nrrri .ft "T wM,tyijjffl?F;i't THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, FEB. 10. 1894. vm r if ? rs u L7 Mi gmmw mm mrnmm m mrnrn wg M Given awav tn our Cnstnmp.rc Given away to On every cash purchase and Shoes at our store, we will give the pur chaser Our Profit. It will be ti splendid time to get new shoes. "We need the money, you need the shoes. Part of our goods at cost. Some of them ot half price. A few odds and ends at whatever we can get. The best and newest of them at a big reduction. Buy all you need. Buy more than you need. Buy all you can get. You will not bo the loser. BLAKESLEE & KALEY. 73.U Hi .UU..i..U.U..Ui..U Hi UiUiiiiUiK BRIEF MENTION. Wait for tho Japanoso tea February 22d. Mr. Row of Rivorton waa visiting Mr. P. Rudd last weok. AnBil Scrolls, of Walnut Crook, was visiting boro this weok. Mies Myrtle Jones ot Guide Rock was visiting friends boro this weok. M. E. Llgbtfoot and family of Iowa, aro visiting with their brothor-in-law II. M.Tingloy. Tho inUrior of Ducker's storo has been nicely papered which greatly boau tiflos its apperanco. Mrs, Cummings, eon Cloyd and little daughter returned Saturday from a long visit to tho strip. It is very seldom that tho sloigh bells jinglo in this city, but this weolc they can bo hoard on ovory cornor. Tho office cat of tho Kirshbraun-Has-kell company returned Thursday after a protracted visit to Borne foreign conven tion. O. C. Roll and daughter Jonnio loft Thursday for Lincoln. Miss Jonnio is the guest of Mies Lau during her stay in Lincoln. The armature of tho arc dynamo burned out last Friday and tho city has been in darkness since. The repairs aro oxpected in a few days. Billio Eagleburger returned to this city Wednesday to visit the boys a few days. Ho has been rolling 'em high in Northern, Kansas. The Argus appeared last week in a new dress. The appoaxanoe of that pa- ijer is decidedly changed for the bettor j tho valuablo addition. 'A vory ploasant party wbb hold at J. II. Smith's Saturday night. About 1G young pooplo wore presont and all on joyed themselves vory much. O. B. Harris and Mies R. Lincoln of McCook aro in the city this week in tho interests ot a fraternal beneficiary order for ladies and gontlemon called the "Star of Jupiter." We enw rccontly a foe similo of the gold modals awarded tho Singer Sewing Muchino Company at the world's fair. They aro in possession of Mr. W. F. Hull of this place who is an agont for that company. The company was awardod 54 medals for the host uud most durable machines in tho world. Now that Webster county promises a candidate for congress in tho porson of Hon. James McNeny, republican states man troubled with the buzzing bees, will have to look to their laurels. Wo meroly offer this as a gentlo warning, and caution candidates not to mislako Jim McNony for John McPheeloy. Ad ams county Democrat. Frank Cowdon departod last Tuesday for Sheridau, Wyoming, whither ho goes to tako charge of a largo clothing storo ownod by S. Bloom of that pluco. Frank is woll known hero and equally well likod and while his many friends regrot his loaving, tho goutloman who employs him is to bo congratulated upon having Bocurod tho sorvicos of ono so ofllciont and compotont as Frunk. Quite an intorest is takon in tho qunr-tor-centonnial exorcises ut Lincoln this weok. Tho roads reduced tho faro, and tho following porsons fiom tbia pluco availed themsolves of tho opportunity of vinitins the capital city. Prof. Caster. Mr. Albright, Ed. Overing Edgar Cot tin. O. C. Boll. Randolph McNitt, Mr, Bontloy, J. C, Warnor and wifo, Miss Carrie Johnson, AlicoRomsburg, Bortha Brown, Susie Kennedy, llottu Able, Mrs. Glass and Mrs. Martin. Wo huvo in our possession a paper published nearly 100 yeurs ago ut Kings ton, Ulster county, Now York iu 1709. It is needloss to say that tho genorol stylo of tho paper is ontlroly ditlorcnt than tho newspapers of tho presont day. It contains a completo account of tho death and interment of Gon. Goorgo , Washington, who died n week boforb its publication. It contains mu'ny poouliar advertisements one of which reads llko this: "For sale Tho ono half of n raw mill with a convenient placo for building in the town of Rochester; also n stout, houlthy, activo Negro Wench, Any per son inclined to purchase may know tho by opplyiug to John Sohoonmukerut Rochester. our Customers, for January of Boots LOCAL NEW. A fine biscuit flour at MoNitt's, 70 cents a sack. M. Delahoydo of Bluo Hill was in Rod Cloud this weak. John Haas of Rosomont had a $1,000 firo tho other night. C. B. Crone has boon tussoling with a Boro throat this week. U. G. Martin of Hebron is visiting his brother, J. Frank Martin. Get your photos at Wegman's gallory and they will please you, F. P. Hadloy is now better prepared than over to do any thing in his line. Miss Mary and Margaret Minor are attending the doings in Lincoln this week. E. P. Bolton accompanied by his daughtor Delia are visiting ia Omaha this week. . Mr. M. R. Bontloy loft this weok for Hot Springs, Arkansas, whera he was called on business. Mrs.F. N. Richardson who has beon visiting in Indiana for some time, re turned homo last night. Save your Chief this week and find out "What an Incomo Tax Is , by Mr. Hoar ot the New York Tribune u you want cnoap furniture, mat is bran new, call on J. B. Wright, tho now and second hand furniture man. ' Go and see J. B. Wright for all kinds of bargains in new and second band goods. Just north of Moon block. Wo will pay you 27 cents for corn and sell you goods' choapor than any mer chant duro sell you' Chicago Clothing Co. Lanney Smith has purchased tho Storner proporty and is fixing it up nicely. Mr. Smith never does things by half. Tho beautiful snow, about ten inches of it, came in this week and made a long stay to the satisfaction of the chil dren. Win. Atherton, E. Lolner, J. Frank Martin havo como in and relieved us financially. Thanks and may others comt. Don't forgot that Japanoso social to given by tho ladies of the Chri6tiun church on tho 22d. You can depend on a nlco time. Joseph Akors, an old resident of this county dropped dead at Bluo Hill ou Monday. Hoart .disease is said to havo boon tho cause. Photos did you say? Well then go to Wegmnn's gallery Rod Cloud, Nobr. whero ho can supply you with any thing in that line, Carpentor Beckwith is building a fine houso for Noah Waggoner, across tho rivor. It will bo twenty-six feet squaro with fine porches, etc. A. II. Gray and family desiro to extend their hearty thanks to all firo boyo for their promptness at tho fire, which took place ut thoir residence on Suturduy night. Hon. C. W. Kuley und wifo aro in Lin coln this week attending tho ilrst quur tor contonnial entertainment of the stuto university, of which ho is ono ot tho regents. Foster's storm billed from tho 0th to lGth cume jimt ns advertised. Remem ber that no othor puper can publish Foster's predictions as wo havo tho ox olusivo right in this connty. Last week was our bannor weok for correspondence, and Tub Chikf fcolo proud ot it. Wo aro pleased to noto thut wo iiavo the most ublo corps ot corres pondents ot any paper west ot Omaha. Rev. A. P. Hull bus started a series of rovivals at tho M. E. church. Mr. Hull is a vory lluont speaker, and commands tho vory closest attention. Tho people should turn out und hear him. MeotingB will continue noxt weok. Recently a man living a few miles from this city wiis discussing bow badly ho folt over tho death ot hie son in fact ho folt so bad, 'said ho, that ho had not visited his gruvo since. Tho man pre suming that it had just been of rocont occurence, usked: "J low long has that been, air?" "Sure und it huu boon six teen yeurs, Bur,'' ami then wot bis lips with somo ot tho "good ould Bourbon" and relapsed into innocuous dessuetudo. A sad caao. CITV xr.HM. E. J. Overing loft for Alma to day. James McNeny waa in Omaha this week. E. II. Waters, M. D. of McCook is in tho city today. N. W. Muhnffy has boon granted an incroaso of pension. J. A. Boyd is in Holdrogo this week in tho Interest of tho marblo works. Doyo fc (Irico'e cigar counter is gracod with n novel and elegant cigar lighter. Tho ladieB of the G. A. It, will givo a social to-morrow night at Mr. J. A. Iteld's-. Mean. Parker und Fulton havo con cluded .to opornto their croamory this summer. Goo. Nowhouso.who has beon in Columbus for some timo returned homo this weok. Chus. Arnold of Roeotuont was in town Thursday. Ho reports n lawsuit in that burg ovory day this week. Tho Rod Cloud marblo works havo boon improvod with some now water pipcB and othor slight chungos. Miss Lora McBridc did not teach her school this week in Dist. 15 on account of tho snow nnd'sovorocold woathor. Thoqdvontofa bright llttlo darling baby girl is reported at tho homo of Anthony Clark. All aro doing woll. J. D. Itouso, ox-county treasurer of Nuckolls county is in the city having somo dontal work dono at Dr. Chamber lains office Jonnio Fox liqmidutod tho "filthy lucro" this week for somo time back and renewed. John appreciates n good county' papor. Report ot tho Iloading room for month of Fobruary: On bund January 1, 82.75; received during January, $20.25; paid during January, $13 85; on hand Fobru ary 1, $9.15. J. L. Miller loft last Tuesday for Mammoth Springs Ark. Ho intends to look up a location near there, and will probably mako that his f uturo homo if that country suits him. For somo days wo havo failed to ob serve tho pleasant smile and hoar tho cheering voico of W.J.Mowbray tho elec trician. Upon investigation wo, find ho is seriously ill with pneumonia. Wo hope ho will recover soon. Tho republican contral committoo ot tho first and socond wards ot tho city of Red Cloud aro called to meet at tho Argus office at 7 p. m. Tuesday Feb. 20th 1891, to transact such bueinoss as may properly come beforo thorn. R. B. Fulton, Chairman. Two fastidious and fun-loving printers ot this city took the girls out sleigh rid ing tho other day. Ot courso it cost $1 an hour for the luxury, and when two hours had elupsed thoy unloaded tho precious girls Eomodistanco from homo, and drovo rapidly to tho livery barn. Tho girls walked back. A Conovor tho B. fe M.' agont at this placo is now prepared to soil tickets to all foreign countries. If you havo any frionds nnd relatives across tho ocean, you can mako arrangments with Mr. Conovor in n tow minutes to convoy them safely to thoir destination. It you contemplate a visit to Europo or other foreigh lands consult Mr. Conovor at tho depot and ho will sell you a ticket cloar through. Our old nnd much respocted friend, Conductor Boynton, ot Rock Falls, III., is in Red Cloud on business. Sinco ho was in Red Cloud tho last timo he in forms us that ho has been bo unfortun ato ns to loeo his son Charley, who was woll known in this city, by death, ho having been killed while in tho servico of tho Burliugton railway loBt October while going undor u bridge. Ono ot tho ilanges 09 tho ' tender trucks broko and Charloy noticnig something wrong step- ped to tho sidoof tho cab just in timo to Btrifco liiBheaduguinst the bridge, and motjiis doath. It was a groat shock to his mother and father and wifo and children. Charloy hud hundrods of frionds in Red Cloud who' will bo sorry to heur ot his death. A CoNKinr.NOK'MANOno evening last weok ii sleek looking individual appeared in the city, throw out somo dodgers in viting "men only" to utUnd his enter tninment nt tho opora Iioubo. Ho repre sented hiniBolf as Boiling u patent ca tarrh remedy, and implied that he would givo tho individual buying, a certain sum ot money, consequently, without malico aforethought, or n great donl ot wisdom, a lot ot our townsmen wore invoigled into his parlor, as did tho verdant youth of olden times, in tho Bpidor web story that wo all know no woll und full to com prehend, Ho would toll his "suckers" that thoy woro actually suckers, in fuct, to buy tho goods, yet thoy put up thoir monoy with n parting liopo to recolve something for nothing, but thoy didn't do it. lor a Tool nnd nis monoy soon parto," und this timo it parted company with its rightful owners und went into tho coffers of 11 follow who is sharp enough to livo olf of othor peoplo until ho will run up ugainBt a snag or a big noliceman. This naner haB no sympathy for a man who loses his monoy in that manner, und especially men who ought to sot u better oxumplo to tho rising gen erations. ttocttf., dull on and after January 1, 1891, OOcts., will buy flvo tickots entitling holder to ono rrnllnn nf linnil llnrht oil for each tioket ; or Bome number of tickets for gasoline at M. B. MONltt'a. S. or V. Muiilealc. Thoro is probably not that porson liv ing who does not appreciate, to somo ox tont, tho aweot strains ot music. Some, while totally ignornnt of tho distinction betwoen music of a higher and lowor grade, Iovo music rogardloss of how it is produced. Tho illltorato and tho reftnod of all races, tribes and kindrod lovo tho melodious strains of n woll manipulated instrument. It mnken tho oheerlMS choerful, and tho sad glad; it enthuses tho glowing mind with a roal fooling of hnppinr-RS, which probably nothing but music could do; it furnishos tho rcetlosB feet of many unsocial gathering with suf ficient exorcises, and makos tho irropres- siblo negro give vent to bis lovo ot music with a familiar jig danco. Tho good pooplo of Rod Cloud always manifest their appreciation ot a musical ovont by their proaonco nnd cooporntion. Iho Sons of Votoraus band havo for many montlm past been growing rapidly in public favor, and when thoy declared thoir intention somo weeks hIiico to givo n grand musicalo, every music lover pre dicted an interesting and successful on tortniuniont, and it goes without saying that tho doings nt tho opera houso Tues day night fully confirmed, thoir surmises. Every follow and his brother wero thero with their wives, and oven thoir mothers-in-law, In othor words, tho hoilse was chock full. Altogether, tho progrummo was oxcollont, and almost faultlessly ren dered. O. C. Boll, tho goninl "papa" ot tho band, presided admirably as stago man ager nnd prompter, besides doing his share in tho musical program. From tho timo tho evont was suggested, ho took an active part for which ho deserves crodit, and was rowarded by saluting a crowded houso. Theovorturo "Nuggot Noll," beginning tho exorcises, was u difficult ono indcod. It was rendored by tho entiro band and elicited vociferous appluuso. In tho quintet entitled "Hunter's March" by Millor, Hendrick, West, Dick orson nnd Putmor, tho nudionco con ceived a marked improvomont, and tho selection was well rocoivod. Oscar Patraor covorod himtolt all over with glory in his tuba solo, ontitlod "Rocked in tho Cradlo of tho Deep," and was loudly oncorod. Tho "Dream of Glory" with piano and cornet by Honry Clarko and Miss Lillio Smith was strictly first-class. Both woro perfectly composed nnd proved thorn selves porfoctly familiar with the eoloo tion and to possess much musical talent. Thad McNitt nnd Prof. Geo. Hondrick with thoir violins, accompanied by Miss Grace Fort at the piano rendered an ox collont selection in a highly croditablo manner. Harry Millor achioved many laurels in tho rendition of his "Cyclone." Harry is fast becoming an oxcollont musician. Ho is an indofatigablo worker and will somo day occupy a prominent placo in his profession. "Splintors" is tho sparkling cognoman of a modley played by tho Misses Mary and Murgurot Minor Mies Murgarot with tho violin and Miss Mary the piuno. This seloction was unusually woll ro coivod nnd encored, and was responded to with a most beautiful classical selec tion which won tho praiso ot tho entiro nudionco. The "Four VngB" was indood a pecu liar solcction, nnd tho novel apparal which attired tho pactieipants' attracted morq attention than tho music. Tho vngs presented a most ludicrous appear ance, in faot, they would maks tho tun ny valontmes aehnmod of themselves. Of course, they wore oncorod, and tho way they responded was as graceful as a hirod man starting out for a day's work, or an educated pig attempting a speech Willio'Wost's mouth bore a resemblance to a largo crack in a cako of limburger cheese, whilo Oscar Patraor's pants woro as ridiculous as Chub Warren's shoos, which were not at varianco with Harry Miller's tune no ho walked on the stage. Of course, it was all burlesque, and, as such, served satisfactorily. Special praise was lauded tho ladies' quartet consisting of Mrs. Martin, Mrs. West, Miss West and Miss Blanche Sel la rfl. Thoir voicos seemed to blend har moniously in "O Lovoly Stur." Thoy wero loudly encored and rocoivod many complimentary remarks. Tho selection, "Nuturul Spell," by tho nbovo quartet with Albright, Cot ting, Castor und Clark was indeed a "etunnor'' und convulsed tho n'u'diejico. One ot the most beautiful selections was tho finale which concluded tho ex orcises of tho evoning ontitlod "The Night Bell," supported by tho strength of tho ontiro band. Tho "Vuas Wultz" by Prof. Hondrick. O. C. Bell and Hurry Miller, accompa nied by Miss Jennie Boll with tho piano, was suporb, and spoken ot in tho high est terms, whilo tho vocal and piano duot, entitled "Evening Shades" was ono of tho go ins ot tho evening's enter tulnmont. This selection wus rondorod by Mrs. Gertie Dickerson und MIbs Lillio Smith, while Iho Misses Mury Minor und Nellie West presiding ate tho piano. Thoir voices woro rich, soft, aweot untl well cultivated, and any lover of u thrilling feinulo voice could listen for hours to u repetition of "Evoning Shudes" especially with such beautiful ncconi puniinonts. This is a sJimsy description, touching on tho most noticeable feutures ot tho evening's exorcises; suffice to say, every one waa satisfied, and thoro wero no re- THE "RO" FLOURING MILLS' FLOURS RETAIL AT ROYAL B. OF All Grades guaranteed by the Mills. , ; .... Wiener's New Spring Clothing Is ; j Now Arriving. grota expressed by the patrons. In tho futuro the only noctBsary inducomont to a successful ontertainmont under tho nuBpicos of tho S. of V. band will be for thorn to meroly stato, "We'ro goln' to haven do! ne." --- 1 een A. II. GnAv'fl Finn. Last Saturday night about 11:30, during tho severo snow storm, firo was discovorod in tho houso occupiod by Diok Gray. The alarm was immediately sounded and, notwithstanding tho violence ot tho storm, was responded to by a largo body of firemen and willing neighbors. Every thing was dono to save tho building, and in thoir stronuouB efforts, Diok Gray und Beach Robinson came near losing thoir lives. They woro Inside tho burn ing building, in total darkness, and tho door becamo locked. Tho smoko ovor camo thorn, and in tho doneity of smoke and'darkness they wore unable for somo timo to locate tho lock. This thoy finally succeeded in doing however, and wero prostrated for somo timo after roaohing oport'nir. Tho houso was nicely fur nished, und ovory effort was put forth to save, at least, a small portion ot tho property. Nothing but afew bedclothes woro saved, and, while tho building wus not entirely dostroyod, tho contents woro entirely consumed, Ouly about 40 per cent ot tho contents were insured, and as a conscquonco, the loss falls heav ily on Mr. Gray. Tho main loss which Dick doplores, is tho loss ot his books containing valuablo records for yeuie back. At the timoof tho first alarm, Mr. Gray and wifo woro absent and just on tho point ot returning home. New Wall Paper. Tho most beautiful patterns, tho low ost prices, und tho largest stock wo over had, and more goods to como. Dont fail to bco what wo havo to olTor you in quulity and price. Deyo & Grlco. market Report. (Corrected Weekly.) ee mm eeete mm mii? Whent Corn .. 40 00 Oats 20 25 IVVU eeee mm Iim mm eeee e e e uU Flax 70 Hoira..-. 4 im FatcowB-v 1 G02 00 Uuttor 11 Eggs 10 I'otatoes CO Chickens... doz. 2 00 Turkeys lb. 0 Itotull prico ot the Rod Cloud Milling Co., flours: Monogram y sack 9 10 lioynl patent "0 Back E0 Ii.otll.S. sock GC $10.00 Itowurd For the roau who atoie a bottle of Heller's li.irb Wire Liniment from my barn lait Friday, I cau't gat along without It For tale by Deyo St dries. MONOGRAM, 90c Per Sack. PATENT, 80c Per Sick B. S., 65c Per Sack. iSiSSi t Ml V '' "tv V if 4r, WANT COLUMN. Are la eedf If you Want cash, Wants partner Want a situation, Want a Borvant girl, Want to sell fruit or grain, Want to find buyora for anything, Want to aell or buy cattle or horeee, Want to sell or trade anything, Want to aell household good, Want to aell anything, Want to rent rooms, Want boarders, Want cook, Then Use The Chirp's Warn) Column. W? rJI).-3y middle euPd Udy endson.'l Cloud, Nebraska, box M. ' IF. You want fruit Irres. traptvloet or an miriirrv aliwlc rail rnl M !... . . ...-.. ww.a ss( MIMI. WANTED.-To cry jour ales. Hot Urn and splendid seUshcllou. O. U VrlBire) INBUUANCK.-I would like to latura yoi 1proiicity.-J.H.Srolib. ? VyANTKO.-Tg trade a Rood eulky plow tor WANTKD.-I00 new CiujiMatoncft. subscrltera to Tij TOIl HUNTING, J liard thun avai Tirr C'iiikv u tM-Ui ) pary d than ever to do all kinds of plain eiS fancy job work. WANTrDj-To buys, nood matched teat) " -John Kariicr, tied Cloud. T KRl.U I hnro Ihrwi good cows to selH-3 '. (I'okt) Sutton, Ited t'loudV 1 WaNTKD-To grind jruur cU-on.-Hut Inwm's barber shop. poll HAI.IS-A Rood lior, applr at IbUoffl WANTI'.l)-'iomone to buy tome ot Br stove.t.-Dad ' --" stove.1". Dad Uurkley. WaHbumortretorr WAKTUII-To buy Columbian will piiy one-lialf cent each foi aura us. fnr All v1 iiTfMwTfntn. Krin tn i rorriNi VANT.KU-:?!",, ou? X "we., onablo a. 1), llrown, . VANTEp.-9etentynvf luyt will virtu " liavetlielrpirluies taken Nt my rallen 3-uurdity. .1. a. Wi-Kmaim. rhntnicrapher. llo Sure and Itcad Tltla. Our correspondents are doing soma cellont work and we hope that they continuo to givo ua all of the newa at ten as possible. We are by your ' eft able to give tho nows of the entire oou During tho coming year, we propotv give premiums to our correspondeatl faithful sorvlce, aa follows: To the one who writea the most often wo will give a prize of, To tho 2d besW Tothe.'W beat ,..,... Any 0110 in tne county can cots provided thoro la not u eorreepoada' vour neighborhood already workkai. tho same. ill 'ii '4.' i 1 ki A tin i' I Rf l ' n " ii m MM' ' aW-aiiiiifl