fci idki THE RBI) CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 2. 1894, i I I ii i I t f 1 U a t! i I U I Hi r! es5 3 13 rS :a .. N2 -).!S r i Dt ten EM aafl lal .ele i v.ll fl ii sowi twal po len W l-: I.UH m taw 'lit, M l PeJ KV k Iket Jfo font) IM olni 4oi DUGKER'S CASJ4 We are offering extraordinary bargains in DRESS GOODS every day. Extra values in handkerchiefs. Big bargains in Remnants of Dress Goods, Calicos, Ginghams, and Outing Flannels, values in NEW EMBROIDERIES, LACE AND WHI rE GOODS. LADIES' SUMMER UNDERWEAR, it will soon be time for it. We have secured the best values in summer underwear that we have ever had. G. A. DUCKER & CO. awnm m mimrnmn mmmmmmm is. i iOtnn 5 Sarsparilla S is the best s I SPRING iVIBDICLNE S Try it. Full pint bottle for SI . 25 uuuu tu iii iu ui imuiiuuiiuiwuug 1IM2VT COLUMN. WANrHI).-To buy shoals, wuIrIiIiir on mi KitilriXH Unl cin.ul. ""V. ".. . """ ." m w iiii. irvdivillbli r A STIJI.-k roll uf paper to hum; .-K. 1'. I'anloy, ... W ft.N T,K1 Tl! ck'an aml repair your urtraiii. .Work flrst-chiss and fMtisMtctmn uimniu. teed, 1'flpon reasonable. Ollleowlths. i:.Co- .in. w. w. Tullevi VANTKU-I dcslro to buy fuuror live plus, ' wylKllln from 60 tOLOpouuds-Tlin WII miii, lleU i Iiiihi, I AW.K )u.ur f'll'rH '" iMilntliii: with l i 'Iladloy. lii-ur (if Miner llros. store. WAN 1 Kl).-y uijildle ued ju.ly mi .;. 1,,LlaVor' .a 'iDUK-kft'iK-r.-Adilre Cloud, ebriiska, box 4 Id. lid son, u !8 lU'll I K.-You wniitfinlt trees, unipivlnc or uny 1 niirnery stock call en U II. Must. ' "'ANTi:i. To cry onr sulci, lie,t i.tiiim ' ' iiml niIcikIIiI muU(iiiiioii.c. fc winirc) IN.-iUKANl'H.-l would 1 puL'ity. J. II. Hmttli. Ilku to Iiisiiiu join AX'AN ll'.l) -To iriulti ii tiiMMl Hiilky plow for 11 rtVJiSJa,,riM,,c'' A"""y' ,,wl,,n,cu "" WANTI'.I). IIHI new M-K-1M ' ' in.. i: :it oner. III 'Jill'. lillll'HINIIMI. Imk i , I,,.,,,... ,,,,. r.nierjuii Wl ,,"l',"ll Ml"lj '" l'l',,M "ml A ai!'i':!; '?." '";' '.'. .f"0'! untilivd tcim, ' John Kuinti, tioiciund, fVtt SU.U-I lmo tlin.it ood co I . (I'ukc) Stiitim, Ki-il i ImiiiI. lo 3tll.-,l, Wa,'ji,y"rciw.w.-.ituu1,. poll AI,L'-a fouil bOrse, upjily ut tuiboHke. WgrgrffrSi'ty bH'"u of "" ola Vtty 1, "-""0 ' V tWSiirL3S -ft "!!' -ni. Will 11J1V fktlM.1l i4 cent c.icli for nil viiiues ivrriwiriiiM, r.iiinH i;oi-riN( 'B1? V4NTiKI,'"rt0l i0 in runt myihvuii lllllK UlJ- DRY GOODS HOUSE. Special f Sec Myers DrcM .llalttii);. Drees nmkin imrlorii lmvo boon openod ut tho old l)r Hall roBiilenco Alloftliu latoRt fuHhiuiiH. Tho Indies aro invited to call. C'liuup i:curiiiMi lo Tvxiir. Anotlicr appoituiiity of visiiinj; Toxu.s at notninal cost. On iMarcli lJJth lliu JJiirlinglon Houto will sell round-trip tickets ai the One-way Uato. Ask tho Company's local agent for full information and in.iko suro your tickuta read "Via tho HurlinKlon.' tho beet lino to all .southern points. J. Fianols, Gcnl. lWr & Tkt. Agt., Omaha, Neb, I'arni I,oan. Ifjmi want n loan on flint clnmi land I LMiiKiv.Muia hpnciul into lament in Iwrent with option lo pay part or all lit liny jeur. Uiill or writo to mo O. F. (Jatiiiiii, Kod Cloud, Nui). ! M Tor Knit. Thrco hundred bufhels of Whilo IUib eian outs for bccd. Sold fort-Ami or on noto on ehort tlmo. Forty cento per bu&hol. Address or call on U F, E. I'aym;, Qtto, Xub. Mr. S. naylosYihes to announcotn Iho publio thai hein propared to take boirdoM at :!.&() nor wnnl- ); included, Apply at 4th Avonue Hotel. THE CHIEF A.C. HoMtm, Kditor. LaiiovTait, Asot Ixat Editor. ALL PKIXTED AT HOME tabu; oi co.temt. Pngo 1 Weather Forecasts. Ijottcr From Xebruska, Causes of Ilccent Dopreeeioo, Spring Pootry, etc. " 2-Letter in Scarlot, Other Items. ii ii ii 3 Country Correspondence, etc. 4 Editorial and City N'ows. 3 City News in General. (J ProndorgaBt'a Fate. Nebraska News, Congressional, Foreign nnd Domestic News, .Markets. 7 Tnlmago'fl ScrmonB, etc. 8 State and Other Nows. Charley Uoynton'a Death, Other Items. Till: KIHTOIt'S SAY. Uro. Daggett of tho Kivcrton Guard seems to have gotten into trouble. Ho was arrested this week on a charge of divorting tho funds of tho township of which ho was treasurer. Tub Chief hopes that ho will come out of the trou bio on tho top wavo. Honry S Forrar, superintendent of the agriculturalist department of the Ox nard bcot BUgar factory nt Grand Island was in lied Cloud this wek. Ho in formed this olllco that tho factory would bo run ns usual nnd that they had bo cured thrco thousand acres of beets for this season i SoMKcrnnk out at Georgetown, Col., is circulating a petition for annozing Colorado to Moxico. Wo used to think that most of tho real cranky people camo from Kansas, but they must now give tho laurelB to Colorado. Tho fellow should bo invited to "take up bis bed nnd wulk" to Maxico. Ho should, be fihoald, ho should. Mils. Lf.asi:, of Kansas, has at last been succi'SHful in attaining tho glorious fnmo which she has idwnyudoaired that of u national reputation. I'orhaps tho poor would have been just as well off it Mary had nuvor been born and perhaps her Biiccess can bo attributed to a largo quantity, to a large nmount of unadul terated gall, nnd a strong pair of lungs. The Signal h pleased to sco tho es teemed Nation pluck up courage enough to resent the roccnt combined attack of the other lied Cloud papers on iho supervisor system. Not that tho SilmiuI is i nhi.tininn nf I tin its. tcm lor wo belcivu there is a hotter but if the Qght tho Argus, Belt and Chief arc making is, as tho Nation in- tilnntps lipn.mun tlin minnrrionn donn : : - - - ""(". .... shonn a d sposition to hold tho papers niuitmuu uuith iu luaauuuuiu UUIiruea for tho work they do for tho ojunty, tho supervisors for other shortcomings, real or imaginary, if they will ouly keep up n still light on this point. Tlicroure somo hourecs from which, in view of p'tt eventc, tho howl for oconomy touns with very poor graoe. Signal. Tho editor of The Chief hat not read the nriiele Fpokcn of above, but if any sued article appeared as stnted by the Signal making suoh allegations, thoy are untrue. Tho prices aro no lowor to day than at any other timo, under any particular political party. Tho present hoard pays living prices which is-iuht nnd so did its prede cessors and nothing moro than tht has ever been paid. Besides the in correctness of the aforementioned, this paper is vastly in favor of a supervis ors systom over that of tho commission er system, provided always that it ould bo tuudu It hs cumbersome and less expensive. As far as our Guide Hock brother is conccrnod wn nf iho fraternity, can eahily f.co why ho kicks. no is eviueniiy lecatcu wrong to have a finger in tlio pio, Tho Nation has no kick coming as it geti full price for its work and so do all tho other paper?, and any one that docB not is not wise. Tun Chief has uiver kink ed becauso the board was of a differ ent political complexion, but because it was too expons vo a luxury for thp county lo carrv under tho prcsontlaw For Farm Loans Tho March i.s'io of the Nebraska and Kansts Farmer j lit issued is a great improvement over tho former number, Uesidi's uoncral farm nowe. it contains Hpceiil articles on alfalfa growing by ,1. K. Fitzgerald of James- own, Kansas and .J no. Churchill of Dodge City, Kansas C. F. Stephens of Crete, Nebraska, has an articlo on penoh growing while A. F. Hartwell of Iiiavalo, Nubruhkn, treats of tho rel ative values nf a creamery and cheese factory. l)r O.r, of Kansas and Prof. Ingeri-oll of tho Nebraska Agricultural college and other noted contributors lmvo apcoinl articles that bhould b nillfl llV PVl.fl- I'.llltior Tim Tor,n. J flcst only to tiibseribcrs. 15 spcoial arrangrniQiit wo can nond you tho lied Cloud Chief mid Furrurr, both ono year for one dollar, TWK.NTV-PlFTH ANNIVMSABY.--A complete surprise party waB given to Dr. McKceby on Thursday night in honor of their 25th annivcrfarv. There was a large number af invited f C8,9r T80?1' Inclu,ding D A WaU "entr,cc an old friend of the doctor's, who chanced to be in town at tho time. At an opportune hour, refreshments were served sufficiently. Thare came a repetition of their mar riage. Tbu was most laughable performed by Hon. C. W. Kaley, who while be 11 known to be a man of anil ity, he never could in his palmiest da; 0 while serving as county judge marry people and do it rieht The social nature of the whole affair was most excellent, and highly en joyed by thoso present Tho doctor and wife have the sincere wish of all that they may live to celebrate many moro anniversaries of their marriage. xiii lyiiiEK acknowledges a choico va riety of elegant cake, cigar?, etc. Thanks. MarIHED HV THP. LlfillT n Tin? Moon Joseph Sparks, principal of me vrieans ochopis, ana miss lvzzic K. Sackett, assistant principal, came into lied Cloud Saturday evening on a west bound train, secured a marriage lioenso and nrocccded 10 lltv. V. I. Ely's residence and thero asked his am in maicing tnem man and witc. Mr. Ely in his usual happy manner said tho mystic worda and the two de parted, happy in the faot that they were ''two souls with but a single thought two hearts that would, as long as life should last, beat as one. The) left on the first train for Orlcais. L M. Crabill ia kiown to be u cortcous and wide-awake business man but in spitoof all, tho other day he thouL'ht his watch said fi:3n wlion it really said G:30, and hence mado no "-'"l'' uicvk iuu iraiu, in inc mcau-time Everett Dver madn tlm train and secured a load of passengers. i J. h Miner and Geo. E. Coon arc aa yet tho first who have been honored with a visit to tho mid-winter fair in San Francisco, and they arrived Wed nesday night, returning via Omaha. They report the fair doing nicely and while nothing in comparison to the world's fair, is by far greater than a state fair. The attendance is light at present, but will probably increase aoon. Thurmlny, Veb. 29. lioenl option 1ms been carried In Allen comity, Mich. A brnnch of the A. P. A. was orauized nt Slu-lbyville, IHm., with 50 members. Dr. Sawyer Boyd, head of the famous diopter syndicate, passed through New ton, Knu. Grief for her dead husband induced Mrs. Thomas Smith to commit suicide at her Decatur, Ills., home. Now York capitalists have purchased thenntural nnd artificial ras plants nt i uv minimi ana urtinciai nuil ubout Ijfnyett, Ind. The ltpmitillrnn nf Tln.oli fl..u v . been sold to n stock companyat law Paw, wlieru tho plant will be removed. Unemployed miners of Dunfermline, Ills., have issued a petition to bo sent to uuiiTiiur .nnKcm cnwnK or relief. Joseph M. Urown has secured a judu ment of f 1,500 ngalnst the Illinois Central t Gnlenn, Ills., for injuries received. Milwaukee ii taking every precaution to prevent the spread of smnllpox, which is getting nearer its borders every day. Auother thousand-barrel oil well was struck at Fostorla, O., which is also good, It is said, for r.,000,000 feet of gns a day. Criminal proceedings against William A. Mowre, telephone manager nt Kala mazoo, Mich., lmvo bceu dropped. He made good his stedlncrs. .lames niockmoro nnd William Eagle, farmers, were arrested at Alpena, Mich., for HllUlL-lllllir horxi-u from Pmimln 'PI... men claimed to be immigrants, and thus Km, me nurses in ireo or uuty. Carl Plenrd, the Thayer county, Neb., farmer who started to fast 40 days, was interrupted In his task by the cruel board of insanity, which found him crazy nnd sent hlni to the asylum. He had abstulned from food for two weeks. The 13th nnnunl encampment of the Grand Army of Knnsas convened at New ton with the largest attendance ever known. The first session of the encamn- '"" "ruined wivu reports or the de partment officers, which showed tho loss of only 880 members during the last year. Friday, Feb. 33. Eiisdlo Garibaldi shot Morelli Leonard! and then blew out his brains in San Fran cisco. A line vein of coal has been struck at Litchfield, Ills. A. D. Jones killed Constable Jerry Peck nt Wnlton, Neb. Texas fruit crop is said to have been In jured by frosts. A girl In mnle attire was arrested with n gang of tramps nt Paducah. A lone highwayman went to Hancock, Mo held up six men nnd got away. The L'Oth annual convention of Illinois dairymen is In session nt Dixon, Wn. Home Interesting hitherto unpublished letters of Niipnleon have just been printed. Slxty-ono firms nnd Individuals control over 1,000,000 acres of lands of tho Creek Nation Thu first nnnunl session of Illinois chlefo of police wna concluded at Bloom ingtnu. Stack White and Henry Hocrnth were Indicted nt Nebraska City for burning J. Sterling Morton In effigy, Mrs. Sophia Uere.sford died at San Fran clsco from glanders. A diseased horse had succeed In her face. Petitions of its Iron Hnll clnlmnnls werupicsRiited to Judne Winters ut In diaiir.uolls Neurit- S'iV) flOrt U Inviilvwl. Seed OaU. Whlto Russian oata at tho Rod Cloud Produce Company. Over Post Office Siinduy .Scluiul ConvctiUon. I'rncram of Hie nr lutpr renntv Snnd.iv trlirnl convention tobelie'd in Ited Cloud, Nebnul, March 15 and 18 is?l. Day ss!on l the lUptlit church. KTcnlng sMstnn at tlio Con.-regatlonal church. MAnrn IB. isoi 2.50 p.m. DeotlonM exercises led by 2-30.-Addre of welcome by Mm. Urakcfleld Suportntendent Itaptm Sunday scliool. Keaponie by K. II Knight, 3:00Heport of secretary and treasurer. 3:30--Co-oieratton rural Sunday school work by Itev. E. L. Ely. Olicusston, Sunday school worit. KVENIMI SKIO.V, 70-Deetlonal exercises led bv Bov. Andnr. sonotDluo Hill 9,C0-Address by E. A. Stephens of Grand Island. Query box and collection. MARCH 10, 1894. 0:00 a. m, Devotional exercisJs ld by 10:00 Flection of oniceri. ll:J0-Theworkof the superintendents by It. M. Cochrane. At-TEIIXOON SKSSION. 2.00p. m.-How each superintendent conduct tils services, by superintendent. Inlluence of Sunday scliool on the rrtnrali of the com munlty by C. S. Co?nd. How to Interest church members In Sunday school work by .Mrs, (. v, father. Inlluence of homo re llKlonln the family In relation to Sunday ichool attendance by Itcv. Seymour, tte latlonotSiiiidaysclioolstothe churches by Itev, IlcrK' It Is earnestly hoped that every Sunday s hool In tho county will bopreentat least by a large delegation; but In any event the super intendents will be expected. Entertainment will bo provided for all who attend. Come prepared to haven ?ood time. Mrs. A. I.. IIii.iiumtii, Secretary. It. H.For.TON. President. market Report. (Corrected Weekly.) heat Corn Oata live 10 2o s5 :io Fjax l 20fd 2.' Hogs i .to Fat cowb o -,o Rutter ii Effge jo Potatoes 70 Chlckena doz. 2 00 Turkeys lb. f, Iletail prico of the Red Cloud Milling Co., Hours: Monogram "0 Back 8 00 Koynl patent "0 eack 80 B.ofD.S. Back...... 05 Heart Would Stop Beating They Said He Would Not Live a Year Perfectly Cured - No Catarrh Now Hood's Did It. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass.: "Gentlemen: It Klves me pleasure to certify to the cfllcacy of Hood's Sarsaparllla In the case of my fattier, who has suffered for years with Heart Disease and Catarrh In the head. Tho former grew worse every day, and especially nt night tlmo. When tie would He down a curious feeling would rise around his heart nnd tils mil wmiM t ,,-, ,. Ing for seconds. Ho could breathe well, hut all the air ho could Inhalo did not seem to relievo him. He would have to get up out of bed nnd stir round until It wore off. WfliMm...,im,i and our frlonda said ho would not llveajear.' iiiuiiiiiijrpiijrsicinii prescribed several remo dles.butnlltononv.ill. l-hniiv n i,i,vi,.u ...i vised him to tako Hood's Sarsaparllla. He did so, and before lie had taken one nottlo realized that It was helping him. Ho has taken over four bottles now, and Is not bothered any moro with heart spells. Ho can sleep sound ns a baby. Ho does not have, any moro trouble with tho catarrh, and Is Himself Once More. no is M years old, and can ilo ns much work la a day as any man of his age, slnai using Hood's Sarsaparllla. You aro at liberty to publish this HoocTssi'Cures for tho bcuellt of suffering humanity, for wo can recommend Hood's Sarsaparllla to, ho nil and mnruHinn Is chimed for It.1, M ss iAsnik Wnr.Ki.Kii, Koui o, Missouri. Ml Hood's Pills aro hand made, and perfect In proportion nnd nppearancc. Mc. per box. Legal .Notice. w,,i,.."ii,!rl.r1,rv!:!!!,efWcLiU,rc(,ul"-1'' ami Anion AVilflnlt, i iiirinersiioing imihi uess under the llrm nameof Avdeliiti ami iirynui, j'laiittllls. vs. m. C Wlllbmson, imrimiinnt Ibenbovoiiiiiued dofendant M. O. U'llm. soil, will take nptl. that on the 10 h ,, y I'oliru try lM, Me above named tlittiuirT-t me a petition In thu district court f Wet iter eniinty,,Neliiska, against (ho mid dofen ,1; ut Wlllli.iUMin tho oi ect and ini)cr of wl J ! ,iu to ii'i'ovorfinm said ilefend.iiit the n loiint ,f iirer talu prmiiissoij nole.for the sum of ja dated at Denver . I'oKirndo, .hum Ihu ml iVaj due In urie ih.y niter dalo paynblo 1 1 tli" o Uer on snulMin, ai liieraie'oi' To pef rant ir an iiiim from .nine uth, l:i, theri lieln.' nov .n n on said noto nnd unpaid, thu Slid sum of Vho with Inteir.Ht ihereo'n ar'ti,!, ratoof 'in per cm per Huiium Ironi ml oth. day of .lime isni , tt ' l1!',' "i'1'1 d-sfendaiit W illlaniHon, tuithcr In tho nbovu entitled eauso in N,ild iCt h uv an lil m itt titi l ft it It . ' IA k.,,1 . ,M"' wi.l eonmv in win Iho Hoiih eaifr,, .mer' J, ,' llM llllltt lift llitr-iwuf I i.i..it I...I .. .. ' Vl '"' l ..... ........ .. , .,,.., , ,,u r,ni nan in h 11(11 III U CKtntl.it l it i nf hoist i.ti u ... ..... "i.i " ,IH ?."'.!". ' y-WSiuiiv'ZT n.i.i.T nun nir rum UV" 11111,1 s () f IV 1 lllllri'll til IIIIVIW.I'.MI.I i.r 1 1, ..''J .' I nitl, day of AI..II a. V. liii. liatod tl "i ai day of I'otiiuaiy IsJI. , """' i'iM ""itrA.vrANn AAUON 'Mii:r.TI. I'm QPJ ftp llffill J. DoBllS, ' ' "l'hlltl's AUorntos'fjr plaintiffs. t,11 8- New GOODS! Our Springs Goods Of various kinds now in stock. is We call your attention to the fact thai our stock is much larger Goods Better and Prices Lower Than Ever. We quote here a few of the many low prices we have to offer : w ail -r- Paper 10, 12,15, 18, 20, 25c and up to $1 ,75 per double roll. Note paper 5c, 10c and locper quire. Envelopes, all sizes and prices Box Paper, 10, 15,' 25 cts per box, Tablets lc to 50c, each Pencils, 5c, 10c, 25c, 40 and 50c per doz. Remember our line of stationery is complete and prices lower than ever. We also have a large stock of Paints, Oils, Lead, &c. Price's always the low est market. Heath & Milligan's Mixed Paints guar anteed. PURE DRUGS. STATIONERY Din k ghl y G&hs ,.-..., Li. t-MyiiwafrBf jg-. . B1, .TlftAllraV nU k.,.m , , f.( ... ,.- 1 M vttr 'j - j .xjtm vrfvife'n rsSvrrarTrnww- 'r 1 1-1