twMMWiwi'ffwoyMPH tk JfflMP , y ?' ' ' I l'f '' v lJ, J i Ji'lUHRaWP'' r .'fAfiy! Vr7J i vs ) All Home Print. THE CHIEF PuMUhcd Weekly. SabicrlptUn, 91 Per Annum, variably 1st Advance It Dot paid In advance, nfter this daie March 18, UW, Hi price w Ill be 11.25. Entered at the Post omce In lied Cloud, Neb., as mall matterof the second elms RATH OK AtlVKliriSIVrt Trot, cards, 1 Inch or lead pur year to on "Is months 3 ()0 Three mouths 'i oo STANDING AUVKKTIBKMBSrri. Per lnchnuoear : 1 oo Per Inch lx months 3 no rerinch threa months '1 W ppoclal notices per line or lino spoco, tlrst putillcntlouScenUi. Transient specials, paable Invariably In ad vance, per lino to centi. All reading uotlcei In the naturoot advertise ments or puffs, scents per lino. Legal notices at leiml lates, lzt for ft square iten lines o( Nonpareil or less,) tlrst publication 1.00; for each subsequent publication, per intntre, go cents. Ho "preferred position" contracts mado. All matter to insuio publlcutlou must be re ceived nt this ofllco not later tliun Wednesday. Advertisements cannot be. ordered out lur the current week later thau Thursday. M. & M. R. II. Time Table. Taking ellect Dec, 3. Trnlnscarr jlm; passenger leave Ited Cloud as follows: EA31' VIA HASTINGS. No. 142 Passenger to Hasting ' 2:30 p. m. Ainu vi. No. 1(1 Passenger (ram Hastings 11:35 a.m. EAST VIA WYMOKK No. IB, rassencer to St. Joseph St. Lo uls and Ckfcaeo dally io:25a.ui, (101KU WEST. No. IS Passengers for Donver, dally, B;5S p. in BUSINESS CARDS. QR. J. S. EMIUU, Dentist, Rid Cloud, - Nebraska. var Taylar'a Furniture Stare. V tK-rtracta teeth without naln. ''"- sfsw-i'-' l ll.l(,Ko work a ipeclaltr. AVJ '. ' Sand all kinds of gold nlllrurs V"1 k kTat.. fA ulKeV s, 1 tbber plates and combination unites. All work k feed te be first-class. I W. TULLEYS, M. D. llomaapatble Physician, Red Cloud, NebroiKa. Office opposite Vlrst National Dank. U. H.Kxamlnlng surgeon. Chronic diseases treated by mall. o. L. WINFIIEY, Auctioneer. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. Will attend sales nt reasonable figures. Batls- taction Kuaritnteeu, I H. 8MITII, Insurance) Agent, RED CLOUD. NEBRARKa. I de a strictly farm insarnnoe and invite bbu luvnonu vu sou me. ASE & McNITT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Moon Block, - RED CLOUD, NEB. Collodions promptly attended to, and correspondence solicited. -TRUNKEY & POTTER, Attorneys at Law. Red Cloud, Nebraska. Office Up staira, in Moon Block, R P. HUTCHISON, Tonsorlul Artist, 4th Avinoe, - Rkd Cloud, Nbbbaska. Firet-class barbers and tlrst-olass work gnarantoed O i ye me a call D STOFFER, Fusnlonubl Barber, Red Cloud, Nebrnirita. T oiva mv narsnnnl attention t tny patrons. Firat-olaBri abnvlng and hnir cutting a specialty. AMI AS. SCUAFFNIT, litiiiriinco Agency, Itepresents , . . (lernmn Insurance Co , rreeport. 111. Iloyal lusuianc- Co., Liverpool. Kngland. Hatne Fire Iiisuranco Co.. of Onialiu, Nebr.l VlKfiitx Asjuranet Co. n( London. Kim. To Manchester Klro AsuiancuCo el ngland, (luardlan Assurance Co., of Uindnii, K"K; llurl nttou insurauret u. .""l""-;""" Hrllish America Assurance Co. Toronto. Can. Mutual Iteseiui Kiiml Life ntviu.ot N-.,. Tho Workman liuildlng and J)n Association of Lincoln, Nebraska OITloe ovur Mizor'a Store, Run Cloud. Nkbrabka D. B. Spanogle, Real Estate and Loan Agun Red Cloud. Sternal Vigilance is the What is M . HIjtvL. tH iH m m A9ft wkZ iMk4 Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants aud Cliildrcn. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing; Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantco is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms aud allays fcvcrlshncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation aud flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers haro repeatedly told mo of Its cood effect upon their children." Da. O. C. Oiwoon, Lowell, Mass. " Castoria Is tho best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope tho day U not for distant w hen mothers will consider tho real Interest of their children, and uso Castoria in aicod of the variousnuack nostrums which are I, q destroying-their loved ones, by forcing opium, f 'morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agent down their throats, thereby Ecuaing them ty premature groves." Da. J. F. KiMcnELo'i, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, T7 -eFiN PENMAN HAS THEM A nice lino of Jewelry, Diamonds, Chains, Rings, Bracelets, Scaripins Cuff and collar button-, neck cliulm, luce pint, stick plim, cluirins, etc. Dated and solid sllverwnre, souvenir sioons. pea'l haflilled hnlvei and forks. eaiNlim ett, culllnurcard cases, lieu bnn boxes and other imrllte. A line line of spectacles and rje elnsses with InterchauKahle letixes, steel, nickel silver and told (rallies, Spec! tl nud careful at- telilion pain 10 uiuiiKiue ev. jut line oi znu hand watches Is quite lare. I will run them on at less than (helractual worth. tST"Ilnng your watch, clock and Jewelry ie pair wrk, onr etwravniK and your old gold ami surer i inc. Henry CnoK'i Driiff Store. . J57. COZA.D Hns n fino line of Sowing Ma chines and Organs from $25 upwards. Alto keeps all kinds or Itlueliine guppllvs. Docs repairing promptly. Call and see inc. IT Price of Liberty," and Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, February Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children thai I recommend it 03 superior to any prescriptlcc known to inc." H. A. Ancnitt, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St , llrooklyn, N. Y. 11 Our physicians In tho children's depart mnt luivo spoLcn highly of their expcrl inco in tlielr outsldo practice with Castoria, nml although wo only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular product, yet wo aro free to confess that tho ineriui of Castoria has won us to look with favor uion it." UNITBD UoSP(TAI.-AMDj)lrRIIIABr,, IlOkton, Mail Alucn C. Sitrru, Prei., Murray Street, Nov York City. Partr Loarjs At Less Tliart - 7 Pgr ceit E. A Sinipsoi, Blae Hill Neb. I.e(iil Kotlce. 6TATH OF NKHUAfKA I ,, Webster County f " In the County court. In the matter o( the estate of Anna Kadileck: notice Is heri by Klven to all persons limine claim and demands against Anna Hadileck late of Webster county deceased, that the time tixed for tlllni; claims nuliist raid entate Is six mtnttiH Iiom tho'Jd davot .Miucli 18'JI. ll siuli persons aiu retiutred t present thotrclaiius wlih the voueln-is te the ceuutv Juditnnf said county ntlils nfllea theieln en er helointno :id dnv oi September INt, Mid all cWhnsso (lied will ho heard before tin kald fiidt'oou the 4th day of September at lw o'clock p. III. Witness mv signature this ud day tf I'ebiiiury lis'Jl. JAMIXH DllFFV. County .ludne. CiiHt A: .lIcMU, Attorney. tn tliu DMrifl Court or Iho Tenth .littllcial District let mid l'or Wehktcr t'oun- ly, NcbruMku. In tho matter of tho estate of John Crow ell, (IrCI ilSI'll . , , Wheieas Donald McC.illum administrator of thn i stale uf John Cinwell, dectased, has on (lie 1st day of Keluuaiy IS'A tiled his prtltlnn in lllu HlMiToeutltieii loiill asKiui,' inereiu inr lrav tos'll the following deK'iibed leal estate the piopeity of culd etat, tn-wlt; West half nlihe iioriliritst Hint to r mid the Ilast halt ( tint Nnitliwent fpiaiterof section six Tonushii no iHiutHUlu west of lliojdxlll pllnoipal mer liliiiu Webster county. Nebraska, mid allejjlnc Hint there Is not mifilclent iroual iirnperiyet Kld eitale in tu nanus or in amninisira.or top iv the debts eiitslaudluir against kslil es tate iiud the expinsus f auinliilsirullou, and Hint ft necessaiy In pell whl iral estate or a ii.ii t thereof to pity nucIi debts. V.n Ib.icfoio I. I'. II. Heal ImlL'eof the tenth judicial district heiithy older all persons Inler-rst-'i In mid eslut1 to before me at the court linnno In llasilucs, Neliriiskii. on the lyih. ilat ef Mnich IKM.nilOaViock .1 in. then and therein dhow iMiise If any he wlir license tn vi. l sii hi ic:u est lie or nil I ercor si i ns I'VVcdTo'rimlnTulator:8 8l'miW ',ul .I..da. Tenlh.Iudle.a'lf'iTrllt. Diti'dat iiastiiin.our.isKii. tuts ami nay oi I'Uiruurs IS'-". Curt Kvutifl husovorythingyou want in lliuHCcotid-hutut Cumituro lino. Scohim Uluo Front, south Wobster street. One Dollar a year is what us. To sec a man tun his fact) for cnal And swear no can't pav to iie his Ami then ltd nut mid t:iki mi u Ho litMvy that ho run hardly whk. If them Is any plan' like the preachers say, i mil man iii lie rnasien urown inim'nay, 'lhe fair oncn, too, sninel lines co wroinj And do uhat llicv cm tohi'lpalmiR, II) runiilHu upaiiililnvMi thosiieet Ami kit pltiir ciisilii fresli (not sweet) lilllni: thelt nelulilioiM tight .sipi.tic In tho luck; 'Iho siuiiihl hi hllu their tongues and haul In Then Hie (aimer that stn3 In town all il.iy. uinsiacK: n (In- (inn l.i' ts Ills tcmn dilnk ' ; uiun h mid eat nost liav. While heBoUes with the sllser problil Siuely Hid ilnWI oiikIiI to uolihle lilm in, Then'a alo tho ulrl who lives next door ho poumls I hi' ilano all oer tho Hour, And sings (or thinks stic iliics nt least) Hut It Miiinds llko Intuitu1 of :i lengo.tied henst, While wo lie In bed and "cuss" and swe;r, It'll be pretty hot for her out (here. Tuns a stranger came umong us; ('nine to dims much of gomlunss, For ho was a slick, oiunoth stiauger; Came he not loretml or silver; 'I bus hi" talked, t hut smoothtongued .stranger; tliitiila, thogiKiil man nklnnml us Ion loely llntsh akluued us; Iliiun It up to suit a ipieHii's t.isto, 'I lien he left us hor to pnuder, Pointer well upon III J nubject l'or lie told ui wo were suckers And wo know it now. ITAI.IX. Wliiit un Income Thx In. fallen from tho New York 1 ribune To tii'k Editou of thk Tuiiiune: Sllii-Will Mr. Iloir kindly explain in The Weekly Tribune I he operation of the income tax ? Hew do its advocates4 claim tbat it can bo levied so an to bo even approx imately just in tho distributioa of burdens ? u hat is understoed by the tfyord "income" in this connection? Salatjsi, rents of real eitalo, intcrtst .on4fooy loaned will all theso bo taxable as income? How is u mer chant's or a manufacturer's income deteimined ? I am entirely at sea in regard to this question, but so I find art a great in any who try to aruo pro and eon. If Mr. dorr will favor the readers of Tho Tribune with one of his lue'd explanations, I believo that a qood number of people will understand tho siibjtct better than they do now, Yours Respectfully, M. C. Fiutsoiie. Osierdook, Iowa, Jan. 2G, 1801. In reply to this important letter, I in compelled to giro simply my own understanding of such a law. I do not Mipposo that the term income has a technical mcaninc. An income tax has been levied for many )cars in Great Britain, and was enacted in this country during tho war of 18C1-'C3, and enforced until 1871, when at the olosc of tho year tho tax expired under the provisions of the original bill. As I understand it, under this law a tax would bo levied on the amount received by caoh individual, including (1) salaries, (2) rents on real estate over and above repairs, inHuraucc and .taxes; (.'() all interest and dividends received on bonds, stocks or moneys loaned; (4) tho net profit received in mercantile business, manufacturing, the buying and selling of bonds and grain; aad (5) tho profits of every other kind of commercial tranxaetiotiH. Tliu object of an incomes tax is to compel every person in tho United States to pay 2 per cent of all the tuouoy ho makes in each year over and above $1,000, which letter sum is ex empted fromtaxation in all cases. If the tux is to bo honestly paid, tho re sult of each jsar's business will bo carefully kept by nself, nud tho amount each poison has actually mado during that year, when tho amount exceeds tho sum of $(,000, will be subject to u tax without any regard to tho kind of biisincrs in which the Biouev has been made. Tho Icshcs of ono Near would not be allowed for do- 1 ,ton ttom ,iie income of nnv other iUCllon irom me hiluiiii oi niij uuicr Mtrchnnts. f.itinors. lninom and I . i manufacturers wouM a1 be required ,,inU n" CXi0t r0'Ort f ,1,(! l,rflt 0f a ,,r their t raiiiuotioiir.: and tliu . - ,,-, ltiootno iioiii nuy una uvory Kinu oi btiHitiusB over and abnvu thu propir exponfos would ho subject to this lux. Ouo of tho gravest objections to an the Price of The Chief. 16, 1894. income tix is the fact that it compels caoh individual to make a showing of his ontiro receipts, a thing against which every business man naturally revolts. No suoh tax can possibly bo levied with any drgrco of success without proceedings which arc inquis itorial and meddling to a degroo which ih absolutely olTonsivo to all busincBS men. The qucBtioti of Mr. Fritsoho as to how such a tax can bo levied justly, so us to equalize burdens, is difficult to answer. In the first place, the ex emption of $1,000 is of necessity in equitable. The intention of such an exemption is that $1,000 is enough to pay the expenses of living, because under this bill a man is not allowed to make out his own personal expanses or the exponscs of his family ia order to rcdueo his income. An exemption of 1,000 is, in many of the cities of tho United States, moro thau twico ni much on such an exemption would bo in thi. city of New York. A man cm live in tho greater portion of the United States inuoh better on $4,000 a year thin ho can in tho eity of Now York on $10,000. To begin with, a houBe which would rent in a modcrato sized tows lor ;Ul or uuu a yoar costs from $l,u00 to 2,000 in tho city of New York. In making so large an exemption as $1,000 the Wilson bill makes t de parture from the inoomo taxes former ly levied in England and iu tho United Stales. In England an income tax is levied on all sums oyer and abovo $500. Be tween $500 and $750 they collect a lower percentage than on greater in comes. Tho incomo tax levied in 18G3 in the United States at first exempted only $000. It levied 5 per cent on all sums abovo that amount up to 5,000, 7 percent on incomes betwcee $5,000 and $10,000, and 10 per cent on sums abovo $10,000. Tho cxetup tion was afterward ra'sed to $1,000, later on to $2,000. The largest amount collected was in 18(10 and amounted to 01,000,000. It was paid by about a half a million individuals. When the exemption was itiorcased to $2,000, tho tax colloctod fell oS more than ene-half. Only about 20,000,000 was collected iu 1870, although the ralo was a very hie;h ono. I havo before me a receipt given by a United Statoi deputy collector to a noi chant in New Yoik City for the tax on tho lattcr's incomo in tho year 1800. I omit tho geutlenian's name by request. It reads: "Incomo not exceeding $5,000. Amount $4,500, at 5 per cent, $220. ''Incomo exceeding $5,000, $5, 842 55, at 10 per cent, $581.24. Total, $80124. "Tux withheld $10 09. "Tax on carriagu $2. Tax on piano $2. "Tax on gold watch $2. "Amount of tax il'J'J.b'i. "Received paymont, Samuel S. A) mar, Deputy Collector." The man who returned that tax was a merchant in partnership with two other gentkmou. Both of tho other men paid no tax nt u'l. They hud re ceived the same amount from tho same business but claimed to havo lost it all in some e peculation in Wall street or otherwise, so that thoy escaped tho law entirely. In theory an incomo tux seems just und fair. Iu practice it is imposfiblo to carry out tho law with even an ap proach of fairnes. The levy of a tux of that kind is always evaded by the great bulk of the people, It Is, indeed, difficult for cvtu an honest man to tell how much h ouylit to ro- I turn, l'or metallic, in thu oidiuary Vol.21. No. 30 . aW Elnvfdfrw Absolutely Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all iu leavening strength Latest United States Government Food Report. Iloynl Baking Powder Ce. IOO Wall 1., N. Y. eeaemfaamaimemejaifaeaaaeaaiaitljameje transaction ef business a man may ia vest largely in real estate or other property, fiuoh property may shrink in valuo or gain in value. If lie should sell it during tho year aad roxlizo a profit, it would then bo easy to tell how uiuoh he had gained. But before any sale is made he is unable tostato whether tho iovestmast mado ia a profitable or a poor one. At least, it is impossible to tell what the roal increase in tho value of such property has been. Two or three years may clapso before he makes a sale. it no hciib lor less than no gave, thoy will not permit him to deduct the loss he may have suflfored, because tho inoomo tax only relates to the business of the year. If he sella at au advanced price, the transaction is yet ono running over several years; and ho does not considor his gain a profit on that j ear's business. At least, ho would not so consider it. It' compelled to pay to Iho government 2 per ecnt of the entire riso whioh had taken plaoo in tho few years. (To bo continuod.) Whon undesirable goods accumulate, tho whoiils of business nro clogged. W. I. Church, of Staanton Post, O. A. It., snys: '! havo tried noarly every cough remody but found nothing tooopare with Parks' Cough Hyrnp. I have Buffered ever ttinoo my discharge from tho army and Perks' Cough Syrup is tho only rem edy that has ever helped me." Tho firm of Lainson Bros., at Aurora Neb., was closed under a chattel mort gage last Tuosday. If you bare auffored fiotn Stomach trottblo, Ollllousness or Bowel difficulty uso Dr. Kawyer'a Family Cnre. Deyo & G rice. An agricultural .laboror in India is supposed to rccoivo 0 cents a day. My family uso Dr. Sawyer's Family Care for Indigestion. My family use Dr. Sawyer's Family Curo for Billionsnesf, Deyo A Grico. My Family uso Dr Sawyer's Family ' Curo for Constipation. i - Jewell Hroa., of Platto Center, have cloarod $10,000 oil sugar bcots in the past two yours. 9 m i Money eannot buy a remedy equal to Dr. Sawyer's Family Care for Indigestion, Dllliousnuss, Kidney diffloultj etc Deyo it O rice. ii Tin hardware store of Nesbitifc Rogers of Fromont, hus been closed by creditors. O. W. O. Hardman, bherift of Tyler Co., W. Va., appreciates a good thing and does not hesitate to say so. fie was almost prostrato with a cold whon ho procured a botllo of Chatnborlnin'ti Cough Remedy. He says: ''It gave inn prompt relief, I And it to be an invaluable rtmeJy for eoughH and colds." For salo by Deyo & Orloe. It a debirablo urtielo id purchased low, its salo is already ussurcd. Mrs. , M. Lettis, of th's p'ae; bad boeu troubled with rheumatism iu the arm so badly that she could not use her arm nt all. One half of a (JO cent bottle of Chamberlain' Pain llalm effeoted a cure. U. J. Nkavkh, druggist, Wavorly, N. Y This is nn article of freat worth and merit, nnd is becoming famous for its cases of rheumatism, Ono application relieves tho pain. For salo by Deyo und (Irlce. an m ( A wwaiwiiawajsttaWt 'i Airnwn,iiiNTMi.ii i