,. i.,.lVirnWH'A . '), A ' ( LSI & 4- "HS. Aft U h- v . " I. a i . . . I s5a A I A 'i : f , & V U . 4 J. h All Home Print. THE CHIEF ' Published Weekly, ubicrlptlon, 1 Per Annum, IiiTnrlabljr In Advance If not paid In nilvanco, nfter this (Into March 18, 1SW, tha price will lie St. 23. Entered at tlio l'ost Oince In Itod Cloud, Nob., as mall matterof thest-cond class HATES OP ADVKKT1IK0 Vrof. cards, l Inch or less per year SO 00 six months 3 oo Three mouths 2 00 HTAND1NO AUVKimSKMSHTS. Per Inch onoyenr ...'.. ..St 00 Fer Inch six months 3 oo i'ermrh threw months 2 Oil Npoclal notices per lino or line space, first publication 6 cents. Transient specials, payable Invariably In ad vance, per line Id cents. All readlnc notices In tho naturoot advertlso meutH or puns, 6 cents per line. Legal notices otlei:alrates, viz: torn square i ten lines ot Knnparoll or less,) first publication 1.00; for each subsequent publication, per iqu.ire, so cents. If o "preferred position" contracts mado. All matter to Insuro publication must be re ceived nt this ofllco not later than Wednesday. Advertisements cannot be ordored out for the current week later than Thursday. Ji. & M. It. II. Time Table. Taking effect Pec, 3. Tralnscarrj lui; passenuors leave Red Cloud as follows: EASf VIA HASTINGS, No, 113 Passenger to Hasting 2:30 p.m. AltltlTE. No. 14t raisonjtcr from Hastings 11:35 a. m. EAST VIA WYMOltE No. IS, Passenger to 8t. Joseph St. ' LoulsaudCmcaao dally 10! 25 a. m, OOINU WEST. No. 15 Passengers for Denver, dally, C;55 p. m D. B. Spanogle, Real Estate V T A r-i'jZrr And jlaxan .mgii Red Cloud. BUSINESS CARDS. D R. J. S. EMIUH, Dentist, Rbd Cloud, - - Nebraska. var Tu)lor'n Purulturo Store. Extracts teeth without pain. Crown and lirhlKo work n specialty. Porcelain Inlay, ana nil klids of gold fillings. Makes gold and rubber plates nud combination filates. I work guaranteed to be first-class. I. W. TULLEYS, M. D. Iloniceoitatfilc 1'liyelclau, Red Cloiul, NcbraiKB. Odlco opposite Vlrst Natlond Dank. U. ri.Kxamlnlng lirKeou. Ubronlo diseases troated by mall. 0. L. WINFREY, Auctioneer, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Will attend sales at rensonnble figures. Satis faction guaranteed, I II. SMITH, IiiMUranco Agent, red oloud, - nebrabka. I do a striotly form insurance nnd invite and invite all to boo me. "NASE & MoNITT,' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Moon Block, - RED CLOUD, NEB. Collections promptly attended to, and correspondence solicited. "TTRUNKEY & POTTER, Attornoys ut Lair. Red Cloud, Nebraska. Offiok Up stairs, in Moon Blook, R P. HUTCHISON, Tonsorlal Artist, 4th Avenue, Red Cloud, NmBiSKi. First-class bnrbera and flret-olass work onnrantoed Give me a call D 8TOFFE11, Futiiilonublo Barber, Bed Cilotid, Nebraska, I give my personal attention to my ons. First-class shaving and hair natrons, cutting a specialty plIAS. S0UAVFNIT, Insurance Agency, 8ermaSninsurance Co , I'r eeport. III. ltojal lusmiinc t'o l.hvrijoiil, England. Phwnlx Asjnraiice Co. ot London, bug. To Manchester lire AhbiiranciiUo of angland, Ouardlan Asurnne o of ludon, Kug. Utttllngtoii insuraneot;o. 01 : iiuriiugiuu, un. nritish Anwrlca Assuruiu'o Co. lormiUj, Can. The Workman.liullding anu l-omi Association ORiao over Mizor ii Store, Bed Cloud, Nsubaska Sternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, March 2, 1894. m mmmm imw? ii ipsgeesp PENMAN IIAS THEM A nice line of Jewelry, Diamonds, Chains, Rings, Bracelets, Scarf pins Cum and collar buttons, neck chulns, lace pins, stick pins, charms, etc. Plated and solid silverware, sonvenlr spoons, pen' 1 handled knl vos and forks, carving sets, calling; card cases, ben bon boxes and other novelties. A line line ot spectacles nud eye glasses with Intcrchangable lenses, steel, nickel sliver and gold frames, Special and careful at tention paid to fitting the eje. My line of 2nd hand watches Is qulto laage. I will run them off at less than their actual worth. tar"Hnng your wntch;tlock and Jewelry to pair wiirk,) our engraving and your old gold and silver to mo. Henry Cook's Drug Store. . jE7. COZAD Has a fine line of Sewing Ma chines-and Organs from $25 upwards. Also keeps all kinds or Machine Supplies. Does repairing promptly. Call and see me. Fartti Loaqs At Less Per ceiit- E, A Sittlpsoil, Biae Hill Neb. Cr A; ItlcNItt, Attorney. In the District Court of tho Tenth Judicial District In nnd for Webster Coun ty, Nebraska. In the matterof tho estate of John CroweU, d erased. Whereas Donald MoCallnm administrator of the estate of John Crowell, dectased, lias on the ist day of February 1804 filed his petition in the above entitled rourt asking therein for iuva tn Mil Urn followlnu described real estate the proporly of suld estate, to-wlt: West liulf ot the north east quarter nnd the Kast half ot Hid Noithwest ciuurterof section six Township ono range limn west ni mo sixm pruicijiui inur ldlan Welitter county. Nebraska, nud alleging that there Is not sumcieni personal properly i said estate In the hands of the administrator to pay the debts outstanding against said es tate and the exp nsos of administration, nnd that It Is ni'cesHiry to sell said real estate or a ii.irt thereof to pay such debts. Now iliernforu I, V. 1). Ileal Juagoof the tenth Judicial district hereby order nil persons Intor rat'l In s.ild vslntv to itpiwar befnro mo at the court housu In IIa!itlugihNebrHsku, on the l'JIIi. dat ot Mai ch 1KH, ui 1U o'clock a. in then and thereto Niiow vuud If uny there bo why llceusi to sell said leal estate or n part Hiereor ii-lx maybe necessary to pay aid debts should i as ty I m not ,... r.rmii.il tn mill Hilinlnlttrator. i""' r i ii ni . Dated at Hustings. Nouniskti, tliis ?ud day February IWI. f uilrrn Tnntli TlllllMnl lll.trfot ''' VLS' " , r" . j. i 'if ft m SPRING POETRY. NOT1CB. (Freight fOioutd bo prepaid on all contribu tions Intended for this column to Insure Publi cation.) As spring comes on no hate to think Ot duties wlilch wo fftln would shrink, We'd alinot rather "Jump tlio brink" Tlinu teach a Ik Her unit to drink. Then cleaning house we ulnars bate, lint Itsectns decreed by cruel fato Thai wo should always help our mato ' Ijy cnrpts nnd hang pictures straight. And thon there Is our garden too, Willi all those llttlo Jobs to do, We fix our feucoand fret nnd stew For fear tonio chickens will get through. Ilut when the summer comes at Inst And nil these little things aro past, When pleasures como both thlcn and fast, Wo think we'll be no inoro harassed. 1'ls then tho festive liouso fly comes And brings along ten thousand chums, And to himself ho swoctly hums as o'cr,6ur shining pate ho urns. TIs always thus, go whoro wo will, as wo Jounii-tfup this life's steep hill, And could wo sco the undertaker's bill We'd say they're at It "down thcro" still. KO JOKE. If anything will mnko us quako And In our ery bots to nhake, And look for something hot to tike, 'TIs an old fashioned stomach ache. WEATHER FORECASTS Furnished Expressly for The Chlcr for Webster County Copy righted by W. T. Poster. St. Joseph, Mo, March '2. My last bulletin gavo forecasts of the storm waves to nross the continent from March 7th to llthjand the next will rcaoh tho Pacific coast about tho lltii, cross tho western moun tains by close of Maroh 12th, the'grcat central valleys from 13th to 15tb, and the eastern states about the 11th. This will bo a dangerous storm, and will probably develop tornadoes. Tho aurora will make an unusual dis play, and tolegrophio lines will have difficulty with an electric storm. Tho warm wave preceding tho storm will bo unusually warm, and following it a drop in temperature from 10 to 40 degrees may bo expected. The warm wayo will oroBS the east ern mountains about the 11th, the great central valleys about 13th, and the eastern statcp about 14th, The cool wave will cross tho western moun tains about the 14th, the groat cen tral valleys about the lGth and tho eastern states about tho 18th. The heavy rains of this storm will not bo cxtonsive but concentrated. Kaius will bo moro general the first and last ten days of tho month than during tho intermediate ten days. 1'EIUODICAL BAROMETERS. Hii;h barometers are caused by do conding currents of electricity and low barometers by asoendiog currents. TIicbo currents move toward the sun, moou and planets and therefore the periodical lows change from north to south. When tho sun comes north in sum mer tho periodical low comes '.with it and covers tlio continent. Tho low est of this summer depression 'covers tho country surrounding the south of Salt Lake. Another low point covers tho country about aud northeast of Labrador and Nowfoundland. A third low spot covers our northwestern coast while tho north Atlantic perma nent high makes inroads on our south eastern ooast. This summer low gives way to a winter high and ou one squaro mile of surfaco near its center the atmos phcro weighs 280,000,000 pounds moio in winter than in summor. This is clearly tbo measure of the differ ence) in tho sun's 6ummor and winter cfTeotson tin atmoaphcro of our oonti nont. Eaoh low baroraotor induces a high which Is its mate. Tho two iuoreasc and doereaso together and tho mate of our summor periodical low is found in the periodical high which, ot tlio houjo time, covers tlio South Ainorican continent. Tho change occurs about tho Qist of ot April aud October, About the former ' T dato tho periodical low, which has hung over South America for six months, comes north of tho earth's equator, taking tho place of our six' monthB high, and the latter goes to South America to replace its low. About tho first of Ootobor our low goes to South America, and their high comes to our continont. About tho time of the Ootobor chango tho great hurricanes north of tho equator and about tho April chango tho hum. canes aro moto sevcro south of the equator. Whilo tho high covers our continent in winter its center covers Kansas, Colorado, Utah and tho country lying aorth, including Manitoba, and the prevailing winds blow around that center from left to right, or with tho hands of tho watch when tho latter is placed with tlio faco up. The tondenoy of tho transiont lows and highs is to move around tho north sido of this periodical wiutcr high. Tho cast lino of tho central portions of this high extends through the cen ter of Manitoba and down tho Mis souri river causing tho prevailing winds to blow from tho northwest and thereforo this line extended into Texas is the central line of the coldest cold waves. St. Vincent, Minnesota, is on the lino, and except tbo mountain peaks, is tho coldest placo in the United States. Its January avorago temper ature is aoven degreos bolow zero. Its olovation is 804 foot abovo sta lovol, Assinpono is twelvo degrees wtstof St. Vincent, about tho satno latitude with an elevation 188G feet grcator than tho latter. But tho January tonipcraturo of tho former averages scvoutocn degrees warmer than tho latter. This'illustrates tho iuflucnoo of our periodical high buomctor in winter. In tho high mountain coun try on its west tho weather is very much warmer than in the valloys on its eastern borders. On its west the winds como from tho south and after having moved far toward tho polar re gions, whoro thoy aro cooled tlioy re turn, through Manitoba, Minnesota, etc, bringing with them tho Arctic weather. Tho lows, or storm center, coining from tho Pacific, pass through or around this periodical high. MVIicn tho energies of our planetary system aro aroused, that winter or, periodical high iuorcasos in forco and tho storms aro whirled around its uothern borders taking a northern routo through Can ada and leaving warm pleasant weath er in tho united states. Anotuer olass of magnctioMisturbanccs pull tho transiant lows and highs, or tho storm waves, far southward, and thon we get tho bold wave and tha blizzard. This winter high causos southeast wiods of prevail in tho southwestern states and tho north Atlantic high has the sumo vuect in summer bo that in tho country west of tho lower Missis sippi tho prevailing winds aro from tho southeast, a condition not ex perinced ou any oilier part of this continont. From the above dicussion it will bo noted that in the groat northwest during six months, tho, winter season, the pure air from spaoo comes down and from thore sproads out over the balance of tho continont, whila in sum mer tho sea bicczes curoo from the gulf of Mexico aud tho l'acifio ocean raiting into spaco over tho groat mouutain region of tho west. Tho northeastern states and east ern Canada aro constantly under the iufluenco of tho Jceiandio low bar owctor, tho soutlitastori states undar tha north Athtitio high whil,) tho great west alternates between tbo pcriodio high in winter and low in stUHmeft Tho motcrologist must -keep theso conditions constantly in view and In them tho biologist may find oauso for determining what theso threo now races of man will bo undor theso three climatio conditions in tho ago to oome. CauscH of Decent Depression. In period of dopresion inon look for a cause, and are very likely to jump at a conclusion. Tho cause of tho prosont depression in buisness-now long continued was at first said to bo tho purohasinc of silver by tho gov ernment: so tho purchasing olauso of tho act of 1891, commonly oallcd tho Sherman aot, was repealed. Then tho financial panic or semi panic was said to bo tho oauso. That soon pass ed. Thon the troublo was attributed to tho scarcity of money. Now thcro is a plethora of money. Later tho oauso was said to bo tho expected new tariff bill. This bill has bcon bcloro tho public for wools, and tho worst is known, Theso so called "causes" have all disappeared, but their disap pearance has not put a whorl in mo tion nor a hand to work. It is not, perhaps, within scope of tho greatest intelligence to ocoount satisfactorily for tho present stato of affairs, It is world-wide Its beginning may bo traced to tho timo, three joars sgo, marked by tho failuro of tho Barings. Next came tho crisis in Argentine affairs. Thon, shortly, tho panio in Australia; and later this wavo of de pression ovor tho United Statos,which docs not yet recede, although tho sup posed causes havo beon eliminated. From "Homo Industries and the Wil son Bill," by President Edward Kern blc of tho Boston Chamber nf Com merce, in North Aaerioan Rovicw for March. . Thero is more Catarrh in (his seotlon of the country than alt other diseases put together, and antil the last few years was apposed to be inonrablo. For a great many yoara dootera pronounced it a loeal disease, and proscribed loeal romedies, and by constantly failing to ouro with local troatmont, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a con stitutional disease and tborofore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Chenoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitution al, care on the market. It is taken inter nally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon fnl. Itnots direotly on the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to care. Bend for circulars aud tes timonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. C2TSold by DroKgiits, 75o. From Nebraska. Indiunola, Nob., Fob., 20, 1891. Tho following itom was taken from Tho Dlndo, published in Blanchard, Pago county, Iowa, of recont dato. Editok Blade: I trust you will par don this intrusion when I havo explained ray reasons for claiming a llttlo spaco in your valuod papor. On Thursday evening,, I roachod tho brisk llttlo city ot Rod Cloud, Nob, Having learned a Bhort tlmo beforo that Rov. Hull formorly ot Blanchard, is stationed horo, I docidod to visit tho parsonago and pny my rcspoots to Bro. Hull and hie family. Thoy wero very much surprised and appeured equally no ploased to see u rep resentative from Bluuchard und wo did about us much visiting as could ba well crowded into tbo littio timo I was per mitted to spoud with thorn. Thoy tuo' indeed most pleasantly situated horo. Rod Cloud is a fino llttlo city of ubout 2,500 inhabitants, two commodious school buildings, court houso, street curs and electrio lights. Tho Mothodists havo, a large church building aud moraherehlp; und qulto n nice, comfortablo pursonngo with good barn belonging, Bro. Hull keeps u phaotun and of coureo drives u. good horso. This wua domonstrato4 by his kindly taking tuo to tlio depot, u ills- tunco ot n inilo or inoro from tho city Thoy woro induced toinovo to this part, q (,to country on account ot thoir (laugh. Vol. 21. No. 32 sW JBiiavfas Absolutely pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength Latest United States QovernmeBt Food lloport. Royal BaklRff Powder Co. 10 Wall St, N. Y. tor Fannie who lias been greatly improv ed sinco coming hore. and who is now in comparatively good hoalth. Their united nnd earnest inquiry attor tho welfare of, and oxprossod desiro to bo remomborod to tho peoplo ot Blanchard and vicinity nromy reasons for thus asking to be heard throuoh tho Ulado aa tho surer or only means I could have of fulfilling my promiso to "Romomber us to all." S. S.WAnrtEN. .. V . 'Whiskers that are prematurely gray et faded should be colored to prevent the look'of age, and Buckingham's Dye ex oels all otkers in coloring brown or blaok. An old man and his two eons were cap tured near Miller In tho aot of stealing a wagon. . "urange blossom" is a painless eure for all diseases peculiar to women. Seld r fresh by O.L.Cottlng. Dick Nyo, nonr Qresham, caught hi hand in the gearing ot acornsholler and sustained sovere injuries. Family Cure Is the most useful family medloiue. If you are tn need of a good family remedy call on your druggist for a free sample of Dr. Sawyer's Family tiara and you will find It satisfactory. Deya & Grice. Tlio teaohera of York county gavo their retiring superintendent ahandsomo pres ent on Christmas. " .. If salt costs one cent a pound and ham 1C oents, what would a hog be worth that bad been fed oa Heller's Condition Powders? For sale by Deyo ft Grice. ' . ' Evangelist Redding is giving ain tha worst ot it at Stromburg. We have yet to find any ease af barb wire cut that Haller's Barb Llnlmtat will not cure, We absolutely guaiaatee It and Deyo fc Grlee will refund the eask for all proving unsatjsfaotory. Eugono MorriHold of Harlan county has broken the reoord in putting uphay. i in, a Professional hunters in laying la sip plies for a long bunt take, first, 20 gals, ot snake bite cure, 2nd, 1 pound of oraek- ers, Od, 15 gals, of snake bite core, and 4tb, 2 doz. bottloa of Halles'r Sure Care Cough Syrup. For sale by Deyo 6c Grloe. Nobraslcn merchants expressed thorn calves on tho wholo as woll satisliod with thoir ealoa for Christmas. I want you to uadoratund, John Henry,, '., that yon ain't to drink that Haller's Bar snparilla all up; I got it for pap and ma. i'ap ho sea mam you go down and git bottle ot Hnller'e Saraaparitla and Bar- dock and will git over feeling so tired aad bad and git rid ot nil them pimples. So. let that alone now. For sale by Deyo Js ' Grice. Burglars blow opon the safe of Mr. Hudson ut Arborvillo and secured s)200 in iavvfull monoy unlawf ull. Guaranteed Cure. to nuiimrizeour nuveuieu uroggist 10 f ae 1 Dr. KIuk's New Discovery for Coa--t sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon thl.j. condition. If you art nfllisWd with m-r Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and jsiltuse thistemedy as direct. ed, giving it n fair trial, aud experience ' ' uo benelU, you may return the bottle and ' huvo your money refunded. We eosld '' not make thli ofler did wo not know that Dr. Kinu'a New Discovery could ba relied ' ou, It never disappoints, Trial Battles'-.! free nt C,VL, Cottlng's Drugstore, Larga size 600. aud 11.00. ft m Hi JfVl n k 1 i 1 ''I M V ,-vh 41 4 i .Mm .t s i ll iJkvLJljrJLl .. 6" . .SL ! " - .-'HV i& r vw ' i .in i- iiw. i isasacs "iwlwwl-, "g.lh.1 Uti.mBXB8Z. AstflfatW'TjW'; -Jrigi-iw IbbbbbbbbI ' - Tfrmkm .J. ''a ..l .i.... SffyaSSSl