A IS. ft-' TflE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, FEB. 9, 1894. :l k 5;." Yfj, !Wl 1 1- St k V Mi ' ip r t, V v'."" gm ww mm mmmm m mmmm mg i Givvjn away to our Customers, J On every cash purchase for January of Boots 3 S and Shoes at our store, we will give the pur- ZZS ., j, chaser C2S Our Rrofit. It will bo a splendid time to "(t new shoes. "We need the money, you need the shoes. Part of our goods at cost. Some of them ot half price. A few odds and ends at whatever wo can get. The best and newest of them at u big reduction. Buy nil you need. Buy more than you need. Buy all you eun net. You will not lie the loser. BLAKESLEE & KALEV. iUiiimiumiUiiuuiiiiUiuuiUiiiiUiK BRIEF MENTION. Wait Tor tho Jnponoso tea February 22d. A. M. Wultera was iu Ued Cloud this week. W. C. Roby is out again after a tussel with tho grippo. Chnrloy Muhagan wont out on Sunday ovoning. Frank McLaughlin of Bladon was 15 in tho city this week. Valentines at tfoyo & 0 rice's. Prices always tho cheapest. "Tho four vagabonds" at the S. of V. concert Tuesday night. Mr. W. E. Hifo and family aro homo from a visti at Fairfield. Don't fail to hear tho "natural spoil" at tho S. of V. njusicnl Tuesday night. Any farmer wanting agricultural re ports can get thorn by calling on War ner and Warron. Mayor Woinor has arrived home from tho east whoro ho has bcon buying his , spring stock of clothing. Mr. Hildrcth of tho linn of Fawcett & Ilildreth passed through Red Cloud this week enrouto to Franklin. Receiver Uorsoy thinks that ho will bo able to close up tho business ot tho lied Cloud National Dank in about GO days more During tho last year Webster county c has paid the Btato $20,000 in taxes and leaso money on school and university " "WtT' MW). C.Bell nnd wife gave a party "Tuesday night in honor ot Frank Cow den who left this week for Sheridan, Wyoming. There will be a lOcent missionary tea served at tho residenco of J. F. Winters Monday ovoning February 12th, com mencing at 5 o'clock. "The natural spoil" will bo ono of the finest and most interesting solectiond in the S. of V. concert, Tuesday night. Don't fail to hoar it. W. II. Dech, a populist orator, hold forth at tho court house on Saturday night to a fair crowd, composed of repub licans, democrats and populists. There will bo Divine services at tho Graco Episcopal church on Friday even ing, February Oth, at 7:30 o'clock. Tho public is cordially invited to bo present. Next Wednesday tho old folks, tho young folks, the kids, tho kidlots and ovorv one will try and seo how many ucly valentines they can send to people for ivf fun. Rob Martin had a string on his oaglo and was giving him a littlo exorcise on tho stroot one morning this week, but tho groat Amorican bird of freedom, downed Bob in good shape, but Bob hold on to tho rope although a little dishoveled. Tliorn trill 1 n irrnnrl ivnlf hunt nn the 10th in tho northwest corner of Beaver Creek township, 3Jf miloseastof Cowles in tho Rcoso Thompson neighborhood. No dogs allowed, and nothing but shot guns to be usod. Tho round up will be on foot. Don't forgot it. Robert Martin, Jr., bolioves in liberty, free speech and freo thought, and in or der to show tho people that ho moans it, ho has purchased a bald headed eugla und placed it in tho storo window whoro the liborty loving pooplo can viow tho great Amorican bird without money and without prico. On last Tuesday evoning tho Congre gational poople gave a very pleasant and profitable entertainment at tho residence 1 oflr. and Mrs. C. L. Cotting's. The "Babes in tho Woods" was oxcellontly rendered, ulso several select readings, songs, etc. Tho receipts wore $9.20. Evory body enjoyed tho occasion woll. Geo. Popo informs us that ho has beon very successful in raising alfalfu in this county. The Cmitr wondors why it is that moro farmors do not attempt rais ing alfalfa. Oliver McCall was ono of tho lirst to experiment with ulfulfa in this county, and ho hns fully demonstrat ed tho udviBibility of raising it in this section. Tho Burlington route has changed tho timo of No. 15, Donvor passenger from 7:50 p. in. to 5:50 p. tu. This is a very impropriate change us it brings in tlin iuTI, eo that our people can get it in timo to road at supper. Our people eiicrally. comuioiui iu uuriiiigion peo iu for this change. Tho other truius .emujn unchanged. LOCAL NEWS. Attorney Chaflln wasljn GuidoRock this woek. A lino biscuit Hour at MoNitt's, 70 conts a sack. F. A. Swoezy of Bluo Hill was in Red Cloud this wcok. Charley Arnold fuvored this ofllco with a rcnowal for 1891. Got your photos nt Wogman'e gallery and thoy will ploaso you. Editor Gaylord of tho Fairmont Signul was a pleasant callor this woek. Fred Blakcsleo nnd wife cntortaincd a fow friends on Wednesday ovoning. F. P. Hadloy is -now hotter prepared thun ovor to do any thing in his line. J. L. Miner has gone to San Francisco to tuko in tho mid-winter exposition. Honry Fox, jr., of Nelson was in tho city this woek, tho guest of J. II. Davis. JooCummings has commenced suit against Mayor Wiener for false impris onment. Joo wants 91.000 damages. Wo will pay you 27 contB for corn and soil you goods choapor than any mer chant dare sell you Chicago Clothing Co. Harry Ranney, wifo and baby are in tho city, on a visit to their parents, Ex-county Clerk Rannoy, wifo and family. Tho following novel notice adorns tho walls of Charlie Piatt's ofllco: "No Pol itics Allowed." Photos did you say? Well then go to Wcgmnn's gullery Red Cloud, Ncbr. whero ho can supply you with uny thing in that line, Wanted Sovonty-ilve boys and girls to havo their pictures takon at my gallory on Saturday next. J. A. Weh- mann, Photographer. Thos. Emigh received a tolegram last night that his Bister in Chicago had died suddenly. He loft this morn ing to bo present at the funeral. Tho Fraternal Ordor of Protectors havo started out again undor very favorable auspices. Thoy initiated three candi dates at thoir lust mooting. Tho work is iino. Pcoplo should bo careful with cigar stubs. The other night some ono throw a stub on tho sidowalk and it sot the walk on llro in front ot tho Moon block, but tho tiro was put out by a passerby. Mr. Marvin S. Marsh and family havo decided to move back to Iowa, whero Mr. M expects to go into business. Thoir many friends will be sorry to hoar of their determination to leavo Rod Cloud. Two young ladies whilo using a gaso line stovo for making tafTy, tho Humes ignited tho fluid in the tank and gavo thorn a big scare. Tho tank was thrown into tho street just as it exploded. It seems that even a gasoline stove objects to taffy in thoso days. It was a narrow oscnpo for tho girls. Frank P. Hadloy is now fully prepared to do all kinds ot painting, graining, glazing and papor hanging. Ho guar antees satisfaction in ovcry instance. You will loso monoy if you do not con sult him before giving your orders. Ho has had sovoral years oxporionco and as sures all of first class work at hard times prices. Ofllco in roar of Minor Bros. Btore. On lust Saturday, Mr. M. It. Bcntley passed tho 5.1rd mile stone of his life, nnd Mrs. Bontley to commeinorato tho event invited a few personal friends to dino with Mr. B. Mr. Bentley's lifo has boen an evontful ono, and from a poor boy, ho has succeeded In climbing the ladder of atlluonco, by his own aid, and has beon moro than successful in placing around him plenty ot the world's goods. Tub Chief hopes he will live a groat many yours to come to enjoy what ho has worked so hard to gain. Alt McCall was in Fremont this wook visiting his daughters, Mattio and Mil dred, who aro attonding tho Normal college at that place. Mr. McCall was moro than woll pleased with tho school and almost surprised at tho rapidity In which his daughters aro advancing While thoro ho formed tho acquaintance of thopiincipiil instructors, und found the books to enroll some 4!15 students, Tho best tnlont is employed and much llbcipllnu eternised, It is trim Kehrusku has some ot tho bust schools in America and that is ono of them. CITY xr.H's. E. P. Bottom was in Omaha this week. Mrs. MahatToy is very sick this wook. James McNeny was in Lincoln this wook. J. A. Bailoy and Dick Garbor wero in tho city Wednesday. A fow city warrants wanted, will pay OOc.-U.M.Calmi-.s. Miss Thedu Viors of Guide Hock was in tho city this week. F. Cummings and wifo of Rivorton wero in tho city Monday. There will bo a spelling school in dis trict 79 to-morrow night. Supt. Hunter has removed to tho Bailoy properly on Codur St. Mr. Church of Burr Oak, Kansas wns visiting H. E. Pond this wcok. Sovoral Guide Rock ladles wero visit ing with Mrs. Strohm thin woek. Editor Huskins of tho Norcatur, Kan sas, Rogistor was in tho city thia week. MrH.Corvillo.of Clydo, Kansas, is visit ing her brother Nelson Longtln this wook. II. E. Pond has a now and nttraetivo sign in front of his barn. S. C. Myers did tho work. Miss Margarot Minor is on tho conva lescent list and will take up her studies in school Monday. Dick Gray was out till around this woek working insurance, and ho roporto business vory dull. If you want cheap furniture, that is bran now, call on J. B. Wright, tho now and second hand furniture man. Go and seo J. B. Wright for nil kinds of barguliiB in now and second bund goods. Just north ot Moon block. E. P. Thomas, brother of Mrs. J. 11. Bailoy, who liiyi beon in Ohio for somo tlmo arrived in tho city Thursday. Dr. F. W. Chamborlain visited Bluo Hill and Bladen this week, and roports his business on tho increnso thoro. Thoso who havo paid: H. C. Wolf, John Thornton, S. B. Viors, Mrs. A. II. Brown, I. B. Hampton, J. S. Gilliam, Dr. L. II. Beck is frequently called to Rivcrton, his former home, on profes sional business. Ho had sovoral calls this week. The Banks houso in Rivcrton is now ono of tho best furnishod hotels in tho country. Tho rooms uro spacious and very neat, and true hospitality is shown all guests. Chiis. Wei tier returned homo from Chicago Wednesday night and will soon be followed by the most handsomo and substantial stock ot spring clothing that ovor caino to this city. Sinco P. W. Shea, tho uffublo travel ing salesman has donned his now broad rimmed hat, tho train mon, .with whom ho is extremely popular, have christened him "farmer" and ask him about his cnttlo, farm implements, otc. John Tomlinson roceivod n dispatoh Tuesday Morning from Mrs TomlinBon's physiciunsin Chicugo.inforraing him sho was much worse, and to como imme diately, which ho did. Ho intends re moving hor to hor homo,Quincy, III. Wuttor Chlnnock or (Linoy) is about to becomo n farmer it is said. How fun ny it will bo to seo him following a plow or riding his threo-wheoled concern or driving up tho cows and chickens on tho sanio wheel. But Linoy will mako a dandy to call hogs. . Mrs. Sapp und hor son Julian are making groat efforts to ontortnin tho publia at tbeit boarding houso west of tho Traders Lumber Yard. Everything is very neat, and tho tablo is well pro. vidod for, nnd when onedinosthore one ho will roturn again. Thursday morning as Thnd McNitt wns about to begin work, ono ot the horses Eoomod contentious nnd when Thud startod to loave tho barn tho horso kicked him Eoveroly in the buck, which cnused him to carry a cane, and walk liko ono 70 years of ago. Bladen and vicinity turnod out on masso last wcok and gavo a grand wolf nhaso. Four captains woro elected, und each had chorge of n brigade. Thoy surrounded four sections of land noith of Bladen and succeeded in penning up threo, killing one and lotting two escape. Miss Lois Popo loft for Lincoln Thurs day whero sho will attend tho conserva tory of music for porhaps ten months. Lois is a bright and vorsatilo girl, with an excollont musical talent which if nropoily developed will Bameday mako nor prominent in that direction. Sho has hosts ot friends hero among tho best, who will regret hor going us tho good students ot Lincoln will welcome hor coming. Mrs. E, L. Fawcett, Miss Mary Suv ago nnd Miss Chloo Fullor of Cowlos wero pleasant callors Wodnosday, and apprised us ot an entortaiumont to bo alvon at tho Christian church in Cowles soon. Tho entertainment will bo prin- prinnipuuy uiiibicui, wuti maiogues, tableaux, etc, Tho fact that theso esti mablo ladies uro foremost in getting it up is conclusive ovtuonco mat it will be a success. For tho hist few daje wo havo bcon having lino weather in this vicinity while, othor parts of tho country aro reeking in iloop snows nnd cold woath- or. Huroly Wcbstor county nnd Hcd Cloud aro located In tho gardon spot of tho world. It really dnos look peculiar to seo men going around tho streets without overcoats and in their bhirt sleeves. Of courso wo havo somo cold difiugreeablo weather, but two thirds of the winter is usually us warm us the ho- ginning or lull woutuer In other stutee, Blnuo the above was put In typou bliz Izard has appeared. A TEitlillSLti MUKDKIi. SHOT AT HIM POM (FENCE POST.) PEOPLE SAID HE HAD UOSK CHAXY. Bcemue, Well Ilecnusc, He hud Not Seen the Following Lint or Price. To iict the Following Prices You Itluat Buy the entire Bill tu Follows. .'10 lbs Granulated Sugar 61 0 " CoflVo XXXX 1 10 cans sweet corn 1 1 lb Popper 2 cans Tomatoos x lb Cinnamon 3 ". First-class Tea 1 i " Smoking Tobacco 'S " Allspice 7 burs Lenox Sou Mlb Cloves 7 OatMeal 1 box Mustard 2 cans Beans 121bsRico 1 M " Cream ot Tartar lpail Jolly 1! Lamp Chimnoys 10 lbs Itatsins 5 Curruuts -.. 1 " Baking Powder 10 boxes Mutches 2 cans Sardines 810 00 R. M. MARTIN & SON. Red Cloud, Neb. m New IlAiiNE-iH Siioi'. Tho brick build ing south ot tho liromnn's hall, known as tho Chanoy building is now occupied by u full lino ot harness, saddles, eto. Jos. Foglo formerly of Cowles huving bought tho stock ot Juke Miller nnd added moro thereto has located in that building and 1b now ready for business. Wo have u porsonnl acquaintance with Mr. Foglo nnd know him to bo us honest us the day is long, and an oxporloncod harness maker. Ho is now increasing his stock, nnd will no doubt do his share of tho business in that line. Nuitials. Wednesday morning at tho Catholic church occurred tho wodding of Mr. James Doylo nnd Miss Agnes Postolwnito. Tho bride is a resi dent of Guido Rock and the groom is u near resident of that place. Father, Quinh performed tho ceremony most im pressively uftor which tho worthy young couple drove to tho home of the groom's father, ThuinuB Doyle, near Guido Rock. At G p, m. an elegant suppor was served and later tho guests which oxecoded ono hundred in numbor, enjoyed a pleasant danco. Tho newly wedded couple aro very popular in thoir communi ty, und nro said to bo rollncd young poople of tho highest merit. Tin: BitiuoE. Tho signs havo bcon put on tho big bridgo, condemning it as unsafo for travel. This is a pretty how-do-you-do; a bridge that has bcon up It na than four years to bo condemned as unsafe; surely thoro is something rotten in Denmark, especially no, wherein tho bridgo cost enough to have it last for ten years without a cent's worth of re pairs. There has bcon ninny rumors as to fraudulent transactions in regard to tho lotting of und construction of this great bridge, nnd now comes tho nows that it is unsafe, It ought to mako ovcry individual tax payer's hair stand up with rago at such flagrant injustice. Tho bridgo committee should wasto no timo in huving tho bridgo repaired and put in condition to travel over at ouco, und hereafter, seo that thero is no col lusion bctwoon bridgo companies und bridgo committees to dofruud tho tux payers. Tho bridgo cost 913,000 and ought to bo good. . CitnAMEiiv. During tho last fow woeks numerous kicks havo boon com ing to this ofllco on account ot the failuro ot tho Red Cloud creamery to mako reg ular runs.' The Chiep beliovcs that tho parties who own it, und who received a fair sizod. donation from our citizens should run tho croumery just us they agreed to nt tho timo the donationo wero mado. Croamones run in othor places nnd pay, why not in Rod Cloud? For instance, look at the creamery at Bluo Hill. Mr. McBrido startod with a limit ed capital and has mado monoy every day und hns done u good business, often churning 1200 to 1500 pounds ot buttor during tho por dny. Thero should bo an offort mude to operuto tho croum ery from now on, by thoso who own it, MesBrs Parker und Fulton or givo some ono elso u chunco to do it. Rod Cloud is certninly entitled to havo u good creumory. . A CoMi'AitisoN. For n number ot yours Webster county has boon indulg ing in what is known as the supervisors systom. Wo havo beon handed the fol lowing figures in comparison of the two systems of county government, viz: Supervisors system und that ot tho commiEsioncr system. How evor, we only show tho un-nuul ox penso ot tho lust year ot the com missioner sjstetn, which isnfuirnvonigo. 18S5 Commissioners expense, 21)2 80 HL'I'KUVIHOItS IlXl'KMShH. 183(1 Supervisors sularics 610()2 50 18S7 " " 131!) 15 1888 " " 1525 iK) lonu - iuvj u.j For the four yours ubovo tho supervis ors drew 82 por day. For tho eurs ap pended tho per diem, has been 83. 18!K) Supervisors salaries 82035 10 18'Jl " " 1318 05 1S92 " " 787 50 1803 " " 2112 05 Average amount in salaries per innr ... . AIJOTI 17 This far in 1801 tho board huae.xpoud ed in salaries 9528 and it is probable tuu cx enuo will oxceecl tliat ot 1603 Tiik Cnir.i' gives thoso llgureo to show Mia rnliill rn nvruMiRti nt Miu iirn un.fnnm We Loliino Unit it tho matter wus put to 11 yum iuiiu wiu iiiuuiy wuuiu ruiuril lO the commiulonor svitem. THE "RC" FLOURING MILLS' FLOURS RETAIL AT A W ROYAL B. OF All Grades guaranteed by tho Mills. DUCKERS Cash Dry - Goods HOUSE! Special Vlugs in Ladies and Children's Ribbed Underwear THIS W E EK. We have some great bargains in them that should not be missed. Also New Embroideries, t New Laces, New White Goods, New Dress Goods, Ladies and Children's Shoes, We can show you some of the best val ues in shoes that have ever been shown in our city. We are loa'ded with bargains. Come and see us. 6. A. Ducker & Co. ODDS. AND ENDS. J. L. Millor is crippled with a Boro foot. Joe Ilcrborgor has built an udditiou to his barn. Mrs. Gooch, mother ot J. A. Boyd, is seriously ill this week. Mr. Van Darorrof Uurr Oak, Kunsus, is in tho city this week. Mr. Illanchard of Iowa, is a guost ot Kov. A. P. Hull this week. J. S. Whito has fitted the interior ot his ofllco vory beautifully. The Y P SO K of tho Christian church moot to-night at Mr. Moharts, Revival moo tings uro to bo held in tho M. 12. church commencing with noxt Sunday ovoning. Mrs. W. W. KinRslaud has returned to hor home in Iloatrico, attor a two wooks visit in this city. Tho masqurado party at tho skuting pond lust night was a success, neverthe less although notwithstanding. This is Tub Chiki'h farmer weok so tar for rural correspondents' Lot thorn como. That is what our subscribers liko. Mr. Cozad is moving to the houso re cently vacated by Mr. Mutklu, und L, C.Olmstcud will ocoupy tho Cozad house. A young fellow from Angels Orovo, California, rodo through hero on u by cicle Thursday, bound for Ft. Hiley Kunsus. Charloy Dow ot Newcastle, writes to Grand-pa Dow, thnt it is another girl, und Grand-pa is walking tho streets with many smiles on his countenance. Hurt Wright hits beon building eve troughs for O. L. Cotllng and Kov, Geo. Veiscr this woek. Ic fact his work in that lino is not wholy confined to lted Cloud by any means. Mr. Wiight has many orders near Hlutlun. Campbell, IllucIIill, Hivertou and Lebanon, Kan. Why Hootl'a Wliw. l'reidnt Lincoln shIJ, "You "ennunt fool the people n socoud time." '1 hoy are too quick to TsooguUu iet morit or lack of ir, and cling ouly to thoe things which lluy nnd to be what lit claimed for ttmro. It is wpeoiiilly grutifiug that the sale of Hoodtt tinmaparilla incrunsei most rap'dly In those sections where it is bout known. 'Iho Inforeuco U plain. Ucod's Harsa parillu has proven that i pohtsiis ncn uluo merit. It maintains a high t indard wliloli others cannot even npproaoh. It in tho tiuot.lo'a favorite blood-nurifvim? and building up medicine, and it more popular this year than ever before, .II this became Hood's cures, MONOGRAM, 90c Per Sack. PATENT, 80c per Sack B. S., 65c Por Sack. THE EDITOR'S SAY. Bloody old Kunsus has hor eccentric itios, but sho gets more freo advertising than any other state in the union, Tin: Wilson bill has passed tho house. now what will happen is the most com. mon question. Every family should nse Dr. Sawyer's Fnmlly Cure for all family dlflloalties, each as Stomach, Livor' Ktdnoy and Bowels lyo & Orioe. A Gorman female farm handeumloved in hoeing tho Holds, receives 12 to 17 cents a day. If you have never kept Dr. Sawvet'i Family Cure in your family you ire sot doing your duty to yonr family. Yob will nna it very useful. Deyo & Grioe. In tho Kruppaun works at Essen thoro nro 10,000 men employed, and the average daily wages paid aro 81 cents. Fomalo sorvants in tho Azores, who havo thoir own clothes, rocolAo 81.05. A cook lnCoylonisnnidl3.50amonth: a nurso tho samo; a coachman, 4ja gar donor, $3. Dr. Sawyer's Family Care safely and thoaroughly cures all difficulties of the Stomach, Kidneys aud Bowels. Deyo & Grico. i m - -- II Should Be In Every House. J. B. Wilcon, ;)71 Clay St., Bharpsburg la., says he will not bo without Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coogl.s and Cold?, that it cured his wife who was thrimttncd with Fnunmonia after aa at tack of "La Grippe," when various olher remediea nnd htivrrnl tnivsIi'lnnH dm! Innn her no good.' Robert Barker, of Cooks- port, l'u., claims Dr. Klng'g New Dl corery has dono him more good than any thing he ever used for Lung Trouble Nothing like it. Try it. Free Trial Bot tles nt C. L. Cotting's Drugstore. Large liottlis, CUo. und $1.00, Market Heport. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat '.......$ Corn OaU) Kyo , Flax 40 22 20 25 SO 76 Hogs -1 :a4 8Q lutcows l KoftU 00 Huttor jo BKR8 0 l'otatoos , .... ( Chickens dot. 8 (K) Turkeys lb. r ltetuil price ot the lied Cloud Milling Co., Hours: Monogram W sack in ttoylpautok 0,, 1 1'-' ii" h A i'." ISU i 'II i! ' '1 1 Ul VI SI f K.I..Ml,,,l,,,f KB:'. M. aft&ttftl&ffl u ., &x&m&sapt fM(agtW!-iiniii mnwiliH n HMSH WMWWMtli,mlUlrtw-M II -'- -.'" 1 Mm IK viHU- 1 r"""""""""""nW f jjjjhgj-jj-jg-U . ,.,- -iigMiilTi v-'.-''' ,4ItftkdittfcrMr''"' H""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""