.. -.-il'S- T "T3 r. T1IIC Mil) CLOUD CHIEF, KEI) CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOV. 24, 18!)3. Jatfb-&- 3 w i . r li, m 1 ft II What fWv5TiTn7i Cstorl i Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infuuts and Children. It contain! neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance It is n harmless substituto for Parogoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Costoria destroys Worms and allays feyerlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. 'Ourtorla li an excellent medicine for dill irtn. Mother liars repeatedly told mo of Its ' good effect upon tliclr children." l)n. Q, C. Owioon, Lowell, Mass. S "O ctorla lithe best remedy for children of , whlet mcu i ftm acquainted. 1 hope tho day Is not farL - ji.i.... .. i..i..inilif.r trill pnntMnrthft ivat ; fcttet interest of their children, ntnl usoCantorU In "? akad of the various quack mwtnimswhienaro 4estroylng their loved ones, by forcing outmn, iwf morphine, noolhlng syrtip ana otner nuriiui Mb .,. ,lnwti thi'lr throats, thereby cecdluiT "J Satin to premature graTPs." fa Du. J. V. Kwcncioic, Punuiitr. Arlf. " ; Tho ConUnr Company, 77 Murray G. V. MATKIN, Dealer hi Secoild-I-faiid Goods First door north of Moon Block, f SIf you want bargains you should not fail to call and see me. for I have them . I Fort Abstract Co., lied Cloud, I L. II. FOUT, Manager. wAbatoaets Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and I ON SHORT NOriOK i Huvlnn JibiI ton vcarnoxiierloMco In county reconU ami ono of tlu most cnumlt-tu set of At 1 struct hooks In tli state. t- wur.uitee ! All oruo-s iiiicii innniiy fir Jos. G. Hlcon?k V I -l'llOl'llIGTOll OF TIIE- 'Bolland House Has the best rigs in tho city l ulYonr ortlcru miIU'IIciI iiihI fair North of llic A- D. B. Spariogic, MIeal Estate AND L.OAN AGHNT Red Cloud. POORER PIT. C01UR1 PHEVZNTS CHATIK9, Adjusts Itself to any Horse's nook, Has two Rows of Stitching, Will hold Hames n plaon bettor than any a'.hor Collar. Few itloro or TIionv Celebrated jm, WWWilAV WWilJJ.W h.'Mlso a large line of liarnch, tVc ' 'rfCall and ice me If you want JDarfain. 9 w a. nirii f fit The Veteran llurncu Ulan If tip mmMl IIS i JIKX rW)r . Have n I SI hi ' jffhtwwaagpweaf ,yti';'iPvn!fnfY mwwmwi' --- - ii.,,ji' I ifUduL ifitHfifiliiilMrv ' '' Mt: is Castoria. " Castorla Is so well mlnpted to child ren the I recommend It as superior to any prcacrlptk' known to tuo." .... .. It. A. Ancnr.n.M. D., HI Si. Oxford St , Iirooklyn, K. Y. " Our physicians In tho chlldren'H depart ment havo njioken hlRhly of their experi ence In their outsldo practlco with Castorla, and although wo only havo nmou.; our medical supplies what la known as retfulir products, yet wo are froo to coufess that the merits of Castorla lias won us to look with fuvur upon it." Umtcu Ilosrmt. and DisrKNSAnr, Uoston, Moss. Alliex C. Burnt, l'rci., Streot, Now York City. o UMHle Mtlifuctlon. m.r unrs solicited to.ouo itoll.ir bond tiled t till ttiiro i'il. AiMieMnrcilloii , , , .. , L. II. FOUT Manaokh, lied Cloud, Neb. Livery Stable, and tho most reasonable prides. treatment ziiiirantcctl. Unrii llallaiid Home. New Heal En tutu F.'rui, J. H. DAVIS tfe SON, Real Estate, Loan and Insuranco Agents. Red Cloud, Nebraska Oniuu with D. F. Tnmkey, Jloon Blocl- Wo have located in Rfl) Cloud nnd will be plea fed tc luivo people who desire to eel) their farms to call and list their lands have eastern Call and seo with us as wt buyeis. us. J. II. IAVI tV SO. CAVEAT. TRADE uimifll. DHSICN PATEMTS. liLiYniRHTfl I '.iiVUvT'E "(,,"Pn,I.",oiiuiUoikrltoM MUNN A CO.. M4 IlliiiAiiWAV. Hi olltr. Oldont burwni for not-urlnc fittcnts lit America. Mtitt Jatciit tiiU'll outhy u la lritiulit bof.ifo tbo tmCilio b u uotlco k'lvou froo or cLurto lu tu & timtiiti wmmm . . . a . . . ' -- . V.V.I tersest clrctilMInn of any world. . li)iiJUlly llluatr riiciciitinpt-apprlnlht man enouui no wu llumi It. Wctiklr. b!l.if i liuniiiKPU itiit 1 1' M lis JflPPiJ'h .4'Wre,j u (lb IfLiXtZ MB, iuuKasi awiiivwmY,iQn i Solcntifio American 3i Agency for A HJ Ag .Nimxr trfi-"W A' 11-7 BBBBBBB THE KINQ OF BEASTS. He li Merely n Hie Cat, After All, and m Connrd nt Heart. if wo quit heraldry for fact nnd goby tho testimony of travelers nntl hunters, it is very doubtful whether tho lion do Ecrvea lih inrtgiiiflcrut rctmlittion. It is his appearance, no doubt, which lias gained for him tho appellation of "hlrifc of beaita," with all llio regal honor per taining to it. Ceitultily Iio looks "every inch u 1:ing." Nothing can bu finer. Tho fancy ltelf could concelvo nothing moro fittingly reptebentativo of majesty than tho full grown initio Hon, gazing with great yellow eyes, which stem to know no fear, and tho amplo honors of his ehaggy mano wrapped round his mnsslvo front nnd forearms. Iio looks llko tho embodiment by uaturo of lordliness and magnanimity, and ho has been adopted as eucli in all litcraturo nnd pootry from Homer nnd Kschylns down to tho "lion comlquo" of our music halls. Yet ho is only a cat n great cat after all, and those who know him in his native wilds givo a very different character of "fells leo" from popular conceptions. Wo do not wish to calumnlato a crea tine bo Intimately connected with Brit ish story and so dignified in bearing and behavior, for nobody can deny that tho lion is a great gentleman in his manners. Nevertheless, African Hportsmcn rclato that ho can show himself as cowardly as ho is cruel; that ho will abandon his consort and cubs in a moment of ex treme danger, and that ho scarcely over charges straight homo upon anybody who, armed or unarmed, has tho pres enco of mind to await his onset. Ho is described as very nervous and very cun ning, and dreading boyond everything tho superior prowess of tho whito man. Tho early Dutch settlers at tho capo speak of lions prowling round tho fort at night "in bitch numbers as though they would tako it by storm." Now ono must go very far Into tho African "veldt" to seo a lion, and a strango fact is that ho has learned tho craft of silence and is seldom or never heard to lift up his mighty voice except in tho far wilder ness, where tho hunters havo not como except singly. Thus it Is written in ati African guidebook: "Though his foot prints may frequently bo seen near tho mountains of Lokarou and Uoatlanama, and he will sometimes venturo to carry away an ox from a wagon span there abouts, ho rarely or never mokes his presence known by his roar, having learned apparently that It will only havo tho effect of frightening oil tho few timid antelopes upon which all hopes of re plenishing his larder depend, or, worse still, of betraying his position to his in veterate enemy and persecutor, wan." Londou Telegraph, It Was All Lore. A writer for tho Boston Transcript was tho witness tho other day of n very pretty sceno on a street car. There was nu old negro woman a very black old woman whoso face, besides being black, was pockmarked. No doubt a superfi cial observer would have called her re pulsive, but there was a sweet nnd kind ly look in her eyes and a benevolent ex pression about her black features which, as you looked at her, gavo you n gllmpso of something beautiful. At her side, with his sweet child face toward tho window, knelt a little whito boy a handsomely dressed littlo chap with blond curls nnd blue eyes. Ho asked tho old black woman questions now and then, which sho answered with a deep, grave, kind voice, and sho called tho littlo fellow "honey." Presently this littlo Caucasian leaned over tenderly toward tho old woman, put his arm lovingly around her neck and laid his pink and whito cheek against her black face. That obliterated every bit of repuMveness tho woman might havo had with every person of sentiment in that car. To this little boy tho old black faco was entirely beautiful, be cause it was all love. The beauty that ho saw was a good deal moro thau skin deep. Tho ltlng IMiriiiimt. Tliis bird was imported from China by O. N. Denny sonio eight years ago. Six pair wet o let loose on Petterson butte, about four miles from Sodaville, Or., and tho climatieal conditions and coun try being favorablo nnd being protected by a strict law for feix years thoy havo multiplied rapidly and now nro ono of our mobt common gamo birds. In fact, they multiplied ho rapidly that long be fore tho six years' protection had ceased tho farmers complained bitterly that tho birds wero a serious damago to their grain and gardens, nnd many birds wero killed, but in this I think thoy wero mistaken, for in my examination of many stomachs nt all seasons of tho year 1 found but very littlo grain ns tholr food, but many wild seeds, bugs, grasshop pers, etc. I think that tho farmers havo realized this also to somo extent, ns nearly nil havo now posted trespass notices for their protection, Science. It Went Uniuiulilioil. This story is told of tho lato Dr. Hol land, better known as "Timothy Tit comb." During tho servico of ono of tho largo churches in Springfield, Mass., a liea vy elect rio storm camo up, and ono of tho gentlemen of the choir pet out to becuro an omnibus to tako tho ladles home. Among tho fair singers was a certain Miss Etta S , and as Dr. Hol land was gallantly holpiug her into tho vehlclo a terrific clap of thunder startled them, upon which ho remarked, " 'Ett' In terror packs homo in a bus" (Et In terra pax hominibus). To close this htrango tale, it may bo well to add thnt tho doctor wai not immediately struck by lightning, but died years afterward peacefully in his bed. San Francisco Argonaut. To Kilt a Lolittur. When n live lobster is required for boiling or other purposes, hero is a sim ple and comparatively painless mode of killing it: Hun ft long, narrow bladed kulfo into tho tail at the third joint from tho end, having tho blade Blant down ward. This will cut tho spinal cord, ut tho spinal cord, dy follow, gnu death will quickly follow. uh&tJ" -K-"- AHatt li I ii - jA-LiiAAdfiU THERE WAS GOOD FISHING. Llkctvlie Goo J f.iirk on n l'lionutnenally Good luiaBlnutlon. Tho Rccno of tho following incident was nbout 40 miles from Qlovcrsville, N. Y., on n beautiful littlo lako just across tho tableland at l'lseco lake, in Hamilton county. Tho day wn all that n fisherman could dosiro, and every con dition was right for good fishing. A paity of threo wero in tho boat namely, L. C, Everest, hh friend, Professor Spencer from Brooklyn, and tho writer, Thoy had taken nearly 00 pickerel in less than half a day, and the sizo was good, weighing from 2 to 0 pounds. The last turn around tho "lucky point" was being inado beforo wo started for homo. Everest, who was trolling one of tho lines, said: "I'vo got nnother. He'i a big ono from tho way ho pulls." Ever est lot him play at ono time nearly 200 fcot of lino beforo tho fish could be turned. When ho had been brought into sight, ho was not so largo as some wo had already in tho boat, but there was an unusual motion nil about him. Soon tho lino was drawn so tightly it was necessary to let him play again, When brought back, it wnB discovered that n largo pickerel had attempted to swallow tho ono on tho hook, which was now quite exhausted. Tho big fellow still followed, shark like, for tho dead body of his victim, which, howovor, wo wero not disposed to givo up. Just as Everest was about to swing tho fish on his hook into tho boat tho professor took up his oar, hop ing to striko and thus capturo tho largo one. Tho movement of tho oar attract ed tho attention of tho fish, and in a twiuklo ho made n pass at it. Tho blado was about 7 inches wide, but his jaws grated across tho upper nnd lower edges, sawing n groovo on either sido with his sharp teeth. Tho professor, by carrying his oar forwnrd with tho movement of tho fish, at tho samo tlmo raising it from tho water, landed tho luigo follow into tho boat. Ho weighed 10 pounds. Tho fish on tho hook only weighed throo pounds, but showed signs of battle, being bitten in several placos. Upon opening him we found, ns is often tho enso, a fish of smaller sizo in his stomach. This ono showed signs of life and was opened. Wo then discovered a pretty littlo gold chatelaine watch and wero surprised that tho timo ngreodwlth our watches and thnt it was running. Moro than pleased with our fishing ex pedition, wo returned to tho Adirondack hotel and informed Landlord Georgo A. McCoy of our good luck, nt tho same timo showing tho watch. In less than two minutes all tho guests about the houso wero in tho ofHce, and nmong the number was a pretty young lady from Albany, who said that tho watch was u token of friendship which sho had prized very highly. When on the lako in the early part of tho day, it had fallen into tho water, and, sho supposed, was lost. It is needless to say sho wns overjoyed at its recovery. Albany Journal. no Swam Slug Ileforo They IJIeT Tho story that tells of swans singing beforo deatli is very old, nnd of courso is founded upon fancy. Tho idea has been brought down from ancient myths. The voico of tho swan Is extremely harsh and disagreeable, without a single mu sical note in it, and no good reason can bo found for likening some of tho world's sweetest poets to this unmelodious voiced fowl. Tho only approach to a verification wo havo ever seen is tho following, clipped some years ago from a Virginia newspaper: "A sporting friend, rocently returned from a foray upon tho Potomao river, below Mount Vernon, was tho guest of a venernblo and highly intelligent lady, who has always lived on tho Potomac. Speaking of tho swan, sho gavo it as her decided opinion that this bird was in the habit of singing or making n plaintive nolso when dying. The reason sho gave for entertaining this belief was that on very many occasions in tho Inst CO years sho had been awakened at night by n sweet and exceedingly sad noise, some thing liko tho tones of n flageolet coming over tho water, and that on every sub sequent morning a dead swan was found to bo lloating on tho water or to have been washed ashore." Pittsburg Dis patch. The Hang Called In. One of tho most noticeablo changes in fashion this season is that which affects tho dressing of tho hair. Tho "fringo" has been gradually giving placo to softly waved bandeaux, nnd tho bandeaux nro creeping gradually lower down until the return seems Imminent to tho puffed and waved bandeaux to bo seen in the por traits of Jennio Llnd taken along in tho fifties. To young nnd delicato faces the stylo has an agreeable piquancy and quaintness, but to women past their first youth or with strong, coarse features tho bang has a softcnlug effect much to bo desired. Anothor stylo now gaining favor and ono becoming to round faces with low foreheads is that of turning tho hair back from tho forehead loosely in a twist thnt is lost in tho light coils and puffs ar ranged in tho middlo of tho forehead. In this stylo of coitluro tho front hair is parted off on either sido and twisted in tho old fashioned way into two rolls. Now York Sun. TUe Deluge. In answer to a correspondent a nows paper says: "Tho delugo mentioned in tho Bihlo was threatened in tho year 1750 B. C, and began on Dec. 7, KloO B. C. aiid continued 877 days. Tho ark rested on Mount Ararat on May 0, 1053, but Noah did not leave it until Dec. 18 following." Any reader who imagines that it would bo an easy task to figuro, these details from ft Biblical account; can find a basis for his calculations In tho seventh and eighth chapters of Genesis. May Acquire, Them. "Brilliant and impulsive people," de clares a lecturer on phyulognomy, "havo black eyes, or if thoy don't havo them they're apt to get them if ttoy'ro too Us pulllTeV'-Lcndou Ttt-Wfc. fiwwiiWrf y K4iM,mmK ildrUiA-Wg-'l WRIGHT! WRIGHT! WRIGHT! Wriffht is He has the largest line of Stoves Cloud. Yon t'lin nnl iill'ord lointa Hcciitfi III Mock be To re luiying im you will loiu money. W. W, Wright, the Hardware Man. SMITH & CO., I'BorniETons op Era" jB' kT3 m i if ansa Orders promptly filled. "2 PLATT & FREES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard ItED CLOUD, NEB. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. Doctor Henderson tiftrtMttierrAir ana imftttiuyi causcabTTOumrui follies ana excesses. nroauclntr nervous ncsH.losHCi, pimples nnd blotcheson tho faco, rushes of blood to tho hcacf, ptilns In the back, confuscdlilcas and forRetfulncss, bashf ulncss, aversion to society, lossof sexual power, Ions ut uiuuuuuu, cku.,curL'uiuriuc, ican niopuu nifm losses, rcsioru lost ecxuai power, re Moro ncrvo nnd bral n powcr.cnlarco nnd strengthen weak parts nnd maltoyou nt f or ronrrlni-o, Cvnii Hie that tcrrlblo dlseaso, in all -vF1I11,,3 Us forms nnd stages cured for llfo. Blood Poisoning, Skin IMsoasca, Ulcers. Swelllnrs. Sores. Gonorrhoea and Gleet, and all forms ot Prlvato Diseases positively cured cr money refunded. Rnnlf for both sexes, 80 paces, 27 r!c UUUI turcs, truo to llfo, with full dca crlptlon of nbovo diseases, tho elects nnd cure.scalcd In plain wrnppcrforCo In stamps. ItoadthiflllUlo book and answer questions. Free Museum of Anatomy "KfertWeSS llfe-llko models nnd wazfleurcadcenlvlmtiress tho mini!: a school of instruc tion -a sermon without words. N. B.l haiufSOOdipotltislln (A bank, which I wiiiorjtiijor aooci aiiituw xaai i cannot curt. Z&JtgZL. 1 1 n iip i iiiiii iBPlHFi .r.r tsvtTsstki:.. rfi i iffrf i fi,vyrizxj-nviHHB--K A. H. Gray, the Insurance Man, Red Cloud, Is now prepared to insure you in that well-known company, The Home of New York. Wnlt for 111 in; lie will vail on you in a Tow tlaytt. You fan Havo money and ct moro Hnturarlory limirunvo than from nny oilier man. lie Iiiih excluntvo control of four eountlcn. r1" Sewing - Machines AND- ORGANS. S. E. COZAD Has n fine line of Sewing Ma chines nnd Organs from $25 upwards. Also kccpi nil klmlH or IHnvliino Supplies. Dock repairing promptly. Call ami see me. Partri Loarjs At Less Th;ai 7 .: Pgr cent. A Simps 11, Blue Hill Neb. HfrywW- 41 1 the Man. Red in Era: our patronngo solicited 102 ft 104 W. 9th St., KANSAS CITY, M0. Thl Old KttiaiU Doctor, ARtptlarCraJtmliin Miditint. Oldut in AgtandLencntlacattJ. OVER 37 YEARS OP SPECIAL PRACTICE. Authorized by tho Stato to treat CHRONIC. NERVOUS and SPECIAL DISEASES. Cures Ruarantrrd or money refunded. All tncdlclnei furnished ready for uhp. Komcrcuryorlnjurtousincdlclnca used. No detention from worlc. I'atlcnt.i ut a dlstunco treated by mall nnd express. Medicines Rent everyw here, free- from cazo or break age Charges low. Over 80,000 cases cured. ARonnd cxpcrUmccsro lmnortant. ltcnd llttla book, then Rlntnvniircaqn. Krnil fnrnnlnlnn and terms. Consultation free and conildcntiapcrsonally or by letter Seminal Weakness & Sexual Debility, T 11 r-T flit-, piiuiuiivubij i:uiiu viiu out caustic, cutting, both clcsorsound. No pain, no exposure, l'u tlcntcan usothn treatment nttiomn. Rheumatism "r.M'el811 A SUItE CUKE. Tho irrcntest discovery in tho annals of mcdlclno. Onodoso gives ro- iici;aiowQoscsrcmovo iocr ana pain in joints a euro inn ruwuays. acnu Btmf me of case, with stamp for clrculur, PENMAN has HI Ylvliu!SS --Xa&jkpjH 'rAtf I91 THEM A nice line or Jewelry, -r Diamonds, Chains, Rings, Bracelets; Scarl pins CuIR mill eollar IiuMoiin, neck chains, lut-c plim, Ktlck pliu, chaniiN, ele. I'liitod nml sollil sllvertMirH, noueiilr spnoni. ecu 1 Imiulli'd knives mid forks. imhIiik sets! caliliiif e.trd cuseH, Imn lion liiaei mid other iioirltlPft. A llwi llminf hiiliIiuU' nml o lilntse u llli IliterclmiiKalilti Idiikcs. ste, I. nl( kel ivor ami cuM franim, rspf.-l.tl nn e.irefut .it tentlon t'tilil In lit Inn Mm ojn. My linn of and liatiil wiitclict r quit . Utisv. I will I till llifin ot! at liHtliim tlirlt itcturil uoiili. r-irini)iiiirali'li,clooK ntid Jewelry ie. pun wrk,)iiurt)imiaiiiK ui:d jnur old cold ancUlluT tt nw. Hear? Cook's Drn store. ft.twt-.,,..! ,ii ii vmmtum?,l,fvui.tmimm 1 Ay i r-. i -fH ? I f -1 J m .r