The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 16, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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fflHY;"f' iwin Trt i it-'W i
jtf '' En
Jfw Which Tell Ihe Story of Seven Dart'
Crime nml t'aatinltle and Other Impor
tant Matter Arranged Attractively anil
fllren In Few Word.
Rant ta Ilia ftffarm flefiool.
IlARTiNOfl, Neb., Feb. 15. Ollle Drown
wo arrested for beinir incorrigible
pleaded guilty nnd was committed to tho
reform school. ,
Prominent falrbitry l'liyilclan Dead.
Faiiuiuhy, Neb., Feb. 15. M. L.
Eaton, a lending physician of this city,
died from an attack of the grip and pneu
monia nfter nn illnou of only a few days.
Will Itmt Nrar lilt Old Home.
ScilUYLKR, Neb., Fob. 15. Tho re
mains of 0. C. F. Payno wero brought
from Denver. Mr. Payne wan tho Union
Pacific express agent hero many years.
VnrnM Connty Hi-Treiwurer Acquitted.
DrXvkr City, Neb., Fob. 15. A. J.
McPeak, cx-treusurer of Furnas county,
is a freo mau, having lecn acquitted of
the chargo of cintozzlcmcnt of public
Crete Merchant Fall.
Crete, Nob., Fob. 15. Tho old estab
lished dry goods hotuo of O. W. Daltzloy
was closed by tho sheriff tinder chattol
mortgngo in favor of tho First National
bank of this city.
A Hlg IIunkrtiit Hale.
Kearney, Ncb Fob. 13. The largo
stock of bankrupt goods loft by the recent
friluro of E. Walker & Bona at this placo
was sold at flheriff's sale to Belle M. Cot
ter of St. Louis for $10,000.
Klftht Incite of Hnow In Omaha.
Omaha, Feb. 10. A heavy snow 1egan
falling at II a. m. and is still in progress,
with about eight inches on h level.
Street car truftjc is blocked and tho rail
roads are much hindered in moving trains.
Jacob Brown Muit flang.
Jeffkreon City, Mo., Feb. 15. Tho
supremo court denied a motion to reopen
tho caso of Jacob Brown, a negro con
vict held hero for murder in the first de
gree. Brown will bo executed March 15.
Hcltnol Ilontl Voted.
Schuyler, Neb., Feb. 15. Tho pro
position to issuo and sell bonds in tho
turn of (25,000 yas submitted to voters
of the school district of Schuyler. There
were SOI votes for tho bonds and eigh
teen against.
Policeman Murder III Father-In-Law.
Omxha, Fob. 12. A special to tho Beo
from Auburn, .Neb., says that J. W.
Argabright, a South Omaha policeman,
hot andkillcd his father-in-law, William
Bmeltzer, at a school exhibition near
Nemaha City.
Charged With Kmbextlement.
' Nebraska City, Neb., Feb. 13. Hen
ry Rankcn, cashior of tho Farmers' and
Merchants Bank of Talmago was ar
rested charged with embezzlement. The
amount is placed at $15,000. The caso
was continued, Itnnken giving bond.
BUhop Ilonaoum'a Trial.
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 10. In tho trial
of Bishop Bonacum for libeling Father
Corbett, Judge Spencer decided this
morning to admit in evidence tho circu
lar letter suspending Corbett from the
i priesthood as tending to show malice on
the part of tho prelate. It was also de
relopcd that Editor Morgan, who circu
lated the letter, was a bitter enemy of
the priest and was in bad order in the
church because he was a Mason.
Union PaclHo Wage Behedutea.
Omaha, Feb. 14. Qcnoral J. C.
Cowin, special government counsel in
charge of Union Pacific affairs, and Gen
eral Solicitor Thurston of tho road left
for St. Louis, whero thoy will appear bo
fore theUnltel States court and present
petitions for relief from tho orders of
Judges Ilallet and Riner in the matter
of the wage schedules. Tho full nature
of tho petition is not known here and
Union Pacific officials will not talk.
v Will Kettle In Nebraaka.
Omaha, Feb. 10. The colony of Poles
which Count Lubicnski arranged to settle
at Nellgh will begin to move to its home
next month, without regard to the Wil
son bill or any other tariff complications.
In an interview tho count, after speaking
of Nebraska's soil, said: "I will say in
conclusion that tho cultivation of the
sugar beet by the American former will
be his salvation from tho financial ruin
' that seems to be hanging over him at
Bonacum Cltea I'helan.
Lincoln, Neb., Fob. it). With the
, charges against him dismissed Biahop
proposes to turn the tables on on his late
prosecutors. Constable Spelts sorved
papers on Father Phelan, who took such
n activo part in tho prosecution, sum
moning him to appear leforo Vicar Gen
eral Hartig of tho Lincoln dloceso Thurs
day, March 1, to answer charges and
specifications mode against him by tho
Proioed Platte Canal.
Hastinqh, Feb. 14. Tho Hastings Ir
rigation Canal and Power company sub
pitted a proposition to the city council
taking for an.election upon tho question
)f issuing bonds in tho buiii of 75,000 to
ho company. Tho company agrees to
mild a canal from tho Platte river to
Saltings, erect power houses, etc., for
he generation nnd distribution of 1,600
one power, and to furnish . tho city
jpwer for operating water works, elec
ric lighting and all other purposes at 50
er cent of the present cost. Work on
ae canal is to begin within 1)0 days after
ie bonds are issued.
; Interstate Irrigation Auorlatlon.
I Sauna, Kan., Feb. O.-J. L. Bristow,
j jcretary of the Interstate Irrigation as
idatlon, loft here for Onuiliu, Neb., to
(eet tho board of trado of that city.
I he meeting is for tho purposo of Br
inging preliminaries for a great irriga-
. pi convention to be held in Omaha next
Ordered Into) Dangcron Mine Scene el
Angnlth at the Mouth of the Pit Itela
the of the Imprlioned Mrn tilre Vent
to Their Feeling Kleveu Widow.
Wilkesdarre, Pn., Fob. 10 Tho
mining town of Plymouth is in mourning
over a terriblo accident that occurred in
tho Qayle Gaylord colliery Tuesday
morning. Thirteen men, all citizens ol
that town, lost their lives whllo in th
dischargo of their duty. Their names are:
Richard Davis.
John Morris.
James Kingdom.
Tuomas MORIttMAN.
Thomas Cole.
Joseph Olds.
Daniel Moroan. " mmmm rr.
Tons II arm Kit. .
John Peters McLAuanr.w.
Michael Smith.
Thomas I.eisiion.
Tho disaster throws 1 1 widows and !0
children on tho world's charity.
Tho supposition'is tho men wero busily
at work timlraring when tho rocky roof
camo tumbling down upon their heads,
crushing thorn out of semblance to hu
manity, and putting a wall of debris be
tween them nnd tho month of tho shaft
600 feet in thickness. At,lirst thero was
sorno hope that if tho men could be
rcachod in reasonable time, they could be
saved. But tho rescuing party hud been
in tho nilno only n short timo when they
woro obliged to retreat on account of
the further caving. A second rescuing
party went down tho shaft, but soon
camo back disheartened and all hope of
rescuing the men was given up.
The news of abandoned hopo soon
spread and tho wives and children of tho
imprisoned men, who had assembled at
the mouth of tho shaft, set up a most
pitiful cry of distress. Two of tho wom
en fainted nnd had to bo carried away
by friends. Even stout hearted men
wept almost as bitterly as tho fatherless
children. Tho disaster is tho worst that
has occurred in the anthracito regions
since 1885, when 22 men perished by n
cavo-in in mine No. 1 of tho Susquehanna
Coal company at Nanticokc. Their
bodies were never recovered nnd n monu
ment marks tho spot whoro tho men met
their death.
Talllant Find an Imitator In the Fcrion
of Leon Ilreton.
Paris, Fob. 13. A young man acting
from motives of rovengo exploded n
bomb at 0 o'clock Monday evening in a
cafe beneath tho Terminus hotel, which
is situated opposite tho St. Lazare sta
tion. Tho place was full of people and
the wildest excitement prevailed. Tho
bomb had landed on n table, around
which a party had been sitting, and this
loom had been reduced to splinters. Tho
persons grouped at this tablo suffered tho
most. Tho injured wero 15, nearly all
wounded in tho legs. Somo of them
wero badly hurt and they wero removed
to a chemist shop nearby, whero thoy
wero cared for.
Meantimo tho miscreant had not been
allowed to escape. Ho proved to be
Leon Breton, a man of i)0 years, who hod
been employed in tho enfo as a waiter,
but had been discharged for misconduct.
A policeman was sitting on tho top of
omnibus nnd saw Breton. Ho jumped
to the ground nnd followed him nnd run
him to tho earth a few yards up tho Ruo
do Rome, nt a spot opposite tho Scoksa
restaurant. Breton turned on thn police
man, revolver in hand, nnd fired a shot
at him. Tho policeman grubbed him
and both fell. Whilo on tho ground
Breton fired another shot at tho police
man and struck n woman who was pass
ing, who fell mortally wounded. In tho
meantimo a crowd had collected at
tracted by the shots. Tho policeman
who had grabbed .Breton had been budly
wounded by Breton's first shot and was
unable to hold on to his revolver and the
latter, still brandishing his rovolver, re
gained his feet. Tho peoplo wero furious
and seemed inclined to lay hands upon
him. Tho sight of tho rovolver restrained
them nt first, but finally headed by an
other policeman they rushed forward to
secure, him.
Breton again attempted to uso his re
volver, but tho policcmnn cut him over
the face with his saber, stnggoring him.
Ho was then arrested. Tho mob de
manded that ho bo lynched, nnd thoy
would have done so had not a strong es
cort of police arrived. Ho was then es
corted to tho office of tho commissary of
police on tho Ruo do Moscow. Five per
sons who were passing the cafe at the
timo of the oxplosion were injured by
flying fragments of glass. Tho bullot re
ceived by tho policeman from Breton's
rovolver has been extracted and it is
hoped he will recover.
Broton told the doctor who dressed tho
wound from tho policeman's subrothat
Irta main object was toavengo Vnillant.
General JSagageuient Fought Close to NIc
t hero jr.
Buenos Ayrwl Feb. 14 nitmniMi
received here hrlncr somo derails nt rim
last battle, on Friday last, between tho
rebels and tho government forces tit Rio
tie Janeiro.
A Kencral eiurnireineiit wns f.mi.l.f
rloso to Nictheroy, the "rebels engaging
the government nt close quarters. Tho
fight was desperate and was said to lmvo
resulted in tlio loss of 500 k lied nn thn
government side and 200 killed on tho in
surgent sicio. 'l ho rebels wore eventually
compelled to retire
Dissensions exist nmontr thn mfntttara
of President Peixoto nnd n crisis is re
ported. It is stated thut President Peix
oto, contrary to tho ndvico of somo of hia
ministers, has decided to nrolomr thn
state of siege, and somo of tho ministers
may resign in consequences.
The Greater New York,
ALBANY, Feb. 10. Tho oreator Now
York bill passed iu tho ossoiubly. Yeas,
v, aays, i, i
-i. . - i, r
Hie Celebrated tlermnn t'lanl't 'Aer
Away nt Cnlro.
Cairo, Feb. 14. Hans Von Bulow, tho
distinguished Germnu pianist, is dead.
Von Bulow was lwrn Jan. 8, 18.10, nt
Dresden; he studied under Richard Wng
nor and Liszt, and was in 1850 musical
chief of tho thea
ters of St. Gall
and Zurich. In
1851, Von Bulow
settled in Berlin
nnd was named,
in 1858, pianist of
tho Princo Roynl.
In 1804, nt tho in
vitation of Wag-
.tier, Von Bulow
went to Munich,
where ho liecamo
in 1807, director
of tho roynl school
for music and musterof tho chnpcl of the
court. Ho first visited tho United States
in 1875 and afterwards 1ecuino chapel
muster nt Hanover, Inter at Meiuingcn
and lastly nt Berlin, where his sevcro
criticisms of the administration of tho
opera caused his appointment to bo re
voked and oven led to his expulsion from
tho building. Tho dead pianist married
n dnughtcr of Liszt.
Decision of thn Niinremn Court Agnluat
florcriinr laurelling.
Toi'F.KA, Feb. 0. Mrs. Mary E. Letu.0
won her caso in tho supremo court, wliich
decides thnt the governor ennnot remove
her ns a memlier of tho stnto board of
charities, of which
she remains presi
dent. Mrs. Leoso
is naturally elated
over her victory in
conuection w i t h
her fight with tho
trnvnmnr ivlin linn OKir IK -"I
lwen most anxious
to rcinovo her from
tho board of chtiri
ties, to which posi
tion ho npointed
her less than a una. lbasb.
year ago. Tho supremo court was unan
imous, the Populist memlwr concurring
with tho two Republicans. Tho court
holds that Governor Lowelliug had no
authority to appoint n successor to Mrs.
Lease, who was appointed for a term of
years and confirmed by tho senate, and
thnt J. W. Freeborn, who hits been sit
ting with tho bonrd for several weeks, is
a usurper.
It Wo the Oldest Wnrnhln In Undo Sam'a
Washington, Feb. 10. Tho United
States steamship Kearsargo was wrecked
on Roncadore reef Fob. 2. Tho officers
and crow wero saved. Tho news reached
tho navy department today in n dispatch
which camo from Colon. It was sent by
Lieutenant Brninard, of tho Kearsargo,
who reached Colon Feb. 8. The Kenr
sarge, by tho last report, sailed from
Hayti for Blueflelds, Nicaragua, to which
it was onlered on account of tho tronblo
between Nicaragua and Honduras. It
is supposed that tho vessel is a total
wreck, but fortunately thero appears to
have been no loss of life. Tho vessel was
one, of tho oldest in tho navy and had n
splendid history.
Colon, Feb. It). Tho crew of tho Uni
ted States cruiser Kearsargo was rescued
at noon on Saturday. Ono mnn was
drowned. Ho was n second class fireman
named Anderson Bobbins. Tho old war
ship wns abandoned on Roncudor Reef
with tho stars nnd stripes still flying nt
her peak. Tho steamship City of Paris
with tho crow of tho Kearsargo on board
will leave this port for Now York on
Wednesday next.
Presidential Appointment.
WASHINGTON. Feb. It'. Tho nrrsidont
sent to tho senuto tho following nomina
tions: Postmasters John N. Hurlov.
Lincoln, Neb.; John Stolto, Chamberlain,
a. D. William G. Sweeny, surveyor of
customs for tho port of Dubuquo, la.
Representative Ilouck Demi.
Washington, Feb. 11. Representa
tive Georgo W. Houck of Dayton, O.,
died suddenly at 4:80 Friday afternoon
of heart discuso.
ChlciiRo (train nnd Pro Islou.
CiiirAao, Feb. i:i. May wheat wont down
to&HJotoiluy. The openlnjc wns lo loner at
60?io, from this prlco It went down to h new
low price record on n continuation of venter-
day'a wcAkncsN. In corn only u moderate
business wns trunsuctcd, thu market rulltiK
quiet most of tho ilny with tliictuattons con-
lined within a limit. Tliero vwia a fair trado
In oats and a weaker feelinir early, prices de
clining Mo. The price rallied o on Kood bid
dlnu around tho insldn llnures and May i lnsod
buta under tho day's top llk'urec. 1'rnvlslonH
closed weak within tho Inside IlKunvs of tho
day. Compared with Saturday nlulit May
pork Is '.iiu lower; May lard 10a lower, and May
ribs unchanged.
Cl.OSlNO I'lllCKS.
WIIBAT-Eusy. Cash, fiOc; May UM&ttWe;
July, WWflJe,
(H)HN-i:aler. Oasli. UUG3l!4c: .May.
OrtKoJuly. UTJfo
OATrt-Stciiily, Csth, Wtfc; May, SOU.
SWfci July. WW. ' M
IIAIII.. I .. 1...I r
i imiv-winif. rcuruury, fll.rwMJ JlUJ,
LAHU-U cr. February. $UT; May, 91,'i,
mH8-I.uUT. Fehriiary. 0.10; May, SUM,
Clilciino Live Stock.
CmrAiio, Fob. i:i.-C'ATTI.K-Tho market
quoted weaker or strnnit tmlay tiLcordliiK to
the class or cattle ntlerod. Thoso who had
cood export steers called prices troim, whllo
those who held common to good rulllo of
llKhter wclRht complained thnt priced wero
lower. Tiieranfto or nines was S1.ZV(M,25,
but very little, business was done below f," and
Vt III less nt bettor than SI.
IIOCJM There wero n few early wiles nt an
advance of uftl'iu on Monday's prices, but the
market soon etiHl down on a basts of that
day'a prices, imeUrs rcfusliiir lo pay tho
higher prices, Most of tho business wtw done
HIIKEl' Thero was a. llicht volume of busl
ne64 in thU cranch of tho live Block market.
Hales worn on hnsls of 8l.7niVI.4il for poor to
riioloo sheep and 9J.U.I.5Jfor Inuibi. Kxtru
iu4ity of thu former wero. uugteil at $.I.Wa
J.Wlaud fancy lambs were 11110 ground $1,0.
Kouill llmnlm Lite Stock,
HoUTII Oman A.Feb. IH.-CA'n'LE-llocclpts,
l,hcad:'mto lUil lbs., M.IMai.N); lUllto
lw llm., 8.I.0OGO.W; ton to ll(i) lbs., J-'.WfW.M:
choice cows, ?.0iT'J.l"i lommoiicowe, Sl.Uk
1MB; good feeder, fil.00Q3.iicomuion feeders, Market 10u lower.
HOas-Ilccelpt. X,W head; light. 85.0B
(17K; mixed. fV(RQ410; heavy, 84.taJ,W.
Mnrkct So to lOo bighir, c)om4 nnlt,
k - M
life tj )
ALwSHGi rGdi
Tit Many Happening of fleren Days Re
duced From Column to Lines Kverjr
thins; lint Fuel Kllmlnateit For Our
Headers' Convenience.
Thursday, Feb. S.
Lena Wetherell, 18 years old, took her
life by poison nt Oikaloosa, In.
Tho second nnnunl convention of Pacific
coast fire chiefs began iu Sun Francisco.
One enso of smallpox hni nppenrvd at
Ottuniwn, la., nnd caused n stntnpedo
nfter vaccine.
Captain .Tames Gault, who commnnded
tho first stcmnboat on tho Monongahela
river, Is dead.
Whllo ntteniptlng to savo her ll-year-old
sister a 0-yenr-old heroine at tiuthrio, O.
T was fatally burned.
The twentieth annual meeting of the
Illinois State Dnlrynicns' association is to
begin In Dixon Feb. 31.
Colored yenple who established n colony
In Marlboro 1'ownslilp, (),, two years ago,
have returned to Virginia.
Albert Xnusker, ono of the Ollphnnt
train rubbers, was convicted of murder In
the first degree ut Newport, Ark.
Contractor Peter Larson has filed n Hen
for 840,000 on the Nelson and Fort Shcp
pnrd railroad iu tho stuto of Washing
During the blizzard in Oklahoma Wal
ter Sliullcr froze to death, and a family of
nve are iro.en so nniliy tucy cannot re
cover. The case of Field Uro.., indicted for Il
legal banking, brought to Independence,
la., from Black Hawk county, has been
postponed to tho March term.
The First National batik of Arkansas
City, Kan., which wns placed m the hands
of it receiver Juno 18, 1RW, has been per
mitted to reopen for business.
Thelown Stato Plumbers' association
met at Des Moines and elected ofllcers.
Thu next annual meeting will be held at
Captain James Fleming and Mato
Stephen Tyo of Kingston, Out., wero pre
sented with medals for bravery ntthe
time of the Olenoru wreck in 18D2.
Professor W. S. Dyslnger, principal of
the normal department of Carthago col
lege, Carthnge, Ills., has resigned to enter
the Lutheran ministry.
Frlda), Feb. O.
The reported caso of smallpox at Keo
saupuu, In., proves to bo a bad cold.
Ten business houses at Montgomery,
Mo., burned, causing a loss of 8100,000.
Governor nntl Mrs. Altgcld left Spring
field for Hot Springs, to lie absent n week.
Tho publig schools at Gnlona, Ills., have
been closed owing to tho prevalence of
The Investigation Into the killing of
Captain lied berg by Lieutenant Mancy at
Fort Sheridan bus begun.
Tho proposition to Issue 8200,000 in bond
for school purposes at St. Joe, Mo., car
ried by a two-thirds majority.
John Dlrrnu fell dead from excitement
at Osage, In., whllo trying to save the
house of John Fordbum from Are.
The strike at tho Cripple Creek, Colo.,
gold fields has ended, the mine owners
conceding an eight-hour day at 83.
Chairman Breldenthal of tho Kansas
Populist state committee is being talked
of as a nominee, for governor of that state.
The Kenrney, Neb., cotton mill will be
gin operations ns soon as needed repairs
can bo made, employing at least 500 opera
tors. Bishop ltadeniacher of Fort Wuyne,
Ind., got judgment for 8500 against W. P.
Bedwell, editor of tho A. P. A. paper for
The striking carpenters at St. Louis
have returned to work, tho contractors
having receded from their demand for a
Tho convention of the Iown Brick and
Tile association wns held at Des Moines.
Papers on trado subjects were read and
Somo one put a dynamite cartridge In a
kitchen stove ut Huntington, Ind. It ex
ploded, wrecking the kitchen and Injuring
Mrs. BisholT.
Gustav Gormiou strangled himself at a
chcup lodging house in Terre Haute, Ind.
Ho tied a rope, around his neck and
twisted it with n clothes brush.
Ex-Vice President Leonard of tho de
funct Santa Clara, Cal., bank pleaded not
guilty to niue Indictments for wrecking
the bank. He is out on 814,000 bail.
Major Allen Wilson, who was slaught
ered by JCIng Lobengula, was a tall, pow
erful fellow of military build and bearing.
Though only 35 years of age ho had seen ltt
years of hard service in South Africa.
Tho scientists of Mount Hamilton, Berk
ley, Palo Alto, Oakland and Sau Francis
co are waiting impatiently for a scientifi
cally correct report of tho facta in counec
tlou with the meteor that passed over Cal
ifornia and fell iu Nevada.
Saturday, I'eb. lo.
William Metier was killed at Mount
Gtleud, Ohio, by a dldu't-know-it-was
loaded gun,
Supervisors of Livingston county, Illi
nois, voted to erect n new building on the
poor farm to cost 840,000.
Mrs. Catherine Hnrman sued Dr. J. M.
Dean of Springfield, Ohio, for 810,000 for
neglect In setting her broken leg.
Tho commissioner general of Russia at
tho midwinter fair gave a reception to
Harriet Hosmer, tho sculptress.
Mrs. Anno Mcintosh wns instantly kil
led on a grade crossing at Saginaw. Mich.
)t is thought to be a case of suicide.
John White and John Hayes, supposed
to have committed mnny robberies ut
Freeport, Illinois, hayo been arrested,
George A. Miller was arrested at Fort
Wayne, charged with beating Warsaw
farmers out of 0,000 bushels of wheat.
The Kitz Implement company, which
wm employ &iu men, accepted 118.10,000
bonus to locate at Anderson, Indiana.
J. M. Day, former owner of the Dris
&II1 hotel, nt Austin, Texas, sued M. B.
Curtis, the actor, and his wife for 83,803.
A skeleton found on tho bench near St.
Joseph, Michigan, Is supposed to be that
of the captain or cook of tho Havana,
wrecked in 187.
Dr. Will Nolln, who killed John and
Will Turner at Harlan .Court House,
Kentucky, Tuesduy, has been indicted
for manslaughter.!.
Judgo Bellinger' of tho United States
district court nt Portland, Oregon, denied
tho motjo-i of William puubar, convicted
of smugglug opium, for a new trial.
Frank Harder was arrested ou suspicion
at Denver. Ho woro trousers which have
been Identified as belonging to tho mur
dered Harry Carr.
Goldmark and Co&rUd of New York,
recovered judgawt tot 17,808 tgaltut
M m x m.
And a cold one too,
But we have a bigger snap for people who
want a Heating Stove.
We have a few heaters left from our Winjr
Stock that we are closing out at
Come in if you want a Heater.
They all go !
We would rather carry over the money than
to carry over the stoves.
We are in it on Barb Wire also !
Tho bust nt the lowest ,price on earth for the
Next -. 30 - JDetys
Bakor Wire $2.85, GlicMon 82.75.
gm m m wmmm w mmmmmmmg
g We are the People. 22
Wall Paper 3
- Wohavo just received our second invoice of new goods, and 25
m. tho patterns arc stylhh and just the thing. -
tam . jtitt
7.UUU.U m m m w .Mum .wum m
Jbhn BTreling of tho Tlvoll Opera house,
San Francisco, for roynlties.
The New York court of appeals denied
"Dink" Wilson's appeal for n new trial.
W. Lowe received a life sentence at
nillsboro, N. D., for killing n policeman.
Fred Altcnhcim of Qulncy, accused of
embezzling H) from tho Minnesota
Thrasher company, of which ho was
agent, has commenced suit for $10,000
Monday, Feb. 13.
Two children were burned to death iu a
house near Bonne Terre, Mo.
Tho Trnnsmlsslsslppl Commercial con
gress, will meet Tuesday nt San Francisco.
C. P. ltuscr, uu old man, was stabbed
nnd killed by his son Fred at San Fran
cisco. Charles J. Karrar, Swiss consul nt Cin
cinnati, was knocked down and arrested
while drunk.
Keceiver Mink denies that tho Union
Pacific will abandon tho Kunsas Central,
as has been reported.
A sheriff and poHschudu desparato fight
with a band of horso thieves about 10
mues rrom Abilene, Tex.
Kansas board of railway commissioners
hnve ordered lumlipr rnti.a f.,. i.-......
City to Wichita reduced.
Georgo Williams, tho murderer of John
Terrell, was sentenced at Pittsburg to 12
years in tho penitentiary.
It is announced from Paris, Ills., thnt
Congressman A. J. Hunter is not out of
tho race for a renominatlon.
Near Harrodsburg, Ky Mrs. Samuel
Milton was taken from her bed by white
caps and mercilessly whipped.
Prince Gnlltzino of Russia joined the
Salvation Army nt New York nnd re
turns home to push tho work there.
Charles Williams was convicted on'two
counts and James Robinson on a single
count of violation of tho Kansas liquor
The trial of Bishop Bonacum at Lin
coln, Neb., camo to an unexpected end,
when tho court sustained a motion to dis
miss. J. W. Amillirltrllt n Smith o ..-
Uceman, shot nnd killed William Schmelt-
cier, ms iainer-in-lnw, nt Nemaha City,
Antonio Luciano nnd Antonio Degidlo
wero sentenced to be hanged May 10 nt
Grenfell, Mnn., for tho murder of a com
panion. Saloonkeeper Brockmnn of Qulncy has
been sued for f,000. Ho sold whisky to n
little boy, who thereby made two little
girls drunk.
Georgo Polk and Walter Crlbbs wero
arrested at HnitKlinrnr. r t fnr ti... ...
iler of Alexauder Lanier ot Birmingham,
Ala., iu October.
Tui'ktlny, Feb. 13.
John B. Lnmont, father of Secretary La
inont, is dead.
Frank Boot?, died at Peoria, Ills., of
smallpox. The house has been thorough
ly disinfect. i'd and no epidemic is feared.
The Canadian cabinet has decided to
rail imrliament tiitliir MnrM. is if v.,.-
also been decided to make no change iu
mum (on ior rne ensuing season.
Cleveland nml T)...rnlt,.iuiu i,....
organized n syndicate to operate extensive
gum mines ut isarooursviiie, Ky.
At Johns, Al., Dennis Clements and
Will Baruu nunrrelcil nvi.r n ..!. iin..
shot mid killed Clements. Deputy Sheriff
Chat Hoi mau blew Barge's head off with
a shotgun.
The Alabama National bank and J. C.
Henley have closed up Charles Newman
Jr. nnd Co, nt Birmingham, by attach
ments aggregating tfi.OOO. The assets am
f 10,000, consisting of n stock of men's fur
nishing goods.
Anthony von Dellmnu has gone insnno
nt Dubuque, Ia by application to tho
study of nstrology.
Plans have been perfected for tho organ
ization of Jho Students' Art league nt Dh
buque. Jo., modeled nfter the famous nrfc
xhool Jn New York,
Thomas Miller, was found dead near
Thouipsouvllle, Ills. It has been reported
that he was shot In a drunkeu row, but
the details are not known.
C. E. Putnam,
Notary Public,
Phoenix Insurance Co.
St. Paul Bankers Life
Insurance Co. -,
All business intrusted to him will bo
promptly attended to.
Louis GepunrtfcoptMWin nu old chest
at Huntington, Ind., being afraid of
banks. W hen ho looked for It ho discov
ered WOO had been stolen.
John McKune, n wealthy farmer of Ed
gar, Ju-b., was found dead iu bed by
nuin. .uuiviiiiu was a bachelor liv
ing alone. The cause of his death is bo
lleved to have been heart trouble.
Tho Public Ledger nppearcd Monday
with tho name of Georgo W. Childs
Drexel nt tho head of Its editorial column.
Tho caso of George Woodruff, a promi
nent farmer near Mulberry, Iml.. is at
tracting great attention among medical
men. Tho last seven weeks ho has not
slept an aggregate of nn hour.
Weilnetay, Feb. 14,
Willie Ktris, a boy, died of hydrophobia
near Bentonville, Ark.
Evidence in the Oakes murder trial was
cont titled nt Labnnon, Ind. Tho prisoner
wns ill and unable to appear.
Forty-two converts wero baptized at
HUIsboro during tho revival that has
lasted for two weeks. Six persons wero
immersed through the Ice.
No visitors are now admitted toJolict
penitentiary and no prisoners from Cook
county jail will bo received.
Congressman W. M. Springer has writ
ten u letter denying that he has declined
to be a candidate for congress again
Tho fund Blurted by Mayor Gllroy of
Newark for the relief of tho poor now
amounts to $o,ooo, and much more is ox
petted to bo contributed.
tripTo Fio1ZCrrlB,,U Ua 8tftrtcd0
.Sm W'flk'y' ' Mexican woman, whllo
visiting tho grave of her child near Silver
Uty, ?y. M., was devoured by bears.
Sam Gwyuno has been arrested In Union
county, Ten.,., charged with the munlc"
SnoddJ." '"" ft"nt' Mr-ttniMrs.Henr"
vln0,l,1f,,",i!,lIJ C?,orc'1' been con-
he the first hal hanging inTefttory
John Wallace and his Mexican brido
ft-ero murdered on ,, ranch near MoncE
Mex.,by J,,,,,, Martinez, a discharge"
foreman, who has been arrested
Caleb Parker. i'liiip,r,.i ...i.i. .i1. .
ofsedocia conneii;.ir:,"h;;;x "5
vlcted In Georgetown. Ky, '
pSburg1i'liHS,,irr8' "011 " ,1U',lnt
line condition. ' " l reai is In
The Standard Oil company, delinnuent
for severa t hniiH,ni .iJi.. "r ' "L1 fl"-'"t
Crown I-olut, Ind., has' d ustcd tXbT
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cat torla.
l ..fUl
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