The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 02, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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-In Scarlett
upon Ills UnccH, coiihlilurliitf how ho
nhouht broach the mutter to Ills daugh
ter, when u soft liiuul was laid upon
his, nml looltlnK1 tip he haw her sland
Jnff bcsldo him. One fflnncotit lieroale,
frightened face nhmved him that bho
liad licard wlint had passed.
'I could not help it," hu wild, in an
swer to Ids look. "His volco rang
through the house. O father, father,
what shall wo do?"
"Don't you scare .yourself ," ho an
swercd, drawing iter to him, nnd pass
ing ills broad, rough hand caressingly
over her chestnut hair. "We'll llx it
up somehow or another. You don't llnd
your fancy hind o' lessening far this
chap, do youV"
A sob nnd n squcezo of his hand wcro
her only answer.
. "No; of course not. I shouldn't care
to hear you say you did. lie's n likely
lad, and he's u Christian, which lunioro
than these folic here, in spito o' all
their praying and prcuching. There'H
a party starting for Xuvnda to-morrow,
uniN'll manngo to send him n messngo
letting him know tlio liolo wo nro in.
If I know anything o' that young man,
ho'U bo back ltcro with a speed thut
would whip elcctro-teiegraphs."
Lucy faughod through her tears at
her father's description.
1 "When ho comes, ho will ndvlso us
for tho best. Hut it is for you that I
am frightened, dear. One hears ono
hears such dreadful stories about those
jwho opposo tho prophet; something
terrible always happens to them."
"Hut wo haven't opposed him yet,"
her father nnswercd. "It will be tlmo
to look out for squalls when wo do.
Wo hare a clear month before us; at
tho end of that, I guess wo had best
bin out of Utah."
I "Lcavo Utah?"
i "That's about tho blzo of it."
; Hut tho farm?"
"Wo will raise as much as wo can in
money and let tho rest go. To tell tho
truth, Lucy, it isn't the first time I
have thought of doing it, I don't care
about knucklingMindcr to uny man, as
.these folk do to their darned prophet.
I'm a free-born American, and it's nil
new to me. Guess I'm too old to learn.
'If ho comes browsing about this farm,
jhe might chance to run up nguinst a
charge of buckshot traveling in the op
posite direction."
I "But they won't let us leave," his
uaugher objected.
i "Wait till Jefferson comes, nnd we'll
aoon manage that In tho meantime,
don't you fret yourself, my dearie, and
to vour eyes, swelled up, else
into mo when no sees
thing to bo nfcurd
t's no danger ut all."
.tercd these consoling
y confident tone, but
ilp observing that he
ro to tho fastening of
ight, and thut he caro
tid loaded tho rusty old
hung upon tho wall of
...' tno glon. -tio
wiHTcavo It ail to her decision."
During tills dialogue, John Forrior
had stood fuming in tlio doorway,
hardly able to keep his riding-whip
from tlio backs of Ills two visitors.
"Look here," ho said at last, strid
ing up to them, "when my daughter
summons you, you can come; but until
then, I don't want to seo your faces
The two young Mormons stared at
hhn in amazement. In their oyes tills
competition between them for tho
maiden's hand was tho highest of
honors both to her and her father.
"There are two wnys out of tho
room," cried Ferrlcr: "there is the door,
and thero is tho window. Which do
you earo to use?"
His brown face looked so savage, and
Ids gaunt hands so threatening, that
his visitors sprang to their feet and
bent a hurried retreat. Tlio old fanner
followed them to the door.
"Let mo know when you havo
settled which it is to be," ho said
M i ft' k I ' li JiV'jiln I It frlLdi
nm irrr
n. .
A flight iron Lire
Cm tho morning which followed his
interview with tlio Mormon prophet,
John Forricr went into Salt Lako City,
and having found his acquaintance,
who waa bound for tlio Nevada, moun
tain, he intrusted him witlt his mes
sage to Jefferson Hope. In it ho told
tho yonng man of tlio Imminent dan
ger which threatened them, nnd how
necessary it was that ho should return.
Having dono thus, he felt easier in his
mind, and returned homo with n light
er heart
As ho approached his farm, he wan
surprised to bco n horse hitched to
each of tho pohts of tho gate. Still
inoro surprised was ho on entering to
find two young men in possession of
his sitting-room. One, with iv long,
pale faco, wus leaning back In tlio
rocklng-eha,lr, with his feet cocked
upon tho stove. Tl.o other, n bull
necked youth with coarse, bloated fea
tures, was standing in front of tho
window with his litmus in his pockets,
whistling a popular hymn. Uoth of
them nodded to l'erricr as ho entered,
and tho ono in tho rocklng-clialr com
menced tho conversation.
"Maybe you don't know us," lie said.
"This here Is tlio son of Hitler Drcbbcr,
and I'm Joseph Stangerson, who trav
eled with you In tho desert when the
Lord stretched out His hand and gath
ered you into the true fold."
"As Ho will nil the nations in Ills
own good time," said tho other, in u
nasal voice; "Ho ifrlndolh slowly but
exceeding small."
John Ferrlor bowed coldly. Ho had
guessed who his visitors were.
"We havo come," continued Stanger
con, "at tho advice of our fathers, to
solicit the hand of your daugliter for
whichever of us may seem good to you
and to her. As I huvo but four wives
aud Brother Drobbor hero has seven, it
appears to mo that my claim is tho
stronger one."
"Nay, nay, Brother Ktnngcrson,"
cried tho other; "tlio question is uot
how many wives wo have, but how
many wo can keep. My father has
now given over his mills to me, and I
am the richer man."
"But my prospcots arj bolter," Bald
the other, warmly. "When tho Lord
removes my father, I shall havo his
tanning-yard aud his leather fuctory.
Then I am your elder, and am higher
in tho church."
"It will be for tho maiden to decide,"
jQlued i'Pijiu; Iabjt, 6in.lrUinjr.jijL
itooit," rimimm.
"You hhnll smart for this!" Stangcr
inn cried, white with rage. "You
havo dolled tho prophet and tho coun
cil of four. You shall rue it to tlio end
of your days."
"The hand of tho Lord shall b.c
heavy upon you," cried young Drcb
bcr; "Ho will arise and sinlto youl"
T1u.n I'll .nrf. (l,i. kiiilltnir." rv.
claimed Ferrler furiously, and would
havo rushed upstairs for his gun had
not Lucy seized him by tho arm and
restrained him. Before ho cculd
escape from her, tho clatter of horse's
hoofs told him that they wero beyond
his reach.
"Tho youpg canting rascals!" ho ex
claimed, wiping tho perspiration from
ids forehead. "I would sooner see you
lu your grave, my girl, than tho wlfoof
either of them."
"And so should I, father," she an
swered, with spirit; . "but Jefferson
will soon bo here."
"Yes. It will ipt be long before he
comes. Tho sooner the better, for we
do not know what their next move
may be."
It was, indeed, high time that some
one capable of giving advice and help
should come to tho aid of tho sturdy
old farmer and his adopted daugliter.
In the whole history of the settlement
there had never been such u case of
rank disobedience to tho authority of
the elders. If minor errors wero pun
ished so sternly, what would bo the
fato of this arch robol? Kerr lor knew
that his wealth and position would be
of no hvall to him. Others as well
known uud as rich as himself had been
spirited away before now, and their
goods, given over to tho church, lie
was si bravo man, but ho trembled at
tho vague, shadowy terrors which
hung over him. Any known danger lio
could face with a linn lip, but this sus
pense was unnerving. Ho concealed
lilt, fears from his daughter, however,
and alt'ecled to miike light of tho whole
matter, though she, with tho keen eye
of love, saw plainly that ho was ill at
lie expected that ho would recche
somu message or remonstranco from
Young as to his conduct, and ho wn
not mistaken, though it came in
an unlooked-for manner. I'pon rising
next morning ho fmiud, to his sur
prise, a small square of paper pinned
on to tlio coverlet of ills bed, just ovei
his chest. On it was printed in bold,
straggling lutlur:
"Twr.vrv-Nixi: days Aim nivi:x you
ron A5iiwiir.:;T, ami tiiii.v "
Tho dash was more fear-inspiring
than any threat could havo been.
How this warning came into his room
puzzled John Ferrler sorely, for his
nervants slept in nn outhouse, and the
doors and windows had all been se
cured. 1 lu crumpled tho paper up and
t.ild nothing to lil.i daughter, but the
incident struck u chill Into his heart.
Tho twenty-nlno days were evidently
the balance of the month which Young
hud promised. What strength or cour
ngo could avail against an enemy
armed with such mysterlouii powers'.1
The hand which fastened that pin
might havo struck lilni to tho heart,
ami ho could never have known who
, had slain him.
I Still more shaken was ho noxt morn
ing. They had sat down to their
breakfast when Lucy, with a cry of
i surprise, pointed upward. Jn tho cen
ter of tho celling was scrawled, with n
j burned stick, apparently, tlio number
S3. .To his daugliter it was unin
telligible, and ho did not enlighten
her. That night ho sat up with his
gun nnd kept watch and ward. He
saw and heard nothing, and yet In the
morning a great 27 had been painted
, upon tne outsldu of las door.
Thus day followed day; and as tmro
bb morning camo hn found. that his un
Recti enemies Jiad kept their register,
and had tnark'cd up In some conspicu
ous position how many duys wcro still
left to him out of tho month of grace.
Sometimes tho fatul numbers appeared
upon tho walls, sometimes upon tho
floors; occasionally they wcro on small
placards stuck upon tho garden-gato
or tho railings. With all his vigllnnco
John Fcrrlcr could not discover whenco
theso dally warnings proceeded. A
horror, which was almost supersti
tious, came upon him at tho sight of
them. Ho became haggurd and rest
less, and his eyes had tho troubled
look of somo haunted creature. Ho
had but one hopo in lifo now, and that
was for tho arrival of the young hunter
from Nevada.
Twenty had changed to fifteen, and
fifteen to ten; but thero was uo news
of the absentee. Ono by one tho num
bers dwindled down, .and still there
camo no blgn of hhn. Whenever a
horseman clattered down tho road or a
driver shouted at his team, 'tho old
farmer hurried to tho gate, thinking
that help hnd arrived nt last. At last,
when he saw fivo give wny to four and
that again to three, ho lost heart, and
abandoned all hopo of escapo. Single
handed, and with his limited klowledgo
of the mountains which surrounded tho
settlement, ho know that ho was now
less. The more frequented roads wcro
strictly watched and guarded, aud
nono could pass nlong hern without
an order from tho council. Turn which
way ho would, there appeared to bo no
avoiding tho blow which hung over
him. Yet tho old man never wavered
in his resolution to part with life itself
before he consented to what ho re
garded as his daughter's dishonor.
IV -wus sitting alono ono evening
pondering deeply over IiIb troubles,
nnd tcarchlng vainly for somo wny out
of them. That morning had shown
tho fltruro 3 upon tho wall of his
house, and the next day would bo tho
last, of tho ullottcd tlmo. Whnt was
to happen then? All manner of vaguo
and terrlblo fancies filled his imagina
tion. And his daughter what was to"
become of her 'after ho was gone?
Was thero no escape from tho invisi
ble network which was drawn nil
round them? Ho sank his head upon
the table and sobbed at tho thought of
his own impotence.
What was that? In the silence ho
heard u gcntlo scratching sound low,
but very distinct, in the quiet of tho
night. It camo from tlio door of tho
hoitbc. l'erricr crept into tho hall and
listened intently. Thero was a pauso
for a few moments, and then tho low,
Insidious sound was repeated. Somo
ono was evidently tapping very gently
upon ono of the panels of tlio door.
Wus it somo midnight nssasstn who
had come to carry out tho murderous
order of the secret tribunal? Or was
it somo agent who was marking up
thut tho last day of grace had arrived?
John Kcrrier felt that instant death
would bo better thun tho suspense
which shook his nerves and chilled his
heart. Springing forward, ho drew the
bolt and threw tlio door open.
Outside nil was calm aud (pilot. Tho
night was fine, and tho stars wcro
twinkling brightly overhead. Tho
little .front garden lay before tho
farmer's eyes, bounded by tho fonco
and gate; but neither thero nor on tho
road was any human being to bo hceiu
Witliji sjgh of relief Ferrlor looked to
right and to left, until happening to
glance straight down nt his own feet
ho saw to his astonishment u man lying
flat upon his face upon the ground,
with nrms and legs all usprawl.
So unnerved was h6 at tho sight
that ho leaned up against the wall with
Ills hand to his throat to btiflo his in
clination to call out. His first thought
was that tliu prostrate ilguro was that
of some wounded or dying man, but as
ho watched it ho saw it writho along
the ground and into tho hall with the
rapidity and nolselessncssof a serpent.
Onco within the house tho man sprang
to his foot, closed tho door and ro
vcaled to tlio ustonished farmer tho
fierce and resolute expression of Joffcr
bon Hope.
"(lood Oodl" gasped John Ferrler.
"How you scared mot Whatever made
you como in like that?"
"(live mo food," tho other said,
hoarsely. "I havo had no timo for bito
or sup for clght-and-forty hours." Ho
Hung himself upon the cold meat nnd
bread which wcro still lying upon tho
tnblo from his host's supper, nnd de
voured it voraciously. "Docs Lucy
bear up well?" ho asked, when ho had
satisfied his hunger.
"Yes. Sho does not know tho dan
ger," her father answered.
'That Is well. Tho house is watched
on every side. That is why I crawled
my way up to it. They mny ba darned
sharp, but they're not quite sharp
enough to catch a Wnshoo hunter."
John Kcrrier folt a different man
now that ho realized that ho had a de
voted ally. Ho seized tho young man's
l'jnthcry hand and wmng it cordially.
"You're a man to bo proud of," ho said.
"There are not many who would como
to nharo our danger aud our troubles."
"You'vo hit it there, pard," tho young
hunter answered. "I havo a respect
for you, but if yon wcro alono in this
business I'd think twico before I put
my head into such a hornets' nest.
It's Lucy that brings mo hero, nnd be
fore harm comes on her I guess thero
will be ono less o' tho Hope family in
"What ur wo to do?"
"To-morrow is your last day, uud un
less you net to-night you are lost. I
huvo a mulo and two horses waiting in
tho Knglo ravine. How much monoy
turned with his daughter nil dressed
nnd rendy for n start, Tho greeting
between tho lovers was warm but brief,
for minutes were precious, and there
wns much to bo done.
"Wo must make our start at once,"
said Jefferson Hope, sp?aklng in a low
but resolute voice, llko ono who
realizes the greatness of tho peril, but
has steeled his heart to meet It. "Tho
front nnd back entrances nro watchcM,
but with caution wo may got away
through the nldo window and across
tlio fields. Onco on tho road, wo nro
only two miles from the ravino where
tho horses are waiting. By daybreak
wo should bo 1ialf way through tho
"What if wo are stopped?" asked
Hope slapped tho revolver butt which
protruded from tho front of his tunic.
"If they arc too many for tis wo shall
tnko two or thrco of them with us," ho
said with a nlnistor smile.
Tho lights inside tho houso had all
been extinguished, and from tho dark
ened window Ferrler peered over tho
fields which had been his own, and
which ho , was now about to aban
don forever. Ho hnd long nerved him
self to tho sacrifice, howoveri and tho
thought of tho honor and happiness
of his daughter outweighed any regret
nt his ruined fortunes. All looked so
peaceful and happy, tho rustling trees
nnd tho broad, silent stretch of grain
land, that it was difficult to realize
that tho spirit of murder lurked
through It all. Yet tho white face and
set expression of the young hunter
showed that in ids approach to tho
house he had seen enough to satisfy
him upon that head.
Ferrler carried tho bag of gold and
notes, Jefferson Hopo had tho scanty
provisions uud water, whilo Lucy had
tho hinnll bundlo containing a few of
her more valued possessions. Opening
tho window very slowly nnd carefully,
they waited until a dark cloud hnd
somewhat obscured tho night, nnd
then ono by ono passed through into
the little garden. With bated breath
nnd crouching figures they stumbled
across it nnd gained tho shelter of tho
hedge, which they skirted uutll they
camo to the gap which opened into tho
con field. They had just reached this
point when tho young man seized his
two companions and dragged them
down into tho shadow, where thoy lay
silent and trembling.
It wns as well that his prairie train
ing had given Jefferson Hope tho eara
of a lynx, no nnd his friends had
hardly crouched down before the mel
ancholy hooting of a mountain owl
was heard within a few yards of them,
which was immediately answered by
another hoot at a small distance. At
tho same moment n vague, shadowy
figure emerged from tlio gap for which
they had been making, und uttered tho
plaintive signal cry again, on which a
second man appeared out of the ob
scurity. "To-morrow nt midnight," said tho
first, who appeared to be In authority.
"When tlio whlppoorwlll calls thrco
"It is well," returned tho other.
"Shall I tell Brother Drebber?"
"Fuss it on to him, nnd from him to
the others. Nino to seven!"
"Seven to fivo!" repeated tho other,
and tho two figures flitted away in
dsUTeront directions. Their concluding
wwtls had evidently been somo form of
sign and countersign. Tho instant
that their footbteps had died away in
the distance, Jefferson Hopo sprang to
his feet, and, helping his companions
through tho gup, led the way ucross
the fields at full speed, supporting and
half-carrying tho girl when her
strength nppearcd to fail her.
"Hurry on! hurry on!" ho gasped
from tlmo to time. "Wo nro through
tho lineof bcntlnels. Everything do
Xcnds on speed. Jlurry on!"
(To bo continued.)
A. It. It.
Amboy, Red Cloud nnd Hiverton,
make us good flour ub is mudu in the
state. Why buy foreign made Hour
when you can get just as good a mako ut
homo, und thereby make a bettor market
for tho farmers wheat. You will find all
brands made ut the ubovo mills ut Me
Nitt's Produce exchnngo.
It Is applied right to tho parts. It euros all diseases of women. Any
lady can uso it horsolf. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS. Mailod to any
address on receipt of $1.
Dr. J. A. McGlll Ss Co., 3 and 4 Panorama Place, ObJosffO, ZU.
' For utile by V JL Catting,
New York
Weekly Tribune
h h
hate you?"
"Two thousand dollars in gold, and
five in notes."
"Thatwilldo. I have as much more to
add to it. Wo must push for Carson City
through tho mouutalns. You had best
wake Lucy. It is as well that tho Berv
ants do uot sleep in tlio houso."
Whilo Ferrler was absent preparing
his daugliter for tho approaching jour
ney, JufVersnn Hope packed all tho eat
ables that he could find into a 6inall
parcel, uud filled u stoueware jar with
water, for ho knew by experience that
tin! mountain wells were few and far
between. Ho had hardly completed
hl arrangements before the fannarjgi
(Itcgiilur Graduate!.)
Arc tho Irmllnz mid moit tuccciifulipectalliti and
Ill five Juu help.
Younond mid
dle aged men.
IteninrkaMe re
niliH lmo follow
imI our treatment.
Many your of
ar led nnd H'lci'r S3
ful experience
Intliemjcof cura
the mtiliodi that
i' Hln uu own und
control for nil till
nrUeriofrocnwho liao wcuk, uiulc-
.tciupvu or ma
caicu orvana, or
Vi3)il 'KaSKf.MSWI
who nro Biirrcrlns
ifrom crrora ut
vouih ami excesa
ii ml Imiiutonl,
tlio Hi-urn of lln'lr
filhiMa nud tlio
rontempl of tlirlr
frli Dili ami com
Minion. If nils tia
o Ktiuroiitoo to all patient, ir tiicy ran oiniy
jp i-vitoriMl. .; iiuu uxcluilvo trcutmcat
til a.':wril u cure.
Vroiir,.V! non't yon want to pet cured of Hint
iv(nknr with n trt'Hlmcn'. that )oti run u.u nt
feniini without In.tru.tuutm' Our wonderful treat.
uit'ui Uai ciii-eil others. Why not you ? Try It.
fAT.tttniI.nnil illicaies of tho 6kln,I)lood,
Joart, Lhvr ami Kidney.
HYPHir.l1-Tliemiistrsnlil.fnfB and cUcctlva
'cncJy. AiuiuplctaCuroOiiHrunteciI.
STCI?; imnANF.N of all kinds cured whera
ju'iyoiheraluNo failed.
:uicri Inn few ilnvi. Ouulc, lure aud safe, 'lhli
nuuue uieei nuu uonorini'u.
We hJV9 cured case of Chronlo olsraiei that
lata r.nd mcillrjl in.lltutr-a.
nn u f.'itloii to pet i ureil nt tho lmnd. of other special-
.IIKMI-.MIlF.Iltlistthero la nono
fur You. Consult uo other, us jou may waito valuaulo
.Imu. Ohtaln our treatment at ouce.
llrwurtMif fivo and (heap treatment!. We Rlvo
the best und most Klpntlflu treatment at moileiiitq
nrlrfs as low us rnn he done for nafe nnd skillful
truatinent. THRU rtinaiiltntlon at tlio olllcoor
by null. Thoiuuizli examination and careful dine,
nosls. A hoinii ttvatmeut can SoRUen Itiamalniity
nfcBse. send tor Syiuntoni lllank ho. IfurMcnt
.S'n.Ufdr WumentNo. afurSklnlilscaics. Allcorrc
jpondiineo niuwnred promptly. Jluslnissatrirtlyton
ddeutlal. Kntlru treatment pent freo. from tiliscrta
Hon. Itefcr to our patients, bank nud ineu
Address or call on
S, U. Comer nixlk and Fells HH., Itooma I aad i
. (fp sulf. bt. tidajera. mo..
Address THE CHIEF,
Red Cloud, Neb.
Jno. B. Wright,
hi Secoild-'tfand Goods'
Mao it JiloeJ:, lied (loml. ,
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. j l
L'RorruETORs ov
Orders promptly flllod. "Sour patronago soli
Transfer Line,
I'will haul anything from Trunk to a Thresh
ing Machine to any part of the city as
cheap as an) man on enrth.
Any order lott at Coiiover k Ablrights feed store wilb
ceive prompt attention. Yours for business,
John Barkljcy.
p. E. P0J4D,
City Livery, Feed and Sale Stab
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Farmers patronage cordially solicited. Good rigs at rea
sonable rates night or day. Horses boarded by clay or week.
1 I M 1 IW M 1 1 IM II I IM i nfl
immm mn n
raEVENT3 cmrme,
Cannot Choke a Horse
Adjusts Itself to anw
Horso'e Nock,
Has two Kowa of
Will hnlri Un..t
n Blaco better thn V-
any o'.hor Collar.
Ilnvo nl'uw More or TIioku
AIo u lar Hue r hm ,i,!H A.Cf
nll mill ice nie If yM, MUiu
Km ISJJif u( U
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mm iQitrncNHMaii
or EvalnHti...
ynu HhouVl bco I-Varik I'. lla.lloy Ho
iIocb hoiieo, Bifti uml enrriaco iialntlnir
glazing, Ac. B'
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mtwutmriH' ss)sj fr'r