The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 15, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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Something New at Red Cloud
A place where you can buy your Groceries at Wholesale Prices.
R. M. Martin & Son will positively undersell any Grocery House in Webster county.
A few prices mentioned below FOR CASH ONLY:
Sugar, Granulated, 18 for $1.00
Sugar, Granulated, New Orleans, - IS for 1.00
Soda Crackers, very best, 1-2 " 25
Oyster " " " - V 1-2 " 25
Oatmeal - - 0 " 25
Beatrice canned corn, per can 10
.Beatrice canned tomatoes, - " " 10
.Beans, - - "" " H
Peas, - "" " . 10
California peaches, apricots and pears, " " 18
Peaches, very line, . ... " " 12 1-2
Prune, California, clean and new, 11 and 15lbs 1.00
Dried apples, . . 12 1-2
Currants, 20lb.s 1.00
Raisens, .... 23lbs 1.00
Horseshoe tabadco, . . per lb 42
Pure ground pepper, . . " " 28
Best soap, .:..., 0 bars 25
Pearline, 0 boxes 25
Jellies, , per pail 05
Molasses, ' " " 05
7 pounus nice fresh buckwheat, . . . 2.1
In fact a full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries. All new
and fresh troodn will be found at our store.
Goods promptly delivered to all parts of the city.
Ladies and Children's Wraps.
AVe have a line assortment of Cloaks and Jackets.
All New Goods, Now Styles and New Colors.
Overcoats at away down prices. Must be
cleaned out regardless of cost.
See them ! Try them ! Buy them !
Our line of Dress Goods is superior to any
other house in Webster county.
Sue our nobby line. They are all right for ((Utility, quantity
and price.
Ladies and Children's Hose.
All colors, all styles, all prices, all fast colors.
Very cheap during this sale.
See our Fancy Goods,
See our Mulllers,
See our Silk Handkerchiefs,
See our elegant lino of Cotton Handkerchiefs.
In fact, our entire stock is marked down very
low and you can't fail to be suited.
Turkeys, chickens, butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods.
A. C. IlosMKit, lMltor.
LAiroYTAir. Asst Uieal Editor.
Supervisor' Proceeding.
A J Tomlineon j-iilo- ftet
H lliijrlfft ccroicri fees
l)r(i E McCVebjr nioiUcul fees
I WTiillejrs Bi'illcal fea
0 S UarkornttjN fci
It llf.Mtt Ht!j foot
C II ("tone fees
II 1 !( witucsM in iiiHuno rmo
J K Hutu
,loli Coebrtin
It W Cuchriili
!en Harm a
A II Aloxumler rejected
Kntlc Alcxamltr rcjicted
', I'firiien credit un tux
Julia A Knox
Sarah Miilplijr
J MutUck
Stephen Corod cridit untaxes
John rultiior
lletir Dli.ilividi)
J W (larl crllwr) far itisunu
K II Elliott (oi MatilufCfH
(I rcuth.-rjumr
(I W Miiileinrt'tii Juror
I) K lliiiui') Jiuor
i (iciR'l en Juror
II Y Muy Juror ,
WJ Malliotij- Juior
(i J llnrkcr juror
I! Elliott
(I ECo.u tliuritri cohtn
Y I'liunl) wltuffH feus
J M Itobtnsnn wltneMi fees crun tax..
J H Mnrnk ultiuss leei
Jos IlurrlH Jury
Joint Dunbar jury
Jiiuu'H Ulcer Jury
tli'ii EIiIjh jury
I. (iridium jury
TJ Wii'iijui
8 Miller coiiMuble
A rjahidci) Jury
.1 Wt'orbo: jury ...
Jo'ili Eiiuuick July
Ziiek Uurni'HJiiry
Oh is I'rieli) Jury
(I W li.itkrrjiiry
CiiiiIukUiiiii witnem lejetted
1 1'llS liOUltlleSIJ
(,' It Crone fees
C A Teol Arnold cnsii
Trunk )l( Uctniun vvltnei-s
Henry WiiKimur w linens
$ 212 60
ii S5
111 00
J I 00
0 CO
:i on
8 311
a so
a 40
a :o
a no
a 00
u m
2 oo
y oo
1 50
a at
a so
2 Co
a -5
1 oo
1 oo
1 00
1 00
1 OO
1 00
a 115
1 10
1 10
t 10
I oo
1 00
I 00
1 CO
1 00
1 oc
1 oo
I to
1 Q0
I no
. 1 oo
I 00
. - 1
JW 25
7 2
0 50
WE MonU:uiici ilupUheiiir 14 50
KiiId VIcrM witnisi
KV MerMtllnrncredlron tux
Jl Knwlaml wltnihK
H E Iltiiklmw witness..
Adiiiu timber wit new ,
Arclilo VieritwituesH
Cora Dexter witness
rcrryl.iiiitlirop witness
TE IVnniiut witliomi
M Vance vltnres credit on tux
Hoy Hutchison wltDeeeredlt en tux..
A Morliart wttnecH
EO EarkHJuxtlcoUrit
U E Coou flierlU fee ......
4 n
4 20
4 2
4 20
i 10
'J 10
2 10
2 10
7 00
11 05
V M IteoJ witness Clnrk caso 4 lu
(' E Winfrey wttiicsscicdltud on tax. . U 10
Y V llndley witniM :t "5
W II Hull Wilms I 10
C M CnlmcsultnoMt 4 10
Van llcuton wltm a fee, Clark case. . . 1! 10
Win MuAtoy witncsH feeH " 10
A II Pierce, witness 'J 50
Alrn Alil'lcrcn witness 2 'M
JW McCluren wltlitSKcrtdlt on tux.... 4 l'l
Jnn Dully fees 10 2'i
11 1) ltminey fees S4J TO
C II ill one postitKo expenses 13 M
AC llosiuerprintiiiiftlckets Ill) 50
Hub 1'rlutint; Compiiny plintltiK M
B tnt iJ on mill prlutliiK '
Lliii'olu l'rlntlnx Co pilntitiK -
I W Tullcyii medical services 18
II I. Hopkins postngu etc 2 21
D M lluliter postiiKu and ollieo v.p lu US
C'IiIciiko Hildo and Iron (-'(abridge
nt (illldu lloek 77KO
M C I'ultoli brldtiti wiirk 10 75
W II Suwjer btiduowork ftU 5u
1 HeiuirlcU work on bridge at 50
II HIIoUlrudKolirldKHwark Ki
John Anderson Mn k irdon tux 0 50
I' E I'.iju wkou briilRO cron tu 12 75
Jus MeCoj briiuu work credited on tux a 75
llJE'iiubrlcoht brdu work erdt on tux.. a
Sihu It Vient brdif work erdt oil tux,.,. 12 25
Ui Ilhuikcnbuker 17S
T.I Illunkenbaker lirld)towork 5
ON Illuiikcnbaktr brido work 2.1 V0
John 1'ox lirKork crou tux 4 50
A Y Cox biKwk cron tnv 100 2'i
EJ Lokrhlnd br work 21 20
I II Hummel hiuttk... El Go
I) llillleliowd-buwii 20 10
l'jiter IledK Kwk 1 25 (loll b(f work 112 03
SJ Whlttlel btfwk mw
C W Itlnker ti(j wk a: M)
Milium HoldredKuliKWk M 25
II 111'ultoilbKwk 12 25
W E MuntKumerybirwk 20
I" W Btudebiikcr be wk 1
liWilniuutbtrnk 10 50
A A l'hlllpHUtfwk cron tux 2 50
Tr.ulers EiimhcrCo lumber etc t7U 57
I'latlulid l'nes lumlieruudcoal '.'Ml 40
A Mmlmrt liurdwuru 48 31
C IK'oli'iimu H 2J
Wlllcox & McMUlelipllutlUK 100
J E(ll(eiil('cprlutlli 81
l'liink Kuihn siire)itiK B
John tiewell Koodo for poor cr ontax.. ao
AuiitiBt Zcrwcklifc'O 10
lleury Cuokpupplli'H ilj 70
J II Cutr worktn wulkH 0
1) Kcshler work on w.ilks I)
A M.Aiiltz fpci aio
W J I'crry phiHtt riiiK court huuid cr on
E A Youhk icpalrlnK locks and nult cr
Hurvey Vincent pnlntliii! court Iiuho..
Y ECoblornntnsslnKclectlon returns.
J A Tulle) n CiiiiMissliik' election rutur.ia
0 E Evans oil for J. ill
Win Pi.rUMilcln
W V Ki'IIoku com on locfttlnj,' roud... ,
DivlKlit.loiUH supplies for IiiIiIkc
Amboy MIIIIiikCo
liDOutmiui bonrdlhujury
l'unuiu 1'ottn cutiMif pnuper
Towers ii I.yon luindciilln
WD IlnrneH linndllutf lumber
J W Moor rent count) JiuIko'i olllce....
(' Ii CottiiiK puliits for court Iioiino,,..
(I ECconntttmlanco com t
Jnd Whltu juror
l'l. ltolfo Juror
8 binipilnt junn ,
M II Marsh supplies
1'. Crow t.'l.'J0, JutnuH Amuck
15 10, '.. UurncH l'J.(X) credit on tux.
JosupV IIujiBht 15,(i0, J. 1J. Croior 15.70
credit on tn-, llurllun ParkB lt.80 credit
on tux, 0. 1). llurvey 15.10, T. C. llucker
10.00. JoBopli Mills 1.1.50, K, T. Whito
1U.10, JohcjiIi CSruvt'8 10.10, John Heiin
1!).0(), Kd. Simpson 11.70 credit on tax, tl.
L. Kinker 15.20, Porter Hedfjo 14.20, C.
Xorrifl 10.20 credit on tax. Josoth Wat-
boii 15.00, credit on tax, 12. P. Fanlida
15.10. Allen Ajres 8.(XI credit on tax, l
Houchin 8.00, V. 11. Fuller ti.00. Mull
Sherman 15.00 credit on tax, Sylvester
Day 0.00, F. Hradhrook 'J.O0.
J. F. Watt 1.00, J. S. Lament 1.00, .1.
W. KobiiiHou 1.00, W. 11. Cramer 1 00, J.
Werner 1.00, L. PimnKcr 1.00, C. D.Kob
Insun 1.00, Win. Suliultz.meHRenffer 8.20,
John Wilholnison 1.00 ci edit on tav, (i.
F. Miller 1.00 credit on lax, I2d Parks
1.00 credit on tax, W. F, KiBlier l.OOcrcd.
it on tax, 15. F. HikIhoii 1.00, L. 1. Wells
mcBseiiKer, 8.00, W. H. Patterson 1.00,
Jas. lliewor 1.00, G.W.Snyder 1.00, T. T.
Lacy 1.00, W. H. Xorrin, messon(,'er 45.80,
John Hoeech 1 00 credit on tax, I). Foo
P. Conover 1.00, F. N. Richardson 1.00
credit on tax, J. 11. Hailoy 1.00, Samuel
West 1.00 credit on tax, Sam Teinnlo
1.00, C. W. Limk'Krcon, messenger, 8.00
credit on tax, A. A. Philips 4.00, G. K
Hungleson 1.00,11. C. Wright 4.00, Kd
Simpson 4,00, C. Sliutss 1.00. A. W. Hoi
iuKrain 4.00, Geo. Ailes 1.00. John Fox
1.00, Jacob Kindschur 7.50 Isaac Crow
1.00, Jacob Sovorna 1.00, G. II. Michels
1.00 credit on tax, M. Johnson, messon-
er 0.70, It. 11. Pitnoy 1.00, T. J. Ulunkcn.
baker, niessoiiKer 7.20, T. F. Jones 1.00,
G. F. Kinker 1.00, A. W. Cox mesaeci-or
8.00, A. I). Uaker 1 00, Win. Morrow 1.00,
John Walz 1.00, Potor Hill mesBeiiKer
7.:) credit on tax, J. 12. Putten 1.00, L.
P. Hummel mcsBonuor 050, Win. Van
Dyke 1.00 credit on tax, Joo Saladen 1.00
ci.KiiKH rnr.s.
H. W. liajli'H nicf"Beiif,'rr 7.20 credit on
tax, L. Do Tour 1.00 ciedit on tav, Jas.
Ilarton messoiiKur 0.80, C. II. Kust
1.00, F. C. Iluschow 1.00, J. 12. Xau
1.00 dredit on tnv, W. P. Kennedy mes-
Bungor 0.10, I2d Mutcalf 1.00, It. Whito
1,00, W. 11. Guthrlo 1.00, O.O. Stout mos-
seiiKor 8.50 credit on tax, Geo Hito 1.00,
Chits, llrubaker 1.00 credit on tax, W.G.
Wolfo 4.00, T. J. Ward 1.00 croditon tax,
W. 11. Hoby messenger (1.00. J. A. Till.
loyB ineBsenger 0.10 credit on tax, J. It.
Wilcox 1.00, W. J. Matheny 1.00, J. O.
Itiloy -1.00 credit on tax, J. It. Laird
8.50 credit on tax, Geo. G. Popo messen
ger 0.70, W. A. ltut 1.00(1. H. I'ayno 1.00,
W. II. PoHtlewaito 1.00, H. 11. Holdo
rldgo 1.00,;o. P. Pitnoy 1.C0.M. O. Fulton
1.00 credit on tax. Frank Stokes 4.00
:i ,w
12 12
II 10
42 20
21 CS
11 70
I 20
15 10
Shottenltirk 1.C0, John A. Pojer 1.00
C. 12. Putnmn 4.00 crodit on tax, It. Tur
ner 1 00, I2d Amack 1.00, W. I). McNitt
for agricultural society IKiTXi,
J. F. Watt 75.00, J. Kindschor 28.20. A.
Sprachor l.'I.lO, W. J.Wright 20.80, P.
Zimmerman 75.8.J, 12. II. Foo 10.00, W.
11. NorriB 10.0r., A. W. Holingrain 15.10
G. W. Iluinmeli 15.70, J. Garbor 27.00, It.
C. Hest l.'l.'.K), H. H. Fulton 17.20, G. P.
Cather 15.75, m. Itona 17.05, A. McCall
1(5.10. A. II. Hoffman 21.00, G. 12. Coon
sheriff fees 10.75 rejected, Stephen Hay
Iosb' feoB 4.20 rejected, Stephen liayles'
fees 1.80 rejected, Traders Lumber Co,,
for difference on sliinglcR 5.00 rejected,
C. 1). Orono fees 5.00 rejected.
Motion to reconsider votu on claim of
H. 11. Holdridge, motion carried.
Moved and carried that claim of A. J.
Means for fecH in statu case bo rejected.
Motion to allow bill in full as present
ed, motion lost.
Moved and carried that claim of O. 11.
Crone for fees in stato v s Moranvillo bo
Moved and carried thut claim of J. M.
Ohallin for 85.00 bo rejected for certili
cato of court.
Moved and carried that claim of Trad
eis dumber Co., for 65.00 be rejected.
For a floro throat there it nothing but
tor thnn a llnnnel bnndngo dampened with
Chnmberlnln's Pnin Dalm. It will nenrly
always edict n care In one niuht's time.
This remedy is also a favorite for rheu
matism and has cured many very sovero
caso. GO cout bottles for sale by Deyo &
If I should fail to buy my
Christmas Presents
Deyo & Grice,
f you want a lino Christmas presort
S. 12. Cozad's sewing machincQ and
When Baby wm Iek, wo gftTO her Cutorl.
When bIio was a Child, nlm cried for Castorla.
When sho became Miss, tha clung to Caitori.
Wheu the luul Chlldreo, the gare them Castorla.
Mr. J.C.IIotiwoll, ono of thobost known
and most respected cltUonn of ilrawnwoud
Texas, suffered with diarrli(un for a long
timo and tried mnuy different remedies
without benolU until Oliamberlfliu'sColio.
Cholera and Dliirrluun itemedy was used;
tlm. relieved him at once. For sale by
Deyo &. Grioe.
Proprietors City
Store. ?
guhs WHftK ill rtrnii
Dett Couiib Hrup. Taale (Jutxl. U0
in lima, noia or aruiriiiiiiL
Also, a fine line of
Albums, Toilet Cases ,
Books, Trinkets,
Toys, Blocks, etc., etc.
In endless variety. Just what you want
to make the little folks happy.
Yours for, an enjoyable Christmas,
a I
0 ill credit on tax, Win. A. May 1.00, W, A.