The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 02, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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. i.
Thcro is no business so trying upon
the nerves of persons engaged iti it
u the work of teaohlng.
There is no one who exerts a great
er influence upon the mindn of child
res for good or for evil than tho teach
The teaohcrahonld be oarcful to ob
serve all tho lawn of health, should bo
regular is all his habits, should havo
regmlar hours for eating, sleepiug, etc,
aid should esgage in only suoh imuw
onti, rtoreations, kinds of exercise
u are conducive not only to good
smith but also to good morals.
Ne ene oan be a truo teacher, be
fhjsically able to do his work well in
the schoolroom, bo morally puro so as
to exercise an influonco for goed upon
the minds of tho youn pcoplo of
whoa he is supposed to be the leader
who attends rither the "select crowd"
daaoa nr the pioraieounus crowd dance.
If there arc any persons teaching in
tho sohools of Webster county at pres
ent, who attend danceH and other
places of questionnblo propriety, it
would bo of lasting benefit to the
eomuanity and especially to the
sohool children if the would bo tcaoh
ars should resign at onco.
Last Friday evening an entertain
stent was given by the pupils in the
sshool in district No. 2G taught oy Mr.
W. H. Qrant. The children did re
markably well in all the recitations,
songs and' dialogues that were ren
dered. Many patrons and others were
present and all wcro pleased and bene
fittd by the exercieos of the evening
Considerable interest is manifested
by the pupils of the districts south
aad esst of CowUb in the results nl
the spelling bees that aro held in those
Miss da K. Sayer, teacher of thi
sohool in distriot No. G2, reports that
Maggie Kriekson, Astra Eriokson,
Ueraaan Erickson and Elmer Ander
am were not tardy; and that Herman
Kriekson, Elmer Anderson and Free
an Erickson were not absent during
the month ending January 2G, 1893
8omctimes at the fohoolroom door
the "grim aessengei" knocks, as the
following let tor so well allows:
School Dta No. 02 Jao., 2G, 1894
To-dav little Hans Anderson, Jesus'
little lamb, was called away from us
to his Heavenly Father's arms. We
h had two little pets in sohool, and flan
,wis one, but our fatbor thought bet
to take him troni us, and leave us ti
pursue lifo's Btudies without him. Lit
tle did wo think, when on last Morv
day the first seat in tho north row was
occupied by our den- one, that be
weuld never be with us again. His
sane was written on the board as a re
ward of work; but it was written in
the Lamb's book of life as a reward of
faith. Last Friday evening he spoil
his "piece" and sang with us, "I am
o elad that Jesus loves me." this
Friday evening ho is' in heaven ar
rayed is shining raiment, a orowa up
on his head, a harp within bis hand
praising Jesus who loved him ann
whom be lovtd. How oft sre tho lit
tle ones taken, tho spotless ones and
we older ones aro left to do life's work.
Ob! may we be able to say, "Wo have
fought a good fight;" and may wo b
as confiding in Jesus as little Hans,
for "Of such is tie kingdom of
heaven." His teacher, Miss Ida El
lin Saykh.
lleports from the following Hohools
have bean foccived , a few wuro omit
ted lat week, lo January 30th:
Mo. Dis. Teaeher.
! Lulu C. Harbor
17 Lulu A. Ayer
18 Albort Ilichardeon
23 John M. Earner
24 Harvey W. Cox
27 Mamie Hooeholder
29 M. Katio Nobla
42 Mury I Farqubar
43 Blancbo Arnold
i 02 Ida E. Sayer
(?) Oscar A. Arnold
Hnr. Av. At.
.!0 28
23 23
31 30
17 15
22 19
30 18
17 15
2'J 25
28 21
20 21
32 2
73 J. R. S trader (ffr. room) 32 21
70 Charlie Foo 15 10
78 L. A. Koontz (N. S.) 27 21
78 Currie Hummel (S.S) 23 10
Amount certified by State Superin
dent 3634.04. From fines tl'J.OO.
Amount to apportioned to tho distriots
of Wobstor county $3010,04. Each
ehild of school age receives from the
state 88cts., SSctn,, is tho amount
L I that tho home district pays to anotbor
H I district for each child attending, c-
a- oording to jMa new law. tho ncaror
I ' HcbVo'l-house. The director of tho dis
trict in which a ohild from another
attends school (according to tho new
Uf prtaVjut a bill to tbo diicotor of I
the child's homo district. Tbo direc
tor of the homo difitriot given an order
on tho treasurer of tho homo district
in favor of iho treasurer of tho district
in which tho child attends ncliool ior
thu amount duo (88uts., for each cb Id
so attt-ndinii).
Tho apportionment for tbo districts
of Webster county 5h as lolluwa.
No. Amt. No. Aint.
1 1118 07 42 8 43 28
2 401 51 43 32 01
3 30 00 4G 41 CO
1 -28 73 40 3330
0 4130 47 15 03
C 5201 48 38 65
7 2741 49 2939
8 3138 50 43 28
9 37 99 51 27 41
10 32 01 52 20 80
11 1.0 80 53 39 07
12 47 25 51 45 93
13 35 35 55 3108
14 22 12 CO 41 30
Id 37 09 58 43 28
1C 40 01 59 53 KG
17 41 90 CO 55 18
18 4520 01 1881
20 31 38 C2 31 08
21 3270 03 50 51
22 40 Gl C4 23 73
23 22 12 G5 38 05
24 28 73 Of. 39 98
25 CO 50 08 49 89
20 43 01 09 22 12
27 28 73 70 32 04
28 4190 71 4130
29 48 57 72 20 75
30 30 01 73 80 97
31 HI 80 74 218 52
32 4130. 75 21 10
33 30 00 70 32 70
34 28 07 77 30 72
33 4190 78 52 54
30 42 02 79 14 37
37 30 01 80 31 C8
38 30 07 81 28 73
39 19 47 82 30 72
40 30 00 83 37 99
41 40 01 8-1 3138
All fr'rcc.
Those who have nied Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and thnee who
havo not, have now the opportunity to
try it Free. Call on the advertised Drug
gist and get a Trial Bottle, Free. Send
yonr name and address to II. E. Buoklen
Si Co., Chioago, and get a box of Dr.
King's New Life Tills Free, as well aa n
oopy of Guide to Health and Household
lustruotor. Free. All of whion i uunr-
auteed to do yoa good and coat you noth
ing at C. L. Cotting's Drugstore.
Bookkeepers in Gormany recoivo from
3000 to 1800 a year.
"Orange Blossom", the common nenae
Fatnale Remedy, draws oat pain und sore
ness. Sold by U. h Cotting.
Music teachers in Huiuburg aro paid
21 cents an hour.
The earlier symptoms of dyspepsia,
sueh as distress after eating-, hoartbnru,
ttud occasional headache, should not be
uegleoted. Take Hood'n Sarsaparitln
iud be cured.
Hood's Pills aro tho belt family cathar-
tio and lWer medicine. ilarmlodc, reliable
and anre.
An engraver in Rio do Janorio con
mako 112 per weok.
To retain an abundant hoad of hair o
a natural color to a good old age, the hy
giene of the eoalp most bo observid.
Apply Hall's Hair Renewer.
Shop girls in Franco recoivo an nverago
of 8100 a year.
When Hannibal,
The great elephant, got a Bore foot they
used nailer's Barb Wire Liniinont and
oured it up in four days. For sale by
Deyo & Qrioe.
A thrushor in Turkoy can command
40 contB a day.
North Pole, Dee. 25, 1892.
IUllcu 1'noi'UUTi Co: fie i-ure und
send mo a lot of Driller's Sure Cure Cough
Syrup. I get lota of letters from tho
ohlldren asking for it. For aalu by Deyo
& Qrioe.
Tho king of llnvaria Iuih u ualary ot
51,412,000 a year.
When n mnn pounds his thttnb, ho pats
it in hie mouth and naya get me
Halter's Pain Paralyzer, quick now. For
sale by Deyo &, Orlor-.
Railroad clerkB m oerniany aro paid
an avorago of Diiconta n day.
Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup.
The grenteu iiLd best Unuh Syrup.
It will relieve rt cough quicker, surer an
more effectually limn any thing on tut
inarkot. Bold and wartauted by Deyo i
nuckleu'r. Ariiicu Naive.
The best Balvo in the world for cuts,
bruises, soree, Ulcers, Salt rheum, fevor
sores, tetter, chapped himds, cuillbluiuH,
corns, and all ekiu eruptions, ami pool
tlvjly cures piles, or no pay required.' It
is guaranteed to givo perfect aatiafaction
or monev refunded. FricaSfi oanta per
box. For sale by Cotting. tf
Tbttcbera in the Mexico public schools
aro putd WO to tlo n month.
Small boy (aside) "Uee whiz..' but thooo
Little Giant Pills take tho' cake. Sold
and warranted by Deyci Grlco.
Switchmen in Su
selves well paid witt
pny consider them-
1173 a year.
Parks' Sure ilure in y pcettive spocifio
ior women wuu aro an - -un down" anil at
certain times are troubles biek-acbea
Dvaaocucr, tic. v
Phenomena of Light.
Written ForTiia
Intimately oomicotod with the theo
ry of heat as presented in my former
articlo Ib tho phenomena of light.
Wo look up and around un and pec
n vast canopy spit'oil ovor and around
apparently only a little way from ns
and melting tho earth in tbo horizon.
If wo travol toward tbo point whero
wo supposed this canopy meets ibis
visible horizon, wo find that at we ad
vnncu it reccdcH, und if we ninko the
cntiro circuit of tho nlobo, ut tvery
point thu ssmo bluo canopy is spread
over and around us. So if wo oould
from our particular station on tho
earth ascond in a lino toward our ze
nith, this sam'o canop7 would reccdo
from us and the beautiful "bluo sky"
would d!8appcar, and' looking back
toward earth nco it enveloped in a daz
'ing white 1 i u lit like Venus or Jupiter.
It wnu'd bo out of place for mo to tell
on why the "eky" in bluo in this ar
ticle. 1 only refer to il in ordor to
show thrtt light depends on atmopphore.
In othir wotdc, no ultiiocplicir,. no
light. Tlient is no luminosity in the
my of light ntid heat until it comes in
'.outset with an atinosplicro
mg oxygen. It ip extremely doubtful
of there being oxygen in tho sun's at
mosphoic. Tho red lines in tho solar
spectrum aro due to absorption as tho
rays pass through tho earth's atuios
phcro. Tho conclusion is ihpt the
lines and bands of tho spectrum aro
duo to ox gonioaultsoxulnss vclyfrom
tho cm th' atmosphere. It will now
bo conceded that tho sun, Etarp, and
planets havo an atmosphere sitnilur in
composition except that of tho bud's
which contains no oxvgcu, but con
tains all tho other elements necessary
to produce light held ip abeyance
while being projected through space
upon tho ntmospht-ro of tho planita
and earth.
It will also bo conceded that each
have a Himtli.r brilliancy and propor
tionate to their magnitudo distance
Will any ono contend that Venus
whoso biightncsi almost equals thai
of tho Bun's, only that it is smaller, is
an intcusely heated body. That it is
its flumes that gives it its brilliant up
poarauoc? tio with Mars, Jupiter
Saturn and fixed stars? Is tho entire
univcrso of God on fire? Is this earth
the only exception? Has the brilluncy
of Jupiter, or Venus, or tho red line h
of Mars increased or diminished since
tho sun firm shone on Gibfon, or ibe
moon in tho valley of Agelon? Evrry
advance of science, every new discove
ry, founded on nature's law adds proof
of tho wisdom, perfeotion, und simpli
city pervading throughout tho entire
It will make no diScrenoo whether
our deductions and conclusions aro
true or false. The plans of eternal
wisdom will not bo altered. Fortun
atelly it has been settled beyond a
doubt that there is no oxygen in tho
sun's atmosphere. 1 cave an outline
disoribing the i'orunition of heat.
These same (ltns) tays composed of
electricity prop end into rartlrs at
mosphere became ignited iiiGniticuial
ly throngh atmopphrric space before
focusing and illuminating our entire
atmosphere. The ultimate of the
reasoning is: that in tho absence of
an atmosphere thero can be no light.
Thi-moon has no atmosphere conse
quently no light, o-ilv by rifl'ution,
otln rwisu with an atmosphere it would
shino with a brilliant light. J. W.
Headache and InillgcRtlon
Can be cured. If yon don't believe it try
Begg's Little Qlnnt I'llla. Sold and war
ranted by Deyo fc Q-lre.
A camel owner an'l his boast in Pales
tine aro worth 1 n ay,
Vbat is it? It is a bottle. What ia a
bottle? Syrup. Why do I ecu it in BO
many houses? Becauso everybody likes it.
What is it for? For Coughs, Cold nnd
Croup, Whooping Cough and Consump
tion. What ib its name? Parks' Cough
Builders in Londodruccivo2r (millings
a week mid work tUty-two hours.
Cough! ought Cough!
If yoa vrnnt to, bat if jnu desire to stop
get n bottle of Begg'r Cherry Cough Syrup
It will Mop yonr cough in live minutes
Sold and warranted by Deyo & Grice.
Wuiters in Turkey, if the havo good
places, can mako 817 n month.
Nonpareil Iltilr Curler
Will keep tho Unir in curl the dampest
weather. Every bottle, positively guar
anteed by Deyo A Grice.
A fcmnlo tuclunaUor in Franco is fort
unnto if eho iuiiUcb $1.10 per weok.
OOl'tN,, dull
on and after Junuary 1, 1891, OOcts., will
buy five tickets entitling holder to ono
gallon of heud light oil for each ticket
or some number of tickets for casollno
Pitcher's trattoria.
Children Cry for
Money cannot buy a remedy equal to
Dr. Hnwyer'e Family Core for Indlgention,
Bllllouancss, Kidney difficulty etc.
. i
Young GrifTo bus crawfished out of n
meeting with Grorgo Dixon, yot no oiio
bcciiib to blnn o Mm. Winn Grif.
If yoa have aaflored from Rlcmnrh
trouble, UIIHoufiitBH or Bowel cVOiaulty
uo Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure. Di yo &.
Omaha bus four dlfforrnt sites in view
for ball grounds, ono of them in tho very
boart of the city.
My family use Dr. Sawyer's Family
Care for Indigestion.
My family use Dr. Sawyer's Family
Cure for Billionsnesi. Deyo & Grice.
My Family nse Dr Sawyer's Family
Curo for Constipation.
H m m
Lincoln hnB rlrendy begun to sign her
moo, nnd T.J. Iliuki-y shjb thopio-pcutB
uro good for u Hrronj tcum,
Every family Khoud no Dr. Sawyer's
Family Cure for nil family dinicnltiip,
fiuch ns Stomncb, Liver' Kidney nntl BowlIi!
Dfj'o & Qrlce.
Goorgo 1). Pinkney, tbo old Urooklyn
third baseman, may mnnago Lincoln's
Western association team.
Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure safely and
thouroughly cures all dlfflcolttf s of the
Stomach, KidueyA and Dowels. Doyo &,
The new western association will hold
its schedule meoting at Dee Moines Tuoa-
dup, February 20.
It yoa havo never kept Dr. Sawyer's
Family Curo in your family you are not
doing your duty to your family. You will
find it very useful. Deyo 4 Grice.
A mulo driver in Morocco earns 10
contB a day.
Call on your druggint for a free arm pie
paoknge of Dr. Sawyor's Family Cure.
After trying it you will always keoji it in
your family. Deyo &. Grioo.
. .
A native painter in India carnB 40
cents a day.
Family Cnre Is the moat useful family
medicine. If yoa nre in uead pf a guod
family remedy call on your druggist for a
frte sample of Dr. Sawyer' Family Cure
and yon will Mud it satisfaetory. Doyo
& Grioe.
A weaver in Germany recoivos 00 cents
a day.
Dr. Sawyer's Family Curo cures htad
Dr, Sawyer's Family Curo cures bit
llouBness. Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure cores kidney
difficulty. Deyo &, Grice.
A printer in Peru cun mako $1.25 to
ei.80 a day.
Dr, Sawyer's Family Care cares Stomach
Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure curea Kidney
Dr. Sawyor's Family Cure cures Liver
complaint. Deyo fc Grioe.
A teamster in Pom makes $12 per week.
Plearent, safe, harmliu, invigorating,
restoring, healing, onrative, is what ladies
will find Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles for disease
if women. Deyo it Grice.
A Persian cook can earn $3.22 a mo nth
Ladies: Do not suffer with pain on
op o f the hoad aud in the back when Dr.
Sawjer'a Pastilles' will absolute1 y and
positively cnre yon.
Billy Klusmnn, who has boon on more
teams than any ball player living, will
play Kuneas city'a Initial bag.
Safe, sure, pleasant, restoring, harmless
invigorating, curative and reconstructing
uro facts of Dr. Sawyor's Pastilles for
disoates of women. Deyo nnd Grice.
Danny Stearns would Tiko to piny first
nnd mnnngo Omaha's now team. Buffalo
bao givon him tho "chose."
Ono trial paoknge of Dr. Sawyer's Pas
tilles will prove to any lady that tho re
medy is what she wants and will acre her.
Deyo & Grice.
Policemen in Saxony recoivo ?261 a
year as salary.
Ladios: One trial will do more to con
vince you of the merits of Dr. Sawyer's
Pnstilloa then all we oan say. Try a sam
ple paokagc. Deyo A Grice.
A blacksmith in Jerusalem can make
81.92 per week.
Ladies: Yonr neighbors may be cure
by Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles bnt you never
will know how muoh good they will do
untill yon try them. Deyo A Jfcrioe.
A Mexican mason earns from 75 cents
to $1 a day.
"If you don't look better, feel better
eat better and sleep better, bring it back"
That is what we Bay when we sell a bot
tle of "Parks' Sure Cure," If yon are not
feeling just right, if your head aehen;
your stomach distresses you; if yon are
"out of sorts'' aud don't know what the
trouble is, why don't yon try a bottle on
this guranteod plan? 'We will take thu
chances if yon will take tho medicine."
Pitcher's Cattorla.
ot.ii-1 mm jv-
cnuareti ory for
iupcrvlsorV Proceedings.
Board convened at 9 n. m., January 25,
fifteen memberB present, A. II. Hoffman
chairman, presiding.
On motion bridgo committoe wsib au
thorizod to advertiso for bida for tho
blildlng of all bridgcu during tho year
1994 by linPHl foot, builders to furnish
mutorinle, bridges to bo built upon Bpec
itlcntionp fiirniobwi by bridgo committco
Shiho coinniitteo wim aluo authorized
to ropluuk Itcd Cloud brid,o wbun b inio
bvcomuR ne sessary.
Mr.Knloy wiiamitbtirizodto tHkr,cnroLro,!ll , ,.lx,Hl,.P; lllld cl,irt.n9 0l
of und piovido tmitub.o fori
Tenn llnnsen.
Dridge commltteo was instructed to
examin'o Red Cloud bridge at once and
report upon its condition.
Committee to settle with county clerk
reported that they hnd done so and
found books nnd nccountB correct.
Committoe on poor house wore author
ized to contract for breaking on poor
farm at f 1.75 per acre. n
WayB nnd niennn committoo was in-
Htructcd to lovy u tax Buftiejcnt to ruleo
$1,500 for the purpos-j of bui ding n
bouso nnd other necos-iary buildingh on
poor farm. AIho to nuiko un estiiunto
for $20,000 for n general road fund
DuniugcK huving b?en wnivnd u road
wub ordered plnttcd between flections
ten nnd eleven, nine und four.
Committee to eettlo with tbo county
treusuror find tho report nmdo by him to
bo truo and correct.
Ways nnd moans committee submitted
tho following catimuto of expenBco for
tho year 161)4:
Superintendent or liutructlcn it&oo 00
Court eipeiisei sjoo (0 nnd court huuse CvC 00
Houuty on uniinaU lis Ou
County suH-rvUu 1380 no
Hooks, stationery ami irlntliii; lisu oo
Assess irs 1840 00
Special committees lis no
Coroner isn w
County attorney ojj (0
Incidental , i;r, on
liulldltiK poor House l.'o on
County poor c,o oo
County bridge suoo to
Itoafl.t utul rictus ot way vnco io
Insane 1IG0OU
Ifnllroid boud uaoooo
County fair . 313 fO
.iall?.ndjullnr 115)00
Holilk-r's relief I0O Ou
Ilooidof eijuallzatloii C000
Board of elect Ion 72000
Total tii.ojoto
Report adopted.
Tho appointment of W. It. Parkor r.a
doputy county clerk was conQnmed, and
his ealar fixed at $700. Tbo clerku re
quest for extra clerk hiro during the
year, as needed, was also granted.
In tho mutter of tho petition ot Chas
Hunter and others for u road eouth from
Inavalo to tho bridge, tho eamo wns
granted, tho roud ordered opened und
the clerk instructed to plat Bame.
Claim ot W. N. Richardson for $150
was granted and warrant ordorod in
payment. Mr. Sawyer wulvod all dam
ages. Bridge committco reported that they
had examined tho Hod Cloud bridgo
mid found thu floor ot sumo in n dun
gerous condition and recommended that
bridge bo condemned by the board un
til thoro aro hinds on hand to pav for
repairs. 1 liu report was uuopieu ami
tbo bridgo condemned.
Tho special committco to, view tho
bridgo recommended that the floor be
taken up in thu pirn n els when' joist ato
broken and new jol-u put iu. Report
adopted and the bridgo committee in
structed to mako the necessary repairs
as soon as possiolo.
Ways und means committee reported
recommending tho npprovnl ot the
bonds of tho following banks as county
depositaries: First National bank of
Bluo Hill, Bunk of Guide Kouk. Bine
Hill Bank, Poople's Bank of Red Cloud,
Stat Bank of Bluo Hill. Tho report of
tho committee wns adopted nm the
bonds of thu several bunks approved,
except that ot tho last named bank.
Thu bond of tho Statu Bank of Red
Cloud heretofore approved was contiti
tied nnd accepted b the board.
Tho olerk was instructed to notify
the treasuror that tho bonds and bids of
tho several banks as ahovo noted, had
been approved an accepted by iho
board, und tho same disignated as legnl
depositories. Also that he withdraw
funds now on deposit from tho bank
whoso bond tailed of acceptanuo.
Tho followinir nccounts were allowed
and warrnnts ordered:
A, W. Cox.-upenh rservIcoandinlloiwt'SiO 00
Iiicoli Klndcuer
.. .. .,., 70
" " 12 (W
" SS M
" " V't 81
" " IS 0i J
" " 3(1 W
" ' 3.' 00
M t ng .k,
,. yj ;
" '. IO
" " 40 50
' il 1'5
" " 21 HI
" " " 31 'JO
" i70
" " 13 4(1
J K Watt "
It C Ilest
ClmsBclmltz "
It (i J.evW "
Win Irons "
I 1 'Zimmerman "
V II NorrW "
O W Hummell "
A It Kiiley
A II HolTitmu
l'ctor lllll "
Wm Crablll
J 1' Watt
W O faint
A Steriill
A II Bprachi-r "
A II ('arpeator, livery for board 4 no
Jas Duffv, pnstatfo and supplies II 70
J W ituncliey, tervicrs fur county bo.ud )- no
t: It (.'roil',', pnsUiKoand services 10 10
V vSlliUms, labor 7 00
ir.iucrsi.iinucrconiiuuy,aup.iic si w
I. II wort, pohiaso and supplies , . b 30
I'annlo Volts, care ot Tcua Hansen ... & W
''in. ..... .. h.a .(.. an n.n.i.ia. ..,..
i, liu viaim ui j.,w. jjuu iui ujuiiuj nil i
I vaucud tor aurvuy nnd locution ut' road
from rtftle lh,0 uorth on weil llde 0
seollon 2ft, town 1, rango 2, which road
was subsequent! established by county
boiird, w:i" rejected.
Uuiinl Miljuni'iiKit,
Hoard convened at 9 it.m , Juii. 20th,
14 members prudent.
llonii of A. P. Ili,an, justico of tho
pnacu, was approved.
Committco on boundary reported in
matter of ohanglng boundary linos of
Wnl tint, deck, InnvtUc, (Surliuld, Line,
Pluntttil Hill md Ited Cloud town
ships, r',nmriii iidlnir that antno bo
thosu to.vi1St.141, i'miv tic ri'iuiested
to prusuul iheir petitions to thu board
boforu tho board take any action.
A minority report was nindo rocom
tnending immediato notion, but A
motion to' adopt tho roport was lost.
A resolution wns then offered by
Muddier, declaring that thu b'onrd had
no authority to change boundary lines
until petitioned so to do by the tax
payers of tho districts effected.
The tioimnilten on supplies was in
tnielod tn attend to 'ho matter oi '
leiitiiii: mi ' lllco tor tho count judge.
On ni'ition the action of tho board OR '
ho bond ot the Statu Bank of Dluo
Hill wns U'cotiMldcrcd und tho bond
Hoard then adjourned fine die.
A Dt'iid Open and shut
And no fcolihun s. B?gg'rt Cherry
Cough Syrup wl'.l curo whor all othors
tail. Sold and warranted by Deyo &
A railroad conductor in Turkoy gets
$27 u month.
A cup of Parks' Tea at night moves tha
bowel in tho inoruiug without pain or
Farm laborers in Belgium receivo 40
W. I. Church, of Staunton Poat, G. A.It.,
iays: "'I havo triod nearly every cough
ruuedy but found nothing tocoparo with
Parks' Cotigli Syrup. I have suffered
ever ulneo my discharge from the army
and IVrka Cough Syrup is thu only rem
dy that Iihb ever helped me."
Mora goods nro boing sold for a dol
lar at tbo Chicago Clothing Storo than
any whero else in this country.
When Baby was sick, n 0 gave her Castori.
When she was a ChlM.slio ciloit for Castor!.
When sh became Miss, she clung to Castor!.
When alia had Children, the gave them Castor!.
Pitcher' cpstorla.
Children C fifty WA
Nliurilfi, Milcx-as r
Notice Is hereby plvcn, that ut ttmnd by
virtitf or an urd. r f ate hsueil tivj ,r"nico
ol ('. II ''roiu!, clerk nf th rtlstrl -t CHQ hl tlin
IV nth Ja'lli'lal ciunlt, wit niit ami for r. tljstor
couau, NW'i-.iika iion a ciccrcn la an action
tioi'Uitii tliTfln. wt.ficliiStulth II o. I,o;m aad
I'ru-t Co, iimlntllf-; and .tiuit Sorclna M irs
dcn,.l. I,. Miner executor of tnc Inst will and
ti-Mmnent o' I'et rM s leu, rUfi-uied, (lenrue
Miil,-n. l'iei'lil.1 Mars leu, Walter Harris.
Adil'e Cumin 'K. Mir- Aim It. rOnrd, and
Joint M;iriten, nevlaers ot llio l.ut will and ten
tumeiit of l'cti'r,clcooiiMl, iffcniluiits,
I "liall 1 Iter for u'e at imtilla vuiiduu, tu tlin
hlKlufit old.lor fur easli In lund ut tlio east
door nftlie court lioum. at Ked Cloud. , In slid
Welter eiiUiiiy.'.a, tlist beinj; ttie uulld
I w hero Iho last term at gala couil vvai hoi
dan) ou the 5lh lny or March, A. D.
I St) I,
at ono o'clock p m, of said day the follow Ini;
Ueicrllind pio. rtv, t wit :
South oust quarter (s-ij) section twenty (20)
I'l lownslp oil (I) liorlll nf iiiiilm dlvveli (II)
west of iln s Kin pr111rlp.1l mcrtdian, Iu Well
s' N br.vs a.
(live., un. ii. uij iiaad tills 3Jth day of Juuu
ary, A. I). I Oil.
. .. 8hellff,
(li.mri.s, lliAKKn Minns
' I IB"J irtlnvo
ShuilU''. sun
Nut ten Is hereby ulven that under aid by
vlltue cf nil olden f sa e twin U Irani tho ulllco
ofC. II Uroni'.cli'ikof itiodis rlct court of the
Tenth Jiidi'inl district, within unl for Wcbs'er
county, Nebraska, iiim a tlcciuo In an action
pcLdlin; (herein, wherein.
Ueatrluu Sailors ri.ilntlfl,
and lU'
Cerlno M.-irndeii . 1, .Miner exei'iitoro, tho will uid 'eitntiiiHit of I'.tor Marsiten. de
feaseil. Tin Sniitn Mun l,'.;in hih Trust com
1ity, hi Miiifiilrii,l'ui.lllH.Miii8dcn, Walter
nun Is, Ailiiln C iiiinlii;.', Msr Ann Iln res
ford, .John l.irstl-11 (I'Tims d.di inxvn under
the nut wl I and iDt .ni t of I'ct i Marsd en.
dci'iiised, 1I1 lend mis,
I xh.ill iiflei at inihlln vonilne, to tho lik-lient
bidder for c.'ih 111 hxnd. lit Ihu 1 door til tlm
coin t limiv' i l.'.'.l ('Ion, I In . id Weligvr
001 nty, Nelir.isia. (that DoIiik tie) bulldlnr
where the iaxi rat t s.ild eoiut uu-t holen)
On the 5th Day r ITIart'li A. D.
at O'le o'clock p. 111. of mid day, tho follonlnc
(lescilbed io ertv, towit: "
(iru wesi iii.irier inw,) or soetlon twenty--e(2l)Hi'd
weil hilt (wt,) of 1 10 nuuthwest
llllll r (MWUl Of KPflloll lUi'lllVnnn Hit I..
ionii.iiiii .iiiu di, inn 111 111 nincu eicveu (ill.
weMof ilieSlMhiirlaclpil inaridlaa, In Web
slnr rounty. Nciiraska.
Ulveh under my luiinl this 30th day ot Juuu
aiy, . I) 1SW.
uuico!, KixAKKii & Hunts. bll,rIir
I'l ilnt it's attorney.
Mit'iiirt. Sale. "
N 'lice Is herein kIvcii, ilmt under ii'td bv vir
iiie dan orlemr miIii IsiiimiI fiuin tho ofriceof
C II Cronocli'ik of iho (list. let colli t of tlm
.0utMjudifl.1l district, wiihl ami for WcbMcr
cotuiiy, Nelir,isk,i. upon deor-e In au action
t'enilliib', theiclu, wnordii,
Siallli Itroilieis I.i.iu nut Tiust Compgny,
I'l.dntlll, "
, .. , nnd as'iliMt
Cerlno Mirsilen .1 l Miner, executor nf the
Ut will nnd testament of I'ct -r M ir.sden
de,'Mst'd.(eii Marsilen, i'tojilla Marsden!
JValier llairis Addle I'uiiiniiims. Mary Ann
Ileroford and .I0I111 Mnis leii. d-visees of thu
last will and tot,iiiiuitt ot I'etcr Jlarsden,
ileecai'd defendant.
1 bli:ill otfer for hiiti ut nnhlii vi.ii.lttn tn n...
.......... 1. 1.: . .....-7. .:;;....".."'' .-. -
Iilch st bidder for wish Iu hand at tho east door
of the court homo In lied Cloud, In said Web.
ster county. Ne'iiHoku, (Unit elm; tho bulldink'
wherfli) thu last term of said court
Onllio atli Duyoritliircli, A. D.
at 0110 o'clock p ni of said day, the following
(Inscribed propeity to ult
r(ii;v') of Kocllon twenty
!je 1 1), north of raiiK elueii
iinwcsiof tho SUM "oil ' , ,',' 7 1??"."
Webster county, Nebr.isku.
",' lluUVE,n.,y lnua m 'MIU ,UV - 'an
I oarj, A. I' , 1pJ4,
.1. w
, uuiuu', Ki.vakkii ,v Hihus,
iMWt A1,
p tic.