I J 1 1 v ryjLjM JnsKTT rrK JPI BKBB H9K?W9I t k Ju WBtTlS- a Htli "mjJP1 'jPPA'' - - vistPP' V H B Pfl I PPkMDv P PPJPA 'tis PPJ WPJ PflPPPfl CcT n All Home Print. THE CHIEF IulllNlicdWcckly. Stilticrlptlon, $1 Ier Annum, Invariably In Advance II not paid In advance, after this date March 18, 18W, tlio price w 111 bo $1 .vs. Entered, at the l'ost Olflco In Itcd Cloud, Nob., as mall iimtlcrof the peeond class it.rm op AiiVRitTmivu Vrof. cards, 1 Inch or less per year W on Nix month 3 oo Three motiilii i no HTAMI1NO ADVKHrif KMKNT3. 1'er Inch ouoK.tr Si no lVr Inch tdx motitlis a oo I'cnnch tliroo month a ( Jlecliil iii-IIcih per Uuu or line space, llrat publication fl cents, Transient specials, pajable Invariably In ad ance, per line in cents. All readlni; notices In the nature of admtlso ineiitH or pwis, 6 cents tier lino. l.ccal notices nt hraliates, viz; fornsqiiaro (ten lines of Nonpareil or less,) nrst putillc.itlon 91.00; fur each subsequent publication, per square, mi cents. Ha "prelerred nosltlon" contracts mndn. I aii matter to iiisuio public a reived at this ofllco not later t n.-' Advertisements cannot bo , ' Iho current ucek later than Tl All matter to instuo publication must bote- tnan Wednesday. onlorod out for Thursday, U. A. 91. II, K. Time Tabic. , Taking effect IUC..1. Tralnscnrrjlm; p.iBseiiKeM lwie Hcd Cloud as follows: HASl' VIA HASTINGS. No. 112 l'asseniier to Hastlui; aj;30 p. m. AHKIVK. No. HI rassenscrfrom HasthiKs - 11:35 a. m. KASTVIA WYMOHK No. 10, rasseiiRi-r to St. Joseph St. J.ouls and Chlcauo dally lo:c.r a.ni, (10INO WEST. No. 15 r.isseiiKcrs tor Denver, dally, 8;15 p. in BUSI,ES CARII. Qll. JS. EMKHI, ' f Dentist, (, fi'wtpl) Nebraska 1 V Tlor'ii Furniture Store. j '. '.eeth without pain. v v.V(f 1(rulKu work it specialty. roroC '. anil all kinds o koiiI iillincs Makes f A I ubber plates and cumblimt combination iiiaies. t All work rautecd to bo first-class. I. W. '.tjLLEYS, M. D. Ilomosoputtilc 1'liyklclan, Red lund, IV'ebrasHn. Ofllco opposlto Vlrst National Bank. U. S.KxaiidnliiK MUKeou. ) Chronic diseases treated by mall. r L. WINFllEY, Auctioneer, Red Ci.oui), Nebraska. Will attend bales at reasonable figures, faction Kiinruutecd. Satis- j II. SMITH, liiMiruiit'c Aeiit, RED ULOUD, NEURARKA. I do a strictly farm inHurnnoe and invite nud invite nil to Bee mo, i pANDOLPII McNITT, ATTORNEY, Moon Block, RED CLOUD, NEB. Collections promptly nttended to. o C. CASE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Moon Block, - RED CLOUD, NEB. ColloctionB promptly nttended to, nnu correspondence solicited. D F. TRUNKEY, SPfZ Allnrney n Latv, lied Cloud, Nebraska. Office Up stairs, in Moon Block, over Fair Storo. fEO. 0. YEISER, Heal Estate, liitairiiuce and Collcetlne A;eiit, Moon Rlock, - Red Cloud, Neb Xotary l'ubllc. R P. HUTCHISON, Toiiitorlnl Arllnl, 4th Avenue, - Ri:d Cloud, Nbokaska. l'Mrst-clHHH barbers and llrot-olasa work gunruutoed Giye men call D 8TOFFER, 1 uiniuunuiv unruvi'i lied Cloud, Nebraska. I give my personal attention to my putrous. First-class shaving and hair cutting a specialty. MIAS. SCHAFFNIT, lmurance Agency virpaMlt Wriiuiii Insurance Co , rrecport, ill. Itoial nisuiancw Co., Liverpool, tfUKland. Iloino Fire Insurancn Co.. l Omalia, Nebr. l'liifnlx Assurance Co. nl liidon. hiiR. leunan Insurance Co, of (Jiilnoy. HI, J iiardlan Atu mice (!o of London, Knc m...n....i.,n iiKiiriini'HCo. of Uuillmtton. Iowa -''".- ,.. I'reeport, 111. 1 WUritish America Assiirnuco Co. Toronto, Can. y Olllco over Poatofflce. ' T7.nDT.nrJD. NlBHAlK, M '" ' 9 Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT ! Golden Eagle Clothing House ! vW s ls AV,s7V Yitf' Our Array ol Him Pnts for your inspection, you will find surprisingly large, It is Customary novv to make useful presents on these occasions. We offer IWlJlffi&tm&. Silk Handkerchiefs of all shades, and prices Linnen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and bordered. Fancy Slippers for Men and Boys. Neckwear in great variety. , . . Gloves and Mittens. Overcoats and Suits, For Men, Boys and Children. CHAS. WIENER, Originator of Low Prices. Established 1883, Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, December - us X - ."i wr of all descriptions, dot cij:ii:i,amt ih:i:sm:ss III' HANK DUNKKroUDI.K. Dor vorUinymoim dcy vode IukcI fall For Clcfelnnd, 'cuueo ho tmwore He'd amnah dot tlariiro, lumt dot drusds, Undt priiiK goot tinicH toticc more: But htirdt dimes id vuh vorceor Blulill, l-'or Clofolnnd vim von lie, Undt nil itrouiidt dot Yankee lmult, Kyr prond dor vorkmeiiB cry. A monkey dells it tomcat vonce, "Voubo lot mo dulse your paw, I Hhwcob dor HlieHnnda from dor hIuIovo, Or cIho yon wit dom raw"; Undt so dot fool cuts lcndt his paw, Vicli inndo him ((tiiukly learn How dot slinrp monkoy Rod dor nude, Undt how hoKods dor burn! ClofflHay: "Dot dnrilT Iuw'b von shdoul," But he led dot law be, Ohf I ho) hip iicommon.ticf, I'm youst so pud us ho. Ho youst fihpit on dot Geury Inw, Ho blay in Chon 1'uII'h pund, Undt in von hundort RlK-akiiif,' wiijh Insuldt dot Vunltco Inndt. Dor war Bhips doy vas linir hurdt (times; Dor nin'd no pluto so tick, But vhon you shood dem nut von fjun, Dor balls ro through dot quick. Voll, I moko now von stimuli BURgosd Vouat hour mo vhilo I Bhpuak Vhy don'd doy cover all dor ships Mit Mister Clefoland's chook? He novor vaved dot pluddy shiid, Dot shird ho nofer wore; He send a Bubsdidood to dip His own.Bhird in dor f,'ore; Vhile'pw'u pojB ngtiud on pluddy Holds Ho Bhnoak in BufT'Io town, Undt doy vat eufo "Old Glory Flnjj," Ho guts deir bensions down. O, beebloa of a glorious landt! Your chocks musd purn mid ahumo, Dot you oleedt a mans like dot To plackcn your grent namo. O, landt ohf Lincoln, audi ohf Grant; O, landt ohf VashiiiRton; O, landt voro Bhloops dot mighdy Blaine, Vuro vosyourniunhoodgono? 'JESSO. Tlio old year soon must puss away, And the now one will begin. Wo cun't get drunk on New Years doy, Because wo huvo no tin; Our friends and neighbors owe us Home, Which wo would like to got, To buy ourBolves n iunrt of rum, And get us out of debt; So please bear in mind when your in town To call nnd sottlo up. Twill help us to our sorrow drown By monkeying with the cup. WEATHER FORECASTS Fiimlftlicd ExprcHMly fur The Clilvf fur Webster County Copj rlfchtcu uy W. T. Foster. St. JobkI'II, Wo, Deo. 1.V My last bulletin gave forecast!) of tlio storm wave to cross tlio continent from December 15th. to l!Uh, and tlio next will reach the Paoiuc coast about the 20th, cross tlio western mountains by cIobo of 21st, the great central val leys from 22d, to 24tli, and tlio east ern states about the 25th. Tlio disturbing influences at dato of this storm wave will bo favorable to earthquake countries. About Deem bcr 221 the earth will rcccivo a lari;c amount of clotrical force and this uiav result in sovcro earthquakes or tlio force may pass to the earth through tlio high barometers, in which caso wo will have a severo cold wavo. Th!s ovorchurgo of electricity will pass from tlio earth again about Iho 2 IHb and January 5th and we will ex perience 'severo storms about those dales, Tlio lost storm wave of Dcccmbor will roach tho I'acilio coast about the . . r 20tu, cross tho wostom mountains by closo of tho 27ih, tbo great control valleys from tho 28th IJOth and, the oas'crn states about tho 31st. This will bo a very sevcro winter storm in the Mississippi valley about tho 29th. Warm waves will cross tho western mountaf about 20lh and 2Gtli. tho great ceutval valleys about 22d 28th the Price of The Chief. 15, 1893. and the eastern states about tho 2llli, tii'd :iuth. Cool waves will cross tho western mountains about 2!5rd and 2l)th, the great control valleys about 25th nud 31st, and the eastern states about 27ih and January 2d. TIIK l'LANKT JUl'lTKIt. In our solar system Jupiter is next in impoitancc to the sun, and among tho causes of weather changes is third tho moon being second. When at perihelion in tho sumo direction from the sun that tho earth is about October Urd it is about 21,000,000 miles nearer tho sun than when in the opposite part of its orbit. For tho above reason when Jupiter is near perihelion its intluoucc on tho earth is largely innrcascd and to that fact is due many of our serious drouths from July to December. The sun and planets nro unquestion ably great natunl magnets, electrified bodies, and their changing distances from each other certainly keep up a constant changing to thoir electrical conditions. Volntilc matter water, etc. readily evaporates when the amount of the electricity is increased and readily condenses and procipitatcs when clo:tncity is withdrawn and as Jupiter comes 21,000,000 miles nearer to tho sun and earth in a littlo less than six jears and recedes the same distance from tho earth and sun dur ing the same length of time next fol lowing it is a powerful factor in bring ing excessive rains and excessive drouths. 1 invite a study of Jupiter, not so much becausu of its astronomical- in. tcrcst as because of its great iniluenco upon the weather of our earth; from it wo can learn much about the nature of our own ntmosphcro and climatic changes, Tho average distance of Jupiter from the hun ih about '181,000 000 miles, or about three times the distance of tho caitli from the sun. It makes a revolution nrouud tho sun in 11 80 years and tho earth passes be tween it and tho sun cvory 'A)d days. Jupiter's diameter is about eleven times, its surfaco about 110 timos and its volumo 1,300 times that of the earth. Its weight, or what its wciidit would bo at tho surfaco of our earth, is reckoned 31 U times that of the earth Tho urat distance of Jupiter from tho earth largely decreases its in- tluoncc, its pull, as astronomers call it, on tho earth, and I only mention this hero in order to caution roadors against tho idea that the planets aiTcot our weather through their attraction of gravitation, or their pull on our at- mosphoto. It is tho magnetic or elec tric stream lines that go out from all theso bodies and therefore distance, or distances as wc havo in tlio solar system, have but littlo effect as com parod wilh"gravitational distances. 1 will discuss tho nnturo of planetary influences upon our weather further on. Iho astronomer.! all try to prove that Jupiter is a boiling, red-hot bodv. Nonsense Thoy sec unaccountable activity in tho clouds of that planet nothing of tho planet can hn noon but its clouds and thsy concludo that as sufficient boat cannot rcaoh the planet from the sun to uauso suuh ac tivity, therefore tho Leat must come tram within tho planet. If tliuj would explain how hct could rcaoh the earth from tho sun when all space botween tho two is ton thousand times colder than ice, common mortals wight think of aucoptiag their theo ries about Jupiter. Liver and Kidney Cure. Park's Bare Cure istheouly iuaranteeJ remedy, Its notion is quick nnd positive Willatop that backaoho and uloli-hiudnuho A poetive speoiUo for nil dlsearts of wo mon. Who suffer when it will care yon? ror.aio uy j, u. uouing. Vol.21. No. 2 Absolutely Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength Latest United States Government Food Report. Itoynl HaliliiK 1'owdcr Co. IOU Wall St., N. V. 1'ho following is n letter from Mr. and Mrs. A. Ciilmoo ronnoily of this placo hut r.ow of West Plains. Mo. Kiiiioi: Cnti-.i , Dour sir.Wo repocl fully invito joti iukI jour wifo to eonio to tint Hlllinv tiinitli mill tn In, 'I'liniil.,. .:.:..,. dinnor with im im wo nro Koinif to linvii wiiu uiriwy, vuuisoii limn, halted and roust piihHiim with oystordn-Hsini;, mincB tiio. walnut cnlte. rrnnhorrv hiiiiph. Conm and enjoy nviHitnudtihlijjo. Your iriOIHIH iUlt. AMI fllltS. A. C'AI.MKH. Tliunliovo arrUod too Into for publica tion at tho proper timo, noverthulrsH, Tn i:Cmi:r nmircciatcH the invitation and would gladly havo been present it pUHSIUIO. C'aii'l le H;uteii. Our lino of useful holiday presents Golden Kuglo Clothing llousu. i ' i When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dalton of Luriiy, RusBoll County, Knuias, called nt tho laboratory of ChaiMjotluin & c-,) Dot) MoinoH, to show them his six year old boy, whoso lifo had been saved by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, it having cured him of a very severe attack of croup. Mr. Dalton in certain that it saved his boys lifo nnd ia enthusiastic in hls.priino of tho Ilemedy. For sale by Doyo & Orico. A. It. II. Amhoy, Itcd Cloud nnd Rivorton, make us good Hour an io mndo in tho Btate. Why tiuy foreign mndo Hour when you can got jitBt as good a innko at home, and thoroby innko a hotter mnrkot for tho farniore wheat. You will lindiill lirauds inuilo at tho above mills at Mo Nitt's Produco oxchnnge. I One It To HufToring Iminnnity to tell tho great benefit my wife has reoiovod from PnrkH Sure Cure, the truly groat Liver and Kid ney Cnro. Hlio has been coustitntionally wrecked for suvernl years. Tried ovory tiling fruitlcPFly. After innoli pcrBnasion from my druggost baoked by his gnnran teo I bought a bottle of Parks' Hore Cnro and tlio rosnlts nro moro than woiulorfnl. W P. Hayes, 'J lot Joins St., Omaha, Neb Sold by (J L;CotUilF The Winner of thut Now Home Sowing Machine- will havo cuuse to rejoice. Uuesa mi tho miintior of sowls in our miunsh. Yon m tjlit bs tli Dfi. Olios. Wiener, Gold en UJ1 Ulothlntf Uoubo, . i rs j i&h ;. -ifi.oi.1