-JL. iiJL. Kjnimt i withtoiAjjlijiajw.'''a-.-.''--i. y-- t 8 THB RED CEOUI) CHIEF, REP CLOUD, NEBBA9KA, FRIDAY, JAN, 26, 1894. t! .32axiMMitei",rt " "& V . B K IV i B- pi W ? vs AW ItfTEHBSTING LETTER. Wrmm m Well Kmwii Writ r, Cap. Egbert. tomm Chikp 1 need not apolo phw for writing, for if 1 jtnt aaj that I am pressed with the Oimr will be Waaolant to plaoo n on very friandly brat. 1 am quite interested iti Prof. Foster's effort to keep jour renders testes' by publishing hit) weather fore- ilts. I oau hnrdiy appreoiata his mo tire ia eorvwritioc. Surely the Professor can hardly claim that fore casting tho weather in reduced to t senate. Tlie forecastinc of future svestt mnit be domonstratcd true be ftre it can bo called a seiesee. If tho Professor will give tho path of tho stona and eoofioe it to longitudinal Kails, why all right. Bat his method fit forecasts eannot be eonlned to striker latitudinal or longitudinal limits; nalike Prof. Ilieks who predicts kffl forceastc wholly on planetary in tosses, bat is cither ease to bo true ml preface unirerial rt suits regard scm cf laiitidc or longitude. If a ft was reaches the western coast Jan very 24th, cross the continent by the 99tkt, will it take in a strip of certain ratitidss, en the other hand if the Professor's theory is true why should we not nave a simultaneous broad side frtm the Bearing sea to Patagonia. Tacr is no wind bellows permanently related in the plaeid Pacific; no, tho raws er nature arc universal and can net be changed. Tho key to tho gold- easkat that contains her secrets will net be surrendered to profane hands. Hiparehns. Hypocratcs and Che patient and persistent inquriis before and since hia day were reward ed at last and handed the key that Irst disclosed the procession of the eejtriaoxes. The certainty of tho peri ed ef cycle of the sun and noon the Misuitj of the ecliptic. The meth ods of computing eclipses for ell time even to the fraction of a second. What this age demands is facts. Guess work will tot do in trying to explain nat ural laws. I fully agree with him that the dumn animals ine!odiu the keg chew more intelligence than man ia anticipating atmosphcrio and cli mate changes. Also swamp and river rain, we goose Done ana tne never failing ecrnhusk. I think it is be Mm they confine their observations ts censes eperating nearer home. 'Their minds proud seienee nev er taight te stray, far as tho solar walks, er milky way." I wonder my self if atmosphere and storm phenom ena did not originate entirely indepen dent of planetary influence I wonder if n partiole of heat ever roaches our earth from the buo; don't you when yes rcleet that the eold of spaoe ac cording to that eminent chemist and philosopher, Scoht is 18,0000 below wre. I wonder after all if it is not probable that tho rays of light project ed through etherio space and enteriog the convex outer surface of tho earth's aimoiphere and focusing on tho sur face of the earth, don't produoo the same effect as a burning glass made of ice. It must bo sunlight, no other light his the elementa necessary to produce the phenomena ef heat, Please experiment with a common tan glass. I wonder if it is not possi ble that these actionio rays of light are intercepted by sun spots that aro invariably accompanied by unusual electrical activity, destroying the equi librium between earth's negative and avn's positive, whioh can only be ob served in earth's atmosphere, result ing in oyclones, hurricanes aud minor storms; whioh alone oau restore the equilibrium. Tbcso fooused aoticnia rays falling on areas unobstruotrd by fttmespherio vapor, whioh asoends rap idly, tho surrounding air less rarified rushes in not always equal on all side n oiroular and forward motion results, and the oyolouo starts on its journry of devastation and death. From this we should learn that the hii;h barome ter and low barometer is not tho oauso bat the effect of the conditions brought en by aotienio force as a warning that tho atom is coming. It is more than- probable that the meat violent storms atcend into the upper recrjons of our atmosphere and i spend their fury without over touch 1 J ing the earth; it is too late to wait tin ,i , til the issobars or thormals are looatcd uhi to seek shelter. T. W. Eodbrt. Experience and money cannot improvo t JJr. bawyer'e rurally Uure, because it (h a C perfeot onre for Dyapepaia, Liver com- ,fH eyofcUrica "' y"MUU' Bhj Twinolittui dooa uot go to Milwau kee fttter all, St. Louis refuses to aho W AviwW. BALL AKD . THING. OTHER Caught tough! Cough! If yon want to, bnt if job dtatre to atop got a buttloof Uegfi'd Cherry Cough Brup li will i) top your oongh in five minutes Bold aud warranted by Deyo fc Orloe. striking prhiture being reiaBtuttid. ut Pittttburt aro Nonpareil llHlr Curler Will keep the fJuir id eurl the dampest wtather. vcry bottle positively guar anteeO by Deyo t Oriee. Cleveland iron workers have been out 10 per cent, "Orange Blossom" is a painless euro for All diseases peculiar to women. Hold by C. L. (Jotting. European laborers aro omigrating from America. A enp of 4'araV Ter at night moves the bowels in the morning without pain or discomfort. Now Haven union will publish a news paper. .- ...... ...... Detroit preacbore Iiuvo organised a union. Mrs. N. Mryette, the Qtneeee eonnty treasurer of ibo W. U. T. u. and very luSnential worker in the eanse of wemen says: "1 have used Parkas' Tea and find it 18 tue beat remedy I have ever tried for ooustipation. It requires smaller doaea and in more thorough. I aball use notn ing else in fotore" Beaver Falls rents. workers demand lower W. I. Chnrsb. of Htaunton I'ost. O. A. R sajB: ''I have tried nearly every oough remedy out round nothing tooopare with Parks' Coogh Byrnp. I have Battered ever since my disoharge from the army and J? rka' Coogh Hyrnp is tho only rem edy that two ever helped me." " r Storce close in Jersey at Q p. in. Talk does not always oonvinoe. Try bottle of Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure and you will be convinced that it will rare all tJtumaon, Liver, Kidney and Bowel dim oulties. Deyo & Oriee. England has fomalebauk clerks. Ladies: If yon have hoadaehe, pain in the baok, nervousness or any of thoso dis- eases pseullar to yonr sex, do not fail to try Dr. Bawjer'a Pastilles. Deyo Orloe The depression in Canada is tho great eet in the last thirty years. -1 III ...M There ia no remedy equal to Dr. Saw U...III.. . JJ . II.-A f . m Ilini IU1 U10CBOCB lSGUIiBr W WUHI en. Ladies who will trv Dr. ttawver'a Pna. tillea will alao find them superior to all omen.- ueyoesunoe. iniai m A cooperative glass mill Ib to be estab lished at Parker Pu. Edward Shepherd. Harrisbnrir. III., had a running eore on his leg of eight years' niaDuing. uaea tnree bottles of Electric Bit' ore and seven boxes of Buoklen'a Arni ca Salve, and hia leg ia sound and well. John Speaker, Catawaba, O., had fiie targe revor sores on bis leg, doetora said he was inoarable. One bottlo Eleetrlc Bitters and one box Buoklen'a Arnica Salve oared him entirely. Sold by C. L. Cotting Drnggist. '- I ! The GeloBburg Paving Brick company has resumed oporotionR. ' 1 Hi' 1 1 Small boy (aside) "Gee whiz,,' but those Little Giant Pills take the nnkn. Hnlri and warranted by Deyo & Orlce, Meriden (Conn.) Cutlery company cut wages 10 por cent. 1 . Ladles: Thedrniraist tmmeil hutnw til give join free sample paokageof Dr. Saw yer a Pastillea. Tboy are the effectual re medies for the oure of all diseases peculiar to woman. Deyo A Orloo. A central labor council has been or ganized in Portland, Oregon. Do not delay. When dlseaae naonllar to women are allowed to mn thn tmnnmn difficult to cure. Dr. 8awyer'a Pastilles will positively cure long standing and dif ficult oaaei. Deyo & Orice. n One thousand minora are killed annu ally in Great Britain . Dr. Sawyer's family Cure ia the result of long experience, skill and honesty. Try It and you will be convinced that it Is a poRitivt ouro for all Stomach, Liver, Kid. ney and Bowel difficulty Deyo & Oriee Connollsville has 0,000 coke ovens running on full time. Ladles: Do not saffer with pain on top of the head and in the baok or with any of those dlatroHftlng diseased, when Dr. Saw yer's Pastilles will absolutely and positive ly cure you. Deyo & Orioe. " m .. Tho employes of tho Miller piaiiO factory ut Wakotield, Mass., refused to accept a cut of 20 por cent and tho works havo closed down. Ladle: Yon will find Dr. Sawyer'a Paatiltea the most effectual remedy for fe male weakness, pain on top of the head and lower part of the baok, all one tired feeling, Deyo k Once. The Pittsburg, KhenHUgo & Lako Erlo ruilroad has cut wages 10 per cent. I)r Sawyer' Family Cure cures dyspepsia Dr Sawyer'a Family Cure cure hlinn.n. uraawyera faintly Uure cures kidney dif ficulty Dr Sawyer's Family Care cures Constipa tion (f Street railway rnou ut Grand Rapide, Mich., huve been cut 10 per cent. Bucklcitre Arnica Halve. The best salve in tbe world for euto. L.ulo. an.... 1Tt-s U.ll u... m ' uiuiminiO! viwinmiv ruOUUJ, lever soree, Utter, chapped hands, chlliblalns, corav, anu an etna enipiions, eua poal UvJly cures piles, or no nav reouind. It ia suaranteed to give perfect aatiefaction pi or money rerunued. rrici boi. For mile byCotUpy. a - J. . - -- , tnce. osum oar 4Tm rt U BASE OVm. EDUCATIONAL COLUMN BT D M rtUNTIR, OO. SOFT. OuThursd) evimugnf lust we.'k, Jan. IB th, an eduoational rncitii k wuh held at the sehnol-houhv in D t. N. 20 About ciiruty d-iskiis wire prisciit Thf aticndunee ot tlita meet ing shows that the people in thai part of tho country ruve an inx-nst in ed uoational work. Mr. W. II. Giant is teaohing seoond year in tho district. Ilia work in the school has been of sueh nature as to oauBc quite an ad vancement of his pupils. It pavs to keep a good teacher in tho same sohool for several years. Considerable in terest was manifested in the .ques tions presented for disoussion Some of the questions aro as follows: Can pupils loam an well vihen they aro grown up as they can when thM am voung? D ics if. boni&t a pupil or or a school to havo speaking every two or four week? What shall a teaeher do to keek order in a sohool? Shonld there be any whisporing in the school-room? How shall teachor teach a subject to a foreign pupil who eannot speak English? What subjocts should be taught in the publio schools? Shall pupils study in tho evening? How ean children becomo interested enough to start to school after having been absent for some time? How many out-houses should there be for ft country school? Is it more needful for girl to be educated than for ft boy? What ean the friends of eduoation do to supplement the work done in the sehool-ronm. The First Grade olass meet to-morrow at tho high sehoo) building in Red Cloud. Some members of the class are up with the work arranged for tho year. The plan of doing the work in algebra and physios is a good one. It is to be rogretted that some who joined tho olass last spring have "fallen by the wayside" A good attendance i desired at the eduoational meeting to be held a the Francis school-house next Thurs day evening Feb. 1st, Tbe state 'apportionment has not yet been heard from. Monthly reports have been received from teaohers tnis month to Jan. 24th as follows: DIBT. E.V. AV.ATT. TCACIIKR. Carrie L. Bill, Pr Tr. Margaret Letsoh. Daisy Ciaft. Genie Kershner. D. E. Pope. Lulu A. Ayer. Minnio A. Yensen. Evalyn F. Campbell. Maude C. Greenleo. A. N. Allguist, Prin. Julia White. H. Maude Orohard. L. B. Greenlee. Alvin Pope. Laura Laird. Anna Cookrall. S.L. Fiaher. S. Frisbie. Mary L, Crottv. Ida E. Sawyer. G. S. Parker. Lottie Itoby. Charles Foe. Emily Ogilvio. According to teachers' monthly re port last fall, eight teachers wore sub scribers to the Popular Educator; two, to Primary Educator; fifteen to North western Journal of Education; six. to the Intelligonoe; one, to Iowa Nor mal Monthly. There are some who do not read regularly any eduoational papor. We aro sorry they do not take sufficient intorcst in their werk to know that a live teacher oan not pos sibly do without the help of a i:ood journal of education. It is likely that thoso who do not read eduoation al papers intend to engage in somo other kind of work ncx' year. Last fall, in the country districts, fourteen dircotors, nine moderators, and seven treasurers visited tbjjr schools. Tho country schools wcro visited by 328 other persons Of wore than 200 school ofioersin the country districts of this countv onl v thirty vis- ited tbeir schools. Only twenty of tho seventy-four country district schools receivd a visit from a resi dent sohool officer. If school officers would bo able to properly do their work, they should visit their whools at leant once eaoh month. A livo teacher does not like to bo "bored" by tho criticisms of sohool officers and patrons who think sohool forty years ago. Sohool effioere and Eatrons should visit schools se aa te now that there has ben an advanio in eduoational methods afnae they went to school. 1 49 37 5 33 1G 7 16 13 11 11 9 lti 31 25 17 28 2G 20 26 20 25 30 28 28 31 51 47 32 16 10 33 18 12 45 20 16 49 16 14 55 33 21 56 32 30 58 26 19 59 41 28 61 62 22 19 71 20 15 72 23 11 75 16 12 82 18 17 OlI AM I MM. A cigar in said to contain nrntle, Inmlc. bytyrln. valeriennd pnononlcacldFj pritftslc acid, crrorote, cnrltfilio ncM, ammonia, sulphurottn hydrogen, proidinr vlrldlne, pi col inn. and rubidinn. to pnr nothlnff of caMmirinn iimi tiurriockinn acid. Tho ntnn who kicks about nn inr five cnta for nil that, doen not know a hargaln when hesoce it. An exchange says that an nditor enrn applied nt tho door of hades for admis sion. "Well," repliod hfs sable majesty. "we lot one of your profession in hero several years ago and ho kept up a con tinual row with his former delinquent subscribers; and as we havo moro of that class of persons than any other, wo passed a law prohibiting tho admission of editors." A few nights ago on tho B. & M. train was a newly married nonplo. Thyoc. nnpied a berth in tho sleeper and their cooing wbb dovo-llke and attracted tho attention of aomo and distracted others. Finally the lady said, "I am going to got a drink of water; when I come back stick your foot out of the berth so I won't make a mistake." When she turn. ed to como back every foot in the car was exposed. The discovery has been made that on one side of tho new quarter-dollar there are, thirteen eoparate representa tions of tho number 13. It was probably the intention of the designer of tbo new quarter to have 13 occur 13 times bnt there are few peoplo who have noticed the fact. There are 13 states, 13 letters in the scroll held in the eagle's beak, 13 tail feathers, 13 parallel lines in the ehelld, 13 horizontal bars, 13 arrow beads in one foot, and 13 letters in tbe words quarter dollar. Ex. Legal notice: Foreclosure of Agisters Lien. wotloe Is hereby given that br virtue of an asliitersllen, an affidavit for which t tiled In the office of the county clerk nltVfhiianvmniv Nebraska on the th day of decembor I89J, for th.e..eV.e' 'eedlnt and keeplna of one buy mare with black mane and tall, aeveo veara old, named 'Nell" the property of .1. 1). Bfucker, for the period of fourteen weeka from the aeth rtuv Of August 1883 to the tb day of December ISM at the price agreed to by said mucker of S2.BO prr weefc, and for the further care and feedlnr of wld mare to the date of this sale at the same price: I will en the 1st day of February itrai. imbllcly offer said mare for sale at Ked Cloud, Nebraska nt ten o'clock In ilm rnmnnnn .f day to satlufy tbe um of 35 with cost ot keep. ImrsHld mare from Dei-ember eth 1803 to the dalo ot sale at rate ot S2.G0 per week aad costs Ut DMIV. 4t .. .. ... A.n. Gnxr, rasa & MeNrrr. ria'ntllt'a Attorney a Notice to Non-Rcsldcnt Defend ante. In the District Court of Wobster countv. Ne bniska. Edward U. Hodge, vs. Abram "eott, Anna Scott, Tbe Nebraska and Kan ana Farm Loan Co. aud Leonard Uevens. Defendants. J To Leonard Bevens, dofondant In the above enimea cause: xou are nereuy noiined mat on the 18th day of January. IBM, Kdwxrd B Hodfce, plaintiff herein, filed hia petition in the district court of Wctister countv. Nebraska, khiiki. j"u, wiiiicaueu wiiu ino oiner ucieiMi ants named in the title of said caue, the ohtort and prajer of which is to forecloco a certain mortgage executed by the defendants, Abram Scott and Anna fcott to James H. Tallmau, aud now ownel by plaintiff upon Hie following des cribed real property, situated in the countv of Wobster and Ute ot Nebraska, to-wlt: The south-west quarter of section numbered twenty ('JO) In township numbered four (4.) north, In range numbered taclve (12,) west of the 6th I'. M.; to secure the paymont of a certain promts aory note, dated Auust 1st, 1889, and due and payable five years from tho dte thereof: that there ia now due upon said note and mortuuee the sum ot WJ, tor which sum. with Interest irura i ins umc ana cotis or roreciosure, plaintiff prays for a decree; that dereudanta be required to pay the same, r that said premises bo sold to Katlsfr tho amount found duet that an right, title, lieu or interest owned or claimed by you or any or vour co-defendants In or to salu premises be adjudged to be Junior and lu frrlor to plaintiff's Hen tuereon. You are hereby further notified that you aro renulrod to answer said Detltlon of tha I'lnlmlff on or before the VUth day of February, not, and that If jou fall to answer the samo on or beioro said dav, the facts and 'allevatieiM contained In said petition will bo taken m true and judgment and decree rendered as tbortin prayed for. Dated January 18th, 1831. Kdwaro D. Hodok Rv JAuaa McNbnt.HIs Attorney, Notice to NotvResldent Defend ants. In the District Court of Webster County, Ne braska. Preston D. Sibley as executor ot tha last will and teatimeut of Mary E. Knsworth, de ceased, plaintiff, vs. John Zaekery, Harah A. Zacksrr, W. E. Jack son, executor or mo iai win ana testament ot Iletiry UcCorutal. deceased, If. M rtory, iirnry v.. uuiier. ton niv uuiiar. ina nu braska and Kansas Farm Loan Co. and (ieorge Wlnton, defendants. To John Zaekery. Sarah A. Zaekery. W. K. Jackson, executor of the last will and testament of Henry McCorraal.deocaMjd, and V. M. Hmry, defendants In the above eutllleil chuso: Ymi are hereby notified that on the 18th day of .lim itary. 1894, Preston H, Slblev. as executor ot the last will and textamout of Mary K, Knaworih, deceased, plalmlff herein, flled Ills petition In the district court ot Webster county, Nebras ka, against nu, Imploaded with t'e other de fondants named In the title or said cause, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a oor fafti mortgage executed by the defendants John ZHrkarr and Harah A. Zaokery to .limes li. Tallmau, and now owned by the estate of Mary B. Knsworth, decaed. upon the following des cribed real property, situated In the county of Webster and auto of Nabraska, to-wlt: The south.west quarter of section numbered twent v. throe (a) In township numberei two (v) north, in ranee numbered 1 10 avm n fio.l west of thu cth I' 0! ci l ni inu am i-. M.i to secure tbe payment ot a certain prom Is sory note, (tan a reoruary ut. ie7, ana duo and payable In Ave years from tha date theronf; Uiat there Is now due upuii anld note and mort- note, dati d Kebruary 1st. 187, and afietliosiim of cine, lorwiiicnsumwiin inter nt front this dale, and costs pf foreclosure. inv rldht. till. Ilm or inturnst ohii rlalmod by jou, or any of your co-defendants lu itr u .aid premises, ne aoiudgeu to w junior ml interior to lien of the plaintiff's testutiU iliirAnll You are lutreby further uotllled that you are required to answer said notttlpn of the plaintiff all or peiore wo vua asy 01 eornary, IBM, and that tf you fall to anawer the aaiao on or befnro said nay. tjsu fa'ta, a.ul alien talued In aald netlllou vvlll be taken judmnent and decree rendered alleiiai ions con asirunaiiu aa therein prayed for. Dated January 18, MM. 1'aasTON H. Btntar, As Kxecutor of the last will aud Testament ot Mary U. Ktisaortli, Ueoeaied. Pj-JamcKoKeur bSBM OMafcrneiTiaiMtfiid! Baaaml piainun pinxa iur qrsroti, iqi ucirimnuu ue required to iy the same or that said premises be sold to satisfy the amount found due, and ih.t anv rldht. litis. Ilfti or Inturnst OHiiadnr What is saar saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa amr .afav aaw-BwaaBfHapBawwssisBaF'Baw a -7'- aW aatamT Tfl m V k Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute) for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feTcrlshness. Castoria prevents Tomlting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria rellovea teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. ' Castoria. ' Caateria Is an exoelleat medicine for ohil 4rea. Mothers have repeatedly tola rseoflU food effect upoa their ohlldrea." Da. O. o. Osooeo, Lowell, Mas " Castoria la the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day la not far distant when mothers will consider tha real Interest ot their chUdren, aad use Castoria In stead of the variousqoack nostruaa which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful ageoU down their throata, thereby seeding them to premature graves." Da. J, F. Kntcmavea, ' Conway, Ark. Tke Outau Oeawajir, TI Served Exclusively to the 21,477,212 People admitted to the World's Fair Grounds, amVIilB'V lesfllBsmamwmaB mK 'n Universally Leading Fine coffee of the World. For sale only by Sherwood & Albright. sasaspaaw amwlmwlBHlaHMal A. H. Gray, the Insurance Man, Red Cloud, Is noVr prepared to insure you in that well-known company, The Home of New York. Walt for him; lie will call on you In a row dnya. You can envo Money and get more autlifactory Inaurunco thnn from any other man. Ho liaa exclusive control of four counties. taiwteaeammaimaimsaavawmatmmsa Jos. C. f4olcon?b, -PROPltlETOR OP THE Holland House Hag the beat riga in the city and the most reasonable prides, Your ordera aollclted and fair treatment guaranteed. North of the Holland House. TRADERS LUMBER CO., DEALERS IN LUMBER VVlL,UlVil3 1VXA1U.KIAL, JLLTC RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA m Castoria. " Caatoria k so wel 1 adapted to children that I recommend it aa superior to any prescrlptioa known to me." H. A. Aacaaa.M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, If. T. 11 Our physicians la tbe children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outaldo practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known aa regular products, yet we are free to confess that the rnerita ot Caatoria has won us to look with favor upon It" Uritxd Hosntai, and Disrtatuar, Boston. Atun a. both, Pru., Mmrray Struct, Maw TeTkOity. accepted as the Livery Stable, Barn and W)XL '-v. (' f K m : oi? rf Ll A Jl lV) t rH JflhtJk i m it r- i.f j f.i