The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 16, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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    v ,
Ducker's Cash Dry Goods House.
Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, SatuM. r
Of New White Goods, Embroideries, Laces, Dress jGfoods, Muslins, Outing Flannels, Hosiery,
Underwear, Ginghams, &c.
We were able this spring to buy our new goods at very low prices. We are going to give our customers the benefit.
rOur lino of White Goode is
the beat we have ever had.
We have bought them ut prices
bo that we enn sell them very
We have
India Linens at 5c
India Linens at 8c
India Linens at 10c
India Linens at 22z
India Linens at 15c
Also Nainsooks Lnce Stripes,
Vic. Lawns from 5c to 25c
icv yard that are genuine
Linen Torchon Laces,
Cotton Laces, Point
de Ireland Laces at
prices that will please
While all over the country last year merchants were complaining that
goods in'93 than we did in '92, and the reason for it was that we
the very
A. C, Hossir.n, Kdltor.
LaiiovTait, Asst. Local Kdltor.
8t Louts, Mo,
Is Constitutional Dlseasa'
And Itequlres
A Constitutional Remedy
Hood's Sarsaparllla Perma
nently Cures Catarrh.
M0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mais.:
" I cannot speak too highly of the value et
Hood's Sarsaparllla. I have been a sufferer
from that dreadful disease, catarrh. For the
past nine years my head and nasal passages
hare been clogged up, and In consequence I was
Unable to Breathe
through my nose. My breath became very bad
and offensive. Powders and medicines were
useless and I was discouraged. I liad read con
Iderable about the good being done by Hood's
Sarsaparllla and decided to give It a trial I had
not taken more than one bottle before I began
to leel the benefit it was bestowing upon me.
After taking two bottles my expectations were
realized. I havo continued and its
Effects Have Been Wonderful
for I feel like a new man. I can now breathe
through my nose with case and have realized
benefits from the medicine throughout my sys-
tea. I recommend Hood's BarsaparllU to
friends who are Afflicted with catarrh And shall
continue to prulse It" A. H. Burru, it North
Twelfth Btreet, Bt. Louis, Mo. ,
Hood's Pills cure Uver tils, conitlMttloo,
feBtouueu, jbM&aice, tick headache, iadjgosUoo.
We bought our em
broideries very cheap.
Every piece is a real
bargain and we have
some of the nicest
patterns .that were
ever made.
Wo Invito oar lady customers
specially to too then.
Dress Goods.
We are showing an ex
tra nice line of nice
printed fabrics on
which we are going
to make special
prices during this
Alio special value In Woolen
Drew Goodi.
lowest prices. We are
Pago 1 What Griovea Ub, by Italix.
What an Incomo Tax Is.
" 2-A Study in Scarlot.
" 3 County Correspondence.
Letter from Missouri.
Educational Column, Etc.
" 4 Advertising, Duckor's.
Tjocal ItcmB, Etc.
" 5-City News ot Ail Kinds.
" NG State News.
Minora Entombod.
Evonta of tbo Weok, botb for
eign and domestic. ,
" 7 Protests of employee.
" 8 Weather Forecasts.
Talmage'e Sermon.
Oun recent suggestion of Jas. MuNony
for congressman ot this district scorns to
moot with universal approval so far.
Jab. CounE-rr woll deservos the title ub
champion of the world. The battlo be
tween he and Pete Jackson will decido
exactly who really is champion.
Tiik late enow which bos visited this
continent bo generally 1h one ot tho
worst on record. Whilo it htiB boon do
structivo in the oxtrotno, Nebraska has
Buffered but very little.
ItF.ranuoANs all over the district aro
ardont over tbo prospect ot tbo candidacy
ot tbo Hon. James McNony, of this city,
for congress, and especial lynro the nowe
papers pleased with tho idea, for Mao is
known by nearly all of thorn.
Next Sunday will be Washington's
birthday. It would bo proper for our
minietors to give thoir congregations n
sermon on tho excellence of tho great
and good man, and the lirst president ot
this great republic. Washington has
been dead 03 yours yot his memory is us
groeninthe hoarta ot hit countrymen
as it was in 1770.
Notwithstanding, thtro is much
kicking about our allecod attack on the
supervisors system ot conducting county
affaire. Judicious consideration ot the
samo will readily convince tho most in
credulous that things could be in much
better shape. Yot we hold no ill fooling
toward tho present board of supervisors
as far as they aro concerned.
On last Monday, Abraham Lincoln,
16th president ot the United States bad
he lived, would have been 81 years of
ago. Probably no roan that ever lived
during tho last throo or tour centuries
had us many admirers us Abraham Lin
coin. A common ninn among common
people, bolovcd und revered by all, both
groat and small. Lot his name go down
tho ugea as tho groat omunciputor ot
millions of elavosand the preserver of
this great nation.
Using a common
phrase, we are strictly
in it on Hosiery,
We have by far the best val
ues in Fast Black Hose that
have ever been brought to our
city or any place else.
Ladies Fast Black
Hose at 4, 7, 8, 10,
12 yi, 15 and 25c that
that are bargains.
Children's Hose equal
ly as cheap.
Mens Fast Black
Seamless Socks
Only 10c per pair.
going to try and do still better this year. We
See Myers
Senators Quay nnil Toller Discuss the Bond
Issue Question.
Washington. Fob. 7. Tho bill repeal
ing in toto nil federal laws regulating
tho control of congressional elections has
passed both houses of congress and only
wnlte tho signature of President Clove
land to become- a law. After several
wooks of discussion tho senate Wednes
day finally came to a vote on the houso
bill repealing the fedornl election laws
and it passed by a vote of 89 ayea to 28
naj'B., Feb. 7. By n voto of 175
to 57 the house Wednesday adopted tho
resolution condemning Minister Stevens
and sustaining the Hawaiian policy of
Mr. Cleveland.
Washington', Feb. 8. Tho right of
tho secretary to issue bonds nt this time
was again the subject of controversy in
the senate Thursday. Senator Stewart's
resolution camo up under tho rule, and
Senator Butler's motion to refer it to tho
judiciary committoo was tho only oppo
sition. Senator Quay took a decided
stand in favor of disposing of tho matter
in open session, instead of giving it a do
cent burial by referring it to a committoo
from which it would never omorged, and
intimated Senator Sherman gave to tho
country an apparent justification of Sec
retary Carlisle's action when tho Ohio
senator clearly knew it to bo illegal. A
strong speech was made by Senator
Tollor, in which ho deprecated tho do
plorablo financial condition of the coun
try, nnd called upon his Republican col
leagues to bear their fair sharo of the re
sponsibility of tho causes and not attempt
to throw upon tho Democratic party tho
entire burden of devising remedies for tho
impending panic. Tho question went
Tho sonato then resumed its old prac
tice of adjourning from Thursday until
Washington, Feb. 8. Tho deadlock
on Bland's silver seigniorage bill was
broken after four hours of filibuster
ing Thursday, after which by a voto of
100 to 40 the houso carried Mr. Bland's
motion to going into committoo of the
whole for consideration of bis bill. Tho
eastern Democrats and tho great mass of
Republicans made a determined opposi
tion. On tho final vote 100 Democrats
and all tho Populists voted with him,
whilo 23 Democrats joined with tho Re
publicans in refusing to voto. It is thor
oughly understood quite number of
Domocrata who voted with Mr. Bland
wero in favor of certain mollifications of
tho bill, although they would not carry
thoir opposition to tho extent of voting
ngainstycousidcration. It is also well
known the administration ia opposed to
tho bill in its present form.
Wabiuxqton, Feb. 0-Th entire
dflv in tb houw JWdjT WH CcWukl'td
Snecial Bnrenin in Outing
Flannels at 5c that are usually
sold for 10c.
We have some splendid pat
terns in other grades at 10 and
Fine Scotch ,
Finish Ginghams,
Regular price 15c. we are gO'
ing to 'sell during this ' sale at
10 ic per yard.
Special bargain in
At flc, regular price IOc.
trade was poor, our trade was steadily increasing, W sold more
had the kind of goods that were wanted, and we sold ihem at
in Iho debate on tho Bland seigniorage
bill, the speakers being Messrs. Bland,
C. W. Stone, McKcighan, Harter, and
Kilgoro. It is expected a voto on tho
bill will bo reached Tuesday and Mr.
Bland is confident it will pass.
Washington, Feb. 10. Today was
set osido for eulogies upon the lifo
of tho late Representative O'Neill
(Pa.), and Senator Stanford (Cal.),
but on account of tho death of
Mr. Houck (O.), that order was. vacated
and tho houso adjourned out of respect to
the memory of tho dead Ohio representa
tive. Washington, Feb. 13. A new turn
was given Monday to tho silver discus
sion in tho houso by Mr. Bland's an
nouncement that he would move at a
later day to amend tho pending bill so
that silver certificates would be issued
only as fast as silver dollars wero coined
with the added authority to the secretary
of tho treasury to issuo the certificates in
advance of the coinage if he so desired.
This change is designed to overcome ono
of tho main objections of Secretary Car
lisle to tho bill. This objection is shared
by many members of tho house to such
an extent that the passago of the seig
niorago bill was in doubt. The change
now proposed by Mr. Bland obviates the
objections so that tho passage of tho seig
niorage bill is regarded as certain.
On motion of Mr. Perkins a bill author
izing tho extension of tho timo for the
construction of a high wagon bridgo
across the Missouri river at Sioux City
was passed. On motion of Mr. Meikcl
John (Neb.) a bill granting a charter to
tho Iowa-Nebraska Pontoon Bridge com
Over Post Office
pany to construct a wiago across tho
Missouri river at Sioux City was passed.
Washington, Fob. 12. Tho Hawaiian
controversy occupied the principal time
of tho senate Monday. Senator Gray
(Del,) opening his argument in defense ot
tho policy of President Cloveland. His
Bpecch was devoted principally to an at
tempt to provo tho complicity of Minis
ter Stevens with tho revolutionists. He
did not conclude his Bpooch. An inter
esting incident of tbo session was tho
presentation by Senator Cullom of a pe
tition signed by 30,000 woolgrowors of
tho west protesting against the wool
schedule in tho new tariff bill.
Senator Pettigrow presented a resolu
tion directing tho socretary of agricul
ture to report to tho Mbato tho amount
of wheat in tho country March 30 last,
tho total yield and the amount now in
tho country.
WAaiiNaTON, Feb. 18. The Hawaiian
resolution was again tho subject of dis
cussion in tho seuato Tuesday. Senator
Gray rammed his argument in support
of the president's policy and reiterated
his charges that tho revolutionists wero
dependent on the United States and
forces for support and protection and for
tho mointenacb of their government.
WA6UINGTON, Fpb 1R- TI !..
Turkey Red
Table Cloths
Only 16c per yard,
One lot of Window
Shades on spring
rollers only 17c each
One lot ot
Usually sold by most dealers
at 10c, our sale price 6c.
Special Advance Sale on La
dies Spring and Summer Under
wear. Tome and ice them.
invite you to come and
spent tho day Tuesday in debnto on tho
seigniorage bill, tho principal speeches
being thoso by Culberson (Tex.) in favor
of tho measure and Coombs (N. Y.) in
opposition. Several times Mr. Bland at
tempted to reach an agreement for clos
ing general debate, with a viow to secur
ing a vote, but objection was mode.
Over 40 members havo asked for timo to
speak and it may be possible a spe
cial order will be required to bring tho
bill to a vote, although Mr. Blond dooa
not think this method will havo to bo re
torted to.
Real Estate Transfer.
Real estato transfers for tho weok end
ing February 10, furnished by tho Fort
Abstract company, bonded abstractors:
Jacob L. Millor to Farmers and
and Merchants banking com
pany, undividod interest
Fairviow add w d 580 00
David Smith to AUa B. Swoezy
lots 8, 9, 10, Persons add w d ' 100 00
Robt, R. Randall ot al to Dan).
Irahoff so and b4 ne
1959wd fiOOO 00
John Marsh et al to W. Albors
nw qr 18 .') 11 w d 1100 00
Jonatbun D. Campbell to Ro
hnnna C. Rawls, so qr no qr
17 1 10 w d C00 00
Julia J. Warrou to John Hoi-
vorson, lot 2.'! and Gl.block 21
Smith nhd Mooro's add. w d. 600 00
Edward II Funko to Mary J.
Shirloy, lot 3 and 4, block 13
Roeomont,wd 1510 00
Barbara Shrador to Joseph
Sohrador si n H 22-3-9 450 00
Jonathan D. Campbell to Ro
hannu C. Rawls s o J n o
17-1-10. wd COO 00
SubIo Sohnson uud T. W. Har
rington n w qr 34-3-10 wd. . . 2C00 00
C. il. & Q. It. It. to John
Bor't b w qr 7-3-12 wd ' 9G0 00
' 811130 00
Dr. Sawyer' Family Core onres hind
Dr, Bawysi's Family Cure cures bib
Dr. Bnwyer's Family Cnrooures kidney
dinioulty. Deyo t Grlct.
E. L. Ingalls has takon obargo of tho
new shoe atoro at Hampton.
in .
Low Kates to the South.
On February 13th, Burlington Routo
agents will sell round-trip tiokntfl at tho
one-way rate, to all points in Texas and
tho south. ABkthonenrest ticket agont
for information about routcp, stopover
etc., or write to J. Francis, G. P. & T, A.'
Burlington Route, Omaha, Nob.
For Farm Loans
Ladies Shoes,
Ladies Oxfords,
Childrens Shoes,
We feel very proud of our line
of Shoes, as we have a splen
did line. If we can save you
from 25c to $1 on a pair of
shoes, we ought to have your
trade, and we know we can do
Our Hand Turned
Ladies Shoes at $3
per pair are equal to
many shoes sold at $4
and $5 per pair.
We have other graded nt 91.35,
81.9, 81 7 A, 93 and $2.50 tliut
are extra vuIucb.
see us.
Sc CO.
We havo sent out a largo number of
bills this week todolinguontsubscribors,
nmounting to many hundred dollars, and
wo must nsk thoso who owe us to remit
ut onco as wo can not nlford to carry so
much on our books. Our subscribers
will therefore take notice and
Notice ot Sale.
Adam Mohart, Plaintiff
Anna K. Frlble
William A. Mitchell
Cliarlus A. Mitchell
Kobert a. Mitchell
James V. illtWull.
Vntlpn I. Ilnrahv frtvnn .Lit It. m..ntMA
..w..ww . ..w.i,f ..v tint., ... iiu:)u.iit;u ul
an order of Hon. V. B. K&ill, .ludKO nt tho dis
trict court of Webster county, initio on tho
31st day of October 1893, for the salo of the
real estate herein after described, them will
he sold at the east door of tho court houso In
Webster county on the 19th day f Mnrch 18M,
nt 2 o clock n. in., at public eiulue to the blub
est bidder lor cash, the follnnlns doscilbed
real estato, to-wit i Lots 3 and 4 In block 4, In
tho orlKlnul t iwn. now city, of lted Cloud,
Nebraska as shown and deslfniated on tho re
corded ilut i horror.
Hald salo will remain open one hour.
I) .1. MVEItS,
,,..., lieferoes.
. Dated February 15.1601.
John m. Chafvi.v
Attorney for I'JaluUu and Iteforces.
Endless Varieties of
Columbia River Red Salmon,
Mackerel, White Fish, Hoi
land Herring, Smoked Her
ring, Kipperd II. Lobster, Im
ported and Domestic Sardines,
Oysters, Green Turtle Meat,
Terrapin, Brick and Old Ocean
Codfish, Smoked Halibut and
Others too numerous to mention.
, . ... ,.