The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 23, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    '& i '
ffiWW ,""
And In the Near Future May Bet
Styles of the World Costumes
Tonne; Olrli Miscellaneous Note
he Model.
Now Yors Fashion Letter.1
Mecca of tho mod
lull, that paradise
of the fashionable,
the stage sets the
stylo In correct
and urtlftllc dross,
,ns it is the final
arbiter In nice
points of social
etiquette and the
interpreter ui mc
spoken lan
guage of tlio dny.
And. Indeed, Now
York Is following tlio long-recognlz od
Authority In modish matters very
closely, nnd tlio day may come when
the American metropolis shall wield
tlio scepter in orlglnnllty In dress, as it
now bears tho palm for the most
nriUtltt nrinntnhllltv and realization of
V the Parisian Ideas. New York women
n ,.m iUn lw.Bt.ilrKHI.Plt WOITlPn in tllO
I ...-! ..nn..ll.i,. trt mnnv nlltltni-ltloK.
because of tholrmoro dellcate.and con
servative taste. Tho Parisian woman
wears tho novelty In nil its crudenoss.
Tho Now York wonmn modllles It and
betters It every time. And it has be
come quite the custom for modistes in
Gotham, following tho Parisian idea,
to be eager purchasers of first night
scats whenevern new society play Is to
be given at one of our leading theaters,
because hero, as in Paris, tho nowest
nnd most artistic dress Ideas are sure
to havo their possibilities realized by
tho women behind tho footlights, whoso
ono aim in life Is to have gowns that
nre not sturrv. but miirht bo worn in
k any drawing room in tho town.
Children's dresses alwuys occupy ft
largo spaco in tho faH1 ' ironlcle,
and rightly, because u. .. ssos for
llttlo girls uro made In tho liruso under
the direction of tho than for
tiro elders. Now, the first thing to be
remembered In tho making of ohll-
l drcn's gowns in that tho llttlo maid of
' wears the longest gown. It reaches
. quite to her shoo tops nnd tho shoes
, arc not high. Tho girl of 1 wears a
J dress of about tho sumo length, the
i maid of U one two inches shorter, and
I the dress shortens as tho years lessen
j until tho little maid between I und 8
i wears a dress quite covering her knees
in tho French fashion. A pretty
model is shown in the ilrst illustration
to be carried out with navy blue cam
el's hair nnd 'cardinal enshmerc, tho
decoration of the roit being put on
every where with black and gold braid,
nnd employing llttlo gold buttons
where tho stripes of red uro let Into the
slcovo tops and down tho shoulder
beams. Tho dress closes on tho shoul
der nnd under tho arm, und the back
Is.llke tho front. Ono of tho prettiest
coats for llttlo girls is made of soft und
heavy wool in changeable old blue und
red, nnd made up with tho new "bat's
wings" enpo. This Is lined with tho
red in satin and has n black passemen
terie ilnlsh.
A protty,gQwn recently worn by u
girl of 14 was of yollow crepon
with a silk polka dot. The skirt of
ono length In the back had a yoko
front, to which tho lower part was
shirred, beneath a trimming of golden
brown vol vot " A dress of golden brown
cashmere for n girl of 10 or is hud a
Yl trimming of Bupphlrc-slmdod velvet
v Mid ruttleB of tho cubhmero, with n belt
fo of tho velvet tied on ono sido. While
lVJ 6r tho tiny inuid of u or Q tho Thanks-
A gHTtaggown wuti rendoof roea piu!
. I '
crcpon, the "fitted rcvers flared, but not
gathered, nnd trimmed with n hnlMnch
satin ribbon edged on each edge with
black velvet. Tho trimming crosses
tho little straight waist both at tho
front and back, and has a belt, with
rosettes on oaoh side of the rcvers and
of tho belt made of black velvet.
Another gown was of ivory-white
satin, with a decoration of black vel
vet and old laoe arranged In a particu
larly becoming fashion for ladies not
quite as tall ns'thcy could wish to be.
Another gown of changeable moire
that might be called opaline, so varied
and delicately shaded were its tints,
was trimmed with black molro ribbon
and chiffon uhangcablo like tho gown,
with rcvers of old lace. The entire
waist was of the chiffon, gathered to a
bolt Ktlll another gown was of pale
bluo tissue, draped on the hips and
plaited full in front. The collar was
of while satin, edged witn exquisite
hoptm patterned
and wired jet pnssc-
inentorle. The secret of making a
gown from pictured models Is to take
here a llttlo and there a little, com
bining all harmoniously; for gowns,
like prescriptions of medicine, need to
bo prepared after a personal diagnosis,
and cannot be made up like overcoats,
In job lots all from the sumo pattern.
Should lie lloth Clean and Coif
It is all very well for hygienic beings
to talk about tho beauty of bedrooms
with bare floors, no draperies, cane
phnirs, and Iron bedsteads. It is de
lightful to hear tlieir enthusiastic ut
terances on tho absence of microbes
and tho destruction of germs. Hut the
woman whose bedroom is also her sit
ting-room und dressing-room ilnds it
impossiblcto share their delight. She
isn't fond of bacteria, of course, but
neither does she care to pass her wak
ing hours in n barn-like place. l'"or
her and her name is legion a com
promise must be arranged,
The floor may be stained or painted
nnd then covered with a rug. -This
rug can bo taken up onco u fortnight
or so und shaken in tho open air. Not
many microbes will lurk in it under
these circumstances, and at tho same
tlmo the woman who lives in tho room
will havo imparted the nlr of co.incss,
which is second only to cleanliness In
most estimations. Tho ibruss or iron
bedstead Is the one which she will pre
fer from both hygienic und artistic
points of view.
She should have a couch, but it need
not bo tho upholstered uffair dreuded
by advocates of cleanliness. It may be
of willow, which Is warranted not to
harbor germs, nnd it should bo covered
with cushions. These may be taken
out and ulrcd as often us their owner
wishes. '
Ono easy chair is a necessity also.
Hut if tho upholstery bugbear again
confronts her.let her convert nstcamor
chair Into a thing of luxury by throw
ing over it a lamb's wool rug and
putting a couplo of cushions against
its back.
A little desk with a shelf for books
and another for bric-a-brac, some
swinging book shelves, a screen to put
before the never beautiful washstnnd,
a straight-backed chair before the
desk, and a dressing table will complete
the furnishings of tho room.
Baby Kuth Defends Memoir.
Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. liissell at
tended, .accompanied by Miss Ruth
Cleveland nnd Miss Marguerite Hisscll,
both young ladles about tho same nge.
Tho little girls were of course de
lighted, but unfortunately both took a
fancy to tho saino doll ono that by
pressing a spring would say "Mamma."
Tho doll was handed to Ruth by the
lady in chargo and immediately Mar
guerite wanted it. Ruth, to cscapo
the pressiug importunities of Mnrgucr
Ito for possession of tho doll, rnn Into
an adjoining room. Marguerite fol
lowed nnd overtook Ruth. Little Miss
liissell grabbed tho doll, whereupon
llttlo Miss Cleveland released her hold
upon tho cherished toy and grasped
her tormentor.
Not! for Women.
It is said that by uddiug u little
borax to tho rinsing water und drying
in tho shade, red tablecloths will keep
tnolr color.
A drunkard is unrcllubl e, nnd If a
girl doesn't find it out before marriage
she will afterward if she marries a
drinking man.
Tho young ludy who is not a good
cook can not boast of a ilnlshcd educa
tion no matter what inuy bo lier attain
ments In a literary way.
Lady Somerset, who presided over
the W. C. T. U. convention at Chicago,
is giving her life und her lurgo fortuue
in an effort to mnko tho world letter,
There is no doubt, says a writer ,
that the longing to die, women some
times express, Is mistaken for tho need
of a nap, Instead of tho immortulily
of tho bouI, builues meu nnd working
women want regular and sy stoinatlc
doses of dozing.
A l.UtU Uoar.
Clara Us girls uio getting up a se
cret society.
GeorgeWhat's the object?
Clara I don't know yet, but I'll toll
T0 nil About It nftor I'm Initiate
Deaftieis Cannot bo cured
by loesl applications, as thoy oannot resoh
the diseased porton of the ear. There is
only one way to core Deafness, and that
is by constitutional remedies. Deafness
is caused by an inflamed condition of the
mncons lining of the Eustachian Tabo.
When this tube gets inflamed you havo a
rambling sound or imperfect boating,
and whon it is entirely closed Denfoess is
tho result, and unless the inflammation
can be taken eat and this tabs restored
to its normal condition, hoaring will be
destroyed forever: nine casts oat of ten
are caused by catarrh, whioh is nothing
bat an inflamed condition of the muoous
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any esse of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that can not be eared by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. 3. CHENEY fc CO., Toledo, 0.
tlTSold by Diuggists, 7Go.
. .
Fred Veddor, living cosr Crete, bnd
ono of his'oyos kicked out by a vicious
O. W. 0. Ilardman, Sheriff of Tyler Co.,
W. Va., appreciates a good thing and does
not hesitate to say so, He was almost
prostrato with a cold whon he procured a
bottle of Chamberlain's Congh Remedy.
Ho says: "It gave me prompt relief. I
find it to be an Invaluable remedy for
coughs and colds." For sale by Deyo &
Tho Boon county fair will be hold
Soptombor 10, 20 and 21.
Mrs. E. M. Lettls, of this plaoe, had
boen troubled with rhenmatism in the arm
so bsdly that' she oould not use her arm
at all. One half of a CO cent bottle of
Chamberlain's Fain Balm effected a cure.
E. J. Neavks, druggist, Waverly, N. Y
This is an article of groat worth and
merit, and is becoming famous for its
cases of rheumatism. One application
relieveB tho pain. For sale by Deyo and
The Seward Daily Prose has succum
bed to tho bard times.
W. I. Church, of Staunton Post, O. A. R
says: "I have tried nearly every cough
remody but found nothing tooopare with
Parks' Congh Syrup. I have suffered
ever sinco my dischargo from tho army
and Prrks' Cough Syrup Is the only rem
edy that has ever helped me,"
The Elwood Republican has' beon re
vived by L M. Mcoree.
If you haye suffered from Stomach
trouble, Blllionsness or Bowel difficulty
use Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure. Deyo &
Tho Congressional Record is decided
ly a long tester.
My family use Dr. Sawyer's Family
Cure for Indigestion.
My family aie Dr. Sawyer's Family
Care for Billioasness. Deyo & Grice.
My Family use Dr. Sawyer's Family
Caro for Constipation.
Tho bonds of matrimony would bo
moro popular if they paid a cash dividend,
A child of Mrs. Wm. Kelspy,of Waverly
N. Y., had contracted n severe cold. Mrs
Kelsey procured a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy whioh she gave as direct
ed, with the best results. She says: "I be
lieve it to be tho best I have ever used."
There is no danger in giving this remedy
to children as it contains nothing injur
ious. Then it can always be depended
npon for colds, croup and whooping oougli,
whioh makes it a great favorite with
mothors for thoir children. Fur sale by
Deyo & Grice.
Old Fort McDowell, on the Vorde river
Arizona, has becomo a frontier pleasure
It's just as easy to try One Minute
Cough Curo as any thing else. It's easier
to cure n severe cold or cough with it
Ii9t your next purchase for a couk'h be
One Minute Cough Cure. Better nudl
olne; hotter rtsult; better tryit. C. L,
Franco will provido
nbiod workers.
insuanpe for die-
No bettor aid to digestion,
No better euro for dyspepsia, t
Nothing moro reliable- for blllionsness
snd constipation than DeWitt'a Little
Early Itiiore, the famous Uttls pills, C.
L. Cotting.
- i m - -
Chicago Odd Follows will build a six
teen story tomplo.
DoWitl's Witch Hazel Salvo cleanses
purities and heals, It was made for that
purpose. Use it for burns, cats, bruise,
chapped hand, sores of nil dosoripltons
and if you have piles use It for them. C.
L. Cottiug.
Indians at Carlisle are makitg wagons
and harness?
limns are nbsolutcJy palnlesa wheu De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo is promptly ap
plied. This statement i trun. A perfect
remedy for skin diseases, chapped hands
and Up., nnd never fails toouro piles. O,
L. Cotting.
Detroit stonooutteH demand 81 nnd
eight hours.
It's all tho same, n slight cold, congest
ed lungs or severe cocdti. One Mlmitr
Cough Curo lianiKln-r them. C.L. Cotting.
An agricultural laborer iu India la
supposed to rcccivo 5 conta a day.
Early R'sore, Early Rtsore, Early RUers
the famous Utile pills for constipaMon,
sick headache, dyspepsia nnd nt-rvouflJicHc
C L. Coiling.
There were some words misspelled
by soma who attoaded tho tetoher's
examination last Friday and Saturday,
How tlio words were spoiled and how
they should havo boon sptllcd are
giroi in this column.
arithraatio arithmetic
soportcd supported
bulsy busy
faul fill
sclioolars schoolars
blaize bUzo
humen human
uppnn upon
espacii-lv cspco'ally
poieeos poisons
istetn system
looio lose
togatber together
remander remainder
If the weather bo ot too eold or
stormy, an tduoationr-1 mucting will
be held at tho Pleasant Hill school
houso Dist. 15, mxt Thursday ovin
ing, March 1st.
Sinco last week somo monthly re
ports havo been received from to ich
ors. Dist. Teacher Ear.
3 Jhs. M. Soolcs 18
10 DllaVunWosrt ...26
18 A. W. Richardson 36
20 Minnio A.Yenseu 31
40 Ethel Purks 24
41 Mabel Truman 29
42 Mry L. Furquhaf 29
43 Blanchu Arnold 26
48 Thos. A. Arnold 29
53 Rc-sio Laird 46
55 L:tura Lnird 22
60 Miss Jennie Hall 53
61 MaryL. Urotty 11
63 Oscar A. Arnold 28
09 J. B. Burris '.....17
89 Jessie Hol cross 27
Ateaohers meeting will bo held
Rid Cloud on Saturday, March 10tl,
1894. commencing at 11 o'clook a. m.
Tho programme is as follows:
Opening exeruises.
Talk, 'The Hesitation" Supt,
M. Castor.
Discussion J. L. Springer
Wl-B Mario Taylor.
Puprr, "Trt- T.aehor's P e!anitiii
for His Work." J. M Soul,.
Discussion Miss Mamio F. Beale
and llurrcy W. Cox.
Paper, "M Opinion of tho School
in Sleopy Hollow." Lora E
Discussion John M. E truer snd
Mis Luuiso Williams.
Paper, "Tho Battlo of Hasting."
Miss Ida E. Sayrr.
Discussion Clias. Foe and Mami
Disi-uss on of questions from tin
query box,
Teaohors should bo prepared t
lake part n the gnrl discuHxiiin ol
ever nutject on thn programme. Le
us muko ibis tm-eting as inttrt-s irn.
as i huso that we hive had herctoior .
Our county tcuohers inxtiiut will
be held two weeks, commonoing Jul
9, 1894,
Tho Earlier symptoms of dyspepsia,
suoh as distress after eating, heartburn,
and occasional headache, should not be
neu'eo'ed. T ke Hood's Sanaparitia if
you to be cnrnl.
Ho id's Pills cure all Liver III, Blll'oa
ness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Siok Head
aeho. OOcts., rush
on and nfter Junuaryfl894, OOcts., will
buy ilvo tickets entitling holder to ono
gallon of head light oil for each ticket
or some number of tickots for gasolino
at M. B. McNitt'a.
New Wull I'upcr.
The raoet beautiful patterns, tho low
ost prices, and tho largest stock wo over
hnd, und moro goods to como. Dont
fall to soo what wo huvo to offer you
in quality and price. Deyo fc Grice.
Low Rules to llo Soutli.
On February 13th,.Burllngton Route
ngetita will sell round-trip tickots nt tho
ono way rnto, to all points in Texas and
the south. Ask tho nearest ticket agent
for information about routos, stop-ovor,
etc., or write to J. Francis, G. P. & T. A.
Burlington Route, Omaha, Nob.
' ana an ui
who have had nearlrflhr raw
ifliiaK nolnum. wrlta to
wjxrieno la the patent bualPM. Qonmiinlca
tloniMrlctljrconSdMitltJ. A Uaadbaak of In
formation conearnlM Pateuie and now to ob.
lainiutmieiuireo. juto a eauuoaue ox shows
fatanu taken through kJooB A Co. reeelri
iu nouoainioB neioDiiac Aaieriraa, am
ara brotuht wldalr botoratha nuhllawuta
pot coi to toe inventor, Tula wlfndld papfr.
imata MUr.eIafaBtlllleitrated,l
by far I
lunrett circulation of
r aoianUSs work In tho
nrlit. H.1 a ti
Bulldlne KdlUoo. tnontblr,
.3 Jreer. i
m aaat f raft.
0 a year. Single
r contains buao-
eoplea, U-i cent.
Krery niua
tlful plate, In colon, and Ahotoirapha of new
houaea. mi
nio piana, anaouna uonqura to anow me
m sM HI M
The right for tho Ofncff of Sherlfl
Leads to HlKhljr Situational Re
sults Journalism at Smith City Cur
rent Huuior.
R. Smith, mayor
o f tho city o f
Smith, und candi
date for tho oillco
of sheriff, will de
liver an address
on b'nturdny and
Sunday evenings
at tho town of
Red Rock. He will
elucidate tho sll
ver qnostlon so that u child of 10 can
comprchond it Mr. Smith is too well
known In this county to mako it neces
sary to detail his numerous qualifica
tions; suftlco it to say, 'he is tho right
man for the place' Turn out nnd
hear tho question discussed in his
masterly way."
The abovo notice, tastefully dis
played, occupied all tho space on tho
first pago cf tho Senator, tho local pa
per. Saturday noon found Smith, Jerky
And myself in tho town of Red Rook.
The first things to attract our atten
tion wcro a number of flnming posters,
setting forth that one Riley Holt would
reply to Smith, and demonstrate tho
fact that Smith was not tho man tho
people wanted for sheriff.
The stand had been erected in tho
conter of tho town, and within easy
distance of n largo saloon. A big
crowd had gathered' to hear tho dis
cussion, and were yelling lustily for
Smith and Holt just beforo thoso two
worthies mounted tho stand.
James R. Smith was tho ilrst speaker.
"Gentlemen," ho said. "I will first
sail your attention to tho subject of
free and unlimited coinage at a ratio of
lixtcen to one. Now every man, woman
And child knows that wo nocd frco
coinage in our business. Tho halls of
fiongrcss uro filled with cries for it, and
congressmen nro wrestling with tho
uiigmy iuci lo-nay. ine reason wo
want free coinage is is becnuso wo
want it, and that is tho reason wo will
have It The reason why wo want it
unlimited, is because wo want coin.
Tlio reason why wc want it sixteen to
ono, is because every man present
needs sixteen silver dollars whero ho
hasn't got ono now. I am beforo you
as a candidate for ofllce. I nsk at the
hands of tho voters, tho ofllce of sher
iff. I am a red-hot candidate and will
mako a rod-hot officer, I will "
"Allow mo to ask tho gentleman what
he understands by frco coinage," in
terrupted Mr. Holt.
"Whnt do I understand by free coin
age- 1 understand ttiat free coinago is
is freo coinage. Apaches and half
breeds! what do you understand by it?"
roared Smith.
"My platform is to do good to the
pjople, by tho people and for tho peo
ple," began Mr. Holt, rising from his
seat with both hands extended above
his head.
"My platform is free silver and.froe
whisky. Every mother's son of 'you
have somo at my expense while ho ex
plains freo colnngo to tho moon. Come
on!" yelled tho mayor, leading tho way
to tlio saloon.
There was n grand rush. Even Mr.
Holt's own delegation broke liko a
band of scared untclope, nnd followed
the crowd.
Riley Holt stood with upllf tod hands
and open mouth, as if turned to stone,
as he bvw tho crowd lcavo, until I was
the only man left for him to speak to.
1 stepped back in the shadow of n trco
to see the next move.
'Done up! Hy tho Kilkenny cats!
Caught like a dod-rotted suckcrl I urn
a pilgrim, I am," exclaimed Mr. Holt
"Never mind, Riley, I havo a pinn
that will fix him to-morrow night,"
said a voice from behind tho'stand.
'Is that you, Dave?" asked Riley.
"You bet", and if I do not even up
with that crowd to-morrow night my
name liii't anything," ho replied.
"All 'right, Davy, my boy! Hero is
with you! Now let's go over und make
it cost him all wo can."
Crieof 'Voto for Smith! Ho is our
man!" "Smith and his free coinage for
ever," were somo of tho confused howls
that could be heavd ubovo the din in
tho saloon.
I went to tho hotel, which was n&
Jmmfil H M
quiet as a church, nnd secured lodg
ings. Somo time toward morning I
thought I heard the mayor's voice
clamoring for free coiuago, and piti
fully pleading for "sixteen to one."
" "I feel as though I hnvo hnd over
forty to one. I tell you, Jim, If this U
a fair sample of tho campaign I will
pull out," said u voloo I knew to hv
Jorky's. "I urn ns tough as tho uyer
age, but I nln't nufdo of rubber. If w
, bavo tiay more tcrtuiiaagca I am solijji
to' use a (run."
In tho morning I learned that tin
meeting hud ended in a low, nud tin
old-timer tit that Guns had been
barred with all weapons, except bare,
knuckles. Tho major and Holt hid
mot in personal combat, und both slibf
took n hand.
"You ought tor seen Jerky bwIjc
Dirty Dave nnd his crowd. It was Jul
beautiful!" uxolnimcd an eyo-witnes.
I informed the mayor of what 1 hd
overheard ut tl.c stand, but ho sat
Dave would not be likely to show ui
tlmt night
The two leaders of tlio rospectlv
parties kept their rooms until dusk
nnd then qulotly stole out, mudo thel
way tothomootlng-placo, andmountct
tlies' nnd. ,
'i ho mayor hnd ono cyo that looked
half-way decent, but the other was o(
no u-o except for ornament His nose
..ntl linn wnrn nnrl titafnnn wnu
Tliadly discolored. i
;.ir. Jiolt liad both eyes partially
closed, and his mouth was twisted to
ono side. Ho had to tip back his houd
to look at tho audience.
Mr. Smith arose, nnd spoko as fol
"Fellow-citizens: Tho candidates M
ohcrlif do not loom up much forbenuty,
especially my friend here, who Is buck
ing mo for the olllce. In fact, neither
of us is in very good shapo to havo ou
pictures taken. Last night's disous
slon was n ruther unsociable nffalr,
nnd 1 nm bound to sny I nm giad my
wife isn't here, fcho might know mo
by my clothes, but that Is tho only
way. I feel the disgrace of the affulr,
nnd I give you my word ns a man who
expects to be sheriff, that tho noxt
nrgument will bo with guus und in an
honorablo way "
At this moment the stand cumo down
with n crush, and at the sumc time the
lights were extinguished. There were
!ound.s of a scuillo, the clatter of horses'
feet, and then a rush for tho stand.
When tho lumps were lighted, the
mayor wusgouc.
ron hiieuifp no not loom ui Miion
"ICIdnaycdl by tho otonial!" shout(
I or icy. i
"What do you meanrUMsitcdl
"They havo stolen bur candidate,"
repeuted Jerky, "and wo will have to
pay a good round prlco lo get him back,
or wo will get left on the election.
Hurry home, and run oh" 1,000 hand
bills, offering $100 reward for Informa
tion of his whereabouts. Houd it
'tooTl' so that it will uttrnct atten
tion. Then got out an extra issun of
tho paper, and pour hot shot into
Uiley Holt. Ry the way, you can d o it
all through tho paper, and save eostol
tho bills. Give it to him hard. Re
member the city backs you."
Tho following is the editorial that
appeared iu the next edition of tho lo
cul paper:
Whllo delivering n telling sneech at
Red Rock, xlast night, tho mayor ol
this city was actually abducted from
tho stand where ho was making the
effort of his life. The lights were put
out, nnd tho mayor was tuken away
on a horse. -That sneaking reptile,
Kiloy Holt, who is his political oppo
nent, nnd ono. Dirty Dave, who wni
run out of this city for not changing
his clothes sinco the town site was lo
cated, and who is n fit companion for
Riley, nro known to be responsible foi
tho mayor's disappearance, ns thoy
were heard forming the plot ufter tho
first speech of Saturday night, when
his honor did the cowardly Riley up sc
badly that tho crowd left tho grounds
beforo Riley hod said a dozen words.
This city offers u reward of SI0C
for any information that will
lead to tho discovery of the
mayor, and If tho town of Red
Rook had not been dead for the past
decudo she would do likewise. In all
probability the editor of the sheet pub
lished in Red Rock will not know ol
tho rascally abduction until ho receives
this paper. He is u Holt man, and is
somo years behind the present progres
sive ern. His bkull is thick, und con
sequently there is very llttlo room foi
brain. Ho is in tho first edition oj
Darwin, and hit, correct nniuo is Mon
key. If ho can get somo one to read
him and his bird Hlloy, they may got
somothlng of an idea of its inclining
during tho noxt month, und then you
will see somo charging.
Tho Scnntor's people nro alwuys at
home, nnd would drink a quart ol
mountain sage-tea for tho pleusuro of
'a business call from either or both ol
tho vermin.
Wo uro Informed tlmt tho rod
headed lawyer, who, on tho Fourth ot
July, got drunk und fell out Jt tha
stand and broke his urm, and
threatened tosuo the city for damages,
is going to take tho stump for Rlloy.
He is a good sample of Red Rock's
lawyers, and his step will show th
height of his aspirations.
If our mayor Is not set nt liberty
within fortyelghl hours after this
publication, thuro will bo several new
nn i l!Kl",,ul,M)m.0 f them wlll'bq
SSlncll Politicians. Wo neap
Jhii 4I"ay10r's Jv"? kicked tho bark
off all the trcoft in tho front yard, then
took her gun. mounted her horse, nud
"tared for Red Rock. Tlio town is
liable to bo aroused to activity in the
5T.ii. ;:..." 'AV "V w steal
v-uM.uutu iur IHIlfJU. HUH Mm
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