The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 01, 1893, Image 1

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'I 7TZ & -
"H'r V
All Home Print.
Published Weekly.
Subscription, - gl Per Annum,
nvnrlably In Advnnce
I( not imlil Inndwmce, after this date March
18, 18W, (lio irlco will 1)0 l.'-5.
Entered nt the l'ost Oincn In Ked Cloud, Nob.,
as mall innttcruf I be second class
Vrof.c.irds, 1 Inch or less per $0 00
nix months 3 00
Three months 2 o
1'er Inch onojciu ? 59
1'er Inch Nix months 00
l'enncli tlnen months 2 Oil
hpcclnl lu'tleis per lliio or lino spaco, nrst
piilillc.Ulnti fi ci-iits. ... ... . ,
Transient sptci.Ufl, pajablc Invariably In ad
vaine, per lino in cents.
inputs or puffs, c cents per lino
IjxvhI lintl fit Ihlm! lntts.
All rraiutiK nonces in mc n-iiurooi auvi-ruso
ntes,l7: forasnuaro
(ten linos of Nonpareil or less,) llrst publication
1.00; (or each Biibsciuent
) nrsi puoiicaiiuii
publication, per
square, wiconrs.
No "preftrrcd position" contracts niado.
All mntter tn insiiio publication must bo re
ceived nt this oflKo not later than Wednesday.
Arixcrt Ischiums cannot bo ordered out lor
tlio cunent week later than Thursday.
II. &. nt. II, U. Time Tabic.
Takliic effect Aiur. 13.
Tralnscarrjlm; passeiiKcrs Ked Cloud as
follow s:
No. U2 l'assenKer to llastlne 3.00 p. in.
No. Ht rassongcrfiom Hastings 7.30 p. ni.
No. 10, PasseiiRcr to St. Joseph bt.
I.ouls and Chlcmo dally 10:40 a.m.
hoi no wi:st.
No. IS Vasscncers tor Denver, dally, 8;19 p. in
Ked Ci.oud, - - Neiikabka.
Ovtr Taylor' Vurnltnro Store.
Extracts tenth wltliout lmln.
crown and bridKo work a specialty,
l'orcelaln Inlay, and nil kinds of gold (IIIIiirs.
JIukts gold and lubber plates and combination
All work guaranteed to bo first-class.
7 V
loiuocoimtlilr t'liyxU'lau.
Red Cnud, KcbruMta.
onicooppslte Virst National Dank.
U. H.KxatluliiKMUKCon.
ChroulrUlseases treated by mall.
111 attend salmit reitsonable figures.
lUjtlon guaranteed.
j ii. smith,
lUHiii'kuce Agent,
I do a strictly fnrrr. inanrnnoo and invito
and invite U to see mo.
Moon Block, ItKD ULOUD, NEB.
Collections promptly uttended to.
0, CASE,
Moon Block, - RED CLOUD, NEB.
Collections promptly attended to, and
correspondence eolicitod.
6rt'1 Altorupy nt Law.
Red Cloud, Kvbrnnka.
, Office Up stairs, in Moon Block,
over Fair Storo.
Real Entitle, liiMirunco
mid Collecliiir Agent,
Moon Block, Bed Cloud, Ned
Notnry Public.
p 1 I1UT0HIS0N,
ToiiNorlul Arthl,
4th Avknui:, - (Ikd Cloud, Nkbkabka.
rirst-clnss barbers mid Urst-olues work
guaranteed Giyomeacall
rnitulonuble Hitrber,
Red Cloud, NebrnNku.
I fivo my personal attention to my
pUrons. l'Mrst-class ahaving nndhalr
cuttinK n Bpcuialty. ,
liiNurauee Ageney,
Iteprpsenls . ., , ,
ileriniiii Insurance t'o , I lecport, III.
Kojnl iitsiuanco Co , l.lver"iol. HiRlnnd.
Home Flro liiMirnucn Co., ot Omaha. Nebr.
l'hanU Assiiruni o Co. et Uindon. Kn. WiiJiiq. HI.
Ouardlan Assiuauto Co., or ljudnn, Km?,
lluillnuton Insurance M. or llurlluutpn, Iowa,
llrltish America Assurniw Co. 'loronto, Can.
Ofllco over l'oatolllco.
Ukd Cloud, Nmbaska
--.- w.ri---- j " -" . v AuuivwKcrju"tf 'i:"ww-ttr7xr" T - -ir.g- i- ,-fc-- 7r-. -, ihj w - -: -. "- -i- iik; -r-aa . t .ii-i.rfwrsrH ya '.- 'zix '
T-. - ' -" ;g3K3ft- " --- - " ' - -''- SrsA Vi WCJSj "1. tr'V..St?rrV-,-v;',','r -
. .':
s-- T
'Eternal Vigilance is the
Special 1
Oct 16 i
On Saturday,
1 December 2 1
Don't miss the chance as it 35
For one day Only
Balance of 32
& TVVen's Calf 1
Men's Shoes
at Reduced prices. 2
S Don't forget the date,
1 Saturday, Dec. 2d.
Chas. Wiener, 3
The Pioneer Clothier. 25
7i U. iii UiiiiiiiUiiiiiiiiUiiiiiiUiiiiiii Hi K
Price of Liberty," and
.rrrrrrrrrK .f :.wrrrv v .r J - .rrrrrrrrB rrH - - . ir-1 . v- - ti j . .h i. ... -j. ; j-fa j . J " n t-a i . .v .
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neil, Friday, Dkckmhkr
Price ! 22
- vfrm
flfpnpilMpipiMRT T'',i12KI', y TPjMjHjE&UU&-r
xxs:41 ist?i3str?c
One Dollar a year is
rurulnlicd VxpreMNly Tor The
Ciller fur WehHter Lotinly
tCopjrlKhteu b W. T. I'ostcr.l
St. Josei'H, Mo, Dec. 1. My
last bulletin gavo foiccnsta of tliu
storm nave to cross tlio continent from
Ucccmber -ith to 7tli, and tlio will
reach the 1'ncilic coast about the tHh,
ciohs tlio western mountains by closo
of 10th to Mill, aud the eastern states
about tlio Mth,
The cool wavo following the storm
will be its most notnblo feature, as it
will bo more sovcre than usual. Cool
waves arc usually tlio winding up of
storms, especially from tlio first of
April to the first of October, but the
scat of energy will appear to reside in
tho cool "aves that will cross tin con
tinent f jm December Cth to 10th,
and frcn 12th to lCth. As this lust
mentioned cool wavo ncars tho New
England states about 15th or 10th, it
will probably develop unusual force.
Tho warm wavo will cross tho west
ern mountains about the Oth, tho
gtcat central valloys about tho 11th
and tho eastern slates about tho Kith.
Tho cool wave will cross tho western
mountains about tho 12th, tho central
valleys about tho Mth, and tho east
ern states about tho 10th,
About Novcuibor 18th tho causes
of precipitation wcro expected to
chango thoir influence, causing a
large inoreasc of rain and snow in De
cember and January where precipita
tion is deflicicnt.
ThoRO who havo expected a mild
winter are doomed to disappointment.
Sovcro cold, however seldom covers the
wholo continent, and wo may expeot
tho sovcro weather in spots, giving to
tho country as a whole, what is termed
a bard winter.
the a heat LiaiiT oivkii.
Bcocnt researches indicato that two
belts of magnolia radations, each
about 15 degrees wido, onoirclo tho
sun parallel with tho equator, tho cen
ter of each belt being about 31 de
grees from tho bun's magnetic poles.
Theso magnetic poles arc supposed to
bo four and a half degrees from tho
sun's geographic poles and therefore
tho magnetic belts arc about nino de
grees nearer tho sun's gcographio
equator on one side of tho sun than on
tho opposite side.
Tlicso discoveries aro supposed to
have been mado by Prof. Frank Bigo.
low, of tho national wcathor bureau,
and if ho is correct about it a great
similaiity exists between tho sun and
earth in their magnctio arrangements.
The earth line four magnetic poles.
Ono of theso is on an island northwest
of Hudson's bay near latitude 70 and
longitudo 07. Tho corresponding
southern magnctio polo has nover
been exactly located. Another mag
nctio north polo has been found in Si
beria about 08 degrees of north lati
tude and 120 east longitudo, or near
whoro theso lines cross tho Lena river.
This magnctio north polo is about
eight dcgrccB further south than tho
ono found on tho eontinont.
Theso magnctio poles arc tho odd
est places on earth and it would ap
pear that in them the cold of outer
space comes down to tho earth, Tho
weather is supposed to bo much warm
er at tho earth's gcographio north polo
than at tho magnctio north polos,
twenty to twenty-eight dorocs fur
ther south,
Secondary magnctio poles aro also
found. Ouo of theso lies southwest
of Hudson bay in lorthwestorn Onta
rio, at obout 50 north and 00 west,
Our cold waves appear to come out of
this secondary north polo, St, Yin
cent, Minnesota, is tho nearest in the
- - i5ft
the Price of The Chief.
J, 1893.
United States, on the path of tho cold
wavis, to that sccondsry magnctio
center, and it is tho coldest placo in
the United States.
If tho national weather bureau
would arraugo to havo stations near
that magnetic center, at Lcwatin or
Gilbcit, north of hake of tho Woods,
they would probably discover most of
the cold waves days before thoy rench
the United States.
Prof. Jligclow places oiio of tho two
magnetic poles on tho sun at 102 de
grees west of tho other so that thoy
aro not on opposite sides of tho sun by
78 degrees. Those of the earth ore
similar. Tho mnguotic polo in Asia
is 217 cast of the ono on this eonti
nont, leaving thorn only Mil degrees
apart by way ef the west.
Theso magnctio poles not only havo
something to do with tho weather of
the tarth and tho sun, but with thoir
rotation on thoir axes. All over the
earth are feund permanent high ba
rometers, as on all tho great oceans,
both north and south, and tlicso places
of permanent high pressures are the
sanio as tho magnetic polcr, but of
less forco and greater dimensions,
At other points on tho earth aro
found tho oppositcs of theso where are
perpetual low barometers, as near
Iceland, Bohring sea and all around
tho earth at its equator. In theso lat
ter tho forces go from tho earth,
Theso appear to be tho respiratory or
gans of tho earth, through which it
breathes tho other of ppaoe, on which
it feeds and from which it feeds and
froai which accumulates aud grows,
Prof. Bigelow's theory is that the
maguotio poles ol tho sun throw out
lines of forco through which tho earth
must pais in its revolution around the
sun and that passing through theso
lines of foroo tho earth and its atmos
phero aro affected, causing changes in
our weather IIo has been at work on
these lines for two years under pay
ot tlio government at about ?u per
day, and tho rosult is that ho is com
ing to my theory of weather changes
at a rapid rate.
Prof. Bigolow's work is valuable to
real planetary uotoroligists, but ho
will never succeed in laying tho truo
foundation for motcrology, His theo
ries will oauso his failure.
Years ago tho government was in
duced to spend large sums of money
in analyzing soils in order to learn
how to detect good soils. It was a fail
ure, and tho experienced farmer
points out good soils at sight, while
the scientific gentlemen, with all their
costly experiments, nro forced to ac
kwowlcdga that thoy know nothing
about what qualitios aro ucccssary for
produotlvo soils.
Prof. Iligclow and his class can dis
cover magnctio poles and meridians of
sun and earth, but when thoy come to
apply theso to the weather a failure
is suro to result. It is tho veriest
nonsense to claim that tlio sun is the
only weather disturbing cause and
probably Prof. Biuelow will novcr get
beyond that idea. I1U work only
confirms planetary mrtcrologists in
thoir theories. Thoy discovered,
many years ago, from effects on our at
mosphere, tho wholo electro maguotio
field of forces and Bigelow and others
nro just now beginning to suspicion
itH existence.
I One It
To nurturing humanity to toll tlio gnat
UonelU my wifo has rucievoii from I'nrkh'
tiuro Cure, tlio truly grobt Liver and Kid
ney Cure, Slio Iiuh liuen constitutionally
wricked for Bovoral yearn. Tried every
thing fruitlessly. After inuoli poruaiwn
from my draggoat tmolica by Ills guaran
tee I bought u bottlo of Parks' Bum Cure
nnd the resulta nro more than wonderful,
W P. Bayed, 1U(U Jonea St,,Omaho,Neb
Sold by 0, L. Cottidg.
Vol.21. No. 19
m n
A cream of tartar baking powder.
Highest of all in leavening strength
Latest United States Government
Food Report.
Royul linking Powder Co.
100 Willi St., N. V.
Pie Sociaiile. Tho pie sociable
given by the Epworth Lcaguo of tho
M. E. church last Friday night at the
residence of Mrs. Brown was both a
financial and soctal success. Thcro
wero two inducements for the pcoplo
to cat pio. Each person who nto pie
was givcu a ticket which entitled
them to hear one selection on a phono
graph which was placed on exhibition
for tho amusoment of thoso who at
tended tho sooiablo, Thoy whoatothe
most pio woro to havo an "orango
dumpling" which is a voro raro aa well
as a uclicioui diet. A very nioo
musical program was givon during tho
evening which was heartily appreciat
ed. Ono of tho selcotioms was a song
which was composed by Mr. L. P. Al
bright, and sung to tho tuno, "Sowing
tho Seed." The following is the song
as Mr. Albright sang it:
Eating tho pio ut n dime u nlico
Listening to music of loctrio doviso
Longing for tluniplingsof ornngo ruro
Miulo by tho hands of tho Indies fair
Oh! what will tho proccods bo,
Oh! what will tho proceeds bo.
Lenguora nro trying to muko a dimo
Hulring tho tipples and pumpkins
Sorvlng it up in n gracoful wuy
diving full vuluution for all you pay
Oh! what will tho proceeds bo
Oh! what will tho proceeds bo.
Now is tho time to out pio and pay
Helping tho Louguers in this kind
Thon you go homo feeling happy and
Over the dimos you have spent this
Oh I what will tho proceeds bo
Oh! what will tho proceeds bo.
This selection brought down tho
houso and oycrybody went to piccos
(of pie). Tho procoeds were $11.45.
tiing a song or sixpence,
l'ookot full of rye,
Four anil twenty blackbirds
linked in n pie:
When tho pio was oponcd
llio birds began to sing:
Duy a bottle of Hallor'a Cough Byrnp,
It's just tho proper thing.
For enlo by Deyo & Urice.
A. R. R.
Amboy, Rod Cloud nnd Rivorton,
make us good Hour as is mado in tho
stnto, Why buy foreign ninde Hour
when you cuji got just as good a makout
home, nnd thereby muko a bettor markot
for tho 'armors wheat. You will find all
hruudH mudo ut tho abovo mills at Mc
Nitt's Produco exchange.
One I.udy Sttyn
I havo bocn troubled for yours with
hacking cough. Have hud many doctors
and tried ttf ty cough cures. I grow worso
nil tho time. I tried Parks' Cough Syrup
nnd found immediate relief. It begins nt
the bottom of tho disease nnd I know it
Ih tlio boat cough romody on the market,
Refer any sufferer to Mrs. W. J. Fahey.
Le Roy, N . Y. Sold by C. L-. Cotting
When Haby was sick, we gave her Cutorle,
When alio wu a Child, the cried for Caatorla.
When the became Mum, the clung to CMtoria.
When the h4 Children, ilia gave Um CMtoria,
Lm. MMMAu9dB l
r m