The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 19, 1894, Image 1

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    I ,, !mPMHHlBZrMiHHHBHMI0!!--VHiHH-r'
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lEaflffSllllHBBBBBBBB993HliiM P
All Home Print.
PnblUlied Weekly.
iubicrlptlon, fll Per Annum,
Invariably In Advance
If not paid In advance after this date March
is, lew, tlio prlco will bo It.zs.
Entered nttho Post omen tn Ited Cloud, Neb.,
as mnll matterof the second class
Vrof. cards, 1 Inch or less per year tfi 00
His mouths 3 oo
Three months 2 00
1'er Inch ono year $4 00
I'er Inch six months a oo
IVrinch three months 2 Oil
fecial notices per line or lino space, llrst
putillcatlon S cents.
Transient specials, payable Invariably in ad
vance, per lino Id cents.
All readltiK notices In the naturool advertise
ments or pulls, 5 cents per Hue
Legal notices at leual rates, viz: for nsipiare
(ten lines ot Nonpareil or less,) llrst publication
1.00; for each subsequent publication, per
sqiwro, CO cents.
No "preferred position" contracts made
All matter to insure publication must bo re
ceived at this offlco not later than Wednesday.
Advertisements cannot be ordered out for
the current week later than Thursday.
B. A, HI. R, K. Time Table.
Taking effect Dec, 3.
Tialnscarrylui? passengers leavo ltcd Cloud as
No. 112 rasseuger to Hasting 2:30 p. m.
No. Ml Passenger from Hastings 11:35 a. m.
No.tC, Passenger to St. Joseph St.
"Louis and ehlcaco dally 10:2.1 a.m.
No. 16 Passengers tor Denver, dally, 8;15 p. m
It. J. S. EMIGH,
LJjkf r Taylor's Forultt
W9L I ts teeth without pain. .
f ftl7-vfanain1(lKeworkaipecla
' .' .cfcelalD Inlay, and all kinds of
-,- Mkm gold and rubber plates ai
Furulttire Store.
tiu iuiuj m nun nil ninus ui kuiu iiiiiiiks,
uold and rubber Mates and combination
All work guaranteed to be first-class.
HoBieeepmtble Ptayslclaa,
Red Cloud, NebraiKB.
Offlco opposite Vlrst National Dank.
U. H. Examining hurgeon.
Chronic diseases treated by mall.
Red Cloud,
Will attend sales at reasonable figures,
factlou guaranteed.
Insurance Agent,
I do a strictly farm insurance and invite
and invite all to boo me.
Moon Block, - RED CLOUD, NEB.
Collections promptly attended to, and
correspondence solicited.
Attorney at Law,
Red Cloud. - Nebraska.
Office Up stairs, in Moon Block,
Tonsorlal Artist,
4th Avbnue, Rkd Cloud, Nkbbabka.
First-clans barbers and tirst-olass work
guaranteed Give nie a call
FuHiilonublo Barber,
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
I give my personal attention to my
patrons. First-class shaving and hair
catting a specialty.
Insurance Agency,
(Hrmaii Insurance Co.. Freeport. HI.
ltoyal iiismuncti Co., Liverpool, England.
I nine Fire Insuraiico Co., of Omaha. Nebr.
I'hrrnU Assurance Co. of Ixindon. Kng.
(leriiinn Insurance Co, of Uu'noy. III.
Oiiardlau Assurance t!o., or Loudou, Enjr
Ilurllngton Insurance Co. of Uurllngton, Iowa.
Srittsh Ainerlea Assurauce Co. Toronto, Can.
Office over Postoflloe.
rd Cloud, N.braska
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and L.oan Agen
Red Cloud.
Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is
A nice line of
Scarf pins
Cufls and collar buttons, neck
chains, lace pins, stick pins,
charms, etc.
Tlated and solid silverware, somenlr spoons,
pca'l handled knives and forks. carvltiK sets,
calling card cases, ben bon boxes and olhet
novelties. A flue line ot spectacles and eye
glasses with Interchangable lenses, steel, nickel
silver and gold frames, Special and careful at
tention paid to titling the eyo. Mr line of 2nd
li.iiul watches Is quite large. I wllfrun them off
at loss than their actual worth.
taer-lirwg your watch, clock and Jewelry ie
pair work, your engraving aud your old gold
and silver to me.
Henry Cook's Drug Store.
Partr Loaris
Per cetitJ
E, A. Sittlpsoil,
Bke Hill Neb.
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to.
M II N N ds CO.. wbo bave bad nearly Bf ty Tears'
experience In the patent, buflness. Communlc.
tlons strlctlr oonfldentul. A Mnndbaok of In
formation concernlnjr Patents and now to ob
tain tbem sent free. Alio a catalogue Of aecaan-
Icaj ana icienuno doou peui ireo.
l'ttats taken. tbrongb Mann ft Co. receive
thus are brought wldoly before tbo publlowltli.
ruvtlAl notice In tna MrinnMnc
Ill notice in tbe Hcientlflc Anerlrno. and
are Droognt wiooiy Deroroino pudii
NMt tn thM Invnntnr. ThU anlendld
largeat circulatloo of any scteuttBo work In tbe
world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free.
Building tMltlontjnontbly,SU0a year, dingle
copies, US cents. Brery number conulns beau,
tlful plates. In color, and pbotpgrapbs of new
bouses, wltk plana, enabling oullders to abow tbe
tMUFd weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by
it. eiesantir umitraten. nu dt rar t no
Has a flue lino of Sowing Ma
chines aud Organs from $25
Also keeps all kinds or Machine
Supplies. Does repairing
promptly. Call and see me.
Hurrah for Texast
On December 12, 1693, JanuuryO, Feb
runry 13, March 13, April 10, and May 8,
1801. Tho UurlinKton will soil you a
round trip ticket to any polut in Texur,
limited for roturn witlidiDO days of ditto
of ante at a rnto ot ono fair for the
round trip. ContmouR passive by tjjo
Biimo routa to bo made inbottiUirectlanri.
No ono nhoukl Kiisb this grout opportu
nity to aeo the "Lonn xtnr atnto." Fur
ther information ruuv loljtaincd at tho
I DurliuBtoo ticket ofllce, A, CoyovEit,
Red Cl'oud, Webster County,
Oh, subscriber, we livKeech thco
Let our humble picadingi teach thee.
It thoro't uothliiK elso will reach thee,
Tocomolnuml pay,
Oli, subscriber, why hold back
When you know Just what wc lack
To put us on tho same old track '.'
Why do you delay V
Oh, subscriber, will you neu-r
Let a dollar from you sever V
Is this golnjr on forever'.'
Hasn't It run long enough V
Every dollar on the paper
That Is put Into our scraper
Melts nway as If 'twas vapor;
Wo cannot hold tho stuff.
Oh, delinquent, do not wait;
Come. In and pay us up to date,
Or It soon will bo too lato
And wo will have to stop you,
Then wo would hear you holler
If It was Just for a dollar
That we took you by tho collar
And found wo hud to drop you.
"ChlngchliiB, ehlng chlng, tr.ila, lu-lu,"
Those were the words that camo from afar;
Now lts"Tlng-tlng, ting ting, papa, papa,"
Drop In tho corner aud get a cigar.
Although tho Belt did get tho cako
They got It all through u mistake,
But they proceeded tho string to break,
The box was opened; they did partake;
They say 'twas fr their stomach's sake,
(Hut now wc think It is a fako)
Wc think they ought to take a ratu
And clear their conscience or its quake,
Or go and Jump Into a laku
To steady their nerves and cease to skake
They gave us tho box, but not a suako
Could II ml so much as u crumb to take;
Iwas as clean a sweep us n big rut drako
With u (loeii angle worms could make.
It was a shame to have the cako wasted,
Not a crumb by r.s was over tasted;
But wo'll admit that's ono on us,
AmUf It hupi ensaca?. there'll be a fuss.
"Did you over hear sucli a sweet 'chord' that
it would cn'twlue' Itself jour heart
'strings'?" "No, but I lir aid a man make buchablgdls
'cord' that hu was 'roped' In."
Ouo day ho camo to tho city
Ami got well lllled with budge,
That night he slept In tho lockup,
Next day lie saw tho Judgo.
A la.y man generally smokes u pipe strong
enough to lift tlie smoke.
A barber bravo went out to hunt
And Iclt hit barber chair,
He shot at lots of rabbits
Hut never touched it haro.
Furnished The Chief by Shea At
Turiiiirc, Red ' Cloud's
Leading Urocers.
Tho early history of cotlco as nn
economic product ia involved in con
siderable obscurity, tho absonco of
historical tact being coruponsatca for
by an unusual profusion of conjectur
al statements and by purely mythical
stories. According lo a statement
contained in a manuscript now belong
ing to it historical society in Paris,
the uso of coffee vias known at a por
iod so rcmolo us 875 A. 1),, or exactly
1010 years ogo. The use of cuttec as
a beverage was prevalent among the
Abyssinians from tho most remote
period, and in Arabia the bovcruge,
when first introduced, only supplanted
a preparation from tho leaves of tho
oat, colaslrus cdulis. Coffee, by tho
early Mohamctan priests, was held to
be an intoxicant bevonpe, aud there
fore prohibited by tho Koran; and
tho dreadful penalties of an outraged
sacred law wcro held over tho heads
of all who becomo addicted to its uso.
For about two centuries the'entiro
supply of tho world, which, however,
was limited, wan obtuinid from tho
province of Vernon in South Arabia
where tho cclobralcd Mocha is dtill
cultivated, It is reinaikablc that the
introduction of cntlco .nto England 1
encountered tho snmo hostility that it
was fated to meet iu other countrirs,
CharleHtho II, in 1075, attcmptid to
suppress oolleo houses by a Hoynl
proclamation, in wbioh it was stated
that they wire tho icsort of dinaH?::
Neb., Friday, January!
cd pcrfons; but without success. In
England, as woll as other countries',
the most effective check on the con
sumption of coiToo was found to bo a
heavy tax, which, whilo restricting
honest trade, opened an extensive
channol for smugglers.
Down to 1000, tlio only sourco of
coiTco supply was Arabia, but iu that
year Governor General Van Hoornoof
the Dutch East Indies received a few
coffee seeds by traders who plied be
tween tlio Arabian Gulf mid Juvii,
These seeds ho planted in a garden at
Datavin, where they grew and flour
ished so abundantly that the culture
on an extended scalo was immediately
commenced iu Java. Ouo of tho first
plants grown in that island was scut
to Holland as a present to tho gover
nor of the Dutch East India company,
It was plantod in the botanic garden
at Amsterdam, and tho young plants
grown from its soeds were pent to
Surinam, whoro tho cultivation was
established in 1718. Ten years later
the plant was introduced in tho West
Indian islands, and gradually the cul
ture extended throughout the New
World, till now tho progeny of that
singlo plant sent from Java to Holland
furnish three-fourths of (tho coffee
consumed in the United States, There
arc as many as sixty varieties of cof
fee, tho choicest of which aro Mocha,
Java, Guatemala, Santos, Mnrncaibb,
Mexican and ltio, CoIIcch derive
their names mostly from tho principal
seaport of thoir nativo or adopted
country. Of tho coffoes annually
consumed in the United States, the
Republic of Brazil furnishes ono half.
Tho reason for this culminates from
tho faot that our abnormul appetite
for cheap roast coffco is so diilicult to
appease, that it requires two-thirds of
tho low grade coffees of tho globe, all
of which find their way into packages
bearing the legend Arbucklcs, Lion,
Mokuska, Gorman, McLaughlin's
XXX, and various others.
How'n Tills!
Wo offer One Linodred Dollars Reward
for any ense of Cutnrrh that caunot bo
uurod by UnllV Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHUNK Y ft CO., Prop., Toledo, O.
Wo tlio understood have known V. J.
Cheney for the last 15 vears, and behove
him porfootly honorable in nil business
transactions nud linnnclully nble to cnrr
out any obligation niailo by thoir firm.
A'KSTtbTiilMX, Wliolesiilo )rgnten,'rouiu
O. Waluinu, Kinnan ft Maiivin, Whole
sale Druggist, Toledo, O.
llnlfx Catarrh Cure is tukon internally,
aothi(r directly npon tho blood and mucous
surfaces of the nstem. Price 750. por
uouir. sum by an Druggists. Testimon
ials freo,
A contemporary, when usked tho
meaning of tho word "iiiulnracliuu"
answered : ''We understand that it
relates to a physician who is not onto
his job- For instance: Should jou
fracture an arm and jour family phy
eiciun comes in and sots your leg; or
sets both legs; or should jour wife
break a leg and tho physioiau insists
on so Unit: our leg; or if your wife
breaks u'lowcr limb and tho physioiau
calls it a leg; or if a physioiau oouios
lo your houso and breaks your legs or
if ho refuses to set your wooden leg;
or if in setting your leg ho gets the
heels in front; or if ho gets tho wrong
end up; or if ho loses the pieces that
aro broken; or if both legs bo broken
and ho gets the right ono in tho wrong
plaw; or if ho pulls your leg for an
exorbitant pnoo he has been guilty
of malpractice and is liublu to prose
cution, There arc ninny morn instan
ces wcro tho phjBiciuti is liublo but
these tiro tlio moat common ones uud
probably answer your purpose.
Dt. Sawyer's Family Curo cures Stomnoh
Dr. Bnwyor's Family Curo curc3 Livor
Dr.Hawycr's Family Curo cures Kidney
r- Cnincnr'j I1 it tn llv I .iiffi rninn T?nVftl
- rihio -
the Price of The Chief.
19, 1894.
wi:atiii:k foki;cast8
Furnished Expressly lor The
Cltlcr for Wclinlcr Couuly
ICoiiyrlKliti'tl by v. T. l'ostor.
St. Johki'H, Mo, Jan. 20. My
Inst bulletin gave forecasts of tho
stoun waves to nross the continent
ficih Tautiarj l'.lUi to'2:tl aud the next
will reach tlicl'acidc coast about Jan
uary 2 1 lb, cross the western mountains
by close of the LTith, tho great central
vallojs from 20th (o28tli, and tho east
ern states about tho 20th, This dis
turbance will probably ho at its great
est force in the Kocky Mountain states
on tho 2fith or20lh.
The lirst disturbance of February
will re noli tho Pacific const about Jan
uary IHItli, cross the western mountains
by oloso of tho Hist, tho great central
valleys faom February 1st to .'Id and
tho eastern states about tho -Ith, A
cold wavo will follow this stoun, and
will develop u low temporaturo, espec
ially iu tho noithcastcru states.
Warm waves will cross tho western
mountains about January 21th, and
.'10th, tho great ccntrnl vulloys 2(1 th,
and February 1st and tho eastern
states 2Sth and February lid. Cool
waves will cross tho western mountains
about January 27th and February 2d,
tho great central vnllcys January 21)lh
and February llh, and tho eastern
states January Hist and February Oth.
February will bo a cold, stormy, dis
agreeable month and not fuvornblo to
agriculture and horticulture in tho
If you will draw on paper two right
handed spirals you will havo tho move
ments of tho wind in both tho high
und low baromotcrs. The air comes
down in, and movos out from tho high
barometer and blows into and rises in
a low baromctor.
This wind movement cannot bo thor
oughly explained without illustrations
but if you desire lo uudcrstnnd tho
weather, you must study out those
Thcsn two baromotcrs form an in
separable pair; thoy live and dio to
gether and the artery of thoir beings
is as indissoluabloas was that of tho
Siamese twins. If you aro located in
tho high baromctor and tho wind is
severe, you muy well know that its
mate, tho low barometer, contains a
severe storm, though it may bo a
thousand miles away. To know where
that storm is and the direction it is
moving is a matter ef interest to jou,
uud you can know by studjiug the
weather signs.
As j on will o, when you have un
dcrstood tho spiral motion, tho wind
blows nearly iu a cirolo withiu both
the high aud low barometers. Dou't
forget that tho storm centers except
tho tornado, are ulwayt found within
the low baromctors and tho ccolcr and
clearing wcathor is found in high
If you stand on tho outer edgo of a
low, facing its ountor, tho wind will
blow frftm your left toward your right
and if you similaily face, tho couter of
a high, tho witid will blow from tho
right toward your loft.
If your barometer tells you, that
ou are in alow, plaoo your loft hand
toward tho wind and you will ho fac
ing (ho low or storm center; if you
aro in a high barometer, place jour
right hand towuid the wind aud you
will bo fucing the center of the high.
As these baiomutcif, wih the storm
editors ami fitortn waves, move from
west to eiiht, yi)u can form correct
ideas as to tho feather immediately
ahead. '
Thin weather (Aifslion is to old and
yet so littlo understood ..'n faot until
I- . I, . . .
"u fow years. Q im people had almost
Vol.21. No. 26
a. J m
A orcom of tartar baking powdor.
Highest of all in leavening strength
Latest United Stntcs Government
Food Ilcport.
Hoynl linking Powder Co.
IOU Wall St., IV. Y.
despaired of over understanding it
that every statement mado requires
numerous explanations. Storms do
not move directly from west to cast,
but that is their gcnarnl course, Thoy
enter th's continent on the west and
louyo it on tho east, excepting tropical
hurricanos. Tho storms wind about
on tho continent, somotitnes moving
south or north and very rarely thoy
aro pressed back toward the west but
not far, they soon return to their east
ward march.
To doturmino whether you aro in
tho high or low baromctor you must
know what tho normal barometer is
for the month for your locality. Tho
normal, or average barometer for Jan
uary than it is for July. From about
the 1st, of April to about tho lasC of
September the north American conti
nent is covered with a low, and from
about the 1st of October to about tho
lust of Muroh by a high, The transi
tory high and low barometers pass
through these semi-annual baromotcis
in summor and winter.
Draw n oirclo around Denver and
500 miles distant, aud within it the
averugo barometer for January is 30.2
Outsido of that lino all the states west
of tho Mississippi and all south of tho
Ohio except tho l'aoiiio coast, havo an
average of 510.1 fi. Tho norlheastorn
states range vory close to 30.1 while
tho Pacific coast runs from 30' at sea
level to 30,1 on tho mountains. All
this is for January, and when the ba
rometer goes below that average it in
dicates the approach of clearing weath
er. Tlio numbers used above are for
quicksilver barometers and aro tho
number of inches of quicksilver in
tho lubo that the atmosphere outside
of tho tube will exactly balanco at set
These lessons in tho science of tho
weather aro valuable, and those desi r
ing more knowledgo on iho subject
should prcseryo them for future ret
renco. Tlio persistent cough which usually fol
own nn attack of tlio grip can be perman
ently cured by tiikiuir (,'bamberlain'H
Cough llemedy. W. II. McGulru of Mo
Kny, Ohio, says; "La Grippe left mo with
n Bedro cough. After using several dif
ferent medicines without relief, I tried
Clrunhorlain'R Cough Remedy, ' which
cIToctud a permanent enrr. I have found,
it to bo without mi rqiril for children,
when troubled wl'li colds or croup, 2,'t
nud CO cent bottles for sulo by Dejo Ai
Q rice.
First Class ISonrtliiifr
Mr S, Baylcs wishes to announce to
tho public that he is prepared to take
boarders at $3.50 per week, sleeping
inoludcd. Apply at -1th Avenue
"During '.In uplduuiio of la grippe
CliaiuboruluV) Cuugli Itemed)' took tht
lend liuru aud war tniioli Intli.r liked than
otnsr cough medicine." 11 M. Dans',
dri'!.'gUt, Clmtbwortii, III. The grip fo
much tliu camo as a vory tovero cold and
requires precisely the enrao treatment.,
This llvmtdy Is prompt nod effectual anil
will provent any tendency ot tho disease,
lownrd pneumonia, For snlo by Deyo &
Curt Evans has everything you wautla
the eecond-hnntt furniture line. Soohltu
.Ar . .
ilture lit
Blue Front, MUto.iWWttr .
w ywyg wWfyg
HiySWM'fMI,HM.i.i.llMiM'i.'. '"'' .'..'WBI'I
. afcy''wgswrgiBgEaai!
' " 1 1 " 111 iliVaiaiaalill allf "ni'Tal I