The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 15, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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L m
Served ExCJ
ti o-ii' .
5 ''
usweiv to th
""-. "o ,i,$,'.irJ r
VfJV .iViS till (.VtU W
the WOt':0.P
.tl-ii 1. Ai.i.wmJtl.'-rMt"Unci
UniVersaSiy accepted as the
Leading Fine Coffee of the World,
For sale only by Sherwood & Albright.
" f FU'jJg''4.j;Xa-U&3
A. H. Cray, the Insurance Man, Red Cloud,
Is now prepared to insure you in that well-known company,
The Home of New York.
Wnil for lilm; lie will call on yon In a feu- tiny. Yon can save
uiancy anil et more MilWftu-tory hittnraiicu Hum from any
oilier mail. Ho ha exclusive control of four counties.
Jos. G. Holcorob,
-,.. l'llOL'lUBTOll Oi THE
Holland House Livery Stable,
Una the best rig.s in the city and tho most reasonable prides.
Your order solicited anil lair treatment iiarantccd.
Xortli of Hie Holland Home.
I'noi'iUETons ok
jLiar ir'i
Ordors promptly flllod. "2 our patronage solicited
mwrvwr "itcs
Tor I'uiiiliuii
you should seo V i nnk V. lludloy. Ho
does Imiihf, 6ign anil curringo painting,
glazing, &u.
Ho to Wiightsfor school houso heat
ing stoves, llest in I toil Cloud.
- .JwaaE,fiE5
i yreij
K 1 'wfrcS
' yyi ',.
A nice Hue or
Scarl pins
CiiII'm and
collar button, neck
lace pins Hticlt piiiN,
cliaruiN, etc.
I'lated and solid siltenwire. imineillr fpiiniii.
i...H . it ilk.l Milww ami fml.s. 'at ftK liiic.iid .m-'. Iii lion boxes nuil olliei
niiielli'' A lino lliumf si.e. t.ules Mini ;
.. 111. lo (.if oil ill (ill 11 H MM HP. HltM'l. II II' ft ('I
H""1"" .'"', '.".L """k .. I I i,l....r. fill lit.
MIVITU .1 "ll ii. iii"". .1" :.--- -, - .
i.i i.. nn In" i in. I VI lit Villi
c J '."" '.' " "'. 7. 7 . ,' i uiif r in llu.111 on
Jewelry io;
our urn Koi"
I. in. I ,d it. lw 1.1 . 1 II t tit 1.11 LTL.
lit ll'MHllMll tlir-ll lU'UMl Willi.
(IScuuliir Vruiliiutvk.)
Arotticlca'. irti.ti'l ruittmcccttfulppeclallitsanJ
wliluho jutilulp.
die ukviI men.
lit murk Mi ri"
Mill lllll IiilluW
i il imr in ii in. nt.
M mi) y'r i.f
l.ltlllulHlhlll I I 81
till 'X.rrli'iii
liillii' iini'iif niri
ti. i u i 1 1 1 u 1 1 Unit
m iiliiniuwn mil
f nil rul fur nil i!l
lU-r v unit mm mpii i..i
TV li.ivn wtak, umli
(rX til a i.r ilia
-ti ii it iil irrfiiia
St .-- i-i .....-, ...
LrtVirniii iTinrH uf
ynulli nml mckm
','ii in. i.i in . . ."."
"sfX'ulnl I ill in I en I.
U'J'tl.u rnirn nt lli.'lr
7jlr-.ii ih.uH nuil I hi)
il;y i mill inl'l of llii'lr
jr fr, u.M iiii'I mm
.v4" iuiiIdii.. Iimls in
toqiinrnntrotorill rr.tlcnt". If tt'oy fin t
ot r.'.Kin.l, imr otvu exclu.Ho (rtutiiii'iit
Tl'IMir.N'l Don't you want toed ruii'ilnr tlmt
H(-iiknr-inlhti trtiitmi'iit ttmt ,mi ciin urn nt
tiniiiii ttllliiiiu InmriiiuvDt Our wonderful trial
naiuLiJHturcilcjiln;ra. W hy not you t fry It.
fi.VTAltnil, nml illicotca of tlio Skin, Wood,
Hurt, Lit cr unit Kidney.
HVPIIII.IS-Tricmotrrld.i.fn and cffcctlrc
remedy. A complitu C'uro OuurunteeU.
HKI nisr.Asr.H of alt klndi curvilttl.cro
maayotliiMliatu failed.
1'XVA.TritAr. JUHCIIAltOKH promptly
cm nt Inn tew ilatu t;ulik, turu und talc. 1UU
Iniludc Olei'tand (lonurliau.
Wn Imto cured rnc of Chronic jIIipcifi that
hHtU fllllt'.l IIIK.'t tin. 'I nilliu iiuiiu.ui uimr ,ti.iar
Ulaaml iiu-illfiil lnlttuto
r ...... .-....... ...... i. , ,npo
fi.r.iu O.III.HII iiijtlnr,ajiiiiiiiiy wano taluablo
time, olitalnniir ircutnunl Htontu,
llewiiri!iif fnu nn.l ( lii-ap trenlmrnl V clto
llieliiil nml mo. t noli'iilirtc truitminl Bt iiioiIi rati;
l'rlii us lot. ii. iii In' done for iuC und HKlllful
tic tliixTit. Flll'.l, runaiillullnii nt tliniilfleocir
liy null riioruiiBli i uniiiltiallon and rarcful rtlnir.
n.xl.. Alinino tri'utmeiu ran liRl,tcn Inniinjoniy
iifca.on. ltnd fur hymi.toiii Wank No. Ifm Mem
No. ifor Woiniti.Ko. HfiirBkln Uln'a.n. Allcurru
.piiiiili'nio niuuiin il promptly. lliiiliitMntrltilycon
lliluillul. I.mlrutrritnieiitainl friofnnn oli.i'rta
Hon. Kefir lu our paHnus, taalta acd tiukluiu imi
A Story Tiitil ll mi Intf irilU-il Oil
Iftirnl i ItiiniliniMti,
Not lonjj it;o ti cow died in tho
vicinity of tho (itituii raiioh. noiit tho
hoail o( (iooso urcuk, south of Wiiroii
Wheel (injt. It soon hoeaino nppnr
ont to William (ittlnn. ownor of tho
rnnch. lliat tho carcass of tho cow
vvai bolnp; visited by u boar of vory
larco diinonslona ami in company
with Doll MoClollnnd. Mr. Gulnn do
cldod to ult up" with tho hoar and
ondoavor to got n good shot at It by
night. This was dono, but owing to
darkness tho boar was not killed by
shots ilrod. As tho noxt resort, a
largo boar traji, weighing about soy-onty-flvo
pounds, was procured and
sot near tho doad "critter. " and tho
trappers wont to hod laughing nt tho
triclc Ihoy had playud on tho bonr.
Tho trap was chained to a polo
oightoon feet long and olght lnchos
through nt tho largo and.
In tho morning un oxntninntlon ol
tho promUoi about tho doad cow
showed plaluly that tho bear and a
cub had boon tlioio during tho night
Tlioro was a largo track oightoon
Inches long nnd six or olght inehos
wide, nnd a small trade, ovidontly
mndo hy a, cub. Tho trap, howovor,
was gono, and with it tho olghtcon
foot polo, nnd tho dlsturbod condition
of tho ground showed conclusively
that tho bear had boon caught In tho
trap. Tho trail, howovcr, away from
tho scono was only tho trnil of tho
two boars thoro was not a mark of
drngglng either trap or polo.
Mr. Gulnn took up tho trail which
he followed olght miles, without com
ing upon tho bears, trap or polo. At
tho camp of Mr. Tom Carey, sovou
miles away, that gentleman told him
how in tho night, ho had been awak
ened by tho sound of something walk
ing, with an occasional pauso and
heavy fall, as it boinethlug had
Having no gun. Mr. Cnroy sat in
his tonttho balaneo of tho night and
ondoavorod to keep warm by poking
wood Into a shcot-iron stovo. Tho
trail was followed for u nillo or so
further and tlimi .lost. In ono place
tho boars had p.tbsod through a heavy
quaking aspen thicket, and had liter
ally mowed a swath through tho hup
lings, showing that tho trap und polo
were being taken along.
Tho natural inference was that tho
boar had boon caught in tho trap, linil
picked up thu sumo, with tho polo, and
titnrlod for tho hills. Tho bear is an
old olleiuler in those parts, and Mr.
(Juinn hopes to And it yet.
A man just In from tho head of tho
San Juan reports that ho passed tho
bears on tho i'ugosn road, boy ond Sunt
milvlllc, jogging contentedly along,
each carrying ono end of tho polo,
while tho old boar wax caught In tho
trap by tho right front foot.
A Hint VVIikli the Will llo Well to
Ono of tho oddities of tho Columbia
rtvor is tho "Williams' patont fishing
wheel," an automatic dlsclplo of Wal
ton, which stands on tho Orogon sldo
of tho rlvor about u mllo below tho
famous cascade. Tho wholo dovlco
cotislbts of a Jetty of rocks built out
from the shore with nn outsldo sluice
way in which tho gigantic "llshlng
wheel" constantly revolves. It Is an
undershot whool and. having boon
built at a tlmo when tho rlvor was re
markably low, can bo raised or low
ored according to tho atago of wator.
Tho persons who built this lurgo pis
catorial devlco understood tho habits
and instinct of tho salmon, tho finny
beauty for whoso capturo it was spcod
ily oroctod, it being well known that
in making their "runs" moy iohow
tho shoro lino instead of taking to tho
center of tho stream. A sluiceway to
tho hlaokwator cnusod by tho jetty
lnu boon built, and tho salmon lu at
tempting to go through this nro
caught m tho nut buckets thut aro
fastened to tho arms of tho fishing
wheel and safely deposited in a trough
This trough or gutter commuuieatosi
with tho "round-up'1 pen oa shoro,
whore tho "cutou" is canned and
shipped to all parts of tho world. Ho
sldos aoveral huudiod young fish unfit
for canning, from l.iOO to 6,000 adult
salmon nro caught every day in this
Hailing novelty, and It is bnfo to bay
that thoro is not ti moro curious ma
ehlno in tho world to-day. ...
Onatorln i truly n marvi'lons thing for
children. Uoclvrn prworibo II, inrdicri
jnunmlK rcrtmmrtid It nnd moro tlinn n
million raotlivr nro uing It in plnre of
Paregoric, Ilnti'UisnV Drop, ko called
Hoothltig hj tups and other tinrcotln nnd
stupefying reiuldU'H, Cnsiorln i the
.'iiiakiKt thing to regulato the Htoinneh
and bowo's nnd gio henlthy flp.ip the
world linn over neon. It relieve count!
pGtlou, iiiiula pnlti, cures dinrrlmm and
wind colic, nllnys feerlrdiuesi, ilostrojB
wortiiH, and protents coiiviiIkIoiid, pooUis
the child and gives it refreshing nnd tiatii
rid sleep. Cantoris is the. children's pan
acea the mothers.
CnBtorln is put np in one slo bottles
only. It 1 not cold in bulk. l)ott al
low any one to sell you miythinit elso on
the pleaor proiniB that it in"Jut ns good''
and "will nuswur every purpose " Hoe
thttyouget O-A-8 T.OK-I-A.
At all HmcMit the
P'ltoxieei, livery &tMlo&
Illicit or loM.oluc, lied (.'loud,
At reasonable rates I also feed and board
'horses by day or week.
The facsimile signature of Chas. II, I't etcli
er Is on oery wrapper.
llurrali Tor Tcxiih!
On Dccciiiber lL, IS'.KI, Iniiuiiryi), Feb
rtuiry III, March III, April 10, and May H,
18!M. Tlio Ilurlington will noil von u
round trip ticket to any point in Tkmir,
limited for return within 110 tlnymit date
of biiIo at a rate of ono fair for the
round trip. Continent) pnsRiigo by the
name rotilH to lie made iuhuthdireclionR.
No ono should miss Hub grent opportu
nity to Bee tho "Lone star Btatp.'' Fur
ther information may lioohtaini'd at tho
Ilurlington ticket olllcu. A. Co.nuvmi,
i .eei
Clerical I'crmllN 1W) I.
The Ilurlington will Ibbuo half faro
pormitn for 1801 to regularly ordained or
liceiiBcd uiiniHturH or iiiiPHioniirien who
aro ongagitl Holcly in roligiotm work.
ItpiliicHtH Hhould be tiiado iih soon an p3t
Hililn uh it in ilcniieil that all clergymen
have their DormilB by dauuaay Int. Tho
local ticket ollico ia Biipplicd with blank
iipplicatiun forma. -A. Conovkk, Agt.
...'ri HrlngthiB coupon
into Huh olllci',
nav un what you
owe, or Biilwcribo
for Tin: Cim.r
one year, and this
Y coupon, to tho
i.4.4..!.4.4..t- niUOUlU OI J.IU.
will he applied thuriHin, nnthno be
fore January 1b, 1801. Not good af
ter January IbL 1801.
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. II. F011T, Manngcr.
Abstoaeto ot rJ?!M
lTuruiHlied to all Landa in Wtibster Countv, Accurately and
IUvIuk linil tun years tHrlu'ire In roiinty records ami ono ot the most comiileto sot of Ai
struct books In the sUtn.wr Kitar.utleo sntisliu'tlnu, Vunr favors solicited
All orders lllleil iroiii.tly. W.nix) ilollur tinml tiled
I nil upproveil. Adilrfsn or call oa
L. II. FUUT MANAdKit, lied Cloud, Nob.
j Caood for t
Iliicklcn'r. Arnica Naive.
Tho iMst Ralvo in tho world for cuts,
uruiuen, Bores, Ulcers, Salt rhotini, fovor
norm, tuttor, ehappeil lianihi, chilblains,
corns, nnd all hIciu eruptions, nnd post
ttvjly cures pilea, or no pay required, it
in guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or monev refunded, l'rico '2ft centa per
box. t'orsnlo hyCotting' If
A. Morhart don't Bell you goods below
cofit at llrnt, ami after he ban got your
trado clinrgo )ou lug pncea to muKo up.
Reduced in Price.
On November Ifttli Hie price of
T1Q dinah;a Weekly Bee,
Will lie reduced to
65 cents Per Year.
WfO othoi' paper in tho oouniry publishing 12 pages or 84
A columns of mattor, can be had for less than $1 per
year. This extremely low price is made by the publishers in
ordor to enable overy English reading family in the Great
west to read
Best and Greatest Newspaper
Published in the west. In order to induco readors and othero to raiBo clubs the
following oiler ia made:
Two NtibNcrlpHoiiN will he received for Hl.ilA
rive NiibNcrlntloiiH will be received for 3
ten MiibMcrliiHouH will be received Tor 95
On clubs or more tlinn ten Hie price will be 50c for each
Do not fail to take advantngo of thia otTcr,
When Bonding in your Own Hubfieription, Bond uh one or moro orders for your
friends and nuighbora. -
ttend ub an order for jour frloiulB in tho east who Hhould bo told of tho groat re
BOUrecH of this Btate. Tho lieu tiuhliRhcn more wostorn nmvn tlinn nnv nthnr imnor
in thV country, and ninkoB tho best immigration document that can beBont east.
aniircBH an oriiera to
SSrlinai;urw.ili,li.elocli and
I1.UI rtrk, jour ciiui.iihk i:l '"
- -.--.. Hk C.U
lleiiry COOK' uriiH Bioim
.s'.i;. Com. rHUiii iiuK.'ifnt... iiuonmiaada I thank
(l'pbtairs i. iiuMtrii, mu.
On You (liew Your lMttldlnu.
Our littlo Edith is five years old.
Shu has golden curls und those far
L'n.lmr hazel oyos that soom somo-
times to seo visions. Tho other day
ut dinner her faco was lighted with
unusual beauty, and her dark oyos
had a dreamy look which called to
hor fond mothor's mind tho lino:
.Jioavon lies about us in our infancy."
Bho longod to know what thoughts
worn in tho childish brain to so softon
and deepen tho dark oyos, whon
Kdith turnod hor awcot fnco and
asked; "Mamma, do you ohow your
puddltigr"' Wldo Awako. u
A Ouerr l'elltlon.
Thoy toll of a man who was travel
ing through a sparoly sottlod soetlon
of tho country, whon night overtook
him and a torriblo thunder storm
cnuio up, so that ho could only seo
his way by occasional flashos of
lightning ucross his path. Finally
thoro camo u torrillo peal of thundor
which prostratod tho follow to his
knees horrified, but springing to his
foot ho oxclalmod. "Lord if it is all
tho samo to you. I would llko to havo
a little moro llcht and not quite feo
much noiso."
lllit lint MUe Meege.
Mrs. Tonsonby, visiting Paris, Is
rocolving hor friends at a "littlo ovon
iug." nnd, thinking to bavo a ploas
ant clmngo after talk, suggests to n
guost: "And now, M. Uubola Bhall
wo luvo a ruhbor?" "Ah, mudnma"
Bald M. Ihibois, with porfoct polite
noes, but nltcously, "a thousand
mals jo jo n'almo pas lo
I DaMiog9l" Argonaut.
Have You i:er stopped
Thut you aro only getting half ub
much for jour dollar when jou are
taking a weekly an you could got if ou
wore a subscriber to Tho Keini-woekly
.Journal? Hisafact however, beoatmo
Tho Journal gives you two complete
papers each woek, with mnrkolB nnd
telegraphio news, 101 pajiera a year
making il almost as good as a daily.
Just now wo nro ollering it to January 1,
188.), for one dollar. Ill's the greatest
dollar paper iiutlie went Is both a nat
ional and state paper. Tho bent editor
ials; the beet cnudciiRcd nows; the best
stories; tho best spcuinl departments;
the beht ot everjthing, all for 81,00 a
year. Our premium department is a
hummer. Send for a snniplo copy of
tho papor und boo for your self. Hero
aro a few of them: hand Bomely bound
copy of Dream Lifo, IleverieB of a Uaeh
clor, or UruinmondB Addresses, and Tho
Journal, Sl.'ij; Liro of Spuigeon, U.S.
History, Stanley in Africa, or tho Lifo of
Hurrirton and Journal, 81.10; Oxford
Iliblo and Journal. W.7.1; Ilanduy Cob-
bier and .journal, ?2'2T); Nebraska Far
mer and Journal, 81,.ro; N. Y. Tribuno
nnd Journnl,$l.'.2.-i; and u wholo lotinoro.
Writo for bample copy. ' AddrcbH,
Ni'.nnasKA Statk Jouit.v.vt,.
Lincoln, Nob.
The Bee JSublishing Co., Omaha, Neb.
hc i im
mL '
DO 801(1 UlVtlHI
Mr. ,T. P, lllaie, nn exteiiHivo real rslnto
denier in Oes Molnis, Iown, narrowly es
caped one of tho HivorostntlnokBof pneu
monia while in tho northern pari of that
stnte diirini: a recent liliziird, snys th'i
Sntnrday Ituviow. Mr. lllalo had occas
ion to drive several miles during tho storm
nnd wnsso thoroughly cliillul that ho was
iinaldo to get warm, and inside- of nn hour
after his ro'.urn he was threatened with n
eoveroensa of pneumonia or lung fiver,
Mr. Hlnie bunt to tho nearest drugstore
and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Itemed)-, of which ho had often henrd.nrid
took n number of large doses. Ho says
the ilTcct was wonderful nnd in a short
tituo ho wns breathing quite enslly. Ho
kept on taking the medicine nnd tho next
day wob able to corao to Des Moinos, Mr.
UlaUe regards his cure ns simply wonder-
ful. For Bale by Deyo and Grioe,
in tho nn
cnu ulw
1 llOB
to plenHtf
mom wli
selected ato
brought to
Mr. S. II
the public I
Itound trip tickets wi
nil station on tho Ilurlington not over 1200
milon apart nt a rate of ono fair and a
third on tho following dates; Decombcr
t!:i,l!l,'i",:jOt:il, 18DI1, January 1, 1891.
Tickets limited to return not Inter
than January II, bi'.il. A. Conovkk, ArL
Tho ladies oft tho Congregational
chinch will hold their "foto of dayB" on
Friday afternoon I and evening in tho
building fromorlyliceupied by llorguud
(ialusha. Come uid see tho fancy arti
cles. Supper BervAl fortiTie., from f to 10
llH'IIAXCIiuri-li-Hi'rvlcf.1 Sunday utloao
n huh 7 sue p in: HuiiiinvHCiiooiiitliiioon
i'. hi u mu p in mm ii'buis j uniors ai
(KUATIDNAl. IJIiureli-Servlees nt in:
in, nnd "::i in: Siiaduy clio)lntii:3 J
u 15 at 0:30 i in ami vi'NUK Jun
P in.
lODISI" cluiicli iHervlru ut io:Jn ti. m.
id 7:30 ii. in.. Knwnrlli lniruo tC:30 n.
....... ... j. .... -.
inuiiy ni iiihii ut j i :.m 11. in.
IhCOl'Al. Cliurcli Services every two
wri'Kh, uy iiiiiiiiuiiiriit.
I UIIIKUAN Chiircli-Kvcry third Sunday I
-- llllirillim lit III II CIIK'K.
i IA1IIUI.1U Cliurcli Services by tipiioiulincnt.
ArflS'l' Clinreli Nn" Vi-iriilur ncrtleei. Hun-
day school (reuular) at noon. II V 1' U ut I
in p m.
IIANCI himdiiYdcliooltit 3p in every Hu ti
ll uy.
U U V Kucli nlteniHtoTucsda) oeulUK
I'.N Ailliem ImIko No 180; I O O K every Mou-
AI.ANTIIiCI.QdKe No 29, KulKhtl oI l'Jtlmw
iinirwiiny rvfiiniK.
1-1. M,lliI IMIKn oil IKD. PIIIUUIIl tVUIHlll.CIIB
of America, alternate WednemlHy evenlliit
VAI.I.KY UxlRe No B, Hrateriisl Onler of Vro
tuctors, llrsl and third Moiidu of each
Children Cry foi
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorla.
When in Itivortol bosuround stoii nt
the liaiiks Ikiubo. vim pur duy. Llv
ry in connection. IV fur tho moat plcus
nutpiaco in inverioi
nilAUITV liluo No 63 A K and A M chcIJ
niimy ovoiiiiik on or ueforotiio lull moon. I
RKIi Cloud Chapter No 19, It A M altemste
rluirtfilitv AVMiilm.
ti YKRNK Oiiaiiiaiidery No 14 ulternato Thurs
; dty evt'tiliiL'.
F ill AUITY Chapter Kasteru Star No47altei
s-' ii. ilo 'l'lfhiluv uvenliiL',
(JAItl'Ii:t.i) I'ostNnmd A It Mornluy even
s- tin: on or before tho full moon.
( l AIIKIKI.iTW It (i No 14 meets afleinate Sut
y in ilayjiriei noon.
IfAltY Si:i:itrt MollKNItYTelitNiillD.iUKllt
I'm in ten-rails Moiuntyeteiiinn.
Hemember that 11 P. Albright sells
more Hour than any ithor store in Web
ster county, If you vant Hour boo him
for he keeps the beat,
(lo and seo Hhorwool Si Albright for
.tw Ilcntiiiraut.
MrB. J. A. Frame hoi purchnsod the
SKAMCYCaiup NuU3,Sur V'luesJ.iy ee
tlli:ilMAN Clteli) No:i, Imlles n( Hint! A
J llrst uud third riutiiutny oteiilnc.
li:i)CI.OUI) Council No IK l.nyiilM)stlo!.eKl
1 v lou ol America first und third Friday eiej
city bakory and restaut
your patronage. Fresh
cakes every day.
nt nnd Bolielts
iread, plea 'und
Children Cry for
Pitchers CattoJ
8licrlir Mule.
Notice Is IiitkIiv fltun. Ihnt iiiulor ami
vimie of an order ot s.ilo Issued from the oflli
of C. 11. front), elnrk n( dm iltslrli I court of tl
tenth illntrli'i. ttlililn nml for VVebstb
county, Nebrasitu, upon a dfcreo In mi uutlw
luniilliiK therein, t herein M. s, Miueiui I'luls
ill. null iii.iiiw, ii. a.iuiiiii. , rutin . i.min I
IHi.rllur. mill I' .1 llv, n Iih. DiIkii liltits.
I shall oriel tor s.lloiit pnillii ruiltie. to llM
lllulll'sl lllililel' fur nill In It.lOil. Ut lilt) fBi ill tlio coin Lb ium',, it lle.l IoimI, In Bull
tvensuir coiiuty, wenrusKu. (inni neiiw iw
nmiuuiu tvlieielh the ust urru "i emu eouj
huh iiuiueii) mi llieiutn. uuyui urioiiiuer.
I). 18UJ. ut 1 1 n'eloek A. M.. of MHtd.dHV. the fi
lottmu described iiioperty, towlt: r.-its seve
(7). t'lulit is) ami nliiu (0) in block thirteen (U
itful (?lfiiiif Noliriiubii
(liven miller my Imhd llib 10th, day of N
emuer A. u bw. . , ,
ivo. II. Coon. HLerllT.
A.. J. 'Iomlinson, Deputy.!
Gio.W.Uaiikeii, rialntin't Attorney.