mmmmmm ft!?sswr .,,llimmfi '''" 1'SSmSSkf .M.MIM...W H1"'"11' tw '"-fZji J - "v nx 'v iT ' r ti "T-V.,kj;... .1,... v yjss ' I I &A II l c 1 S ' ''BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBte-. J BT K4&3iaHfl!IHHIHHHBnifiaMMMBP .4 if r ? n n m i 7 r WAS EASYFOITCOBBETT. CHARLIE f.' CHSLL MAKES AN EXHI BITION OF HIMSELF. The Alk-K,.,! I'.rllMi rb-t.t.r Dim Up in ;Miie .Mimi(,-iilr(. i;,,,,,.!,,!,,,,,,. In i.nrn or wiiKh Hie .Mim fnuu Seek the Ktic,laiil .lACKsosviur:, Tin., .Ian. SO.-Threo rounds, nliminlnulcw, and out' This tells tho story of the- great Corbctt-Mltchell "Klit, except tlmt for thosn tiltiu tn In it to s' enter tainment 1,000 per nous paid fc'O. Of all tho oer iii u tcli od tnen Mitchell seems to luivu about the worst cna that ever appeared in Mm rhi". lie was CilAKLKr mitciibli. literally "not in it" from the moment he met his adversary. Wclilng 1U1 pounds to his opponent 1W; with wild opponent having a couple of Inches longer reach and towering nbovu hltn, nt thcMimo time ft perfect specimen of physical manhood, It woulil lmvo liecn n good man who could lmvo won out in Mitchell's place. Charley Make a roor Minwlnc. But tho odds referred to nK.-ilnst Mitch ell wcro hardly greater than those against Tom Saycrw when Ins fought Hccnan. Hut what u difference in thu flht tho two men put upl Saycrs was reiHiitcdly knocked down by his antagonist mid ns often enmo to tho scratch smilinc;. For round nftcr round Tom was punished on thu body ter ribly, yet to the lost bo could reach lice nan's face. And fo well did ho play his tactics that a moment after tho fight was over Hccnan could not see. When uocomoto tho fact that Mitchell was only kuocked down throo times in all nnd tho third was a knockout, tho absurdity of calling Charley A great tighter Is apparent. Ilnntly To Itn Called n right. It could hardly bo culled n fight. Mitch ell did not land ono good blow. Ho was neither clevor with his hands nor quick on his feet, nor did ho exhibit any of tho gen eralship bo has been credited with. Ho was n chopping block for Jim, who landed ufter tho first round just when und whero ho pleased. Corbett's actual weight at tho ringside was my; pounds, and just before the light began Ed. Smith, of Denver, challcngtd tho winner to fight for $10,000 a side. This match was for a purao of 20,000 offered by ( 1 rem Y' W:4"( I i'Z 1 r A I 1 I j V s connr.TT, champion of the wom.n. the Duval club. Besides this tho two men had $5,000 npleco on the result. Tho only conwlntlon Mitchell has Is a win of $1,000 from Hiady, who bet him he would not Appear in tho ring, This was mudo In " Stw York some tlmongo. John Kelly, of New York, was the referee At 2;50 p. m. limu was called and tho men Mopped to tho center of tho ring und faced each other. THE FIGHT AS IT OCCURRED. Full Account of Hip Three ItoumU Tlmt Won 20,O0O. Following aro tho detalLs of tho three rouuds: Round 1. Corbctt, ut tho call of time, sprang to tho center of thu ring, with his man just emerging from his corner. Cor liett fought with tho samo stylo guard he employed so bitccessfully in tho combat with Sullivan. Mitchell's guard was low, with hit left hand tending downward and bis right bent iu over his heart. Tito Kng ltsiimiunviis loiced to the south ropes by feint, nnd for a full mimitu thu men htood or pranced, fciutlng or fiddling about. Mitchell finally Hhot out his left for tho body, foiling bhort in tho effort, Corbctt endeavoring to couutcr utiMiccesstully, They enmo together in a clinch, Corltett ut f ouce anticipating his opponent's move by putting tho hi el of his opened glovo up against Mitchell's homj. Mitchell then, after a couple of cflorts, cot In with his left on tho stomach of thu American, Corbet t countering with his right to tho ear and bringing tho color to tuo Urlton'H face, Mitchell twice led for v Corbett's ribs, landing both times, but llizhtly In cncli Instance. Corbctt landed lightly with his left, Mitchell making good with two body blows, ono to tho hhort tins Audtho other tho chest, both ll;h. Without lwwiiiK any traces. Mitchell Again sent out his left, falling bhort and doing no harm. On another lead from Mitchell, who wan being pinned against Mm ropes and thurf forced to lead, Coibett lilatttvil a Hsht left over tho heart of tho Englishman. v Mitchell once more tried to fight his man oK by hading with Id 1 countering will" ' "" ; MtcLell avoiding It by lila clever and almoin duck. Just before time was called KuTl for Corbett's face, landing lightly as K was going av,ay from it. and then Mmnit U U' I n-wated tho blow. WJwVi CiirU-tt Vwit to is corner, a amllii it "elf-confidence lit up his featuivs. Hoi ml '.' -Uorliett, an i o first round, J X Z It ugo corner and kept Mitchell p SSlust li? ropes thiougl.out tlie round, M diell oncu reachlng.the center by ak J . iL f.t anil getting out of a tight St which' Coruttt hill henimed him. "Xtt I'd with his left, teaching l.u fact, rtj-in . . , n iit vh eh shook CIS M "Hi. hV light, Corbett ' M Aim. . ',iit uf reach nnd Mien retallutlng F L'S ir (Vrlwtt forced Mitchell j" .f .,1 Tv hi. UN tight, and on Mitch HV '- "k J uSwut Iho latter with a jell drMI.K IJ iV.-i.ii van In ou Corbtitt in icii. i'' "" TnEREI) CLOUD nfter this, the American driving him off with a left hand blow In tho region of tho kidneys, rorhelt shot rnt a loft "hunk" to Mitchell's faro and J wwing Uick quick for a repeater found thu filrmlnghnin man with his left arm about his own neck In a clinch. Corbet t brushed Mitchell off nnd getting him in elo-o itiiirtvn n M-enuil lntir sent in a right h.itul uppercut to Mm heart. Mitchell rluverly got away from a left hand swing. followed In, nnd nt floHu quarters brought his right iuovir Mitchell'H heart. The blow was a jiowerful one nnd had much to do with tho speedy succus tlmt enmo to tho champion. It wan at this juncture that Mitchell first got to thu center of the ting. Tim iti.wil baw him wheel about after tho heart blow and hissed nt hltn as ho ran away Ironi Corbett, some of of tho spectators crying outnluudnhatutliQ din of the cheers and hisses, "Chantllly." Corbett kept, up thu pace, llo was bent ou finishing tho battle as miuii as possible. He sent in his left nnd right by turns, smothering Mitchell and shaking hint up tu tho point whom most men will 1dm a fight. Coibett led again with thu left coming up full ngalnst Mitchell'; wind and doubling lo tho neck back of Mm ear. Another instant and iu trying toexndua left feint Mitchell rati up iigaiuot un ml inlrably aimed right which crashed Into tho heart just abovo whero thu former nuo had found lodgment. Corbett once mom uppercut his ninn with the right nnd was handling him now ius ho might a novice. Mitchell swung his loft short and then tho native began to mow down hid antagonist. Ho led with bis left and again timing him self for tho recoil caught Mitchell ou u cross countcrto tho hldo of tho jaw. Itilid not reach tho vital part aimed nt, but the force of tho blow as sufficient to send Mitchell lo tho ground und under tho lower rope. Corbctt crouched over his prostrato though conscious fooiunii, who was looking at him through a half-open left eye. Hvc ondsfrom both eidea bounced Inside the enclosure and Uio confusion was of the most exciting kind, lleferco Kelly tried to forco Corbctt away from his man, but he was bent on maintaining his position. From Mitchell's, corner, shouting "Foul" as he ran, camo bis father-in-law, "1'ony" Moore, Jim Hall, nnd Tom Allen. The housowas in an uproar. Dempsey, Do lauey, and Donaldson rushed to thu sido of their principal and begged him not to ha.ard tho chances of a suro victory by losing on a foul. Kelly stood over Mitch ell, bis tlmo occupied In nlwut equal parts In counting tho seconds nud pawing oil Corbett. Full eight seconds had elapsed from tho time when Mitchell went to grass until ho regained bLs feet iu a stooping pasture, and Corbett still struggling with bLs seconds to get at him fell over on his side and bat ou tho boards. And Mien Corbett camo near losing the fight ou a foul; woulil havo lost it with a retereo a "leetlo" inclined to his foo. He jumped at Mitchell, and swinging his right struck Mitchell while tho latter was still in a sitting posture. Tho Mitchell corner sent up a cry of foul, but thu referee disallowed it, claiming that it bad done no harm. Mitchell fell In on Corbett as he got to his feet to cscupu anotherswiug and theu "tinopiier" Garrison pounded tho big gong for time. Corbett heard it and turned nnd went to his corner. Instead of going to bis tho Englishman bounded for Corbett nnd struck him on the head, doing no barm. "Foul," cried Urady, but Cor bett shook bis head und Mitchell was car ried to his corner. Hound a. Tho beginning of tho end, inaugurated iu thu previous round, wus heru brought, to a successful finish. Cor bett was unscarrtd. Mitchell was slow in coming up, Corbett going straight for him. Mitchell led his left In an attempt to keep Corbett ut' arm's length. It was tho lust lead Mitchell made, llu then cliuched, Corbctt brushing thu alleged strong man oil' as If hu were a boy. Ho pushed him nway ami swilt asa flash crossed in thu deadly right clear to thu jaw. Alltchell went down under thu forco of tho blow. Corbett tinned ubout atter delivering thu blow nud nonchalantly walked to his corner, llu sat do,wn nud watched thu form of his adversary as Kelly called oil thu futeful seconds. Mitchell finally labored to an upright position. Kelly stepped nsidu so as not to ob struct thu champion's view, calling his at tention to thu lact that tho Englishman was in u lighting attitude. Corbett went in to finish tho light. It was a right hand swing which next wiih brought Into play. Tho added weight of Corbett's own running weight was lent totho blow, nnd when it landed It fell squarely on tho point f -hu jaw. His body reached tho lloor, faco downward, and hu laid there as liteless as one death Kelly bud counted tho ten seconds slowly enough. When the timo bad finally run Its limit Kelly shouted, "Corbett wins." Mitchell's seconds picked hltn up and carried him to his corner. Niueteeusecouds atter tho last blow hud been sent iu thu eyes of thu man from England opened dreamily. ' You'ro out," said Pony Moore. GOVERNOR'S PLAN DEVELOPS. UotliMen Anestcil After tho I'lglit The lllnuily Clinton Ilrlilgcil. After the fight thu governor's plan de veloped. Corbctt left tho ring first nnd nfter dressing weutto his carriage, whero ho found tho sheriff with n warrant for his arrest for fighting. Mitchell followed later and was also arrested. Hu bad only ono llttlo mark on his facu and said hu felt na well us hu ever did, but had been fairly beaten and would light no more. Corbett, us hns been said, did not havo a scratch. Crowds cheered both men as they were driven away to Judgu Call's court, where bonds weio arranged not only for thu prin cipals but for the rest of lhoo who took part. Corbett nud Mitchell were placed under $o,0U0 bonds and remainder of tho party under W.500 to appear todayin criminal court before Judgu Phillips. The cuso brought iu behalf uf the county was dis missed. Colonel Cockroll, attorney for the Duval Athletic club, who camo to thorouit houso with Mitchell, ussuted all concerned Mint tho Englishman woulil soon bo at liberty, ' While in thu courthouse a reconciliation between thu ptiiiclpals took place, and tin! hatchet was burled between thu two men, Though they had not exchanged Miu usual huutUhnkcb in tho ring, either before or ufter thu litittle, they cordially shook lunula ' in thu lututmum, Mitchell made u little speech, in which ho acknowledged having uttered niauy bllteu sayings against Cor bett, but said ho regretted them nnd was glad hu hud been whipped by a nmii worthy in every way to wear a champion's honor.-., There was general applause Iu tho room over inu rccuucuniiou. I'alliiri' til' a Mont real Hunker, Mii.sTliK., Jan. -7. Andrew Homer xllle, a pilwitu banker, has failed with liabilities amounting to 1iXi,imi and nominal assets iif tlM),iinO. A sad feature uf tliu fuiliire is the lact thut 403,000 of tU Uepvaiu buloug to uuuiurrUd women. CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, FEB. CHECKED THE .RIOTERS. THREE MEN WITH WINCHESTERS DIS PERSE HUNDREDS At ttir Cr.uU of Dm Itlllo A Wild tiny In Pi ntifjh.inlii Coal 1trj;lin Almllt ' S'JdO.nuo Worth of Property llratio)eil by Itlotous Huns mid Ilnlluiii. I'irrsiil i:u, Jan. '.ft Tho quiet of Sun day prevailed throughout tho Mansfield coal region, thu seenu of tho reeunt rioting. Hutfuw strikers wero seen out of their bouses, nnd tho deputy sheriffs on guard at tho various mines in tho district bad 11 Mu to occupy their attention. Hy many, how over, the calm was regarded as preced ing the stoim. There are well grounded fears of another outbreak today, and tho law-abiding citizens lire preparing to meet It. Trusted foreigners who were supposed to be in sympathy with thu i inters were sent oiitxby thu coal operators. They cir culated freely with tho strikers and re turned with tho information that prepara tions were being made to attack tho works ut Dridguvllle, ltosevale, and Hendling. Thu feeling nmougtlio rioters is very bit ter against thu lleaitling brothers for the killing of Frank Stehlt., and they assert that they will have revenge. I.ouklnt; for Another Attack. If another uttack Is inadu on tho Head ling works the foreigners will meet with n still wanner reception than that accorded Micin at thu first. Thero are twelve men In thu lkailllng futility, nnd every ono Ls as determined and bravuns tho three who put to (light a mob of several hundred. Thomus Hendling snys ho und his two brothers fired at least 100 shots, and he Is satisfied that If a search of tho strikers' houses was iniuln nt least a score of wounded men would bo found. Frank Stehltz, who was shot through the body, Is dead. He was a memlier uf the Sous of Bt. Meorge, ami his family will receive n death benefit of $I,M. Charged Upon the AnarehUts. Thero aro strong reasons for liellcvlng that thu anarchists licrealsiut am respon sible for tho disonler. It is known that tho bulk of tho insurgents enmu from Howcr Hill, and upon tho authority of Hev. Father Jacob Wertz, pastor of St. Joseph's German Hoinan Catholic, church nt Mansfield, Micro are nt least 10) families on Howcr Hill who openly avow anarch ism. Their liiblo Is a radically anaicliist sheet printed in Wisconsin nud appro priately named "Lucifer," and tho confes sion of faith is set forth In Mm specious sophistry of its publication. This sheet is wiitten tiy an unfrocked priest nunied Michael lliron, a man of good education who fell away from the church when in Maycncc, Ucrmnny. Ho Is now-publishing this sheet in Madison, Wis., and it has a considerable number of subscribers in this section mid iu thu coku regions. Wiped Out S'.'OO.OOO In Property. Whatever may havo been, In thu matter of iKilitico-ecountninnl propaganda, the leading idea uf thu men who beaded the mobs it is ceitnln that anarchy was the result iu tho Mansfield coal region. The movement of tho mob began at dawn ami nt dusk it was estimated that 200,000 worth of properly had been destroyed. Mndo mad by fancied grievances nnd liquor a mob of several hundred foreign ers Hungarians, Slavs and Italians swept oer tho country surrounding Mansfield and through tho valleys of Tom's and Painter's Huns. They nttacked mino owner-.), miners, and tho few scat tered deputy sheriffs, wrecked cars and destroyed properly. Until noon Miu mob met hardly uuy resistance. At that timo it reached thu mines of thu Head ling Hios., near Federal, tin thu Pittsburg, Chartiers and Youghiogucny rellway. STRUCK A SNAG AT LAST. Tho HeailliiiR Ilrothers Show tho Couuril Ico of it Muli. Hero thciioters met determined resist ance and wero checked. With repeating Winchester ritlcs in their hands Thomas V., William and Harry Hendling stood their grouud nnd opened fire upon tho mob us it advanced. They fired four voile h in quick succession, fatally wound ing ono and injuring a half dozen others. After tho fourth olley tho rioters turned nnd fled precipitately down tho hill. At this moment a train bearing Sheriff Rich ards and forty deputies pulled into Head ling and thu olllcers quickly alighting stnrted iu pursuit of tho rioters, firing as they ran. Tho chasu was a long and hot one, but finally sixteen were overtaken nud captured. Previous to this tho mob bad started out to stop all work iu thu Mauslleld district and to burn, if necessary in thu uceompllsh munt of their abject, nil thu coal propeity. They first went to tho Armstrong mine, just outside nf Woodvllle. They threw a volley of stones through tho windows of tho tipple-house. Attracted by tho shouts of thu attacking men thu miners Issued forth from tho pits, when they wero Mt upon, beaten, ami compelled to lieu for their lives. Xono of them was seriously hurt. Theu with Increased numbers they marched to thu Steen company's mines, but found thu working forcu there too largo to bo attacked with certalntyof vic tory. So they went by, contenting themselves with volleys of curses on tho men at work. They next nttacked tho Pittsburg Fuel company's works nnd drove tho miners away, many being hurt. Then they threw cars from Mm tipplu and committed other similar acts of vandalism, lteachlug tho HlockCoal company's works at Federal they drovu tho men from work nud then weutto the Wicks und Hcachtnont mines, destroying property all along thu route. Eu route to tho mines of A. J. Bhutto & Co tho mob wrecked tho store building of C. P. Mayer and cupped tho climax of van dalism a short time later. When they reached Shutlo's works they forced their way into tho ofllcu and over turning thu stovo set. fire to thu building. Then procuring oil they poured it over tho tipplu and with brands from thu burning olllcu soon had tho tipple blazing from a dcoio of different places. The Pan Hatidlu company's works suffered next. Here thu mob aNo fired thu tipplu nfter compelling the miners to lieu for their lives. Leaving destruction iu its wake thu mob theu took up thu march to tho Hendling mines and hero they met thu surprise of tho day, given them by thu Hendling brothers as narrated in tho foregoing. Deputies were immediately put ou guard nt all the min ing properties in the district and every preparation was made to gtvo thu mob a Very warm reception it they uiaku any luotu demonstrations, Well-Kiionu lllliiuUnn Dead. (J.M.i.biiui:u, Jan. . fJouhum Martin, idltur of Thu Press und People, and ouu of tliu best known newspaper men of the tale, died V bin Uvum Uuiv ftfterslvutf UlUVM, NATIONAL LEGISLATURE. Tim tVrck' Proerrillns In the Senate anil 1 1 mi cvf Itrpri'MMilatltr. Washington, Jan, W. Tho senate do- luted thu rcMilutlon regarding Hawaii re ported from tho foreign relations commit tee and half a dozen amendments wero of fered, but thero was no action. IamIko spoke against the eleit Ion law repeal bill. A bill was passed authorizing railway bridges across tho Nechrs and Sabine rhors In biulsiaii'i nml Texas, as were bills ex-' tending tho tlmo for tho construction of tho bildgu nriiiss the Calumet rUer In Illi nois and authorizing Mm Issiih of a (latent for certain lands in thu Omalia Indian ' reei vat Ion to Mm Presbyterian board of homo missions. An executUo session was held. Thu houso voted down all attempts to put Iron ore on tho dutlablo list nnd tho Internal revenue bill, containing the In coinu tax, was reported after a fight against Its report by Democrats opposed to tho Income tax. Wamiim.Iov, Jan. t.11. The session of tho sennlu was unexentful, The Hawaiian resolution went over, and Allen of No braska intulu an extended argument In favor of his resolution declaring tho con templated Issue of bonds by Secretary Cnrlislo to Nt unlawful, A desultory ills cussion of Mm federal election bill followed nnd addresses of eulogy wero ikllcrcd upon tho f.ito J. Logan Chapman, formerly a representatlw! from Michigan. Only ono amendment to thu tariff bill of importance was adopted by the house, that repealing inu reciprocity elaiisoor MioMc Kiiiluy bill. Thu entire day was consumed by thu New York Democrats who were 111 Ibusterltig against thu income tax proposl tlon, which they fea led would Is'iiffured along with other features of thu Internal rcvenuu bill nsan amendment to thu Wil sou bill. Wahiiinijios, Jan. S7.Tho session of the scuute wus devoted to a discussion of Call's public hind resolutisn nud tho fed eral election bill. CUM spoko in favor of thu homesteaders of Florida, who he al leged were being deprived of their rights by laud grant railroads without authority of law. His resolution wus referred. Chandler moved thu postponement of the election tun to December, but was defeat ed, and a resolution was adopted to accept from tho widow of (,'eorgo William Curtis a marble bust of Charles Sumner. Dolph Introduced nn nmciidment to thollnwalian resolution providing fur tliu Immediate re call of Mlni-ter Willis. An executive session was held. Adjourned to Monday. Thu only amendment to tho tariff hill adopted by thu hoiibo was ono Increasing thu duty ou cut stones unsut to .'Viper cent, ad valorem and taking rough, un-out stones from tho freo list ami placing them on tho dutiable list at 15 per lent, nil va valorem. Thu ways and means committee, which desired to reduco tho duty ou cut stones from 15 to 10 per cent., was over ruled iu this matter. An attempt to place Mu pluto ou tho freo list was unsuccessful. Washington, Jan. ZK Thu tariff debate has been concluded so far as It relates lo thu customs schedules. Tho timo for of fering amendments censed at fitfl) p. in. Saturday, when tho huusu took a recess. At least 100 amendments wero shut out. Tho committco revised its action of n week ago and fixed the tlmo for free wool to go Into effect nt Aug. a and thu woolen goods to go Into effect ou Dec. 2. This was iiccompllshed by a chango of front on the part of tho Republicans who voted ou the former occasion to havo free wool go lute etiect immeiiiately upon tliu passage ol inu diii. ino uiity ou pig iron was re duced to 1!0 per cent, ad valorem nnd that on steel rails to thu samo per cent., being cut trout tlin original bill of '.); and .' percent, respectively. Au attempt of the cominltteo to Inerennsu thu duty on barley and barley malt r per cent, wus defeated by 5)0 p. m. arriving. A rulu was adopt ed authorizing tliu offering of tho income tax measure as an amendment to the tariff bill and for a final vote on the wbolo question Thursday, Feb. I. Tim antl-lncomo taxers filibustered u little, but wero snowed under. The lllll AKiilimt Curllalc. WASlllAGlo.v, Jnn. Si. Sovereign's bill agninst Cnrlislo asks that tho secretary and "his confederates" may bo required to maki) answer on oath under what basis of statute or of necessity thuy claim thu right to Issiiu tliu bonds specified In tho recent treasury circular, nud to specifically answer whether such bonds uru to bumadu pajabluln United States gold coin or oth erwise nud wiiy tho necessities, If uuy, ex isting, should not bo met by thu toinago of sliver nowintlin possession of tho de partment, nud especially why It is pro posed tosellbondsto agreater amount than Is required to make up thu deficit iu tliu hundred million gold reserve. The ques tion of admission of tho bill incouit will bo argued today. Ilorliiis HHTor Very Widely. Chicaco, Jan. '.'!!. As iu Mm cases where Insanity has been pleaded on behalf of homicide's thu experts differ ns to whether that prisoner Is insane, so iu Miu Cronin casutho professional gentlemen called by prosecution und defense lack concord on I thu question of what killed 'Dr. Cronin. ' Tliu prosecution prou-il very fully Mint the blows on tho doctor's head did it, while now Miu defunsu is proving equully fully that they did not necessarily niusu death, audsomu of them hold that tho doctoi may have died of kidney disease. I.lfn Coiivlrts To Ho lluii;ed. Jackmin, Miss., Jan. 0. Judgu Christ man has sentenced Horace Smith and Henry Singleton to hang on Match U7. They utu already llfu convicts. Whllo in prison thoy killed two other convicts. THE DEATH RECORD. Bernard Fischer, retired capitalist ol Milwaukee. Ladak Cjiakdler, pioneer of Central Il linois, at Montlccllo, Ills. i LAURA ScillitMEit Mapleso.v, tho oper-, otlo singer, at New York. ' Ijuis Haauen-, prominent citizen of Al-' ton, Ills. Captain Pattkiibon b'll.uti'i:, well, know ii resident of Elgin, at Blnomliigtou, Ills. Dr. JosEl'U Iloiiui.Vd, ono of the fore most surgeons of the country, ut Madlsou, WU. CoysTANCT Fenimore Cooper Woolson, tliq authoress, at Veultfo. i Colonel Lyman J. IIib&iko, wealthy citl- mu of Fustorlu, O, I A. F. BROWN, ono of tho oldest lawyers In Iowa, at Waurly, la. Jacoii Strawn, wealthy citizen of Jack sonville, Ills. K. I. Baldwin, well known merchant of Cleveland, (). Alexander Nelson, D. D., oxprcsldent of Washington Female college, nt Dohv Wute, O, ltev. J. w. t'tiNTON, well knowtt NUM un luaifMr, nriimi u. 2, 1894. JULESBURG TRACK AGREEMENT. t'lllon Pnrllle Mux! Itlvoiitliiiir Itiiiiiilui; Train 0 rr Tlmt Hriinrh. Dk.wkii, Jnn. HI. Frank Trumbull, receiver of tlu (lulf ro.ul, lias received It letter from Mm recelvm of the Union Pacific Informing him tlusr liml obtained nn order from Mm Unlliil Slates circuit court at Omaha diieetlng them not to oonllnno the performance ot the trackage agreement to run trains over tho Jttles Imrg brunch, but allowing them to keep tho ngris'iiu'til to have Mm Gulf road trains urn over the Cheyenne hrnncli. Mr. Trumbull, in n supplemental pe tition lllcd here, asks that In the United .Slates eonrt tho action of tho Union l'n cilic receivers In deciding to break the traffic contracts lio passed upon and such orders made ns tho court may think pii'INT. Mr. Trumbull says the entire property covered in tho traflle contractu is within the jurisdiction of the Denver courts ami the Union Pacific receiver! nro subject to the order of this court. Kxpcct CoiiRri'Mluiinl Action. Ti'.imi: Hauti!, Iml., Jan. ill. -General Muster Sargent of the Urotherhood of Firemen returned from Washington where he has Ix-en hi consultation with Senator Voorheea nnd Representative McUiinu of Illinois concerning mutters of vital Interest to tho brotherhood. A bill has lneii prepared and will lie intro duced soon in Ixith branches of congress to prevent federal judges from rest min ing railroad employes from striking. Mr. Sargent will meel tho grand officers of tho brotherhood at. St. Paul Thursday when the final action will lw taken ou tho order served on them In tho courts in thu Northern Pacific, case. To Until On the llrohers. K.inh Citv, Jan. 31. I The Kansas City local passenger association has or dens.1 all Denver lines to stop for 110 days the sab of ticketH from Kansas City to Pueblo via Denver for $10.7.1. Deuvor passengers havo lieen buying these tic kets, riding to Denver on them and then Helling tho Denver-Pueblo coupon forJ to brokers. Tho result Is that the Den ver railways have been tumble to sell Pueblo tickets at regular prices. Ilt'crrAM- In lliirlliiRtou KuiiiIiirs. ' Cilic.vao, Jan. ill. Gross earnings of Burlington from Jnn. I to Dec. ill, 180J, wero W,ilfitM8iJ, n decrease of tLn,V,. HIS from 1802; tho total freight earnings werufc.M.'..,:i.7o7, a decrease of flVJoi, 185; thu total passenger earnings were $IO,l8"i,irai, mi Inmwo of: $.V.i;.l.Y!; the operating expenses wero $'J 4, ",()., HI), it decrease of $l,0,"ii(,S07; tho total net earn ings Tor the year wero f:l,tiU4,201, u de crease from 1802 of fi76,'JI0. Hlirllngtou Met tlio Itrductloii. Kansas Citv, Jan. .'11. Tho Burling ton railway has met tho reduced rates on com and wheat from tho Missouri river points to Chicago and common points, 'lite Santa Fo originally tuiidu the ruto, which Is 0 cents a hundred on wheat nnd 8 cents ou com. Declnloii Puxoralttr to tlm ltcnduin. Miiavuakki:, Jan. 81. Judge Jenkins filed in tho United States circuit court his decision in tho inntter of the petition of Mm Drayton-Ives faction of the North em Pacific stockholders to compel the receivers to turn over thu control of the roud to tho oflicem. The judge denies the petition. Judge tlenklns Drilled the Prlllloii. Mii.waukki:, Jan. 81. Judgu Jenkins denied tho jietition of thu Northern Pa cific receivers for tho return of liooks and payment of money. Call For u Wool (.rowers Com eat Ion. Dknvuii, Jan. ill. At tho request of many wool growers of tho western states Governor Wnito hns reissued his call for a wool growers' convention in Denver Feb. 5. Ho has received notice Mint tho governors of Pennsylvania and Montana have appointed delegates to thu convention. .u Iomii Ilclrt-M. Iowa Citv, In., Jan. ill. Miss Clara Ashley has fallen heir to fjKl.",()00. Tho inheritance eoines to her through tho will of tho Into Frederick W. Ashley of Bangor, Mo. riiiiiicH In .Milium City. Mason Citv, Jan. ill. The New York dry giKsls storo burned. Loss $10,000, Insurance 5,000. MARKETS BVJELEGRAPH. CIiIiuko (1 nil ii niul Prmltlon. Ciik Aim. .Inn. :. Almost nil of )cstenlay's udxaui'u In wlieat was Inst Imlay and May iliwed J's! Inner. Cables were weak, Ilia w father was mile, und heay shipment added to tho neakiiCHS. Cora closed wltb a loss or (f; May tints Htitrcreil In a like extent und irovlIuim were considerably lower all u rou ad. rUIMMJ PUII'KS. WIIKAT-Slcady., Kiijc; May.fil'ft.'-. July, Wic. CDIIN -rinu. Cnsli, J.):; May, SSJe; July, (AT.S- Kusy. July. :: l'DltK-Knsy. flx'.s-,. LAIID-Kasy. r.tfi. UIIW-Kiis Ciihli, i'to; 5fny, SOlU&Jte; Jummry, !a.80; JUy, January, t7.ftiK-; May, January, V'lSii; Muy, il.KJ.jj. C'lilfHKO I.h Morh. riuc'AOO, Jnn .'H.-CATri.K-Xons nl tho nirerinits liiul thorniillty lolirlnicns much ns JVOInii'l rxiccillnrfly lew (,-nt above 81,'ii. Prom Jl.M to t O) bought fair to pretty Kood lout tu I'iV) lb steers, nnd there Is whero tho hulk Hold, HOtiS ContldcraMy lower prices for hnss lmil to bn ntec'titcd. Within nn hour nfter tlm orvnhii; faiyers hail fori cd tho nmrket Imek to the cMi'iit of Id,', and they held It thero to thu end. The l'Ht heavy and medium welulit 1ioks sold oir In S-1 .'Hand f I.KMviih an ouIhMi. quo liitlna for Unlit welchtH. The luruifl imrl of tliu trailln Ik'Iiik at fVai'j'i .',.:) for the foruir ami J."i.lVI'i.-, fur tho latter. The cIumj was weak. ailKKl'-Thcy wero tnlrnblu at SI.ta.1.T3 fur poor to extra, and there w us a ileinaad for jarnN at M.(Oi'l.i fur Inferior to choice Ex trn lumtm were auntcd ns hliili a U 73. ltccclpls-CatUe, U,ii head! calves, hotfJ. W.UJ; bhcojnlR am; South Oinabu I.lto Sloclt. Hni'Tii Omaha, Jan '.-CATTI.lUei-elrts, l',.voichiI: l.nito l.vni lbs.. $.i iHHtt.V); ncm to lJtnlb3.,9.,j..Vift:ilM;MiMoUm lbs., 8O.lO13a.t1ij choice cow s, SJ.!i.V$M0; rnuunnn rows, Sl.S i.',10; Rood fi'iders, 52 WiOAUK eoiumon fecilvn, fl'.&ViU'.Ni. Market actUu and Hleiuly. llOtiS-ltceelitN, ,',H) heiul; lltlit, V.HXii 6.Wi mixed, JVIUOS.lii heavy, SJ.lOitam Wsrkot Hk; lower. r JBlIKKlMtec4iU. 1,'tMI h.aiit mottolt,1WUy A foW WoeW old. mkif.mlm,umiQi Maibt wkr. J thoNtihjy qpurfafttiiitd. 3 THE LEGISLATIVE NEWS Bill to Prohibit Publication ef Prii Fight Accounts. INTRODOOED IN THE IOWA HOUSE. nilt In Appropriate W5.000 to Py In itrtiteiliii'M orHlatf, A(rlcultunit "nelcty. Poinmltlre Report ou MoMIUen'a DU mlual hy (iovernor llotei Colorado Hen ator Jlinllengel to fight i Dual. Dm Moinkh, .Tun. 31. Tho first real excitement of tho session Iu the settntn wiw brought out by tho dlsotLsston In re lation to thu Htwponslon of Warden Mc Millan of tho Fort Mndlaon penitentiary by Governor Bolea. Tho governor re ported IiIh action to the general aaaembly through h Hpecial tnnwiige nnd ccom paulwl It with coplw of tho report of thn invwtlgatlng eiMnmlttcsi and report of tho attorney general. The ntwcinl wrosngu wiw referred to Joint commltto mmpoHod of Senator Beynohbi and Matkm and Itopnenta tlvw Mllliinuii. Fhioh and Stuutz. Th iUhcuuhIou wna brought out try an effort ou tho part of 8enntor Finn to paw a rvitoliition expressing tho opinion that McMIUcn Hhoiild lio Itwaa laid over. Tho report of tho cotumittoe thnt the govornor wan wholly jnMfied in iiwpeuiling tho wnnlou waa aekipted. Senator Howon luw Un'ii reading too much priw fighting uowh. Ho propose to compel newHpapera tn dlncontinu audi pnWIcntimw. A bill introduced by him provide for a fino of not low than t-V) nor more than ft00 to lie imposed upon any ncAVHixipor that publlhii ds tallH of rounds fought in any prize fight. A bill providing for an appropriation of f,000 to meet the deficit in tlw State Agricultural nocivty's fumla wo intro dmxsl by Senator Yeoinann. Tho deficit in duo to it light attendance at the fair. Tho assembly is Mug Hooiled witli peti tiotifl rciiucnting the paiwnge of tks bill. Senntor Palmer Introduced bill pro viding for thu njipointmont by (he gover nor of a counutaton to ascertain and ninrk tho lweltion urenpied by the Iowa troops at tho battlo of Chattunooga and appropriato fc'W.OOO for the erection of inonuiuents, and '2,000 for thoex)nM of the commltisloii. ToloriMln IConsc 1'ttMeil Heverul H. I)i:svkk, Jan. l. Tliu time of the houso TucmI ay wrut mainly occupied in pahMBig scveriil bills providing for the coiiAtntctiou of ronda and bridges. The Heiuite met nt 'i o'clock for tho first time Hinco Friday. Governor Walto's mernage in reply to the aenute'H resolution asklnf him to prorogue thu legislature, was read. Senntor McKlnley introduced concurrent resolution providing for an adjournment nine dio on Feb. 8, which went over under tho ruled. Challenged tu Fight 11 liuel. DKSvnt, Jan. LM. Colonel A. C. Fisk of whom Senator Boyd Raid in the 'donate ho had never earned an honest dollar, challenged tho Senator to fight a duel. Tho Colonel Hiiyri if thu Senator does not publicly retract and ujiologizu for hia offensive remark or accept the challenge ho will Ix'at his brniiui out with a club. Colonel Fisk is pmddentof the Pan American Bimetullic AwK'ltttlon, TWO CONGRESSMEN ELECTED. Tlm ltcpiiullcyin Huccreil In Klcctlng liulua-ln u Itoinovratlo Ulitrlct. Kkw York. Jan. Ul. Tlio special elect ioiw Tuesday for two congressmen iu tho Fourteenth and Fifteenth districts resulted in an even distribution as far as tho political parties aro concerned, but the Republican are rejoicing over their fllgunl victory in tho Fourteenth district. Thero tho Republican candidate, Lemuel Ely Quire, led his -rival, William L'. Brown, by 0011 votes, and thus succeeds to tho seat left vacant by Colonel John Fellows, Democrat, now district attor ney. In tho Fifteenth district Isidor Strauss wus elected over Frederick Si grist, Republican. Mr. Strauss succeeds A. P. Fitch, Democrat, now comptroller of this city. INTERESTED IN IRRIGATION. North Nebriiitka t.'onvnnllon Holding; m .Mi-ellna at Holt' Capital. O'Nkii.i., Neb., Jnn. HI. The North Nebraska irrigation convention was culled to order in the courthouse. Judge M. P. Kiukuid won elected chairman and T. V. Golden secretary. Brown, Keys, Puha, Il-xik, Cherry nnd Holt counties wero represented. Sioux City, la., was represented by three delegates. B. S. Gillespie of Holt county gave an outline, of tho proposed ditch, having jnst returned from 11 trip of inspection. I. A. Forio of Grand Island, president of thu State Irrigation association, made an extended speech illustrating the costs and liencfits to lie derived from irriga tion. Mnka Short Work of ltlotpm, FiTTMiit'lKi, Jan. HI.- It is tho intention of tho Allegheny county authorities to make short work of tho Mnnsfield coal region rioters. Tho 89 men are now in jail hero and wero given hearings on the churgo of unlawful assembly. The cases woro taken to tho grand jury and 10 minute later truo bills wcro found against tho entiro party. It is possible, tho ciuea will lio called in court this week and railroaded through. Tried to i:c-apu ami Was Killed. OsKAtos, la., Jan. 31. George W. Elder and Tom Edwards wero arrested for fctenliiig by Oilicer Wiudahl. Edwards broke nway from Windaul and started to run. Wiudahl fired three times after hlui and fatally wounded him, Edwards dying two hours afterward. Ho waa ono iif 11 gang hero In December. Tho officer is under arrest, but publio Beotiuient itaucLi up for him. Smallpox nt New Hampton. Nt'.v Hampton, Ia Jan. 81. Ono nov case of smallpox was roiwrted to tho i.uthuritiw. This throo cases in , r.U, ono proving fatu), tlut o u child Tftw are i 1 i m $t ,ri m 'fii 1 r, f: I I m m m ir v na.'rfffos-Jt-TET .wylffTTwwMw'';'r''i,''w'ii"iV'"ii liyViif'iU',' I !v liL.. ywffffif'mifulKm' '..V,T,s m-s- w . ' -w. 57 mmmtimm "- wTuniM a "ijaaa . , , , ,...,. jf ."S-..aaaW