e A TnE REIJ CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DEC. 15, I SOIL K to v 25 m mmmmmmmmmmmm w m& SVc make it a Point To clean out nil uiidelrable slock I wire a year with n lilgger V Slock thnn over bought at IhoJowcM prbi i vcr known. Wo nro prepared to give tho people of Wtlmltr futility mom for their money tlmn ovor before. AND S" Nought of us are guaranteed to give satisfactory service. YoucanJ -. look n long whlln befoio llndlng a better iilauu tospond your inono -" for FOOTWKAU than with us. - Blakeslee & Kaley.5: HHIKF MIXTION. J. A. Hoyd was in Superior Monday. It. K Stowo lias returned to Omaha. .Too Warner was in Lincoln last week. S. K. Coud was in llastingslast week. II. V. Gulifonl is liomo from Cherokee strip. Dr. Chamberlain was in lllailen tliiH week, John Kellogg goes to Oklahoma next weelc. li.I Ovoring is tho liappy papa of a lit tio baby girl. Tlio next dub dance will occur next Tuesday night iJiek dray wnsdoing business in Su perior Tuesday, There will bo preaching nt tlio llaptibt church next Sunday Miss Kittio Lear or Itiverton was vis iting in tho city Monday. Tho little children'of K. Itifo have been quite sick this week. Mrs. Millers of lndianola is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Oscar Teel. Miss fiorby's niece, Miss Forloyof Su jierior, is visiting her this week. Tlio mercury has been playing around zero this week, but htill no snow. Mrs. Joo Williams of Republican City was shopping in this city Monday. Clias. Hesso returned Tuesday night from u businets trip to Kansas City. Anthony Lallault and wife were visit ing tho family of A. II. (Jray this week. Mayor Wiener. W. X. Kichnrdsnn and Wright Thornburg were in Omaha this this week. MihH Mollio Ferris arrived homo Wednesday evening from an extended visit east. Tho pnnenko social at the Chapel on Tuesday night was a grand success in every way. Mrs. Truman and Mrs. Iliakelleld were attending W. C. T. U. services in Itiver ton Sunday. C. L. (Jotting !b better prepared thau over to furnish Chtistmas goods to Sunday-school committees. If needing spectacle, see Dr. Culli moro. January LM.)tli and JlOth, IbUI, with Dr. McKeeby. Ked Cloud. Mrs. Jones of Guide Itock visited friends and attended the "Ft-to of das" cntortninuient hero Friday. Don t forget that (Jotting has the ,"Kueket Store" when it conies to Christ mas goods. His low prices sell. Ernest Ilolton and coumii, L. C, who is visiting him from Iowa, spent a few days with friends near Akron, Col., this week. Dr. Cullimore, with Dr. McKouby in Hod Cloud, for eyo and ear diseases. Monday and Tuesday, January '20 th and .'lOth, 18U1. G. A. Harris of Cowles was a iileasant caller this week, and left us an adver tisement which will bo of interest to our Cowles readers. Dr. (Jullimoro. Eyo and Ear Surgeon o' Omaha, Ked Cloud January '2'Jth and :iOth, 1891, Monday and Tuesday, Dr. McKecby'tf ollice. IJert Grilllth enjoyed n cold bath the other night while skating in the pond, Hurt says he intends to wait until tho water gets warmer. If your Eyes and Ears need attending see Dr. Cullimore, Ked Cloud, with Dr. McKeeby, January '2!)th and .'10th, lb'.ll, Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Tico and daughter, who have been visiting with II. 10. Pond and family have returned to their eastern homo af ter a long visit in Xebrnska. Miss Colin Gorby has been unablo to attend to her duties in school for several days, having been troubled with a seveie cold which airected iier lungs. A lino illustrated story book of nearly '200 pages for '2Ti cents another with a bout 100 pnges for fill cents. That is tlio way prices aro running at Cotting's. There will bo a oolite, doughnut aid popcorn social given by tho Sunday school at the Baptist church, Friday night December 15. All are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Keid, who recently assumed tho restaurant business former ly controlled by Ernest Welch and wife, aro enjoying it prolltablo trade. They are courteous and attentive, and for a liibt-claBs lunch thero is no better placo in mo uity. Dr. Unit, of tho Harvard painless den tal parlors, while at Chile, Kan., this week received word of tho death of his father at Oklahoma Territory. Dr. Uutt went to tlio tenitory immediately, whore lie will remain for tomo time. Henry J. Clark has just completed a beautiful and elabmato monument at tho Ked Cloud Marblo and Granite Works, which eeilainly display h some superior woiktuaiiHliip, It is a New Hampshire Kutlaud blue stone and bears some fancy inscriptions and lovely en graved lloweis, which, with the peculiar shaped cut of tho stone, makes it very attractive and thereforeepensivo. Our Ked Cloud marblo men have gained an euvi'iblo reputation in their business, and Henry has doiiohisnliatoto promote their welfare. At a meeting of tho Sunday-school directors of tlio Methodist, church, held Monday evening, December 11th, tho following ollleors wero elected for the ensuing year: S, E. Coud, Superintendent. Jj, P. Albright, Asst. Superintendent. Miss Huttio Kannoy, Tieasurer, Adalbert Abel, Secrotuty. Win. Tuiloys, Hluckbonrd Artist. Kobt. Martin, Librarian, D. H. SpanogUi, Keyowing Director. Tho corps of teachers of 181KJ were elected for 'Hi. citv xi:vs. Albums at Cotting's For frosli fruit see MuNitt. All kinds of hardwaro nt Wright's (iold Pens and holderB at Cotting Go to Taylor's for Christinas presmts. A. Morhart has tho cheapest lamu in town. All kinds of canned goods at Cn.ncs bakery. Buy your stoves of A. Morhart mil sau money. liny trunks nnd valises of tho Chiugo Clothing Co. Huy your overcoats of tho Cliii igo isiuuiiUK xO. The famous Gum cooks and rangep at A.Morhart's. The llnest lino of Stoves in tho va'ley at A. Morhart's. A. Mohart has tho llnest lino of lamps that wo have seen. F. V. Taylor, tho furniture man, for Christmas presents. Huy your boys and children's suits of tho Chicago Clothing Co. Wo are paying '27c. for corn T.Mbs. t'bu. Chicago Clothing Co. When you want a good cooking or heating stovo sou W. W. Wright. A c'Ait load of rock Hiilt for Palo at L P Albright's Hour and feed store F. P. Hadley, Ked Cloud, Xobraska, does hill posting at reasonable rates. Finest lino of Hoston drops at Cahnes' bakery, that aro to bo seen in tho city. Charley Calnies will have 1000 pounds of the llnest fancy candies for Christmas. A. Morhart tho hardwaro man can sell von tnoro goods for loss money thun unv body. .'1,000 poundB of of mixed candies at Cnlmes for Christmas. Seo them before buying. Underwear for everybody. Tho great est variety within reach of all. Chas Wiener. A. Morhart believes in live and let live prices. Huy your stoves of him und save money. Kemember that you can get tlrst-class job work at this ollice, promptly and on the best material. Wright's is tho place to get your heat ing or cooking stoves. Don't fail to seo them for bargains. If jou want a nice, good and becoming hood or fascinator cheap buy it of Mrs. F, Xowhouse. Wo meot all competition on hnrdware, etc., and sell you butter goods Wright the hardwaro man, Ked Cloud. Curt Evans hiiBoverythingyou want in thesecond-hnnd furniture line. Seohim Hluo Front, Bouth Webster street. If you want anything in socond-hand furniture, Ac, or havo anything to sell, see Curt Eviuib. Hluo Front south Woo ster street. You aro showing a decided lack of judgment in buying your men and bos" clothing outsido of the Chicago Clothing Co. If you wan't anything in tho photo graph line, call on Wegmann at thu Chicago Photograph gnllory. Ho guar antees satisfaction. There is no remedy equal t) Dr. Saw yer's l'nhtilles for diseases peo ilinr to worn on. JjRdiertwliowiu try Dr. Hnwyers rim-till- will also find thain superior to nil other?. DeyoitOr'oo. Go and see Wright's. They have the llnest line of hinting stoves Hint have ever been brought to Kod Cloud boforo See them before buyiug, QDigpAseA pcoulinr lowomon oropostlytly and thoroughly onrud by Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles. AMk your druggist for n free sample package, Deyo Jt Orlce. Dont foipot in tho Christmas oxcit nient that C. L. Cotting is tho best druggist in town and sells only llrst dabs good, Prescriptions a spuciulty. Ladies can he thoroughly and positively rulicvid from nil thoje irregularities hiiiI distressing symptom', which are pecnlinr to hor box, by using Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles. Doyo & Grice. ltoy Codding, tho om young tnHn who went to Africa as n missionary, ia reported to havo boon stricken with tho black fovor. His friends aro anxiously awaiting news of his condition. Hue. Tlio abovo named gentleman was, a fnw e.-irs iil'o. at the liead of the Y. M. C. A. in this city, and his many friends hero will lo sorry to learn of his ulllic lion. In behalf of those who uttonded the Chapel Sunday ecIiooI wo debiro to re turn thinks for all tho kindness shown us by the good people of the citv. Thpir donations and generous pntronugo will not bo forgotten. Mies. A. G. Wiixin, T Mns. Anthony Ci..i:K, ( Mas Fiunk Koi.r, f Mh-h Min Guovr, J W. F. Hull is a new man at Kod Cloud. Six nice, smooth sales in threo weeks, and ot some of these old war hoi sen cry, "No use to try." Just keep that feeling up, boys, and you will yet land "on tho count v." for you know that tho county is "liod" for that kind of pooplr, and whilo they aro taking you ovor, ir you hnppen to meet one of these "now men,'' he will bo wearing diamonds, and don't you forget it. Pike's Peak Senti nel. Tho tortures of dyipepsln, the sufferings of surtifuln, the ngonteliig itch and pain of snlt rhoum, tho dUnirreenblosyiiiptoms of entnrrh, aro removed by Hood's Snrsn pnrilln. Hood's Pills are tho best nftor dinner pill.', aafist digestion, prevent constipation, local xi:tvs. So' Dr. Culhmore's ii.des in Ked I Cloud. Save money and buy yourgioceries of It M Martin and Son George Kjdeii of Cheyenne, Wyoming is visiting A () lleig. Ilegiu Saturday, cloaks go at cost at K M Martin and Sou's. Tlio llnest Christmas gift on earth for a brute the "square bed." Geo Holland is doing business in Has tings and Omaha this week. 1 1 W Fowler and J . W. Wilson were new subscribers this week. Cnrloadsof fruit and candies at J. O. Lindley .V Son's at all prices. Choice holiday confectionery of all kinds at J. O. Lindley A- Son's. Miss Fogle of Superior, was visiting her aunt Miss Gorby over Sunday. J. S. White, our new county troasur er, will occupy theSkeen residoneo. MrsC It Crone ndmirablv entertained ii few of her fi lends Thursday night. Tlio young jieople are now enjoying skating by gaslight on Lindsey'apond. C 1) Kobinson. tlio new deputy treasurer, wilt occupy thu Grim property II W Fowler. J W Wilson and A C Fowler, were pleasant callers this week DStonYr's wife and child have been quitesick, but are getting some better. A C Fowlerof Wisconsin is visiting witli his son, II W Fowler, living near Cowles. L. D. Oatman cays if you want a line shine on your boots, use stovo polish. It's the stufT. Call on Mrs. I1. Xowhouso nnd seo her now goods. Every thing goes at the lowest llgures. Mrs. John Holcotnb, Sr., has returned from an extended visit in Chicago and tho world's fair. PC Fleck of Six Lakes. Michignn is visiting with his uncle C II Micl of Gar Held township. X WKingsiandisin Heatricothisweek in tlio interest of the Klrschbraun-Has. hell Produce Co. Tho tailor shop occupied by F Hirkner is being moved on main street south of Coad's fair store. C. L. Cotting has ninny now games in his stock this year just what will please the boys and girls. Did the Singer down all the other inn chiucscoiubined at Chicago ; That's what it did. Davie Kyano a popular business man was in tho city last week on his return from u visit to Kansas. Do not bo misled by socnlled cheap prices, but seo W. W. Wright for good goods and low prices. For tlio best yarn, for tlio least money and for any purpose, go to Mrs. F. Xowhouse. We aro sorry to hear of tho illness of Capt Egbert of Superior and hopo ho may boablo to bo up soon. Tlio choicest Ked Cloud Hour is kept in stock by J. O. Lindley V Son und is now going at a reduced prico. WHGiwitH, John Haselbacker, J W Wnllin nnd II II Musser will read the Grant Family Weekly Tor '!1. A force of men caino from Lincoln Wednesdny and aro putting on tho new smoke-stack on the round house. Go to J. O. Lindley A- Son for choice fruits, nuts, candies and confectionery of all kiuils. 'lliey can supply you. Mrs. W. W. Green and daughter, Maiino, of Republican city, aro the guests of Mies Koso Greon this weok, According to FoBtcr's forecasts and tho way the river is freezing, our locnl ice men will soon got in their worlc. E. P. Ilolton returned Tuesday from Iowa, accompanied by his cousin, II. McMuins, who will visit hero for some time. Thoso subscribers who aro moro thnn one yenr behind would confer a favor by paying up at onco us wo must havo monoy. Tlio Singor took lifty.four world's fair awards, moro than double tho number received by ail tho other sewing ranchino companies combined. J. O. Lindloy & Son have made great preparations for the holiday festivities, having ordered candy by tlio burrol and apples by tho carload. The A O U W lodge in tills city is in tine shape and have paid their per cap ita tax out of tlio general fund instead of tho usual assessment. Cards aroout announcing tho murriago of Miss Libby Williams, daughter of W A Williams, to Mr h W Curtis, Tho event will occur December '21. CECaiines has decided to mako ice cream during holidays, and to got in practice, made some tlio othor day, which wo sampled and found to bo llrst class. J. O. Lindloy iv Son have on hand an enormous quantity of choico Colorado potatoes, tho llnest and largest ever brought to this city, which they will sell at very reduced rates for cash. Our old friend .eph Kosencrnns living south of Inavale, has gone into tho poultry business on it largo scale. Ho is buying all kinds of poultry and ship ping them dressed. Tlio S of V camp hold thoir annual ulection of olllcurs Tuesday night, and the following wore elected for the ensu ing year: Captain Oscar Patmor, (ro oleuted), llrst lieutenant Harry Miller, (re elected), 1'' G Grico second lieutenant, SIC Coad, A II Hollars and Sam Miller camp council. On Monday, Mrs. C. L. Cotting re ceived a telegram that her mother had departed this life. Mrs. Cotting took (tin Tuesday morning train for Hristol, Wisconsin, to m present at tho funeral obsequies. Mrs. Cotting has tho sym pathy ot nr many menus in uou uiouii in her nlllic tion, Kod Cloud is fast gaining u desirable reputation of being a groat commercial center In a letter from the, A Uooth Packing Co , of Lincoln to .1 . O Lindley the linn bids. "Your orders with us for Thanksgiving were larger than any other individual wo havo on our books' This is certainly ory encouraging to Mr Lindley as well as to Kod Cloud. At a regular meeting of Cnlantho lodge Xo. '20 K. P. tho following of ficers wero electod for tlio ensuing year: PC-W A Sherwood. VC'-MS Marsh. M E L M Viiiico. MF-J L Miller." K It S- D Hertford . Prelato-J () Uutler. M AAOHosmor. Err.itiMHfnt.Nii - Den Lindsey, who recently purclunod tho Myers farm, bus purchased a boring machine that will go down ii thousand feet or more, and is going to see what is under his farm He expects to strilte gold, coal or water, and maybe a Chinaman if he goes ilow u far enough Wo hope ho will be well lepaul for his trouble, and we should not at all bo surprised if ho found something that would be of much interest to our people. Ho should ptos ecute his efforts with vigor. Oiiskiiv.vtion One of our force was privileged last week to dispense with the turmoils of the city for u short time, and rusticate in the suburban villages of Hladeu, Hluo Hill and surroundings Hidden is enduring its full share of democratic rule, but is prospering nicely, Hluo Hill is getting u good trade as she always does, and her business men aro apparently nourishing. Whilo there our scribe visited tho Leader ollice, and found thu dignified Editor Greenlee of that enterpriting sheet and his titrable assoiciato Joo Xau assiduously engaged in the never-ending work of gettingout a paper to give tho news and make their people prosper The farmers iu and near Hluo Hill lead tho county in the raisiuc of blooded stock S Man delbaum lias perhaps homo of the most thorough bred swine in the state, and is getting customers iu that line from nil over the state r-rauk Huschow lias a choico variety of blooded swine and cat tle, tlio latter Ho lias taKon much pains to advance, havinir recently invested several hundred dollars in the same at a saloiu south Omaha. Stock raising in that vicinity is Tory successful indeed i m Somi: Fr.NNY Tiii.nub. A newspaper man's life is one of varied hues. He works day in and day out to say good things about ids town, and about tl. people who livo in it. As long as ho does not tread upon tho toes of anyone, ho is u tine fellow, null lie might say tiuo things for a lifetime about his townsman which would bo highly appreciated, es pecially, as long as there was no pecun uiry equivalent asked, but thu minute that he inadvertantly makes a false step, down goes all that lias been "builded"for lo, these many years, and hence, the life of an editor is both vexatious and bur delisome. Ho cannot please all and wouldn't if ho could, but keeps rigid on "hewing to the line, totting the chips fall where they may," and if tlior ii no re ward for the weary this side of the liver, it may be beyond. Tlio theory is, "Punch up other people, but hands olf when il comes to us." Such nr thu complaints that aro turned into wvo-y well regulated printing ollice daily, and tho man of news becomes used lo it, and does not feel happy unless one or two persons per day come in and pound him on tho back for some real or imagined grievance. "Wo all get there, and if wo don't get thero now, wo will got there by ifml by," but the printing olllco goes right on 'dispensing all the news juat as if nothing had evor happened, for a news paper should bo a mirror of tho hanpoii' mgs of thu city or town it is published in, und not for the gratlllcation of a few. Xovix Enti:ut,in.mi:nt. Among the various Christum sects of our laud which rellno our morals, and elevate us spiritually, aro the Congregationalists, and that denomination in this city is by no means shabbily repicseuted. In fact, their handsome nnd commodious sanc tuary, elaborately furnishedwith all tho modern conveniences, their nourishing Sunday-school and olTectivo sermons, their choir of tnlunted singers, tlieirgen erous and kind hearted durout Christian pcoplo have made the church prominent, und it is now ono of tho most popular and useful iu this community. Hence, when the ladies of that church announce u "iioius or any itinii, tiie event is pie miscd a success by tho social element of our city, and like all convivial occa sions under thoir auspices tho "Feto of days" entertainment Fridny night was eminently successful in every iiotail. The "fair" part of tho program was certainly novel, as the projectors introduced many innovations in tho way of varied lists of articles for sale, some grotesquu in con struction, but all useful nnd ornamental, and designed for beautiful holiday pres ents. In our description of tlio supper wo are wholly unablo to do it tho justice we did on that night. The tables were methodically arranged mid decorated with lovely Mowers by tho ladies, accord ing to their icsthotio tastes, and tho bright faced waitresses dispensed tho many eatnbles so essential to the inner man in a most courteous and creditable manner. True hospitality was shown all present, and that the occasion was a suctoos, socially und tlnancially, there is no doubt. Just as many tiums as tlio ladies attempt u doings ot this kind, they may rest assured of u very inunill cent patronage. Wiioi.kso.mi: Aiiviuk. From the be ginning of timo and up to tho present date tlio people of the world have been warned about erecting deadfalls for their brethren to fall in, yet thero seems to bo many uuthoughted people who build them and aro tho llrst to enter therein. Many of them havo tho homblunco of safety, yet beneath tho exterior thero remains a yawning abyss that, once in. there is no hopo of escape, except help comes from an unlooked-for source. UsJ uullv hopo vanishes lilco the dew of morn before the piercing rays of that glorious lung of Idngs, Old Sol, who sends his rays across the earth to bless mnn-ldnd nnd Iceep him cheerful, oven wlion tho boreal blasts onmo whizzing down Web street nt a I :.'!() gait. As long ago as Adam held forth in his tabernaclo of clay, careless people lived and had thoir being, and our reporter learns that evun I', vo was somewhat given to recklessness in matters of that kind, and was always trying to down Adam, and if sho could not do so ono way sho would iu another, and as far back as tho memory of man runneth, it is reported that sho would sit on thu sofa in that beautiful garden, eat bananas and throw tho peelings on tho ground, and poor Adam would bo walking along nnd slip up, and then she would laugh at his misfortune. It would mako Adam a little hot (as it does somu of our latter day saints) to havo her laugh at him. and lie (m our reporter learneii) wouni leu ner lo mtuil nor own business, nnd If sho ever did that again, ho would get soiuo Kod Cloud lawyer to get him a divorce, and then he would go ovor into tlio other corner of the garden and bite his lips in auger, If tit this is getting our story u long ways from home, unit wuni we started out to say was, that pooplo ought to bo moro careful about throwing banana jieoliugs on tho walks as they aro very treacherous; and our devil says, it there is any one tiling ho does not lilco to do, it is to go skating on his back on a banana neclinir: so. be I careful und throw them into thu strode, sam m mmmmmmmmmm m m mte r5 For Fine Neckwear, 3 MTIIMl 1 Scarfs, - S: Ot any description, come to the Chi- 3 ; . cago Store. 2 ZZ Wh have an unusually largo Blook, Every known 8 5j Pattern ami Price. ,-j 5. Silk Handkerchiefs from 25c to $2. &2 -Of style. Largest line of Caps even z for I loliday Presents ever shown. rs 5: Plush Caps are the proper thing. 3 : We have everything made Gloves and Mittens suital 5: nice present. !S For a Christmas Present 22 S: Nothing more mutable than a nice , ZS EOVERCOAT12 5E: And would please us to sell a few 3 more. Large Line to select from, 3 and low prices made in all lines. Chicago Clothing Store. t PRICES ON Hard1' are, Six inch KIt . tna Ui w riu iu the ui ji nJ) $1.75 do to runs, grocenci First it can alw hardwti a i n of o '1 host ttherwoo to pleaso them win TlvL Tayi, selected concM.jougijt to ovcrythiu. W n wills ltcniciuucr' S ubliu dcrsnt ....... .....uded. Nkw Filial. pleasuru of a a now urocory nosed of two void trio tickets will I iMoFsrs. r. w. iu.-'iiMi Hurling"'""" D. W. Turnuroof Super ,. wth gen tleiuen aro experienced grocuryinon und will aim to run u tlist-clas grocery store. Mr. Shou is woll and favorably known to tho pooplo of Kod Cloud and vicinity as V- . ... .V y.k .. . ono of the most t horoimh business men, as well as a centleninn of'high culture. while his nartner is ruun ly as woll known In Superior. They Iiuyo ictited tho room formerly occupied by tho Chi cago Storo, oppasito tho postolllco, iu tho liontloy block, and will bo open for Imsi ness soon. Tin. Ciiu:r wisheB them un told prosperity. . . Money cannot Iniy a Imtttir family uitl iciue tlinu l)r Hawytir'it Family Cure li in thu reniilt of lung experience qud will positively cure ilitllcultit'1 of thuHtomnth, Liver, Kidneys ami Uowela. Dryo.fc (Ir)eo fH H t OV Hl IrMlil rfts tHrt IIoIIaPMK. DiJlUI), AAiti)i:i iik;iii:st iionohnmoiild's i aiii, oPRicrs QA The only I'urc Cream of Tartar l'owdcr. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard IN Mufflers, Windsors fine .25 for a' in able f rom now on '5 Al'll ine Out ! Stoves, - MKWilieE. Noto tlio following prices f l.ui) ' socket strap, Ode lUo as far as the ijuality ol' our goods are s to carry any hotter, and our prices on npcimou, nit our competitors pay for them. you will loso monoy. HART & SON. Nkw Miu.inkuy. There is to bo a now millinery store in Rod Cloud which when permanently locLt id, will probably bo ono of thu llnest and largest stocks iu thocountry. Thu proprietress is Mrs Kich of CJuido Kock. Mrs Kich wus formorly engaged in tho millinory bus iness inOuido Kock, and is woll and favo.n'ily known to 11 grent many peo pleot this county. Sho is u very cour- .lu""" i ujorougiiiy conversant wun ' mr bupinesi Sho is also n very enter- prising and energetic ludy, and wo ive wish Iier success. Talk does not always oonvln-e. Try a bottle ot Dr. HawyurV Family Uuro and you will be convinced that H will cur all Htoimch, Ltvur, Kidney and Bowel dilll oultios. Uuyo A Orlce. Kemember tbnt W. W. Wilght, tho hardwaro man, meets nil competition and sella goods cheaper than otheis when you take tho cjuality, into consideration. 8- Mr :3 III- nT i p. fay I int. mi- t no- ion- lu Tm eacli it n4 irilT. uty. BBFt i r&wmmmmmx !Sa'!MWlfi4t, ,3E2E?I 3K3Wsr A- S ' ri