-.Vt JC Zm"asmi' " "A 'J-ititlSiJ vw wh(i Vllvjil; "Vr5f WflJiiUfcSWAVWitoWHfRWfl'ftfli ' 1 , y" ir.4 jr All Home Print. THE CHIEF PuMUhcd Weekly, ascription, 91 Per Annum, InYarlablr In Advance If not paid In advance, after this ditto March 18, IMtt, 111 price will lie $1.2.". Entered Ht the l'ost Ulllco In Ited i'lnud, Nob., an mall iwitterof trip second class 11ATFS (IK AIIVKIITlHIVn Vrof. cards, I Inch or Its per year if, oo Hue months 1 (0 Three months 2 M HTAMllNU ADVI'ltriaKMBMi. Per Inch onojear SI to I'erlnch hIz mouths a on I'erlnch threu months 2 on fiioclal notices per line or lino spare, llrst ptiliilcatton 6 1'otttn. Transient specials, p.ijahlo Invariably In ad vance, per line 1 cchIh. All re.iitiiiK mitlct't In the nituruof ndtcrtho menta or puffs, 0 cents per line. Legal notices at leant tates, viz: for a stpiaro iten lines of Nonpareil or lets,) llrst publication 1.00; for each subsequent publication, per square, 60 cents. Ho "preferred position" contract! mado. All matter to uuuio publication must ho re ceived at this ofilco not later than Wednesday. Advertisements cannot bo ordoied out tor the current week later than ihtrsday, D. A, m. It. It. Time Table. Taking eUcct Dec, 3 Tralnscairjlni! past'tigcr leave lted Cloud ns lullows: EASt VIA IUS TINGS. No, 142 Passenger to Hasting 2:30 p. m. AltUIVX. No. lit Passenger f rom Hastlags 11:33 a. m. EAST VIA WYMOIIK Ko, 18, rassetmer to St. Joseph bt. Louis and Chlcaeo dally 10:!i a. m, (101N(J WEST. No. 19 Passengers tor Denver, dally, 0;53 p. in BUSINESS CARDS. rn. j. s. em iuu, Dentlit, Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. Over Tylr' Furniture Store. , Extracts teeth without pain. t Crown and bridge work a specialty. l'orcelaln Inlay, ana all kl- ds of gold (IIIIuks. Make golc;ubber platea and combination 'miT y dtUoOrstlass. yi r j wii'- ' I. W. riiYS,M.D. Homoeopathic Fbyatclan, Red Cloud, NebritsKn. OlOco opposite Vlrst National Bunk, U. H.Kxainlnlng sturgeon. Chronic diseases treated by mall. r l. winfrey, Anctloueer, Red Cloud, - Nebbaska. i Will attend sales at reasonable flguies. Satis faction guaranteed, I H. SMITH, Insurance Agent, RED CLOUD, - NEBRAItKA. I da a strlotly fnrm insurance and invite and invite all to boo me. fASE & MoNITT, ATTORNEYS A T LA W, Moon Block, - RED CLOUD, NEB. Collodions promptly nttended to, uud correspondence solicited. TRUNKEY & POTTER, 1m Attorn ai iiatv. Red Cloud, Ncbrusku. Office Up stairs, in Moon Block, R P. HUTCHISON, Tnnsorlnl 'ArtlHl, 4th Avenue, Red Cloud, Nemiaska. Firat-olBRB barbers and tlret-olnsa work guaranteed Give men call D STOFFER, FuMilonablu ISurbcr, Red Cloud, Mebrusliti. I give uiy personal attention to my patrons. Firat-olaeH shaving and hair catting a specialty. fMlAS. SOUAFFNIT, lnsuruncv Agency, Itepresenta (lermau Insurance I'o , Kreepnrt, 111. Itoyal lusinaiici-Co., l.lverHii)l, uuclund, Horn Fire liisiiranro Co., of Unuha. Nebr,', l'licrnlx As.iunini'e Co, of London. Knir. 'ihe liermuu I'lio AskuraneoCo, of ehuIaihI. (lHaidlan AsauraiieuC(i.,uf Loudon, ICiik'. l!urlliwn Intuianee Cii, of llurlliiKton, Iowa, Jinmn America Assuraiii'o to. jormun, i;an. Mutual IteM'ivu I'liinl l.ltu rtssu.ut X. Y. , Tho Workin in Ituilolng una Loan Atboclatlon of l.lnciiln, Nebraska Otllue ovor Mizor'a Storo. Rkd Cihd. NanttASKA I D. B. Spanogc,' v Real Estate and Loan Agkm thc. tlrci- " Ts.J r 1 wvi XiivC4d Fternw Vigilnnce is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, February What is Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Clilldren. It contains noithcr Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantco is thirty years uso by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays fevcrishncss. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is the Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castorla is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have, repeatedly told me of Its good effect upon their children." Da. Q. C. Osoood, Lowell, HohS. " Co3tor!a ts the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I bono tho day Is not for distant when mothers will consider tho real interest of their children, and uso Castorla In stead of thesarlousquacknostrumawhtcharo destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing Eynip and other hurtful agents donn their throats, thereby seeding them to premature graven." Da. J. F. KiKcnELor, Conway, Ark. The Con(m .;, IT7 ! PEMAN HAS A nice line of Jewelry, Diamonds, Chains, Rings, Bracelets, Scartpins CuflTn mid collar ImiIIoum, neck clialnt, luc piiiN, Htlck pins, ciRrn, etc. Flated and solid Mlverunre, souvenir Jpoo'is, peal handled kulvos and forks, carving sets, cainnif cam cases, uou uou uuxrs hihi oiuei novelties. A lino line of spectacles and ro glnsses with lnterchangablniiisfs, steel, nickel Sliver uiiii vuiu mimes, nitei.n nun eareiui in tention paid to titling tho eo. My lino of 2nd hand watches Is quite large. I will run them on at less than their actual worth. dT'Uring your watch, clock ana jewelry io pair work, our euctraving aud your old gold and silver to me, Henry Cook's DruK Store. 8. E. COZAI Has a fine line of Sowing Ma chinea and Organs from $25 upwards. Alio keeps all klndi or Machine iuppllei. Doc repulrlnn; pronptly. Cull and tec me. JSr mmmam THEM Castoria. " Castorla is so well adapted to children thaJ I recommend it as superior toany prescription known to me." IT. A. Aacnsa, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St , Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians in tho children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outcide practice with Castorla, and although wo only hare among our medical supplies what is known as regular product.!, yet wo ore freo to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon It." United Hosfitai. and DisranuaT, Boston, Mass. Aixrw C. Sumi, Frts., Mo? Street, New York City. V"i Partly Loarjs At Less Tljarj 7 Pqv cent E, A Sinipsoil, Blae Hill Neb. Ciraiid Ifluitlcal. At tho opera house, February 13, 1801, under tho uuBpicos of tho S.of V. cornot band. I'AItT I. Ovorturo NtiRgot Nell... S.of V. band Mule qunrtot Selection Tulloys, Custer, Clark and Albright: Violin Duet Air and Variations Hendricks and McMitt. Tuba Solo.... Rooked in cradle of deep O. Vutruor. Piano and cornot Drootn of glory Smith and Clark. Quintet "brass" Hunter's Murch Miller, Hendricks, West and Dickorson. Cornot solo Cyclone Polkn. . .11. Miller. Violin ntul piuno.,.. Medley "Splinters" Margaret and Mury Minor. Quartot "brass" Four vagabonds West, Millor, Warron, Patmour. I'VItT II. Ovorturo Diamntio. S.of V. Orchestra. Lttdles Qunrtot Last Night Martin, West, Smith, West. Trombone, cornet .... Christmas chimes Miller and Bell. Violin solo Luiln Hondrick Cornot, violin and piano Selection Millor, Hondrick, Boll. Double quartet Nutuiul spell Ladlen and innlu tuatiet. Vocal unci piano Evening shades at Stincot. Mandolin club Selection Vanco and McBrido Brop. Final Tho night boll S. of V. band. I'li'iit CIiinn ESottrdliiK Mr S BajlcHwibhes to announcoto tho public that io ist propared to take boardrrflat.ni) per week, (docping includod. Apply at 4th Aveuuo Hotel. wuA'riir.u rour.cArVi's I'lit'iiMicd i:xprcNnly for The Chief for Webster Cotinly ICopyrlghtcd by W. T. foster.) St, Joseph, Mo, Fob. 'J . Mj lust bulletin e;avo forecasts of the storm wavitt to nross the continent from Feb. 11th to lfith mid thu next will reach the Pacific coast about Feb ruary JLM, cioss tlio western luottti taina by close ol" the U.'IJ, tin' great central vallejs frotn'Jl tit tol!Gtli, and the eastern states nbout tho -7tli, This disturbance will pubs through Hie central pvrlions of the UuiteJ Statrn and an average rainfall orHimv tuny bo txptclcd over a largo part of the country. Tho warm wuvo will crops llic west ern mount litiH about thu L'.'Jd, the gnat central vr.llcjH about the 21th, and tho c.vitcni stutis about the -lltli. The cool wave will ciovs llio western motintair.fi about the LTilh, the great central valleys about tho "7th, and the eastern ctates about March 1st. March will have gioat extremes of weather, immense rain." and snowd, and altogether tho greatest variety of wcittbor, tho greatest extremes that have occurcd in Match for j earn. This condition will cotitinuo till about tho 7th of April, uftcr which dry cold weather will continue to the end of the uiuntli. Tho weather looks bad for spring farming and whilo nine times out of ton early planting is btst, this year ap pears to bo thuexocption and in the northern corn belt planting in May will be tttoro successful than earlier planting. These diilicultic?, however will probably be remedied, to soiuo rxtcilt by fuvorablo weather later in the sea son and late frosts in tho fall. Killing April frosts aro threatened n southern latitudes where April frosts sometimes occur. Fair crops nro expected for 1891. Rainy years seldom causo ctop failures. Those who desire inoro particulars may cn clotc stampid and addressed envelope. CLOUDS. Thcro aro really no distinct divis ions of clouds and class them as one class so gradually merges into tho two nearest in appcaranco that it is quite difficult to distinguish wliero one stops and another begins. Mottrulugists havo divided clouds into five general olnssct: Stratus, cirrus, cumulus, cirro cumulus and Bttnbus. Tho stratus is tho bed or covering cloud, which at all seasons, but mora cspjoully in auttttnu, ap pears near suisct and rests all night, till sunrise in the morning, along the edgo of tho horizon. These olouds seem to b formed of a kind of wist or fog thrown up by the earth, or that hai settled down fiom tho dissolved cumulus is positively electrified and but little dow falls when they prevail. They aro whitish gray, and must be distinguished Iroui what aro sometimes culled cirro-stratus. Sttatus clouds indiiiuU rain and no dow whilo the cirro-stratus, belonging Jto tho same claes, indicate heavy devt and no rains. The cirrus is a ouilcd cloud with recurved tufts or nispp. It is tho highest of all clouds aud is either the outflow over tho upheaving column of a low barometer, or remnant or skele ton of ati exhausted storm ccnlar, They generally pn'cedo rains aid when thoy bcoomo large and condense they indicate heavy thunderstorms. The cumulus clouds nro readily dih tinguishrd by their heaped or piled nppi araneu which is tho meaning of tho woid cumulus hen detached uuiulm clouds gather togothcr tIioyLnd innufotnro of Dr. Bnwyer'd Pastilles fotm what are oallcd stackta cloude, the Price of The Chief. 9, 1894. which is tho transition state bctwocn tho cumulus and the nimbus. When slaokcn clouds becomo capped with a hood-cloud, liko mountains of ton ap pear, or when tho cirrus abovo them enlarges and increases in density, then heavy storms aro near at hand. Tho cirro-cumulua cloud is inter mediate betwecu tho cirrus and cumu lus. The sky, when flecked with cir-io-cuuiuluH clouds has roccived tho aommoti appellation maokerel-backcd, They alvrnjs indioato that an electrio change is going on and tho near ap proach cf a low barometer and a rino in temperature. In winter they indi cate tho breaking tip of frosts and tho coming on of rainy wcalhor. Tko nimbui is tho storm or rain cloud and the Inst s'ngo of cloud formation. It passes away by disolving into rain. It is intensely electrio in consequents of which it has nn oiigin hue in day timo and at night time is mnro lumi nous. No rain over falls and nono need be apprehended when a gray iky prevails but tho deeper tho Bircnity and the more intcuscly bluo tho sky is, tho more certain it is that copious rains will soon full. When the margin of the cloud is sharply defined upon the sky tho in volutions and convolutions of cloud upon cloud equally well defined and tho clouds appear smooth as though composed of ice, they furnish unmis takable warnings of storms of great energy. Dark clouds aro sometimes called wiud.clfluds. They aro dark because charged heavily with electricity and being thus heavily charged is the causo of strong winds being connect ed with them, for electricity is tho causo of all regular wind currents. Heat will cvaporato water and cold will condemo tho transparent vspors into cloud?, but these arc not the principal causes. The principal causo of evaporation aad cloud formation is electrical. The clolrio euirent coming down through tho ten groat permanent high barometers, ono of which covers each of tho fivo great oceans south and north of tho equator, evaporato the ocean water and carry tho moist ure into tho low barometers 'of tho continents. Here tho electric currents riso to auoh great heights that tho va pors are dropped and continue to fall back till tho atmosphero will no long er hold thi'iu and then rain results. Ladioi: If you have suffered a long timo witti Uisoasee peculiar to your sex, try Dr. Sawyer'a Pastilles. They will cure, In tho RtiGsiuti glass works tho labor orn ourn from 850 to 880 por year, with food und lodging in tho works. .. .. .1. i - Mrs, N. Meyettc, tho Ooneseo county treasurer of tho W. C. T. U. nud a very iniluontinl workor in thu muse of woruon says; "I havo ued l'arkes' Ton and find it la tlio best remedy 1 navo ovor tried ior constipation. It requires sninller doses and is inoro thorough. I shall uso noth ing else in future" English contractors for army clothing pay 11 ponco for making trousors and 30 peuco n dozon for army caps. Ladles: Irregularities nnd oil those pains nnd distressing diseases pocalinr to womou nre positively aud effectually cured by using Dr. tjawyoi's Pastilles. Doyoi Urice. A Swi6B silk-ribbon weaver regards himself ns fortunato it ho uvorages 48 cents u day tho year round. .. . m m ' Money, exporlonce and skill cuuuot irr- provo Dr. Bnwyer's PiHtillen, forj dlscaHen ptoullnr to women, LndUs tetul to your druggist for a free sample package. Deyo & Qrico. In tho A iori'H waiters iu hotels "who huvo thoir owu clothes" cun cotnmaud wuges of c'2 per woek. It .1... .......... ..ww.Hf....r. ...1 .1.111 I All limb luuiir, L'.ii'iirubu uiiu diii can do lias been dnuuiii the preporntion for ladles. Deyo & Qrioe, Vol. 21. No. 29 JlbsoMefy Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Iliglufltof ull in leavening strength Latest United Status Government Food Report. Hoynl linking Powder Co. 100 Wall t., N. Y. ..................................... MTTI.i: fitiCALLS. nv M. II ah it. IKIIir.HWKKT III AND !'. Chailia Mitchell hid his friends nood by and ciossedtho ocean wide To do .liitnes Corbett tip In stjlo and proo ti I in up amide; Uosald. I'll inako him think ho never saw a puRllHt, And Just you wait and watch htm when tie runs amtlnst my list. Then down ho will i?o; jus, down he will go; I'll cover him oer wllliRore, And his "rep" I will spoil, on American sell, When mi) meet on that beautiful shore. Tho day ni rived, tho fight occurred, and Corbett was the winner, l'ot Mitchell slajed about ns long as would a new beginner; Ho fanned tho nlr In vain attempt Jlin Corbel t'l face to crack, Until be cot an upper cut, which laid htm ou his back. And he never got up; no, he nover Rot up Time was called, still 'ho llay on the lloor; Out again lie may try, lu tho anoet by and by, It thty meet on that beautiful shore. Johnny had h little ram, Its "lleas" were full of mutton, v .. .Andjivorj wliero that aohnny went, r flit ram wasdjutt'n'; It batted him at school one day, Clear up against the wall, And mndo the teachor climb the fence A ml all the scholars bawl; nut when he mado his last debut, Willi a can of d)uamlte, That butter melted like the snow And went clear out of tight. l'rocrasllinlloii Is the thief of time and so Is the pick-pocket. a Just now ono of our carpontors Is looking rather uluni; Ho trlod to drive his finger nail Clear tip Into his thumb. Who Wtu Hi Who was in power from 1844 to 1801? Tho democrats. When did wo havo tho noarcst fro trade that we ever had? From 44 to Gl. When did wo havo the hardest times this county ever saw? From 44 to 01. Who parsed thoso froo trade law? The democrats. Who passed thoordinanco of secession? Tho democrats. Who gave tho ordor to fire on Fort Samptrr? A democrat, Col. John Branch, Who fought against this government in tho Into wai? Tlio democratc. Wbo gave. tho order to staivo tho union prisoners to death? Tho democratic president, Who was it that left this government without a cent in the treasury? Tho demoarats. Who wanted to return tho rebel rags? Tho. democrats. Who wanted to pais a freo trade law again? The democrats. Who is working into the hands of England? The democrats. Who wants to rc-ostabiish Lillio Calamity on tho throne? Tho demo ci at. Who is arguinsto tonko wheat U per bushel?. Tho duuiooruM. Nov Mr. democrats make jour prom ises good. A HtiNimr Man. - ' ' Curt Evans haaevorythingou want in tlio second-hand furnituro lino. See him Uluo Front, south Webster street. Misn Annette Nowcomor, state organi zer of tho Christians Women's boaul of Missions, will speak in tho Christian church Suuduy February 11th, at U;30. Every body is invited to como out and hour her. The importance of keplng the Iher nud Lidaeys in good conilltlon cannot be ovurtbtiraateil. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a guut remedy foe regulating and invig Hood'a Pillotuas!ly,yut promptly and orating intso orannr. tffaotlvely, on tbt IWir and bowels', 2Bo. ,.VI k .Ax K 9 "V iia