The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 23, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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'" ,.
-In Scarlet
'" "When K lintl lilni fuirly Inside my
cab my hunrt jumped so with joy that
I feared lust nt this last mutnunt my
aneurism might 'ki wrong. I drovo
nlonp fdowly, weighing in my own mind
whut it wus best to do. I might tiiko
lilni right out Into the country, uml
there in homo deserted lnnu havo my
last Interview with him. I lind nlmost
decided upon thin, when he Rolvcd tho
problem for me. Tho crafts for drlnlc
hnd hcl.ed him ngnln, nnd ho ordered
mo to pull up outside n gin pnlnce. Ho
wcntln, lenvlng word that I should
wait for liim. There hu retuninud tin
til closing-lime', uml when ho cnino out
ho was bo fur gone that I knew tho
guino was in my own hands.
"Don't imagine that I intended to
ltlll him in cold blood. It would only
havo been rigid justice if I had dono
,o, but I could not bring mydclftodo
it. I hud long determined that ho
'should huvo ti show for his life if ho
chose to tnUo ndvuntngo of it. Among
tho niiuiy billets which I have filled in
America during my wandering life, I
waHonro n janitor nnd sweep-out of
tho laboratory at York college. Ono
day tho professor was lecturing on
poisons, and ho showed his students
soma alkaloid, as ho called it, which
ho had extracted from homo South
American arrow poison, and which
wns so powerful that tho least grain
meant instant death. I spotted tho
bottle in which this preparation was
kept, and when they were .nil gone I
helped myself to a little of it. I wns a
fairly good dispenser, mi I worked this
ulkalold into small, soluble pills, and
each pill I put in u box with a similar
pill made without poison. I deter
mined at tho time that, when I had my
chance, my gentlemen should each
havo u draw out of ono of those boxes,
while I a to the pill that remained. It
would bo quite as deadly, ami n good
deal less noisy than tiring across a
handkerchief. From that day I had
always my plll-boxcs about with me,
and tho time had now como when I
wns to ubo them.
"It was nearer one than twelve, nnd
a wild, bleak night, blowing hard nnd
raining in torrents. Dismal as it wits
outside, I was glad within so glud
that 1 could havo shouted out from
pure exultation. If any of you gentle
men havo ever pined for u tiling nnd
longed for it during twenty long years,
ntut then suddenly found it withjn
your reach, you would understand my
feelings. I lit n cigar nnd puffed nt it
to steady my nerves, but my hands
were trembling and my temples throb
bing with excitement. As I drove, I
could see old John Ferrier anil sweet
Lucy looking nt mo out of tho dark
ness and smiling at me, just as plain ns
1 sec you nil in this room. All tho wny
they wero ahead of me, tnio on each
sidcof tho horse, until 1 pulled up nt
the house in tho llrixton road.
"Thoro. was not n soul to be seen, nor
n sound to bo hoard except tho drip
ping of the rain. When 1 looked in at
tho window I found Drebber all hud
dled together in n drunken sleep. I
shook him by thouriu. 'It's time to go
out,' I said.
" 'All right, cabby,' sum ho.
"I suppose ho thought wo hud como
to tho hotel that he had mentioned, for
ho got out without another word anil
followed me down the garden. I had
to wnlk beside him tokcephlm hteady,
for ho was still u little top-heavy.
"When we camo to the door I opened it
and led him into tho front room. 1
imuxKr.x i:vr. a JioiinxV
givo you my word that, nil tho way,
tho father anil daughter wero walking
in front of us.
" 'Ifw infernally dark,' snid he,
Btnmpiug about.
"'We'll soon havo n light,' I said,
striking a match and putting it to a
wax candle which I had brought with
roe. iv, Enoch Drebber,' I con
tinued, turning to htm, and holding
tho light to iny own face: 'Who nin I?'
"Ho gazed at mo with blenred,
drunken eyes for it moment, and then
I saw a horror spring up in them and
convulse his wholo features, which
bhowed mo that ho knew me. Ho
staggered back with a livid face, and
I saw tho perspiration break out upon
his brow, while his teeth chattered.
At tho sight I leaned my back against
tho door and laughed loud and long. I
hnd always known that vengeance
would bo hweet, but had never hoped
for tho contentment of soul which now
possessed me.
" 'You dog!' I Miitl; 'I havo hunted
you from Salt Lake City to St. Peters
burg, and j on havo always escaped
mo. Now at last your wunderings
hnvo come to an end, for cither you or
I shall never seo to-morrow's sun riso.'
He shrank still farther nwny ns I
upoko, and I could beo on his face that
ho thought I was mad. So I wns for
tho time. Tho pulses in my temples
bent lileo sledge-hammers, nnd I be
lieve I, would hayoJiudufjtof some
sort if the blood hnd not guslica irom
my noso nnd relieved mo.
" 'What do you think of Lucy Fcr
rier now?' I cried, locking tho door
nnd shaking tho key in his face. 'Pun
ishment has been slow in coming, but
it has overtaken you at Inst.' I saw
Ills coward lips tremble ns I spoke.
IIo would havo begged for his life, but
ho knew well it was useless.
" 'Would you murder mo?' ho stam
mered. " 'There is no murder, I answered.
Who talks of murdering a mad dog?
What mercy had you upon my poor
darling when you dragged her from
her hlnughtcrcd father nnd boro her
nwny to your accursed and shameless
" 'It was not I who killed her father,'
ho cried.
" 'Hut it wns you who broko her in
nocent heart,' I shrieked, thrusting
tho box beforo him. 'Lot tho high
Ood judge between us. Choose and
cat. Thcra is death in ono nnd lifo in
tho other. I shall tnko what you
lenvc. Let us bco if there is justico
upon tho earth, or if wo aro ruled by
"Ho cowered nwny with wild cries
and prayers for mercy, but I drew my
knife and held it to his throat until ho
had obeyed mc. Then I swallowed
tho other, nnd wo stood facing each
other in silence for a minute or more,
waiting to seo which was to livu nnd
which wns to die. Shall I ever forget
tho look which cntno over his face when
tho ilrst warning pangs told him that
tho poison was in his system? I
laughed as I saw it, and hold Lucy's
murriugo ring In front of his eyes. It
was but for u moment, for tho uction
of tho alkaloid is rapid. A spasm of
pain contorted his features; ho throw
Ills hands out in front of him, stag
gered, and then, with a hoarse cry, fell
heavily upon tho lloor. I turned him
over with my foot and pluecd my hand
upon his heart. There was no move
ment. Ho was deadl
"Tho blood hnd been streaming from
my nose, but I had taken no notice of
it. I don't know whnt it wns that put
it into my bend to write upon tho wnll
with it. Perhaps it wus soiuo mis
chievous idea of setting tho police upon
n wrong track, for I felt light-henrted
und cheerful. I remembered a Uer-
man being found in Now York with
'radio written up above him, nnd it
wus urgucd nt tho time in the newspa
pors that tho secret societies must have
dono it. I guessed that what puzzled
tho New Yorkers would puzzle tho
Londoners, so I dipped my linger iu
my own blood and printed it on a con
venicnt place on tho wall. Then 1
walked down to my cab and found
that there wns nobody about, nnd that
tho night was still very wild. I had
driven some distance, when I put my
hand into tho pocket in which 1 usual
ly kept Lucy's ring nnd 'ound that it
was not there. I wns thunderstruck
nt this, fcr it wns tho only memento
that 1 had of her. Thinking that
might havo dropped it when I stooped
over Drebber s body, I drove back, nnd,
lenving my cnb in n side street, 1 went
boldly up to tho house for I wns rendy
to dare anything rather than loso tho
ringl When I arrived thcro I walked
right into tho nrms of n police ofliccr
who wns coining out, und only man
aged to disarm Ills suspicions by pre'
tending to bo hopelessly drunk.
"That wus how Enoch Drebber enmo
to ills end. All 1 had to do then was
to do ns much for Stnngerson, nnd so
pay oft John Ferrior s debt. I knew
that ho was staying nt Hall Iday's pri
vate hotel, and I hung about nil day,
but hiv never camo out. I fancy that
ho suspected something when Drebber
failed to put in nn uppcarnncc. Ho
was cunning, wns Stangerson, and al
ways on his guard. If ho thought ho
could keep mo off by staying indoors
ho was very much mistaken. I soon
found out which wns tho window of
his bedroom, nnd early next morning
I took advantage of some ladders
which were lying In tho lauo behind
the hotel nnd so nuido my way into his
room In tho gray of tho dawn. I woke
him up nnd told him that the hour hnd
como when ho wns to answer for the
lifo ho had taken so long before. I de
scribed Drcbber'8 death to hlin, nnd 1
gav him tiio muho choice of tho
poisoned pills. Instead of grasping at
tho chance of jfoty which that offered
him, ho bpraug from his bed nnd flew
nt my throat. In solf-defcnso I stabbed
him to the heart. It would hnvo been
tho Mime In nny case, for Providence
would never hnvo allowed his guilty
hand to pick out anything but tho
"I have little inoro to say, nnd it's ns
well, for 1 inn about done uf. 1 went
on cubbing it for u duy ur so, intend
ing to keep nt it until I could savo
enough to tnko mo back to America. I
was standing in tho- yard when n
nigged youngster usked if there wns u
cabby there called Jefferson Hope, and
eatd thut his cub was wanted by a goa-1
tlcinan at -Mill linker street. I went
round, suspecting no harm, and tho
next thing I know, this young man
hero had tho bracelets on iliy wrists,
and ns neatly shackled ns ever I was
in my life. That's tho wholo story,
gentlemen. -You may consider mo to
bo u murderer; but I hold thnt I nm
just ns much un ofllcer of justico us
ypu nrc."
So thrilling hud tho mnn's nnrrntlvo
been, nnd ills manner wns so impres
sive, thnt wo had sat silent and ab
sorbed. Even tho professional detec
tives, blaso as thoy' wero iu every de
tail of crime, nppenred to bo keenly in
terested in tho man's story. When ho
finished wo snt for somo minutes in tv
stillness which was only broken by
tho scratching of Lcstrndo's pencil ns
ho gnvo tho finishing touches to his
shorthand nccount.
"Thcro is only ono point on which I
should like n little moro information,"
Sherlock Holmes said at lust. "Who
wus your necompllco who enmo for the
ring which I advertised?"
The prisoner winked at my friend
jocosely. "I can toll my own secrets,"
ho said, "but I don't got other pcoplo
Into trouble. 1 saw your advertise
ment, und I thought it might bo a
plant, or it might bo tho ringl wanted.
My friend volunteered to go nnd bco. I
think you'll own ho did it smartly."
"Not a doubt of thnt," snid Holmes,
"Now, gentlemen," tho inspector rc
ranrked gravely, "tho forms of tho lnw
must bo complied with. On Thursday
tho prisoner will bo broughtbeforo tho
magistrates, nnd your nttendanco will
bo required. Until then I will bo re
sponsible for him." Ho rang tho bell
as ho spoke, nnd Jefferson Hope was
led off by a couplo of warders, whllo
my friend and 1 made our way out of
tho station and took a cab back to
linker street.
Wo had all been warned to oppenr
beforo tho magistrates upon tho Thurs
day; but when tho Thursday camo
there wus no occasion for our testi
mony. A higher Judgo hnd taken tho
matter iu hand, nnd Jefferson Hope
had been summoned boforo a tribunal
where strict justico would bo meted
out to him. Un tho very night after
his capture tho aneurism burst, nnd ho
wns found in the morning tjtrctehcil
upon tho lloor of the cell, with n plucld
binilo upon his face, as though ho had
been able in his dying moments to
look back upon a useful lifo und on
work well done.
"(Jregson and Lcstrado will bo wild
about his dcuth," Holmes remarked, as
wo chatted It over next evening.
"Where will their grand advertisement
be now?"
"I don't soo that they had very much
to do with his capture," I answered.
"Whnt you do in this world Is a mat
ter of no consequence," returned my
companion, bitterly. "Tho question is,
what can you make pcoplo belicvo that
you havo done? Never mind," ho con
tinued, moro brightly, after a pnuse,"I
would not hnvo missed tho investiga
tion for anything. Thcro has been no
better caso within my recollection.
Simple as it was, thcro wero several
most instructive points about it."
".Slmplol" I ejaculated.
"Well, really, it can hardly bo do
scribed ns otherwise,' said Sherlock
Holmes, smiliug nt my surprise. "Tho
proof of its intrinsic simplicity is thnt
without any help, bave a few very or
dinary deductions, I wns able to lay
my hand upon tho criminal within
three iluys."
"Thnt'ls true." said I.
"1 havo already explained to you
that what is out of tho common is
usually a guide rather than a hin
drance. In solving n problem of this
bort, tho grand thing is to bo able to
reason backward. That is a very use
ful accomplishment and a very easy
one, but pcoplo do not practice it
much. In tho everyday affairs of lifo
it is moro useful to reason forward,
and so tho other comes to bo neglected.
There nro fifty "who nun reason syn
thetically for ono who can reason an
alytically." "1 confess," said I, "that I do not
quite follow you."
"I hardly expected that you would.
Lot me seo if 1 can make it clear. Most
people, if you describo n train of events
to thein, will tell you whut tho result
would bo. Thoy can put thoso events
together In their minds, and arguo
from them that something will como
to pass. There aro few people, how
ever, who, if you told them n result,
would bonblo to ovolvo from their own
inner consciousness what tho stepH
wero which led up to that result. This
power is whut I mean when I talk of
reasoning bnckwnrd, or analytically."
"'I understand," said I.
''Now, this was a enso in which you
wero given tho rcbiilt nnd had to And
everything else for yourself. Now, lot
mo endeavor to show you tho different
bteps in my reasoning. To begin nt
the beginning: Inppronoliedthohouso,
as you know, on foot, und with my
mind entirely frco from nil impres
sions. I naturally begnn by examin
ing tho roadway, nnd there, ns I have
fllrcudy explained to you, I saw clearly
the murks of a cab, which, I ascer
tained by inquiry, must havo been
there during tho night. I satisfied
myself that it was n cab and not a pri
vate carriage by tho narrow ffautro of
the wheels. Tho ordinary iosflov
growler is considerably less wiilo than i
a gentleman's brougham. I
"This was tho first point gulned I i
then walked slowly down the garden
path, which happened to bo composed
of n clay soil, peculiarly suitable for
taking impressions. No doubt it ap
peared to you to bu n mere trampled
lino of slush, but to my trained eyes I
every mark upon its surface had n
meaning. Thcro is no branch of de
tective sclenco which is so importunt I
and so much neglected as tho nrt of
tracing footsteps. Happily, I have nl-
wnys Inul grent stress upon It, nnd
much practice has mndo it second
nature to mo. I hnw the heavy foot
marks of tho constables, but I saw
also tho tracks of tho two men who
had ilrst passed through tho garden.
It was easy to tell that they had been
beforo tho others, because in places
their marks hnd been cntlroly obliter
ated by tho others coining upon tho
top of them. In this wny my second
link wns formed, which told mo that
the nocturnnl visitors wero two in
number, ono remarkable for his height
(as I calculated from tho length of his
stride) nnd tho other fashionably
dressed, to judgo from tho small und
elegant impression left by his boots.
(T b continued.)
Llllle Lord Faiinlleroy
Wns a btnntlfal child but he hnd ono
drnwbncb, his fnco was covered with pim
ples. Hi grandfather bought a bottle of
Hnllor's Hnrimparllla nntl was so pleated
nt its result thnt ho took 4 bottles himself
nnd enred his rhoamattsm. For sale by
Do jo & Orloo.
He Sure uml Head Till.
Our correspondents are doing Bomo ex
cellent work nnd wo hopo that they will
continuo to givo us nil of tho news as of
ten ns possible Wo uro by your efforts
nblo to givo tho nowsof thoontiro county.
During tho coming year, wo propose to
give premiums to our correspondents for
faithful service, ns follows:
To tho ono who writes tho most
of ton wo will givo n prizo of 8.1.00
To tho 2d best 2.00
To tho M host 1.00
Any ono in tho county can compote,
provided thoro is not u correspondent in
your neighborhood already working for
tho sumo.
A Dcutf Open and Shut
And no foolihtioH. Oegg's Cherry
Cough Syrup will care where nil others Bold and wnrrnnted by Doyo &
When Baby u tick, we euro her Castorl.
When she was a Child, she cried for Costorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Cantoris
When she bad Children, the gate them Caatoria
an arbitrary word used to designate the
I'lly how (ring) which cannot be pulled off
il.c watch.
Here's the idea
Tha bow has a groove
on each end. A collar
YTflfS"- 't J run down Inside the
v 1 pendant (stem) and
j""""""": fits Into the grooves,
rmly locUlnir the
bow to the pendant,
so that it cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
It positively prevents the loss of the
watch by theft, and avoids injury to it from
Jat. Boss Pilled or other watch VI0f
cases bearing thla trade mark 4t
All watch dealers sell them without extra cost.
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send to
the manufacturers.
KeystoneWatch Case Co.,
(Ilccxlnr Gruduutci.)
Are Hie lending nnd moat successful specialists and
"Utah j )ou help.
Youngand mid
dle aged men.
Remarkalilo re
Bull lmu fulluw
nl our treatment.
Jinny yrura of
burled sniltuccrM
ful esiierlenca
liitlioumof euro
the method! Dial
control for all ills
ordersofraenwlio liao weak, undo-
cloned or ills,
essed orfmns, or
who aro sulTcrlng
from errors of
joutli and excess
or whn nro ner out
iMlie scorn of their
mm impotent,
fellows nnd ilio
contempt of their
friends and com-
nnnliini- lfaiti it
:o ciniiMiiteo toall pillcnt. If they can poiitnly
)( rrstort-il, o..r aivu exclusive) (rculment
will ull'iirtl ii cure.
WOXRX! Pon't ynn wont to get cured of that
wc:iUnc with a treatment that J on can uto at
limiu Mltlnut tiiitrnmcnia' Our wonderful treat
mCLtluJiuieiloiheM. Why not you? Try It.
DATAKItn, dltcatca of tbe Skin, Blood,
Hun, I.herand Kidneys.
SYPHILIS-Tho most rnplit. ssfo and cOectlvo
rciacJy. A complete Curo Ouurunteed.
flTCX?; imiMNFfl of all kinds cured where
nuuyoi:,crluro filled.
TU.VNATCIIA4 piflfill.inOKS promptly
currilliiafuvr rtnys. Quick, rur nd safe, this
Include Olect and tlonorhica.
Wc havo cured rases of Chronic Olioaies that
hit e fulled In net cured nt the hands of other special
ists and muillrnl Institutes.
a.ItKMKMnr.nthat there Is hopo
fnrou Consult uoutlK'r.asjouinay wailo ululilo
time, obtain our treatment at once,
Iteu'tjre of freo and rhenp treatments. Wo rUo
tliebctt and most eclentino treatment ut ininlerata
prtccs-as low hj rnn ho ifono for M!e nnd skillful
(rcsiinciit. FtCI'r. cuneiilliillnn nt llio otlieoor
ur lllall. Thorough evntnlnullhii nml ,ii-.fnl HIu.
nculi. A homo irtatinent can imiciH-n luninsjortty
of cases, send for pmptom Wank No. lforWerii
No. 'J for Women. Kn. .If up ttlrln III.,...,!. All ..,....
sppndenco answered promptly. Business strictly con
Oilrntlal. Kntlre treatment sent freo from oli.ena
tloa. Itcfcr to our patients, banks ami business met
Address or call on
J u?LS.ij!JS mw
Ni Corner NUtts and Felix 8ts., Itoom I asd 3
.JWttvAi i i nnratHarxAV
'J& smm
, ,. u'. .- ..
It la applied right to tho parts.
lady can ubo It horaolf. Sold by
address on rocolpt of $1.
Sr. J. A. McGlll & Co., 3 and
For sale by
J. L. MlNEK,
Iluon Minkh,
Asst. Cashier.
Peoples Bank of Red Chud,
Ri-;d Cloud, Nebraska,
Transact a General Banking Business-,
Special attention given to Collections
Banking Oflii'c in Miner Bni" Smro.
Wright is
He has the
largest line of Stoves
You can not atl'ord lomUs ncclng his stock before buying
ua you will lotu money.
W. W. Wright, the Hardware Man.
J no. B. Wright,
Dealer hi Secorid-tfatid Goods
Moon Mock, lictl (Intnl.
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
smith & CO.,
PaorniETORB op
Orders promptly flllod.
Transfer Line,
I will haul anything from Trunk to a Tffresh
ing Machine to any part of the city as
cheap as an man on earth.
Any order left at Conover & Ablnght's feed store will
ceivo prompt attention. Yours for business,
John Bauklf.y.
H. E.
City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Red Ci.oud, Nebraska.
Farmers patronage cordially solicited, (food rigs at rea
sonable rates night or day. Horses boarded by day or week.
Building Material,
. ...'C 2
It cures all dlseasea of women. 'Any
ALL DBUOOlBTa Mailed to any
, . . '
4 Panorama Place,, HL
V JL Cottiny
W. A. Sherwood,
the Man.
"Sour patronage eolloltod
Slierlir'N Stile.
Nntlca Is hereby Klven thut under a-ul by
vJ,Au',.0.f.mi "''""8n Ntu'l fruiii tho unico
if U II Crniir.rhMk of tlio illsnlct fiuiit of the
nun .nun' l.ll IU9IIIU, Wlllllll :uiu mr Wl l)l
I'ouii i j, .NutiiiisUii, iiinii ii ilecrcu In un nctli
iieiiilliiK then-it. w heruin.
Ut'utricoHuviiiK'i rinlntllT,
,. , ,. nml iiK-ilnst.
(.orlno Muriiloii, ,i. Miner executor ol Hip
lust u II mnl trotiitnitiit of IVter Mansion, ile.
cvn-MMl, IIih smttli llros. Loan nml cnin
luiny, Hen. Mm sih i., l'reclliH Murml n, Walter
Jiarils, A1I1II0 Ciiiniiilim, JIhtv Ann Here,
foril. .I11I111 Miirsilt-n ilet-eiin it, devisees under
the last wl.l nun lent .m-nt uf I'uter .Mutsdeii
deceaxeit. itelrliiliilitfi.
I shall (iifer ut imtiilu vondiie, to Ihu hlchpst
Milder for cnli in hand, nt tlio unit door of tho
J."!! 1!L,",il'! '" ltmi .('1"1"1' "' ""'J Webster
coi niy. fbmsvii. (thut being tho bullillug
hero Ihe lasm nu 1 1 mild cum t was holen)
n lliu SUi Day r HI arch A. D.
at one o'clock p. in. of n.l duy, tho following
dtwilleilroiorty, towlu ib
Northwest nuiiiei (mvU) of rux'tlnii twenty
one. (2t) h.-.I west halt (w! ) of fo so ith it
quarter (swMf section' twiwy-ono 1 s )
otwisl.iiiont)';-). noiihof tuiiBo -cloioii hi)
we,iofiiieMxihiiluepu meridian. Iu Web-
..iV1'"i'i"i'iar,,v laml ,llls 30t'' aay ' J"''"-
ill J it, 1 1, lOsJit
lilHCtlS, ItlKAKKR & 1II1. lltrllt.
l'luntilf'H Attorney.
If you want phi'iip ftirnituro, that iu
brnn now, mill on J. j. WriRht, tho npy'
und second hund furnituro tn,au,
Lj ,HiJU,.
. imxia$iMtfwM,win