r. fijy -r-i j. r ir 8 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, FEB. 2, 1894. fc " ; & H 1 1 1 j j ft is i! - w .i I. t ' it THE BARE ARM OF G.0D HEV. DR. TALMAGE'3 IMPRESSIVE SER MON AT THE TABERNACLE. "Tlie Lord Hftth Mndo Itaro ill Holy Arm" A rt'ondeirul Reicrto of I'owiTi Achlavemoiit Without lllTort On llir Winning Side. Brooklyn, Jan. 21. Singularly np- f propriato and impressive vns tho old $ gospel hymn n it wan Bung this morn- 4' Ing by tho thousands of Hrooklyn Tub- ' ernncle, led on by cornet nml organ: Arm of tho Lord, (tK'.ikc, nwtiko! Tut on thy strength, tho nations slntke. Rev. Dr. Talmngo too!: for his sub ject, "Tho Baro Arm of Clod," tho toxt being Isaiah' Hi, 10, "Tho Lord Imth .i mndo lmro his holy tirni." It almost takes our breath nwny to rend,somuof tho Hlblo imngery. Thoro is such boldness of mctnphor in my text that I hnvo been for bouio tlino gottlng my courngo tip to prench from it. Isa iah, tho ovnngolistic prophet, is sound ing tho jubllnto of our pin not redcomod and cries out, "Tho Lord hath mndo bare his holy arm." What overwhelm ing nuggestiveness in that figuro of pooch, "Tho baro arm of God!" Tho pcoplo 6f Palestino to this day wear much hindering apparel, and whon thoy want to run a Apodal raco, or lift a special bunion, or light a special bat tle, they put oft tho out si do nppurol, as in our land when a man proposes a special exertion ho piitrfoft his coat and rolls up his sloove3. Walk through our foundries, our machiuo shops, our mines, our factories, und you will find that most of tho toilors hnvo their couts olf and thoir sleeves rolled up. Isaiah saw thnt Micro must bo n tro mendons amount of work dono beforo this world becomes what it ought to bo, and ho foreseen it nil accomplished, and accomplished by tho Almighty, not ns wo ordinarilyhink of him, but by tho Almighty with tho slcovo of his robo rolled back to his shoulder, "Tho Lord hath mado baro his holy arm." TUB CRKATION OP LIQIIT. Nothing moro impresses mo in tho f. Bible than tho oaso with which God ' does most things. Thoro is such n ro aervo of power. Hu has moro thunder bolts than ho has over flung, moro light thnn hn linnnvnr fllntrilintrd. mnrn lilun than that with which hu has overarch- ' ed tho sky, moro green than that with which bo lmsoincralded tho grass, moro crimson than that with which ho has burnished tho sunsets. I bay it with reverence, from all I can see, God has never hnlf tried. Vou know ns well ns I do that many of tho most elaborato and expensive in dustries of our world hnvo been em ployed in creating nrtificinl light. Half of tho timo tho world is dark. Tho moon nnd the otnra hnvo their gloriotu nscs, but as instruments of illumiuntion thoy nro failures. Thoy will not; allow you to read n book or stop tho ruffian ism ot your great cities, Had not tho darkness been persistently fought back by nrtilicial mcann, tho most of tho world's enterprises would havo halted ' half tho time, whllo tho criino of our (treat municipalities would for half tho timo run rampant and uurcbuked; bunco nil tho inventions for crenting artificial light, Irom tho flint Htruck against stool in centuries past to tho tlynnmoof our electrical manufactories. What uncounted numbers of pcoplo at work tho year round in making chnn doliors nnd lumps and fixtures nnd wires nnd batteries whero light shall bo made, or along which light shall run, or whero light shall iioIho! How innny baro arms of human toil and aoiqo of tlioso baro urms nro very tired in tho creation of light und its ap paratus, and after nil tho work tho greater pait of tho continents and hem ispheres at night havo no light at all, except perhaps tho fireflies flashing thoir amall lanterns across tho mvamp. maph with iuh riNor.ity. Bnt sco how easy God mado tho light. Ho did not inako baro his arm; ho did not oven put forth his robed arm; ho did not lift so much as it finger. Tito Hint out pf which ho struck tho noon day sun was tho word, "Light." "Let thero bo light!" Adam did not sco tho sun until the fourth day, for, though tho nu was created on tho fir&t day, it took its rays from tho first to tho fourth duy to work through tho denso mass of fluids by which this earth wna com jinwtcd. Did you over hear of any thing so easy ns that? So uniquo? Out of a word camu tho blazing sun,' tho father of flowers, and wnrmth nnd light! Out of n word building a flro pluco for nil tho nations of tho earth to wnrm themselves byi Von, seven other worlds, livo of them inconceivably lar ger than our own, and 70 asteroids, or worlds on n nmnllor scale! Tho warmth nnd light for this great brotherhood, great eistorhood, great family of worlds, 87 larger or smaller worlds, all from that ono magnificent fireplace, mado ont of tho ono word Light. Tho sun flSO.000 miles in diameter, 1 do not know how much grander a solar system God could hnvo created if ho Jind put f oi th hisrobrri arm, to say nothing of an arm mudo h;jrol But this 1 know, that our noonday una was a spark struck from tho anvil of ono word, mid that word "Light." "But,," wiya soino one, "do you not think thttt in making tho machinery of the, universe, of which our' solar byi. tern is comparatively a small wheel working into mightier wheoU, it must avavo cost God sotiw Exertion? Tho ;j heuval of an arm either robotl or tin arm mado baro?" Nos wo xuo dis tinctly told otherwise. Tho marhJuery .of n uuivcrnu Hod made e imply with hie Angers. David, inspired in n night nong, Ktiys bo "When I consider thy hcuvens, ho work of thy fingers." Till: TISTIMONY OV lAVI. A Scottish clergyman told mo n fuw w.neks ago of dyK.'ptio Thomits Curly Jo walking out with u friend ono starry night, and as tho friend Jouked up und wid, "What a splendid fry!" Mr. (Uwrtyle e qpHwJ as In glanced uo.vanl, j "Bad sight, sad Right!" Not so thought Duvld us ho road tho great Scripture of tho ulpjht heat ns. It was tt sweep of ombroidery, of vast tapestry, God mil nlpnlat :'l, That i.i thu allusion of tho psalmist to tho woven hangings of tup cstry ns thoy.woro known long beforo David's time. Fur back in tho ages what enchantment of thread nml color, tho Plorentltio velvets of silk and gold and Torsion carpots woven of goats' halrl If you hnvo been In tho Gobelin manufactory of tapestry in Paris alas, now no moro! you witnessed wondrous tilings as you saw tho wooden uccdloor broach going buck and forth and in and out; yon wcro transfixed wlth'ad miration at tho patterns wrought. No wonder that Louis XIV bought it, and It becamo-tho possession of tho throne, and for n long whllo nono but thrones nml palaces might havo any of its work! What triumphs of loom ! What victory of skilled fingers! So David says of tho heavens that God's fingers wovo into them tho light; ttiat God's fingers tap estried them with stars; that God's fin gers embroidered them with Worlds. How much of tho immensity of the heavens David understood I know not. Astronomy was born in China 0,800 years beforo Christ was born. During tho reign of Hoang-TI astronomers wero put to death if thoy mado wrong calcu lations about tho heavens. Job under fttood tho refraction of tho sun's rays and enld thoy wero "turned ns tho clay i to tho seal." Tho pyramids wero as-1 tronomical observatories, and thoy wero i so long ngo built that Isaiah refers to ' ono of them in his nineteenth chapter nnd calls it tho "pillar nt tho border." Tho first of all tho sciences born was astronomy. Whether from knowledgo already nbrond or from direct inspira tion, it seems to mo David had wido knowledgo of tho heavens. Whether ho understood tho full forco of what ho wrote, J know not, but tho God who inspired him know, and ho would not let David writo anything but truth, nnd thorcforo all tho worlds that tho tclo 8eot0 over reached or Coporuicus or Galilei or Kepler or Nowton or La placo or Hortichel or our own Mitchell over saw wero no easily mado that they wcro mado with tho flngors. As easily ns with your fingers you mold tho wax, or tho clay, or tho dough to particular shapes, so ho decided tho bhapo of our world, and that it should weigh six scxtilliou tons and appointed for nil worlds their orbits nnd decided their color tho whito to Shins, tho ruddy to Aldebarnn, tho yellow to Pollux, tho bluo to Altair, marrying some of tho stars, as tho '-V10U dfcublo stars that Herschel observed, administering to tho whims of tho vnriablo stars as their glauco becomes brighter or dim, pre paring what astronomers called, "tho girdle of Andromeda" and tho nebula in tho sword handle of Orion. Worlds on worlds! Worlds under worlds! Worlds nbovo worlds! Worlds beyond worlds So many that arithmetics nro of no uso in (ho calculation! But ho counted them us ho mado them, mid ho mndo them with his fingers! Jlesurya tlon of power! Suppression of omnipo tence! Resources ns yet untouched! Almightfncyetiiiidemonstrated! Now I ask, for tho benefit of all disheartened Christian worker, If God accomplished no much with Ills fingers, what can ho do When ho puts out all his strength and when houulimbcrsall tho batteries of his oninipofeiu'o? Tho Bible speaks again and again of God's outstretched arm, but only once, mid that io tho text of tho baro arm of God. A (JltKAT UNDI'tlTAKlNO. My text makes it plain that tho rec tification of this world is a stupendous undertaking. It takes moro power to mnko this world over again than it took to mnko it nt first. A word was only necessary for tho first creation, but for tho, new creation tho unslcoved nnd un hindered foronrm of tlio Almighty! Tho reason of thnt I enn understand. In tho shipyards of Liverpool or Glasgow or New Vork it grent vessel is construct ed. Tho architect draws out tho pjan, tho length of tho beam, tho capacity of tonnage, tho rotation of wbccl or scrow, tho cabin, tho masts and all tho ap pointments of this great palaco of tho deep. Tho architect finishes his work without imy potfdoxity, and thoar pouters and tho artisans toil on tho craft so many hours a dny, each ono doing his part, until with Hugs flying, nnd thou sands of 'tcoplo huzzaing on tho docks, tho vessel is launched. But ont on tho sea that steamer breaks her shaft nnd is limping slowly nlong toward harbor, when Caribbean whirlwinds, thoso migtity hunters of tho deep, looking out for prey of tdiips, surround that wound ed vessel nnd pitch it on a rocky const, nnd she lifts mid falls in tho breakers until every joint U loose, nnd every spar is down, and every wavo swoops over tho hurricano dock as alio parts midships. Would, it not requiro moro skill and power to got; that splintered vessel off tho rocks ami iccons tract it than it re quired originally to build ficr? Ayo! Our world that God built so beautiful, mid which started out with all tho flags of Edonjo foliagound with tho chnnt of paradisaical boiyprs, has been CO cen turies pounding in tho skerrlo9 of sin and sorrow, and to get tier out, nnd to get her olf, and to get her on tho right yay again will requiro moro of oiniiip otenco Jtlinn It requited to build her nnd lnuhdi her. So I tun not sur prised that though iu ho dryfock of cjuo word our world wti3 mado it will tno Jhu unslcoved nrm of God to lift her from 4fca.rocks and put her on tho right courso ngnin. p is evident from jy. text and its comparison with other texts (hat it would not bo so great an uudot faking iy mnko it wholo constella tion .of world?, nnd a wholo galaxy of world, and u nl'fl) tisiionoiny of wot Ids, up Wing them ju !cir right orbits as to tyku (his wounded world, this stranded world, i)i bankrupt world, this destroyed world, and pinko it its good as when it sturted. j:vu.s to ovmtcoMi:. yitxt, i-tf o.k at tho enthroned diffi culties In the wu ,X? removal of which, tho oveithtow of which,' t&vwj,to requiro tho baro right nrm of omnipotence. Thoro stands hoatheniain, with Its 800, OOJ.OOO vlctini3. I do not euro wheth eroticall them Brahmans or Bud dhists, Coiifiiciam or fetich detains. At tho World's Talr In Chicago last summer thoso inoiutrosltitii of religion tried to inuko tlnmisnlViM respectable, but tho long hair mid baggy tro iscrs and trinketed robes of their representa tives cannot hido from tho world tho fact that thoso religions ato tho nuthors of funeral pyro, mid juggernaut crush ing, and Gauges infanticide, und Chi nese shoo torture, and tho nggregatod massacres of many centuries. They havo their heels on India, on China, on Persia, on Borneo, on three-fourths of tho ncroago of our poor old world, I know that tho missionaries, who aro tho most Rncriflcing and Christllko mon nnd women on earth, aro making steady and glorious inroads upon theso built up uliominations of tho centuries. All this stuff that you sco in some of tho nowspapcra about tho missionaries ns living in luxury and idleness is pro mulgated by corrupt American or Eng lish or Scotch merchants, whoso looso bohnvior in heathen cities has been re buked by tho missionaries, nnd thoso corrupt morchants writo homo or toll innocent nnd unsuspecting visitors in India or China or tho darkened islands of tho sen theso falsehoods about our consecrnted missionaircs, who, turning thoir backs on homo and civilization nnd emolument nnd comfort, spend their lives in trying to introduce tho morcy of tho gospol among tho down trodden of heathenism. Somo of thoso merchants lcavo their families in Amer ica or England or Scotland and stay for n fow years in tho ports of heathenism whllo thoy aro making their fortunes in tho tea or rico or opium trado, and whllo thoy aro thus absent from homo givo thomsolvcs to orgies of dissolute ness such as no pen or tongno could, without tho abolition of nil decency, attempt to roport. Tho presenco of tho missionaries, with their puro and noblo households, in thoso hoatben ports is a constant robuko to such dobauchces und miscreants. If satan should visit heav en, from which ho was onco roughly but justly oxpatriatcd, aud hu should writo homo to tho realms pandemoniac, his correspondence published in Dinbo los Gnzetto or Apollyonic Nows, about what ho had seen, ho would roport tho tcmplo of God and tho Lamb as n bro ken down church, and tho houso of many mansions nsn disreputable plnco, nnd tho cherubim as suspicious of mor ula. Sin never did like holiness, nnd you had better not depend upon mttunic report of tho sublime nnd multipotent work of our missionaries in foreign lauds, Hut notwithstanding nil thut theso men aud women of God havo nchioved, thoy feel and wo nil feel thut if tho idolatrous lands aro to bo Chris tianized thero needs to bo n powor from tho heuvons thut has not yot con descended, and wo feel iko crying out in tho words of Charles Wesloyt Arm of tlm Iml, awake, awake! fat on thy strongth, tlio nations shake! Aye, il ia not only tho Lord's nrm that is needed, tho holy arm, tho out stretched arm, but tho baro arm! AN KUCMSIASTICAL JOKU. There, too, stands Mohammedanism, with Its 170,000,009 victims. ItsBlblo i9 tho Koran, it book not quito as largo as our flow Testament, which was ro? vealed toMoInmmed whou in epileptic fits, and resuscitated from theso fits ho dictated it to bcrlbes. Vet it is read today by moro pcoplp thai) miy other book ever written, Mohammed, tho founder of that religion, a polygnmist, with superfluity of wives, tho fiibt stop of his religion on tho body, mind and soul of woman, mid no wonder that tho heaven of tho Koran is mi ovorlastiug Sodom, an infinite boraglio, about which Mohammed piomtses that pad) follower shall havo in that pluco ?'J wives, in addition to nil tho wive3 ho had on earth, but that no old wounn shall ever enter heaven. When ;t bishop of Eng land recently proposed that tho best way of saving Mohamm-jdans wis to let thcnikcep thoir religion, butongruft upon itpomonow plnciple3 from Chris tianity, ho perpetrated uu ecclesiastical joke, at which no mm can laugh who has over seen tho tyrimiy and domestic wretchedness which always appear whero that religion gets foothold. It has marched across continents and now proposes to set up Its filthy wl ac cursed banner in America, and what it has dono for Turkey it would liko to do for our nuMon. A ruligion that bru tally treats wountihood pu','ht never to bo fostered in our country. But thiro nover was a religion so. ubsurd or wbk ed that it did not git disciples, nnd fhero nro enough fools In Amorica o mnko a Jargo discipleship of Moham medanism, This corrupt religion has been making steady progress for hun dreds of yours, and notwithstanding H tho splendid wotk dono by tho Teis-jp?, and tho Goodells, and tho Blisses, nnd tho Von Dykes, and tho Posts, and tho Mis3C3 Boweus, and tho Misses Thomp n9; and scores of othor men and wom en of whom tho world was uot worthy, thoro it stands, the giant of pin, Mo hammedanism, with ono foot on tho heart of woman nnd tho othor on tho heart pf Christ, whllo it mumbles from its minarets t)iis stupendous blasphemy: "God is great, and Mohnrnrned is bis prophet." Lot tho Christian printing presses nt Boyroot nnd Constantinople keep on with their work nnd the meu aud women of God in the mission fields 'ioil nntil tho Lord crowns them, but ;what wo aro ail hoppg for is something supernatural from tho heavens, as ypt unseen, something stretched down out fd tho ekies, something 11 ko an arm an .covered, tho buro nrm of tho God of na tions.! TltU MACIAHA OF IKEMURTY. tfhuru stands also tho arch domon of Alcoholism. It throtio is whlto and jinndopf bleached human bkiill-!. On (w side of that throno of skulls kneels in nbcisajico and worship democracy, nnd ou tho other fijdo republicanism, and tho ono thnt kisses tho cancerous and gangrened foot of this despot tho Ottoaost gu tno most benedictions. Thero Is a Hudson river, an Ohio, n Mississippi of strong drink rolling through this nation, but as th rivers from which I tuko my llguro of sposch empty Into tho Atlantic or thj gulf this mightier flood of slcJnen and insanity nnd domestic ruin and crime and bankruptcy and woo empties into tho hearts, and tho homes, and the churches, nnd tho time, and tho eternity of a mul titude boyond nit statistics to number or describe. All notions nro mauled und scarified with baleful stimulus, or killing narcotic. Thopulquoof Mexico, tho enshnw of Brazil, tho hasheesh of Persia, tho opium of China, tho guavo of Honduras, tho wedro of Russia, tho soma of India, tho nguardlonto of Mo rocco, tho arnk of Arabia, tho mastic of Syria, tho rakl of Turkoy, tho beer ot Germany, tho whisky of Scotland, tho alo of England, tho all drinks of America, nrodoing their best tostunoty. inflame, domont, impoverish, brutallzo and slay tlio human raco. Human pow er, unless ro-enforcod from tho hoavons, can nover extirpate thoevils I mention. Much good has been accomplished by tho heroism nnd fidelity of Christian re formers, but tho fact romains that thoro aro moro Bplcndid men and magnificent women this moment going over tho Ni agara abysm of inebriety thnn at any timo sinco tho -fiist grnpo was turned into wlno nnd tho first head of ryo bo gaii to soak in n browery. f, Whon pco plo touch, this subject, thoy aro npt to givo statistics ns to how many millions aro in drunkards' graves, or with quick tread marching on toward them. Tho lnnd is full of talk of high tariff nnd low tnriir, but wlwt about tho highest of all tariffs in this country, tho tarllf of $000,000,000 which rum put upon tho United States in 1891, for that is what it cost us? You do not trcmblo or turn palo when I say that. Tho fact is wo havo becomo hardened by statis tics, and thoy mako little impression. But if somo ono could gather into ono mighty lakoall tho tears that havo been wrung out of orphnnngo nnd widow hood, or into ono organ diapason nil tho groans that havo been uttered by tho suffering victims of this holocaust, or Into ono whirlwind nil tho sighs of cen turiesof dissipation, or from tlio wlckot of ono immenso prison hnvo look upon us tho glaring eyes of nil thoso whom strong drink has ondungconed, wo might perhaps rcnlizo tio nppalling desolation. But, no, no, tho sight would forover "blast our vision; tho sound would forover stun our souls. Go on with your temperauco litornturo; go on with your tompeinnco plutforms; go on with your temporanco laws. But wo nro all hoping for something from nbovu, and while tho baro arm of suf fering, nnd tho baro nrm of invalidism, and tho baro arm of poverty, nnd tho baro nrm of domestic desolation, from which rum hnth torn tlio sleeve, nro lirted up in beggary nnd supplication nnd despnir, lot tho buro nrm of God striko tho breweries, and tho liquor stores, und tho corrupt politics, nnd tho license laws, and tho wholo inferno of grogshops all mound tho world. Down, thou accursed bottlo, from tho thronol Into tho dust, thou king of tho demi john! Parched bo thy lips, thou' wlno cup, with fires that shall nover bo quenched! - l'LKNTV OV AMMUNITION. But I hnvo no timo to specify tho manifold ovils that chnllengo Christian ity. And I think I havo been in somo Christians, and read in somo newspa pers, and hcftrd from eomo pulpits a dishcnitciiment, as though Christianity wero so w.stcd that it is hardly worth whilo to attempt to win this world for God, nnd that all Christian work would collapse, and that it is no uso for you to teach a Sabbath class, or distribute tracts, or exhort in prayor.mcotings, or preach in a pulpit, as satan is gaining ground. To robuko that pessimism, tho gospel of Binashup, I preach this ser mon, showing that you aro on tho win ing side. Go ahead! Fight on! What I want to mako out today is that our ammunition is not oxhausted; that nil which has been accomplished hns been only tho skirmishing boforo tho great Armageddon; thnt not moro than ono pf tho thousand fountains of beauty in tho King's park haa begun to play; that not moro than one brigado of tho innumorablo hosts to bo mar shaled by tho rider on tho whito horso has yet taken tho field; that what God has dono yet has been with nrm folded in flowing robe, but that tho timo is coming whon he will riso from his throne, nnd throw oil that robe, and poms out pf tho palaces of eternity, nnd como down tho stairs of heaven with all conquering step, nnd hnlt in tho firesnncoof expectant nations, and flash ng his omnisclont oyos across tho work to bo dono will put bock tho slcovo ot his right arm to tho shouldor. und roll H up thoro, nnd for tho world's final pud. complete roscuomako baro his arm. Who cap doubt tho result whon accord ing to my toxt Johovn.li does hs best: when tho last rcservo forco of omnipo tence takes tho flold; when tho lust sword of eternal might leaps from its scabbard? Dc you know what decided thobattloof Seduu? Tho hills n thousand feet high. Eleven hundred cannons on tho hills. Artillery on tho hoighfs pf Givonno, nnd 13 German batteries ou the heights of La Moncello. Tho crown princo of Sixony watched tho scono rrom the heights of Mnlry. pntweon n quarter to 0 o'clock in tho morning nnd 1 o'clock in tho afternoon of Sept. 2, 1870,'flio hills dropped tho sholls that shuttered the French host in tho valley. Tho French emperor and tho 80,000 of his nrmy captured by tho hills. So in lhii oaiiflint flow ingtag between poll ncss nnd slit ''.our eyes are unto the bills." a anr.AT victorv. - Down hero In tho vnlloys of earth wo must bo valiant eoldiors of tho cross, but tho Commandor of our host walks tho iolghts und viows tho sccno far bolter than wo can in tho valleys', and at the right day and tiro right hour 'nil heaven wll open its butteries on our eido, am tho commander pf tho hosts pf unrightcopsnoss with a)l hit) followers, will surrender, and it will talwateroUy to fully celebrate tho universal victory through our Lotd Jesus Ch:it. "Our eyes aro unto tho hfllj." It is so cer tain to bo accomplished thnt Isaiah la my text lodes down through the fldd glass of prtpnecy ,nd sp-uit ot it as already accomplished, and 1 lake my etand whcte tho prophet took his stand nnd looknt it nsnli dope. "Hilloluiah, 'tis done." See' Thoo cities, without r tear! Look! Those continents with; out a pang. Behold! Thoo hemi spheres without a sin! Why, thoso deserts, Arabian den-rt, American dei ttt. und Grent Sahara ilfrt. n. ,n Irrigated into gardens whero Ord walks in tho cool of tho day. Tho utinojpia-rs mat encircles our glouo floating not ono groan. All tho livers nnd lakes aud oceans dimpled with not ono fulling tear. Iho climates of tho earth have dropped out of them tho rigors of tho cold and tho blasts of tho heat, nnd It is universal spring! Let us :h ingo tho out worms name. Lot ft no moro be called tho earth, ns when It was reeking with ovorythlng pestiferous und mulev olont, scnrlctod with battlefields and gashod with graves, but now so changed, so aromatic with gardens, nnd so resonant with song, nnd so rnbescent with beauty, lot us call it Immnnuol's Land or Beulah or millennial gardens or pnradiso regained or heaven! And to God, tho only wise, tho only good, tho only great, bo glory forover. Amen. Tho Story or n Holt. In tho church tower of tho llttlo town of Grosslaswitz, in tho north of Ger many, hangs n bell, nnd on it is engraved its liistory, surmounted by a bas-roliof representing a six eared stalk of corn and tho dnto, Oct. 15, 1729. This is tho story of tho bell: At tho beginning of the last century tho only church tell at Grosslaswitz wna bo small that its tones woro not sufficient to ponotrato to the ends of tho village. A second bell was badly wanted, but tho vllhtgo was poor, and whero was tho money to como from? Every one offered to givo what ho could, but tho united offcrimrs did not nmnnnt to nearly enough for tho purpose. Ono Sunday when tho schoolmaster, Gottfried Hayn, was going to church he noticed growing out of tho churchyard wall a flourishing green stalk of corn, tho seed of which must have been dropped thero by a passing bird. Tho idea sud denly struck him that porhaps this ono Btalk of corn could bo mado tho moans of producing tho second boll they want ed so much. Ho waited till tho corn was ripo, nnd then ho plucked tho six ears on it nnd sowed them in his own garden. Tho next year ho gathered tho littlo crop thus produced and sowed it again, tillnt last ho had not enough room in his gar don for tho crop, soho divided it among a certain number of farmers, who went on sowing tho cars until in tho eighth year the crop was so largo that whon it was put together and sold thoy found that they had enough money to buy a beauti ful bell, with its story nnd its birthday engraved upon it und n cast of tho corn stalk to which it owed its existence. Londou Globe. She Silenced Dcpew. Somo of tho best of Chicago's post praudinl speakers aro of tho clergy, nnd ono of tho brightest of all of them is Rov. P. . Hcnson, tho populnr pastor of tho First Baptist church. At a dinner not long ngo ho wus called upon without any warning, and ho acquitted himself us cloverly as ho always doos under such circumstances. Ho incidentally referred to great men who hud been spoiled, liko children, by being mado much of, aud ho stated that tho only great man who had not been spoiled by being "lionized" was Daniel. Dr. Henson referred in this connec tion, too, to Dr. Chauncey M. Dopow, tho silver tongued Now Yorker, who speaks best after ho has lost his appetite, und of him ho told a story. Dr. Dopew, ho said, was in attendance nt a Baptist so cial affair onco upon u time, and ho had a soat noxt to a good sister, whom he at tempted to patronize "Do you know, madam," ho said to her between courses, "I camo very near being n Baptist my self." Tho lady expressed mild surprise, pnd Dr. Dopow proceeded to mako it a littlo stronger. "Yes, I nnrrowly es caped immersion onco," ho said. "In deed," said tho lady. "Why, Dr. Do pow, I nover thought you conld disap pear from tho public gazo long cpougli for that," whereat Dr. Dopow busied himself with tho next courso and forov er after held his pcaco on that occasion at least. Chicago Post. A Friend of (ho. rauillj-. Mr. Arthur Gilman of Cambrldgo tolls tho following story: "You know there was a picturo of Mr. Longfellow's cbil-. dren that was copied a, good deal whlalt w.as taken in such ft way that tho anas pf ono of tho littlo girls did not show, and so it wn3 told about a good deal that sho had no arms. Ono day Mr. Lowell was in n enr going by Mr. Longfellow's, hquso, and nenr him woro three women seeing tho sights, "Ono of them was explaining things to tho othors, and nfter pointing out tho houso sho said, 'You know ono of Long fellow's children had no arms.' Mft Lowell thought that story had gonu itbopt far onqugh, eq ho bald, 'Excus'o mo, madam,' pnd told her Mr. Longfel low's children all had tho usual number of arms. Sho turned on him with n anlfT and a little toss of her head and said: 'Ouo of thorn has no urms, sir, I hud it from it friond of tho family.' "Boston Transcript. The nuthtub Trunk. Some novelties in bathtubs nro mndai abroad especially for traveling purposes," U'hey are mudo Of best tinned iron, with japanned oak outside nnd whito inside. Tho novelty is that thoy can bo closed up with a strap und utilized as a trunk to hold tho clothes of tho owner. A solf heating gas bath is mado upon tho fol lowing principle: An atmospherio gas burner is employed, from which tlio. heat is conduced around tho body of the bath by flues, and after doing this duty escaping by n main flue. A bath can bo heated in this way in 45 minutc3 at an, txpeaM of 8 cents. Hard warn. !E A. Glrc tlieUoya .$ A ohfltcll In h tm,..- n.,.l I. .!!,.. f.l' '1 them with ooJ ptn'c fnn, mimI ! n Mi. ,, , ;.n I i i. m ii , V i i i For huiu uy Litjo & tt A I'li 1il A Constantinople pnrtor, it business is good, can mako 8.'i 17 it week, Lndie : If jou lipr. iiff-il ;i lonjr tnui VI' I .lillM l) , . . . - try -., . A lull' fi .UK . , bus Hoasotia, 111 cotitM .. ., .. Mr. U. Altyiti', .n Uun sru ouu-tty rcHitiurof the W. C. t. U. and a very iiilliiunliril worker in II, uaiiki u( wmnuu Miy-: "1 lmo used I'ark s' I'oa nnd Hud it is tho best remtdj I huvo evur trlrd for ooiiRtipittion. Il rtqufres mnHller doses nml Is utoru. thorough. I shall use noth ing else hi futuro" Ii Mexico scunistiesscs aro paid conts u day; weavers, fiO cents. 'Ladles: Irrogniatitn-s nnd all thoso pains and distrdasiiig diseases peculiur to women nre positively nnd effect unlly cured by using Dr. Suwtr's l'ustilles. Deyoifc Qrlco. A confoctionor in Venezuela caii oarn from 81i2 to $10 per month. Money, experloncu und nkill cannot fit provu Dr. tiiiwyer's l'ustilles, for dlseuses peculiar to wotuon. LadUs teud to your druggist for a free sample package. Dtyo k Unco. Fig pickora in Aoitt Minor, if skillful, can malto 20 cents a day. All that money, experience and skill :an do h ts buen dono in the preperiitfoti and inniiufncltiro of Dr.Suwper's Pastilles fo Indies. Doyo & Onco. lUcst Uouwb hjrup. TMtesUood. VhH rhhiH ivHiag in tree una hv aula dt dniffffltu. Mf Notice: loiccltmuu of AgtNtrMl,lcii. Notice Is hui oh) clvcn ninth) vlrlue of nn ichteis lieu, uu nfllihitlt fur whleli I llli'd In lie ulllee of tlie county eltikof Welisteremintv uliniikitotiilifDtliilii) nt (imcinliHi 1831, for llio ciire. fevillinr mid kee.nu of ouo buy i turn ltli lilitek iiiiiiip iiiul lull, seun .wars nlil. mined "Nell"thn property of i. I). Snicker, fur llio period of fonrieon weeks from tin- 3')tli duy ir.jimusimitollmutLulrtyuf Deremlier I81M it I lie price iuiicimI tu h) said Sun-ki-r ot $i.M pit week, and for tlie tinili.-r euro und leiMIni: if ald iii.uv to tlio il.iteot thin vdi lit tlie.i.imu orlce; 1 II on thi: i,t da. nf I'ct.iismy twt. lUliliuly oiler siild tiiiiiefur s.V" lit 10-a Cloud. Nebraska lit tcno'elnk In tne riviiiiiiii i.( mIU liiytn.s.illiry llieHiiiiiiifjMultli iiihi of keti iiii'.s.iM mare Irom UereHber Dili ISWI to tlio liuoifsaletarateoI.'.6) per week und costa f rule. U .. .... v. . A.M. OIIAV. Own ft MeXlTT. I'lii'ntlir's t nriiPVH. Xollt'u to .Voii.ltt-ftlUciii iiuivnd nnlti. In tlio District Court of Webitcr county. No Jirftku. UduaraU. Hodge, vs. Abram "cott, Anna Scott, 'rim Neinii'kit and Kan sas Farm Unn Co. and Leonard Iievens, Defendants. To ronnrd Ilcvons. ilo'ori taut In tlio above Mill! ed I'iiuse: u arii lieieliv muim-n that "III tlio ISth llltV Of Jllll'l uv, 88, V..w Kill. Iloiko, plulutlll licrjln. II ed Ills petltl'in In Iho liilriet voitit ,.f Wist.-r onntv, Ncbrui-ki. iKiilu.t )nu. Implcado, i wllli tlio other ililena nits named in the 'title nf n.tld eau-e, the iiideit ifid piajer uf wlileli Is in fnrrclona leMaln iniirtKitsiii'xeeiitMl by the dm udiinis, Abr.ni .Scott and Anu-i r-uutl to .innirs II. Tallman. mid now ovvne-l by plaintiff iiHn iho follinn u. eiilird mil pioperty sltuiiteil In tlioioiiiilvnf Webster nml stito of Ni-tirask'i. to-wlt: Tho J""' It-west (ii.trt-r or section u inhered twenty (20) lit tuwnslilp iiuinST. il four ('.) north. Hi laiwoiiiiuibeied twelve (la,) west of tlm cih V. M ; to setiuru tho ui) intuitu! it certain priimls sory note, dated Am-.tst 1st, isss.ind -Iiih und p;i utile nvii) ear from the d lu thereof j that theieU iimviiuoiipo maul nolo mid niDrtmiKo iho sum of SJOi, lor wlil.u sum. with inierest from ibis dato mid ci Ms nf for closure, plii'iulir ptitys for a decree; tlutt ilefondiintsiiuiequlred to pii) tno same, .a-that sild niemhes be sold "' ,".1" l "l?, wnoMU'touwl due: th.it tiny riidit, tltlo, lien or intoiot owned or pialine't by ou or any ot o r cii-defiinliiiit In or to said pivmlses b licljtiiluedtobejuiil ruudlu ti,rlor to plal'itllf's Men t lernan. You uii! liereb) fiirtti-t- nolllleil tlM vmi itrn rciitlrudtii answer said pctlilot i.f tha 'lalutlrr on or lieforo the Wth d.t of IVbiimr " IS'it. ai d tlm If )ou fnll to unsitDr iho M.ime i n or bojnro k:i d dav, tho facts and Alienation-1 onliilnnl n Hllld lietlll'lll Will iMtnVl'll.. Iriiini,,l I,,, I, ,,.., and (lecreo reaiUrrcd -is thoreiil r.nud rr. Dated January 18th, 1591. 11V !.!. MCXKWV. Ill, ,55 B- f'MK Xullcc to .Vouslliitltieiit lclcntl mitti. In the District C'ouit of Webster County, No britska. , " l'renton II fclhley iia ex-cnt'ir of tb last will !"".L st, 'i" ,V.', "' Slar- K' K'wwcrlh. do toascd, plulntlir, . Joint Zitckerv, Bantli A. Znckerv, V K. Jaci:. ('11. exeeutnr nf the la-t will nn'l tsiitiiiiut of lle.ry .McConiml. ileceuso.l, V. M. -t-rv. Ilenit O i:iiiier. font tiny Cutter, Thn Nel biasjta iiinl Kansas Farm Imm Co. and Court i) Wlntoii, (U foiiditntf. To.lnlui'.ickiiiy, Sara't A. Zaekery. 'W. i;. Jiiekwui, iceiiinr of iii luii wl.l iimi tmunirnt of lleni) McCormul.ileii'iiseil.nuil V, tl. story, ilef iiclants In iIkiiIiiivo eiiiiili'ii c nsoi Yin in n hen by tint Iliad that ou (lie IHIh day of ann um v. Ini. 1'ivstoii II. Slbli-i-. .is nxi.iiirip ..I I,... lust will unit testament nt .M irv I" Knsivorili. dvooiiscd, nlalu lir lu-reiti. illi-d his iHtnii hi the illsli let coin t of Vister county, Ni-Iiius. Uii, lipilnil jou, liniiNviil.il wt'li t i-other ilu feuilnnts niillU'd ill tlm llllonf niiIiI ejiise.lhn old ft and prayer of whlWi Is to forccbsi-ii -or-mill inoitsuu'eexi-euteil In thiMlclfuiJanii Jniin . ii Kery mid .Surah A. Zickeiy to a mo II I'allmaii, mid now owned bv the enimeet Mnry (C, i;iihi)rlll, ilci'i'isioil. iipn'i thofiillowiii des. erllied real piniH-rlv, bltu.itid In the county nr Webster and unite of NubmsUa, t -wit: j'ht, snutli-wrHl quartrr of hpciIoii unmtiero 1 two ty. ilnee ('.'0 lit lowi'Mdp iiiiiiiIiimvii two (.' ) uortn, lu iniiKii nittnlifii'd leu (liUwestof the u;li I'. II.; tiiM'ciiiiillii! piiMiient nf ueeitiilu promt. K"ry imie, tt nt il IVbriiury lm. I8S7, nml duo ami pliable Intlve )ears Irian ihv (latcth-ro tlmtiheieniiowiliii.upiui8.il uu ,i ,. mi.rti K.'tKotlio sum i f Slim, ior which tiiui' uu 'titer, est fr in lilts dale, lillil cnsls ot leieelnviKe, iiiiuiiu pui) ii it ii nrtJ", win ut i 'i.uiitiix ot ri(iuipd tn list th tin oi ill , Fi.t I rfinlnts liohold to tuitbfy the urn in l 'mini due. nrnl Jti Ihilnny ilRht, Idle, Ilia ir Inl test imni-iliii-OH' i-lnlmetl ty )(ai, or ifix uf yien hi l.'fenj.V;? n ..i In nlil nteinki.. b' iitjiitt ! 'il),V ' unillnferlnrtollou u or no planum-, lY'c.ii,, (urtliM- notm-il Vif, 'gjl'f thereon. You are liorcby ro(iilredtom'Bwe eniulll'nriiMii 'vi.iMii l, "I or Oil or ii nnd that Ituffirn UII neioro iim .um iiy .ii fern- ,""scoi I at If you fnl utitiisnur lliiE-'i'oanj said uajf, W fit"' ad hi ' '"crei,. imImpi! iii uilil nutiiinu will Ii- tukr jiiilirinent mill decree lemlcrt piiuedfor. .;i,""Sf Dutcu .1 miliary 18, lU, r ;', SI 111,. I'liBs-rn ." .'lire !' lu...'.'.' ed. r n ,.sT-i-,iin, ii lll.ll Tl-h'tllll . v.--". ..,.:. A'Cd. ' Kusw.alli. Il nyJanicsMtf.Nei ' liuanwiiivj, III laj in iina "-V 41 r l -37 - k) f i. !; M fe 71 I ? : I r .- 0 f V'rwmTH ' r 3Uli8cKb Jh jww- J.i j I ,rtTMJiw.i IdlWlUMfWrT1 lfcVrWWWlWM'lr,-,-'l'',i'' ' iJOWfrtW1''' 1