work all over the state
County organizations are early in the
field and already actively at work for
tho coming fall campaign. All in all
tho outlook for fairs in 1894 is most
promising, and the climax will como in
tho final state grand round up on the
days of September 7 to 14 noxt.
Sunday School Convention.
Note paper 5c, 10c
and 15c per quire.
Envelopes, all sizes
and prices
Box Paper, 10, 15,25
cts per box,
Tablets lc to 50c, each
Pencils, 5c, 10c, 25c,
40 and 50c per doz.
Remember our line of
stationery is complete
and prices lower than
ever. We also have
a lare stock of
Paints, Oils,
Lead, &c.
Prices always the low
est market.
Heath & Milligan's
Mixed Pa;nts guar
anteed. PURE DRUGS.
Tho Mexican Pension Roll.
On the Mexican ponsion roll there
are the names of 15,214 survivors and
7,282 widows, and something over
3,000 cases wnro pending at latest re
ports. This makes a total of 25,497
or several thousand moro men than tho
United States had in Mexico at any
ono timo during tho war.
These all rcceivo cither ?8 or f 1J a
Among tho names are thoso of tho
widow of Gen. Samuel Cooper, a New
Yorker by birtb, who was Adjutant'
General of the United States Army
at the outbreak of the war. and used
his position to aid tho rebels in pre
paring for the dtrugglo. He resigned
his position to become Adjutant-General
of the Southern Confederacy, and
officiated as such until tho robollion
collapsed, Mrs Cooper has been
drawing a pension sinco Juno G, 1887.
The widow of Thomas J. ("Stone-
wair'Jaokson, who was next to Leo
tho most popular commander of tho
rebel armies.
Tho widow of Maj.-Gen, George E.
Pickett, who commanded a division
ia the rebel army.
The widow of Maj.-Gen. Gideon J,
Pillow, who commanded a division in
tho rebel army,
Tho widow of Lieut.-Gen. A. P. Hill
who commanded ono of tho three
corps of Leo's army.
Tho widow of Sidney Smith Lee,
who was dismissed from tho navy for
"going over to tho enemy," and after
ward became a Commodore in tho reb
el navy,
lirig.-Gen. Jas. It. Chalmers, who
was Forrest's chief lieutenant.
Maj.-Gen. Dabney H. Maury, who
commanded tho rebel troops at tho
battle of Chickasaw Bayou.
Hon. S. B. Maxey, late United
States sonator from Texas, who has
been drawing hie pension sinco May
27, 1887. He was a Maj.-Gen. in tho
rebel army.
Hon. Jas. Z. George, Bcnator from
Mississippi, and who served in tho
rebel army as a Colonel. The num
ber of his certificate ia 17,214.
Hon. A. II. Colquitt, senator from
Georgia, who was a Maj.-Gencral in
the rebel army, draws a ponsion under
certificate 19,199.
Tho widowB above mentioned are of
men who woro educated at tho Gov
ernment expense, and afterward
fought to destroy tho Government.
They went on tho roll at once, whilo
last April thero wcro pending tho
claims of 145,520 widows of Union
soldiers who had not been ablo to get
on tho roll.
J. L. MlNKK,
HtKM Miner,
Asst. Cashier.
"W. A; "Sherwood,
Peoples Bank of Red Chud,
Red Cloud, Nebraska,
Transact a General Banking Business,
Special attention given to Collections.
Banking Offico in Minor Bros Store
Jos. C. olcorb,
Holland House Livery Stable,
Has the best rigs in the city and tho most reasonable prides.
Your orders solicited and fair treatment guaranteed.
North of tho Holland House.
Wright is the Man.
He has the largest line of Stoves in Red
You can ncH afford to rain seeing his stock before buying
as you will lose money.
W. W, Wright, the Hardware Man.
Jno. B. Wright,
Dealer ii-j Secoijd-Irfarid Goods
Moon lilochf lied Cloud.
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
Ho, There
Hitch Up !
But before you do come around
HarncMN shop and buy a new set
of liuiiil.tmule hurncas. Have
reduced all uooiU In the ltur
liens line. Here are n few of
our prlccv:
S.T2.00 hnrner.3 for M0.G0
IIO.OO " 28.C0
JS.OO " " 27.00
27.00 " " 20.00
20.00 " " 25.00
And all goods in liroportlon. All work
Riiurnnteetl Uopniring nnd trimming
ilono on short notice J. O. Butler.
rrornin of the Webster county Sunday school
contention to ho held in lied Cloud, Nebraska,
March 15 mid 10, 1891.
D.iy sesKlon at tho liaptlst church.
E vnlng session at the C'onKrci;atloiial church.
Maucii in. iKat
J:20 p. in. l)cotlonul exercises IcU by
il-SO. Address ot welcome by Mrs. Hrukefleld
Superintendent llHiitist Sunday school,
liesponsu by K, H, Knight,
3;0O- Import of secretary unit treasurer.
3:30-Co-operation rural Sunday school'work by
ltev. K. I.. Ely.
Discussion, Sunday school work.
7:30 Uevotloniil exercises led by Ilov. Ander
son of niuo itm
8;00-Address by K. A. Stephens ot Grand
Query box and col'ecllon.
MAIICII 10, 1S01.
O.oo n. in, Devotional exerclsos led by
iO:UOpU'i'llon of ofllcers.
lliiso-Tliu unkot tho superintendents by It.
S.oop. in. How each superintendent cotiducti
his services, by superintendents, Influence
of Sunday jchool on Hie morals of the com
inunltyby 0. 8. Cozud. How to Interest
church members In Sunday school work by
Mrt). 0. P, Outlier. Inllueiao ot homo re
llglon In the family In relation to Sunday
school attendance by ltev. Seymour, de
lation ot Sunuay schools to tho churches by
ltev, Uortf.
It Is earnestly bnptd that every Sunday
s hool In tho county will bo present at least by
alargo delegation; but In any event tho super
intendents will tie expected.
Kiitcrtulnmcnt will bo provided (or all who
attoud. Como prepared to have a good time.
Mrs. A. I.. Ilium, bccietary.
ii, ii.rui.iuN, i lusuiem.
Hero It It Again; The Smallest
Baby Yet Born.
Essex, Conn., March 5th tho smallest
baby jot reported was born in Killings
worth, a village about eight miles west
of this place, to-day. Tho parents aro
Swedes. The father is employed by a
f armor cutting timber, and weighs about
100 pounds. Tho mother is a stout,
healthy woman, weighing perhaps 1G0
pounds. Tho child is a malo, as perfect
ly formed as a bubo can bo, and on its
birth, weighed only oight ounces.
Its faco is about tho size of a horso
chestnut. Tho ring worn on tho little
finger of its mother was slipped over nis
foot noarly to tho kneo. It is the opin
ion of tho attending physician that tho
child will live. It is bo small that three
of its like could play hido and sook in a
cigar box.
Pboprietors op
Orders promptly filled.
"Sour patronage BOlioited
Transfer Line,
I will haul anything from Trunk to a Thresh
ing Machine to any part of the city as
cheap as an) man on earth.
Notice to 'reaclicri.
Kotico is hcroby given that I will
oxamitio all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
tcuohora oflho public schools of this
couuty, at lied Cloud on tho third
Saturday of each month. '
Special examinntiniH will be bold
on the Friday proceeding tho 3d Sat
urday of each month,
The standing required for 2d and
3d prado cerlifioates is tho same no
grado bolow 70 por cent,, average 80
por cent; for first grado certificate
no grado below 80 per cent., average
90 por cont. in all branches rcquirod
by law.
T). M. HuNTfii. County Supt.
IS nun U Ihnnn I
lIUIIIl It I I IIIU M CUKIS WMtHt All U5t Mil. ..
I I Hill I AT l II H CI Best Coimh tistw. Ttte UouO. tlwl
I II II II IV III Hill E3 Inllwn, fold by druggist.. B
UuJU Ia UllUUi BlJgifTBiMZBgi
Tennyftoii on Spring.
Wo have tbo word of Alfred Tenujion
for it that in tho npriug the yonng man's
fauclen lightly turn to thonghts of lovt.
It is singular that tho great lament
omitted to mention tho faot that it is in
tho apiing that a oonaidornbie portion of
the human race tarn to taking Hood's
Harsiipnrilla. Probably nothing but the
diUloulty ot finding a good rhyme for that
invaluable remedy deterred him. Certain
it is that tho old-timo domestic remedies
are generally discarded iu favor of the
standard blood purifier, Hood's Snrsapar
ilia, whioh hue attained the greatest pop
ularity all over the country as tho favorite
Spring Medieiue. It purities the blood
and gives nerve, mental, bodily and dig
estiva strength.
Thero is sotuo talk ot organizing a
building undloan association at Friend,
i . ,
Prevention is better than cure, and yon
may prevent that tired feeling by taking
llood'u Sursnparilln, which will ke:p your
blood pure aud free from aeid taint and
germs of dleeaso.
JuBt think of it dearest, wo can mako'
our boys happy, said tho father to his
wife. Just think ot it? Wiener has
childrcns suits consisting of two pair ot
pants, coat and cap to match, of strong
matorial and well mado, whioh ho soils
at f3.7fj for the outfit, hotter gradoa at
N.50 95.00, 80.50 and so on; lot us go
and mako our eolcction before tbo sizes
aro broken,
When Baby wu lick, we gave her Cutorla.
When she waa a Child, she cried for Caitorla,
When the became Miss, slit) clung to Cutorla.
When the had Children, the gave them Castor!,
Children Cry foi
P.tohr' Caitorla.
Any order left at Conover & Ablright's feed store will
ceive prompt attention. Youra for business,
John Barkley.
p. E. P0SID,
Ciiy Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Red Ci.oud, Nebraska.
Farmers patronage cordially solicited. Good rigs at rea
sonable rates night or day. Horses boarded by day or week.
Building Material, Etc.
New Ileal Ektuf.o Firm,
Real Estate,
Loan and Agents.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.v
Office with D. F. Tr nnkoy, Moon Blook
We have "located in Red
Cloud and will be pleased to
have people vriio desire to sell
their farms to call and list
their lands with uh as we
have eastern buyers.
Call and see- us.
jr. ii. iavi & sos "
..Tho Webster CotMity Mutual Protoo
tlon and Anti lion o Thief nssoolution
meet? in ;owls,tlio last Saturday o(
eacu month, nt2p. w,
W TldOS. I'OB060N, Sc.
- - -. T-m.