The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 02, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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' ... r
at mnm mm mmmm ro romrommK
Throw oil Hie heavy VLinttr Shoe uml
Buy Something Suitable.
Wc can Irtillirull)' say Hint n heller line
or dcilrnble footu'cnr hue never been
oll'ered the people of fled Cloud Hi nn in
now ! be found In our Store mid
At prices lowei than you have been obliged to
pay heretofore.
Working; kIiock, Oxford Slipper, rino
Heavy, conrio. See them, buy tlietu.
gut iu iiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiViu iiOiiViiiiiUiK
Tho Wiener olovatora nro full of corn,
C 10 Axtoll wlb down from Hastings
Peterson JmndlcB all tho loading im
I O. C. Hell was doing buenicBs in Sup
erior thin week.
U G Mosor of McCook was in Red
Cloud Monday.
Tho great and only Littlo Duko Btalk
cutter at Potorson's.
Joq Sparks and wifo of Orleans were
in the city this week.
Mrs J II Graves liaa been eoriovsly ill
for u week or ten days.
Mis. Rich is oxpecting a largo atock
of millinery goods Boon.
I S Boat and son Charley aro homo
from a pleasant trip in Iowa.
I liavo a full line of the eolebrated
Studubaker buggies and wagons. Jas.
Mr Crosby, engineer, at ono timo a
resident of Bed Cloud, wbb on our streets
this week.
Arther Gibbs well known ns "Pat" who
worked on tho oloctric wires left Thurs
day for Iowa.
Some Bed Cloud physician can have a
bottle belonging ton modicine chest by
calling at this otllce,
Frank Smith has purchased tho lots
that tho Prtsbytorian church stood on,
pajing thorcfor $250.
Mrs. Geo. Matkin is in Beatrice this
jjok visiting at tho bedeide of her
inotpr, wiio ih dangorously ill.
More goods nro boing sold for a dol
lar at tho Chicago Clothing Storo than
any whero else in this country.
Go and seo J. B. Wright for all kinds
of bargains in now and second band
goods. Just north of Moon block.
John Tomlinson and wifo havo re
turned from Chicago, whero Mrs T has
beon for her health and modical treat
ment. Tracoy Sherer and Mies Sophia Brad
shaw wore married this wcok, Rev E L
Ely oillciating. Tho young couplo have
tho bcit wishes of their numerous
frionds in this section.
II B Simons and wife havo returned
homo from Pennsylvania, nftor a stay of
flvo mouths, fully satisfied that Nebras
ka is tho stato. Tlioydonot want any
moro of Pennsylvania.
John R. Fry purchased tho J. II.
Davis farm located on tho southeast
quarter of section 24, town 2, rnngo 10,
Consideration 81800. He purchosod it
through tho real estato firm of J. II.
Davis and Son.
Mrs Mollio Neolander and Miss Sylvia
Cook, who havo beon visiting with their
sister, Mrs M R Bentloy, for somo time,
left for their homo in Iowa on Thursday.
They havo a groat many friends in this
city who aro sorry to havo thorn leave.
Frank Groen of Womor, Kan., was bo
vory unfortunate as to loso his littlo two
year old son Roy, by croup, laat Thurs
day. Tho body was takon to Homor
comotcry and thero laid at rest, Itev 13 A
VunDjke offering words of consolation
to tho bereaved and brokon-hoirted par
ents. Albert W. Rust, a nophowof Pap Rust
of this placo and a prominent farmer of
Rawlins county, Kansas, was married to
Mies Mary McCallum at tho residenco
of her fnthor, John McCallum, this woek.
Tho contracting partios are highly re
spected aud will in alio their future homo
in Kansas.
Karl Pond gavo his young friends a
most pleasant roception on Tuesday
evening at tho residenco of hisparonls
on North Webster street. Tho young
folks wcro highly entertained with
games and other amusements, and an
oeollont supper. AH roport a most on
jojnblo timo.
At tho resldonco of F P Hadloy on
Wednesay night occurred tho marriage
of Walter Chinnock and Misa Ratio
G tffnoy. Rev. Ely gracefully perform
ing the nuptial ritcB. Both nro vvo'l and
faorably known in this community
Tim groom has long hold a responsible
position in Urn employ of tho Burlington
but will tuko chnrgo or his own land near
y DoWitt, for which p'ase they left yester
day to reBlilo in me tuiuro.
Rov. Ely was in Bladen this week.
Captain Blaino was down from Cowlee
Dick Gray was in Hastings tho fore
part of tho weelf.
Dr. Earl Burwoll Sundayed with his
parents in Inavnlo.
N E Taylor of Nebraska City was in
Red Cloud Monday.
J F Spencer of Moore's Hill, Ind, was
in the city this week.
Mrs J M Chuflln is visiting relatives
in Wichata, Ransas, this wcok.
Go to Peterson's for tho Eaglo listor.
Everyono knows them to bo tho best.
F. P. Hadloy is now hotter proparcd
than ever to do any thing in his line.
Judgo Duffy spont tho fore part of tho
week visiting at his homo in Guido Rock.
No. 15. on tho B & M. butchored n
pork last Monday evening. 'Root hog
und dio."
Mrs. C. J. Rico of Barnston, Nob., is
visiting with tho family of Wni. Ather
ton this week.
William Kcarvillo, formerly a pharma,
cist of Columbus, has takon a homestead
in Boyd county.
MisB Lnura McBrido gave a pleasant
ojster suppor to her school in Dist 15
last Saturday night.
Mrs Knto Pond was eloctcd as one of
tho executive board of tho Stato W R C
at Lincoln tho other day.
For stenling a switch koy, Daniel J.
Guard, a llfteon-ycar-old boy of Aurora
was eont to tho reform school.
Littlo Bruce Robinson, son of Deputy
Treasurer Robinson, about six yeorB old,
went to Hastings last Saturday alone.
James Peterson, tho rustling imple
ment dealor haB just received two cor
loads of implements for his spring trade
Rov Gcorgo Hummell has bought tho
placo on the hill south of the bridge of
Nathaniol Randolph and will move on in
the spring.
M W DIckerson has put up a black
smith Bhop and is doing his own work.
Dick knows how to sling a hammer with
the best of 'em.
Hart, Schaffor and Marx aro known as
makors of .tho best clothing in Amorica.
Wionor has put in his lino this spring
and requests you to oxnmino tho samo.
Our reporter, Henry C. Richmond, re
turned Monday after n wcok's pleasant
visit with friends in Republic, Kanaaa.
Ho reports Ropublic as a vory flourishing
Tho young pcoplo of this city nro go
ing to cultivate their historic talent in
near futuro in a comedy drama in the
opera Iioueo. Thoy will eocuro the bost
muBic and an excollont prompter.
Ono of our forco was in Suporior this
week and culled on tho Journal and Sun
people Suporior, though smaller than
R)d Cloud, has tho bonoflt of a good
daily paper wh ich scorns to bo doing
J. J. ljong and W. W. Williamson, ty o
p'easant representatives of the Colorado
Sun wore in tho city this woek soliciting
for that great daily. Tho Sun is a stal
wart republican papor aud ono of the
largest in Colorndo.
Attention Joo Foglo tho now hnrnoBs
until, will do repairing as cheap as any
one, und sell jou anything you wnnt in
tho harness line. Any ono wishing
something in tho fast horso lino should
givo him a call.
Mr William Wood, n prominent young
former of Jewell county, und Miss Ellon
Burgees were united in marriago on
tho Kith, Edith Stanton, of tho Frionda
society, oillciating. Tho young couplo
aro woll known in this city.
Rov. Goo Hummel is now etirring up
tho sinners at Pleasant dalo Bchool house
aud much interest is being manifested.
Ho recontly closed a meeting in Lebnnon
with 70 additions. Rov Hummol is cer
tainly n powerful ovnngolist.
This week tho llrm of Trunkoy and
Pottor dissolved partnership by mutual
conront. Mr. Trunkoy will remain in
pructico alone, and Robert Potter has
micceodod tho law aud collection business
of Goorgo W. Barker who has retired.
Mr. Potter enters his now location with
much zeal und will no doubt be very sue
CITY Mins.
Al MrChntock
vvut in Superior this
Fred Blackburn, of liastingn, is in the
eitj .
Treasurer Whito was in llluo Hill this
A lino biscuit flour at MoXitt's, 70
cents a sack.
Hog and homelny is an xccllont sub
stituto for potatoes,
Miss Thodu Viors tit Guide Rock was
in tho city this week.
Jim Ward of Cowles was doing busi
ness hero this week.
Soo tho Fuller &. Johnson gang and
eulkoy plows at Peterson's.
MrB. II I) Ranney goes to Ditto Hill
tomorrow for a short visit.
I hnndlo no ohodtly or pentontiary
ruado goods. Jami.s Pi.rnitso.v.
lhoruinon tho 2tth hconiH to havo
beon general all over tho stato.
1 ho joting people enjoed it pleasnut
slutting party last Saturday night.
Attorney Challin drove to Esbon,
Kansas on legal business this week.
Bernard McNeny visited his old stamp
ing gtouuds in Kalamazoo this week.
Dr. Dnmcrell made a businoBs trip to
Denvor Tuesday, returning Thursday.
E. P. Bolton is visiting his old homo
in Osknloosa, Iowa, this week on busi
ness. i'ou can got tho celebrated Norwegian
plows, harrows and cultivators tit Pet
erson's. Isaac Ludlow haB moved his family
into tho house just north of Thos.
Mrs. Grico nnd son, ,Fluve, woro visit
ing Mr. Rutlego's .family near Innvalo
last wcok.
Wionor is ready to tnko your mousure
for it spring suit. Piece goods and Bam
plea are all in. Please call.
J K Sanborn of Edgar has purchased
ono of tho Fred Peterson dwellings nnd
will movo to Ityl Cloud.
Don't buy a cornpluntot or check row
until you havo seen tho Fullorund John
son "Forco Drop" at Potorsons.
Mrs. Wilson, mother of Silo Finchor,
living in tho southeast part of town is
lying nt tho point of death.
Miss Campbell tho successful music
teacher has been visiting frionds in the
eastern part of tho stato rocently.
D II Kuley and Wallaco Wright woro
out on a wild gooso chaso tho other day.
Wallaco says they never hoard u honk.
Wo will pay you 27 cents for corn nnd
sell you goods cheaper than any mer
chant dure soil you Chicago Clothing
F E Puyuo and Undo Dick Payne of
Otto woro pleasant callors this week.
They havo .'J0O bushels of eocd oats for
For Window shades, wall papor, car
pets, furnituro, etc., seo FV Taylor.
His goods aro all now and of tho latest
F V Tuylor keeps aflno lino of window
shades, wall papor and carpots. Al
now designs and at the lowest prices.
No old goods.
Henry Scott was 51 years old on Tues
day, and accordingly Ids wifo invited a
few friends in for tho purpose of com
mommorating tho ovent.
M. S. Marsh and family leave Rod
Cloud next Tuesday for their now home
in Iowa. Tin: Cump wishes Mr. Marsh
prosperity in his new homo.
It you wttnt fruit trees, or nnything
in tho nursery line, L. II . Rust can fix
you up with bottor goods for tho
money than any man in tho country.
Tho Ladies' Clio club mot with Mrs.
R. M. Murtin, Suturduy uftormoon, Feb
ruary 17th. Tho program was nn enjoy
abloono. It meets with J. C. Warner
March :i.
Wo sincorely concur with Rov. Powers
in his impetuous appoals to the wicked,
and if tho tamo him n liquidating effect
on delinquents he will certainly havo
our everlasting gratitude.
Charley Calmes undorstnnds tho fine
art of manufacturing delicious ico cream .
Tito manager sampled some this weok
and is prepared to say that it is fit for
tho gods, and ho is a pretty good judgo
of wiiat thoy Bhould oat.
Tho revival meetings aro still going on
ut tho M E church, but up to tho timo
of going to preBS thero have not been
but threo or four conversions. Elder
Powers is a very ublo speaker and
preaches without fear or favor.
Tho young man who goes nftor cream
and then sits up until one o'clock in the
morning Willi tlio joung lady, and is
handed tho buckot und notitiod to "git,"
might be buid to understand tho "cream
of tho joko." Ho wont, but mournfully
A large number of friends wont in on
M S Marsh and family on Wednesday
evening and completely surprised them.
Mr M and family leave tho city noxt
week for their now homo in Iowa, and
their frionds desired to show thorn
their friendship beforo thoy departed.
Tho Sons of Votorans at Red Cloud
have given a successful musicalo re
contly. Mibscs Mary ami Margie Miner,
Grace Fort, Mcbsrs. John Uickoison,
Oscar Patmor, Harry Miller and many
othor young people woll known horo,
took patt in it and acquitted themselves
with honor. Suporior Journal.
lit" is! Hi- ml! Hi m'!' Eld Power
tho Lincoln evangelist nlm is now us
sifting Rov. Hull in his revival work,
is not only Poweis by name, but ho in a
power hh it pulpit orator. He never tires
of telling of the good tilings that arc to
bo had by living a religious lire, anil sue
coeds by hiu interesting way in drawing
out largocrowds toheurhim every uighl.
Altliotiglt it seoiiwhard to got u foothold,
jet hofnlterp not but koopB straight on
ward nover turning to tho right nor left,
but with a "zeal born of tho eternal lit
ness of things" presses forward, bound
to gain tho victory if victory thero be, if
not then to do IiIh best for tho great
work that ho espouses. Suroly ho In an
eaanest workor and a profound Christian.
- i . ... i ,
Mayokaltv. Since our last issuo wo
looked around for moil who would mako
good majors for Red Cloud. Among
thosowho have been talked of promi
nently aro M. R. llontlty, W. B. Kolv,
A. G. Willis, R. II. Fulton, C. F. CuthoV,
und J. L. Miner. Tin: Cim r ban no
hesitancy in sajiug that it thinks any of
the gentlemen above named would make
good olllcinlii. Each name lias itH fol
lowing, aud any one 0r tho gentlemen
should they bo nominated and choosu to
run, would assure Red Cloud of n good
iidminiBtrntion for tho ensuing jear. B.
F. Mizer und Bert Grico havo been talked
of as aldermen for the north wartl and
P. Conovornnd Ed Pulsipher for tho
First ward, and Davo Raloy and Homy
Cook havo beon talked of for treasurer,
while II. E. Pond. T. J. Ward, Randolph
McNitt havo been talked of its candi
dates for city clork.
No DitKVM.-While tho lighting editor
Bat in tho sanctum Tuesday night aolil
quizlng on tho ovents of tho past and
prospoctB of tho futuro, thero caino from
afar what appeared to bo tho blood
curdling dounds of a pack of ferocious
beuHts, who woro ovidontly in deep dis
tress, or in omnivorous hunger were rap
vciotiBly devouring eomo victim which
had unfortunately fallen their prey
Tho hideous Bounds broke tho BtillnesB
of tho clear atmosphere all to pieces,
and as thoy seemed to approach, tno
scribo arouBcd himself from his Bominc
ulous nttitudo and tho first idea which
suggested itself was that ho had been
suddenly culled from this world of sor
row, and wub exporioncing his introduc
tion to tho lowor regions. On und on
canto tho ungodly tempest of wild and
henrt-stopping yells. Tho ecribo became
horrified with fright. His blood was
congealed with approaching terror. His
heart ceaBcd to boat nnd flow to his
throat. His fingers clutched tho quill
with u death like grip. At last ho roc
ognizod a human voice; then his fours
began to subside, and tho mjsterioiiB
Bounds wero known to emulato from
humnn boings. It was no dream. Tho
mattor was explained by the appearance
of u kbody tof our representative young
men known ns tho "Gooseandor Sore-
Tho hitherto unwelcomo
sounds wore now moduluted
into sweat
etrains of molodioufl harmony, and as tho
soronadcrs canto down to tho olllce tho
scribo leanod back in tho easy back ed
itorial chair und listened to u score of
now and populur songs such ns "Swunco
River," "Attor tho Ball," "Man in tho
Moon," "Doxology," etc.
Jaa. Potoraon, proprietor of tho agri
cultural storo in this placo has just ro
colvod a lurgo shipment of farm imple
ments of every description. Every con
ceivable implement which boncllta tho
fnrmerenn now bo found at his storo.
They hnvo an immonBO Block of Fuller it
Johnson plows, cultivators, gang plow,
and also tho eolebrated Eaglo Bulky
lister. Tho gang plows aro fast coming
to tho front as ono of tho most Ubeful
implements tho fa.rmora hav to uso.
Tho Eaglo Bulky, or riding lister, is til
roady promlBod;onormoiiB sales for thorn
und is already becoming eminently
populnr whero tho lister is usod at all,
aud farmors in this vicinity aro already
bocoming infatuated with tho elegance,
and simplicity in the construction of thla
novel implement. Corn planters, drills
harrows, and ovory ueoful farm implo
mont known can bu found ut this shop.
Ho hundloB also wagons, buggies, buck
boards, etc., of every description. Ho
keeps in stock tho Walter A. Wood
Buokoyo bindors, also Stool it Wood
windmills. If thoro is anjthing in tho
implement lino Jim Peterson does not
ko:p wo full to know what it is.
Geo. DoWitt of Gurflold township was
in this weok und gavo us "tho Btuff" for
1891. Mr. DoWitt is an enterprising
farmor and has looked well to tho accu
mulation of this world's goods. Ho has
a lino farm nino miles southeast of Red
Cloud, with good improvements nnd lots
of fruit. Ho ulso has several largo
Bwurmsof bees which uirord him consid
erable honey. Mr. DoWitt wan an early
sottlor iu this county, having como hero
whilo tho "ledskiiiB" woro jot plentiful.
Mr. and Mrs. DoWitt spent tho past
summor in England vibiting at their old
Attornoy Goo W Barkor has Bold hia
business to Robert T Pottor and will
louvo Hod Cloud for Erie, Pa , April 1st.
Mr. Barkor has lived in Red Cloud for
a great many joara und during that
time has built up it lino practice besides
making a largo number of frionds. Tho
pcoplo of Red Cloud and Webster county
will boscrry to havo him leave tho city,
but will join iu wishing him succefla in
his now homo.
Do You
Want to See
Men's f)
Boy's ttT " j
eirlc Ml( I
dren's iSSa
Clothe fc 'IM e
ing. f2P
If so wo respectfully ask you to inspect our lino this spring,
and if we do not offer you these MST MADE GOODS
jus cheap as you can buy poorer made goods, we will not
ask you to buy them:
Wo luive nil the Latent Alovcltici In Hen' t'lirnlehlng OoodH.
Von will nlso Und at our ittorc
hati and
We offer Special IndnccmcntH
Originator of Iloneit Price.
All Grades guaranteed by tho Mills,
Vj. I). Humo of Orlonna Sundayed in
Red Cloud.
Mrs. Molvlllo Putnam is sorioualy ill
this wcok.
.TamoB Shabatn of Croto was on our
Btreots Thursday.
It. I). Dedford waa in Hasting on
business this week.
Wni, TulloyawuB in Guido Rock on
busincsa thio wook.
J. O. Sapp was visiting frionda in
Uluo Hill this woek.
Churloy llusohow of Colby, waa in
Hod Cloud tliis weok.
V. N. Potter of tho Plaltsmouth
Herald, is in tho city this wcok.
J. L. Groonleo, editor of tho Bluo
Hill Loador, wao in tho city Monday.
S. E, Co.ud wan doing somo work in
tho towns down tho lino this weok.
J. L. Miller roturnod Sunday morn
iDg from a trip in Missouri und othor
Look out for something now in chil
dren's clothing. Wioner will announce
nrrival soon.
Mrs. Jnmos McNony and daughtor
Lmoro, aro at homo from an extondod
visit in Chicago.
Mrs. W. J. litiiikbdo loft Wednesday
for Emporia, Kansas, whoro alio will
ronido in tho future.
Mrs. John Clurbor and Mrs. J. II.
Strohm woro visiting in Guide Rock the
foro part of tho week.
Mra. V. II. Solliday of McCook waa
vhiting in tho city this weok with her
sister Mia. Anthony Clark.
Vorn Hlsliop, who has long been In tho
employ of U. V, Mizor has gono to Alnui
to work in ia father's store.
I. Guthrie, W. U. Cramer, John Cruft
and C. 1). Wood ronowed for tho Great
Family Weekly thle week.
tlio Intent Nljice of prlag
thle rcbrob In enr Shoe block.
EiitaulUucd 1 Still.
MONOGRAM, 90c Per Sack.
ROYAL PATENT, 80c Per Sack
B. S., 65c Per Sack.
Honry Natulan of Osage, Iowa, hoe
movod to this city whero he will make
hiB future homo.
Plow shocB nt 75 conte, 81.00, 81.2."!,
$1..')."). All excellent bargains at these
pricoe, at Wionor'a.
I havo a fow articles of furniture I
would like to eoll at privato ealo at my
residence. Gko. W. IJaukkh.
T. E. Wilson a brother to Mrs. C.
I). Robison was visiting in Red Cloud
this wcok, He is chief bill clerk in
Donver for tho 13. & M. Railroad.
Wo woro pleased to rocoive, a fow laj a
ago, u big dollar from R A Andrews cf
Quartz, Okla., who eajB send on The
Chikk, wo could not got along without
Tho following mimes have boon added
to our list of now subscribers this woek;
Chns Green, Chas Isom, J T Hassinger,
W W Chinnock, Roy McCall' and Goo
Rw era gniknt snoltpircsbus rot Eht
Fkiho tn cno rallod rep raey. Yb rnf
eht tsob ropap ni eht noitccs. Sovig
orom swen nultt yna rchto repap stuoba
oruh. Ekat ti.
The llrm of G. A. Ducker and Co.
bus beon building n now eidownlk in
front of their storo this wcok. Thero
are oomo other walks in town that ncod
tho samo addition.
Womm'i, Kansas, February 23, 1801.
Died February 22, little Roy Edwin
eon of Frank nnd Mary Grron aged 2 y ear r
1 moutbsand25dajB. Ho died vory sud
denly with croup just ubut three hours
from tho timo lip vvna takon until tho
breath had loft tho little body, May
Gjd comfort the nllllotod parents.
How you will bo missed on darling,
Only borettvod ones can know;
lint God can comfort my children
Such comfort tho world does not
'e '
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zr hhm-hh i -t"-M-if 'V'li.uiiVmrs.TTTr: ,? iw'im.
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