The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 23, 1894, Image 1

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All Home Print.
PuMUIicd Weekly.
Subscription, $1 Per Annum,
Invariably IB Advance
II not pal J In advance, after till date March
18, IS'!, till prlco will be M,
Entered at the l'ost Office In lied Cloud, Nob.,
as mall mutter o( thf second class
frof. cards, 1 Inch or If super year $8 00
Klx months 3 00
Threo month 2 00
Per Incli niio year St 00
Ferlncli six months 3 oo
rerinch three months 2 0"
Hroclat ni'tlcis per lino or line space, first
publication Scents, , ,
Transient specials, pnjablo Invariably In ad
vance, per llnulti cents.
All rending notices In the nature ot adertlso
tnents or pulls, s cents per lino.
Legal notices ot lennl lutes, viz: for a square
iten lines ol Nonpareil or less,) first publication
1.00; (or each subsequent publication, per
square, 60 rents.
If o "preferred position" contracts inndo.
All matter to Insure publication must be re
ceived nt this ofllce not later than Wednesday.
Advertisements cannot be ordored out lor
the current week later than Thursday.
B. &, M. It, II. Time Table.
Taking effect Pec, 3.
Tralnscarrjlm,' passengers leave lied Cloud as
No. 1U I'assenger to Hasting 3.30 p. nt.
No. 141 Passenger f rom Hastings - 11:33 a. m.
No. 18, I'assenger to Bt. Joseph St.
Louis and Chicago dally 10:25 a. m,
No. IB Passengors tor Denver, dally, 5,53 p. m
rR. J. S. EMKMJ,
j Bei Cloud, - - Nebraska.
""" Ovor Tnyler'a Furniture Store.
. it C.l"!tsteth without pal
'ij ciOwiiifSlirhlgoworkaB
SV. l'orell-lluluy. unit nil kin
d of cold fllllmrs.
latcs and combination
All work, guaranteed to be first-class.
Ilomceopattilc Physician,
Bed Cloud, Ncbrautn.
OOlco opposite Vlrst National Bonk.
U. H.Kxamlnlng huigcon.
Ubroule diseases treated by mall.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
Will attend sales at reasonable figures. Satis
faction guaranteed.
Insurance Agent,
I do a strictly farm insurance and invito
and invite all to see mo.
Moon Block, - RED CLOUD, NEB.
Collections promptly attended to, and
correspondence solicited.
Attorney at Law.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Office Up stairs, in Moon Block,
Tentorial Artist,
4th Avewje, - Red Clood, Nkbbabka.
First-class barbers and iirst-olass work
guaranteed Oiyo mo ft call
rnsiilonuble Burbcr,
Red Cloud, Ncbrnskn.
I give my personal attention to my
patrons. First-class shaving and hair
cutting a specialty.
Insurance Agency,
tierniaulnsuratice Co , Freenort. III.
llojal lusuinncnCo., i.herpool.KtiKland.
Home Fire Insurance Co.. ot Omaha. Nebr.
Vhcrnlx Assurance Co. of London, Kng.
To Manchester Flie Absurimcu Co of Ki'gland.
GnardUut Assurance Co., of 1mdnn, Kng.
Buillngwu lasuiauce Co. of Biirllngtpu, Iowa.
HrTusb Ameilca Assurance Co. Toronto, fan.
Virtual Kesene Fund I We flssu.ot N.V , ,.
The Workman liuildlng un,Loan Association
ol Lincoln, Nebraska
Ofllce over Mizer s Btoro.
Ran Oloud. Nebraska
D. B. SpanogJc,
Real Estate
and L.oan Agent
Red Cloud.
l N Makes w id and rubbor p
SssssssssssTJssssssssssssslsstM-r. mMaMMMttJiLtJMMMMtMiMriM .,. '.-.?.J.-. , '....t . k auffii.ii JsjV(u'' jMlM MkWi
4 Eternal Vigilance is the
What is
Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium Morphino nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantco is thirty years' uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
toothing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos
toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
' Castorla Is on excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers hare repcatodty told me of Us
good effect upon their children."
Dit. a, C. Osaooo,
Lowell, Mass.
" Castorla Is the bett remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hopo tho day is not
far distant w hen mothers will consider tho real
interest of their children, and uso Castoria in
gVad of the variousquack nostrums which aru
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby bioilbg
them to premature graves."
Da. J. F. KiNcnsxoE,
Conway, Ark.
The Contour Company, 17
t i
A nice line of
Scart pins
CiiITh nnd collnr buttons, neck
cliulni, luce plus, stick plus,
cliurniN, etc.
I'lated nnd solid slUerwnrc, sonventr sroo'ii,
pea'l liaiuiiea kiiivoh aim torKs.
ealllimeard cases, lion bon- bo:
nnvAlllpk. A linn line ot sncctll
carving sets,
novelties, A tluo line of spectacles nnd oe
a card cases, lion uoik nnxes umi oilier
plnssus wllh Intereh.ingnhle louses, steel, nickel
plnssus wllh intereuangnuie louses, Kieei.nicKei
hIIvkf nnd i'(ilil frilnm. hovel li and ( .ireful ill-
(elitlou imldto lltiluu'tlio ejo. My line ot 2nd
hand wntchos Is quite large. I will run them oil
at less than their actual worth.
tB-linng your watch, clock and Jewelry ip
p.iirwrk, jour oumaviiiK and your old gold
and silver t me.
Henry Cook's Drug Store.
Has a fino lino of Sewing Mu
cliiueB and Organs from ?25
Also keeps all kinds of niitcblno
Supplies. Docs repairing
prompt If. Cull and see mo,
Price of Liberty," and
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, February
"Castoria Is so well adopted to children tha J
I recommend it as superior toanyproscriptiot
known to me."
IT. A. AncniR, M. D
111 So. Oxford St , Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's deport
ment hato spoLcn highly ot their experi
ence In their outside practice with Contorts,
and although wo only havo among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet wo axo froo to confess that the
merits ot Castoria lias won us to look with
favor upon it."
U.mtkd Hoarmi, and Dispensary,
Boston, Moss.
Ann C. Stum, Prtt ,
Murray Streot, Now York City.
Fariii Loais
Pqv cent.
Blue Hill Neb.
lit'ual Notlee.
Wubstet County J"
In llm County com t.
In the matter of tho estate nt Anna Badllcck:
nntliu l heirby given to nil perons IihIiik
claims und demands nualust Anna Radllcck
late of WobMer rount j iU ceased, that iho time
fixed for filing claims ognluit Mild cotats is six
muntlis ft out thu U'd da nt Mnich 183-1,
ll suih ixrsous u,o reiiulrcil to present
tliplrtlalins Willi till! vollcheis ! thtf cuiiutv
Judgo of said county nt his olllee thrisln on ar
uoiorotiiu i nuv oi nepu inner mat, and an
(IhIiiisno filed will ho heard heforo thn said
Junto on Iho 4th .day ot Sipttmucr nt two
o'clock p. 111.
Witness mv nfllclal signature this 3d day ot
l'chiuarv It'Jl.
Jajifs Dukkv.
County Judge.
Cnno A; lUcNIlt, Attorney.
In llio IHstrlct :ourt of Hie
Ten III .ludlvliil litrlct In
mid for Wcbittcr 4'oiin-
ly, IVt'liruhlut.
In the mnttci ot tlio cst;toof John Crow oil,
ill censed. ...
the state of Jhn Ciowell, deetaned, has on
Wheieas imnam .iiccniiiiiu naminismtor oi
leuvo to sn mo loiinwiuv uescrineu rem i suite
the piopeity of enUI c-t.itn, to-wlti West Imlt
ot Ilia uiirlli east quarter nml thu Kat halfot
thf Nol til west quaiternf seellou tx Township
(no iniiifti nlii weU of lliiihlxlli prluclpil mer
iilltin Welister county. Nehtuskii, and ulloulng
Hint there Is lint suflli lent perhonal properly ot
shlilestitu In thu lutuils of thn udmlnistrutor
topavthe detits nulsliiudlntr against said es
tate inl the eipenses of ucmliiistuiilou, mill
that It Is nicpsHiiry to sell ilil real estate or n
part tin rcoi in my kui ii ocuii.
Now ihercffiro 1, 1'. II. Ileal Jurtjcof the tonlh
JmMi t tl district huifby ordor all persons lutei
rted In said estat- to nnncar lienire mo at th
(outt hiiusu In II tilings, Kntirasku, on the luth
day et March 1K)I, at to o'clock n. m , then ami
thureio Himw cans If any there lu wlir license
to sell said ie.ii tstatoor a pirt theiiorsii'li as
m.iyho necesiary to iny said ilehts should not
lie gimiUd to nald uiluuultriilor,
1'. II. Benl.
.Imlge Ttnlli Judicial Dhtilct.
Dated at Hasting. Nebraska, tins Midday ot
February iaj,
One Dollar a year is
tiii: ui:atiii:k.
As In (his ale of ue stand
Anil view the proipect o'tr,
Ve look n round on eery h.ind
And vrl'h 'tnruld snow no mote.
We'd like o (tied our ovurnats
And stow our caps aw jy,
And li imi tin uso for rubber boots
Until along next May.
O, theo ilmir mid tmldiwi change
Of this tricky ntmospberc.
Make us think of mountain latinos
And wish wo were out of here.
One ill) w o nrc ha Inn it blizzard,
Nost day the sun's shilling bright!
Ono d.ij It Is freezing ottr gizzard,
Next dn It h melting ott quite.
Some warm evenings when ou rctlro
You think It's coining spring;
Hut lit the morning sou a tire
And Mmvil snow first thing.
If we're Inulnj; nil April shower
In this xcctlon of Nebraska,
It turns m ouihI ami In nit hour
1 colder than Alaska.
But such Is life In the fur. fur west,
Wliero It snows und tnlns nnd hulls;
hero the water melons grow t ho host
And Urn farmer eeter falls
Hut In "dew time" the weather II settle,
When thu spring brings forth the wren;
And Ntlirasku will show her lnettlo
', When the rohlus nest again.
J .-it. ItAMII.
Wlmt mi Income Tux Is.
from the New York lrlbuuo
The tendency of an income (as is
to lead people to evasions and false
statements. I well renumber the hos
tility w ich cxibtcd against tho tax
during its existence in this country.
Busiicss men of all kinds protested
Hcainlt it as tiicddlosotno and unfair.
Mypcoplc puidnn income tsx on
large sums of money who had aot
made a fcinglo dollar, simply to avoid
an exposure of their finances. Many
more paid no tax at all, no matter how
large tluir incenie had been. I knew
a largo number of men who became
wealthy during thoso years whose
nanus never appeared on tho iacomo
tax rolls at all, and many whoso names
did were down for so small a sum as
to make the law actually ridiculous,
Persons with stated incomes, that
is, persons receiving a regular salary,
the amount of which is easily ob
tained, pay tho larger portion of an
incomo tax. The intention of the
framcrs of this bill is, no doubt, to
collect large sums of money from tho
people who nro caoh jear receiving
largo profits. Thoto are tho very nun
who, in ono way or another, will es
cape tho burden. They will figure as
losses items which, when onco under
stood, should not be figured so at all.
Tho tax can bo assessed only upon tho
statement of each individual himself
as to how much tho tax should bo, ex
cept in cases of salaries and divi
dends, which can bo ascertained from
other sourcts.
Tho bill is also unjust in this; it
compels every corporation to make a
sworn statement of its profits, and as
sesses a 2 per cent tax upon the gains
of such corporations. Very many
persons havo their all in f-uch institu
tions. Their property in in the stocks
of thoso concerns. They receive
their dividends loss tho tax, and then
thoy aro compelled to pay a tax again
on those samo receipts.
No people during tho cxistenco of
tho former Ibcoiiio tax in this country
denounced it more constantly or ve
hemently than did the members of the
. a a mr A Hnkln nitliAiil ill r iinnttnn
,""'u"""" 1""! "'" umnuuHuu.
"war taxes, but were most bitter
against (he incomo tax. For seven
jeais, in Bi.'nfon and out of eeanon.
tiny dcnouncid the law as a republi
can Hchcmo to rob industrious people.
Thoy oullod it ''oltus legislation;" un
fair and dishonest luxation; a direct
inctntire to peijury, and an inquisit
oiial procees which resulted in med
dling with tho business of a people
who ought to be froo from such annoy
ances. Tho republicans dofended tho law
the Price of The Chief.
23, 1894.
only upon tho ground that it was
noccssary in order to provide for tho
enormous expenses of a terrible war.
Thoy admitted the charges made
against that form of tixation, They
defended it only upon the ground of
absolute noccsity. They permitted
tho law to cxpiro as soon as the re
ceipts of tho government would war
rant. Tho Democrats, however, now pr
posn to revive that odious tax. Thoy
started out to frame a tariff bill which
phould bo constructed for the purpose
of raising rjvcnuo only. Instead of
htiilding huch a measure, they havo
framed a law which will prevent tho
raising of revenue and create a deftoit
of over $70,000,000 a year. In or
der to mnke up for that deficiency,
thoy are aro willing to adopt a tax
which they havo reviled for many
yeirs. If they keep up tho ruin thoy
havo already wroucht in this country,
by actually breaking up tho businors
of our best American citizens, tho in
como tax will be of little uso, for thoy
will absolutely prevent any largo in
comes from being made, This whole
sohemo had its origin in tho minds of
a few westorn and southern fanatics,
who seem to thhlk that the great ob
ject of legislation in tho Ueltcd States
Bhould bo to prevent any American
from doist' a coed business. Tho en-
tiro Wilson bill is aimed directly at
tho prosperity of tho pcoplo of tho
United States.'
It is quito proper that this internal
rcvenuo measure Bhould bo attached
to the Tariff bill. Tho two plans na
turally bolong together. It Is no more
than fair that tho party in power, if it
proposes a measure which reduces tho
receipts of the nation below its daily
wants, shall also state in tho samo bill
in what way it proposes to mako up
tho deficionoy.
Tho men who opposed attaching the
internal rcvenuo features as an amend
ment to the Wilson bill did so largely
becRuso they feared that such an
amendment would defeat tho entire
bill. On tho other hand, tho men
who were dctermiocd to pass tho in
come tax feared that, unless they
could havo tho advantages which would
como from the tariff reformers, they
could not, single-handed and alone,
levy any such tax at all, Tho result
is iho measure in its present fotm.
Tho press of tho country are largely
declaring that tho joining together of
two such radical sohemos endangers
both and is likely to end in tho defeat
of tho Wilton bill, even in tho House.
Mr. Wilson himself indulges in no
ueh fears. He telographs a journal
in this city that tho bill will surely
pass by a largo majority. I am in
clined to think, so far as tho House is
concerned, ho is quito right. When
tho fiual voto shall come, I look to see
tho great majority of tho dcraoiratic
members cast their votes solidly for
.tho measure. There may bo a few
democrats who wilt havo tho courage
to voto against the bill. Tho press of
tho country seems to overlook the fact
that tho great majority of tho Demo
clats in the present Housn of Repre
sentatives boliavo in precisely such
nonsense as is coutainrd in that meas
ure. Tho majority of thoso men are
ut heart free tradois. Thov halo tho
pruf-peritv of tho United Slates, be
ouusu such prosperity is largely north
ern. The majority of the democratic
members cf congress Delitvo in an
"incomo tax;" not at all becauso they
consider it a fuir and just tsx, but be
causo they think tho bulk of it will
como out of tho prospeiotis mon of
tho north, whom thuy hate.
Understand mo. I at ill look for the
passage of tho Wilson bill with all its
present deformities through tho lowor
Vol.21. No. 31
sssW l&llAVfelM
A cream of tartar baking powder.
Highest of all in leavening strength
Latest United States Oovorumont
Fond Report.
Royal Ilakliif Powder Ce.
108 Wall St., N. Y.
(louso. Whether my prediction be
oorreot or not will perhaps be kaown
boforo this articlo reaches the mass of
its rcadtrp. The first day of Febru
ary is now fixed as tho date for the
final vote.
Tho bill has since passed tho House
and is now beforo the Senate.
I believe, however, that no suoh bill
can get through tho Senate. They
may pass a very bad bill, but tho Wil
son bill in its present shape must, I
believe, fail in the Senate of the
United Slates. That bill is a result
of a combination of the rankest of
thn free traders and populist cranks,
who at this day dotmnato the majority
party of tho lower House The fate
of tho measure in tho upper House
wilt bo anxiously awaited by a suffer
ing people. Tho great army of work
ingmen in tho United Statce hive lit
tle interest in tho incomo tax feature
of that bill. They haye, however, an
immense interest in that portion of
tho bill which throws them out of
work or reduces their hard-earned wa
ges, iho business men dislike the
incomo tax feature as they dislike any
law which noacssitates an offioious
meddling or prsing into their private
affairs, but they dislike still more that
portion of the bill which will prevent
them from earning any incomes at all.
R. G. Honn.
Dr. Sawyer's Family Oare safely aad
thonroughly euros all difficulties of tba
Stomnob, KUnoys and Bowels, Deyo &
Bobby Caruthors has signed with tho
club in which he made hiB debut as a
professional player.
Ladles; Irregularities and all those
pains and distressing diseases peonliar
to women are posttivelj and tffeolnally
cured by using Dr. Sawjer'a Pastilles.
Deyo & Qriee.
. .
Boston policomon now carry their
clubs in their pockets,
It nor only relieves; it does more, it
cures. Wo refer to One Minute Cough
Cure, Suitable for all ages, all conditions,
atall timtB. 0. L. Cottlng.
A pack ot cards sold for 1285 in Bir
mingham, Eng.
. i
Not ono minute elapses between the
taking of One Minute Cough Oare and re
lief. Why shouldn't people take One
Minute Congh Cure? They should. They
do. 0. Ii. Coiling.
i i
Boston will mako a tour of sou them
cities this spring. '
Mrs. N. Meyotte, the Oenesee county
treasurer of tho W. C. T. U. and a very
influential worker in the cause of women
says: "I have used Fnrkss Tea and And it
Ib the best remedy I tmvo ever tried for
constipation. It requires smaller doses
and is moru thorough. I shall oso. noth
ing else in future"
. .
AndyBowon wants to meet Charles
Slushcr to a finish.
m i
All that money, experience and skill
can do has been done in llm preperatloa
und manufacture of Dr. Sawyer's Pustules
for ladles. Deyo & Grioe.
i e '-( c
Pat Dunne has bought McLight from
It. h. Bukor for $2,500.
'Orange Dlosaom" Is safe and harmless
ns it flax Hood Toultioe. Auy lady eta
uso it hoiself. Hold by Deyo & Qrlce.
Children Cry for
Pitched Castorla
, Jf
1 f
' :J