The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 19, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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Mr. own a w Tuity
Benjamin, Missouri.
Good Advice
Quickly Followed
Cured of Rheumatism by
Hood's tarsaparllia.' '
' C.I. Hood & Co., I,owoll, Mass. t n
"iKHUkia doanwlth rheumatism over, a
rear uo, I M sick ior over six monuii,
OfUn I would 1ito uch palm that
I could
hardly enduro am,
A friend came to mo and
I me to try 11
ood's Harsaparltla. I took
him at bis word
hit word and ci
have taken eight bottl
oi a uoiiio oi ii, nuu nuto
os or n. '
It Ha Cured Me
When the doctors could do me no good what
ever. After being benefited so much from tins
Medicine I describe Hood's Harsnparllla as a
wonderful medicine. I also ndrlsc- every one
who Is troubled with rheumatism nouo dc wiui-
out Rood's Barsaparllln. t am a farmer, and
the medicine has jtlren me much energy 'and
strength to perform my work." Ueoiiok ,W.
TuLr, Benfamln, Missouri. ,
Hood's Fill Are band made, und perfect
UffoporUon and apaeaMuco. 25c. a box.
Another big truin robbery on the Kan
sas City and Council HIuITb railway on
Wednesday night. Tho railroads ought
to make it hot for some of tho dosperuooa
Tub prceldont has at last sickonod of
tho Hawaiian business and has turnod
tho wholo businoBB ovor to congress. Ho
had bettor havo turnod It ovor to somo
Rood American long ago. It would huve
boon bettor for him.
Hahtimih pooplo aro now trying to
gain notoriety by claiming tho distinct
io n of the first oarUifiako of tho season.
Evidently tho people of that burg havo
snakes in thoir boots and aro lioulo to
immagino most anything.
The population of Webster county is
steadily increasing and day by day some
family movos into tho county. This
county Is some tirao destfhed to bo ono
of tho most populous counties in tho
state owing to its salubrious climuto and
its natural advantages ovor most any
othor in tho stato. Seeing is bolioving.
An Iowa oditor contributes tho follow
ing to current political litoraturo:
"A married lady was heard to remark
that she had to go home and bow on a
domocratlo badge for hor husband. On
inquiry what tho badge wusbIio replied
'a patch on tho seat of his pants, mado
necoBsary by Bitting around waiting for
Dr. Sawyer's tiimily Cure is the result
of long experience, skill aud honesty.
Try it and you will becouvinced that it Is
a positive cure for hII Stomach, Liver, Kid
ney and Bowel difllculty Deyo & Grico
Eight oubio foot of saow produces
ono oubio foot of water.
Ladies: Do not seder with pain on top
of the head and in'the back or with any of
those distressing diseases, when Dr. Saw
yer's Pastilles wl)l absolutely and positive
ly core you. Depo & Orice,
Aohronio grmblrr can bo set down
as a person who loals to much.
Ladles: You will find Dr. Bawyor'e
Pastilles the most offoetunl remedy for fe
male weakness, pnln on top of tho head and
lower part of the back, nil one tired feeling.
Deyo & Orioe.
Marino is tho oldest form of in
Burauoo. DrHawyer'a Family Cure cures dyBpopBia
DrBawyer's Family Cure cures MHousiicb
Dr Sawyer's Family Cure cures kidneydlf.
Dr Sawyer's Family Curo cures Constipa
tion tf
Franoo's oyster industry is tho larg
tof its kind in Europe,
est of
About a year ago I took a violent nttnek
of la grippe. I coughed day and night
for about six weeks: my wife then sug
gested that I try Chamberlain's Congh
Remedy. Attlrst I could see no difference
bat still kept taking it, and soon found
that it was what I needed. If I got no
relief from one dose I took nnothor, and
it wns only a few days until I was free
from the cough. I think people in gen
eral ought to know tho value of this re
medy, and I take plensure in acknowledg
ing tho benefit I have received from it,
Madikon MuHTAnD,Otway, Ohio. L'S and
CO cent bottles fur sale by Duyo & Orioe.
Farm loiuu.
I hivo u few thousand dollars of pri
vate money to Ioun on first class farms
on ilvo years time or Icbh.
Gkq. W. Uaiikuk.
Edward Hhephvrd, Harrisburg, III., had
n running soro on his leg of oiirtit years'
standing. Used three bottles of Kleutriu
llltlorB and eoveubuxos of lluoklen's Arni
ca Halve, and his leg is Bound nnd well.
John Speaker, Cntaw.tba, ()., had tho
large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said
iie was incurable. Que bottle Klectrlo
Bitters and one box Bneklen's Arnica
Salve cured him entirely. Hold by C, L.
Cotting Druggist.
Whon in Riverton bo sure and stop at
tho Bunks house. 81.00 por day. Ltv
ry in connection, lly fur tho most pleac
ant place in Riverton.
Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles used in time will
our any case of female weakness. A free
sample paokage can bo had from the fol
lowing tumid druggist. Deyo & Qrioe.
An riiriiUlicd by Our Country
Willow Creek.
Weather continues fine.
Times aro dull aud quiet,
younir pooplo soy a good (Unco
help to uiiko them more lively.
Some ono is passing his spare
among tho quails and chickens.
Must of our boys and girls are
tending -"jliool.
Wo hoar that Gavlord Wilder is
preparing to enter tho university
nevt year. Tou could do nothing
better Gay lord.
Last wcok tho Pleasant Hill, High
Hones and Willow Creek's, Tad Poles
met in tho capacity of n spelling school.
Though Tad i'olo is a small and do
grading namo they won the battle and
carried off all tho honors for good
What has becomo of tho man that
was going to kill Will H. Ho must
havo gono to soo his ma,
Mrs. T. 0. Wilder has been telling
glad news, that of tho marrigo ot
ncr daughter Minnie, now living in
California, Miss Wilder wa well
known along tho crock and is respect
ed by all and all wish her a happy
Ladles can be thoroughly and positively
relieved from all those irregularities and
distressing symptoms, which aro peculiar
to nor sex, by using Dr. sawyer's rasllllca,
. Deyo & Qrico.
The spelling match at Pleasant Hill
was a decided success.
Little fiernio Godwin has been very
sick but is fast improving under the
skillful i-are of Dr. Hall of Cowlcs.
Mr. Tom Lucy has the nicest flock
of chickens in tho county.
Mr. Fowler killed a beef for Mr.
Anderson Wednesday.
Tho many friends of Mr. Richmond
will be sorry to hear of his death,
which occurred on tho 14th of last
Novciubor. but for tho last six years
ho has resided in Furnas county.
Mr. Wieldcr knows how to pilo up
cobs, handy, for tho cook.
Henry Brubakor and family visited
over tho river last wcok.
Tho Iirubaker boy mndo music for
MoKoighan's ball. This creek was
woll rcresantcd.
Mr. Howo put down a now well for
A. C. Bon.
Will Brubakor is teaching singing
school at Pleasant Hi dee.
Miss Emma Moushang did not come
home during vacation but stayed at
Peru and visited with somo of her
school friends
A man from Guido Book talks of
buying John Taokrys old lcaso and
moving on it, in tho near future.
Will Jackson is going to work in
tho livery barn at Guide Hook.
Tho nicest weather in tho world,
Hurrah! for Nebraska. Manitoba
For pains in'thejehest there is nothing
hotter than a flnnnel cloth saturated with
Uhnmberlnin's Pain Balm and bonnd on
over tho seat of pnin. For sale by Deyo
& Orioe.
Nioo weather and lots of it.
Mr. Wm. Ryan is on the sick list.
There was adanoo at Gordio Payn's
last week.
Alf McCall was in these parts try
ing to buy hogs, to finish out a ear
Mr. Webster, of Freemont, was
visiting at S. C. Johnson's last week.
Mr. Robert GiHis had tho grippe.
Mt. Flopo Sunday-school was re
organized last week, tho samo officers
Hero rc-olcotod.
Mr. Scrivncr is trying to raise
enough money to pay for tho belli at
tho Bchool-houBc.
Mr. Horton's leg is somo bettor, he
is ablo to bo arouud again.
Mr, S. Billing's has moved to Rod
Cloud to live, his son, James is living
on tho larm.
Mrs. Collins has been quito sick for
-omo time.
Grandma Harsnape has had the
Mr. J. L. Greaves went to Missouri
last week, to sco his aunt. Sid.
Diseases peouliar to women are postively
and thoroughly cured by Dr Sawyer's
Pastilles. Ask your druggist for a free
sample package. Deyo Jfc Grice.
Mr. Bert Ri hardson has returned
home from his visit in Iowa and his
school will continue for four months.
Mr. and Mrs, Richardson mado a
visit to Riverton last Saturay, and
that night tho livery barn burned,
their buggy was burned but the horses
wero turned looso in timo to save them
solves, Mr. Rriohardson scoured a
tcm and came homo next day -and
found that his team woro already
Mini Waldon was visting with friend
in Red Cloud last week,
Mrr Wm. Van is contemplating
going to Oklahoma soon.
Do not delay. When diseases neonllar
to women are allowed to run they become
uuiicuit to curo. ur. anwyer'a Pastilles
will positively curo long standing nnd dif
tloult casos, Deyo & Orlco.
- i -' '
Hcrgunt Colo ot Illoomlngton tho
greatest broom malcor in tho world, nnd
tho man wuo la hiiIU to ho tno only ltv
iuir representative of "Hoonpolo town
oh mi. I'osy county. Indiana," now living
In Vnlirntilrn Mint rnnllv will num uti in
., , V.J. . .....V .'.J ..... , MJf U .
ovor having been within four.bundrod
miles of this
pluco, was in Red Cloud
this week.
How is this for winter wcathor.
Albert is seen occasionally in these
Tho right kind of ambition is nover
hurt by being disappointed.
Mr. Boyd Lctner and Olo Iverson
oallrd on Walter Lockhart last Sun
day eve,
Mr. Wilson's are recovering from
th 3 la grippe.
Mr. John Hallcr and wifo aro visit
ing with his parents and expects te
remain until spring.
Somo folks from this neighborhood'
attonucu tno baptising at Bladen last
Saturday. '
Miss Mary Farquhar was visitng at
tho rcsidpnee of Mr, Georgo Cather's
last Sfttunl.iv and Hnmlnn.
last Saturday and Sunday.
A new boarder has arrived at tho
homo of Fred Lambfccht'i, usual
weight. All doing welt.
Mrs. James Elliott was taken very
sick with pneumonia but is improving
under tho caro of Dr. Kochlcr from
Tho new school houso has been com
pleted and school ' will begin next
Monday with Miss Arnold as tcaohcr.
Tho old school houso has been ro-scatcd
with chairs, for church purposes.
See Myers
Arthur Wilson
was on tho creek
Mr. Akcrs will mevo back to Illi
nois soon,
Jim Molntosh had his corn shelled
last 1 nday.
Everett Bean and wife wero calling
on tno creek rrlday.
Charley Hanr-cn was in our neigh
borhood Monday.
I. Thomas was among us Saturday
on business.
Wash Kolstcn was seen in our com
munity Sunday.
Con Wilson Sundaycd in this viol
uity. S. E. Prentiss was in our neighbor
hood on business Monday.
Win. Crabill and lady wero callers
at C. N. Wilson's Sunday night.
Wm. Swihart is visiting in Otto this
Mr. Orchard was in our locality on
Otto Gcnsen has purchased a now
Mrs. Eliot is very sick.
Key. Bean and lady called on their
son Everett last Monday.
Miss Mando Orchard attended tho
teachers' meeting at Guide. Rock last
jiev. iianoooK nas commenced a re
vival meeting at Now Virginia.
Clnudo Wilson and John Phillcps
went to tho river cunning Saturday.
C. F. Cather is out on his ranch
looking after his interost.
Othcl and Walt Grrnor and ladies
attended services at New Virgiaia.
There is no remedy eqnal to Or. Saw
yer's Pastilles for diseases peculiar to worn
on. Ladies who will try Dr. Sawyer's Pas
tilles will also find them superior to all
others. Deyo & Orioe.
Indian Creek.
School opened on tho 8th, with a
big attendance, for five months.
Pleasant Prairio has a fine school
houso and a large ccmotcry joining
it nnd well fenced.
Things aro quiet hero with plenty
of fine weather.
Luo Olmsted it back from Califor
nia. Ho Bays Webster county is
good enough for him,
Small boy (aside) "Gee whiz,,' bnt those
Little Giant Pills take tho cako. Sold
and warranted by Deyo & Orioe.
Miss Cora and Hattio and Charley
Olmstcad were visiting in town Sun
day, Miss Blanch Shercr was visiting Miss
Daisy Garnor last Suuday.
Miss Maud Orchard and Miss Lulu
Barber attended thotcaohcrc' meeting
at Guide Rock last Saturday.
Miss Phelps has returned to her
homo in Omaha attcr a visit with her
sister Mrs. C. L Eddy. '
Porter flcdgo passed through town
on his way to Franklin Tuesday.
A. Davis is hauling rook to build
a cellar and his new house. He is go
ing to have a cellar 28x28.
Mr. Chancy Miller who has boon sick
tor tho past two weeks is able to bo at
work again.
L C. Olmstcad and wifo wero visit
ing Mr. Hunter's W dnosday.
About twonty of tho young people
gavo a surprise party on Oto Garnor
in honor of his twonty-BPcond birth
day. Rustler.
i i .
Ladies: Tho druggist named below wit
give you a free sample packageof Dr. Saw
yer's Pastilles. They are the effectual re
medics for the cure of all diseases peculiar
to woman. Deyo & Orico.
IMcuinnt Hill.
Mrs, Carpenter, who has been visiting
in our neighborhood has returned to hor
homo in Rod Cloud.
Thcro was u upolllng school at our
pchool-houpo Wfldnosduy night, Pleasant
Hill ngaiiist Willow Creole.
Somo urrangemontB nro boing mado
nbout getting an organ. It will not bo
long until ono adorns mirnhooMiouno,
Amboy nnd Pleasant Hill are to havo
u "Spelling Boo" in tho near future
Mr. Martin und fuuiily movod to Guide
Rock this weolc.
Amboy school boasts of a new stove.
' lno Wwwry " placo.ts nourish.
James Burden went to Omaha Tucs
day morning.
Juhn Fasslcr went to Omaha with a
ear load of cattle.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Johnson were
at Bluo Hill Friday.
Mr. Bliss of Mtndon called on his
Id (riond Mr. Bibbins.
R H. Snow and wife spent Tuesday
with friends at Campbell.
The plasterors aro at work on the
Hartman and Burden building.
Three car loads of stock was the ship
ment from here Tuesday morning.
Henry Korby with his best girl
drove to Campbell Sunday aftcrnoonr
Miss Minnie Cauffman was tho
guest of Mrs. A. P. Johnson last week.
Miss. Lena Reed was spending a
few days with tho Misses Shottcnkirks.
Tho new firm of Hicks and Snow
for further particulars inquiro of Kirby.
S. S. Wells of Hartwel) was doing
business in town the fore part of the
Tho young folks had a party at Mr.
D. 0. Bennetts which surprised Clar
ence. i
Will Bennett left Saturday for
Grand Island whero he will attend
C. 1). Apley left Monday evening for
bis former home in Thayer county
whoro his wife's mother lies dangerous
ly ill.
o. si. Brewer propriotcr of tho bil
liaid parlors has been at Grand Inland
the past week. A. J. Goss has charge
of the business.
Earl MoKelvey has invested in a
new carriage, now look out g'rls as
Earl likes to have the best looking
girl in tne country.
Mrs. A. r. Johnson entertained
quito a number of friends last Friday
evening and an orjjoyable time had by
all present.
w. C. Stevens and bride returned
one day last week and have gone to
house keeping in the bouse ho 'moved
and put in repair, south of MoKclvey's",
Miss Hollingshoad who has been
staying with her sister Mrs. C. Birtch
for tho past few months and -doing
dress making with Mrs. Bibbins re
turned Tuesday to her home in Kan
sas, Wheelman and Snyder have sold
out their blacksmith and wagon shop
to a man by the namo of Burke, from
Wilbur, who will rcmodlo the old shop
putting in a full new set of tools and
mako it a shopseoond to none in the
county ho will also erect a residence
in tho spring.
Etut ldc.
Graves has gono back
Iowa to work.
R. S. Denney is preparing to build
a new house.
Born to Mr. and sirs. J. H, Mcarns,
a ten pound baby January 14th. All
aro doing well, . '
F. Shelton and wif? are the proud
parents of a iittle girl.
L. M. Vance of Red Cloud was vis
iting relatives in theso parts Sunday.
Mark Million who is teaching dis
trict 35 has a spelling school every
Thursday night.
D. Haugbt and wife of Guik'o Rook
were visiting their son J. E. Hough t
A. II. Spraoher was attendiag to his
duties as supervisor last week, and G.
Barnes was doing his share.
Wo sco that Treasurer White 'has
asked for a deputy to colleot"'taxes,
and we think that if Mr White will
no tify every body to como in and pay
their taxes, ho will not need a deputy.
For Farm Loans
State Line.
Quarterly moctiog at North Branoh
was hold laBt Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs, Bales bai been sick with the
giippe but is muoh better.
Thcro is going to bo adagio lantern
show in the school house in distriot
138 in Jowel county, Kansas, Wednes
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vandyke and son
were visiting in Stato lino this week.
W. G. Footoia complaining of tho
Prof. C. E. Kersey of the Academy
is going to ooaduot a writing sehool
in distriot 138 after night. Twelve
lessons for 50o.
Curtis Bales is tho owner of a new
top buggy.
Mies Anna Britton returned homo
Wednesday after a visit with her many
Mies Aita uaner is out ogam alter a
eiego of tho grippe.
Tho surprise on Alf Saladen was u suc
cess, He received novoral nice presents.
Thero wero about thirty persons in at
tendance S. Frlablo was homo Sunday,
Thero will bo an icecream and cako
oociablo Saturday evening at O.C. Cox's.
Mr, Cunningham and Mr.Barneahavo
gone to KanBUB on a visit.
Noutliwcat Corner.
Miss Grace Tomlinson and her cousins,
Mr. Alva Sellars andMisa Blanche Sol
lars woro visiting on Walnut croek Sun
day. Tho basket supper in district 0 was a
grand success; tne objoct was to raiso
money for tho pastor, and at tho price
which tho baskets Bold no ono would
think theso woro hard times. Tho total
recolptH wore 830.
Mr, llouton wont to White Rock Sun
duy for u short visit.
Mr. Points was threshing his millet
and Borghum this week.
Severul ot Walnut creek people went
to lonvule-to church. Sunday veiling.
Cash - Dry Goods
Grand Bargain Sale
of Remnants
Commencing Saturday,
January 20th.
And continuing all next week.
We have lots of Remnants that we are going
to cose put regardless of cost.
Remnants in Silks and Dress Goods,
Remnants in Calicos and Ginghams,
Remnants in Out. Flannels and Flannels,
Remnants in Table Linen, Towels and
Remnants in Shirtings and Muslins,
Remnants in Underwear,
Remnants in Cloaks and Jackets,
Remnants in Hosiery,
Remnant in Carpets.
Come in and see us as you can probably find
something among the Remnants that you
can use.
6. A. Ducker & Co.
Guide Rock.
La grippe scemes to be raging hero.
Mr. Viers is quito siek with tho
Miss Orpha Petit spent Sunday
with Miss Lottie Roby.
Mr. F. A. Riser and wifo front- E
bon aro visiting relatives in Guide
The tcaohers' meeting was woll at
tended last Saturday, and a great
many wore down from Rod Cloud.
iiiss Mabel Day who is teaching
south f the river was visiting her
friend Alice Garbcr Saturday and Sun
sir. Halls children aro sick with
sore throats.
Miss Maggie Garber and her sister
Mrs. Strohm are visiting in Guide
Weather fine.
Air. Dickerson after erecting a now
house on his farm on State Creek is
now mnvinir.
Mr. Forgy from Lebanon, interested
in tho marble works at Smith Center,
was in these Darts one day lust week,
Sam Mountford and Charley Barret
wore sholling corn for Mr. VanDyko.a
one day lust week.
Found, on the road to Red Cloud, a
Ian robe.
Mr. and Mrs. VanDyke Sundayed in
North Branch on the 14th.
Mr. Isomo is building a now houso on
his farm.
Mrs. Frank Martin was the guest of Mr.
Ueachumpe' one duy lust week.
Rov. Lamb of North Branch will hold
a mooting at Penny Croek,tJunuary 21st
at 11 o'clock.
Mr. Foglo is going to move to Oberlin
Wm. Leigh, a nephew of Thomas
Leigh, will farm his plaoo tho coming
R. Kelglo has commenced farming.
Miss Vina Anderson 1b staying with
Mrs. Dickerson this week.
John Maredon and Frod Sutton mado
a trip to Red Cloud this weolt.
The meeting at Fenny Creek was
largely attended. Old Sirrrtan.
I want you to understand, John Henry,
that you ain't to drink that Bailer's Bar
saparilla all up; I got it for pap and me
Pap he sez mam you go down and get
bottle of Bailer's tittrsaparllla and Bur
dock and will git ovor foeling so tired and
bad and git rid ot them pimples So let
that alone For sale by Doyo Sc Orioe.
Pleaaunt Grove.
Churlea Throckmorton bus returned
to theso parts, but the Btnilo ho wore
whon ho loft has now turned to wrinkles
of sadness. He Buys that if you wunt to
know something nbout hard times, they
should go to droughty Kansas.
Mr. Fred Brecobell has como back
from the west to visit his parents.
Frod Wittwer is tho huppy papa of u
Mr. and Mrs. Andorson woro visiting
in tho neighborhood n few days ago.
Ujclk Tom.
Parks' Sure Sure is n positive specifio
for women who are all "run down" und at
certain times are troubled by baok-aehea
headaches, etc
Over Post Office
Notice to Non-Resldcnt Defend-
In tlio District Court of Vouster county. Ne
braska. Edward 11. Hodge,
Abram Hcott,
Anna Hcott,
Toe Nebraska and Kun-
sas Farm l-o.m Co.
and Leonard Oevens,
Tolonsrd llevens, dofondant In the auno
entitled cause: You are liereliv uotlfled Hint
nu the IStli (Uv of January, IBM, Kdward II.
llodso, nlulntlll heroin, tiled tils petition In the
distriot court fcf Webster coiinlv, Nebraska,
agnlu.t jmi. Impleaded with the other defend
ants named in the title of ald caue, the otJcct
and prayer ot which H to foreclose u certain
mortgage executed by the derenrtnuti, Abram
Hcott and Anna Hcott to Jinus II. Tallman, and
now owned by planum upon me folluwliu: des
cribed real property, situated in tliocountvot
Webster nnT state of Nebraska, to-wit: Tho
south-west quarter or section immttered twenty
(20) In township numbered four (t.) north, In
raniro numbered twelve (12.) west of the cth 1'.
M.j toaeourothe paymont of a certain promis
sory note, dated August 1st, 1885, and due end
payable five years from tho date tberrot; that
there Is now duo upon said note and inortuage
tlio sum of $702, tor which sum, with Interem
irom mis auio ana coets or foreclosure, plaintiff
prays for a decree; that defendants be required
to pay the same, or that said premise ho vjM
to satisfy tbo uniount found due; that any
right, title, lien or interest owned or claimed
by you or aay or jour co-defendants In or to
said premises be adjudged to be Junior and In
ferlor to pUlntUI's lien thereon.
You aro hereby further notified that you arn
reiilrod to anawer said potltlou of tho eUlntlfl
on or before tlia scth day of February, losi. and
that If you fall to answer the same on or beforo
Mi U'X- J'10 'li?.t!ttU1. allogatlens contained In
said petition will bo taken as true and Judgment
and decree rendered us therein iraed for.
Dated January 18th, 1891.
BVJAM., MaNr.II.TOrS?y!, UW-
Notice to NonRcildcnt Defend
In theDlitrlct Court of Webster County, No-
Preston B Blbley as executor of the List will
and testiment of Mary K. Knsworlh, du
ocased, plaintiff,
John Zackory, Sarah A. Zckerv, W. K..fack
son. executor of tho last will and t..stauient
of Henry McCormal, deceased, K. M Ht try.
Henry 0. Cutter. Cora May Cutter, Tho N5-
braska and Kansas Farm Ixmiii Co. and
Ueorgo Wliiton, defendants.
To John Zackory. Sarah A. .ickory. V. i
Jackson, executor of th- Inst will und t'stameiit
of Henry McCorinal.dew.ised, anil K. I A "try.
del-ndaiits In the abovo entitled causi : Y.iil
are hereby iiutillod on me 18th day of Jit u'
!!?r.yilM0.4' P.10? "' 8ll)lev- oVwuTw ii ihe
last will and tesuuioiil or M iry V. v. iKwurt li
deceased, plain Iff Herein, tiled fils peiltluti In
the district court of Webster county , Nelira".
kn, against tu, Impleaded with fv othor de
fondsnts named In tho lit oof said ctuse. t ,
object and prayor of which Is to foreolose a rer
afn mortgage executed by the defendants John
ackery and Harah A. Ziiokery to .Umo II
lallman. and nmvowneil iv tin. ..,, ... ..'.
B. Knsworlh. deciased. upon the f" I owing : ile '
crlbed real nronertv. ltiVn,i i n . '...?."".
crlbed real proprrtv.
Webster and itiitn of Nohi,:.V. ".,,..r.L,."lfi.,,?I
d stato o
.nuth.ufait mi.riup ..f 0.i.i !t .V .V I"'
". Viii i,'. i "utl""' uuiiiueruu i waul
throe Ui) lu townshln numbered two i ) nortril
In raiiL-B nuinbrid inn (in ....-, ... 17.'. . I!.".1!
IHItl U1I 111 ni-1'l.lllll II Mill IIUHll.l ,......
"I.1!. 8e,,r? I'lepayment 0 ,.,,.,,,, .J'
and payable In rive years Irom t he date tiiorel f
that there Is now due upon ild note an I nii n.
nury ii'iw, uai reoniury lit. ian7. ni,,i ,i
gHgoiuo sum in slate, tor which sum with itif
e;t from this dnte, and costs n( fen-c " ,,,
Plahullt ptaysforadeereo, thai defnda t, !
reuuired to uav the s,iinn nr Hut .i,i .;;...? "l
I, ,vr.i T, if.i ii "'.' iiiuiiu inn'
lu. .trf n autur- .. ..........:. v.''. eiwmnos
rl.illueJ lir ion. ur imv m vnr .. .
LIIB.1.U. I IK,,,. .I.1C. urii III" HUM,"..
owned or
T . - m " -. -- -- VU IIL1IM IIH IIJ
III or io aiu iirenilses, be udjudaeit to im tHutAZ
sun interior to lieu or tlm huimiucm ,'.. ..'
thereon. ' " ""
y. i are hereby further notined th it you urn
required toanswer s.i d potitlo-i ot the liuiiititr
on or beforo tlio until any of reiiruurv ik'ii
and that If you rail to answer the saiHooiior
before said niy. tin fai-ls allcg9ioii"n.
Iiilued lu said oel llnu will i, ii,.,. .....' !.".
liKUineiit and docree rendered as there hi
prayed for, '""""
Dated Janua-y 18, 18r4.
As Kxreutor of the Isst Will
and Testament of Mary 11.
ByJameiMoKcay, --..
U Attoruty.