H'TV wr if . n" J Vs v.- THE RED CLOUi) CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JAN. 19, 1894. && wHrrr i i 9. T J. L. Mineic ' President. Hiruii Minim, Asst. Cashier. People's Bank of Red Chud, Red Cloud, Nkbraska, Transact a General Banking Business, Special attention given to Collections Banking Office in Minor Bros Store. WRIGHT! WRIGHT! WRIGHT Wright is the Man. has the largest line of Stoves H( Cloud. You can not afford to mis seeing III stock before buying mi you will loso money. ! W. W. Wright, the Hardware Man. p Mtfg Closing Out ! PRICES ON Hardware, - Stoves, ANB TIMWAME. Don't, fail to call. Nolo .Six InoliuKlbow, iOo. Six inch Steel Stovs Pipe, IOo. Strap Hinges, IOo ' NailB. rotail f) lbs for 15a ' ' Wooij Fromo Clothes Wringer, $1.75 , ' Mrs Potts Niekle plated Sid Irons, $1.00 .' Warranted Steel Scoop Shovol, sooket strap, G5o 4 tine Nurture Fork, '100. i Patent Jift Titular Lantern 50c Tublnr Lantern Globo, 5c No 8 Copper Bottom Tea Kettle, 40o Ropoj Bo per lb. No 8 Coppor'Wash Boiler $1.75 ' 5 gallon Galvanized Oil Can 50c. Tho Bast Powddr, 25c per pound, Thcso aro only a few of our prices, as far a tho quality of our goods arc eoneorned. WK DEPY ourcnnipctitors to carry any better, and our prices on everything aro WAY BELOW all competition. Wo will sell you Skates at prices that our competitors pay for them. Itcmotnbcr if you fail to call on us you will loso money. A. MORHART & SON. l'robute Notice. KrATKOKN'RIIIIANKA.) WkimtkiiCoumtv. f i In the countv court to nil pewiti Interested It) the rnUo of Alum H ulilec ilwuseil. Wlioreim H. I.lmliiilit li.is tiled in tho 'omity court of Webster emmty, Nflirmkii ii duly ut Iflecl etltloii irit)lliK to li:iu mlinltteil to iro rtata curium Initninicnt In uritlni: prclom ly filed in tlit county court of !ter county. Nebraska, iuriortln; to lu tlio lust will and toatumentot Anna Hn-tllcrk, iIIhcmhpiI, into of said county, which will relates to both real and pcmonal rotate. ' Whereupon I Imvn appointed Saturday tho '7th day of Junuary Ik'JI, at tu n'dnck In I no forenoon at my ofllco In ltil Cloud, N.ild county as tho term and place for provlim hhIiI will ut which time and ilaco you miiiI nil pO'snm con ccrncd may appear and content tho rubatd of thn sume. It li further ordered tli.it tho petitioner clvo notlcn,toull pergout luleiejtt'il In salil tvlnt of tho iKMideueo .of thu to tltlon, alio of tho time mid nliipo snt I fur Inuring tlm s:miit liv cmiilim a ii)iv ot Ihu fim-colin: order to ho published In lint UfdOioiiii Ciiiri' a news paper publhthcd In laid i ounty tor threo we 'ks succfislvoly preloiis to tho day set tor s.ilil hearinir. In witness whereof I limo hereunto et tnv innd and atlliedthoteal of s.tlri county court ths 4th day ot Jninmiy lwi. !!4-8t JAMES DUFPV, Count) .hiilip. , Slicrlira iiilv. Notice Is hereby rIumi, that under nnd by Virtue of an order nf mio Isiued from the ofllee of O. II. Urolie, clerk of tho ilisirlct cuiin of the tenth Judicial district, wltlilniiud for Welnter county, Nebrasnii, upon n de, reo In uu uetlo'i PfltiflliiK therein, wherein Tint lliiiiilllou l.iu ft TrunU oinii'Uiv In I'lalntlff, and .iiMlmt Samuel ,Keekeaint Jennie Hecse, ! fen l.mtt. I shall olfur lor talut public Aouilue, to tho highest bidden for canh In hand, ut thu mt door of the coiirl'hnuHe, at Ited Cloud, In said Wobittir county. Nebraska, (thst btliiu' the liutldiiiK wlierttln the Uxt leriu of H.ilil court wai iioiiicu) on tlio 3i day of February, A 1). im, at II o'clock A. M., ut siild duv, tho fol lAwini: dencrlbed piopert), to wit: Ihusoi.th halt ot Ilia inn tji-weit tpmitur, and the north ll.tlf l theKOUtli-west iliailcror section Iwrn-ty-nlxf.'fl) lirtonnshli one (),) north of r.ii(?i tirfle (li,) wettur tuoMiiti pilncliilmeildiuu (llNeniimlor un huhd this taili, day of De cember A. U.,lbUJ. i , I'ko. H.Coon, i-lienrr. A. .1. TiiMi.iMinN. 1 oputy. ,tandolph MeNItt, I'lalnt It's tt limy. JlckuI Notice: l'orci'loiurc of AKlslcrs l.ivu, yotlco ii hcreb) clven that by virtue of nn twisters liuu, an alllil,ilt for which 1 lllcd In tint olllceof the count cleikof Webstercoiinty .Nebraska on Ibt Hlh da of dix ember iku, lor the cine, feedluir and kiepluirot onubiy mnre with black nunc ami lull, hccn )tnrs old, named "N II" tho properly of i. II. Stueker, for thu petlod ot fourleoti wteks fiom tho 301 h duv Of Almost 1H'.U lo IhelMlMlnx of Deieiubei 1SU atlheprke auieedtoln xuld Stinker of $i.U) per week, and for the furlher cine nnd reeding of said ni.iru tutho date ot this saluutt'iuMimo price; I will oil the Ut day ot February ICJl. iiuliliclvoitersHldmaiufor N.ileat Ited Cloud, Nebraska at ton o'cloi-k In the forenoon of sild dnytoHitllhfV tho umorir with tost of keep ing said mare irom lierembor 1Mb 18 U to tho dslocf siiluntr.UuullJ.tK) pel week and costs of sale, U A. II.Uiiav. Cahk&McNitt, ru'ntirt's Atioruo)H. New Real Estate Firm, J. H. DAVIS & SOtf, Eeal Estate, Loan and Insurance Agents. Red Cloud, Nebraska. Office with D. F. Tronkey, Moon Block Wo have located in Red Cloud and -will be pleated to have people who desire to sell their farms to call and list their lauds with us as we have eastern buyers. Call and see us. J. II. DAVIS' SON W. A. Sherwood, Cashier Red in tho following prices: CIHJUXHEs. tillltlHTfAN Church-Services HimilAV at 10:3ft ' imi mid 7:30 p in: Hun.liiv school ut 12 noon VI'SCE at 0:30 p in and YI'HC I! Juniors at 4pm. nuNOItl'.OA'IIONAS dliurch-aorvlces at to: 30 1 am, nnd 7:3ip m: Sunday rohoolatiltsn a in, , v imu Kntciaoptnaiid V v s o K Jun- lor at 4 p m f KlIKlDlMr church-vr lee at lOflon. m "- and 7:30 p.m.. Kp world lauuo at 0:30 p. m. Sundity School at it-.to p. tn. IjM'ISCOl'W. Church-Services every two - weeki. hvnnnnliitiiiRiit. r.UIIIUKAN Church-i:ury third Uuudny MJ moridni; at hi o'clock (lAlllOI.IC Church Services by nppointuivnt. Ari'lsrciiureh Vo rt'itiilar services, .Hun s' day fchool (regular) at noon. 11 Y I U at fliiapm. (tllAl'KI. suiuliiv school at 3 v in etery rtuu ' dav. soc:ir.TiK. Aull W Kach aliemtte Tuesday uveuliiK. BKN Adbrm Uide No 180; 10 O F every Mon dHynlitht. CAI,ANTIIKU)ilt;eNo29,KnlKhts of l'jthuis Thursday evening. Ul" II Cloud UMftt fSn IiOi. Moduill Woodmen ot America, alternate Wednesday evening VAI.I.KY lodcu No 5, Fraternal Order of 1'ro tectors, llrtl nnd third Monday ot einh mouth. CIlAltlTY lxlo Now A F and A 51 oach Friday evening on or before tlio full moon. Ri:i) Cloud Chapter No to. HAM alternato 'I hursday evening. CYHF.NK Commnndery No 14 alternato Thurs- diy evening. CHAUITY-Chapttr Kantern Star No 47 alter natu T'leidav evening. GAUKli:t,li l'oUNo8D(A It Monday een- inu: on or before the full moon, G" AKKll'.I.O W it U No 14 meets nlieinatu Sat nrdiiv afternoon. AfAltY 8KKKS McllKXIIYTentNollDttUKht- 11 oisof Noterans lloii'luv evening. Ji KAI.F.Y Camp No23, 8 of V Tuoiday eve- nlng. CillF.KMAN Circle No a, ladles of the U J llrst and third Saturday ovenltiK. A It I)KI) C1.01M) ''oimcil No IS I,oyalMsilo Leg J luu ot Ameilca first and third Friday eve ning. Go and see Sherwood groceries. 5c Albright for New RcMtiutroiit. Mrs. J. A. Frame hns purchased the city bnkory nnd restuurant nnd solicits your patronage. Fresh broad, plea und cakes every day. Go to Sherwood and Albright for your groceries. Thoykoep the befit in town. Notice to Teachers. Notioo is hereby given that I will czumino all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers oftho publio sohools of this couuty, at lied Cloud on tho third Saturdny of cnoh month. Special examinations will bo held on tho Friday proceeding tho 3d Sat urday of each month, The standing required for 2d and 3d grade certificates is the same no grndo below 70 per cent., average 80 per cent; for first grado certificate no grade bolow 80 por cent., avcrago 90 per cont. in all branches required by law. 1). M. HtiNTKrt, Oountv Supt. B3oh fiJRrTfciSiUoSS: dm I i in uiubv nolo dt ariiBvuu. t A MONTANA TROUT BROOK. The Fluliermnn Who Met Mora Cam Thnn lie Kipcrtctl. Prlvato Snmpson was moro than fond of trout fishing, nbiorvos tho Now York Sun. It was hta first sum mer In Montana nnd as tho command was out ropnlrlnp tho bridgos on road that lod through tho wlldost part of tho Hocky mountains, ha had nmplo opportunity to fish as ofton and us long us ho chose. Tho road wound along through n succession of doop canons, from which tho mountains roso abruptly, covered with pine and tamarack, nnd cold, doop torrents abounded. On Saturday tho oommand went luto camp early, nnd prlvato Samp son dotermlnod to spond tho nftor noon at his favorite- sport. So ho caught a tobacco bag full of grasshop pars, nnd, cutting a pole to suit his Ideas, ho was soon hauling out trout that woighod two pounds and mora Tho tlmo passed away In this pleas ant fashion, and just ns Sampson's mind was mado up to go homo ho caught sight of a groat plno tree that had boon blown and was lying with Its top in tha water, just the placo to hook a monster trout, as any ftshor tnnn knows. Ho hud boon fishing up a doop and rnpld mountain torront, tho bnnks of which woro thickly grown with bram bles nnd sorvlco borry bushes, among which ho hnd to throat! his way, his rod in ono hand nnd his heavy string of fish In tho othor. Pushing along to tho great trco. ho climbed upon it with much scramb ling and nolso. holding on as best ho could, for ho wni close to tho bank and tho btronm was boiling, nnd both hands woro full. Just as ho roso up. right somothlng olso roso up also on tho othor side, closo to tho troc an lmmonso sho bear, her cubs bcsldo hor. Thoro was no tlmo to hesltnto; to run was Impossible and sho was coming toward him growling wicked ly. With all his strength ho throw his heavy string of trout In hor an gry faco; tho next momont thoro wns a troiticndous splash and Prlvato Sampson had dtsappoarod In tho tor ront. ' Whan ho omorgod. somo distance down, thcro in tho plno trco snt the growling boar, Intently watching tho holu whoro ho hud gono la Ho did not go back to inform hor ho was aot thoro, but mndo for camp. SHE CONSENTED. 2T Willie Found tho "Opru Sesame" to Ma's 1'imir, Mo, kin I stay home from school this aftornoon?" "Wlllio. no." Ma, kin I stay, ma? I'll carry up coal from tho collar, ma, nu' I'll tond tho baby, an' I'll look aftor the clothes on tho roof, an' I'll" I said no.'' Silonco ono minute. Ma kin I stay homo from school, ran?" Isaldna Wlllio." Ma. kin I stay, ma? I'll mop the floor, run errands, ma; wash win dors, ma; help boat tho carpets, ma; clean dlshus. ma; polish tho " You heard mo say no." Silonco ono mlnuto. Ma If you lot mo stay homo" ? "Willie, must 1 spunk youP" "If you lot mo stay at homo, ma. I'll" Wlllio. I'll" "Mo. It you lot mo stay homo, ma, I'll toll you what I'll 1 ma, 111" "Wlllio!" "I'll sit by tho wlndor all aftor noon. ma, and watch tho furnlturo waggin as It drives up to that cross oyed Mrs. Skcowa1, across tho stroot ma, an' toll you, honost, ovorythlng sho has bought for hor now house, so you kin toll, ma, whothor sho's boatln' yoa mn. or you'ro beatln' hor." Como to my nrms, my doar son; you will bo proildonl somo day." A Wonderful Tale. "Whon I was fishing on tho Kan knkoo borne llftoon yoars ago." said tho mun with tho ciguretto to an In dluunpolls Journal mua 'a whirl wind cntno along and carried otl my vest, that was hanging on a limb just ovor my head. It had my watch in It and a taylor's account WolL tho wholo outfit failed out of sight la less than a mlnuto. Sovon yours aftor wnrd a party of us woro campod on tho sumo fiver, only a hundrod yards further up. It was my turn to do the cooking, so I sturtod out for somo dry wood, btopped on a log which cavod In. and lo! us tho story books say, thoro lay my wutch. with that sumo old taylor's bill twistod through tho ring. It was btlll running." 'Oh como oil! You want to nsk us how fitch a thing could bo, and thon you'll explain how tho whirlwind wound vour watch up so tight that it ran for sovun years." "I didn't say tho watch was still running," said tho U'S toiler, as Jio lighted unothor bnclllus oxtormlnutor; I had roferonco to tho taylor's bill. It Is running yet, In fuct." Monkeys In Captivity. Of all menagerlo stock, the monkoy tribo Is the moH precarious. The comparative comfort of a roof tree does not couiponsato for tho activity of their natural Ufa, und. considering that thoy feed on frosh fruits In tholr prlmoval forosts, it Is not amazing thut after a tlmo an unlimited dlotary of hniol nuts and stalo buns Is apt to llsugroo with tho quadrumanal dl jodtion. A Witty Anawer. Queen Carollno of Kngland onco In lulrod of Mr. Pitt, tho older, what it would cost to shut up tho London pub Uo parks, and make them prlvato rounds. Mr. Pitt know thnt tto pooplo would aevor submit to this, but his answer was polite. "Throe crowns, your inajosty," wns his reply. Harper's Young People. THE LITTLE RED MAN. An Interettlng legend Current Among: tha Digger Indians. Tho logend of tho Llttlo Ited Man is, Hko tho most of tho stories of tho Diggers, Homowhat Incomplete, but it resembles so closoly tho stories that havo boon handod down by our own juvenile writers of tho past, I have thought It best to rolato it hi my own way, as tho pigeon English of the In dian is not easily understood. Many long years ago tho captain of tho J'amblo tribe lay very sick In his wickiup. In vain did tho Inedielno man brow his herbs, and apply bin fomentations, bent his tomtom and inako his rattle. Tho fever could not bo checked, and tho old man Htcadlly sank. All tho tribe Mourned, and thuro was much feasting and self-torture, but the bad Hplrlt that had sent tho fovcr could not bo appeased. Ono night the captain's youngest daughtor had a dream; thoro ap peared to hor tho llttlo red man, who told hor that ho wns tho bad spirit who had sent tho fever, but that if sho would follow him ho would give hor an horb which, when steeped in water, would heal tho sick. She arose and followed him, and after great many hours of tramping across tho hills and valloyH thoy camo to a mighty gorge whoro tho wonderful "fovor plant" grow. The llttlo red man plucked tho herbs from tho rocks, guvo them to hot and told hor to hasten back to her father. It was only a dream, hut tho girl could not forgot It, and'tho noxt day sho left tho camp and endeavored to Hnd tho gorgo whoro grow tho heal ing herbs. For soveral days she sought In vain, and thon ns Bho was about to roturn sho heard a volco whisper "Follow," and saw tho foot prints of a man forming in tho sand before hor, She obeyed tho voice and followed, and her invislblo guide led hor to tho gorgo whore grow the healing horbs. Sho put forth her hand to pluck them, when a volco cried "Stop!" and tho little red man stood beforo her. "You must not touch the horbs now," ho said, "but follow mo. This Is tho second time you havo seen mo. Now you shall sco tho homo of the bad spirit. Follow." Again ho followed, for she feared tho llttlo red man and was anlous to pleuso him. They entered tho gloomy gorgo, whoro all was as silent as death; hero the birds and bees and Hewers were of stone, and oamo to m mighty cavern, tho wulls and roof of which woro covered with glittering crystals that flashed forth all thu col ors of tho rainbow. In ono cornor of this lonely cavorn was a llttlo spring thut sparkled and sang with entranc ing melody. Tho little red man turned to hor and said: "This is the home of the bad spirit that sent the fovor to your father. I am ho. I can save your father's life, but you must promlso that whon you have taken tho hfrbs to him you will roturn to me, drink of tho singing spring and remiln with mo forovor." But tho captain's daughter was frightened. Tho llttlo red man was old and hideous, and a very bad spirit. Sho lied from him und re turned to hor homo, and as she en tered her futhcr's toopeo tho old cap. tain turned his faco to tho wall and died. And unto this duy thu Diggorti belle vo that tho llttlo red man Hvqs In a wonderful cavorn somowhero in tho Coast rungo, und sends sickness upon them becuuso fco captain's daughtor would not drink of tho sing spring and remain with him forovor. 6ur to See Htm. Mrs. BUklns Oh, goodlo! Here's u letter from Cousin George. Mr. BUklns Huh! Who cares for him? Mrs. BUklns Eh? Why, ho lives in Chicago, and his houso is closo to tho full grounds, and Its tho very placo for us to go next summer. I wroto to him, telling hlra wo woro ull just dying to seo him and his lovely futully. I wonder what ho says. Itoud It; I'm too nervous. Mr. BUklns, reudlng "My Dear Cousin: You will soon havo a chance to seo us ull once moro. I have rented my houso, and wo shall muko you a good long visit noxt summer. Pride and Its Vail. James Quin, tho actor, was ex tremely Indignant ut tho success of Rurrick, und retired from tho stage. Tho publio missed him, but not to thu extent he imugined, and ho.thereforo, became anxious to roturn. By way of hinting tho possibility of such an occurrence, ho wrote to Rich, the munugot'T a note romarkablo for Its' brevity: "I nin ut Bath. Quin." To this un answer, equally laconic, came back: "Stay thoro, and bo d d. Illch." But Quin could he sarcastic, too. Ono day a young jackanapes suld to him: "What would you glvo to bo us young as I am?" "In truth, sir, I would submit to be almost us foolish," said tho old (allow. Argo naut. . Valrly Karned. Little Tommy Say.nro you enguged to my sistor or aro you not? . Algernon, blushing furiously I nin am nbt, but I would like to to bo. Little Tommy Como out from be hind that door, sis. I know I'd earn that quarter. Overlooked the IJttt, Claru, fishing for a compliment This is your fourth dunce with mo. Why don't you danco with some of tho othor girls? Charlie Well, tho fact Is, I dance so budly that I hato to nsk them. Hweet Day of Rett. Joblots I begin to undurstuiul now why thoy term He. Thirdly i doctor. Elder Borry Why? Joblots His preaching ha cure ot laiotsaU. What is "iNi it Til rif Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infant? and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitutb for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty yctuVsuse by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays fererlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieve teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency." Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach' and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. " CaitorU It an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have rerieatedljr told me of Its good effect upon their children." Da. Q. O. Osoooo, Lowell, Mass. " Cutorla U the best remedy for children of which 1 am acquainted. I hopo the day is not far distant hen mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castorla In stead of the variousquaclc nostrums which ere destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agenU down their throats, thereby serdtog them to premature graves." Da. J. F. KiNCULor, i Conway, Ark. Tke Geateu 6oapaayt TT Served ExC.USlVe.y to the ;,' 21,477,212 People admitted to the World's Fair Grounds. Universally Leading nne coffee of the World For sale only by Sherwood & Albright. .......m.................................................VM!. irJtf iliissffr''ii!jffi r3f iMMffTl 'fTTiTT'nii ,,-JSssssssssssssssTSllsssUssssswrttwiBMrisMriwrsniP ssssssssssssssssssssssssssrT5i9KffSffiBMB ssssssssssssssHHs&Wn8affiiWK& JS''JVPWlJBBSBSSlMfnSBBvBSBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsVl ;VM'5 M'Ki'VMiSMssssssssssHBSssssssssssssssssslsr vfVZ. A. H. Gray, the Insurance Man, Red Cloud, Is now prepared to insure you in that well-known company, The Home of New York. Walt Tor him; lie will call on you In a few days. You can save saoney and get moro satisfactory Insurance thnn from any other nan. lie lins exclusive control or four counties. r..,..............,.. ....... ................... . ............ Jos. G. -PIIOPUIETOR OP THE Holland House Livery Stable, f Has the best riga in the oity and tho most reasonable prides, Your orders solicited and fair treatment guaranteed. Barn North of the Holland Houso. TRADERS LUMBER CO., DKALKRS TN LUMBEM'and GOAL Building Material, 'Etc. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. i Castoria. . ' " Castoria is so well adapted to.chlldren th I recommend it as superior to any prescriptlo known to me." ' ' II. A. Aucmr, M. D ' 111 Bo. Oxford Bt , Brooklyn, N. T. " Our physicians In the children's1 depart ment havo spoken highly of tbdlr experi ence In their outside practice wl(h Castoria, aud although we only have among our medical supplies what is knowu as regular products, yet wo are froo to confess that tha merits of Castorla has won us to look'wlta favor upon it." ' "' Uhitid llosrrr'it, and Disriasiar, Uoston.1 AtXKN C. BlOTB. Pret.. Murray Street, Jfew York City. T accepted as the Wi f-rimWo Jolconpb, ilillll i 1J3 iSSlSW bbssssssVIbw ... .i , - r Hi 9 r JANHtecU.