The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 26, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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II 'mmiml099WWskias
fffafiWft, wmtfa
Sf" -JlsV.
. . , ,,
Uivcn away to our Customers,
every cash purelinse for Jnininrv nf linnk
ami Shoes at our store, we will give the pur
chaser Our Profit.
It will be a splendid time to get new shoes.
"We need the money, you need the shoes.
Part of our goods at cost.
Some of them ot half price.
A few odds and ends at whatever wo can get.
The best and newest of them at a big reduction
Buy nil you need. Buy more I linn you need. Buy
all you can get. You will not be the loser.
brief itii:ntio.
Judgo Duffy was in Guido Rock Sun
day. John Runchoy was in Bluo Hill Satur
day. Judgo Willcor was in Guido Rock Sat
urday. Attorney Challln was in Guide Rock
Uobt. Banks of Kiverton was in the
city this week.
W. N. Richardson was in Dubuque,
Iowa, luBt week.
A. 11. Kaloy is recovering from a bad
doeo of tho la grippe.
Mrs. T. E. Penman was visiting hor
parents in Cowlcs last week.
Dr. Chamborlain mndo hio usual busi
ness trip to Bladen this week.
Mudinon Finch returned Sunday night
rom a vipit with friends in Iowa.
Archie Potter, cinployod on tho Platts
mouth Herald, is homo on a visit.
F. P. Hadley is now bettor prepared
than over to do any thing in his lino.
' Earl -Burwoll, who has beon assisting
Dr. Chamborlain, has been having sore
II. C. llonsol, u genial representative
of tho Lincoln Newspapor Union, was in
town Friday last.
Miss Bessie Sellare, ot Oklahoma, is vis
iting in tho city, tho guest of her neice,
Mrs. D. J. Myers.
Mrs. N. W. Kingslaud camo down from
Omaha Saturday night, and will bo in
the,oity a couplo weeks.
Mrs. Robert Banks ot Rlvcrton is in
tho city receiving medical treatment un
der tho euro of Dr. Beck.
Miss Nellie McBrido, who has been
visiting relatives and friends in Iowa for
two months, returned homo Monday.
Anyone needing painting, kalsomining
or paper hanging will Bavo raonoy by
calling on F. P. Hadley, Rod Cloud Ned.
J. II. Davis, tho popular real estate
man, has moved bis family near Cowies.
He will remain in tho city and attend to
Billy Patterson Baker, D. D. S.. who is
in tho employ of .tho Harvard painless
dental parlors, visited Dr. Chamborlain
last week, and left Saturday for Clyde,
Join the tho Workman Building and
Loau Association, S300.000 worth of
stock sold in CO days, 128 shares sold in
Red Cloud, Nob. It will cost you 81 a
Bhare to join. Apply to Chas. Schaffnit,
Tho ladies of tho M. E. church will
aarvn an nlil fashioned Bunnor from G
until 11 o'clock p. m., on Thursday, Feb
ruary 1st, at Mrs. G. W. Lindsoy's.
Baked beans and ice cream aro on the
bill of faro.
Wo regret to say that we aro in receipt
of soveral anonymous communications
of a very interesting naturo, and while
they aro substantial ond well written,
wo cannot' doviate from our OBtabllshod
rule, which obliges all urticles to boar
tho signaturo of tho writor.
Rnm nf the vounir inon favored a
elect crowd with a danco at tho K.of P.
hall on last Saturday night, taking ad-
vuntugo of tho traveling Gorman bona
which played on tho stroots Saturduy.
Tho danco laBtcd until 11:55, and was
thoroughly onjoyod by all present.
Thoro wbb somo ogreemont entered in
to among tho lire boys on their return
from Beatrice, which wos to bo decided
by characters placed on tho bullotin
board in tbo post oflice. Saturday
morning there woro aomo very funny
marks on tho bullotin, but no ono knew
what thoy meant.
L. D. Oatman, proprietor of the Gard
nr hmiHB. entertains tho board of super-
visors, has 12 or 15 regular boarders, und
a host of transient trauo. ms naiurui
tact for making guests comfortablo, com.
bined with his decisivo attitude on tho
illvnr Question, is fast winning him an
excellont patronage.
Tho masquorado danco at tho Firo
nums' hall Saturday night was n comploto
Buccoss in ovory detail. Tho crowd was
largo and well masked, and awarded tho
following handsome prizes, for tho most
attractive masks: Mrs. F. Sleeper, oar
drops; Miss Edith Kolgle, brest-pin;
John Gardoor, shirt studs. Tire bert ot
V'f ! Wflfc tftaUg.
Engineer Bidwoll is in tho city.
C. M. Cnlmes is homo from tho east.
Seo Dr. Cullimoro's dates in Red
Harry Pond bus boon on tho sick list
this week.
Frank Quigloy is now located at Obor
tin, Kansas.
J. A.Boyd is in Mindon. He will be
homo this week.
Wo aro indopted to Mrs. J. Harris for
an Fnglish paper.
Ed Brown is talking of having un ad
dition to his houHO.
Mrs. II. D. Rnnnoy wub visiting in
Bluo Hill this week.
Our streets woro literally crowded
Saturday with people.
Chas. Schaffnit, Insuranco agency, of.
lice ovor Miser's store.
Tho firo boys aro homo from Beatrico,
and roport a royal time.
Mrs. M. A. Fuller renewed this week
for tho Great Family Wookly.
Rov A. P. IIull.'expcctB to hold revivals
during tho month of February.
Low 01 ms tend is not in love with Cali
fornia, Read his California letter in an
other column.
E. McFarland, tho votoran grocerymun
of Red Cloud has had tho interior of his
storo nicely papered.
Thoro is a Blight chango in our Borial
story, tho etory is "A Study in Scarlet"
and each issue grows moro interesting.
Will Yeiser of chicken fnmo, has sold
hishencry to Mr. Baylees, and Will is
now clinking gold dollars in his pockot.
I. R. Branson and wifo sailed Wednes
day for a tour of Europo. They are
rolatives of W. J. Cozad and wifo of this
A number of Indies belonging to the
W. C. T. U. visited thoir sisters in Inn
valo, and were entortainedby Mrs. G. W.
Knight. v
Samaol Fuller is back from Oklaho-
Ho says he could not And any mon
ey in that country and was mighty glad
to got back,
If your Eyes and Ears need attending
seo Dr. Cu Dimoro, Red Cloud, with Dr.
McKooby, January 29th and 30th, 1891,
Monday and Tuesday.
The stato agent, Mr. Blank and local
ogont Dick Gray, went over to Charloy
Arnold's this week and settled Charloy's
loss recently sustained by ilro.
A pieco of scantling fell off tho Moon
block Saturday, and just missed Lew
Albright. It would havo made him soro
for some time bad it struck him.
In another placo will bo found tho
program ot tho band concert to be given
at the opera house February 13th. This
is n splendid program, and will certainly
bo a grand success.
It is rumored that Frank Pottor of tho
Plattsmouth Herald and his brothor Ar
chie bavo bought tho newspaper plant
now occupied by the Bolt and will soon
assumo chargo ot the same.
There is a probability that Red Cloud's
now postmaster will bo appointed by the
ond of next week. Thoro scorns to be a
little- row on hand among tho ''dems" on
the subject, and wo are mighty glad that
it in not our fight.
Eli Perkins' lecture was, in part, a Hue
republican speech and hit tho nail on
tho head. Ho showod up tho ditToronco
between the Amorican and tho poor
heathen Chinee to tho perfocf satisfac
tion of all. Ho was loudly upplaudod.
This paper is undor many obligations
to W. J. Cozad for a handsome httlo
"Fingor Tostament." It is u beauty, and
no book agent on earth can tell you its
intrinsic value so easily and bo well, and
in so few(?) words as our good brother,
W.J. Cozad, 021GBowlIngGreqnAvonue,
Red Cloud, Nebraska, U.S.A. Wo tend
er our solicitude.
A certain gentleman who owes three
or four dollars on The Ciiiek rocently
ret usod tho papor at tho Rod Cloud post
oflice. If tho said gontleman docs not
como in and pay tbo samo, wo shall tako
great pleiiBiiro in running his namo and
account in the papor. Wo do not havo
uny objection to pooplo stopping the pa
per if thoy do not want it, but when
thoy owe for it and don't oven offer to
pay fat it, tout in a lidree of rinothVr col'
Tiiosk Tasks. Tho very esteemed od
itor of our up stairs contemornry, sau
our Httlo article in roferenco to the col
lection of delinquent taxes, "wn out of
place." Tin: Ciiikk, In replying to
tho article fully understands tho subject
In discussion, and believes that tho arti
cle was not only in placo but perfectly
proper. TheroMs no sense In putting
men to extra cxpanso of thrco or four
dollars costs to collect a fow dollars.
when tho samo could havo been as
onsily collectod for a two cent postage
stamp, ' Wo know of men who aver that
they went to tho offleo to pay thoir
taxes, and had tho money to do bo,
but wore afterwards distressed for
tho same, and out of nuro cuBsod-
nosB as they claim Tin: Ciiikp believes
in men paying their taxes, but it docs
not uolicvo in distressing pooplo and
adding coBts, when it notico would
havo dono tho work, no matter whother
tho man was provident or improvident
und especially, does it work a great
hardship whore n man is poor ami un
ablo to pay. Numerous complaints
woro brought to our ofllco in regard to
tho matter, but wo had no particular
desiro to discuss tho subject, as the
treasurer and bourd of supervisors woro
not of our political faith. Thoro is no
doubt but what thero was n consider
able amount of unnecessary hardship
worked by distressing muny who wcro
unable to pay without taking tho neces
sities of lifo from thoir families. If
a man has his homo in Webster county
and intends to livo hero, thero should
bo no particular wish to forco him to
pay his taxes at tho point of n distress
warrant. The Cmcr does not bclievo
that thero was actually 25 cases in
Wobstor county whoro it wan necossary
to forco peoplo to pay, bnd thoy beon
properly notiliod. Ex-treasurer FasBler
was not altogether to blame in the prom
ises, as ho was compelled to forco tho
collections by ordor of tho board of
supervisors, but thero should havo boon
somo extenuating circumstances wo im
agino whoro peoplo wcro not prepared to
do bo.
Ouit Board or Supkuvisohs. It is
generally acceded by all intelligent and
deep thinking citizens interested in
county affairs, that tho board of super
visors aro tho stuff, and that our county
was never bettor administered than at
the present timo. In fact, tho prcsont
board is comprised wholly of a discreet
and judicious body of prosperous farm
ers, entirely conversant with tho require
ments of their respective precincts, and
with the county affairs generally. At
tbo sumo timo, thoy act in perfect har
mony, nnd boliovo in dispensing juatico
and equity regardless of all conse
quences. Thero is very Httlo school-boy
style about tho members ot tho board,
but if anyone imagines they are unablo
to Binilo and look pleasant, or havo a
good time, thoy should watch their pro
ceedings whdn off duty. At tho Gard
ner house, during tho evenings, they dis
cuss tho political issues, swap true stor
ies, play whist and preparo for tho noxt
day's work. Each man can see moro
good features in his own precinct than
any other, and all claim tho bent land,
the purest wator and tho host society.
Tako them generally, and it would bo
hard to scaro up a moro jolly, and yot a
business crow than tho presont board of
. On last Monday night
S. B. Pierco, Supremo Coramandor of
tho Fraternal Order of Protectors, on bo
halt of tho Red Cloud membership, re
organized Volley lodge No. fi, which had
previously gone into innocuous dessuo
tudo. The ritual of tho ordor has been
wonderfully changod, until it has now
ono of tho finest ritualistic services that
wo havo ever seen, and we aro somewhat
of a "jiner",ourselvcs. Tho work is entire
ly now and has many attractive features
that aro not inrodueed in any other socie
ties. It is sublimely beautiful and all of
tho old members should return to its
folds. The lodgo is now conducted on
business principles from tho supremo
lodgo down to tho subordinate, and only
eight assessments aro mado in any ono
year, and they aro paid quarterly. Tho
fodgo now starts out with pnspeots thut
aro brightor than over, und with ovory
ovidonco of a tlno lodgo membership be
fore the year rolls by. Success to it. Tho
grand oflicors will bo horo again on next
Monnay evening Providunco permitting.
An Indian Papkk. It is not often
that ono has tho pleasure to road u paper
published ovor 10,000 miles away, but
this wcok our friond Mr. Patrick Gilroy
of Inavalo, handed us tho Pioneer pub
lished nt Allahabad, British India. It
is printed in English, and is 190 years
old. It is well patronizod and has somo
curious advertisements of which tho fol
lowing is a samplo:
Wanted Peacock skins. Monauls. Par
rota and Uristles. Apply to JADUB
CHUNDER, BISWAS, 13,Soorah. Cal-
Mr. Gilroy's brother is located thero
and is in tho employ of tho government
railray as round-house foreman. Wo aro
undor many obligations to Mr. Gilroy
for tho favor and will bo pleased to
havo moro.
I I ' "
The tortures of dyspepsia, tho suffering
of uorofuja, tho agonizing itch and pain
ot salt rheum, tho disagreeable tymptoms
of catarrh, are removed by Bood'a Bar.
Ilood'd Pills are thtt best af ter-dlmer
pill, nihil t drgVitTdii, pYvtfu't cumlffpV
Em l'KnKiNS. It is seldum that Red!
Cloud in accorded the honor ot a visit I
oy sucli u (liBliDguiBliod lecturer as Kit
Perkins, (Melville D. Landon) nnd whon
that renowned humorist arrived in tho
city, our reportor sought an interview
nnd found him at tho Holland house,
peacefully reclined on n comfortablo
sofa, no doubt, resting, preparatory to
his loot tiro Thursday night. Tho report
or was very cordially received, and hard
ly ronllzed that he waH in tho presence
of ono who had captivated tho most
aristocratic nudienceB in the world. In
appearance, Mr. Landon would coin pare
favorably with a jolly drummer, rather
than a theologian. Ho is ot medium
height, compactly built, with dark hair,
sprinkled with gray, very piercing gray
eyes, and animated nature. He ban an
excellent command of language and
sooiub'. overflowing with wit. lie spoke
rapidly and fluently on various subjects,
touching politics, funny and ludicrous
experiences incidont to his varied travels
in Japan nnd other parts of tho world.
Whon asked what ho thought of the
democratic times, ho readily attributed
tho samo to rcckloss legislation, and said
tho south were fcoling its cfTects iui se
verely bb anyone
"Tho democrats," Mr. Landon said,
"seem so obstinate, if wo would adopt
a plank in our platform saying: 'God is
Groat,' tho democrats would immediate
ly draft resolutions signifying 'God is
not Great."
"How long do you think tho present
stato of natioual affairs will exist t''
Mr. L. "I think not long, al least,
from McKinloy's attitude now."
I BUpposo said tho roportor that you
havo a great aversion to pugilism. "No"
said he, 1 tako considerable notico of
pugilistic ovonts, and will watch tho re
sults of tho Corbott-Mitcholl tight with
interest. I bavo witnessed oovoral groat
tights, bavo noon Sullivan fight thrco
times and witnessed tho groat contest
botwoon him and Cardiff, whon Sulli
van's arm was brokon. At this fight, I
sat with Roscoo Conkling and Chas. A.
Dana within eight feot ot tho pugilists.
In ono Bonso I think pugilists show n
great tomporanco losaon, because, during
thoir truining, thoy uovor touch a drop
ot liquor, and it establishes tho truth,
that if ono is to bo n perfect specimen of
health, ho must abstain from ull intoxi
cants." Horo dinner wan callod, terminating a
very pIcBBnnt interview, nnd, after ac
cepting a vory kind invitation to attend
tho locturo that night, tho roportor with
drew with an exalted opinion of Eli Por-
All who had tho plcasuio of attending
tho lecture, woro highly gratifiod with
tho speaker's interesting nnd funny in
cidents. His descriptions of tho dis
Unction botwoon wit, humor, satire, rid
icule, pathos and illustrations of deform
ou grammar, motoric, spelling otc. woro
well recioved. In fact tho audionco was
either so quiot no to hear a pin drop, or
literally conulsod with hearty laughtor
during tho ontiro locturo which lasted
two hours and 20 minutes. Eli Perkins
has certainly acloaror conception of fun
and moro tact to produco laughter than
any humorist who ovor visited this
i-n i .
Cokbktt Win.nek. The great Corbett
and Mitchell fight came off at 2:30 Thurs
day afternoon, in tho arena prepared for
thorn at Jacksonville, Florida; in tho
presence of tho militia, who wcro un
armed and quiet. Tho fight lasted just
9 minutes. In tho first round Mitcholl
got in Come vory hot work on Jim, but
in tho second ho was knocked down five
times! In the third round Corbett
knocked Mitchell down as fust us ho
could got up and tho lattor was finally
curried from tho ring, insensible. Again
Corbett is king, and well desorves the
fumo of being tho greatest lighter in tho
Mr. Dillcy, clerk at tho B. A M. eating
ho'uso, Borvod u lunch to ilvo auspicious
characters last Thursday night at 11
o'clock. All wcro mounted on horses
nnd whilo ono held tho steeds, four of
thorn camo in and nto. After lunch and
many curionsquestions they quiotly with
drew, and from their many curious ad-
voces Mr. Dilloy roportod thoir actions
to Agont Conover, who dispatched the
same to various parts ot the country.
i.i.- m
Nebraska blizznrd! Look ut'er snow!
uin't it cold? Go whiz! how it blows!
Whoopee! Gosh! whoro's my he.ivv
overcoat? oto. woro tho usual greetings
Tuesday. Wednesday morning the
mercury danced uround below 2C.
Somo damago to stock is dispaired of.
Hoavy storms aro reported in various
parts ot tho United States. In this local
ity howovor tho weather has moderated
very much since Wednesday.
W. J. Morlan with his family, includ
ing "BonoB" the famous dancor, boot
black, und hotol man, left this woek for
Arkansas City, Arkansas. Mr. Morlan
was an amiable and prominent fruit tree
man in this placo and will probably en
gage in a liko business thre.
Go nnd see Wright's. They havo tho
finest line of heatinir stoves that have
over boon brought to Rod Cloud bofore
Bee thorn before buy
Special Notice.
Tie grand concert undor tho ausplco
of tho S. of V. cornot band willl be Feb
ruary 13th, inBtcadot February 11th as
was ira'ridu'nVed Ib'b'J we'ek.
Cash - Dry - Goods
Grand Advance Sale
New Embroideries,
New White Goods and Laecs,
New Dress Goods,
New Ginghams,
New Calicoes,
New Outing Flannel
Come and see us we can show you
The Best Bargains
You have ever seen in the above
goods. Also,
Special bargains
In Remnants
Do not forget that we have bargains in
Ladies' and Children's Shoes.
G. A. Ducker & Co.
E. J. Ovorlnggoosto Cambridge this
I J. L. Miller has been on tho sick list
this wcok.
A fine biscuit Hour at McNitt's, 70
conts a Back.
Wright keeps the bost gasoline etove
in the market.
Mrs. Mollio Neclandor ib homo from
tho north part of tbo state.
For choico nmokod ham nnd f rosh lard
call on J. O. Lindloy fc son.
Go to Wrights for Bchool-houso boat
ing stoves. Best in Rod Cloud.
Remember J, O. LindleyA Bon keep
on hand tho best fresh lard nnd smoked
It noeding spectacles, soo Dr. Culli
more, January 29th and 30th, 1894, with
Dr. McKeoby, Red Cloud.
Moro goods nro being sold for a dol
lar nt. tho Chicago Clothing Storo than
any whoro else in this country.
Wo moot all competition on hardware
otc, and sell you better goods Wright
tho hardwaro man, Red Cloud.
Wo will pny you 27 cents for corn und
soil you goods choapor than any mer
chant daro sell you- Chicago Clothing
This evening Mrs. M. It. Bontloy gives
u dime ten for the benefit of tho ladles
aid society ot tho Congregational
Tho board of supervisors havo com
pleted thoir settlement with tho outgoing
treasurer, Chris Fussier, and havo found
everything correct.
Ed Motcnlt camo sauntering iuto oui
office this week nnd rolled oiit a-big dol
lar nnd enys "sond hor on," nnd wo jot
ted him down tor '91.
Monthly roport of tho Reading Room:
On band Docorabor 1, 18K5 $ 93
Received in Decomber lt 7.")
Paid in Docombcr 93." 13
Bal. ou hand January 1, 1891 73
ft K Bi IPS 1 (P IlC
The only Pure Cream of Tartur l'owdcr.-
UsVd iu Millions of Homes 40
The ico crop Ib horo in abundance
Jas. MoNony left for LincolnThursday
Morris Storns and wifo returned last
night from Philadelphia.
Get your photos nt Wegman's gallery
and thoy will please you,
Miss Margarot Miner is quite sick this
woek and unablo to attend school.
Mr. MtiRsor living south of the city
was on business in Omaha this week.
Rov. Ely was in Franklin whoro ho de
livered two addresses before the
WANTED. To swap town property for
horses, cattlo, hogo, otc Fred Poterson,
Red Cloud.
Mies Kmnm Leigh who has boon ut
Great Bond, Kansas, for somo timo, is
homo again.
It is roportod that John Tulleys has
given up his school in narmony, und
Miss Lulu Pottor has applied for that
N. II. Bowman, of Orkland, Iowa, an
old friond of County Treasurer White, is
in tho oity(this week looking up u loca
tion in tho county.
Photos did you say? Well then go to
Wegman's gallery Rod Cloud, Nobr.
where ho can supply you with uny
thing in that line,
Wawtkh Sovonty-llve boys and girls
to havo their pictures taken ut my
gallery on Saturday noxt. J. A. Wki
mann, Photographer.
Conductor A. D. Green was in the city
this weok. Ho has changed runs und is
now running from Republican City on
tho St. Francis route.
Rev. Ely recievod u ttlegrntu from
Concordia, Kaunas tins morning an
nouncing tho death of Mrs. J. It. Jlall
enbuch, n former resident ot this place,
!OctM., I'lixh
ou and utter January 1, 1891, DOcts., will
buy ilvo tickots ontitling holder to ono
gullon ot head light oil for each ticket
or somo number of tickets for gasoline
at M. B. McNitt's.
No Ammonia; No Alum.
Years the Standard
: "11
k :Jfl
... ?ml wi.i .