The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 09, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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Lahot Tait. Astt. Iiccl Editor.
Pe 1 Weather roport. 8. of V. pro
gramme "Who was It?" Littlo
" 8-Study in Scarlet.
" 3-Mlscellany.
" 4 Correspondence.
" 5 City news of varioua kinds.
" G-Mtacellany.
" 7 Miscellany.
" 8-"AboutSo" by Itallx. Educa
tional Column. Tariff Bill Pass
ed. Death of Editor Childs.
Markets. Coneral News. Etc.
As Finished toy Our Ceimtry
state Line.
Mattio Leisure is somo better at this
writing. ,
Elder Porter has been preaching in
this neighborhood.
Creaty Toland has been sick with.the
Moon and Kersey havo come back
from Smith county and will givo a show
in the Academy, Feb., 7th.
John Carter has movod into his new
house in North Branch.
Mr, Craven is going to plaster his
8omo of the Friends, of North Branob
wont over tho river Saturday.
Cutting corn stalks and visiting is tho
order of the day.
! II
Mr. Frase of ilarlin county Is visiting
his sons, Fred and Charley, lie reports
corn, good but small grain a failure.
A few of Mrs. Fred Fraso's relation
took dinner with hor on tho sixth, it
being her birthday.
The protraotod mooting is Mill being
held at Amboy, conducted by Row Smith
of Cowlcs.
We aro having fine weather for Feb
ruary, Tho ground hog must have been
blind and did not seo his shadow.
The Amboy lyceum is going to bo very
interesting tho program lasted until 10
Some of tho snorts of Rod Cloud came
out one day last week to have a jack
rabbit chase and to see which had tho
best dog. It resulted in favor of Joe
Saladen's dog.
tiulde Rock
Mrs. Knnpp 1b very sick.
Mr. Halls folks aro reported to bo on
tho sick list again.
John Crary's baby is sick with croup,
Mr. Dick Gorber and wifo were in
Eebon Tuesday.
The young ladies of tho high school
hive organized r society called the
Mystic society. They meet overy Satur
day evening and have a programme fol
fowed by an interesting paper.
Mr. James Doyle and Miss Agnes
Postlowaite wore married at Red Cloud
Tuesday. In tho evening a supper was
prepared for about ono hundred persons
after which thoy dauced until midnight.
They received many lovely and valuable
prcsonts. We wish Jim and his bride
a long and happy life.
Mr. Roland and Mr. Sheoley are hav
ing some largo cedars from Mr. lfogan's
sot out in thoir yards.
i ii
Plcasunt Dale.
Cspt. llouchin was in theso parts this
week trying to reorganize the alliance.
Win. RoeenuranB was in Line buying
hogs this week for Inavale.
Chas. Isom has completed his now
dwelling and movod into it.
Henry Richmond was in theso parts
last Sunday,
Gilbert Vandyke mado a Hying trip to
North Branch this week.
D. M. Hunter will hold an educational
meeting at Penny Creek school ' house,
February 1.1, 1891.
Rev Hummel failed to fill hta appoint
ment at Pleasant Dale on account of bo
ing engaged in n revival at Lebanon.
The boys who continually spit on tho
floor aro warned to ubato this nusiance
or they will bo prosecuted. Tho ponulty
is very severe, unci the school board pro
pose to proeccuto those who aro caught
disobeying this injunction.
. .
Pleasant Hill.
Some of our boys took iu the lecturo
at Cowlcs Wednesday evening.
Mr. Juckson ia recovering from an at
tack of grippe.
There was a pleasant party at Chas
Lewis' Saturday.
A number of hunters were in our vi
cinity Thursday. They succeeded in
getting a wolf besides other game.
Miss Flora JackBon and Miss Bessie
Cockrall wero in Guide Rock Saturday.
Will the Willow Creek correspondent
please inform us of how wo enme by tho
namo of 'high horses" Wo are not
averse to a title, but wo wonder why
that waa chosen.
Madum Rumor says wo aro to have a
wedding in tho spring time,
Frank Frisblo and a number of his
frionda wero rabbit hunting Saturday
It seems strange that n coupln could
Im so Interested with each othor as not
to know wuon tneir uuggy waa altogeth
er. Ploaso take notice, oix weeks moro
w mit. Ground Hog. . , ,
Mrs. L. H. Thoro Is visiting hor mother
at Juniata,
In tho wolf hunt last week no scalps
woro taken.
John Baker drove over to Lawrenco
last Friday.
McLaughlin and Goes wero at Red
Cloud- Tuesday.
A. II. Gray, tho Insurance man of Red
Cloud, was in town Monday.
It looks as if spring was hore.t armors
are inquiring for seed oats.
Sovoral car loads of cattle were ship
ed to Omaha the foro part of the week,
E. W. Davis, an M. D. from Michigan,
was in town this week, looking for a lo
cation .
Henry Bibbins and Sister made an
over land trip to Hastings tho fore .part
of the week.
C. E. Hocks and A. P. Johnson woro
attending to somo legal buslnces at Hast
ing last Friday.
Mrs. Kimmel returned from Blue
Springs, where sho wont to attend tho
funeral of a niece.
Mrs. Shottenkirk and daughter Pearl
and .Mrs. Bottom we aro glad to an
nounce aro convalescing.
O. C.KIingman and II. Mi McClare
woro horo the forepart of tho week and
selected a lot on which they intend to
erect an implement house.
Peoplo havo confidence in Bladon
while other towns around us aro at a
standstill. This beautiful villlago is
gradually pushing to tho front.
Miss Hattio Wallace mot with an ac
cident last Sunday which caused her
death. Sho with othor young pooplo
wero at the residence of Mr Hito just
west of town, and it being u ploasant
day thoy woro out in tho yard. Miss
Hattio was standing upon tho edge of
the watering trough which was about
two feet from tho ground, in getting down
sho gavo a jump and land heavily upon
the ground breaking her limb just abovo
the anklo and receiving internal injuries
from which she diod, Monday . Tho
funeral took place at tho Baptist church
Wednesday, at ono o'clock. The romnins
woro laid to rest in the Plainviow Ceme
tary. The family have the sympathy of
thoir frionds in this thoir sad hour of
Business in our littlo city is as good as
in many others of its slzo around horo.
Ed Daggott is in tho oast on business.
Littlo Carrio Nelson is very sick.
Grandma Richmond is very sick but is
gradually convalescing under tho caro of
Dr. Bock.
Mrs. Shultz, aged 00, is dangerously
Jake Outson's littlo girl is very sick.
Chas. Gliok, our new butcher, seems
to be hunting lots of fresh meat now a
01 Burnor should be careful honco
forth and keep young ladles clothes out
of his hat.
The Banks house is now thoroughly
refitted outsido and inside. Tho inter
ior is especially attractive and inviting
with handsomo and well furnished
rooms, and comfortable bedding. Mr.
Banks Is indeed a pleasant landlord, and
with tho assistance of his afTablo clerk,
Mr. Morgan, ho will havo unparalleled
Mrs. II. Banks has been severely af
flicted with some heart affection for
weeks so severely that at one time her
many friends lost all hopo of her re
covery. She is decidodly hotter now,
however, and much moro cheerful under
tho caro of Dr. L. F. Beck of Rod Cloud.
It seems as though thero is a good lot
of kicking about the new postmaster.
Several complaiuta havo been made
about hie having dolayeil, nnd mis-do-livored
mail. We hopo he will eithor do
bettor or huve old Grover get another
J. II. Smith the popular insuranco
man from Red Cloud was In the city
this weok.
S. E. Cozad the organ and sowing ma
chine man placed his autograph on the
Banks house register this weok.
Stuto Creek.
News is very scarce.
Hunting seems to be tho order of the
Wo had a good meeting at Floasant
Dale, Sunday night.
Trayor meeting nt Scrlbner's last
Thursday night.
Elder Hummel will commence n pro.
tructed meoting nt Pleasant Dnlo soon.
A. Scrivnor has sold his corn shollor
to Charley Burrett.
Mr. Potter's littlo girl's health is
fast Imgrovlng. '
Wm. Polling's has sold his mule team
to A. Slaby, consideration 9120.
James Graves went to Missouri on a
visiting and camo back thinking Neb
raska was good enough for him,
The magic lantern show at Mt. Hopo
and Pleasant Dule was a failure.
Tho young peoplo of these parts aro
huving lots of partios. Occasional.
Pleasant Hill.
Weather cold.
Pory Beardsleonnd W.H. Lewis made
a Hying trip to Smith Center last Wed.
Tho young folks enjoyed a nleasunt
danco at Frank Slaby's Friday night,
Charles Turnor and Frank Street fur
nished tho music,
Mason Gordon'a brothor, of Illinois,
bus movud ou Joe MoClelland's farm
which he willfaass this season.
North Crooked Crock.
On Tuesday evening lost Miss Minnie
Relher ontcrtained a f ow of her friends
at hor home north of town. Thoso pres
ent wero: Messrs. Wm. Holsworth, P.
Hodge, A. Martin and J. Holsworth.
Misses Maudo Martin, Ruth Holsworth,
Roeo Ricoman May Householder and
Laura Hedge. After onjoying them
selves for a fow hours in playing games
they repaired for their respective homes.
All reporting a pleasant time.
F. O. E.
See Myers
Rev. Geo. Koplcr was visiting in our
vicinity this wcok.
Jamos Seward will inovo to Chase
county noxt weok.
Fishio, Dora and Johnny Marker wore
visiting nt Mr. Alters ono day last week.
C. Waro bought u horso of C. H. Wil
son. A party of young people gatherod at
C. II. Wilson's Monday ovening, and ull
present roport a pleasant timo.
Johnny Marker is now the owner of a
A spoiling school in district Go Fobru
ary 23d.
Conly Wilson spent Saturday and Sun
day at Mr. CrablU's.
If the ground hogcamo out on tho 2d
ho saw his shadow for tho sun was shin
ing bright.
Thore was ii party at Joseph Coxes on
Friday night with quite a crowd in at
tendance. Thero was n prayer meeting at Mr.
Guthrio s Thursday night.
Wo understand that Rov. Huimnol
will start a protracted meeting at Pleas
ant Dalo.
Moon and Kersey gave an exhibition
at Mt. Hope school houso Tuesday night.
Thero will bo a spelling school and lit
erary in district 00 Friday night.
Tho Sunday school nt Mt. Hopo is in
a flourishing condition with an average
attendance of fifty. Mr. Scrivncr is
superintendent. Sid,
Tho ground hog saw his shadow Fri
day. Mr. Lindgroen bought a span of mules
of J. C. Brooks.
School began in district GO last Mon
binging ecliool in Uistrict M overy
Saturday night.
Adjutor Burdreau and partner will
Boon movo on tho farm vacated by J. C.
Tho spelling school at this placo last
Wednesday night was quite n success,
Gust Olson was champion speller. Some
of tho boys fron districts Co und 33 en mo
thinking thoy could gain tho day. but
wont home sudly disappointed.
J. O. Brooks is agont for school sup
piles. lIOHNULOWEIt.
Rumor says thoro is to bo a wedding
in thoso parts soon.
Mr. Hart well has his icehouse filled.
iuibs iinttio uiniRieuu was visiting in
Inavalo Saturday and Sunday.
Geo. Huinmol nnd Mlntor Garner
skated down to Red Cloud Saturday.
G. W. Knight and wifo attondoc church
In Red Cloud Sunday.
Mrs. A. Holdredge spent Saturday and
Sunday In Cowlcs visiting hor daughter
Mrs. Story.
Mrs. Hull nnd mother, of Riverton,
woro visiting Mrs. Wolcotthist week,
Walter and AH Garner went to Beloit,
Kansas, to spend two or three weeks
visiting frionds.
. Mr. L. C. Olmstoad wus in town Mon
Mr. Walker bus started a singing
school, bus about thirty membors.
Mr. II. Holdridgo is on tho sick list
this week.
Mr. Prentis wears a smile of luto aud
is setting up the cigars to tho boys, nil
becnuso it is a boy. Mother and son
doing well. Rustler.
South Side.
Spring weather in tho middle of
Quito a number attended the dnnco
on Dutch Flat last Friday night.
Mr. A. Kuohn is vory sick, ho ia undor
the euro of Dr. Moritnvillo.
Miss Edith Koiglo was home, lost Sun
dny, on n visit.
Mr. Carl Gust sold his fat cattlo last
It is rumored that a man, who former
ly lived In Red Cloud and who moved to
Missouri, huB'bcen hung, by a mob, for
abusing tils wifo. If tho abovo bo truo,
thore ia another mau, who does not livo
moro than a thousand miles from Red
Cloud, who ought to bo movod down in
that country, ulthough tho writer does
not believe in mob law.
People who have bnrb wiro fences
should not allow them to get down es
pccially along tho public highway.
Wo can ull seo now whut tho word
democrat means, the dotlnltion is, when
outot power, to rulo or ruin; when in
power, euro ruin. It is susnonstan nf
prosperity, idlenesx of tho laboring class,
starvation of their families, the jugiar
vein of tho nation tapped mid foreign
countries sucking tho life blood of the
nation. Alwukktta.
Call on your drngiet for u free erniplo
package of Dr., Sawyer's Family Cure4
After trying It you will always keep li in
yoar fasaily. Deyo k Orlce.
An Afflicted Child
painful Salt Rheum Covert
Har Head
Happy and Healthy Since Taking
Hood's arsaparllla
"C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Maas.i
"My little daughter, Birdie, now two and one
halt years old, has been a great sufferer from
salt rheum slnoe she was about two months old.
A very painful eruption covered neck, ears and
entire- scalp. I consulted physlrlans and tried
many remedies, but without avail, until a
Friend Recommended Hood's
Barsaparllla. Before the flrit bottle was taken
tho eruption had disappeared, and now none
remains; while tho child's general health is
Sarsaparilla .
much Improved. I heartily recommend nood's
Barsaparllla to all suffering from this disease."
Mus.Xw.iE liocmiotz, Atchison, Kansas.
Hood's Pills euro liver Ills, constlpaUon,
biliousness, Jaundice, slckhcadache, Indigestion.
Guide Rocklcf.
Hock is booming with
Mrs. W. Knnpp and Miss Armstrong
are on tho sick list.
Miss Bell Rowland is at home after a
few weeks' work for her sister, Mrs.
KiBer. '
There is u special Invitation ball to bo
given at King's hall tho evo of Feb. Pith.
Music by Jud Clark's orchestra.
Two moro of Guido Rock's young peo
plo have oach taken to themselves a guide
tho contracting parties bolng Mr. James
Doylo and MIbs Agnes Postlownito. A
grand suppor and dance wero given them
at tho groom's homo. They received
numerous presents.
Mrs. Eliza Moranville, of Red Cloud,
spent a few days visiting at Guido Rock.
Mr. Hall's family are improving slow
ly of diphtheria.
Mr.J. Trimblo expects to move on a
farm soon.
Dr. J. Vandiver and family. uro to
leave, Monday, for Missouri.
For Farm Loans
Southwest, Corner.
Tho traditional ground hog did not
havo to hunt far his shndow.
Joseph Coral had a severe accident
whilo gotting wood on Walnut creok.
A log rolled oil of a bank falling on bis
feet, crippling him bo that he is not nblo
to walk.
Miss Grace Tomlinson was visiting hor
mother and frionds this week.
Mrs. Smith was over to her daughter's
0. Doran is onguged in cutting wood
and hauling hay to town.
Mr. Hoaton has put up a stock of ico.
Three of our boys aro contemplating
a horse back ridoot 180 miles, thoy pro
pofio going to Lincoln county to visit
Mr. W. Amuck it former resident of this
placo. Kamuldk.
-. --
Old ground hog suw his shudow.
These aro nico skating times.
Now is tho time to put up ice.
Butchoring seems to bo tho order of
tho day.
Mr. and Mrs, R. G' Lewis wero trading
in Red Cloud Thursday.
Mr. O. E. Ramoy is in Kansas this
Mr. J. Krai lost a tine beef last wcok.
Mr. Letner's wero entertaining con
eidornblo company lust weok.
Mr.C. Brule wub doing business with
R. McCullum of Bludon, exchanging oats
for cattlo.
Mr. Wm. Lowis and family who havo
beon spending u nino month's visit iu
Illinois, woro expocted home last week,
Muster Boyd Letnor had a fow invited
guests lust Friday to help him colobrato
his 19th birthday.
Mr. 13. Hartman, Wllllo nnd John
Bretthnuer gavo Mr. Lockhart an even
ing cull lust .week. After spending thoir
time in social games thoy returned to
their respectivo homes at a lato hour.
Thero was a party at Dickers Thurs
day night.
The wolf hunt Friday resulted in tho
killing of throe jack rabbits.
Mr. Duvid Mearns is moving to Rose
mont this weok whero ho will muko his
futuro homo.
Will Anderson of Blue Hiil wus In
this vicinity looking for. land to rent this
John II. Mearns has rontod tho Dr.
Robinson pluco three miles northeust of
Smith Confer whero ho will furm this
(Juurterly meeting was held ut tho
Kckley church last Sunduy, with u very
lurgoHttendancc, who hud tho pleasure
of listening to u very able eermon by
VMuiuK .&iuer imams ui Hustings.
saw m m wmmmm
We ape the
We hao just received our second invoice of new goods, and
the patterns aro tjlili and just tho thing.
fiuum m m m m
J -l lili
And a cold one too,
But we have a bigger snap for people who
want a Heating Stove.
We have a few heaters left from our Winter
Stock that we are closing out at
Come in if you want a Heater.
They all go!
We would rather carry over the money than
to carry over the stoves.
We are in it. on Barb Wire also
The beBt at the lowest price on enrth for the
Next - 30 - Days!
Baker Wire $2.85, Glidden $2.75.
Louisa Creek.
Times in this vicinity aro dull now.
Fino woathor? Well I should snickor.
Tub Chief boidb to know how to get
rural corroBpondonte.
Rov. Hummol is holding a grand revi
val meoting in Kansas.
Miss Hattio Wllmot is homo for a few
days rocroation.
Alf McCall visited his daughters at
Fremont last week.
Our school is progressing nicely.
J. R. Hoover was taken suddenly ill
whilo in town Saturday, which prevented
his attending tho literary that night.
The Lycoum just organized ut our
Bchool-house is nourishing. It is known
as tho "Star" Literary soicoty, moots
once a wook, und is controlled
by tho following olllcors: President C.
E. Chunco; Soo'y. Miss Nettie Hummel;
Troasurer, Len Wilmot; Sargeant-at-arms
Ralph and Alvin McCall; Critic,
J. R. Hoover. A vory interesting pro.
gram is rondorcd each night, and on in
teresting debate
Every ono who will como and bo atten
tive and keep good order are cordially
invited to attend.
We regret to learn that Mr Musser's
folks aro to ioavo soon .
Mr Norris' folks woro visiting at L. A
Huskins lust Sunday. Boo.
i i
Pleasant Grove.
Thero seems to be several names for
this part of the country, but tho right
one is the ono wo us.
Mr Wolf and Mr. Gates hud nuitn n
sorious accident whilo thoy woro coming
nomo irom an exhibition with Miss Ada
nnd Eva Hilton. The team got scared
nnd run away throwing thorn all out be
sides breaking the buggy nnd killing
one of Mr. Guto's horseB, nnd Mr. Wolf
had one of his hands severely hurt.
II. Morrill is on tho sick list this week.
Uncle Tom.
Rev. Bean preached at New Virginia
Con. Wilson was tho cuestof Wm.
Crnblll Saturday.
Con Wilson nnd fumilv wnrn viaiin
ut his father's Sunduy.
Poter Hansen and sister wor nnllln
on Elm oreok Tuesday.
Lcc Graves and fathor warn In iM
community last wcok.
A boy urrivod ut tho homn nf nni
Iluyes on lust Thursday.
luvorett Bonn and Orrln Tnlim. .
doing businoEH in Nuckolls county tho
first of tho wook.
Lust Thursdoy night F. Anderson
mudo tho discovery that bis house was
on tiro, but with tho help of his neigh
bors it was extinguished bofore much
dumage wus done.
C F Kaley und family woro guesta of
A Akers Monday,
The Soigeson boys wero grinding feed
for their emtio Wednesday"
Johnnlo Murker is numbered with tho
horso truders. huving traded with 0
l'etereon one duy Inst week.
MIhH TIhIiIo. Dllrn iiml .To.,.,U --
spent Friduy evening ut A. Ackers.
uwiuk iu wiu cruwueu biuio ot the pa
per this week a purt ot this oorresnoud
enco was leftover,
Over Post Office
jmmm wmmtt&s
7S ! 3
: : :
Electric flitters.
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so popular as to need no special men
tion. All who have used Electric Bittors
sing the same song of praiso. A pnrer
medielne does not exist and it is guaran
teed to do all that is claimed! Eleotric
Bitters will core all dlsoases4yMHfJiver
and Kidneys, will removed rinMI
Salt Rheum and other aHoctionKised
by Impure blood. Will drive Malaria from
the system and provmt rts wall as cure nil
Malarial fevors. For core of Hsadaclie.
Constipation nnd Indigestion try Eleotrie
Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed,
or money refunded. Price r,Oots. and 81.00
per bottleat C. L. Cotting'a Drugstore.
Low limes to the South.
On February 13th. Burlingtion Route
agents will sell round-trip tickets at tho
one-way rnte, to nil points in Toxub und
tho south. Ask tho nearest ticket agont
for information about routes, stop-over,
etc., or writotqj. Francis, G. P. & T. A.
Burlington Route, Omaha, Nob.
Endless Varieties of
At Shea & Turnuke's.
Columbia River Red Salmon,
Mackerel, White Fish, Hoi-
land Herring, Smoked Her
ring, Hipperd II. Lobster, Im
ported and Domestic Sardines,
Oysters, Green Turtle Meat,
Torrapiu, Brick and Old Ocean
Codash, Smoked Halibut aud
Others too numerous to men
tion. C. E. Putnam,
Notary Public,
cowles, . neiihaska.'
Agent, q
Phoenix Insurance Co.
St. Paul Bankers Life
Insurance Co.
IT A F lirn a
12JA u ir l I ' h
aii business intrusted to him will he
35 y
f rumpuy attended to.-