The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 09, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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The chost of my old iolf I mxw to-ntght.
Into Its rlorc ok ovrn mluo loolioil with fright,
Ho torn they iilowod. "llohoia thy wastoa
The frUhtful wrook thou'at rnido o( faith and
Ah, turn not yot awnv look welt: canst boast?"
And I "Tho promlici I oarly raidu
To theo I tried to keop: with nono to aid,
feouro In my own Rtronirtti I meant to bo,
Which only wo tknoM wm Ah. pity mo,
Compaulon hovo, not ntucr, uontln phostl"
May W. Donnan
A Tribute to Uenlu.
This Is a tribulo from a meole nnd
lowly raaa to tho genius of woman,
lie wishes to nnswor thoso inon who
aneor at women and tholr shopping.
lie wlahos to express in an humblo
way his fervent gratltute. Ho is not
rich, ho lias sovoral relatives and
many warm friends. Ho Is fond of
them all and It pleases him to plcaio
thorn. He had estimated, figured,
planned, walked, shopped, laid awaka
nights, torn his hair, pinched his ex
penditures to add to his capital, and
all for what? Christmas, of course
Ho saw bankruptcy and poverty star
ing him In tho face. Ho huntod high
and ho dug low nnd ho could fin d
nothing which his friends would like,
m he thought. Ho was, in Western
lang, absolutely "stumped."
In a shamc-faccd way ho wont to
his cousin. Ho hated to do it She is
a llttlo woman in a big liouso, with
orvants limited, children unllmllod,
and a husband to govern. Sho is In
terested in sovoral charitable works.
6ho Is teaching Iior.daughtcrA to speak
French, nnd is "grinding" mathe
matics with her son. She has num
erous friends, and sho managos to sco
them all and to bo scon by thorn. Sho
is a very busy woman, and her cousin
hated to iiuposo upon her, but ho was
"What's tho matter, dear?" sho
asked, when the good-for-nothing
cousin appeared with n long fuce.
8ho is flvo years younger than ho Is,
but sho Is "motherly" bocauso sho
knows his lack of woman's gonitis.
"I'm up a tree," ho answorcd, and
then ho told her bis woes und misfor
tunes. "How much do you fool you can
pond?" sho asked.
lie named hls.modost sura.
"And who la there?"
"Well, -thoro's Ella and Jon nnd
lion, Tom" and ho gave her all the
namos, which promptly went down
on a slip of papor.
"All right," sho said, "como around
day after to-morrow and we'll seo
what wo can do. And you aro just in
tlmo for dinner," sho added.
And on the second day following,
that cousin, who had both transferred
his responsibility and gained n good
dinner, returned.
"Now, como In hero." said that llt
tlo woman, leading him to a room
where arrayod in an ordor to make a
fascinating display, woro u dozen and
more Christmas gifts, on each a llttlo
tagshowlng for whomltwaslntondod.
Everything was beautiful and every
thing seoraod just tho right ono for
tho right porson. It had all boon
dono in ono day,
"And hero," sho said, putting some
thing In his bond. 1 1 was $7 of change.
That is all there Is to this story
Jut a trlbuto to tho genius of woman.
; ,. The Useful Art or Laundering.
Some of tho domestic virtues of tho
good old days when ovory woman
knew how to wash linens and wool
ens beautifully, to Iron hor husband's
hlrts until thoy gllstonod, and to "do
op" laces aro of necessity being restor
ed. Tho woman who docs not know
how to wash her ilannols and has not
enough money to hlro very skilled
laundry talent finds hor wearing np
parol shrunk to a very diminutive
iro. The woman who doos not know
how to wash her own laces will soou
havo no laces.
Woolon undorgarmonts and flannol
ones havo to bo differently treated.
Flannels should be shrunk boforo be
ing made up. Boiling water should
bo poured on thorn, and thou thoy
should bo lot to lie until tho water is
cold. Then shako, stretch, and fold
smoothly to raako thorn straight and
evon and hang thorn out When half
dry shako, strotch, and turn out.
Talco them in whllo still damp, then
smooth and in half an hour Iron with
nearly a cold iron.
To Wash thorn do not soak or put
any soda in tho water. Wash In luke
warm, not hot, water, finish quickly,
and dry at onco In tho open air. To
wash woolens, wash In clean, hot
soapsuds, rlnso In clear, hot wator.
and shake out tho water without pass
ing through tho wringer.
To wash lace, covor a bottlo with
flno white flannol and tack tho edges
of tho laco upon It being caroful to
fasten down ovory point and to lay tho
laco quite straight Squoozo tho bot
tlo In plenty of lukewarm suds till tho
laco is clean and rlnso In tho samo
way. Dip It, bottlo and all, In starch,
wrap clean cambric around It and lot
It.dry in tho open air. Whon noarly
dry tho laco may bo untackod and
hakes dry. It will need no ironing.
When black lace is to bo cloansod, a
few drops of ammonia should bo sub
stituted for tho soap.
To wash assort of lawn, boll two
4 aart of wheal bran In six quarts of
water for half an lionr. Strain throngh
n coarso towel nnd mix tho liquor in
the water in which tho lawn Is washed.
Uso no soap und no starch. Rinse In
clear water.
If ono wishes to Iron well it Is nec
essary to own tho proper sort of irons.
If ono undertakes to iron collars, cuffs
or stiff shirts polishing Irons must bo
used. Fluting irons will Improve tho
appearance of rufllcd undorwear.
Embroidery should bo Ironed on flan
ncl and on tho wrong side.
Chnmlitry for Ulrls.
Knowing tho chomlcal composition
of Hour, moat and potatoes, and tho
effect of various methods of prepara
tion, a housewife can put her learn
ing to economical uses, nnd do her
cooking on such a basis as to produoa
pnlntablo dishes with no loss of nutri
ment nnd at tho least cxponso. As a
matter of fact, an uneducated cook,
oven though sho enjoys tho reputation
of "making things tasto good" Is sel
dom a saving cook; not because sho in
tends to bo wasteful, but because sho
has not tho scientific knowledgo re
garding good materials nnd tholr
management which would enable her
to be saving. On tho othor hand an
intelligent cook has a sclontlflts reason
for ovcry direction and every process.
Sho is nblo not only to produco tho
most appetizing results, but to do so
with tho greatest economy of time,
labor and money.
Tho samo Is true in othor depart
ments which como under tho caro of
tho housewife. A knowledgo of
chomlstry and tho ability to inalto a
few simple tests would enable her to
avoid tho uso of n great many frauds,
useless und Injurious articles for ox
nmplo, washing compounds that aro
utterly worthless, or that will rot
tho clothes; toilet powders, containing
bismuth or arsenic, for her own com
plexion or uso In tho nursery; cxpon
slvo bnklng powders that contain alum
or something worse; a wondorful
furniture polish at GOcs a pint, that
costs 15c a gallon; poisonous hair
dyes; dangerous ointments, quack
medicines, warranted to euro tho
most severo attack of something in
half an hour, etc , ad Infinitum.
Therefore, wo hay, lot tho trlrls
study chemistry in tho school, not
merely for the culturo nnd mental
discipline to bo derived from It, but
for Its practical, economic value; and
not only "lot" them do It, but Insist'
that tho school directors furnish tho
opportunity for thorn to study at
least tho elements of tho subjoct
A Itoynl llilby' Crntllo.
"Uneasy rests tho head that wears a
crown," may apply woll enough to
other monarchs, but It has absolutely
no bearing on tho llttlo now-born
prince of Roumanla. At least if it
has ho is an cxtroincly ungrateful in
fant and without senso enough to
know whon ho is woll off. for no lihv
ovor, had a more luxuriant resting-
place prepared for his head, royal or
otherwise, than this samo llttlo prlnco.
Tho dainty little bod was carved in
wood by Tcstollnl of Venice by tho
order of the nuonn of ttmimnnla. Tim
design Is elaborate, introducing, ap
propriately enougn, irollcutng cupula,
ono of whom Is mndo to look over thn
edgo of tho cradle, as much as to say
to 1110 llttlo prince: "Wnlto up, thoro,
old follow. What aro you slcoplng
for when you might havo such play
follows as wo?" Tho hangings of tho
crib aro all of softest silk,
Ono of tho most amusing nnd attrnc
tlvo of tho domestic groups soon
among foreign royalties just now, by
tho way, is presorted by tho young
Romanian prlncois and hor baby. This
young ladv, bottor known as Princess
Mario of Edlnburg, looks so youthful
as tosocm more llko her small prlnco's
half-grown sister than llko his mother.
Ono might almost imaglno hor a
llttlo girl playing with hor doll. Tho
baby has a rathor unusual name ho
is "I'rlnco Carol."
rimtojrupli Irnmitt,
Sorao pretty frames for photographs
that sold readily at a woman's ex
change woro of coarse, heavy, whlto
lace, pointed with Ivory-whlto cnamol,
with tho (lowers and leaves in tho pat
torn touchod with gold paint Tho
edges of tho frames were bound with
gilt. Tho laco was used on tho samo
frames that aro usually covered with
whlto embroidered linen or leather.
Frames for small or medium sizad pic
tures to bo hung up on tho wall may
bo made in tho samo way. Tako Tor
chon lnce, for Instance, and lay It on
n plain plno framo that is covered
with shollnc. When tho shellac is dry
glue on tho lnce, covor It with tho
whlto paint and lot it dry. Then uso
tho gilt paint Cut the laco at tho
corners so that It- will fit smoothly
where tho framo is mltorcd. Gilt or
colored Dalnt may bo used entirely for
thoso frames, but thoy aro not us
protty as tho white and gold.
Wlmt to Do With the ItemnnnU.
Tut remnants of waste beef, un
cooked bones, glblots, trimmings nnd
bones of poultry Into threo quarts of
inent liquor. Add salt and skim caro
fully, lloll two hours, then strain nnd
return tho soup to tho kottlc. Add
two turnips nnd a carrot chopped flno.
Slice two onions nnd fry brown in a
llttlo butter and a tcaspoonful of pow
derod sugar nnd put In soup. If you
havo uny cold gravy romovo tho fat
and put tho gravy Into the boiid. lloll
an hour nnd a half longer. A fow
moments boforo sorvlngsprluklo in 0
spoonful of furinadry.
Ilor linugluutlon.
Lillian Dull, who wroto "Tho Love
Affairs of an Old Maid," is 20 yoars
old, und owns many of tho qualities
which sho has given to hor old maid.
Not long ago she was detailed by ono
of Chicago's literary clubs to write up
the famous women of tho country.
Tho paper was u brilliant one, and
was seriously commonded by the lit
erary women who had gathored to
hear it A week or two later they
were surprised to learn that the char
acters portrayed woro Imaginary,
A Mynterlon Woman Wlioio Repeated
Vltlu to the Famous l'ennl Inatltn
tlon Have Kiclted Intereit as to Iler
Now York Correspondence!
has n mysterious
woman visitor, but
that is not remark
nblo, because seven
eighths of tho vis
itors to the convicts
tlicro nro women.
They nil havo bur
dens of sorrow to
bear, but rarely of
their own making,
nnd they como nnd go year In and
year out, to sco beloved ones whom
tho world does not love and has put
behind bars. Tho gray prison walls
hold all that Ls dear in llfo to theso
dear mothers, wives, sweethearts and
Tho husband who has committed
crlmo that his wifo may havo luxurious
surroundings usually retains tho af
fections of that wife, even when ho
dons stripes nnd is close cropped. Tho
professional burglar often is a model
family man and docs not sever his
family ties when ho "does time," Tho
man who kills hU follow man for tho
affections of n woman and ls paying
tho penalty for that crimo has suroly
a right to expect that that woman
will caro enough for him to remember
and visit him while he Is tho servant of
tho state.
Then tlicro is mother's love, never
failing, never even wavering In Its un
nssnlluhlo constancy.and that accounts
for ono-hnlf tho visitors to tho Sing
Sing convicts. Thirteen hundred men
aro confined at Sing Sing, nnd tho
army of women sad women who nro
ead becauso of tho thirteen hundred
must easily equal the convicts in num
Many n romance brought to n tragic
climax by tho merciless hand of the
law is suggested by these untiring vis
itors. Even the ubiquitous hnckmen
who infest the Sing Sing railway sta
tion seem to upprcciato this, for when
these unhappy ones alight from tho
trains nnd look uneasily and self-consciously
about, tho drivers realize In
tultlvcly tho nature of their errand
nnd treat them with n deference rarely
met with in their class. They ap
proach respectfully, and in subdued
tones say kindly, "To tho prison,
madam?" or, "Right this way to tho
About ono visitor only is there any
myBtcry. Others give tholr names and
go to sco soma convict who is known
to tho kcopcrs. This ono goes veiled,
nnd no ono knows who it is she goes
to see.
A tall, lithe, graceful woman, at
tired all in black und wcnrlng a heavy
black veil, occupied a scat in a car
directly in front of nnd opposito that
of tho writer recently.
Sho wns uneasy nnd restless, though
not obtrusively so; sho carried herself
with tho lino reserve of a woman of
breeding accustomed to do just such
things. Sometimes sho would look
anxiously about tho car, ns if in fear
of being recognized, though with her
vcU recognition, even by an Intimato
friend, would havo been clearly impos
sible An old-timo hackman nttho Sing
Sing btation approached her ns sho
alighted. Sho got into his ramshnoklo
conveyanco as If sho had been in It be
fore, and it rattled up tho hill and
over tho stony rond along tho bluff tq
tho prison a fow hundred yards In nd
vnnco of tho equally noisy conveyanco
of tho writer.
It was tho hour nt which tho con
victs, having finished their evening
meal in the great feeding hull It
would raiso tho ghost of llrillat Savnrin
to call it a dining-room march in
lock-step to their colls, In long, slnglo
flies. Thoy como through tho stone
flagged prison-yard with a steady,
machino-liko shuffle of their heavy
prison shoes. Keepers stand about
with henvy sticks in their hands.
lly the entrance to tho long granlto
building containing tho tiers of cells
nre two great open boxes of bread.
Each striped ml&erublo reaches out and
takes a plcco with his left hand as ho
passes. Slung 011 tho right arm of
each Is an iron Mop pall on which is
painted tho prisoner's number. Tho
shuttle of the slowly-moving linu con
tinues for perhaps twenty minutes, at
tho end of which tlmo each of tho 1,300
has, with his supper in one hand and
his slop-pail lu tho other, been locked
in his coll.
Tho woman had been shown to the
yard, and stood, a keeper by her side,
under tho portico of tho inhospitable
looking hospital building. The long
linos of convicts marched toward her
and turned not ten feet from where she
stood, and inarched past the bread-box
into tho building. She supported her
t r- 1
Is .A -
viw .
self with ono daintily gloved hand
against tho stone wall, and, leaning
forward In nn attitude of eager Inter
est, faced down tho approaching line.
Sho tapped tho pavement Impatiently
from time to tlmo with the too of her
neat boot
l Some ono in that long lino riveted
hor attention; but there woro hundreds
there, nnd tho veil prevented any ono
from seeing which striped ono it was.
Tho prlscvcrs all turned away their
heads us they passed tho woman. Wns
it a prison rulo that prompted this, or
a senso of shnno that has survived
hardening crlmo? Not ono did other
wise. Many faces flushed, and If any
ono In that lino recognized tho trim fig
ure and graceful poso of tho strango
woman ho could never bo dotcctcd by
tho flush, for flushed faces wcro too
When the lost man on tho last line,
n negro on crutches, who killed a po
liceman on Wall street, had disnp
pcarcd In tho door, tho woman was es
corted out by tho keeper. Sho thanked
Principal Keeper Connaughton for his
courtesy, which to ull visitors, men and
women, Is always tho same. Hervoico
was pleasant, and tlicro wcro no tears
in it Her manner Indicated nothing
in particular, and certainly not grief.
Sho was driven away to tho station and
returned to Now York.
This woman's visits occur onco ovcry
two months. Sometimes tho interval
between them is longer, and some
times, but seldom, sho misses ono.
Sho has been coming for nearly three
years, and her visits nre always at tho
same hour. Sho sees all the prisoners
in their loekstep march, and no one
connected with tho prison knows her
name. No one in tho prison has ever
seen her face.
Tlicro aro two ways of acamnung
for tho periodical vislbs of this mysteri
ous unknown. She cither loves or
hates, with a greater lovo or a greater
hato than ordinarily, somo ono of tho
Sing Sing convicts. Perhaps it Is lovo
that impels her to remain veiled, and
thus to spare tho object of her af
fections humiliation' nnd shame. Un
requited love, perhaps, leads her to
conceal her face. Poss'.bly her hato of
somo ono in that long lino of erring
men derives a certain plcasuro from
tho sight of him in the moment of his
Who can tell why she hides her face?
Is it becauso of lovo or hato?
The Hero of Two War la the Ameri
can Wathalla.
In ono of tho arches in tho National
Wnlhnlla at Washington tho other day
was placed a statuette of tho lato Gon.
James Shields, in honor of tho Illinois
hero of two wars. Gen. Shlolds, llko
nearly nil tho grent men who havo
"risen to tho occasion" in tho affairs
of this republic, comes from tho
humblest walks of life. As Gov. Alt
geld of Illinois said at tho unveiling
ceremony, tho life of Gen. Shields Is
an Inspiring lesson to tho youth of tho
country. "Ho had to toil for his daily
bread, not only for himself but his
family; and, notwithstanding this
poverty, by strong resolution, by lofty
purpose, by keeping his eye fixed
upon tho star cf patriotism and of
duty, ho won renown and a place in
tho galaxy of tho world's heroes.
Every ago has produced millions of
brilliant nnd ablo mon who, falling to
keep their eyo turned to tho sun, los
ing sight of lofty Ideas, gave way to
dissipation nnd carried only Inde
scribable wretchedness to miserable
graves. Every ago has produced mil
lions of strong nnd Industrious men
who knew no higher god than tho
dollar; who coined their lives into
sordid gold; who gave no thought to
blessing tho world or lifting up hu
manity; men who owned ships and
palaces and stocks and riches of tho
earth; who glided meanness with
splendor, und then sank into oblivion.
Posterity erected no statue to their
memory nnd thero was not a pen in
the universe that would even preserve
a letter of their names. Let tho young
men of America learn from this statue
and from tho career of Gen. Shields
that the paths of virtue and of honor,
the paths of glory and immortality aro
open to them."
l'ure Iron.
Prof. Arnold of tho Sheffield Techni
cal school, recently produced, with the
aid of aluminum, n sound ingot und
bar containing 09.81 per cent of pure
iron, So far no absolutely carbonless
iron has been obtained commercially.
Ano analysis of Prof. Arnold's
bar by Mr. R. A. Hadilold showed
tho following composition; Car
bon, 0.07 per cent; silicon,
0.04 per cent; sulphur, 0.03 per cent;
phosphorus, 0.015 per cent; iron, 00.81
pcrcont; total, 100.035 per cent Its
specific gravity was 7.803; limit of
elasticity, 18 tons per squarq inch;
breaking load, 23 tons per square inch;
elongation, measured on S Inches, 40.
25 per cent; reduction of area, 00.00 pej
cent; fracture, silky.
On an average the letters received
by tho German emperor number nearly
000 a dy.
Trontler Jiifttlro In tlm i:rly liny of
XcvjclnA Very Minimal onto In Tlmao
Ilnya of Mw.eMtictt Lttuky Hill W
a llumorUt.
In tho onrly days whon what Is now
tho state of Novada was Wcstorn
Utah u woll-known character among
tho residents of Carson vulloy wns
William Thornngton, 11 man who
wus so fortunato in nil his undertak
ings that ho wns familiarly known
far and wldo among tho vnlloys lying
along tho custom bnso of tho Slorru
Nevada mountains as "Lucky B11L"
On ono occasion "Lucky 13111 was
at Kaglo ranch at a tlmo whon n big
emigrant train from Illinois was
cam pod thoro. A pokor pamo hud
boon runnlng.In which Hill hnd tnkon
11 hnnd with his usual good luck.
Presently somo oxcttomont started
that nttractod tho uttontlon of tho
players and broko up the game Bill
got up and rushod uwuy.loavlngupon
tho tablo a suck of gold dust and his
pockotbook containing valuublo pa
pors and a considerable amount of
An hour Inter "Lucky mil" missed
his valuublo9 and roturnod to tho
tablo to look for them, but both tho
dust and pockotbook had vanlshod.
As Boon as ho mado known his loss
tho cry of -a thtof in cnmpl" wub
raised, and thoro wni a big oxclto
mont Hut thero was no cluo to tho
thlof. No particular porson was sus
pected, and so nothing wus dono In
tho matter further than to uttor
throats of hanging tho thief in caso
of his bolng found, that being thon
tho ponulty in California for such a
Ml 1I1JU.
Two or thrco days passed without
anything bolng heard of "Lucky
mil's" pocket-book and gold dust,
whon n boy about 1(5 yoars of ugo,
bolonglng to tho Illinois ttain. cumo
to Koglo ranch and informed parties
thoro that a Dutchman of tho train,
traveling with Dr. Pinlgro, had
shown him r. pocket-book und asked
him to road somo papers, not boing
nblo to road writing himself. Tho
boy said that in looklnir over tho pa
pors ho had soon Thorrington'snamo
on sovcral of thorn.
Mon woro sent to tho train to
bring In tho Dutchman, tho boy bo
lng taken along to point him out.
Dr. Pinlgro was greatly astonished
at sooing his mnn nrrostcd on a
charge of theft, and would not be
liovo ho had taken tho missing valu
ables. Tho doctor nnd n front, m-nwil
from tho Illinois train went up to
tho station with tho Dutchman and
tho settlors who had him In chargo,
all curious to soo what would bo
dono by tho impromptu court
Tho nlcaldo hold his court In tho
opon air, and as soon as tho prisoner
was brought boforo him ordorod him
to be Boarchod. On his porson wcro
found both tho pocket-book and tho
sack of gold dust Tho valuables
woro Idontiflcd by "Lucky Bill" as bo
lng his property. Bill found the
dust intact, but somo of tho monoy
was missing, and also a numbor of
valuablo pnpers; amoug others a
noto fo 1,600 on parties in Califor
nia. AlccJdo Cook thon sentenced tho
follow to bo whipped to rocolvo
twenty lashos upon his bare back.
Tho man wus thon nt onco stripped
naked to tho waist and tied to a plno
sapling with buckskin thongs.
Thon by gonornl acclamation, it
was decrood, as "Lucky Bill" was
tho mun who was robbed, ho was tho
proper person to do tho whipping.
Bill said ho was ready and willing to
oxeouto tho sontonco of tho court
A big black-snuko whip was ob
tained from a man with a train of
pack mules, who had como up und
halted to watch proceedings 'of tho
court Tho whip was handod to Bill,
who at onco bogan preparations for
using it in a vigorous manner. Ho
took off his coat and vest, thon
rolled his shirt slcovcs ubovo his
Taking tho hoavy whip, ho placod
himself in position bohind tho naked
culprit, who stood in readinoss to
tako his allotted punlshmont, his
hands tied to tho treo. high absvo
his hoad. Taking his dlstunco. Bill
cracked tho whip and whirled It
about his head, as though to strotch
and su'pplo his muscles.
Tho poor dovil at tho treo was
twisting his neck about at ovory
"swish" of tho whip through tho air
and Bill's ferocious aspect inspired
him with such torror that his oyos
wtiro almost starting from tholr
sockets. All present wondered why
Bill did not bogin his work Instead
of whipping tho uir, and thoro woro
murmurs about tho oruolty of keop
lng tho culprit in, such an agony of
foar and susponso.
Suddenly BUI throw down tho whip
and drow a murderous-looking bowio
knlfo, at which ovory spectator shud
dored and a fow started towurd him.
Ho waved all buck and cried: "As I
havo b?cn appointod to punish this
man I will not dlsgrnco him by
whipping him." Thon, turning to
tho Dutchman, who was twisting his
neck In ordor to wutch his motions,
ho suidV "Now, you havo beon
turned ovor to mo as tho man you
wronged and I intend to do as I
ploaso with you." Apparently Bill
had worked hlmsolf into a porfeot
fronzy of wrath.
"Don't kill hlinl" crlodDr. Pinlgro,
alarmed at Bill's ferocious look.
Think of his poor wlfo and chil
dren." "No, don't kill him," chimed In
somo minor or sottlor, It will bo
enough to cut off his ears."
"Oh, mine Gottt mino Gott!" cried
tho poor Dutchman, whoeo oyos woro
following ovory whirl of Bill's glit
tering knife.
"Shut your mouth!" criod Hill, ad
dressing tho trorabhng wretch.
"Now, listen to mo. I mil told you
havo a wifo and children who nro
good and respectable I will not
bring disgrace upon them by either
whipping or In any way marking
Then with n sweep of his -Jcnlfo
Bill cut tho thongs by which tho fel
low was bound and said to him:
"(Jo! Off with you, and lot this
bo a lesson to you all tho rost of your
Tho crowd lustily Tjheorod this un
expected ending of tho alTair, and
Dr. Pinlgro shook hands with Bill,
und, with tears rolling down his
chocks, thanked him for sparing
his orring sorvant. ,
"1 think ho ls cured." Bald Bill.
"I don't think ho will ovor again bo
tempted to pocket things that nro
not his own."
Tho Dutchman was dressing, and
as ho "sklnnod" his shirt ovor his
hoad ho said: "Novor, novcr, so holp
mo Oottl"
Pnnllc-splrltoil Cltliem.
Mlddlotown, Del., was loft by tho
shifting of tho poach belt with l.oOO
inhabitants and no ono considorablo
business intorost, so a few mon of
tho placo got together $3,000, built
thn plunt of a shirt factory und
turned it ovor rent frco to a largo
concern in a neighboring city. Tho
factory now, nt tho end of two yoars,
is turning out 601) dozen shirts a
wook, enough to clotho ovory mun in
town a dozen timos over, and em
ploying at wages varying from $1160
to flO per week oighty young woman,
or moro than llvo por cent of tho
population. Tho concern to which
tho plunt was turned ovor takes tho
entire product and pays out in wogos
SM.OOO annually. Nearly all tho
omployoB aro persons who heretofore
havo earned nothing. 'J'ho factory
ls about to bo extended, nnd tho con
corn operating it will pay for tho ex
tension ront equal to tho Interest on
tho original investment Tho shirt
factory is tho pot of tho plucc. und
whon any ono ofHho prosporous citl
zons who started tho concorn meets
ono of tho fuetory girls on tho strcot
ho takes oil his hut with tho numo
olaborato courtosy ho would show to
his neighbor's wife.
Klier Cironrln7 In AiMtr.illn.
High prices aro sometimes paid by
Australian sheop growers for thor
oughbred rams. A breeder named
Russell onco gavo SJ5.0J0 for nn ani
mal bred In Victoria. This is bo
causo Australian bred ahcop when in
bred for thrco or four generations
loso their wool and boeomo hairy. A
somowhat slmllnr change is ob-
sorved in rabbits. To chock this
tendency shcop borders import thor
oughbred rams and pay almost any
price. rHmi :
Lady of tho Houso to servant ap
plying for 8ituatlon-Vou woio In
tho sorvico of my friend. Baroness
K . Why woro you sent away?
Servant Plcaso, ma'am, for listen
ing at tho doors.
Lady Ah, thon, I will tako you,
only you must promlso to toll mo ull
you heard. Chrouiquo Bourgooiso.
Now York Mngistrato I don't
understand this. You say you aro
an Amorlcan citizen?
Culprit Yes, sir.
Mngistrato And then you toll
mo you wcro born In Now Jersey.
How Is this? Chicago Record.
Tho man who does'nt think his baby
Is tho prizo baby hasn't got any baby.
It will make any man vain to seo
his picture In u photographer's show
John E. Collins, of Rimini, Montana,
was married, divorced and commit
ted suicide Inside of ono wcok.
Rev. A. S. Freeman, of tho Central
Prcsbytorirn church, Huverstraw,
N. Y., has completod forty-seven
years of pastoral servlco.
Fish Doalcr Do you think your
wlfo would llko a flno roo shad?
Customer No Sho can't talk and
cat shad at the same tlmo.
It is not safe to guage a man's cour
age by the tone of voico h'o employs
when ho speaks to tho ofllcc-boy.
Wait till you hear him address his
In Paris thoro nro several women
who aro empowered by polico pormtta
tb wear masculine clothing. Theso
includo n famous artist and sovcrnl
whoso professional duties aro arduous.
A certain country sexton In making
his report of burials is explicit ts a
commondnblo dogroo. For instance,
such entries as this occur: Died, John
Smith, male; uged 3 days; unmarried.
"Yes," said tho old man, "I havo al
ways found It best to pay cash. I
havo paid cash for everything I've got
but mv wlfo. I got her for nothing,
and she's tho dearest thing I ever got
A man was seen loafing about a
bulldlnj that was being painted nt
Belfast Maine. Whnn ,,ci,,i ,. .
wanted a job ho said ho was only wait
ing for thu mon to bo paid off, as ho
wanted to borrow 11 dollnr.
"Do you find enough to keop you
busy theso days, Jim?" you qU
I'm putting in a bigger dayAj work
thoso days than I ever did before "
"Why, I thought you had given lin
your Job." "Sol did. I', lookln?
for nnothor." b
"Begorra. but I've got the best of
that murthcrlng railway this time
anyhow!" said a Hibernian, who had
a grudge against tho company In
question "How Is that, Dennis?"
- ... .... Ull, was lJ0 lrj .
puuub lUJIiy.
, tT
J, t.,