The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 02, 1894, Image 1

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    , J
i r' ' A !i ' .". . . j n .m i '! mi &
gMBg jBcfT"'S-iisM B BaBwraawlllllllllBBwMaBwl fc TBBaaaMBwlr PSTii JbbI11mBi L"rBTlli?nTBB M bbbbiEbbbb lawlvk aflT'wW B'T B'f wIM 1 'b W wfivJL x
All Home Print.
Published Weekly.
Subscription, SI I'cr Annum,
IiiTarlnbly In Advnnco
It not paid In mlv.inro, after this dale March
18, l, the prlcn will ho si. a.
Entered nt tbo Post OHico In lied Cloud, N'cb.,
as mall miittiTi f tliencnnd class
ItATKS CIK .nVltrisvO
Vrof. cards, I Itiihor less per jear ?C 00
Nix months i t (to
Three tnniitln 'J OJ
Per Incli iino t?nr Si on
I'er Inrli fix mouths : iw
Per inch tlnui tuuiitlu (Xi
Spoclal iii'tlriR per lluti or lliu spare, llrst
publication Clients.
Tiaiisleni speclii's, p-ijuhle Invariably in ad
vance, per line Hi cent
All rcaulng notices In tin- nature of advertise.
mcnin orpim, c cents per lino.
I.ognl not lees in Ifcni uites, i fnru npiaro
(ten lues of Nnup.irc I or lcs first publication
SUA; for each subse'iitem publication, per
siiunro,&n tents.
Mo "pri'f'Tioil position" contracts made.
All mutter to iiimiiu publication must lie re
celt t'il nl ibis oflleo lint la'crtliaii Wednesday.
Advertlsi-mcnls cannot lie ontoicd util fur
tilt? furreni week ntci tlian Wiil'Mla).
II. A. 31. It. It. Time Tabic.
' ' Taking effect ec.3
Tralnsca r lnv; ngeia leae Ited Cloud as
No. 112 Passenger to IliiMlug 2:30 p.' m.
No. Nt Passenger fmn Hastings 11:35 a. m.
No. 10, Passerine to St. Joseph St.
Louisatidt lilcuuu tlallv 10:2.1 a. in,
(lyiNU WKHT.
No. IS Passengers tor Deliver, dally, 8;l5p. 111
J. S. K .!,
Red Cloud,
f Ovf r T))ir' IMirtiKiire More.
Extracts teeth without pain,
crow, and 1 iwgu woik n speclaltr.
I'orveldln lnl.i, aiiii nil ki ds of gold lining,
wait' void and rubber plates and combination
. lp V y - .
Ui( ii .iiiie,n "' nrst-elass.
rwvv'Ayi'iii:Kl ,u n
I lluiiio;.. 'tlr Physician,
Red Cloud. jr- NuhniiKH.
Olllioopin'.siti lirst Nutlunal Ilauk.
tt. r1 LmiiiiiiiIiii: iukcoii.
t;iiii:iil' dbeii-ci trt-iiied livmall.
Red (Ji.oud, - Nedkaska.
"Will Httend sales at rrRsonabln flKUres. batls
faellouKiiarrttiteed. I H. SMITH,
Iiuuraiicu Agent,
I do h strictly farm insurance and invitu
and invito nil to Se me.
Moon Block, - RED CLOUD, NEU.
ColIectiuuH irom)tly attended to, tiud
correypoudeucH Boltuttoa.
AttOI'llvrH "t I.K1V.
Kctl Cloud, AobruHkn.
Okkiok Up i-titim. m Moon Bluck,
Tnttorliil Arllht,
4th Avnon, Rk Cloud, Nkhuahka.
First-oli r b.irb-r ntid llrst olusti work
gunrtmtofd G l iue 11 call
riiNiiSounble Iturbcr,
Red t.lnud, - tllranl.
I kivm my jicrMinnl nttuntion to my
puttous. First class ilmvln und bnir
qqttiuB n ajolnlty.
Inmiruiit'e Akcih-j',
UcproenLs ., . ,
lie rnntii ItiHiiraiifH o , l-rten;rt, III.
Jliiiiir Fill liiMitam'n ' f Ojii.ilia, Ntbr.
I'ha'idx .Miiriii'iCii. ft UnuUm l;.nr'.
4iiriiniiliiumiirnio. t tjiiincj. 1 ".
UlUU'lJKl Auini eMj' Loiidoii, l.uts.
iiSA.1,1 lnuir.ui nt'o. of 111 iwtim. Iowh.
' ' VUrltUh Aineil' ' AKMUHiie ( o rortrnto, can.
", Olllirt over PoutolHcK
Rrn Otam'ii.
4 HIIKAnitn
l.'U l.. o ajariojf'K,
iii.-' A ..
'.Rkal Estate
puM and L.OAN. Agent
l Ir- T" 1 r- I I si.-.. "'"'- m ,,.1J(J Annlv at dih Ammnnl' . . . , , I. . . .. " "- - " -"--..i-ui inwuviivw 1. AflrtM
U KCtl VltHiwi. promptly. ChII and ice mc, - Ilotol during August, oeptcmotr aim uc mtio boy." to 828 per month. fflM
stomal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children.' It contains neither Opium, Morpliino nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Pnrcjroric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
fevcrlshucss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torlu is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
' Castoria s an excellent mcdtclno for chil
dren. Mothers hare repeatedly told mo of lt
good effect upon their children."
Da. Q. C. CKqood,
Lowell, Mass.
" Castoria h tho lieot remedy for children of
which I urn acquainted. I hope, tiio day Is not
fur distant hen mothers wlllcoasldcr tho real
Interest of tin Ir children, and use Castoria In
fc'j ad of the vnrlousipiack nostrums which aro
destroying tin Ir loved ones, byforclns opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agenU ilonn their throats, thereby sciidiu;;
them to preuuturu cra ei."
Conway, Ark.
Tho Centaur Company, 77
A nice line of
Chains, .
Scarf pins
(,'uUV and collar IiiiUouh, neck
chain, Incc pint, llck piiiH,
cliarin), vie.
I'lntHil Hiid solid sllvi'ruiiri. Millvenlr SI 00 is.
Iea I liaiidh'd t-nlvos mid forl.s. c.tivlim nets,
i-nl Injr e.inl eases, lion boil boxes ami oilier
imtt-lile. A lino line of Hiieelaeles und ei'
ulasses with lntereliaiig,bliloiifs, steel, nleUel
liver and i'old frames. Kneel il and careful at
tention nald 10 lit lug tbo eo. My line of 2nd
hand watches Is quite large. I will run them on
it less than tlirlractiial ivoitli,
j'yiliiiis juurwutcli, cloch aiiJ Jawelry ih.
pan w rk.jour cuuiavuiK ui:d your idd gold
.mil Mlver t me.
Henry CcoK'a Riuk Store.
a?. JE7. COZAD
Has ii fino lino of Sowing Ma
chines and Organs from 825
AUo kvvpa i,ll klnda of Sluchluo
Mippllca. Hoc rcpnirlnn
promptly. Call und too we.
Kkd Cloud. Wkrstkr County,
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children thai
I H'commendltaseuporlortoanypreacrlptlot
Unoivn to me."
IT. A, Archer, It. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Ilrooklyu, N. Y.
" Our physicians lit tho children's depart
ment havo epoken highly of their experi
ence In their outside practice with Cistorla,
and although no only havo among our
medical supplies wliat in known as regular
products, yet wo aro frco to confess that tho
merits of Castoria has wou us to look with
lioaton, Moss.
Aux.i C. !JjiiTn, .,
Utirray Street, Now Yorlc City.
Per cent-
A Siitipsorjj
Bhq Hill Neb,
prompt onswor and an honest opinion, wrlto to
no an none opinion
trho ham bad nc&rlT t
oxjicrlcnco In tlia patent binlnetB. Communl
munn ivt;if.,wno
Ai CO., who tmTo bad ncarlj fifty j cars'
neo Intbn n&tpnt bu,ln.. r!nmtnunlrA.
ttons strictly confldentlnl. A Handbook of In.
lormatlon eoncemlnir
tain thorn Pont fro. Also a cataloeuo of mechan
I'ntrnm and bow to ob.
ical ami nclcntiuo books ont trco.
I'atunta taken throiiRh tlunn ft Co. recolro
special notlcoln tbo Helentltlo Amerlrnn, and
thru aro bronchi widely botorntlio publlowttb-
tiui. ,-utb luiuo iiiTunrur, -iuib ppicnuia
aimed weekly, elccantly by far tho
lareft elrculatlon of any sclontiuo worl
world. S.'i a year. Bamnlo cnoleaaentf
-ircuiaiiuu 01 nny sciomiuc worn 111 tuo
Uulldlns Edition, monthly, t.'XOa year. Hlnalo
mnlos, ti. cents. Kycry mimucr contains beau.
tlful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
house., with plans, euablluir builders to nhow tho
latest ileslens and seruro contracts. Aitdrcis v.
MUNN & CO., w VOUK, UU1 1JU0ABJ,,,
e. (. year, oamiuu ctiinra Bent iroo.
ShorltPM Sale.
Notlco Is hereby glen, Hut undor and bj
Mi-iiHinf iiimrdei of r.ile lsu,-i fiointlic ntTlee
off. II. Crone.ilerU o! the disnlet cour of the
tenth Judicial district, within and for Webster
rouiity, Nelirasnit, upon inlHtreo In an action
i ending therein, uhcreiu'llie. I1immIIW.ii ,u,iii &
Tnit' omiistiY is I'lalntlir, mid against Samuel
licc'onnrt .lonu c It" nc, Deferi t.iuts.
I shall niter lor sal" lit imbllu nudnn. tn thn
liltfhost bidder for e.isli In liiiuil. at the. tnt
do ir ot th coiirt-h ni-ie, at lied L'Ptud, In said
Wt'hstui eoiintv, Nubr.islta, (that being llm
building wlieielu Inn l'.xt term nt ,ud onrt
wrti liolileu) mi llio 3l la of I'oliuiary, A,
I). Iti"l. ut II o'clock A It., of .aid da, the fob
IniMiig ilesdlbeil piopert,', to-wlti lliusnillll
b lit of Hie iimtli-wost ipiarter, and tho north
half ef HioNiiiiili.ui'st iii.ilei of Sfetlon tweu.
ly.slx cm) In lonnshln uuu (I,) noiili of range
twhe (l,) woMM thn sixth pilnetpiliiieildlait
(liven iiiiderinv lialut tills '.Mill, da) of Do.
ceiuber A. JJ,,kj3.
Cko IM'oon, Sheriff.
A.. I. Tom M whom. Deputy,
namlolpli MuNllt, I'lalntlll's AUnriuy.
1'ii'At Class ItourdliiK
Mr S. BAjlcswibhes to announce to
tho public tliat lio h proparod to tako
bourdorant!U0 per week, nloop!iiK
inuliidcd. Apply t 4ih Avontto
Neb., Friday, February
ruriiUbcd i:xprcnMly for The
Chief for Wchatcr Coiiuly
Cojij righted b V. T. l-'oster.l
St. Joseph, bto, Feb. H. My
last bulletin iavo forccast.s of tlic
stotm waves to moss the continent
from Fob. Gth to lOtb nndtlbo next
will rcaqh tbo I'doifio ooafit about Fob
rtiury 10th, cross tlio western tnoiin
tains by closo of the lltli, tbo great
cuntriil valuta from 12th to Mth, and
tho caslom states about tbo 15th.
Not much rainfall from this disturb
uuco rxuopt in limited localities.
Tbo fourth disturbance of February
wi'l reauh thu puciiio coast about tho
Kith, crois tbo western mountains by
close of tho 17th, tbo great central
vallojs from 18th to 20th and the
eastern ntatcs about tho 21st. This
will bo a dry stnnn exoopt in fow lo
calities. It will bavo considerable
forco on tlio PaoiGo coatt about tho
17th and on the Atlantic about thu
Waini waves will cross tho western
mountains about the 10th and 10th,
thu great central valleys about 12th
and 18th and tho eastern states about
Mth and 20ih. Cool waves will cross
tho western mountain about l.'ith and
1 Oth, tho (;rcat central valleys about
the 15th and 21st and tho eastern
states about tbo 17th and 23d.
Tho coldest weather will bo in tho
eastern states about tho 22d or 23d,
andtho greatest rains or auows in tho
sAinc sjetion about tho 21nt.
jr .. .. ...
The monttlOt March will lie a
drouth breaker and will causo floods
in souio of tho southern states.
Tbo coming woathur events always
scud out warnings far in advance,
cast their shadows beforo. When you
aro looking for a storm wavo don't
strain yourccs for a cloud bolt. Tho
deep blue sky with no clouds in Bight
is a better indication of a coming
storm than a veil of lifeless and
shapeless clouds. Tho latter often
indicates quiet weather whilo tho
former is almost a certain indication
of an approaching storm full of en
ergy. Tho storm center, or low baromotor
of greater forco most etleotually
clears thu skies surrounding it. Tho
air f i om every direction is rushing
toward thu low. and earning to it the
transparent moisture of tho atmos
phcio and thu outlaying clouds, jubt
as our tolar system in its journey of
20,000 years around tho toinmon cen
ter of tho starry heavens, draws to its
center tho comets and meteoric
swarms tint havu foriutd or been
drawn into its path since it passed
that wa 20,000 years bjforo. Thoro
aro boautiful hai monies in naturo
when wo ottco learn tho law that' gov
Wlion a fctorm wave is duo it is im
possible, in Jong range forcoastp, to
indicate bow fur bohind tho cool ware
will be, but tho obseivcr can know
long ouough in advauoo to bo of pruc
tical benefit. Generally not more
tn mi tuo days will clapso from thu
time that tho front of tho low reaches
you till tho ctol wavo will greet jou
and whori tho principal part of (ho
low is siulh nnd tho nonh part ap
proaches you from the west, usually
iudioatedby an east wind,probabililic8
are that the cool wavo will reach you
about tho contcr of tho time that the
center of tbo low passes your meridian
to tho south of you.
If tho prinoipil pit of tlit low is
passing uoith of you, iudicatnd by a
south wind changing to the west, llio
vool wiivo will bo longur in reaching
your.Incnlity. t
During August, Septcmbtr and Oc
the Price of The Chief.
2, 1894.
tober from one to three tropical hurri
cities pats through tho West Indies
each month and encroach on oar At
lantic coast. Occasionally Juno and
November bring a few of those storms
and rarely tiny occur in other months.
They causo high barometers, cold
waves, to wovo down tho Missouri and
Mississippi vnllojs ami as tho hurri
canes move northeast up tho Atlantic
coast the cold wavo forms in eastern
Canada and moves into tho northeast
'rn states. At such times all fore
casts fail. The weather bureau has
not furnished sufficient information as
Jo theso tropical hurricanes to cnablo
incterologisis to learn thoir periods.
Rut tho time approaches whan ho will
bo ablo to forecast tho tropical hurri
cane, and then serious errors will be
largely eliminated from long' range
forecasts. In these forecasts tho word
"iiicridlun'Mis ofton used. This has
rcferenco to tho magnctio, and not tho
geographical meridian, Tho central
magnctio meridian used is about para
llel with tho Mississippi river, and it
runs about parallel with tho geograph
ical meridian but cast and west of
that tboy vary. Tho latter point to
ward tbo north polo of tho earth,
whilo tho former point to tnd con
verge at the magnctio north polo near
ninety-seven west and seventy north,
or twenty degrees south of tho tjco
praphltal north pole.
In the long range forecasts tho
storm wavo is mado tho koy and gov
erns all other weather changes. The
exact point at which tho center of a
low will oro39 your niagtnlio meridian
canntt yet bo. foretold, hut approx
imately wo can know whethor the low
will pass through tho northern or
southern stateB and therefore can now,
approximately, whether cold or only
moderately cool weather will follow.
All tho weather changes depend on
tho looation and movements of (bo
low in summer add the high in winter.
Tho magnctio currents niovo towurd
tho sun through tho low and thereforo
when tbo sun is south in winter the
currents como down through tho highs
in tho northern hemisphere, pass thro'
tho earth under tho equator and rise
toward tho sun tbrouuh tho low. This
is reversed in summer and tho low
bocomes tho ruling forco in tho north
ern hemisphere and tho high in the
southern. Theso plain lessons in
niotcrology will enable readers of
theso bulletins to better understand
thn forecasts, and all who read care
fully will know more about weather
indications when I am through tho
Sco the World' Pair ror Fifteen
Upon rocipt of your address and fUtoen
conts in postn;n stumps, wo will mail you
prepaid oar Souviwm 1'oiiti' ok this
Voumi'h Coi.TiMitjAN Exposition, tho
roKtilar price is llfty couts, but as we wun.
you to linve one, wo innUo the price nom
inal. Yon will Ilml it a work of art find
a thin", to be prized. It contains full
pagu viaws of the urcat buildings, with
deHcriptiotiH ot same, mid is cxeoulod in
lilt'liest stylo of art. If not satislled with
it, we will refund the stamps and let yon
keep the book. AddreujII.U. UUCKLEN
Si CO., Cliloiio, III,
A Calrl'K Stony on Hoy.
'Boys aro men that have not got as
big us tlmir papas, and giils are
women that will bo young ladies by
arid by. Man was born boforo woman,
When God looked at Adam lie suid to
himuolf, 'Wo! I I think I can do bettor
if I try again,' and then hojuiadu Eve.
God liked Kvo so tniiolt better than
Adam that ho mado moro women than
men. lloyimrn a trouble; fhy wear
out everything but soap, If I hud my
way half llio hot a in tho woild would
be girl?, and tbo rrst would ho dolls.
My papa ii so nico tint I think he
nniKt hnvn bion a girl when ho wai a
n uki navn titan a mri wnen nn waa a Tnnnhnra n.n,t,.n i JifttM
Vol.21. No. 28
At ream of tartar baking powder.
Highest of all in loavening .strength
Latest United Statos Government
Food Report.
Hoynl linking Powder Co.
106 Wall St., N. V.
Tho following will be tho style of
locals in tho papers twenty years
honcc, when tho women get full coa
trol of tho ballot box in Nebraska, aa
well as other states:
Officer Mary Jnno Holster last night
ran in Tom Jonos, who wab out after
ten o'clock without a permit from his
John Smith, who two years ago fled
to tho Indian Territory to csoape pros
ecution for soiling drugs, returned
last night to sco his mother, but was
nabbed by tho constable, Sophia Ann
Fettcnuuld, and was escorted to tbo
county jail.
Shako hands with Major Mariah
Quickstop; it'a a boy, weight ton
pounds; husband doing well.
Albert Spiko waa arrostod this
morning for failing to attend divine
worship last Sunday. He put up $200
for his appearance beforo Polico Judgo
Sarah Saokctt tomorrow.
Govornor Roll Lapland came up
from Linaoln this morning to seo her
husband and babies who aro stopping
hero for their health.
Wanted, a man for general house
work; apply to Matilda Smith,
John Henry Watson has a trial to
morrow in tho circuit court. Betsy
Widewako, county attorney, appearing
for the prosecution. Owing to the
autroclous naturo of the crituo Watson
is uuablo to secure defense. It will
bo remembered that ho was recently
indicted for breech of promise,
David Doc was today granted a
divoreo from his wife, Eliza Doo, the
evidence allowing that Mrs. Doe had
deserted her family and failed to pro
vide for their support.
Married, at the residence of tho
groom's mother, Mary Jano Summer
halt to Eddie Wintersot, Mist Sum
merhalt is ono of our most solid bus
iness women, whilo Eddio Wintcriot
is ono of tho beautiful sooicly beaux.
Tho happy bride, accompanied by her
blushing bridegroom, left this after
noon for a bridal tour in tho oast,
Dciil'uuMN Cuuuot be cured
by local upplical ions, as thoy cannot reach
tho diboascd portou of the ear. Thoro is
only ono way to cure Deafness, and that
is by constitutional remedies. Deafness
la caused by nn lullttned uocdUion of tho
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When tliis tube get inllamed you have a
rambling sound or imperfect hearing,
und when it is entirely cloaed Deafoeea is
tho rcHult, and uuleas the loll tuimaHon
Citi bo taken out and this tube restored
to its normal condition, lioariug will be
destroyed forever: nine casts out of tea
aro caused by catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of tho muooos
Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. aSnd.for circulars, free.
' F. J. OUENEV & CO., ToUdo, O.
CSTSold by DiURgistn, 70o.
wsa w v w iv m i
A bofB mason in Ceylon can earn 83.20 ' Jm;.l
porweek. IrW?'
. 1