The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 09, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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- aW.2MiflF
maiu: a ui;im:s.s or
Soiling the Best Drills
and Medicines to be had M
In their IMiai'iiiacy l)urliiieiil they compound nil ? ??
tllluiliafcf Iftiau ititi..l'..ll.. ..... ... i ..a ....!... ' (
Stationery, Periodicals, Papers, &c.
Now is the Time !
G. A. Harris
am closinsr out mv
and boys Leather Boots at Cost, also
Men's Underwear, Overshirts and
All winter goods at greatly reduced prices.
Come early before the sizes are broken,
IIo, There
Farmers !
Hitch Up !
Uul lnTorc you do come around
IlanunK nIiou and buy a new m;I
or liuiid.iiiiKlu liariie. Iluve
rcdiifi-d ull kooiIh In the liur
iiunh Hue. Here are a lew or
our irlcB:
8.12 00 lmrncsa for
HO.OO " '
t23.()0 " "
i!7.00 . " "
120.00 " "
Anil nil rooiIb in jirojiortlon
... usrxi
,... il7.()l)
,... 11(5.00
.... '25.00
All work
tjunraiueci Kopalrinu' unit
tlouo on filinrt nntico. J. O.
Lcual Kofiec.
KlatHiifNelirnska. Vlntr eounty.
'In all piM-MMii liitHiested In llitf OiU'lo ol
Whiiieim, W c. KnmlinKy on thu ami day ol
Jaiiuaiy. IB4. Il'ud Ills mllleil nppllcalloii In
tin- enmity com I of our nnld enmity of ehil''i
iilleulUK that l.uther KaiiiliH a laM of, mid
ommlv died In sild enmity on tliead ilny id
.Inniiiiry. 1WI, InteMnti', and that said i .
Kmnln-Kii In the son ot .ild decrmed.nnd
pi.ivliiL- that letters ntiiilinlnl'tiaiHjn nuv Iisiih
I. All Met' II in thn pienilirB Wheielijion 1
h.ivti iipiiiiliitod .itill''a. the I7lh day of I eli.
lii.iry, l.vil.nt ii' o'clock In tlm loin i.on at in
otllco In said louiny, as ilio tlimiaud plaeo fin
11 lit.urllii. nil sll.f lllllllllMtlllU llllll Ull H rSllll'
Interested mayuppiHr and Injw eaijn if mij'Ii
exisis wli tho prajur of said application ho
liiti urameii . . . ,, . ,
Itlsfnitliernrdori'illlmt s-ilit applicant clvi;
liotleo In ll peisnns llit.r'-sled ill sml ei'nle ol
tlm pendency of the apphei tlon and tho llnw
and plnp H' I for hearliw of Iho s nun by cam
liiir a riy of Hits older in bH I'Oblldied In I UK
IlKI). Ci.nll I'liiKC. a eelilv in'iviwiiitr
pi luted In Mi'd Wiib-torctmtl-vfiirlMee wei k
Hin-eriKlvely. pluvious to thu llmu set for ald
"Vltiios my nfTlolnl hlunatiito and thi".il of
thu eniintv eniirt nf our snld county ot ulntei
this 30th day of .lannaiv.isJi,
lAMi'S Durrv.t inintv Judu"
vTho Wobstor County .Mutunl 1'iotec
tioiiund Autl lloreo-'Thief iissoeintion
uu'pfs In Cowles, tho .last Haturdny of
cni tnoiuii, ui- ' '
. rii...... if...,,.. ., 13....
;Wr meefs n Cowles, the -last Haturdny of Ht.eB.r.goMh I
m V m. m Tfwwi.j ttnit BBBBBBBSaUafaJMlaaUakBBBBBBB .
XllUli i.UlfliOli.i QVUi
Popular i)nij4"ists)i
entire itock of Men's
i 1UIMSTIAN Church-Services Smulnviit wan
it m Mini 7:30 p in: ttiiiiiluv school nt12 ixxfn
Y 1' H G i: lit 0:3U m unci Y i' S C U Junltrs at
4pm. ,
CONUUKCATIONA!. Clmroli Sorlci-s nt lo
an 11 in, nml :.iiii in; Sniidav chonlnt 1 1 :3n
a in, Y V s i: at a-:-o p in ami Vl'SC 15 Jun
Imsnt 4 in.
MKTIIOIMST riitiifli eivlce lit 10: . m
iuii17::i0i. in., I'inwniih League at 0:30 p
III. SlIllllHV Sl'llOllI lit fli-TOp. in.
l,si'ISC01', ( Imrcli St-rv
1 i week?, liy npimlutmciit.
lees every two
r UTIIEIUN rhurcli Ksery third Stitul.iy
inonilnir at in oVIook,
(lAniOUCCliurcli-Servlcvs by appointment.
IJAl'VISr Church No remilar servlcei. Sun
" ilajtliool (regular) at noon. 11V 1' U at
n:,v i in
:.' i in .
p It A I'Kli Mindav school ni3 p ui every Sun-
A OU W K.icll tiltcrniitu Tueulu) even In
I'.N Ailliem I)di;o Xo 180; 10 O Kcvervllou-
iAI.ANTIIi:i.oiltfeNo'J9, KnlhtB of I'ytlmw
Tliimil.iv fvi'iiltic.
1''I)CIoiiiI l.oil't' Nil cut. Motloill Wooilineli
iifAniiTliM. altemiilu Weilnesilay eelilui
VA1.I.KY l.odio No r., Fraternal Order of I'm
' luctoii, llrsl and third Munda of each
(MIAUM'Y Loilu'ii Nn H A V and A i ciicll
-' l'i liluy cvi-nlim on orliffnrolliu full monii.
ljr.D Cloud Chapter No 19,
'Him mI.i) evi'iilim.
U A M alternate
C'VIU'.Ni: Cnminaudery No 14 altcrimtoTliiira
' iliy ereiilii.
MIAH1TY Chapter
' nato Tiii'vilm e
r Kastorn Hlar No 4. alter
rjAliriKi.l) I'ostNoHMl a It Monday even
v tuu on or lieluru tho full moon.
UM'IP.I.ll W It C Nn It imw-tu .-illi.iiiuto Knt.
MAIIY ei:i:ilrt MrlllCNUYTeiitNoUlUimlit.
ib of Vi' Mondaveieiiliia.
KAI.KY Camp No 23, S of V 'lucjday cvo-
CJllKltMANCIicluNoa, Indies of tho O
J II i st and third rfatiinlay eve iitm;.
A It
i pr.D ri.OlTUConnpil Nn IS IiyalM)silo !.
' t Ion ot Alitcilea llrst and third Friday eve-
, ulnu'
rami loaiiM.
1 havo u few ttiouimnd oollars ot pn
vain money to loan on first cIubh farms
on ilvo years tinio or Iobh.
GKO. W. llAltlJKIl.
Public auction February 10, 18!)1, nfl
I), in., at my rcsidonco ?i block wcBt and
I block north of iiost-olllcu in Red Cloud,
XobniHku, 1 Norman innru 5 joins old
this siirlnu; U Hainiltonian hnrBo 5
years old; 1 Inst sprin'n colt; !1 cominj;
three years old; 1 registered Jersey bull
Uypsrsold; 1 full blood Jorsoy cow fjiv
uiKiuIlk und com in k in, threo jours old;
1 cotninK ono year old full blood Jorsoy
Heifer; 1 laro cow coinini; in soon; 1
'xe and reoder pvcBsdrill combined.
Tirms of sale ton nioiuhsfronidiito with
to i por cont interest from date until
pa 1, purchaser niviiifj nulo withajiprov.
ed security. Col, (J. Ij. Vinfroy( auctio
ueer. K. lltm. tf.
nanm wHiiih ah iisi f&iis
Best l.'outih S,rup. Tories (iooil. UW
in iinio. rum iiToniKKinii
i.. ui
A Wiiiiiin C'ntrliei nml KIIM n SU-fool
A fow wools no tho crow of tho
tciilliii: Bchoonor Oscar hiul n llvoly
1 uxtiotiutit'o oil (layoiiuot. a Uttlu placo
, on Ynticouvoi' IdIiiiuI. Ono soul liml
I boon ciuiL'ht oarly in tho tuornlnir.
nml at about 10 o'clock tho huntor in
oao of tho uonts noticed two licmls
BOtno twenty yards In front of him. i
Tho foir partly ob;outed objects at
any distanoc. and tho huntor thought
mo iiuaus woro those or hoiii. lloHhot,
and tho discharge) was followed by a
sbilok of itfjony from oao of tho nn!
nails, wliloli at onco mndo for tho
boaU llio mon thon becamo awaio
tbnf .. linwrn fnm..1 ,..l..a I...I
............ hw .v....,,iu .fl.lllt- KUUIUIUU
nnd Infuriated, was aftor thorn. Sho
roso out of tho water, and crusplng
tho slito of tho boat with lior powor
ful tusltB, tried to ovorturn It. Thoro
was a Il(,'ht of several mlmitos. tho
men endeavoring to beat tho walrus
with oar blades and paddles. Finally
ti shot throu-'h tbo head killed hoi;
and alio was towod back to tho schoon
er ns tho groat prlo of tho sonaon.
Whales aro a common sight olT
Capo Mattery, and now and then a
fow will find their way Into Pugot
.Sound Not loujj ago a school of ten
or twolvo appeared In tho Tncoiua
harbor, and amused tbo people of tho
city by tbolr gambols In tho wutor.
Tho wliulu that cotnos hero Is not tho
common (iroonlnnd whnlo, but tho
California gray whalo, or llnback. Its
length varies from twonty-llvo to
thirty foot. Ono of tho largest fltli
found In these waters is tho sturgeon,
which runs up tho Columbia and tbo
othor rivers of Washington. Mrs.
Andrews was llshlng for porgles,
when sho saw near by a six-foot
sturgeon stranded upon tho sand, and
making furious attempts to reach
deep wutor. Mrs. Andrews Is a small
woman, but full of courage, su (.ol.
ing ti club, sho went for tho sturgeon
nml pounded it Into iauousibillty.
Thou sho called her husband who cut
it up into strips and dried Ito llesh.
An Indian llshiug It: tho Columbia
for salmon recently caught a big
shark. Tho Indian had u soinu. ono
end of which was nnchorod on tho
shoro. As ho was towing tho outor
end around a clrclo ho folt a strong
jerk on tho net. Ho promptly pulled
for tbo shore, and upon drawing tho
net in found that u huge shark was
lloundcrlng in tho inoabos. At llrst
tho Indian was Inclined to lot go of
tho not and cut It and let tho monster
escape, but bis sportsman's instinct
provallcd. and bo docldcd to try to
bring tho follow to land. Fastening
tho anchored end even more llrmty ho
proceeded slowly to draw up on tho
beach tho oilier end. As tbo shark
carao into tho snnllow wator It strug
gled moro and rnoro furiously to got
out Into tho dnep channel. So vera I
times it looked as If tho shark
would bo tbo victor in tho light, but
tho Indian hitched tho net ropes
around a young tree und kopt ovory
inch that ho gained.
Whenever tho shark would becomo
quiet for a moment tho man would
pull in a fow moro foct of tho not.
At last tho shark was whore tho In
dian could wade in nnd thrust a long
knlfo Into its vitals. Tho ilsh scumod
but very littlo disturbed by tho wounds
it received, and tho Indian must havo
stabbed It in fifty different places bo
foro It began to show signs of yield
ing. After about two hours of
struggling, during which tho wator
for yanls around becamo rod with
blond, tbo shark yielded to fate, and
was drawn on tbo beach. Whon
measured it was found to bo sixteen
foot lone, and Its weight was 1, .103
pounds. A seal unit a bturgeon.
partly digested, woro in tho stomach.
Tho Indians from tbo vicinity oagorly
seized upon tho tooth, which they uso
in making nccklacos.
Itcuiiirkable Career of mi
AkimI Wuuian
or Chill.
'Porhaps tho moat romnrkablo wo
roau in tho world lives in Santiago.
Chill," said ltobort A. Iionhnin, an
American who hasspontsovoral years
In South Amorlca. "Sho is appar
ently a well preserved woman of thlr-ty-llvo.
rather good looking, spry as a
girl, and is a pronounced cotiiotta
yot it is known positively that sho Is
eighty yours of ago, und may bo much
older. Sho has a granddaughter who
looks old enough to bo hor mother.
Thii remarkable woman Is of Spanish
extraction, a natlvo of Peru, mid bur
nnmo is lSoccktnan. hor second hus
band, now do ad, bolng a German.
Middlo-ngod nooplo aver that she
was a grown woman when thoy woro
children, and that sbo doos not look a
day oldor now than bIio did then.
Sho is rcjjardod with suporjtltlous
awo by tho moro Ignorant of tho na
tives, ovor whom sho could undoubt
edly oxorclbo great iuiluonco woro
hor morals not so notoriously bad.
Sho Is passlonatoly fond of dancing,
has a musical volco, snapping black
oyoa, and a beautiful sot of teeth.
Sho claims that sho owos hor wondor
ful prosorvatlon to a charm which an
old linlf.brond Indlnn doctor oxere'sud
ovor hor whon sho was a child. .Sho
says sho will neither grow old nor dlo
until tho charm Is broken.
Soma of tho natives oxprcss tho hi
liof that sho is in a leaguo with tbo
dovll. Sho got Into an altercation
with a young woman not long ago
and cut hor Borloualy, but tho latter
was afraid to ontor complaint ngnlust
hor lest sho should axorclso fauinn
baluful inlluonco ovor hor. It Is bind
that sho has many admirers, and id
soon to bo married to a young Chilean
ot considerable wealth."
All) (lilu lor l'euce.
GrecnoI wns ovor to Oldpop's tbo
other night, nnd tho baby began cry
ing for tho moon. Choosmau Ml
thoy spank tho littlo scamp? Greene
Not much, thoy didn't. Old pop
hont right over to tho Stocnth ttieol
theater und borrawod a property
ni oon.
a. i:. it.
AimIkiv, liril Clouil nml Itiiortoti,
tntilto nn koikI Hour nn it mtulo In tlm
bluti'. Why buy fnriMgu tumlo Hour
ivlicii Mitt I'liu Li'l JiiHt nn ixmnl n tntikciit
liotni', mid theroby lunkiMi liottor innrUet
fur tho fiuiuom wheat. You will lliuliill
brnmlA mtiilo nt tho nbovo tnillit nt Mc
N'itt'rt Produce oulumu.
More (ihiiIi nro boinn Hold for a dol
lar at tlto Clik'iico I'lothinn Storo than
nny wlioro duo in thirtoountry.
Anjono needing imintliiH. ItalroaiiniiiK
or itiiiir luuiKing will wivo inonoy by
,, ,aiK ,, ,. Hadlcy. Ib-iU'loud Ned.
L,. ,,.... . , .. mi ...,.
""I' ll,B' ,UM" "lnt "' """ul n,",l;
Children Cry for
Pitcher' Castorlaa
Not Ice to .Von-HciliU'iH Dtlciul
milt. Intlii'imtilct Court ot Webber Comity. Ne
braska. rrestnn II. Mbley lis evcutnr of tho Inst will
mid l''Si ni-iit of Mary 1'.. Knsworlh, de
ceased, pUlntHT,
John '.niketv, Sirah A .acken, W. 11. . I. irk-
"ii. exei'tiini' oi ine win mil ii'iianieal
of lleiirv, divriiii'il. V. .M ""tun,
llciiiv C l iillii. Cora May culler, The Ne
Ininika and K.uimh dun l.o.ui Co. and
llcorm' Wlnlou, dclcmUnts.
Tn.lnlili.leki'iy. A Z-lckery, Vv I".
,lni'lciiiii,i'ei'iiloi ol' III" lait will ami listauii'lit
or llcnn McCiirnial.ilcTaseil.iiiiil I. M Moil,
def' li.l.l ill- III He' above fill tl I e.illMi'. V"ll
me heieliv iiotllled on the 1Mb iluv ul' Ian
uarv. I"'.U. l'ri'Cton It Sllib1. as evreiilnr of Hie
last Mill und leitiiinenl ol .M.irs V. Cimaoith,
iledMHiil, nhilli ill hi'telli, llled Ills ii.'llllnii In
the dlstilct eoiut of Webster count), Nebus.
h.i, apalnt )ou, luip'oailid wlili t n. other de
fend mis iininril In Hie lllh'iir iiild eauie, Hie
olii-et and pnijornf which Is to loieeloseaecr.
lain moiti:oi!c eieiileil h Hie defendants John
Z.ukcrv and .s.uali A. Zaekuy In .1 mes II
'I adman, and now owned hv the cMnlcof Mmy
K r.iiiwuitli.ilccf'o'od upon ihofiilloiuuitili'i
rilln'il piopirtv, hltiiated In theeoiiiilvnt
Webster und stain of Nubuiskii, b'-wdj Ihe
soiilh.wrst iiiarter ot sitIIimi iiiimliered twenty,
time In lowiistilpiiiimlieieit two (.' inorlh,
III lilliKi' lilllllbel I'd ten (10,) wot of llieClll I'.
.11., tn.MTllli'lhc p.lMiielilnl aeeil.illl ireluN
snrv uote. ibit'd iVhiiniry 1st. ls-7, mid duo
ami pnMlilc In live )cnrs Horn thed.itelheiod,
that llieie is now due upuii H.ild umeiiiiil limit
i!ii;;otl.i)sum of i'l.Mil, tni' which sum with Intel
est f iitii this ilntc, liml cosIh of foiecliiMiie,
plalnllll plays foi a ib eree, that defeiiihiuls be
ii'iniui'd to pa the .same in lint uld incnil-cs
be Mild to satisfy the iniiniiet found itue, mid
tliAtanv I mlit. title, lieu or ilitelest owned m
I'lalnicd by )ou, or any ol your eo-defeiiilaiits
In in In said picmlsc, be iuljiidi:eil in be Junior
una lideilortollea of the pl.ilntllf'.s lectatilx
ini lire berehv fill llur iiotllled that you me
leiiulrid loanswersald petitl if the plaint II
on oi befiire tho Vlltli il i) of IVIiriui'y, IS'jl
and If ) on lull to answer Ihe siiiiinoii or
before said n.iy, the bnls allepi'lous eon
Inliii'd In said pelllliui Will be InKeii as line mid
jiuluiiii'iit and decree reuileiid as tlitrvlu
Dated January IS. 131.
1'iiKiroN II, Sim. i:v.
As lUei'lltiil'of I he liiHt Will
iimrlcHiiitiU'tit of Mai) 15.
Kiiswcilh, Doctased.
lly James McNeny,
His Attorney.
Notice to.rVou-UcKldeiit Uervnil
In tho District Court or Wcbjtcr countv. No
briska. Kdwiuit II. llodKC,
Abr.ini J-eott,
The NebtasKa and Kau
nas 1'iirm l.o(ii Co.
and Leonard lleNcus,
To I.eoiiiinl lluveiis. defendant ill tho above
entitled eaitfie: You mo lieiehv iiotllled that
on tho Hill day of January, Isui, IMwaul II.
Iloilue, ilalntlll herein, llled tils pelltl'iu In the
district i mil i if WeOster eomitv, Nebraska,
nK!ilut "ii, Impleaded with the other deletnl
ants inline it in the title of mild cause, llio oi'Jei t
ainl pia)rr of which Is In forei'lom a cerlalu
inoi liraiio executed by tho ilelftl'laiits, Abriin
N'ott mid Anna r-iott to .Ionics II. Tnlhuati, and
now owned l) plaintiff upon ihe followlm; ilcs
nlliril rinl pioi-crty. situate I In the count v id
Webster mid state of NH'liuka, lo-ult: Tho
somh-wist fpiaiProl section niunlxred twenty
(JO) In township inimbeied four (1.) ninth, In
i.iUKOlilimbeinl twelve (i:!,) west ol Iho nth I'
M ; tohi't'iirolhe pa) incut of Hcerlaiu iroml.s
kill)' Kite, dated Almost 1st, HS3, and
pa)nlilelHe)caiiifiom Iho (heieol: that
thciels now iiuo upon said iioti) mid iuiirtiini:
Iho sum of tlo.'.lor which hiiiii. with inteiesl
from Ibis (Into mid c sts of foieelnsuie, pla'nlllf
piay.sfor .1 dtciee; that ilefi'llilaiitHho reiiilied
m pu tke name, or that sdd premises bo sold
In saltsfv tho auioutit finiuil due; that any
rlnlit. title, lieu or Ilitelest owned or claimed
liy uii or any m onr vo-defcnilaiits In or to
said in mlsi s be uiljuilKcd In te Juiiii r and In
firlor In lilaliillU's lien tnereon. s.
You me herib) furlhir iiotllled that joii lire
n milled to answer said petlllo'iof thu ilalnllll
(Hi or liefoin the '.'t'.th day of I'elirunn , IS'it, and
that If Mm fall to answer the sumo on oi beloio
Mid dav, tho facts and allegation (miliilncd In
sabl pillllnu will letaKeo u truuiiuil hiilKmunt
and demo lendcied as therein
I for.
Dated January 18lh, H'jI.
Hv.iamks McNhvv.IHs Attoriii-v
Kill' III'
Notice Is hereby
i: ven. that
mid by
vu tin" ot mi (inlr i'i sale Issued from llioolllcn
of C. II. Clone, clerk ol tho district court of the
lentil Judicial elicuit, within mid lor Webster
loillit), Nebraska, upon a decree In mi iictloii
pumlltiu Iheiclo, wlieieluSlullll Itios. Loan and
Tiiii Co.. plalnlllls; and UK-dnsl Screlua Mars
(trii,.l I,. Miner, cjtcutor ol tho last will mid
testament of 1'eter M nsden, tdei-ased, (Icnmi;
.Mmsileii, Prccllhi Mitis'lcii. Waller liarils,
Addle CmninluiM. Maiv Ann llersiord, ami
John MaisiIrii.iii'Vl.seisof tho last will and ten of 1'cler Miirsdcii,ili)i'easud,ilefeniliiiils,
I i-liall i llrr fnrsnloot puhllo vendue, to Hie
hlishi'xt iildiier for cash In limit, at tho cast
ilooriif tlm cmilt Iioiim', at lied Cloud. In slid
Webster countv. NelnJIiskn, Hint bclnn tho build
Ins whcio tho last term ol lalu. voiiil w'.m ho!.
j On the .Till Day ol'.llareli, A. I
nl onn o'clock p m, ot said day tho follow Inj;
desclllxd pioM'i'tv. to wit:
rioiith oast qoaiter (se!i)Hectlon twenty fjoi
In tomiHlp on. (I) noith ot laiifo eleven (II)
west of tho mIii principal inuridi.iu, In WeU
stcr county, NVln as. n. '
(ilveii unde.'iu)' hand ttiUSOlh day of Jnmi
my, A. D. iwi. , .
(5 KiaH.ltlNAUEIl&'lllllliH
hlicrlll'H Male.
Nntlo Is hereby ulven that under a''d b
-.!... ,i ..f nn nl rim i.f wtifil luslll il f fiiltt tlm fifll, li
..), n c',,nii. ..inik i'i! ilmilU'ilci cdini nf in,.
,'ruili.lodicialdistilcl, wliblu ami for W. lister
en inty, NcinnsKu, upini n necico in no anion
iioiidiimllicii'lii, wherein,
iicatlli:oS.iinjts Hunk. I'Mlntllf,
C'erino Maisdeii. a. I,. Miner cxeeiilorn. ihe
.il will nnd lesliitiiiiiit of I'eter Marsileo, de.
ecaseil, 'I he Smith llm Lean mid '1 r'..M oom-
lniny, i'i" .sun "or o. i ii uiiio .iiiisutii, itiiiiei
II, in l, Aildlii fiiiiiliilii),'. Marv Ann lleles
told, .toll II .Marsdeli ili'CC.iHi,ii'seei liuiler
Iho last will mid lest iiuoi.tiif 1'ttir .Moiml. n
dei eased, ill lendmils.
1 shall olfer nt public M'liibie, to lln holiest
hhldiT foi cash in baud, at llio earl ilooi nl the
eoiut hiiiiso ut lied Cloilil, III .said Wei r
coi.nty, Nabnisiiii, (that IicIpk tho buihln,
Will' re I lln MM iiuim i.uuimui hub uuiro;
On the Alh Day of march A. I.
nl one ciYlm k p. in. of Mild day, the following
(iesdlhid pioieitv.l'i win
Soithwest iii.iiiii (nwU) nf M'ltlou Iwcnly-
(llle I'.U lO'U W(SI ll.lll (H' HI l II HlllilllWfSI
iiMiiiinsw'4) of ,ctlin iwiniyinie (il) in
liiwiihlilponcil). nnilii ot liinud (leicu (II),
wcl ol ihoMMb piluvlpd inendlaii, In Web
Mcrtiiuiity, biii'dui.., ,
liivtn iittileriuyliaud Uils UOtli day of Jatiu-
ill', A. I). ICVI. , ...
bin rllf,
(Jiucus.UiNAKitn .1 liiidis,
I luniiiii s Aliuinr),
I. I-. iIini:i:,
llrtni riN'KK, AV.
Asst. Cash i or.
Peoples Bank of Red Cloud,
Rkd Clouu, Nhuraska,
Transact a General Banking Business,
Special attention given to Collections.
Bunking Ollico in Miner llro.s Store.
Wright is the Man. $
He has the largest line of Stoves in Red
' Cloud.
You can not iiU'ord lo iiiIm itccliiK III stock before buying
iin you ulll lone money.
W. W. Wright, the Hardware Man.
Served Exclusively to the
21,477,212 People admitted to
the World's Fair Grounds.
Leading Fine Coffee of the World.
For sale only by Sherwood & Albright.
............. ..............................................T.f.,.
L j plrfl
S ;.---Zr'yc?'rtV'i?TLSr''Bt
jr-w - Hr...b.E-i
A. H. Gray, the Insurance Man, Red Cloud,
In now prepared to insure you in that well-known company,
The Home of New York.
Wnlt for liliu; he will call on you In a few dayi. You cna tare
uionvy nml tfvl more niitlwfaclory liuuraiice than fron anj
other man. Ho him exvliiKlve control of four counties.
Jos. C. 4olconL?b,
Holland House Livery Stable,
Has the best rigs in tho city and the most reasonable prides.
Your ortlcm vollelled nnd fair treatment guaranteed.
North of the Holland Home.
Building Material, Etc.
Xotice to Teacliers.
Notice is hereby given that 1 will
examine all ju'icons who may desire
to oiTcr tlieiutielvcs m candidates for
teachers ofllio publio soliools nt' thih
cnituty, nt lied Cloud on ilio third
Saturday of cneh mouth,
SpccUl txaininatiniis will bn held
nn tho Friday prcreodiiig the 3J Sat
unlay of each innetli,
The htaiuling riMjuircd for 2d and
lid gni'le otililionU's is llio fame no
grade below 7l per or nt,, average 80
per ecnt; for first grade eertilento
no grade below 80 put cent., nverage
90 por cont, in ull biaiiches required
by law.
M. IIumeu, Ci.uulj Supt.
A. Sherwoodfl '
accepted as the
Svw Itcal Estate I'Jrai,
Heal Estate,
Lonn and Insurance Agenti.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Ollloe with D. F. Trankey, Moon Block
Wo have located in Red
Cloud and will be pi eared to
have people who desire to sell
their farms to call and list
A 1 t 111
ineir jatuiH wim ub as we
havo eastern buyers.
Call and Hee us.
i a
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