THE RED CLOUD CI1IEP, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DEC. 16, 1893. t I t rHE CHIEF! A. C. IMItor. I.aiiotTait. A"t l-ocnl ftlllnr. VLLPltlNTEDATIIOMK MlIIIIKUAX NI?W ODDN ;Mi:IS. J D Crunn wiib In McCook Wetlnemluy . .John l'olnicky wiih in Oiunhii Wctlnen lay. J A Hnum is n now Hubmiriber thlH ccU. The procceda of tlio jiancnko hocIiiI rwtotoil, A Bpoclal iinnilonoxiiiiilnor wiih in the iity thin wook. G Subnninlt Iiqb inovcil bia olllco over Minor h ntoro. KtlGrconlnonnil wifo woro vialtin(? in thin city wodiioflilay. Mrs Lonotln returnoil from u vlult to lioatrico wotlncflday . MrnndMrnMontano wont to I milium Wodneetlay for a two wvukH vinit. Dllllo WockIh wiih In town ImUinj,' bands with tbo Imjh Wedniwliiy. John Wintnra formerly of this jilaco, but now or MiniioHota ih in tlw city. MWMluknrpRii and brotliur 0 I) aro vlHltinK rolativi'Hin Khiihhh iIiIh week. MrH JamcH BwuuriiiKcn and ubildrcn loft Wudnomlay nl'lit font vihit in Mc Cook. Goo WatthinKton catno in town Friday and doinrtdbotwt'oii day and mixht. Lookout (lcoru. WM Van, living nnrtli of Iniivulc, Iiiib moved to our city and will refiido with IiIh mother UiIh winter. J WHilIorof HastitiL'H wan in town Thiinuhiy, looking aftor tbo iiitorcntH of tlio l-orKiiHon iirnin wo. Mro Hluko, wifo of tbo nlTnblo cmhIi ler or tho KivtirtonStiito Hunk, wiih hIioji pinif Id tblH city Woilm-mliiy. Remember and attend tbo (! A Hen tortnlnmunt Ducemlier 'JO, and bear tbo lecture on tbo Audrowa raid. Smnll boy (nMdo) "(Jen will.,,' but Uioku Little Cllnnt l'illn tnku tlio cnku. Hold nud warranttd by Orlco. Frank Jinkra, WmKniwr.C1 K Amuck, John Million)! ''' M Hoid,,I L Minorand Sam I'otia aro now HiibHcrlborHlbiu wook. Sufford a tru tiling BiilcBinnti for a (.'III curo llrm , bus boon hypnotizing hoiiio of tho baj-B during IiIh Htny in tbocity. Tbo gooJ din oiiur lint titty nruaniiig Hallor'H little Gormnu l'illn now iitul hi n Mt men will noon linn drug Ihu miirkit Bold by Dujo nud (Ircie. Tbo mooting of tbo Nobriibka cbeenn ninnufacturoH will occur at Lincoln next wook . Tbo oxbibitu will bo neon tho ID, JO, ill. Mrlliirtwoll or Inavalo will at tondlnnd no doubt carry awny at least Homo of the lauorlH. Cbarloy DickorHun, win of (' 1) Dick creoti of Lino tnwiwhip, wiih recently pro Houtod with a lino bird doc and last week bo loaned tbo dog, and tbo boy ho lot bavo bim, accidoutly shot him. Chrjoy in fooling bad. MiBs Cora Ch'f, a nioco of Mih CS V Tiindnoy, and who Bpont a number of months in Kod uiotiu at varioim tiiiieH, wuh murricd WodncHday, to a prominent young gentleman in Minnchota. liu; Ciiiki' oxtonds congratiilatioiiH. UnllV llalr Heuuwer in prouounoed the bent preparation mndu for tbicketilng tlif growth of thu hnir, nud restoring that which in gray to iu original celor. Last wook Tub C'iui.k bad a mnnll ar tlclo in itB column iu lolatiun ton little fracas Unit occurred a fow nigbtH ago, which ono of tbo partioHintoioHted took umbrago. Tbo article wiih intended moro iih a burlcHiiuo than a reality, and tho writor did not intend doing any ono an injustice. Tiik Ciiiki cIooh not wil lingly or intentionally lend Hh columns to any Hiibjoct that oroatoH dinHontion or bard fooliugH, but iiIwiijh aiuiH to cater to tbo public interest, Experience and money cannot improve Jfr. Snwyer'a Family Cure, bconnao it Ih a porfeot oure fur DynpopHia, Mver com plaint, Kidney dilllciilly and constipation. Deyo & Orlco. Our public schools hnvo for hoiiio tiiuo inaguratcd the most stringent measures to prevent tardiness, and tbo following will explain bow sue oissful tlio I'rincipnl and teachers bavo been. Miss Delia SohaHiniu teacher in room three of the south school has had remarkable success in that direction, having tauu'ht fourteen Huoooseivo weeks without ono single cato of tardiness. Helow wo give tho names or tho pupils in that room: ltulph Too, Walter llatlield, Hoy I'liolpH Gcorgo Staploton, Hoy Oat man, Nellie Clark, Nellie Duddlcy, Nellio Fort, Dor.i Fincher, Carrie Guilford, Nettie Mittix, Nellio Slier man, Kthol Suotlgrnss. arl Birkner, Willie Kuruos, Wiliio Finchor, Man rioo Groat, Frank Leake, Car'. Martin, John lludd. Victor Seott, Guy Tooth aorc, Harry Hajlcs, Walter ilohnson, Maud Clinm', Hlanelio Conovor, Mary Maker. Hollo tinmen. Mary Hunt, itlnud MoVuy, Winnio Shot man, Jen- nio Kuopp. Dr. Sawyer's l'axtilles until in timo will nn.n niiV cane of (finale wetikueM. A fn sample pnoknge cau be luul from the rot lowiug nnmed dmmfUt Deyo A. (Jrice. Tbo ladlefl of tbo Webster county auxiliary to tlio Columbian exposition will meet at tho reBidonco of Mth U A ii.,rUnr. cm Snturday December HI. 18!;i o two o'clock p in , to consider tbo ltnuldiBlx'sition of tbo exhibits iecentl returned from Chici.go. Mas H. A IlMtKi.ii n ruriilalivd ly Our ounty CorrcanoiHlciitH. lilno Touiulilp. Woatber miito cbanireabU'. Hert HiekorHon tipont Saturdny and Sunday with IiIh nistor, iMrH. T. Morton. C'lins Turner and brother captured a raccoon last week that weighed iKlbn. MrH. Iasw Hummel will Imvo next Friday to visit her mother in Iowa. Klmer Fogg is tbo happy papa of a bouncing baby girl; mother and girl nrobotb doing well. Mr. John Turner is papa of n big liuby boy; mother and son aro doing well. The danco at Mr. Koiglo'a In honor of their son, while paying thorn n visit, wns a success as reported by all tbnt nt tended. Charllo Turner and Frank Street furnish excellent music. L. A. Mask iih who has beenvcry siclt for Homo timo with rbouinatism is elow ly recovering. Wright Williamson is able to bo out again. Ai.piiauktta. 4'itthertt'ii. NowHBcarro anil Christinas near. Mr Lotnor has purchased tho old homo stead of grandma Cathcr. consideration e'joix). Mr F K 1'aynoand D 11 Larrick woro iu Hiverton ono day Inst week. Ottorbein Harney Is quite sick at this writing. HMFGrubb and D H Lnrr'ck each lost a calf Inst wook by tbo stock route. Miss Hlancli Catber was doing bus! nesB in Hcd Cloud u couple of das hist week. Mending and repairing wind-mills, is tho order of tbo day in this vicinity Mr Frank lleun of Hatin and best girl of Otto attended church at Cathorton Inst Sunday Other young folks attend ed nlso. Mr John I'otorfion, one of Catborton's most enterprising fanners, is feeding about 100 bond of young cnttlo for -tbo market Ho hasalso built an addition to bis house Oi.o Doors. WANT COLIJMjV. j DOfl I.()Sr-U?tit,urlnlle taouud, rmnll slit In ilclitrnr. 1'nrty hatinit Mm will return nuil nave Irotilil. Karnest Ilronn, Kod Uloutl. SKA'l KS Hliarnened and rrptlrrd utthehop of TVin. Il.diwiti, dliectly west and near l.lnchcv'i ikntlni; pond. WANTKD-tlie tnrmhen of (larneld 1'nsl ' No. mill. a. IE.iIiik'xkI ilandlOK to inert ill 7:io at tlielr IihII, fur the purpoienf o'ectlim ulllceri fur I lie ensnlna year. S. fl. Kler, 1' C, N rANTl'.l) To crlnd yuur sclsiori. Hutch- iiimiii s u.iruer Biiup. IOK HAI.IC-A Keod hore, apply ut tliliplllce. WrANTKIl-AMieclalmeetlne of Hie Itrilcf " Conimlttceof the Cliurcliej of Ken (loud next Mnndjr Dec. lstli at 4 n'rlork n. in. lit the orTlcr of thu Muiierlntenileiit of 1'uMlo InMruc- tlon, nt the court-hoine I). i in. iitttin o InMruc- M. Hunter l'rei. Illiulcu. Mr. Dimmickof HluuJIill wiih on our streets Tuesday. Mr. Jerry Howard of Wichita, Kan., !h viHitiug friends hero. Hov. Snow and Mr. Sholtenkirk have bei'ii numbered with thu Hick. Mr. A. Willinum Iiiih Hold his farm and will probably i cumin lieio. Mr. O. Andrim who went toTouis last spring Iiiih returned to God'H country. Wch Hyle, after an alisenco of sovoral weeks, returned to llluden Monday. Quito a number of folks from llluden attend church at Harmony bcIiooI house Sunday evening. Mr. Hicbniond of tbo Ciiikk force was shaking bands with friends and looking after tho interest of thnCniKK this week. Hanker McLaughlin has purchased a St. Hernard pup, which ho will train to guard tho interests of tho bank nights. Tho Fditorof tbo Campbell Press was iu town Wednesday; ho has hoiiio thought!) of starting a paper iu this place, and wo hope ho will. W II I (oilman sold bis stock of gene ral merchandise and ntoro to Hartmnn and Hurton, but ubon it camotopigning tho pup.TB Mr. 11 wasn't there, lie did as tho craw lislt backed out. Sec Myers top Mr up tho llullii. Win. Ilrotbauer will rido in a now buggy. 11. Wilson Iiiih Rbelled IiIh corn; Iteynolds did tbo Hholling. The school board Iiiih lived school house in district ll'l. Mr. Marker and l'liillips woro hauling onts to Hod Cloud for A. X. Wilsn last Saturda'y. Mrs, Wisecnrvor is visiting iu Otto Some of tho young folkn attended preaching at Cathorton on Sunday. Hov. Fendrics was visiting with bis brother on Sunday. Mr. Cooper and family and C, Ware woro the guests of II. Wilson Sunday. Mr. 11. Wilson of Otto Iiiih been visit ing at Mr. Crabib's lately. Finery and Fvorott lienn wont over to lOwicH on inislncHH iMoiKluy. Mr. Crabill and tho Sorgensen boys houi several rat catllo to .Mr. Jtunter or Inavalo lately. Marly last Saturday morning, Mrn. Sidilek paswd away to her etornai homo Her death wan a shock to her friends and neighbors. Sho leuen tlvo childien to mourn her loss. Her husband had passed on beforo her. Sho was laid to rest on Sunday. Tbo family bavo the HMiipathy of tho entire community in their sad bereavement. There was a party at Mr. Clnience Wilson'H hiHt Friday night; the oveniug was spent in games of different kinds, when at a late hour tbo guests were called into thu dining room and seated at tho table, which was laden with man) good things to out, and after supper the guestH departed for their many homos. All repoit a nice timo Dan Tuckkis. IIvikIiicIiv and liullKcMion Can bo cured. If you don't beliovo it try iiegg's Little (Haul l'illn. Sold nud war ranted by Do)o A Orice. Olio. Thanksgiving day wiih observed in tbo school house in District (!(i. Furmoi h l.avo enough corn to food and u little to sell. Stock is doing unusually well this win ter. Largo barns bavo been built by A Oisen and J HringelHon. 1 Hud people living peacefully and good will prevails among all. Vikinii. Ladles: Tlio druggist named below will give yon a freo sample packaguof Dr. Saw yer's I'astillf. They are tho effectual ro mediosfor thoctiroof all diseases peculiar to woman. Deyo & Oricc. Aiuhoy. Wo aro having nice weatbor Mr and Mrs Crispin, of Salem South Dakota, aro visiting at Mr(i W linker's. Some of tho young folks of Ainboy at tended church in Hcd Cloud Sunday. Miss Trachworth and cousin of Guido Hock were visiting MrnC FriHbie Sunday Hert Newberry and Oscar Patmoro were in Amboy Sunday. Mr FriiHo'H little girl was quite hick Inst week. Sdkds. Ladies: For discuses of women you will And Dr. Sawyer's 1'astilleH will rench the dllllculty directly and constitutionally bet tor tlinuutiy other remedy. Deyo fc drier. Ladles: If you Imvo headache, pain in the back, nervousness or any of those dis enstn peculinr to your sex, do not fnll to try Dr. Snwyer'a Pastilles. Deyo k Orlco' CashDryGoodsHouse We have a beautiful line of HOLIDAY GOODS ... . 1 : "i.M T tiy S "V I We invite everybody to come and see them as we think we can please you, Sow Try Thin. It will coat you uothing and will surely , vou good, If you hnvB n Cough, Cold. d0 you good ot nny Long anteed to give paid trouble wltli iliront, unesi or Dr. Kings fiuw uiscovery for ur ba roBsumptlon, Coughs and Colds is Ri Co?J " "Ttn aivo relief, or money will haek. SulfererB from Mi urlppe Fnd it Jont tho thing ord under its uho J,0. JJ .needy and perfeot recovery. Try .niB bottle R our eitJiino iiuu ivurii ? Yourself just how good n thing it i. J?r!.yi bottles free ntC. I,. Cotting'd drug a.r,Bl borne nnd store, ij"'",, . MoMP,e, llulr Curler VB.D the Hir n 0,"1 'he dnmpest V?mkep n )oU)e ,tjTe, p South Side. Tlioro will boa union Christmas tree at tlm Pleasant Dale school bouse Sat in day evening December -I, to which oerlKdy is invited. Como and bring your presents. Miss IJIuucho Sherman nud Mr. I lee ry Hichmond worocallorHat Mr. Haskins last Sucday; thoy also visited Pleasant Dale Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. (V ;thrio attended quar terly meeting Sur. iv. .mi-, ami irs. ,, "iington nave re turned. i agin. . Wo aro sorry tov th t, , Wli"kiiis is no bettor. ' Mr. John li" . ,.,. wn with thoscarle' .tPmarked-,..' A duuVll" way in tho ,o Keagles Friday articular comer of t',r WJI, HiehaidVioco bud peeled otT, 3 iloasant timo was ciaro of course phi) 'd. pace there ' 'i.diui. iiicin it mii "IIACII'' ...llll Kansas Iowa StlllMt Sarah Mclntyro was tins WOOK. TbomiiH Finnoy is visiting in turn weelt. J I-. (I raves will farm tbo Joo Oroen place near Hoseniont next year. Win llrittou was visiting in Nelson this week. There will bo u Christmas tree at tho Kokloy church. Church horvicoH at tlio church at 10 a. in. SlMI'sO.V. 4iSiirlU'l(l. A If Harris has moved into bis new house. John Clark gave n danco in his now house which netted hiui$lK. A spelling and arithmetic school was given at tho Wagner school housuFri lay mgm; every tniug wont on smooiiuy Tbo young peoiilo amused theuiholves idu night in district -111 by spelling etc. riot Ui niner was around list week Jons nnd presented Mr Stanser with " Harp. John Dougherty has a dish washer, usual avoirdupois f Silas Viera will movo to Kansas next spring John Kurner willgivo a lent lire Fiiday December l-r, ut tbo school bonsn in dis trict HI Subject: "Outline- of the men tul faculties. I'at. Dr. Snwycr's Family Cute euros Stomnoli troublo. Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure cores LIvor coin plaint. Dr. Sawyer's Family Caro cmes Kidney ditllcully. Dr. Sawyer's Fiiniily (Jure ciires Dowel trouble. Slulc IJne. Tho lino weather is very good for tho stock and tbo small grain. JC Foutz and family aro getting bet ter now. Cecil Foot is on tho flick list. Tho United Hrotbron will bold quar terly meeting at Mtipel CJrovo church DeuKi-lTth. Win Stanton is still very low. Miss May Henderson tbo oldest daughter ot Clinton Henderson died Sunday morning and was buried Dec llth. Sho was nn accomplished young lady, and was well liked by all who knew her Six young ladies acted as pall bearers, and the sermon was preached in the FrientlH church. Her father wiih to sick to attend tho funeral Tho family bavo the Byinpath of all tho community Coin Hinard daughter of L A Hinurd Died Dec llth anil was burled Dec. 12th at North Hrancli. Her death was very unevpeted as she attended school last Friday. Sho wiih a veryattractivochlld and will bo greatly missed by all her school-mates. Dr. Snwyer's lMimily Cure is the result of long oxpurieuce, skill ind honesty. Try it and you will lie convinced that it is a positive euro for nil Stomach, Liver, Kid ney and bowel dillleiilty Doyo . Orice. Onu l.iuly Sujh I hnvo bo:n troubled for yonrn with n hacking cough. Hnvo hnd many doctors and tried fifty cough euros. I grow worse nil tho time. I tried Parks' Cough Syrup aud found immediate relief. It begins nt tho bottom of thu dlseaoo and I know it is tho best cough remedy on tho market, Itefer nny sufferer to Mrs. W. J. Fnhoy. Le Hoy, N V. Sold by C. L. Cottiug They aro bend and should ubovo any. thing wo bavo yot offered. Golden Kngle Clothing House. ! Lndies: You will find Dr. Snwyer's Pastilles tho most effectual remedy for fe male weakness, pain on top of the head nnd lower pnrt of the back, til ono tired feeling. Deyo t Once. W. WJ Wright is tho man that in augurated low prices in Hod Cloud and is still maintaining them. Sou him for all kinds of bnrdwaro stoves, etc. Don't forget! That's what Urowu's wife called out to him dou't forgot to gut n bottle of Hal- ler'i Harsaparilln, its so uico. For sale by Dey Si Orice. Mrs. Francis bought n sowing mauhino this week of S. K. Ladles: Do not sitter with pain en ton of tbo head nnd in tho back or with any of tlio-o distressing diseases, when Dr. Saw yer's Pastilles will absolutely nnd positive ly cure you. Dopo it Orice. Mrs. McCartney bought nn Fstoy organ of S. K. Cozad thin week. Plush sets Silk throws rVool Mufflers Do you know that the Weguian gallery Xiuas presents: Photos taken at uiako tho nicest For Farm Loans IMward Shepherd, Harrisburg, III., hnd a running sore on his leg of eight j oars' standing. Usid three bottles of Klectrio lilt erH nnd seven boxes of Ihiekleu's Arni ca Halve, and his lug is soand nnd well. John Hpoiiker, Cutawaba, O , had tlvo largo Fever cores on his leg, doctors said ho was incurable. Ono bottle Lleotriu Hitters and one box llucklen's Arnica Salve riiicd him entirely. Sold by C. L. Cottiug Druggist. Wo aro now prepared to send tho X. V. Tribune and 'I'm: Cim.rouo year to any address for 81.'J."). Hotb papers aro classed among tho greatest, and those who invest their money this way will bo sure to got value reciovod. Do not delay. When diseases peculinr to women are allowed to run they become ditlleult to euro. Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles will positively euro long standing aud dif ficult o.ises, Doyo , Orice. .laro'A Iljuk'iic ITiulcrucar proventH sudden chills, rbeumntism, nnd is n safe guard against la grippe. For sale only by Golden Fiiiglo Clotbiig House. Spi'cliui'ii 4'nMVN. B. II. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis. wns troubled wiih Neuralgia nnd Illieumotism, his Stomach war disordered, his Liver was affected to an alnrmiug degree, nppotite foil awny, nud ho was terribly minced in lleshniid strength, TlireobottlesflL'leo trio Hitlers eared him, " C'oiikIi! CoiikIi! :oii;li! If you wnut to, bnt if you desiro to stop, get n bottle of Iiegg's Cherry Cough Syrup. It will stop your eongh iu tlvo minutes. Sold and warranted by Deyo &. Oriao. Fresh oysters every day ut Cahnes' bakery. lino Hallor's Barb Wiro Liniment for nil cuts on cnttlo and horses; it in the best on earth. For sale by Doyo fc Orlto. Plush toilet cases, Work baskets, Silk Mufflers, Silk, Linen and cotton Hank'rc'fs Woqlenand Cotton Hosiery, Wool Mittens an d GIoacs, Blankets and comforts, Wool Dress Goods, Cotton Dress Goods, Ladies Jackets, children's Cloaks, Dolls and lots and lots of toys for the little ones. We can save you money on your Holiday Purchases, G. A. DUCKEE & CO. lied Cloud Produce Co' Price LInI. Monogram Hour 81 10 WhitoLoaf 1 10 High Flight fit) HakerB TK) Huckwheat 10 Uyo 25 Graham 'Si Corn nieul '2."i Hran Cm Shorts "") Chopped feed 7." Onto .TO Corn tTi Freo delivery. IICKR"' Cherry Cough Syrup. Ihu greatest and best Cough Syrup. It will relieve a cough tiuioker, surer and moro effectually than nny thing on the market. Sold and warranted by Doyo & Orico. tho No matter what ho claims to be, man wno does nothing is nothing. All HlN Tllllt PlIlH Aro good for are treated moro success fully by Parks' Tea. Is not n cathortio: no griping or pain, yet moves the bowols overyday. Sold by C. Tj. Cotting. Tbo truth n bad man hates is tho truth that bits bim hi the fnco. IIU ftecoiid Wire Told him tho secret of her good health, Sho used "Parks' Tea" every night. Sold by C. L-. Cottiug. Finding fault with others is only n round about way of bragging on your self. A Dead Open mid Slant And no foolishness. Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup wi'.l euro whore nil others fail. Sold nnd warranted by Doyo & Orice. The mistake of a moment may bo tho sorrow of a life timo. It Cure Park's Cough Syrup euros Colds, Coughs, Croup and Whoopiug Cough Thu standard homo remedy in thousands of families for nil liiug diseases, Gunrnn teed by C. L. Cotting. Over Post Office Dr Sawyer's Family Cure cures dyspepsia Dr Sawyer's Family Cure cures bilieusnes Dr Sawyer's Family Cure cures kidney dlf tlculty Dr Sawyer's Family Care cures Constipa tion tf Wheat . Corn . . . Onte.... H: market lleport. (Corrected Weekly.) ,............. itye . . Wax . i noftjri 21 20 i!5 7li Hogs 1 ft)ft4 (0 Fat cows l wit 0(1 Mutter 10 ERRS 18 Potatoes 7i Chickens dor. 2 00 Turkeys lb. 0 Polrio Henry once Bnid, "flivo mo lib erty or give me death" folks nowdnys don't talk so foolish, they sny "Give mo Ealler's Huro Cure Cough Syrup or I will Hi..'1 It nmeuntr to the same thimr. Pnr snlo bv DeTO it GtlCO, 1 C. L. COTTING, Merry Christmas JS Will Surely come to all who buy 3 their Christmas goods of 2 jS C. L. Cotting. 5 s Our line of Toys, Games, j gg ' Cups and Saucers, Toilet Sets, 52 t Manicures, Books, Ablums 52 Anil Fancy CJoods is Larger, Hotter and Cheaper 35 than ever before. S Our Sales on Dolls j S; Arc lieller Hum wo Imvo ever luul, for wo Imvo Hie J 5l l.tirKiNt Vnrlcly uiul Hie I,owet I'rleen Hi the ZZZ g; oily. Wittcli our mIiow wiihIowh Tor luirguiiiN. fc C. L. COTTING. Timm m m m m HiniHininininiHiU G. A. HARRIS' CASH STORE wil COWLES, NEBRASKA. An estttblisheti fact with mo is that thu CiihIi Sy.stem work, ami I am still selling goods, Jielow are a few of my bargains: 18 pounds Granulated Sugar. 20 " Good Itaisins, L'O " Currants, . 7 " Oatmeal. .... 25 bars Soap, .... 8 pounds lino reaches, . ... 8 " Evaporated Apples, . . Gloss and Cornstarch, . packages, .... New Fairfield Sorghum, per gallon, 20 yards Calico, . . . 25 spools Thread, best. . .... 1 pound Ground Peppor, 124 yards liest Uiuglinm, ... Mixed Candies, . . .... Anil until)- other reduced rlcn, anil Kcicrul ill toil, nil's uru cioNU. Call at G. A. Hanip' Cash Store, whom you can got tho moat goodB for your hard earned money, and wlioro you do not have to puy for somebody else's goods 1. 00 1 00 1 00 25 1 00 1 00 I 00 25 45 I 00 I 00 25 1 00 10 ! S "i .. -mmiWittMt?tuiQjijgfq !Kliyag,agTC yrq